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GRE高频419(3000版)v2 419高频单词《再要你命3000》考法版 v2 使用须知: 1.本词汇集由dynamo网提供的419个高频词汇,据说经过琦叔认证推荐(只是据说)。由于网站提供的位英文翻译使用效果不佳,特制作《再要你命3000》考法版。 2.本词汇集 共有608个词汇,其中419个词与dynamo网提供的原文100%匹配。剩余189个单词由匹配算法得出,算法已经改良,为419核心词汇的不同词性或型近 易混词。(此类词条以灰色背景标注) 3.刚开始看G的选手建议不要使用本单词集,请老老实实的刷3000,直到看一个单词能想起最起码...

419高频单词《再要你命3000》考法版 v2 使用须知: 1.本词汇集由dynamo网提供的419个高频词汇,据说经过琦叔认证推荐(只是据说)。由于网站提供的位英文 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 使用效果不佳,特制作《再要你命3000》考法版。 2.本词汇集 共有608个词汇,其中419个词与dynamo网提供的原文100%匹配。剩余189个单词由匹配算法得出,算法已经改良,为419核心词汇的不同词性或型近 易混词。(此类词条以灰色背景标注) 3.刚开始看G的选手建议不要使用本单词集,请老老实实的刷3000,直到看一个单词能想起最起码一个近义词或反义时再做参考。临考试10天左右可以开刷本词汇 集,刷时请回忆近反义词,效果最佳。 4.相比上个版本多出的103个单词(均保留了dynamo原文及星号标注)因为在3000中没有以词条的形式出现,所以程序无法匹配。全都为本人一个个搜出来的,大部 分在3000中出现过,没有在3000中出现的单词都根据大韦氏及dynamo提供的原文做出了参考翻译,但是强烈建议大家自行查阅,本人概不负责。(此类词条注明 了未在3000中出现) 5. 如有疑问,请在新浪微博联系我@howard囧 abase v.降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严):lower abate v.减轻(程度或者强度):reduce,degree,intensity; v.减少(数量),降低(价值):reduce,amount,value; v.停止,撤销 :end aberrant adj.异常的,非常规的:deviating abeyance n.终止,搁置:inactivity abnegate v.否认:deny,renounce; v.投降,放弃,交出(权力等):surrender,relinquish abscond v.偷偷离开:depart secretly absent 未出现的,缺乏的:not present; 不专心的,走神的:lost in thought abstain v.自我克制,主动戒绝:refrain, by one’s own choice accolade n.同意,赞赏:approval; v.赞扬:praise accret v.逐渐增长: grow,gradually accretion n. an increase by natural growth or by gradual external addition; growth in size or extent *在3000中作为accret词条的派生词 acerbic adj.(心情、心境或者语调)尖酸的:wit, cause hurt feelings acme n. 顶点,极点:highest; n. 最佳典范:most perfect type acumen n. 不同寻常的洞察力和鉴别力:exceptional discernment and judgment admonish v. 建议:give advice; v. 责备:reprove gently adroit expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body; cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious *在3000中作为maladroit的对立意群 adulate 极度谄媚:praise too much adulterate 掺杂,加入低等成分:impure, addition adumbrate vt. 部分地或有保留地揭露:disclose; vt.预示着:give a slight indication advert vi. 引起注意,提到:refer advocate vt. 支持,提倡:support adj. pertaining to the beautiful or the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the aesthetic adj. pertaining to the beautiful or the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic *在3000中作为vile/grotesque/harsh/hideous/homely的对立意群,可译为有美感的 aggrandize vt. 增加、提高(力量、财富、地位、声誉)等:enhance alacrity n. 反应迅速,乐意,欣然 allay vt. 减轻:subdue, reduce, intensity or severity alleviate v. 缓和,减轻:relieve, lessen alloy n. 合金;混合物:combing of two or more different things; vt. 掺杂,降低...的纯度:debase by the addition ally n. 盟友,支持者:association; v. 加入联盟:enter amalgamate v. 合并,混合:combine, unified, unite ambiguity n. doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention *在3000中作为perspicuity的对立义群,可译为模棱两可 ambiguous 有多种理解方式的,不确定的:more than one, doubt, uncertain ambivalence uncertainty, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things *在3000中作为ambivalent的派生词,可译为矛盾心理 ambivalent adj.(尤指感情、态度)矛盾的:opposing feelings ameliorate vt. 改善,改进:become better, improve amenable adj. 顺从的,服从的: yield, submit anachronism something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, especially one that belongs to an earlier time *在3000中有他的形容词anachronistic,可译为时代错误。3000增补本好像也有,现在手头上请自行查 阅 anachronistic 时代错误的:chronologically misplaced anathema n. 诅咒: curse anodyne a medicine that relieves or allays pain *在3000中出现在analgesic/anesthetic词条中作为同义词,作为innocuous的近义词, mischievous/noxious/pernicious的对立义群:镇痛剂 anomalous adj.不普通的,不平常的:out, ordinary; adj. 反常的,不正常的:departing anomaly a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form; an odd or peculiar condition *在3000中作为anomalous的派生词:反常 antagonism an active hostility or opposition, as between unfriendly or conflicting groups; an opposing force or tendency *在3000中作为animus/enmity/gall/jaundice/rancor/antipathy/grudge的近义词, rapport/rapprochement的对立义群 antipathy n. 厌恶,反感:aversion, dislike; n. 令人反感的事物:objection of aversion apathy n. 冷漠,缺乏情感:lack, feeling, emotion n. 缺乏兴趣,不关心:lack of interest or concern apocryphal adj.假的: of doubtful authenticity : spurious apostate a person who forsakes his religion, cause or party *在3000中作为renegade/turncoat的近义词,patriot/votary的对立意群:叛徒 apotheosis the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god; an ideal example *在3000中作为acme的近义词:可译为最佳、完美典范 appease to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment *在3000中最基本最常见的词,常见到琦叔都懒得做成词条。。平息抚慰 apposite adj. 相关的,合适的: pertinent,appropriate: apt apprise v. 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 ,告知:notice,inform approbation n. 同意:approval appropriate v. 私自挪用 : take possession for oneself,without permission adj. 适当的: suitable, compatible: fitting arabesque a sinuous, spiraling, undulating, or serpentine line or linear motif, often used in the Fine Arts *3000没有,韦氏里面大概的意思 有复杂精细图案的装饰 arcane adj.(语言)晦涩的,隐晦的:veiled, uncertain; adj. 深奥的,难以理解的:difficult to understand archaic adj. 过时的,久远的:no current; antiquated arduous adj. 难以做到,费劲的:hard to accomplish or achieve: difficult arrant downright, thorough, unmitigated, notorious *3000中没有,韦氏解释为being notoriously without moderation,原文给出的翻译中出现了 unmitigate与notorious。具体翻译可参考notorious为臭名昭著的 arrest vt. 使不活跃:to make inactive n/v. 停止:stopping ;standstill v. 逮捕:to take or keep under one's control by authority of law v. 吸引注意力:to hold the attention of as if by a spell articulate v. 清晰地表达:to utter clearly and distinctly adj. 表达清晰的:able to express oneself clearly and well artless free from deceit or cunning; natural, simple, uncontrived *在3000中作为天真纯朴的意群反复出现,刷 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的时候见过出现自然的含义与natural为同义词, mannered反义 ascetic adj. 禁欲的:self-denial n. 禁欲者:self-discipline asperity n. (举止、性情)粗暴:roughness n.(环境)艰苦:rigor, severity aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤:harm reputation assiduous adj. 勤勉的,专心仔细的: careful ; busy assuage vt. 缓和,减轻:to lessen the intensity of vt. 平息,抚慰:to pacify or calm astringent harshly biting, stern or severe; sharply incisive or pungent *3000没有,韦氏中出现pungent/caustic/austere,结合上文应有两层含义1、严肃的,令人生畏的 :stern;austere。2、尖酸刻薄的 :pungent,caustic。 曾在GRE老题类反中出现过anesthetic : astringent 麻醉剂:收敛性的。请自行判断含义 attenuate v. 降低(数量、力量、价值):lessen audacious adj. 大胆的,(但往往)愚勇的:fearlessly, recklessly; adj. 蔑视(法律、礼节)的,无礼的:contemptuous of law; adj. 乐于冒险的:take risks; adj. 大胆创新的:verve augur n. 预言家:predicts; vi. 出现好兆头:signs of, successful outcome; vt. 预言:tell, beforehand augury n. the art or practice of divination or a related omen, token, or indication *在3000中作为presage的近义词:征兆 august adj. 威严的,严重的:formal and serious or reserved manner; adj. 盛大的,令人印象深刻的:large and impressive auspice patronage; support; sponsorship ; a divination or prognostication, originally from observing birds *在3000中作为presage的近义词:征兆 au为好的词根 auspicious 好兆头的:toward a happy outcome austere adj.朴素的,朴实无华的:simple; adj.严肃的,令人生畏的:stern and cold avarice n.贪财,贪婪:insatiable aver v. 声称为真:state, forcefully; (态度强硬而明确地) v. 声明:state clearly aversion n. 非常讨厌,极厌恶:dislike; n. 令人厌恶的事物:someone that is hated axiom a self-evident truth that requires no proof, a universally accepted principle or rule *在3000中作为axiomatic的派生词:公理 baleful adj. 有害的:harmful; adj. 凶兆的,凶恶的:evil; adj. 致命的:causing death banal 非原创的,陈腐的:trite bane 祸根:ruin; 有害物质:kill or injure a living thing banish 驱逐出境:leave, country; 赶出:force out banter 幽默、打趣的(地)谈话:humored bathetic 平凡的,陈腐的:commonplaceness beatify to make blissfully happy; in the Roman Catholic Church, to declare to be among the blessed entitled to specific religious honor *3000没有,红宝书里有他的形容词beatific,译为幸福的快乐的。根据韦氏及上文解释我觉得应该抓 住两个词blissfully和blessed bedizen to dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner 在3000中作为varnish/array的近义词:可译为装饰华丽,可与朴素做对立意群 beige 缺乏特征的:lacking distinction belie 错误的描述,误述:picture falsely; 证明···为假:false, wrong; 掩饰:shut off from view; 与···相对立,与···相矛盾:counter beneficent 仁慈的,好慈善的:charity; (对个人或社会)有益的:contributing benign 好心的,仁慈的:kindness, gentleness; 无害的:not causing bent direction taken, as by one's interests; a capacity of endurance *琦叔告诉我们这个词就等于like,实际有倾向的意思与incline/penchant为近义词,倾向含义都等于 like。没有考过弯曲的意思,作弯曲意思的时候只考过bend。天啊,我都能背下来了!! blandish to coax or influence by gentle flattery; cajole *在3000中作flatter/coax/cajole的近义词 blandishment 甜言蜜语,讨某人好话:coax, cajole blithe 愉快高兴的:happy lighthearted; 无忧无虑的,漫不经心的:freedom from worries bluster 狂妄自大地大声说:loudly arrogant; 大声吹嘘,恐吓:loudly; 喧闹的状态:noisy boisterous 喧嚷的,吵闹的:noisily bolster 支撑(物):provide support; 鼓励、使有精力:boost bombast 夸大的言辞:pompous bombastic high-sounding, inflated or pretentious speech or writing *在3000中作为turgid/pompous/rhetorical/florid/grandiloquent的近义词,为bombast的派生词 brandish (带有威胁性地)挥舞:shake menacingly burgeon 迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展:grow, rapidly, flourish burnish 擦亮,磨光:make smooth or glossy buttress 扶墙:supporting, wall building; 为···提供支撑的证据或者信息:provide evidence or information for cacophonous having a harsh or discordant sound *这个没什么说的吧,刺耳的。3000中与discordant/raspy作近义词,与dulcet/euphonious/mellifluous 为对立意群 cacophony 刺耳的声音:inharmonious sound cadge 乞讨,乞求:beg capricious subject to, led by, or indicative of caprice or whim; erratic *在3000中作为caprice的派生词:反复无常的,善变的 castigate 强烈(公开)指责:criticize; 惩罚:penalty catalyst a person or thing that precipitates an event or change *在3000中为catalyze的派生词,spur的近义词 caustic 腐蚀性的:destroying, eating away; 挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的:incisive sarcasm cherubic 天使般可爱的:rosy chicanery 诡计多端的,欺骗:deception churlish boorish and rude, difficult to work or deal with *3000中为churl的派生词:粗野的,暴躁的 clarity 清晰,清楚:clear, lucidity; 清澈透明:easily seen through clout 权力,影响力:influence coda 终曲:concluding passage cogent 令人信服的:convincing; 相关的:pertinent compendium 摘要:summary, abstract; 目录,各种各样的列表或集合:list, collection complaisance 愿意顺从,讨好,彬彬有礼:comply, affability complaisant inclined or disposed to please; agreeable or gracious 楼上的形容词 楼上的形容词 compliant 顺从的:submissive confound 使困惑:uncertainty;无法区分,混淆:fail to differentiate;证明为假,证伪:false congruent 和谐一致的:in agreement;全等的:coinciding connoisseur 鉴赏家(尤指艺术领域):with discrimination, appreciation; 专家:high level of knowledge conscientious 仔细的,一丝不苟的:involving great care; 有良心的,正直的:governed by conscience constrict 压缩,压紧:binding or squeezing contentious 引起争论的:argumentative; 好争论的,好战的:tendency quarrels contort 扭曲:twist contrite (因为有罪孽或过错而感到)后悔悲痛的:showing remorse contrived 不自然的,刻意的:lacking spontaneous quality convoluted 复杂的,费解的:complicated corroborate 用证据或权威证实:support with evidence; 为…提供证据,支持:provide evidence countenance 容忍:put up with; 赞成,推崇:favorable opinion; 沉着,冷静:evenness crave 热望:intense desire craven 非常懦弱的,因胆小而遭人鄙视的:lacking courage credulous 轻信的,易受骗的:gullible culpable 该受谴责的,有罪的:deserving blame dally 虚度时光:doing nothing; 玩乐:amusement; 慢吞吞,磨磨蹭蹭:slowly dart 突然移动,猛冲,狂奔:suddenly; 公开侮辱:intended to hurt another’s feelings daunt 使胆怯,吓到:to lessen the courage dearth 供应不足:inadequate decant 轻轻倒出:pour off without disturbing decorum 礼仪,得体:appropriateness, propriety decry 强烈反对,否定:strong disapproval deference 尊崇,顺从:yield to deign (不情愿地)屈尊,俯就:condescend reluctantly delegate 代理人,代表:representative for another; 移交(权力,任务等):possession or safekeeping of another deleterious 有害的:harmful (通过证据)证明,表明:make clear using examples; demonstrate (通过证据)证明,表明:make clear using examples; 使明白易懂:make plain or understandable; 表现,表露:make known demur 表示异议,反对:opposition, objection; 犹豫:doubt acceptability qualm denigrate 诋毁,污蔑:scornfully deportation 放逐:removal from a country deprecate 不喜欢:unfavorable opinion; 贬低,轻视:express scornfully; 降低…的重要性,使低调:play down depreciate 贬低…的价值:lower value; 轻视:lower estimation, esteem depredation the act of preying upon or plundering *3000中没有,大韦氏有plunder的意思为掠夺。predation貌似在托福中出现过,指动物捕食 deprivation 匮乏:privation deride 嘲弄,嘲笑:contemptuous mirth derivative 非原创的:originality descry to see something unclear or distant by looking carefully; to discover or detect *在3000中做discern的近义词:识别差异 desiccate 使(食物)脱水以保存,使干燥:drying; 使缺乏活力:deprive vitality desultory 无 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的,无目的的:lacking plan; 令人失望的:disappointing dexterous 动作灵活的:ready, skilled; 头脑灵活的:mentally adroit, skillful diatribe 长篇抨击性演讲:long scolding; 挖苦,讽刺的指责:ironic, satirical diffident 不自信的:lack self-confidence; 内向的:reserved digress 脱离主题:turn aside main subject dilatory 拖延的,磨蹭的:cause delay procrastination dilettante 业余爱好者(对艺术或知识领域涉猎浅薄者)/缺乏专业技术的:superficial interest/lacking expert skill din 喧闹声,嘈杂声:loud noise; 重复,使人厌烦地反复灌输:again dire 不吉利的,不详的:calamity; 可怕的,恐怖的:fear; 迫切的:immediate, urgent;悲惨的:lacking cheer dirge 挽歌:solemn, mournful music disabuse 打消错误念头,纠正:free from error, fallacy, misconception discord 意见不一致,不和谐:lack agreement, harmony discordant being at variance; disagreeing or harsh *上个词条的派生词adj. 不和谐的,刺耳的: disagreeable in sound; harsh or dissonant discrete adj. 离散的,不连续的:constituting a separate entity discretion 谨慎:discreet, circumspection; 自制,节制:checking discretionary 自主决定的:one’s own discretion disingenuous lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity *来自ingenuous坦白天真的 disinterested 公正的,无偏见的:free from selfish, unbiased; 没有兴趣的:lack interest, concern disparage 贬低; 轻蔑地说:lower, disrespectful disparate 迥然不同的:distinct, different dissimilar dissemble 用假象隐藏真相,掩饰:false dissolute 放荡的,无节制的:restraint, indulging dissolution the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements, the undoing or breaking of a bond, tie, union or partnership *3000中为scission的近义词:切断,分离,分裂 dissonance (音调)不和谐,刺身; 不一致,分歧:disagreeable diverge 改变方向:change; (使)分叉,散开:different directions central; 分歧:different, differ; 离题:depart from dogmatic of the nature of a dogma or doctrine, asserting opinions in an arrogant manner; opinionated *3000中为dogma的派生词独断的,武断的: authoritative, arrogant。且为doctrinaire的近义词 dramatic 显著的,惹人注意的:striking dupe 复制品,复制:exactly like something else;易受骗的人:easily deceived;欺骗:deceive ebullience high spirits, exhilaration or exuberance *ebullient的名词 n. 热情洋溢 ebullient 热情奔放的:zestfully eclectic 混合的,多元化的:from various sources efficacious 有效的:produce a desired effect efficacy capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness *3000无,大韦氏the power to produce an effect。原本以为有引申意,查了半天还是高中词汇,可译 为效力、功效。在黄皮书上做正确答案对应词为extent effrontery 厚颜无耻,放肆大胆:disregard, courtesy elastic 有弹性的:resuming shape; 能(迅速从伤痛中)恢复的:recovering from depression elate 使开心,使自豪:fill with joy elegy 哀歌(诗),挽歌(诗):expressing sorrow elevate (在道德、智力、文化水平上)提升:improve; 使兴奋:raise spirits eloquent having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech, characterized by forceful and appropriate expression *琦叔告诉我们原来是elocuent,因为发音太难听变成了eloquent,话多的。和话少的做对立意群。同 时在3000中作为fluent/pregnant/voluble/articulate的近义词 emigrate 移民,移居海外:leave emollient 起缓和作用的:less intense empirical depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory *根据大韦氏和上文的意思可理解为,不使用科学 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 或理论,仅仅依赖经验和观察 emulate 效仿并努力超越:excel through imitation encomium 赞颂之词:praise endemic 地方性的:to a particular region enervate 使衰弱:weaken; 使麻木:deprive of emotional vitality engender 引起,使发展:cause; 产生,出现:come into existence enigma 难以理解或解释的事物,谜:hard to understand enigmatic perplexing and mysterious *上个词条的形容词 ephemeral 短暂的:very short time equivocate (带有欺骗目的地)模棱两可地说,说谎话:equivocal errant 居无定所的:from place to place; 误入歧途的,犯错误的:straying proper course or standards erudite 博学的:learned esoteric 深奥难懂的:difficult to understand; 少数人知道的:not known by the general eulogy a speech or writing in praise and in honor of a deceased person 颂歌,颂词 exacerbate 使加剧,使恶化:severe exasperate 激怒:excite excoriate 严厉批评:criticize harshly publicly excruciate 折磨,使痛苦:pain exculpate 声明无罪;开脱,使无罪:clear fault guilt execrate 谴责:morally wrong or evil;痛恨:dislike strongly exhort 敦促,力劝:urge strong exigent 紧急的:immediate exonerate 免除责备:free from blame expedite 加快进程:speed up the progress expiate 赎罪,纠正:extinguish the guilt explicate 解释,说明:detailed explanation extant 现存的:not destroyed, extinct extort 勒索:force, intimidation fabulous 传说中的:fable; 幻想中的,不真实的:in the imagination; 令人惊讶的,令人称奇的:causing wonder; 极好的:extremely pleasing facetious 喜欢开玩笑的,轻浮的:joking fallacious 谬误的,不合逻辑的:containing fallacy;欺骗性的:tending to deceive fatuous 愚笨的,昏庸的:foolish fawn 阿谀奉承:seek favor by flattery feign 制造假象,装出…的样子:give a false appearance felicitous well-suited for the occasion, as an action, manner, or expression; apt or appropriate *3000中作为inept/meet/palatable/savory/agreeable/applicable/appropriate/congenial的近义词, indecorous/infelicitous的对立义群。译为适合的,令人愉悦的 fell an upland pasture, moor, or thicket; a highland plateau *个人认为上文的upland及highland为重点,可考察高低对立 fervent 充满感情的,热情洋溢的:great intensity of feeling fervid 酷热的:high temperature;热情的:great passion fester 感染,溃烂,腐烂:corrupt fetid 恶臭的:offensive smell fetter 枷锁,限制:limits one’s freedom;束缚:restrain from motion fictitious 虚构的:not real filial pertaining to or befitting a son or daughter; noting or having the relation of a child to a parent *3000中未出现,在韦氏中有子女的意思,在google中查到与相关的意思中还有孝顺的意思 flag 旗帜,象征:symbol;变得衰弱:become feeble fledgling 新生:starting out in a field flippancy 轻率,无礼:unbecoming levity flippant frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity 这货是上面的形容词 florid 辞藻华丽的,花哨的:fancy expressions; 装饰华丽的:elaborately decorated flout 嘲弄性不理会,蔑视:treat with disregard foment 助长,煽动:promote the growth forestall 预先阻止:prevent beforehand fortuitous happening or produced by chance; lucky or fortunate *在3000中与accidental/fluky/providential/fluky/providential/unwitting做近义词,可译为侥幸的,幸运 的 fulminate 大声斥责:thunderous denunciation gainsay 否认:declare false; 反对:oppose garrulous 啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:tiresomely, talkative gauche 笨拙的,缺乏社交经验的:lacking grace glutinous 胶状的粘的:glue gossamer 虚无缥缈的东西:insubstantial; 轻薄的,薄弱的:light grandiloquence speech that is lofty in tone, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic (语言等)浮夸 grandiloquent (语言等)浮夸的:extravagantly, bombastic gratuitous 无根据的,无理由的:unwarranted; 无报酬的,免费的:without return; 多余的:not needed gregarious 爱社交的:enjoy the company; 群居的:group with others guile 狡猾,狡诈:misleading guileless free from guile; sincere, honest, straightforward, frank guile的反义词 guilt 自责,悔恨:wrongdoing gullible 易受骗的,易被利用的:cheated gust 情感爆发:sudden intense expression hackneyed 陈腐的,缺乏创新的:lacking freshness originality halcyon 宁静的,平静的:free from;繁荣的,丰富的:affluent harangue (发表)长篇大论:long pompous hardy 顽强的:able to withstand;愿意冒风险的:willing to take risks haunt 常去拜访:frequent; 不断地想起,萦绕心头:obsess headlong 鲁莽的:without deliberation hegemony 霸权,统治权:preponderant authority hoard 贮藏,秘藏:keep hidden homogeneous composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; of the same kind or nature *在3000中与motley/piebald/eclectic做反义义群,可译为 单一的,同一性的 hyperbole 夸张:exaggeration used for emphasis iconoclast 特立独行的人:not conform accepted standards idolatrous worshiping idols or blindly adoring *在3000中未出现,据前面的解释。可参考译为 盲目崇拜的,极度崇拜的 illusory 幻觉的,虚幻的:illusion immutable 不可变的:not capable of changing impassive 冷漠的,无感情的:no sign of feeling impeccable 无罪的:free from sin; 无暇的,无可挑剔的:free from fault impecunious 贫穷的:no money impede 妨碍,阻碍:slow the progress of imperious 爱发号施令的:ordering people; 傲慢的,专横呃:arrogantly domineering; 迫切的:compelling imperturbable 沉着冷静的,淡定的:extreme calm impervious 不可渗透的,不可穿透的:not allowing entrance; 不能被破坏的:not capable of being damaged; 不为所动的:not capable of being affected impetuous 冲动的,性急的,轻率的:impulsive vehemence; 剧烈的,猛烈的:violence of movement impious 不敬神的:lacking reverence implacable 固执的:sticking to an opinion; 无法平息的:not capable of being appeased impugn 责难,攻击,抨击:attack as false inchoate 新生的,才开始的:early stage; 未完全成型的:imperfectly formed incipient 起初的,初现的:beginning to come into being indict 起诉,控告:accuse indigence seriously impoverished condition; poverty *在3000中作为indigent的派生词,可译为贫穷 indigenous 土产的,本地的:originating; 与生俱来的,先天的:innermost nature indigent 贫穷的:lacking money indolent 懒惰的:averse to activity indulgent (对己)放纵的,(对他人)纵容的:given to indulgence inept 愚笨的,荒谬的:lack of judgment; 不恰当的,不合时宜的:not appropriate; 不称职的,无能力的:incompetent inert (人)懒惰缺乏活力的; (物品)惰性的:sluggish, deficient infelicitous 不愉快的,不幸的:unfortunate; 不恰当的,不合时宜的:not appropriate ingenious 聪明的,有创造才能的:resourceful, cleverness ingenuous 天真纯朴的:lacking cunning; 坦白的:straightforward inherent 内在的,本质的:essential inhibit to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check; to prohibit or forbid 这个词还需要解释么,琦叔都不屑于放在3000中 inimical 带有敌意的:hostility; 危及某人利益的,不利的:opposed to interests iniquity 邪恶,不公正:immorality, injustice initiate 创造,发动促进:cause beginning; 刚入门的新手:person initiation innocuous 无害的:no i
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