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sat阅读题型讲解 SATSATSATSAT阅读理解题型讲解 基本介绍 SAT考试的阅读文章题材广泛,包括人文、社会科学和自然科学。文章类型多种多样, 有些是纯粹的说明文(描述事物,解释信息),有些是叙述类文章 (讲述一个故事),还有 议论文章 (表达一种立场)。每次 SAT考试阅读理解一般包括两套双篇对比文章,(一套双 短和一套双长),一套双篇独立文章和一篇单长文章或两篇单独中长文章。 每篇文章后面会有文章理解阅读题目,根据文章题目 2至 13个不等。问题大致可以分 为以下几类: 写作目的题 主旨理解题 理解推...

SATSATSATSAT阅读理解题型讲解 基本介绍 SAT考试的阅读文章题材广泛,包括人文、社会科学和自然科学。文章类型多种多样, 有些是纯粹的说明文(描述事物,解释信息),有些是叙述类文章 (讲述一个 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt ),还有 议论文章 (表达一种立场)。每次 SAT考试阅读理解一般包括两套双篇对比文章,(一套双 短和一套双长),一套双篇独立文章和一篇单长文章或两篇单独中长文章。 每篇文章后面会有文章理解阅读题目,根据文章题目 2至 13个不等。问题大致可以分 为以下几类: 写作目的题 主旨理解题 理解推断题 划线部分理解题 (细节理解和功能描述) 语气、态度和语言题 阅读词汇理解题 综合归纳题 SATSATSATSAT阅读理解题目答题技巧: 1. 一切 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 来源于文章。所有答案的选择都要来自于文章,不要用个人观点和阅读经验影 响答题选择。切忌主观臆断。所有题目的正确答案都来自于文章中相应的词句,推断题 和语气态度题也是在原文的基础上进行字里行间的推理判断。与题目相关的部分一定要 细读精读。 2. 对文章充满好奇,饶有兴趣地进行阅读答题。可以把阅读材料和自己感兴趣的相关话题 联系起来,充满好奇心的积极阅读会提高阅读速度。在文章中用铅笔划出关键词句,或 在文章旁边写下 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 性的词句。总结要简洁,不要浪费时间。 3333. 遇到较难句子或段落,如果和题目无关,不要重复阅读。文章中有一目了然的段落, 也有晦涩难懂的词句,如果和阅读题目关系不大,考生无需重复阅读,以免影响整体阅 读效果。 4444. 不要放过修饰词。注意 SAT阅读中的描述人、事和物的形容词。一个人是 “handsome” 还是 “skinny” 往往反映了这个人的特质和经历;如果一个人的感觉是 “annoyed but unable to blame”,他的整体状态一定是 frustrated (无奈)。一定要注意描述性质状态的词汇和细节。 5555. 积极阅读。始终把注意力放在作者的写作意图上,边读边思考,阅读文章的过程要始终 把写作目的放在心中,因为文章的所有内容都是为文章主旨服务的。对比,举例,夹叙夹议, 一切段落的写作都是为一个写作服务的。不要被貌似不相关或者变化多样的题目类型转移注 意力。试图和文章对话,小说类作品可以把情景描写视觉化,让平面文字以电影方式呈现在 眼前。 6666. 带着问题阅读文章。细节问题可以先看题再看文章相应内容,问题题目一定要准确完整 阅读,然后从文中寻找可以回答题目的相应关键词,然后根据原文线索寻找对应正确选项。 正确选项不一定是表达真实信息,而是最好反映原文信息的选项。 7777. 选择之前一定要阅读完所有选项。SAT阅读的正确选项是五个选项中最好的一个,而 不一定是最为正确的一个。所以排除法是一个很好的做题方法。先用笔划掉确定错误的选项, 然后在权衡剩下的两至三个 (一般是两个)不确定选项。有些选项意思正确,符合原文意 思,但是没有具体回答这个问题,这个是错误选项。有些选项前半句对,但是后半句出现了 原文中没有涉及到的多余信息,这个选项也是错误的。 8. 认真阅读题目,注意题干中出现 exceptexceptexceptexcept的问题。这类问题有四个选项是正确的,一定 要把题目中的 except用笔圈划出来,以免选错选项。 9.一定要阅读完选项所有内容,特别是选项的结尾部分。很多选项前半部分正确,只是在 结尾部分出现某个多余或错误的词语词组。这些都是迷惑考生的易选错误选项。做题当中的 double check指根据原文选择正确选项之后,还要排除其他错误选项,这就是所谓的“双保 险”。 10. 不要跳跃阅读。SAT阅读理解题目既包括细节理解题目,也包括文章主旨理解题目。 可以先看题目再看文章,但是和题目无关的段落也要略读,划关键词,以免影响对文章的整 体理解。除了文章整体理解题目可以放到最后做,细节理解题目尽量按照顺序完成,避免重 复阅读。如果后面的文章有助于补充理解做过的阅读题目,可以进行复查。做完一篇文章要 检查是否有遗漏未做的题目。 A.A.A.A. 写作目的题 (MainMainMainMain PurposePurposePurposePurpose QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions) 写作目的题是考察考生是否能准确理解作者的写作意图。换句话说,为什么作者要写这 篇文章?他想要通过文章达到什么目的?回答这些问题,你需要整体思考这篇文章。作者是 在表达对某问题的立场,还是在描述一个人或一个场景?是在创造一种情景还是证实或否定 某个理论? 问题经常以以下形式出现: The primary purpose of the passage is to…… Both passages are primarily concerned with the…… The passage as a whole serves primarily to…… 解题技巧:::: ���� 有时候一篇文章会有多个写作意图,但是你只需要回答主要写作意图。 ���� 主旨题目可以放到最后做,正确选项的中心词一定能概括文章大部分内容,体现文章 主要目的。 例一 I had grown up in the United States virtually without relatives, which, in my intense desire to assimilate, was quite all right with me. But this attitude dissolved when I walked into that apartment in Beijing. I realized then that my extended family is not just a collection of accidental alliances but a living body, an entity that will welcome me for being simply who I am: the daughter of my mother, the niece of my aunts and uncles. We had never before seen each other but, in that moment, we shared a sense of connection and loyalty unlike anything I had previously experienced. Question: The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) describe the author’s travels to Beijing (B) reveal how lonely the author often felt (C) provide examples of the author’s fondness for her relatives (D) convey the author’s sudden awareness of the importance of family (E) illustrate the closeness that existed among the author’s mother, aunts, and uncles. 解析:这道题可以首先排除(B), (E)选项,因为原文从第二句就开始说明作者的孤独感已经 dissolve(融化,消失)了。而文章一直在叙述自己的感觉,所以没有谈到任何关于作者自 己的(E)选项也可以最先排除。(A)选项是内容描述,并非文章主旨,主旨要体现作者的写作 意图。我们可以从文章中看出,大部分内容都在强调转变和作者的前后变化,比如句子 “but this attitude dissolved…”, “I realized then that…..”和 “in that moment, we shared a sense of connection…..unlike anything I had previously experienced.” 这些都可以判断出作者主要强调 他突然意识体会到家庭的温暖,即 (D)选项,其中(D)选项中的 awareness是原文中关键词 realize的同义复现。 ���� 通过阅读开头的背景介绍部分(斜体引文部分)来帮助你推断作者主要写作意图。 例二 This passage is adapted from a 2003 novel about a character named Gogol Ganguli, the American-born son of Indian immigrants. Just before leaving home for college, Gogol changed his name to Nikhil. Question: Taken as a whole, the passage is best described as a portrayal of (A) two parents’ acceptance of their son’s leaving home (B) an immigrant family’s adjustment to new surroundings (C) the stimulating possibilities open to a college student (D) a young man’s struggle to define himself (E) a young man’s success at achieving independence 解析:这是 09年 5月一道独立长篇阅读题目,从斜体字背景介绍我们可以判断出主人公出 生在一个移民美国的印度家庭,接下来的文章就是关于他改名之后的经历和心理状态。题目 选项中只有(D)选项提到 struggle to define himself (自我挣扎,定义自己)。如果考生先做细节 题目,最后做主旨题目,就会发现整篇文章都在讲述主人公适应自己新名字的心理过程,(D) 肯定是正确答案。 ���� 选项想象法:可以按照各个选项内容想象文章内容发展,和原文符合的即是正确选项。 这种逆向思考方式往往可以帮助考生很快排除错误选项。 例三 A century ago, opponents of women’s suffrage in the United States scoffed at the notion that extending the vote to women would make any difference. “Women will vote with their husband” was the commonly accepted wisdom. This was an argument made in the absence of evidence, as women did not yet have the vote. Ever since women won the vote, researchers have been keeping close track of female voting behavior. A “gender gap” in voting behavior has been found in the United States as in many other countries. In the United States, the 1994 and 1996 elections showed the largest gaps ever between candidates favored by women and those favored by men. Question: The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) describe the evolution of a gender gap in the United States (B) present a concise history of the women’s suffrage movement (C) show the inaccuracy of a prediction about women’s suffrage (D) discuss the resistance women faced in acquiring the vote (E) explain the differences in voting behavior between men and women 解析:按照选项想象法,(A) 选项对应的文章应该是描写 gender gap的发展情况,文章只是 在后半部分提到,不是正确选项。(B)选项出现的 concise history 明显不符合原文概括特点的 写作方式。想象(C)选项内容,可以知道原文必定有批驳某意见的内容,而全文的发展顺序 就是先摆出错误观点:女人应该和丈夫一起投票。然后在中间提出 “ this was an argument made in the absence of evidence” (这是一个没有根据的论点),文章后面部分则是用研究数据 证明女人和男人在投票的选择上是有不同的,所以 (C)是正确选项。想象(D)选项中中心语 resistance (抵抗),文章应该有表示抗争的描述,不符合原文,是错误选项。想象 (E)选项中 心语 explain the differences (解释不同),原文应该有解释不同投票习惯原因的表述,不符合 原文,所以是错误选项。 B.B.B.B. 主旨理解题 (CentralCentralCentralCentral IdeaIdeaIdeaIdea QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions) 回答这类问题,问自己这个问题:如果让我用一句话概括这篇文章,我会怎么概括?阅 读文章的时候要始终思考这个问题,然后划下你认为能体现中心思想的词句。 主旨理解题的问题经常以以下形式出现: What is the main idea of the passage? With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree? What is the best title for the passage? This passage is primarily concerned with…… 解题技巧:::: ���� 努力掌握作者思路逻辑,对文章主旨保持敏感度,划下表明作者主旨意图的重点词句, 正确选项便会轻易选出。 例一 PassagePassagePassagePassage 1111 (extract)(extract)(extract)(extract) Because chimpanzees exhibit behavior so remarkably similarsimilarsimilarsimilar totototo somesomesomesome humanhumanhumanhuman behaviorbehaviorbehaviorbehavior, scientists observing them in the wild often develop a degree of empathyempathyempathyempathy with the individuals being studied. In itself this is not a bad thing. Subtle communication cues among chimpanzees are more readily detected and recorded once an observer has established this empathyempathyempathyempathy. PassagePassagePassagePassage 2222 (extract)(extract)(extract)(extract) My first day observing a community of forest chimpanzees showed me a richer and more satisfying world than I had imagined. I suddenly recognized why I, a non-scientist, or anyone shouldshouldshouldshould carecarecarecare aboutaboutaboutabout what happens to them: not, ultimately, because they use tools and solve problems and are intellectual beings, butbutbutbut becausebecausebecausebecause theytheytheythey areareareare emotionalemotionalemotionalemotional beings,beings,beings,beings, asasasas wewewewe are,are,are,are, andandandand becausebecausebecausebecause theirtheirtheirtheir emotionsemotionsemotionsemotions areareareare sosososo obviouslyobviouslyobviouslyobviously similarsimilarsimilarsimilar totototo ours.ours.ours.ours. Question: Both passages support which generalization about wild chimpanzees? (A) Their family structures are somewhat similar to those of humans. (B) Their behavior often resembles that of humans. (C) Their actions are prompted by strong psychological urges. (D) Their facial expressions can be interpreted accurately by nonspecialists. (E) Their reactions differ from those of other apes. 解析:::: 这是两篇双短节选文章,按照文中加粗部分,第一段和第二段都提到了 similar to human beings (和人类有相似之处),一段中关键词 empathy指的是科学家容易产生与大猩猩 情感共鸣,二段中的 care about 也是表达了人类应该关心大猩猩的观点。选项当中只有 (A) 和 (B)两个选项体现了相似性,但是(A)是在说家庭结构问题,和原文无关,正确选项应该 是 (B)。所以找准表达主旨的关键词是理解文章的捷径。 ���� 注意文章中的过渡词,尤其是转折连词,比如 but,but,but,but, yetyetyetyet和 howeverhoweverhoweverhowever。 如果段落开头是 转折连词,,,, 就把连词圈起来。有时候作者可能会以一段他反对的观点开头,然后他会进行大 段的驳斥,这之间肯定是用转折词句进行连接过渡的。 例二: (Excerpt) The argument of both the hedonist and the guru is that if we were put to open ourselves to the richness of the moment, to concentrate on the feast before us, we would be filled with bliss. I have lived in the present from time to time and can tell you that it is much overrated. Occasionally, as a holiday from stroking one’s memories or brooding about future worries, I grant you, it can be a nice change of pace. ButButButBut to “be here now”, hour after hour, would never work…….Besides, the present has a way of intruding whether you like it or not. Question: With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree? (A) We should enjoy the present and value every moment of daily life. (B) Special attention should be paid to the most difficult aspects of life. (C) Taking holidays are necessary in one’s life to relieve daily pressure. (D) Sometimes, “the present” can be regarded as an unavoidable imposition. (F) Enjoying delicious dishes is a kind of luxury enjoyment. 解析:::: 尽管文章前面用大段文字讲述了享受当下的重要性,还补充说明了自己有时候可以利 用假期充分放松自己,忘记平日烦恼。但是选文最后的”But”提示我们文章的主要态度应该 从后面的文字判断。作者的真正观点是:有时候 the present 强加于我们的生活,让我们措 手不及。从”intruding’这个词也可以肯定选项 (D), 即 the present 可以被看作是一种不可避 免的强制。 ���� 如果寻找文章中心有困难,重新阅读每段首句,大部分文章,尤其是议论文,段首句 都和文章中心紧密相关。 注意:这种做题方法比较适用于议论文和说明文,记叙文章的主旨理解题则不能进行文章跳 读。总结文章首句的方法也不意味着只读首句,这种题目也是在通读文章或者做完其他细节 阅读题目之后再进行归纳作答。 例三: (以下为 2008年 1月份 SAT阅读考试文章节选,节选文字是考试中阅读文章的段首句。) (1) Sailing at night in luminescent seas is something splendid that is not given to everyone. (2) One source of such luminescence is an alga called Noctiluca. (3) Copepods don’t like prey that flashes. Grab it, it explodes into light in their scratchy little arms, and they drop it. (4) In some of the larger luminescent species, in which the patterns of light differ between sexes, it is a fair bet that luminescence serves as an identification signal, a means of bringing the sexes together in places that have so little that shapes and normal, reflected colors won’t do. (5) But by far the most widespread use is camouflage. Question: The passage as a whole is best characterized as (A) a case study of an unusual type of bioluminescence (B) a survey of popular misconceptions about the function of bioluminescence (C) a discussion of the evolutionary origins of bioluminescence (D) an overview of the various functions of bioluminescence in sea creatures (E) an examination of luminescent species that use camouflage 解析: 文章各段首句的大意可以概括为:在波光粼粼的海面上行船赏景是一种难得的惬意。有 一种生物发光体是叫做 Noctiliaca的海藻。Copepods不喜欢发光的食物,一旦抓住的食物突 然发光,它就会立刻放弃食物。某些大的发光生物因性别不同的发光方式可以作为一种区别 性别的群体信号。至今为止最广泛应用的作用还是伪装。 通过这几句话的意思再加上重点词 serve as和 use 可以判断出全文应该大部分在讨论 发光生物为什么要发光,可以吓跑猎手,可以伪装等等。所以只有 (D)选项谈到了发光的功 能,所以为正确选项。 C.C.C.C. 理解推断题 (ExtendedExtendedExtendedExtended ReasoningReasoningReasoningReasoning QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions) 理解推断题要求考生具备推断能力,也就是说,要学会运用批判思维能力去思考文章字 面背后的意思。我们必须要学会总结归纳读到的信息。这种问题会让你进行 infer,即推断 作者的引申意义。这种问题要求你判断出作者的暗示,或者你从文章可以推断出什么。简单 来说,我们要学会领悟作者的言外之意。 理解推断题会涉及到作者的态度,意图和文章的语气,题目中会含有 probably, apparently, seems, suggests, it can be inferred和 the author implies 等表示推测的信号词。 理解推断题的问题经常以以下形式出现: The last paragraph of the passage suggestssuggestssuggestssuggests that…… In line 33-34, the phrase “……” impliesimpliesimpliesimplies that the author…… The lines 66-69, the author indicatesindicatesindicatesindicates…… “Generous” as used to describe “funds” (line 12) isisisis intendedintendedintendedintended totototo seemseemseemseem…… What can be inferred from the sentence……? 解题技巧:::: ���� 虽然答案不会直接从原文中找到,但是考生作出的任何选择都要基于文章本身,也就 是要找到可以推断出题目答案的信号词或相关语句。要判断作者的unstatedunstatedunstatedunstated assumptionassumptionassumptionassumption ((((言外之意)))),虽然正确选项不一定十分准确体现作者原意,但是至少可以反应出作者的 部分观点。 例一: And the photographer- a young man who was more accustomed to fashion-plate beauties than to weatherworn archaeologists-did not know how to picture the crags and fissures of his face. Question: (“And……hands”) suggest primarily that the photographer (A) is flustered by an unfamiliar situation (B) does not know how to take good pictures (C) is excited by a new challenge (D) does not respond well to criticism (E) is averse to photographing older subjects 解析: Crags and fissures在这里面指的是拍摄对象脸上的皱纹。原文的意思是一个经常拍摄时 尚摄影的年轻摄影师,不知道怎么拍摄一个普通人脸上的“千沟万壑”。从原文中 “was more accustomed to (更习惯于)”可以看出他拍摄这个拍摄对象并不习惯,从 did not know how to picture 反映出摄影师的不知所措,这些都是可以推断出摄影师 flustered (惊慌)的直接细节, 正确选项是(A)。注意干扰选项(C),虽然选项出现了与原文完全一致的文字信息,但是推断题 目的正确选项 99%是不会完全重复原文信息的,这样等于没有考察考生推断能力。考生还 要学会通过细节描写推断人物性格或心理状态,做好充足的心理态度形容词汇储备也是应考 SAT考试的一大法宝。 � 一定不要让自己的主观判断、个人偏好和大众理解来影响你的选择。文章里必定会有提 示信息帮助你作出准确推断。 例二: Some people like to act like things come easy to them. Take Cynthia Procter, for instance. If there’s a test tomorrow, she’ll say something like, “Oh, I guess I’ll watch television tonight.” When I pass her house, she is practicing the scales on the piano over and over. Then in music class she always lets herself get bumped around so she falls accidentally on purpose onto the piano stool and is so surprised to find herself sitting there that she decides just for fun to try out the ole keys. AndAndAndAnd whatwhatwhatwhat dodododo youyouyouyou knowknowknowknow- ChopinChopinChopinChopin’’’’ssss waltzeswaltzeswaltzeswaltzes justjustjustjust springspringspringspring outoutoutout ofofofof herherherher fingertips.fingertips.fingertips.fingertips. AAAA regularregularregularregular prodigy.prodigy.prodigy.prodigy. Question: Which best describes the tone of sentences “And……prodigy”? (A) Sardonic (B) Anxious (C) Nonchalant (D) Reverent (E) Amazed 解析:如果凭常识猜测,能从指尖流淌出肖邦华尔兹舞曲的钢琴手一定是受人尊敬(reverent) 或让人惊叹的(amazed), 但是一定要注意整段的主旨句:Some people like to act like things come easy to them. (有些人喜欢装作凡事都能易如反掌) ,这句话和下面的例子都体现出 Cynthia 是一个背地里暗自刻苦,人前却装出怡然自得的虚伪钢琴手。所以,从 a regular prodigy可以看出作者是在讽刺 Cynthia并没有特殊才华,只是一个普通的好琴手罢了。所以 正确答案应该是(A),表明作者讽刺的态度。 ���� 当题目中出现 infer(推断)的时候,考生就要格外小心了。这些推断题目全部都可以 从原文找到推断的论据。 所谓推断,是做出有根据的推测和结论。比如:以下的段落据推断(infer),可以得知所 有的例子都是来自于作者自己的生活 (正确选项:personal experience)。比如 “I’ve counted…my mailbox”, “promised me prizes”和 “I wrote this con artist”都说明这段文字是 基于作者的个人生活来描写的。 例三: (Excerpt) “Don’t think”, Gabriel wrote, “that I have come to believe our land is a paradise. I know all too well that life is a struggle everywhere. But I cannot conceal from you the sorrow that your words have caused me, and a few paragraphs in your letter have struck me with the impact of cold water.” “In the first paragraph, Father, you wrote just as stirring the air with a fan will never split mountains, fits of lyrical passion will not solve arduous problems. Those words caused me to tear up an ‘Ode to the Patria’ which I had written. In the ode, I sang the glories of my land, basing it upon its natural opulence and upon the romanticism of a great cloud of loving sentiment. I tore it up, convinced that it was like the breeze of a fan, spending its force in the void of futility.” Question: (A) Juan voiced doubts about Gabriel’s economic decisions. (B) Juan encouraged Gabriel to consider practicing law in Spain. (C) Gabriel sought his father’s advice on affairs of the heart. (D) Gabriel displayed a clear reluctance to accept criticism. (E) Gabriel expressed some loftily idealistic thoughts. 解析:(A), (B)是明显的错误选项,因为本段文字是 Gabriel给父亲的回信,和 Juan无关。 选段的内容可以用几个关键词句串起来,Gabriel一直相信祖国是美好的 (always come to believe our land is a paradise), 虽然她知道现实是充满挣扎痛苦的 (I know all too well that life is a struggle)。父亲的信里面描绘的残酷现实让她很难受 (strike me with the impact of cold water),她撕毁了为家乡写的颂歌 (Ode to the Patrica), 里面表达了她的爱国之情 (glories of the land),但是这些美景都已经成为泡沫烟影了( in the void of futility)。所以选项(E)准确表 达了原文信息,即表达了一些高尚的理想主义想法。 Practice:Practice:Practice:Practice: SectionSectionSectionSectionAAAA-CCCC Directions: Carefully read the passage below and answer the questions that follow the passage. Answer the questions based on the content of the passage: both what is stated and what is implied in the passage as well as any introductory material before the passage. This passage is adapted from a work about travel published in 1814. In the early period of human history, when voyages and travels were not undertaken from the view of amusement or instruction, or from political or commercial motives, the discovery of adjacent countries was chiefly affected by war, and of distant regions by commerce. The wars of the Egyptians with the Scythians, mentioned in the pristine pages of history, must have opened faint sources of information concerning the neighboring tribes. Under the Grecian empire of Alexander and his successors, the progress of discovery by war is first marked on the page of history; and science began to attend the banners of victory. The opulence of nature was now to be disclosed; and Greece was astonished at the miracles of India. The Romans not only inherited the Grecian knowledge, but, extending the arms to the North and West, accumulated discoveries upon regions dimly descried by the Greeks, through the obscurity in which the Phoenicians enveloped their commercial advantages. 1. The primary purpose of this passage is to A. criticize a strategy B. justify an undertaking C. explain a phenomenon D. defend an approach E. provoke a response 2. The main idea of this passage is A. the search for scientific information engendered the desire to travel B. the wealth of the western world was mostly derived from looting conquered regions C. the systematic conquest of weaker tribes decimated the ancient world D. the Greeks were the leaders in the fields of science in the classic world E. an increase in knowledge was a corollary of warfare 3. The author suggests that science and warfare A. are equally important motivations for nations to undertake exploration B. are mutually exclusive C. are painful reminders of mankind’s desire to destroy that which is unfamiliar D. are related in that scientific knowledge is increased by contact predicated on conquest E. are obscure historical processes rather than commercial enterprises Answers: 1. C 写作目的题目就是考察考生是否理解作者的写作意图。首先排除最明显的错误选项, 作者在批评什么吗?没有,所以排除 A。 作者在澄清什么立场吗?作者只是在讨论战争和 探索发现之间的关系,但是他没有尝试澄清什么,所以 B是错误选项。选项 D是不正确的 是因为作者没有辩护什么,他仅仅在陈述他的立场。选项 E明显错误是因为作者没有试图 从读者那里得到答案。C选项即是正确答案。不要被 phenomenon(现象)所误导,在 SAT 考试中它的意思是任何事件,发生的事情或者可观察的事实。事实上,作者正是在解释一件 已经发生的事件。 2. E 找到文章的主旨,要先试图用几个字综合归纳一下文章。作者试图说明探索和知识的 增长都是战争的自然结果。正在国家征服其他领土的时候,他们同时也吸收了当地的科技发 明和文化发现。注意一下错误选项都有从原文引用的词语和句子。如果不仔细阅读,很可能 掉进陷阱里去,所以要了解言外 D.D.D.D. 阅读词汇理解题 (VocabularyVocabularyVocabularyVocabulary inininin ContextContextContextContext QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions) 阅读词汇理解题考察学生是否理解目标词在文章语境中的意思,一般考题会选择包含多 种意思的单词。考生一定要回到文章内,把目标词汇圈出来,然后重新阅读目标词所在的原 句。之后用选项词汇替代文章中的目标词汇,看看哪一个选项和原文中的目标词汇最为接近。 阅读词汇理解题的问题经常以以下形式出现: In line 65, “drive” most nearly means…… 解题技巧:::: � 目标词本身难度不大,但是考生一定不要仓促选择和目标词本义相近的选项,大部分阅 读词汇理解题目都会考查目标词的引申义、修辞义或语境义。 例一: The world has outgrown its quaint rural intimacies, and now it’s the modern age: an order is put in for fifty cakes of Coal Tar Soap, and a few days later, a cart arrives and the order is delivered. Question: According to the text, “ an order” most nearly means (A) a command from a military authority (B) an instruction to provide something (C) an established system of organizations (D) a customary procedure (E) a logical arrangement 解析:如果按照 order本义“顺序”去选,大部分考生都会选择 (C):“一个建立好的组织”。 但是
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