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Dota英雄全台词 无责任转载Dota英雄全台词 1, 船长 Kunkka, Admiral 1 - I live to serve all believers!我活着就为我的信徒们服务的! 2 - In Lightbringer's name, have at thee! 以光明使者(乌瑟尔)的名义,让接受我的挑战吧! 3 - What would you ask of me?我能为你效劳吗? 4 - I am not afraid. 我毫无畏惧! 5 - Let me face the peril. 让我来面对危险吧! 6...

无责任转载Dota英雄全台词 1, 船长 Kunkka, Admiral 1 - I live to serve all believers!我活着就为我的信徒们服务的! 2 - In Lightbringer's name, have at thee! 以光明使者(乌瑟尔)的名义,让接受我的挑战吧! 3 - What would you ask of me?我能为你效劳吗? 4 - I am not afraid. 我毫无畏惧! 5 - Let me face the peril. 让我来面对危险吧! 6 - At your call. 随时听候吩咐! 7 - As you wish. 按您的意思! 8 - For honor. 为了荣耀! 9 - For my people. 为了我的臣民! 10 - It shall be done. 没问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,马上搞定! 11 - Justice will be served! 正义终会得到伸张的! 12 - Defending your name! 为名誉而战! 13 - Strike with great vengeance! 让我们为了伟大的复仇而战吧! 14 - It's hammer time! 该抡起锤子了 15 - I want to be your Sledgehammer. 让我来做你的长柄大锤吧! 16 - Touch me not - I am chaste! 别碰我!我是圣洁的! 17 - No? Is that your final answer? 不?那就是你最后的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ? 18 - I have bad brethren. 我已经有很多兄弟了(这里的BAD怎么 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc ,不清楚,我个人觉得翻译成“很多“不恰当。我是从网上找到的。) 19 - Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! 那是剑吗?奢侈!那是马吗?懒惰!那是头盔吗?虚荣! 2,兽王,Rexxar,Beastmaster 1 - I hear the call of the wild. 我听到原野的召唤! 2 - For the Mok-Nathal! 为了摩克纳萨尔!(请参见:http://www.wowwiki.com/Mok'Nathal_clan) 3 - Unleash my strength. 让我的小宇宙爆发吧! 4 - I'm ready to track. 我准备好去追踪了! 5 - Flush them out. 让他们放马出来吧! 6 - What lies before me? 我的前面会是什么在等待我呢? 7 - My quarry nears. 我的猎场就要到了! 8 - I've got the scent. 我已经闻到了猎物的气息了! 9 - On the prowl. 我正在的追寻我的猎物! 10 - I'm acting on instinct. 我靠直觉行动! 11 - Our paths converge. 我们最终会走到一起的! 12 - I wander alone. 我独自流浪! 13 - Unleash the beast! 放了那些野兽们吧! 14 - By fang and claw! 用你的牙和爪吧! 15 - Mangy Cur! 啊,你这只生满疥癣的杂种狗! 16 - The beasts obey me! 野兽们都听老子的! 17 - Where I lay my head is home. See that rock? That's my pillow!我头睡在哪里,哪里就是我的家.看到那块石头了吗?那就是我的枕头! 18 - The beasts around me are nothing compare to the beast within! 和我心中的野兽相比,我身边的算不了什么 19 - I will now summon the avid dwaento.我现在要召唤渴望的dwaento (不确定是不是对的) 20 - I summon the ah, ACHOO! ... 我.要召唤..*打了个喷嚏!* 21 - "GRAAAARGH!""Don't have a cow." "Mooooh!" "Oh dear." "Oops, please bear with me." "Groar!""Oh rats!" "Skriieet!" (这段话我参考了很多地方,发现很多版本都不对。思前想后,终于明白了。)别大惊小怪!(这时出来只奶牛叫)噢,我的天!(这时出来只小鹿)啊哈,请原谅我!(这时出来只熊)啊?真是瞎扯!(这里出来很多老鼠) (大家去查查每单句的意思还有这四种动物的英语发音,仔细对比就知道为什么我的翻译是正确的了) 以下附网上的一种主流翻译(*哇~~~* 哦天那 我不是召了个母牛出来吧...*哞~~~*啊啊 .亲爱的 你能回去么?*嗷*天啊这又是什么?老鼠?*咝咝声*) 3, 人马 Centaur Warchief, Bradwarden 烦请各位“草泥马“,”神马“来帮个忙!…^-^ 4, 小牛 Raigor Stonehoof, EarthShaker 1 - May my ancestors watch over me愿我的祖先护佑着我 2 - Gruuuaargh! 3 - Bring it on! 是骡子是马拉出来溜溜! (放马过来吧) 4 - I am able to help. 我很牛,肯定可以帮到你的! 5 - How now? 又怎么了? 6 - For the tribes! 为了部落! 7 - Immediately. 马上来! 8 - Well done. 干得好! 9 - Death to the enemies of the horde! 部落的敌人!华丽的去死吧! 10 - Death to the enemy! 部落的敌人!华丽的去死吧! 11 - Start running! 奔跑吧! 12 - Do not push me or I will impale you on my horns.别把我逼急了 不然我会把你挂在我的角上 13 - Doubles? 又来一个(这句网上有人翻译是又来了?其实应该翻译成:又来了另外一个?跟上句一起,更好理解。你想嘛,上句说顶在角上,现在又一来一个,小牛是问他是不是想成双的被顶在自己的角上。) 14 - Got milk? 又想在我身上挤奶?(这里不确定) 15 - There is a lot at stake here! (尽管官网是这样的,不过我听音觉得不对。但无法证实。除非有暴雪的员工在拿到原始剧本才能证实) 16 - Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嘿! 你在我屁股上烙的那都是什么字? 17 - Olé! 18 - *breaking glass* Sorry! *玻璃破碎的声音* 哦对不起 5,全能小王子Purist Thunderwrath,Omniknight 1 - For Lordaeron! 2 - The light is my strength. 3 - Is there danger? 4 - I stand for the light. 5 - I'm here to help. 6 - Justice shall be done. 7 - Of course. 8 - Certainly. 9 - A sound plan. 这是个非常好的计划! 10 - For honor. 11 - Foul knave! 堕落的流氓 12 - Betrayer of the light! 圣光的背叛者 13 - You are past redemption! 你错过了你的救赎 14 - For my father, the king! 15 - Feel my wrath! 感受我的愤怒! 16 - Justice has come! 17 - It isn't easy being a prince. 18 - I will bring honor to my father and my kingdom我会给我的父亲以及我的王国带来荣耀 19 - Light, guide my path. 20 - Light, give me strength. 21 - I should be in command. 22 - I know what I'm doing. 23 - There is no need to bow. 不用对我鞠躬 (爱卿平身~) 6,熊猫酒仙Mangix,Pandaren Brewmaster 1 - For Pandaria! 为了熊猫国~~~~~~~~~(熊猫人氏族,或曰邵丁,飘洋过海,在一个海岛上用巨石和竹子建立了虽然原始却美丽的 城市,他们称此岛为熊猫之国(Pandaria)。) 2 - Fresh cool ale here! 新鲜,冰凉的麦酒出售~ 3 - Is trouble brewing? 有什么麻烦么? 4 - Name your poison! 给你的药取个名字 5 - You seem a little parched. 你看起来有点口渴。 6 - Another round? 再喝一圈? 7 - Oh, gladly! 8 - I'll give it a shot. 我再来试一次! 9 - Have one on the house. 每人一杯~ 10 - I'll put it on your tab. 就算在你帐上了 11 - This will be GRIZZLY! 这会很糟哦! 12 - Now YOU'RE endangered! 现在你很危险了 13 - I bring Pandamonium! 我带来了^*&^$#(熊猫语) 14 - Prepare to get TRASHED! 准备受死吧! 15 - Ale is my bear necessity. 麦酒就是我的最低生活必需品 16 - Last call before closing! 关门前最后一杯啦~ 17 - Come drown your sorrows. 来借酒浇愁吧 18 - This'll put hair all over you. (字面直译好说,不过感觉不出来实际意义,求大神) 19 - I'd kiss you, but I have got to puke breath!我很想给你一个KISS,但是我必须得透透气先 (网上有的翻译有小小不一样,我坚信我的翻译是正确的,哈哈) 20 - My dad… he was bipolar. 我老爹,他是一只大~~~~~白熊(或者说极地熊)(只有90%的确定,BI-POLAR就是两极的。指的是他老爸是生活在两极的。南极有熊否?) 21 - I can't breed in captivity. 我不能人工繁殖(这,非常搞吧。字面上是说我不能在被囚禁的情况下生育) 22 - *burp* Sorry! (打了个嗝,说了声不好意思) 7,流浪剑客Sven, Rogue Knight 1 – Warcry 他的战吼声音,非人类语言 2 - What is it now? 3 - I grow tired of waiting. 4 - Insufferable lout.真是个让人无法忍受的蠢东西! 5 - I have better things to do. 6 - For now. 7 - I'll play along. 8 - Very subtle. 够狡猾 9 - Hmph, that might work. 10 - Die, fool! 11 - I must feed! 12 - Your life will sustain me! 我要用你的生命来延续我的生命 13 - Dreadlords... do it in the dark. 魔王…总是在黑暗中行动!(这里不太确定) 14 - I get cranky when I haven't been fed. 找不到的食物的时候,我总是很暴躁 15 - I must feast on souls. 我必须参加这场灵魂的盛宴! 16 - The Legion needs... a better dental plan. These fangs are killing me! 军团应该有些更好的…… 牙科保健计划, 我的牙快疼死了。(居然被我听对了95%,呵呵) 17 - Darkness... needs to get DSL. His line is always busy. 黑暗(人名)应该去搞根DSL,他的电话老占线。(我听出来了是DSL,但不是知道是这样的。。。现在想起来,这样翻译很合理,尤其是配合上面的牙疼) 8,小小 Tiny, Stone Giant 欢迎小小控们来创意翻译! 8,大牛,Cairne Bloodhoof,Tauren Chieftain 1 - I have an axe to grind.我得去磨我的斧子了! 2 - For the warchief and the tribes. 为了我们部落的老大! 3 - I stand ready. 4 - Your command? 5 - Your order? 6 - What would you ask of me? 7 - Done. 8 - For my ancestors. 为了我的祖先! 9 - An excellent plan. 10 - Yes, chieftain. 11 - For the tribes! 为了我们的部落! 12 - Honor, guide me! 13 - None shall pass! 一夫当关,万夫莫开! 14 - Pass the peacepipe. 把piece pipe拿过来(这里不能直译,应该是和故事相关的一个道具.单看piece是块的意思,pipe是管子的意思。官网上是把这两个词合成一个词了的,不知道是什么意思) 15 - Hey! Puff, puff, give. That's the rule!嘿,快给我啊!就要这么干啊! (这里的puff是拟声词,感觉有点像,喂喂,你在扯什么蛋?快给我啊,不懂怎么办事啊?蠢猪! 大牛在骂人呢..) 16 - Oh, I can see my ancestors.哦,我能看到我的祖先了! 17 - Back in the old ways we didn't have XXXX。用老方法我们没有用XXX 18 - Only two things come from Texas,and I’ve got XXXX。只有两种东西来自于Texas,我就有XXX (实在不好翻译,网上也查不到) 19 - Steer clear. 注意躲避(这里指开船航行要躲避碰撞) 9,大树,Rooftrellen, Treant Protector 求素食主义者来和大树叔叔沟通! 10,精灵守卫,Io, Guardian Wisp 求环保主义者来和精灵守卫沟通! 11, 练金术士 Razzil Darkbrew, Alchemist 1 - Ready to brew. 我要开工了 2 - For the highest bidder! 为了出价最高的人/按最高的指示行动! 3 - Wanna blow something up? 想炸点什么? 4 - I'm all stocked and ready to go. 打包完毕 准备出发 5 - Care for a cocktail? 来杯鸡尾怎么样? 6 - You'll love my new recipe. 你会喜欢我的新配方的 7 - You got it. 你说的对 8 - I'll get that mixed up. 我会弄好的 9 - Don't rush me. 不要催我 10 - I'll shake that right up. 现在就做 11 - Taste my fiery potions! 尝尝我的烈性药水! 12 - Hurry, I got things to blow up! 快点,我要去炸东西! 13 - Bob and weave, you fool! 不会躲麻利点吗,蠢猪! 14 - What you want to be when you blow up?当你被我炸飞时你想成为神马? 15 - I'm a chemical superfreak! 我是个超级化学变态狂! 16 - No! Shake it, not- *BOOM* 停,要摇它,不要。。(话没说完,轰的一声,练金悲剧了!) 17 - One of these potions smells awful!其中一种成分闻起来很爽!(此时有憨笑响起,观众们猜对了,就是蓝胖!) 18 - Hey, pull his finger!嘿,把他的手指拿开!(此时蓝胖笑起来:that’s not my finger!那不是我的手指!) 19 - *glass breaks* Oh, no, what do I drop?哦,我把什么弄掉了? (以下断背情节,请不满18岁的同志马上离开!) Music响起,很小资情调(MS是一首很常听到的曲子,有大神请鉴定) 蓝胖(很享受,浪漫的):Oh, yeah! 练金(很慌乱):wait, what are you doing? @#¥@#¥@# Oh, no, not the love potion…等等,你要干什么?啊啊啊。。。@#¥@#¥@#。噢,太糟了,居然把该死的爱情试剂打倒了! 。。。。真是佩服暴雪的幽默。。。 12,贝贝猪,Rigwarl,Bristleback 13, 发条地精,Rattletrap,Clockwerk Goblin 1 - I laugh in the face of danger! Hahahaha! 我在危险面前狂笑,哈哈哈! 2 - What what what? 3 - Are you threatening me? 你是要威胁我吗? 4 - Aaaahhhh! 5 – What for 6 - Got it! 7 - Full speed ahead! 全速前进!(大家想想地精飞艇,也有这句台词,非常可爱) 10 - Ahhh! You scared me! 啊,你吓着我了。 11 - They all look like ants from here. 从这里看起来他们都渺小的像蚂蚁! 12 - Hmmm, shiny buttons. 嗯,这些闪亮的按钮们。 13 - Where is the equator? 赤道在哪里? 14 - You worry about the towers, I'll worry about the minimap. 你负责守塔,我负责看小地图! 15 - I'm going... to die. 我马上要。。。。挂了! 14,龙骑,Knight Davion 1 - For king Terenas! 为了特雷纳斯国王(洛丹伦的国王) 2 - I am ready. 3 - What is your wish? 4 - How may I serve? 5 - I am honored. 6 - I'll do my best. 7 - For Lordaeron! 为了洛丹伦! 8 - Foul beast! 堕落的野兽! 9 - I should have been a farmer like my father wanted!我应该听我老爹的 去当个农民 10 - Lousy pay, constant danger.. 薪水低的可怜.工作危险的要死... 11 - Well, at least I get to hob nob ... 好吧.. 至少我还有那什么忠诚.. 15,猛马,Magnus,Magnataur 16, 神灵武士,Huskar 1 - Vengeance for Zul'Jin! 为了祖尔金(资料请参阅:http://www.wowwiki.com/Zul'jin_(tactics)) 2 - Tastingo! 我们来搞点好玩的(这句话,我仔细查了下,果真有,解释是:指那些经常散布有争议性,煽动性,无聊的,或无关的话题的人,或者说哗众取宠的,找群嘲的。比如贴吧里常有人发帖子:我要去XXX,你们这帮穷B能去吗?就是指这种人。参看:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tastingo) 3 - Who you wanna kill? 4 - Wha'? 5 - Whatch'you want me do? 6 - Where'you want me go? 7 - Ahh... 8 - Anything you want. 10 - Yeah... *laughter* 11 - Don't mess with the bad guy! 别和我胡闹,我可是古惑仔! 12 - It's time for a little blood! 是时候玩点血腥的了! 13 - What'you bother me for?! 又来麻烦我?啥事? 14 - Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders.交给我吧,我会给你分担相当大的重负的! 15 - D'you wanna buy a cigar? 想买雪茄? 16 – Lucy! 17 - Say hello to my little friend. 给我的小朋友打个招呼吧! 17,沙王,Crixalis (部分参考:http://baike.baidu.com/view/169242.html) 1 - The Sleeper awakes. 沉睡者醒了! 2 - Fall before the Scourge! 在天灾军团前倒下吧! 3 - Proceed. 前进 4 - Make your choice. 做出你的选择 5 - You rang? 你刚才打了电话? 6 - I await. 7 - By Nerub. 尼鲁布(蜘蛛王国,是沙王的国家) 8 - What's done is done. 木已成舟 9 - The time is now. 就是现在 10 - Yes, master. 11 - For the spider kingdom! 为了蜘蛛国! 12 - Be drained of life! 吸干你的生命! 13 - You may feel a sting. 你可能只是感觉有什么叮了你一下。 14 - What a tangled web we weave. 我们编织的网多么缠绕! 15 - Spider sense...tingling. 蜘蛛感到。。。。有点麻刺的感觉。 16 - Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel! 上周我的上半身在发现频道出镜了哦!(鸭梨好大) 17 - ...and my bottom half was on Animal Planet! 而我下半身则出现在动物星球这一节目中哦! 18 - My ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! 我吐丝的时候PP总是会肿起来! 19 - I like chicks that are into bandage 我喜欢被丝缠绕着的MM (沙王玩SM) 20 - I'm stuck on bandages, ''cause bandages are stuck on me!*我被丝困住了,因为此时丝也被我困住了!(这里我觉得根据沙王是蜘蛛的特点,bandage应该是指丝吐出来形成的丝带) 18,白牛,Barathrum 1 - The spirits of the earth guide me 大地的灵魂指引着我。 2 - The fury of the ancients is up on you! 先祖的怒火正向你扑来! 3 - The spirits surround me. 4 - I answer the call. 5 - What troubles you? 6 - I dreamed of this. 7 - I am one with the earth. 8 - Just as I foresaw. 如我所料! 9 - (Yes2) 10 - I see. 11 - It is destined. 这是命中注定的! 12 - Mother earth guide me. 13 - Return to the earth! 14 - Hoof to the head! 从脚到头!(这是字面翻译,意译不好理解,求大神) 15 - (Attack3) 16 - Death is not the end. 17 - We're all spirits in the material world! 我们都是这个物质世界的魂魄! 18 - I say y'all gonna make me lose my mind up in here 我说啊,你们这样会让我在这里迷失的! 19 - My hoof and your ass have an appointment. 我的蹄和你的PP有个约会(。。。。。) 20 - Fear my moo of fury! *moo* 感受我愤怒的吼声吧!(接着白牛小叫一会,跟猫一样喵啊喵的) 21 - Yes, the spirts are talking to me. 放屁. Oh yes! They are coming clearly! 放屁!Ah, now they are forming into a gases' material.屁 I can actually see them now 屁 the spirits are very powerful today! 是的,圣灵们正在和我说话(一阵屁),哦,是的,我清楚的听到他们来了。(又一阵屁),啊,他们正在以气团的形式过来(又是一阵屁)我已经能确实的看到他们了(再一阵屁)今天圣灵们非常强悍! 19,潮汐,Leviathan 20,FW,Mogul Khan (我觉得至少是搞笑前十的一个角色) 1 - I come from the darkness of the pit (我来自黑暗之渊。其实从这句来看,FW是借用了大屁股的台词,这些台词原来是这大屁股设计的。大屁股是pit lord。从后面更能看出。不过我听的时候始终觉得是Pitch.但是翻译就不通了) 2 - In Mannoroth's name! 以玛诺洛斯的名义(玛诺洛斯是他的老大) 3 - Tremble before me! 在我面前战栗吧! 4 - What is your feeble request? 你还有什么卑微的请求! 5 - Don't waste my time! 6 - Ahhhh... 7 - What trickery is this? 这葫芦里卖的是什么药(这是个什么阴谋?) 8 - I bring darkness. 9 - You fail to amuse me. 屁叔生气了,后果很严重! 10 - Pitiful. 11 - Ahhhh... 12 - What a foolish ploy. 这种蠢招! 13 - To the slaughter! 让我们大开杀戒吧! 14 - I urge to destroy! 我急切的想摧毁! 15 - This will please me! 这挺好玩的! 16 - You know what burns my ass? A flame about this high!你知道怎么才能烧到我的屁股吗?要这么高的火焰才行!(真是大屁股啊) 17 - Eh... I think I have someone stucked in my teeth!我想我牙齿里塞了个什么人! 18 - Hey, hey, hey! 19 - I think a certain finesse is called for here. RAAAARGH!我想和肯定有个计策吧! 20 - (最搞一段来了) 轻快的音乐响起(有大神知道是哪段音乐不?): DJ: "Welcome back to...Jaina in the morning!" (欢迎回来,这里是吉安娜晨秀!) (crowd applauds) Jaina: "We're here with Malvingeroth, Hunter of Night, and his girlfriend Kim. Now Kim, you think you're here for a makeover, right?"(吉安娜:“来到我们现场的是Malvingeroth,也就是夜晚猎手,和他的女朋友金。好的,金,你说你来这里是在等一个大大的惊喜?) Kim (sounding confused): "Um, yeah..."(金(听起来很困惑):呃,是的。。) Jaina: "Mal, why don't you tell her why you're really here?"(吉安娜:Mal,你还是告诉她这次你来节目的真正的目的吧。) Mal (embarrassed): "Well, Kim-cake, I love you but I have something to tell you… uh, I'm a demon."(Mal(很囧):呃,这个,金-宝贝儿,我爱你,不过我有事情要向你坦白。。。呃,我是恶魔族的。。) (crowd mutters)(观众开始嘈杂) Crowd member: "Oh boy, he pulled the wool over your eyes!"(其中一个观众:噢,我的天,他这个爱情骗子!) Mal: "Actually, more of a… Pit Lord."(Mal(继续坦白):事实上,严格来说我是。。。深渊恶魔) Kim: "What? I don't understand."(金:神马?我没搞懂!) (crowd starts shouting angrily)(观众开始不蛋定了) Crowd member: "He's a bum! Throw him out!"(一个观众:他是个混球,扔他出去!) Kim: "I thought you said you work for the post office?"(金:我还记得你说过你在邮局工作呢?) Mal: "Well, I moonlight."(Mal:这个嘛,我只是兼职) 21, 混沌,Nessaj,chaos-knight 1 - Death to all who oppose the Horde!搞死搞残一切反对部落的人! 2 - For victory! 3 - What is your will? 4 - Command me. 5 - Ready for battle. 6 - Yeah! 7 - Perfect! 8 - Good one. 9 - Yes. 10 - The ground shall run red with blood" 大地将会被鲜血染红! 11 - Hya! 12 - For the Horde! 13 - We ride! 14 - Let's ride! 15 - Do you want to hear a joke? 你想听个笑话吗? 16 - Sorry, I got nothing. 不好意思,我啥都没有! 22,末日,Lucifer 23,小狗,N'aix 13 – what’s up? 14 – must feed. 得吃东西了 15 - Me eat dead people. 俺吃挂了的人。 16 - Me scary. 俺害怕。 17 - Me eat brains. 俺吃脑袋。 18 - No guts, no gory. 俺不吃内脏,不吃脏东西。 24,死骑,Abaddon 1 - Glory to the Scourge! 天灾荣耀! 2 - Speak, fool! 有屁快放,蠢猪! 3 - No one orders me around! 没人敢叫我做这做那的。 4 - Tread lightly. 脚步轻点! 5 - What is it now? 6 - Finally. 7 - Frostmourne hungers. 霜之哀伤要血祭! 8 - This is more like it. 这才像话嘛。 9 - Ah, at last! 10 - For the Lich King! 为了巫妖王! 11 - Fateless coward! 你真是个悲剧的懦夫! 12 - You'll know endless torment! 让你尝尝无尽的折磨! 13 - Your pain shall be legendary! 你的痛苦将是个传奇! 14 - I'll make sure you suffer. 我能确保你会有足够多的苦受的。 15 - Now, Frostmourne! 现在,看我的霜之哀伤神剑! 16 - I was a fool to trust in the light. 我太蠢了,曾经居然信仰光明! 17 - The Lich King has given me true power.巫妖王已经赐于我真正的力量! 18 - I'll be twice the king my father ever was. 我会做一个比我父王伟大的多的国王! 19 - Lordaeron will be reborn. 洛丹伦将重生! 20 - Who is this... Darkness, anyway? 这位“黑暗”是谁? 25,狼人,Banehallow 2 - What is it now? 3 - I grow tired of waiting. 4 - Insufferable lout. 真是蠢猪一头,让人等的心烦! 5 - I have better things to do. 6 - For now. 7 - I'll play along. 8 - Very subtle. 挺狡猾的嘛。 9 - Hmph, that might work. 10 - Die, fool! 11 - I must feed! 12 - Your life will sustain me! 你的小命,我的干粮! 13 - Dreadlords... do it in the dark. 听说暗夜那小崽子都是晚上行动! 14 - I get cranky when I haven't been fed. 找不到的食物的时候 我总是很暴躁 15 - I must feast on souls. 欢迎参加这场灵魂的盛宴 16 - The Legion needs... a better dental plan. These fangs are killing me! 军团应该有些更好的…… 牙科保健计划, 我的牙快疼死了 17 - Darkness... needs to get DSL. His line is always busy. 黑暗(人名)应该去搞根DSL,他的电话老占线。 26,暗夜,Balanar 1 - I have returned. 我回来了! 2 - For the Nathrezim. 为了纳斯雷兹姆!(详情参见:http://www.wowwiki.com/Nathrezim) 3 - How will this benefit me? 4 - Don't waste my time. 5 - You have an idea? 6 - You call on me? 7 - I await your council. 我就等你的决定了! 8 - I'll do what I must. 9 - Stay out of my way. 10 - By any means necessary. 我可以不择手段! 11 - Right. 12 - Of course. 13 - Wake up, time to die! 14 - None can oppose me. 15 - This one is mine! 16 - Vanquish the weak! 搞死那些弱者! 17 - I love it when a plan comes together 我喜欢计划能成功。 18 - Sorry, I don't do interviews. 不好意思,我不做面试。 19 - We're not a cult, so much as a deniable group of fanatical blade-weilding zealots我们算不上什么教会,不过只是一群被人否定的狂热的双刀狂徒而已 20 - I'll take a huge, juicy, bloody bite out of ... what were we talking about? 我会狠狠的,鲜血淋淋的咬一口...刚才我们在说神马来者? 21 - I'm always on the winning side. 我总是胜利的一方。 22 - Join me... or die. 要么加入我,要么挂掉! 23 - Dont worry about the fine print, the soul comsumption clause is never excercised.别被那些条条框框吓着了,反正关于灵魂消费的条款从来没有真正实行过的。 24 - *slashing, cries* And that concludes our demonstration, any questions?(暗夜利索的搞死了几个人)这就我们的行事风格,还有神马问题没?(其实我看了网上通行的翻译,感觉不太正确。不过意思相近) 27,大屁股,Azgalor (参考FW) 1 - I come from the darkness of the pit. 2 - In Mannoroth's name! 3 - Tremble before me! 4 - What is your feeble request? 5 - Don't waste my time! 6 - Ahhhh... 7 - What trickery is this? 8 - I bring darkness. 9 - You fail to amuse me. 10 - Pitiful. 11 - Ahhhh... 12 - What a foolish ploy. 13 - To the slaughter! 14 - I urge to destroy! 15 - This will please me! 16 - You know what burns my ass? A flame about this high. 17 - Eh... I think I have someone stuck in my teeth. 18 - Hey, hey, hey! 19 - I think a certain... finesse is called for here! Uaaaargh! 20 - (Jaina in the morning) 28, TF,Pudge 1 - Us here and obey. 我们在这里听令! 2 - All for one! 我们是一体的。 3 - What we do? 干神马呢? 5 - We done waiting. 我们不想再等了。 7 - Us go 9 - Rend and tear 撕碎吧! 12 - Kill! 14 - Tear meat. 15 - Rip. 撕! 16 - We come in peace...es. 我们是一块。。块组合而来的! 17 - Happy entrails. 快乐的内脏。。。。 18 - You got us in stitches. 是你把我们一针尿一针屎的缝起来的 19 - Choke. 怎么气不畅了! 21 - Us dead sexy. 我们性感极了! 22 - Ahhh, fresh meat! 29,骷髅王,King Leoric 实际有,不过官网上没有。不过很难听懂。MS是其他另一个英雄的台词,不过是换了个人说,语气更沉,更模糊。 30,鱼人,Slardar 部分参考:http://baike.baidu.com/view/637742.htm 1 - I come to you now, at the turn of the tide. 我来了,在潮起潮落的时刻! 2 - For Nazjatar! 为了纳兹加塔(www.wowwiki.com/Nazjatar) 3 - Why have I surfaced? 我为什么会浮出水面? 4 - Convince me. 请让我信服! 5 - Aid us in our plight. 请对处于危难的我们伸出援手吧。 6 - Enable my revenge. 让给予我复仇的力量吧 7 - Spare the pleasentries. 别说客套话了!(网上有人翻译成:你真幽默,我觉得不对) 8 - I'll make it so. 9 - This ought to tide you over. 这会让你度过困境的。 10 - Our alliance binds me.我和联盟紧紧的团结在一起! 11 - By ebb and flow. 真是潮起潮落啊! 12 - Drown them all! 淹死他们! 13 – Land-born scum! 陆生的胆小鬼! 14 - Fangs bared! 看,我的牙! 15 - Our tide is rising. 潮水即将涨起 16 - In the depths, no one can hear you scream, well they can but its really muffled在深海里,没人能听到你的惨叫,就算能,声音也会很模糊(网上翻译的是“他们也不会理会”,我觉得不对) 17 - I think I have swimmer's ear 我想我得了游泳性耳炎. 18 - This world will be mine, and I'll start with the swimming pools 这个世界将会是我的!我要从游泳池开始征服的历程! 19 - No sink shall be safe from world domination 一旦世界被我们统治,我们要淹死所有东西 20 - Ice tea is part of a two-pronged offensive 冰茶会是我们发起侧面攻击的一部分策略(这个翻译不是非常准确,因为句子本身就没听完全明白) 21 - The day of our invasion shall be known as 'big day'."我们发动入侵的那天将会是载入史册的一天”(其实这里的big day不太确定。MS是big daddy。不过翻译不通。求大神) . 31,尸王,Dirge 32,敌法,Magina 1 - At last, we shall have revenge. 我们报仇的机会终于到了! 2 - For Kalimdor! 为了卡利姆多!( 在暗夜精灵语言中意为“永烁星光之地”,曾经是艾泽拉斯世界中唯一的大陆) 3 - The time has come. 4 - We must act. 5 - My blade thirsts. 我的刀锋已经渴到不行了! 6 - Quickly. 7 - Command me. 9 - Though I'll be damned! 即使我会被诅咒! 11 - At last... 12 - Hmmmm... 13 - None shall survive! 谁都跑不了! 14 - Your blood is mine! 你的血液会是我的! 15 - Run for your life! 你快逃命吧! 16 - Revenge! 复仇! 33,传说哥,Kardel Sharpeye 1 - Locked and loaded! 枪已上膛锁好! 2 - For Ironforge! 为了铁炉堡(铁炉堡是矮人的一个城堡) 3 - Aye, sir? 神马事? 4 - Ye have a target? 你有目标了? 5 - I'm yer shooter! 我就是给你打炮的(…哈哈,其实正解大家都知道啦! Yer在口语中就是your的意思) 6 - What do ye need? 你需要神马?(ye在口语中就是you的意思) 7 - Okay. 8 - I'll take care of it. 9 - Time to go. 10 - Aye. 11 - Fire! 12 - I've got the beast in my sights! 目标已经锁定那头野兽! 13 - Take that ye sod! 吃我一枪,你这家伙! 14 - Shoot to kill! 一枪致命! 15 - This...is...my...BOOMSTICK! 16 - Where's me drink? 俺的酒呢? 17 - I cant shoot straight unless I've had a pint. 我得喝一蛊, 否则我要打歪! 18 - There's me drink, get in my belly. 哈哈,我的酒,终于喝到肚子里啦! 19 - Guns dont kill people, I do! Hahaaa! 枪本身不会杀死人的,是我干的,哈哈哈哈! 20 - Dont shoot shoot shoot that thing at me. 别一直拿那东西指着我! 21 - I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and your weird doggy too. 我开枪打了警长.代理人,还有
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