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安全手册中英互译 安 全 手 册 SAFETY BOOKLET 人手一册,请随身携带 Carry this booklet with everybody 个人资料 PERSONAL RECORDS 此安全手册是发给以下完成安全指导课程的工作工作人员 This safety booklet is issued to the person below after attending the safety induction course. 姓名 Name _____________...

安 全 手 册 SAFETY BOOKLET 人手一册,请随身携带 Carry this booklet with everybody 个人资料 PERSONAL RECORDS 此安全手册是发给以下完成安全指导课程的工作工作人员 This safety booklet is issued to the person below after attending the safety induction course. 姓名 Name ______________________________ 年龄 Age ______________________________ 身份证 I.D.No. _____________________________ 职称 Job title _____________________________ 工种 Trade _____________________________ 项目 Project _____________________________ 主管 Supervisor IC _____________________________ 开工日期 Date on site _____________________________ 目录 SAMMI 个人资料 PERSONAL RECORDS 此安全手册是发给以下完成安全指导课程的工作工作人员 This safety booklet is issued to the person below after attending the safety induction course. SAMMI SAFETY BOOKLET 人手一册,请随身携带 Carry this booklet with everybody 个人资料 SAMMI 人手一册,请随 Carry this booklet with 个人资料 CONTENTS 前言 FOREWORDS 个人安全全貌 A VISION FOR YOUR SAFETY 基本安全 BASICS 安全教育与培训 Safety education and Training 个人基本保护配备 (PPE) Basic PPE 工地保安 Site Security 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 坠落 Falls From Height 坠物 Falling Objects 车辆安全 Vehicle Safety 建筑物倒塌 Collapse Of Structures 电工安全 Electrical Safety 溺毙 Drawing 密闭空间 Confined Spaces 火患 Fire 升吊操作 Lifting Operation 预防受伤 AVOIDING INJURY 正确使用工具和设备 Correct Use Tools and Equipment 安全与紧急停止措施 Safety and Emergency Stop features 保养好工具和设备 Tools and Equipment in Good Condition 仅限授权操作 Authorized Operation Only 保护腰背 Looking After Your Back 不要超重 Avoid Overloading 保持整洁 Keeping Clean and Tidy 不恶作剧 No Horseplay 出入口 Access and Egress 告示牌与栅栏 Signs and Barriers 避免患病 AVOIDING ILLNESS 个人卫生 Personal Hygiene 噪音与脱水 Noise and Dehydration 损伤和安全危险 REPORTING INJURIES AND SAFETY HAZARDS 损伤 Injuries 危险 Hazards 做个生存者,而非受害者! BE A SURVIVOR-NOT A VICTIM 声明 DECLARATION 前言 FOREWARD 为保证公司所有员工的安全和健康,特制订本安全手册。 To guarantee the safety and health for employee, now HUNAN YUETANG anti-corrosion & insulation Co. Ltd. evolve this safety booklet. 所有的安全意外都可通过采取有效的安全措施,使用正确的工作程序,广大员工的认真关注来预防,该手册即列出关于安全的最基本的重要事项。 All the accident can be prevented by adapting the way of valid safety measure, applying correct working procedure, giving attention to it; the booklet would enumerate the basic important item about safety. 我们努力创造安全、卫生、舒适的劳动工作条件,杜绝安全事故,预防职业病。 We exert ourselves in the struggle for bringing about a safe, health, comfortable environment, wall up the danger, and prevent the professional disease. 我们减少废气和废料的排放,保护环境。 We lessen the effluent for exhaust gas and waste materials, protect our environment. 我们提供有效的健康、安全、与环保培训。 We supply training for health, safety, and environmental protection. 我们希望公司所有员工都能认真阅读本手册并了解如何能够和应该遵守的所有安全条例。 We hope that all the members of our company can understand conscientiously this booklet and keep abreast of the safety regulations, how to observe it. 当你对任何有关的安全措施有疑问时,请立即与你的上级或安全主管联系。 Please contact with your supervisor or safety director when you have any problem about safety step. 个人安全全貌 A vision for your safety XXXX 的准则 XXXX 's vision XXXX 的安全目标是在完成所有项目的过程中没有任何员工受到严重的损伤和身亡。 即零伤亡、零事故。 XXXX aimed to complete all project without injured or killed. It is that zero injury, zero accident. 要实现此准则,您必须: To make this vision real you need to: 遵守安全规定和指引 Follow the safety rules and instructions 迅速反映损伤和危险 Report injuries and safety hazards promptly 注意个人和周围工友的安全 Take care of yourself and others working around you 各级经理和主管需要: Line manager and supervisors w ill 对您所提出的安全事件作出迅速的行动,也给予即时的反馈。 Follow up promptly any safety issue you raise and provide prompt feedback to you. 建立起员工能够反映损伤和安全危险而不受到责难的文化氛围。 Line manager and supervisors will establish a culture where workers can report injuries and safety hazards without fear of blame . 基本安全 BASICS 安全教育与培训 Education and training 1、 任何新招入本公司的员工都必须按照公司的安全体系接受安全教育,经培训考核合格后方可上岗。 Newcomer should be accepted the safety education according to the YUETANG's safety system, and wouldn't go to his post unless he had passed the exam. 2、 安全教育主要包括安全意识、安全知识、安全技能和法制教育等方面的内容。公司还将定期组织对全体员工的安全培训。 Safety education includes that safety consciousness, safety knowledge, safety skills, and legal education. We will go on safety training for all employees regularly. 3、 针对各新开工项目的特点和要求进行安全培训,以及特殊工种作业人员的安全培训。 Make safety training in the view of some new project, and training for authorized operation. 基本安全 BASICS 个人保护配备 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) ¨ 时常整装个人保护配备 ¨ Always wear your PPE 基本安全 BASICS 工地保安 SITE SECURITY ¨ 通过规定的通道进出工地 ¨ Enter and exit through the provided security gate ¨ 随身佩戴工作证 ¨ Carry your Pass at all time 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防坠落 Prevention of falls from height ¨ 脚手架按规定搭设牢靠 ¨ Scaffolds should be built strongly in accordance with the operation specification. ¨ 脚手架和楼梯须经常检查和保养。 ¨ Scaffolds and ladders should be checked and maintained constantly. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防坠落 Prevention of falls from height ¨ 正确穿戴安全工具。 ¨ Wear safety harness properly ¨ 扣紧安全扣!以防摔跌! ¨ Clip on! Don't fall off! 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防坠落 Prevention of falls from height ¨ 不要使用不稳或损坏的梯子 ¨ Don't use defective ladders ¨ 若架梯不坚固。求助于工友协助抓牢 ¨ If a ladder cannot be secured, get a co-worker ¨ to hold it firmly for you. ¨ 梯子至少高出驻脚点一米以上。 ¨ Ladders should extend at least 1 meter above landing 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防坠落 Prevention of falls from height ¨ 楼梯口、预留洞口、坑井必须有防护栏板或盖板,通道口要有防护棚 ¨ Entrance of stairway, prearranged hole, opening in floors must be barricaded; channels must be put up protective canopy. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防坠物 Prevention of falls from height ¨ 勿从高处抛物 ¨ Do not throw materials from height. ¨ 降落废弃物或工具时,请使用绳索或滑槽 ¨ Use a rope or chute to lower materials or tools. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 车辆安全 VEHICLE SAFETY ¨ 小心倒车 ¨ Reverse with care. ¨ 在拥挤处求肋于交通管理员 ¨ Use a banksman in congested areas. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 车辆安全 VEHICLE SAFETY ¨ 遵守工地驾驶限速 ¨ Site speed limited must be obeyed. ¨ 按规定系扣安全带 ¨ Drivers and passengers must be wear seat belts. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 车辆安全 VEHICLE SAFETY ¨ 装载物未系绑牢固时,勿启动车辆 ¨ Never move vehicle with an unsecured load. ¨ 装载物必须系绑牢固 ¨ Loads must be always be secured. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防倒塌 PREVENTING COLLAPSE ¨ 勿修改脚步手架 ¨ Never alter a scaffold. ¨ 下坑道工作前,确定支柱正确妥当。 ¨ Ensure that the sides of excavations are properly shored before you go down to work. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 电工安全 ELECTRICAL SAFETY ¨ 每次使用前先检查 ¨ Check before each use ¨ 勿使用有缺陷的是电器装置 ¨ Do not use appliances with defective parts ¨ 勿乱动任何电器装置 ¨ Never tamper with any electrical installation 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防溺毙 PREVENTING DROWNING ¨ 在近水或水上工作时,穿插上救生衣 ¨ Wear a life jacket when working near or above water. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 密闭空间 Confined spaces ¨ 除非获得许可,否则勿进入密闭空间 ¨ Do not enter a confined space unless authorized by your supervisor. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 预防火患 FIRE PREVENTION ¨ 燃烧或烧焊时,使用防火安全面罩 ¨ When burning or welding, contain sparks. ¨ 将燃烧源与可燃体 / 易燃体隔开 ¨ Keep sources of ignition clear from combustible/flammable materials. ¨ 仅于吸烟区允许吸烟 ¨ smoking only allowed in designed areas. ¨ 正确弃置烟蒂,勿随地丢弃 ¨ Dispose of cigarette butts properly, not on ground. 避免身亡 AVOIDING DEATH 吊装操作 LIFTING OPERATIONS ¨ 与吊装重物保持安全距离 ¨ Stand clear of loading range l 使用拉绳制止吊物摇晃 l Use tag lines to restrict swinging of load. 化学物品处理 Disposal Chemical Goods ¨ 遵守警告标志 ¨ Abiding the caution signs ¨ 熟读及根据指示处理 ¨ Read and disposal in accordance with indication. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 正确使用工具和设备 Correct use of tools and equipment ¨ 正确掌握操作工具和设备的方法 ¨ Know the correct way to operate tools and equipment. ¨ 若有任何疑问,请发问 ¨ If you don't know, please ask! 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 正确使用工具和设备 Correct use of tools and equipment ¨ 在工作上使用正确的工具 ¨ Only use the right tool for the job ¨ 操作钣金加工机器时,不能戴手套 ¨ No wearing gloves when operating handling-machine ¨ 勿改造工具 ¨ Do not make modifications to tools 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 正确使用工具和设备 Correct use of tools and equipment ¨ 勿拆除或修饰防护罩 ¨ Do not remove or modify guards. ¨ 操作设备时,确保防护罩在规定位置 ¨ Ensure guards in place before operating equipment 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 安全与紧急停止措施 SAFETY AND EMERGENCY STOP FEATURES ¨ 了解所有设备和机械的安全与紧急措施的正确使用 ¨ Know the safety and emergency stop features of all machines and equipment you use. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 保养好工具和设备 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT IN GOOD SONDITION ¨ 每次使用工具和设备前先检查 ¨ Inspect tools and equipment before each use. ¨ 遇到损坏时向主管报告 ¨ Report defects to your supervisor 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 特殊工种作业 Authorized operations only ¨ 只有经过培训及授权,方可使用车辆及设备 ¨ Only use vehicle and equipment that you have been trained and authorized to use. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 保护腰背 LOOKING AFTER YOUR BACK ¨ 勿尝试举起超重或笨拙的物体 ¨ Do not attempt to lift heavy or awkward loads. ¨ 使用吊升设备搬运 ¨ Use lifting devices.   预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 保护腰背 LOOKING AFTER YOUR BACK ¨ 举起或放下东西时,先屈膝蹲低 ¨ Bend your knees when lifting and lowering. ¨ 抓牢装置物 ¨ Get a good grip. ¨ 提举时移动脚步,勿扭转身体 ¨ Do not twist your body, move your feet. ¨ 遇到笨拙的重物,请求援助 ¨ Get help for awkward loads. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 不要超重 Avoid overloading ¨ 勿在脚步手架。车辆或其他建筑物上超放重物 ¨ Never overload scaffolds, vehicle or other structure. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 保持整洁 KEEPING CLEAN AND TIDY ¨ 木板上的铁钉必须除去 ¨ Remove nails from wood ¨ 整洁的工作环境就是安全的工作环境 ¨ A tidy workplace is a safe workplace. ¨ 没有绊跌的危险 ¨ No tripping hazards ¨ 没有火患的危险 ¨ No fire hazards. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 不恶作剧 No horseplay ¨ 时常 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出安全与警觉的举止 ¨ Always behave in a safe and sensible manner. 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 出入口 ACCESS AND EGRESS ¨ 使用正确的出入口 ¨ Use proper access and egress 预防创伤 AVOIDING INJURY 告示牌 SIGNS AND BARRIERS 严禁牌示, 命令牌示, 不准做 须遵守 Prohibition sign Mandatory sign you can't do!! you must do 警告牌示, 医护牌示, 小心危险 知悉何处与 Warning sign 如何使用医疗设备 be ware of danger Safe condition sign know where and how to use safety equipment. ¨ 使用警告带来围蔽危险区域 ¨ Warning tape used to barrier off a hazard. 避免患病 AVOIDING ILLNESS 个人卫生 PERSONAL HYGIENE ¨ 勿在作业场所进食 ¨ No food to be eaten at the work site. ¨ 如厕后洗手 ¨ Wash hands after using toilet. ¨ 进食、饮水或吸烟前洗手 ¨ Wash hands before eating, drinking or smoking. 避免患病 AVOIDING ILLNESS 噪音与脱水 NOISE AND DEHYDRATION 靠近噪音须佩戴护耳器 ¨ 靠近噪音须佩戴护耳器 ¨ Wear ear protection near noisy activities. ¨ 喝大量开水 ¨ Drink plenty of water. 报告损伤和安全危险 REPORTING INJURIES AND SAFETY HAZARDS 报告损伤 REPORT INJURIES ¨ 报告所有损伤,并进行适当的医护 ¨ Report all injuries, get the proper treatment. ¨ 勿责难他人 ¨ No blame. 报告损伤和安全危险 REPORTING INJURIES AND SAFETY HAZARDS 报告危险 Report hazards ¨ 将其改正 ¨ To get them fixed. ¨ 学习处理 ¨ To learn ¨ 预防损伤 ¨ To prevent injuries ¨ 勿责难他人 ¨ No blame 了解紧急事故处置方法 KNOW YOUR EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 重伤 重病 Serious injury Serious illness 火患 意外 Fire Accident 做个生存者,而非受害者 BE A SURVIVOR-NOT A VICTIM 急救步骤 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1、 如自己受伤 Injure yourself ¨ 保持镇定 ¨ Keep calm ¨ 请求别人护送至急救室 ¨ Get help to first-aid station ¨ 接受急救,轻伤亦需要 ¨ Accept the first-aid, necessary if slight injury ¨ 通知现场安全主管 ¨ Inform supervisor at site 2、 如他人受伤 Injure others ¨ 保持镇定 ¨ Keep calm ¨ 如现场危险,将伤者移离险地(但自己必须处于安全环境) ¨ Move the injured from danger place if the site is in hazard (ensure yourself in safe harbor) ¨ 安慰伤者 ¨ Comfort the injured ¨ 尽快通知急救员 ¨ Inform the emergency ambulance as soon as possible ¨ 送医院救治 ¨ go to hospital and give treatment ¨ 通知现场安全主管 ¨ Inform the supervisor at site IMPORTANT NOTES 重要记事 声明 Declaration 我已收到此安全手册以及其中的安全条款和行为准则 I have received this booklet and its safetyprovision or behavior norms. 我已仔细地阅读此手册的所有内容 I have already read all the contents of this booklet. 我认为此手册的所有内容是适当的和清晰的 I consider all the contents of this bookletare proper and clear. 我已完全了解此手册的所有指引 I have completely understood all theguidelines of this booklet. 我清楚地知道我在工作中的安全职责 I have clearly understood my safety responsibility at work. 我保证遵守工作中的所有安全准则 I promise to abide all the safety rules at work. 我的建议 / 反馈 my suggestion/feedback 签名 signature 日期 date 声明 Declaration 我已收到此安全手册以及其中的安全条款和行为准则 I have received this booklet and its safety provision or behavior norms. 我已仔细地阅读此手册的所有内容 I have already read all the contents of this booklet. 我认为此手册的所有内容是适当的和清晰的 I consider all the contents of this booklet are proper clear. 我已完全了解此手册的所有指引 I have completely understood all the guidelines of this booklet. 我清楚地知道我在工作中的安全职责 I have clearly understood my safety responsibility at work. 我保证遵守工作中的所有安全准则 I promise to abide all the safety rules at work. 我的建议 / 反馈 my suggestion/feedback 签名 signature 日期 date    
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