首页 大家学英语2007-01



大家学英语2007-01 ? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ? 。 ︱ ? ?? ??〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 ? ? ? ?? 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 ? ?? ? ?? ???〓 〓 〓 ? ︱ ? ︱ ?? ThoI’s o loI 这么久啊‘ /这么多啊 ( WeIcome b¤ck! 欢迎回来! LeI’sg° lhere Iodoy 今天就去那里吧。 Why is she oIW¤ys IoIe? 她为什么老是迟 到 ? I don’l Ihink ...

? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ? 。 ︱ ? ?? ??〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 ? ? ? ?? 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 ? ?? ? ?? ???〓 〓 〓 ? ︱ ? ︱ ?? ThoI’s o loI 这么久啊‘ /这么多啊 ( WeIcome b¤ck! 欢迎回来! LeI’sg° lhere Iodoy 今天就去那里吧。 Why is she oIW¤ys IoIe? 她为什么老是迟 到 ? I don’l Ihink s0. 我不这么想。 Υou’re righ丨 oboullho‖ 你说的9巾 Good Io meeIyou 很高兴认识你。 `幸 会。 l’rn sorry rmI¤Ie. 对不起,我迟到 了 . ·Wh¤I’ s Vp? 怎么啦? I"eVer go ° "ywhere. 我娜里都不能去。 I would Ⅱke Io seei! 我想要看。 "W0n’ I HⅡ yov. 又不会死。 I woVId"ke fρ go 我想要去。 ∶ev!ew:∶∶9gy We con geI lo knoW eoch oIher 我们可以彼此认 i只。 I don’I wonI I° g° 我不想去。 iev;e、vI∶:|赂y Rev∶ew Dgy Th¤I,s righI 没错。 Tho!、oK, 没关系。 How do yov know? 你怎么知道? ΥoV’re so busy。 你真忙。 ldon’I vndersl¤nd 我不懂。 Review DoyWho丨did you soy? 你刚才说什么? Thol’s no fVn 那不好玩。 /没意思ˇ LETs T●LK|N ENGL|SH 5 丿 婴 婴 ?? ? 课社日标:学习谈沦你家附近的 一些场所 - 4薯 晶 皆 £ rhmds JlIfIIf唧Ⅱ 岬 “ 0;∶吉::查f;∶;l;:晌h助伽mv⒑】】岬钥 Tess Ⅲeets Pote∫d″II,lV】2、 】3`鸭f20 黛丝遇见彼特 Daisy`Day每周阅读 卩鸭f” 文△趾场t∫崆仃”l 丿 0● "级 Ⅱ艹 Ⅱ}艹 坳 鲫 唧 课T1日 标 :学丬谈论吞港迪为i尼乐园 . 1数毡靴端s"°丿and加mΠ印2`呷湘 Fun at Ho"g κong D:s"eyIand丿、″Ⅱnl l3`望 `鸭 c】0 畅游香港迪斯尼乐园 TaIki"g^boutJe""a′s Trip JΠ″〃四` v⒌ 6`四gc13 再聊珍娜的旅行 Js"′tlt Exc:ti"gP:每周阅读 F,F罗 t9 畹 ω幽 ? ? 6 1ET s⒕LK|N ENGL sH 加 砌 勋 叩 课件卩标:学习淡论汁划和同程 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf : 7 龉 ekend JΠⅡIJ四I/】 6`四8c23 ?? ? ① ⅢyFami【v掌疟乳 谓1读 卩n“37 鲫 咖 腼 脚 课程 ∏标 :学习谈论屮l±农9J新年 . 11 1苷栏叠;骨;:挡辜犁渲;刂 vearshow J″″〃讶lf3G31 `r,8c38 B⒑泌C溆 Schedule'hf,"‖”闷——ˉ ————ˉ —ˉ—-——4 Cdcnd扯P"ascs'每凵 彳‘j——_____——ˉ ———ˉ 5 RⅡⅠce Te“/炎语测 Why IsJenna Late?J御I∫四,l/1乃】8'鸭f25 为什么珍娜会迟到 ? NOT∶me for Fu"J四″″夕ll/】g20'唧¢28 没时间做休闲娱乐 Lcs、on Reiˇcw/ll Ⅱ∫ song Time/欢 "4‖ 刂il Trm引岫on/砌汗 Wat‘h for Next Mo"th‘1esso"s: ·Its timc ft,rthc Wlntcr olympicsl ·zacks ha△is blond? ·0ur scattlc f lcnds gct their iirst cluc! 父习—— Kc、、Ⅴo旧s/1∶Ⅱ刂艹~ˉˉ -ˉˉ———ˉˉ ˉˉ ˉ—ˉˉˉˉ l⒉5152 ? ? ? ?? ? ?? J伢 ,IJr伢ry2 !丿 jj 亠~s 1_^∶ \^0 M£ssIo" Jenna see fourtimes? ?? ? ??? ? ? ? 2 TOday’s 、冖冫hat did f/ More I"formatio" Hong Kong 岙fL· cOm mun“y ccntcf(n) F㈠● iL Co" eˇrsation A Jenna∶ Hey,guysl Happy NeW Year Gran⒈ Jenna!HoˇVˇVas yourtrp? Jenna∶ "Was gr°白u Pete∶ Te"us about t Jenna∶ The rides、vore rea"y fun The food vvas great too Grant Ⅵ冫ere a lot of peop|e there? Jenna∶ oh,yes! Hon9Kong Disney丨and was very cr°wded* Petel l/Ve", tˇVasn1croVVded here GΓan⒈ EVeryone e|se|e付forthe hoⅡdays* too Read it! Grant and Pete are at oceanV|eW Commun"v Center They are f冖ends Grant Works at oceanV eW Center He "kes hisjob Pete is a student He comesto0ceanview Center a|ot He hkestot旬Ik to Grant Pete and Grant are VVa ting for the rfrend Jenna sheˇventto Hong Kong Disney|and at Ch冖stmas ume Grantand Pete ore excited* Theyˇv旬ntto hear about Jenna’s trip* ' Key Words excited(a吐i) k`aⅡd 兴命 "勺 `′ ″Ⅰ8r,``I⒏ `o FJr″ 8K″8 ′′″lc`。εI‘ ′′c‘′ trip(n) Itr pl lk彳j `f`7`I ftl^″ ″ `‘ 〃冖叨汩 Eos^″‘‘ `cⅣ 8 LET s Ⅸ LKlN ENGL|SH JAN∪ARˇ 2007 '堕 型≌坐 "dc(n) Ir"t0l (游 乐场 )供吖i 乘的设施 MαΓk`氵灰召s`ll召 `氵 〃召、d`Hρ″8Kr9″εD氵⒊″fy`“″″ cl r,Wded(adJ) rkrau山dl 拥挤的;人芗的 L(,¤k‘Ⅰ `d````lc Pc‘ ,J’′c?〖k氵sP′‘Ⅰcc js V召′,c′v、v〃‘d hOliday(n) I hOl]del IⅡ:|; ‖炭仁l C加 沁fl ms js″9扭vo″k乃O″洳y 【((【∶!)9useful semtence Pattern 。。.Was/is Vcry。.。 ·Hong Kong Disncyland、vas vc1y Cro、VdCd ·The studentis vc「y smart ·My trip、vu`vc1y long ·XNrlite your oWn! Co"versatio"B Pete∶ s0te"us more ab0ut Disneyland Jenna: 0K!ASk me anything! Grant 、 '¢ hat did y°u"ke best at H0ng K。ng Disneyland? Jenna The Li0n Kino show lsaw"four times Pete∶ That’sa|ot V。nna∶ l knovv Butthe sh0ˇV VVas rea"y good! Gran1 Did y0u buy anyth‘ng? Jenna∶ 0fC0urse!l have so!ηething for both0f you侮 `ves″ rO llle··l Pete∶ 汩ρens”c°° "M Ckeˇ Mouse ears! ,∶ m°re lmf。rmatlom Thc Lion King 狮子⊥ Xlickcy小汀ousC l 哲⒍t 饣V°uesti°nof】he Day D° youvˇantt0goto Hong K°ng Disney|and?Nl,lhy or Why not?罩 踽冫三=龄△篙 J勿勿fJ伢ry3'4 宀J3」j凵 "! ●by R。th o°ˇ "o°a9o do‘gi,by M容而 oh。n 3丿 Today’s missi° "Where did Zaok go for Chrstmas? Co"versatioⅡ ^lzaCk沁ar seaslde Hlgl Pefe comesln丿 zack H1Pete!Did you haVe a good Pete∶ Ch冖stmas? Yes,I did Butl didn’t do anything exciting* Hoˇaˇbout you?|heard you had fun in Colorado llVe had a greattime! You vvent w"h some otherteaChers, right? Yes Did you丨ηiss a"your students? 0f oourse!I missed a"of you!But| d dn’t miss the work 'Key worJexci】iΠg(adJ) l,k'saItη) 令人兴奋自旬C@氵″g⒑P曰r沁Il ds沼夕JJ· gxo`冖恣/ 酽Ⅲore Informatio" Colorado (美国 )帘⒈罗拉多州 Comversat:o"B /Jen冖a comeslr丿 Jenna∶ Hi,R/ln Lee Hi Pete zack∶ HL Jenna Welcome back! Jenno∶ You,too! Pete∶ Jenna,te"MⅡ Lee about yourtrp to Hong Kong Jenna∶ IIoVed it!Especia"y zack Hong Kong Disneyland? Jenna∶ Yes!"was suoh a fun ρIace zack HoW is"di仟erent fr°m Disneyland in CaIifornia? Jenna∶ A"the restaurants have Chinese food!Ihad t。eat、ˇIth choρstioks·k! zack Peto∶ zaCk∶ Pete∶ zaCk i ∷ ‘ } 彳O LET s TALκ丨N ENG凵sH ? ?? ? ? V /丿 Key Words cspecidl刂〈udⅤ) ε、pε、川 特”刂t `″ 天c lcr,‘ `〃 ‘″" 〃γXr′卩′ ^′ 功ρc¤″″‘ chOps“Ck〈n) 丨lrk p sⅡk 筷子 k″rs乃ρ〃″ ccI·C乃 "cⅣ c`,ρ″w氵油 (” (,J,y汶k、 More Imforma1ioⅡ JAN∪ARˇ 2007 ‘9Questio"of the0ay Do you"ke ro"er ooasters?Why orVVhy not? 。d;pq"卩 丁 :卩F。 。 。 。 。 。 。 ● ● ● ● ● ● The V8nuory song Ti丨ηe、VⅡl be played on the Vanuary3 ● · ρr0gram P|ease turn1o page42forthe song time、″°rds ● 4 today’sM∶ssio" 、 '¢ h旬t are the fc ur areas in Hong K°ng Disneyland? Co" eˇrsation A zoCκ∶ There are four areas in the park★‘ 冖ght? Jenna R ght They are Ma n street V s A, TOmorrow and,FantasV and and Adventureland zaCk∶ Did y。u shop on lvJain street UsA? Jenna∶ 0fC0urse I did a"住le shopping Pete∶ Y0u on|y did旬″r″e shopping? Jenna∶ 0κ-ˉa{ot of shopping! zaCk∶ l m sure the storesˇVere crovvded Chinese people"ke to shop Jenno∶ Y0u re right aboutthat! ?? Co"versatio"C Pete∶ Ⅵ/ere the rides the same? Jenna Yes! Pete∶ Did y。u go on the soace^汨ountain rde? Jenna∶ Yes!Thats one。f my faVorte rides at Disneyland zaCk∶ ^刀 e,too "’s fun to冖de a ro"er ooasterin the dark*! Jenna∶ Butthe line*ˇaˇs re旬 "ylong ThatsVVhy l on|y vVent on it once l dont "keˇ Va ting in"ne /丿 κey Words dt1rk(n) Idαrk| "∴ "汁 : 氵卡丿议 ll〃∶召` r氵 ‘ `” c,`氵8ll`'′‘‘″I冫 Jc召lf氵 `乃 〈 ‘/r″* "】 lc(n) "unl |,l;歹刂 9〃氵(″ '`‘` ″ ″∶8`冖“’rr`c‘,/,众 '"〃″Ⅱ氵8`r,sCC`乃“ ` ″ `‘ )lIC More l"formatio" CdhfonⅡa (关 ")加 利 “I丿己亚州 spacc M(Ⅺntain 吐‘0【 太∷ "凵 κ“ler coaster(n) 云卩i《4∴ 太∷ˉ乍 κey Word park(n) pofK i订乐j吻;i游乐|d ∠(```8r,″″〃″′乃‘″r″s冖7`”c/,〃 `*? ⋯` ` `J● /丿? VsefuI sente"ce Patter" ,..don’t Ⅱke。.. ·I don 1 丨iKe、vaitinε in linc ·Tom and PeⅡy don11ikc cating vcgctablcs ·They(k)l tlikC playing baskctba" ·、Vhte vour°、vn! 酽 `A| Da r弘 e d圉0冫 . △ LETs TALK N El㈨ 叩 " 丿 〓? ? LEss0N 御 V0∶ Fun at Hong κong D⒗neyland More l"formation Main St⒑etU S A 关㈣刁`饣真大街 Tomol△owland 明| "七界 Fantasyland 幺J恕汨±界 Adventurcland 探险世界 Co"versa】ion B Pete∶ What did you do in Fantasyland? Jenna∶ 丨rode*in the Rlad Ha廿er Tea Cu°s Pete∶ l don’tlike that ride I get dizzy Jenna∶ I"ked it zaCk∶ And y°u sa、v some shovvs? Jenna∶ Yes |saW a"ofthem zack∶ so VVhat didn’tyou do? Jenna∶ Rest1We Were busy a"day Pete∶ l/Vere you therejust one day? Jenna Yes Thars a"the timeˇVe had 〃ˇ κey、″°rds ride(v) 1raId] 3T·-|令 D· ,y@JJ氵 `汝 e`@厂氵dC lFf,r∫‘ 'dl//v(a刂) f dl⒉] 头卑的 r`'召lr`。s,·dρV″ r″7〃u~, f/More I"format£o" Mad Hattcr Tea Cups 疯帽子旋 +【柯( Co"versatio"C Pete∶ 、冖冫hat else did you do? Jenna∶ l Vˇentto Fantas⒕Gardens l vvanted to get Al|ckey卜 "o∪ se s autogroph zack∶ And did y。u? Jenna Yes see?阝冖°ws″l0扌沟el,,Many people、vanted to get his aut°graph zack∶ rm Curi。us旬bout something Can l ask you a quesuon? Jenna sure zaCk∶ Can llickey^刀ouse speak Chinese? Jenna la″鲈h矽0fC0urse! 〃ˇ κey1″°rds autograph(n) ['ota g促门 ÷t=名 `ctl″`汰 召s`r,卩c,f曰Jfmg`印″∶s冖p″ `/,″ ″口lls Pcn.’′c’ CuⅡous(a西) 1klvΠasl kj—i|! ,l//,c`F'记y@〃″7召f'M△攵c```″c″氵″″rΔ ∶冫Mor°I"form彐uo" Fantdsy Galdcns 梦想花 0t 。 ⋯ 忄 attei勹9 ¨.want(s)to.¨ ·I、Ⅴ,ln11o gct Mickcy RIouse、autograph ·Dina、Ⅴ11n1、to buy a ne、、 car ·Pac0、Ⅴant、“)Win thc mone、 ·、Vritc your0、vn! 01定mom"●● ′ - ˇ @⋯ y Ⅵ¢hose autograph vv◎uld you"ke to get? eIJ蚤 :∶e●J ●) J0生jJc C/ %sct 、 rJε刀刀Ⅱ3 Today’s Miss]on 、冖/here are Pete’s mouse ears? Co"Versa七io"^ (C旧冖rc°励es l/l0Tlle Comer`″arke1He ls。veell/lg 幻‘″攻米ey^〃ollse ears丿 Eve∶ Hi,Grant Did you go to DisnoyIand? Grant No Jenna wentto Hong Kong Disneyland she gave me the mouse ears Eve∶ Fun!ltjust opened|ast yea1didn t t? Gron⒈ Yes Jenna wentthere durng 扌」l扌ij EVe∶ G「ant∶ EVe∶ Eve∶ Pete∶ EVe∶ ChHstmas Vacation* l neVer go anyvvhere lJVe",plan a vacation Rlaybe someday l need to save* some|ηoney Ⅱrst κey Words VaCa‘ioⅡ(n) [ve kCfon] 假期 Afd'改△oll`勿k召四 vαc日″l,″ ,△ eX`Jl,ε″ ,l s【aVe(V) [sevl 储存;1F省 乙氵″″日 s曰vεs″/IC bv d口讠″g而召厂历o/tc,0@砒V″″召s而召 召“·s‘′氵J’″召r Co" eˇrsatio"B Pere comes加丿 Gfant Hi,PeteI、 'ˇ here are your mouse ears? Pe始: They’re athome ldon1Wantto woarthem anymore Gran⒈ Why not? Pete∶ rm tred。f heahng about Hong Kong Disneyland Does Jenna talk aboutit a lot? Yes she avvays brings it up rd Ⅱke to talk about solηething else! Then talk to me!l dont knoˇv anything about Hong Kong Disneyland 1EΓs TALκlN ENGL|sH 13 1Ess0N THREE∶Talκing About Jenna、T"p '丿 κey】″°rd l)riI∶g up(v) 提|坦 ;U‘∮刂 `α ″cly do召s″ ``J攵 F,/l氵太01卩 Z,/,″ `D`氵 ″8氵 `Jl,)v乃`″ yρ〃汩 `天 勿 乃c^ ousefIII se"temce Patter" ...tired of。.. ·I′ m1ircd()f hcaring.lb°ut Hong Kong Disneyland ·Sean is t"Fd of going to school ·Thcy arC tirCd of talking、vith pc。plc ·XVli1e your Own! Co"versation C Gran⒈ llVe",you oant bIame Jenna for being e×o ted Pete∶ I know rm justured°f hea冖ng about "Grant YOuˇVanted to hear about hertr p on Monday Yes,but novV l’Ve heard enough Are you jeaIous? V√e" 丨ηaybe a ltue I never gett。 go anyvvhere Ev⒍ l don’t,o"her ljust read travel magazInes and drea丨η ',Key w。 rds bIanle(v) lblem] 贡1壬 `d氵 d"`·tlk召yρJ`` ″∶o`lp z,¤″ `山`α ″tf″7召 jealous(a山) fd3εlosj J疾如、的 ^m`?″ llJ召n′r,J`s Jcr,″8召 ^扌 ρ gε `ρ P“ r氵⒊“″〃 s乃召 d@〃s″冫 C9Quest£o"of the Day Ⅵ√hat do you gettired of hea冖ng about? 6 Today’s Missio" V√hy did Jonna"ke the shovvs at Hong K°ng Disneyland? ConVersatio"A Grant somed旬y|’d like to tako a vacation ltVVould be fun to go to China But Grant you can’t YOu haVe to VVork You re the on丨y one atthe cOmmun沃y center Not for丨ong so|ηeone s colηing to he|p me EVe∶ Pete∶ EVe∶ Pete∶ Gfant Pete∶ Rea"y!Ⅵ冫hen? Gran⒈ NeXtvˇeek Hernameis Tess Perkins she s n|ce Eve∶ Thats great rm g|ad y。∪l|have a Co worker '丿 κey w°rd Co Wˉorker(n) 1ko w3kσl 丨d·l, 力` ``c沁 ″y ro→ "/ltl llc"o`*l,rfc sd″ l¢ ρ″f召 Co"versatio"B ″9e抬boKs o凵‘de丿 Pete∶ Uh-oh Eve∶ 、 '√ hat? Pete∶ You’re going to hear more about Hong Kong Disney|and Here comes Jenna! Grant 0h,Pete Let Jenna ta|k about her trp ltˇvont k"I*you Pete∶ oK,l Won1say anⅥh ng"just sIη "eEve∶ 丨don t mind*hear ng about hertr p r"ask her aboutit Grant Thanks,EVe lknoˇV she1|be e×oted to te"you about t 14 1ET s TA1K lN ENGLlsH /'κey Words k"l(Ⅴ) 1k】I] '人 死 Dc、口″ ``?冖 Ι汰s/l``·/l氵s llρ″I召 ",r· r大 `s8O`″ g`O灭氵 ``/li`″`″、“,`Ⅰ `ll"nd(v) hnandl 介意 ,冫,I`c“ `78o`ρ ′/’ C″I(`r氵c ```sftl v”@″JC `[1o″V `氵```氵 〃 0 UsefuI sente"ce Patter" 。。。talk about,。. ·Lct Jcnna ta1K about her tⅡp ·Lct Mary and Stcvc1alk about thcir dog ·Lct lnc1alk[1b°utthc baskctball gamc ·、V∶ itc your0、vn! Co"Versation C 〃e冖刀ac°/nes加丿 Jenna∶ Hi,EVe Eve∶ H,Jenna l hear you took a trip Isn’t It Exciting?! ●by B|ly Leona`d l/hat makes you eXcted?A beautful day exc`res me Be旬utful places exc te me,too! lly daughter"kes the park the park |se×cting for heⅡ she|ikes new things she also meets neˇV fr ends there ^泅 usio e×ctes many people They dance to the music And they sJ刀ga′o″g VVth the songs Ho"days are excting People can rela× and enJoy them They can see fomiy They can eat1ots of food People dont : Vˇork durng the hoⅡdays They haVe a JAN∪ARY Yes Myfam"y wentto Hong Kong Disneyland VVas it fun? Yes,"VVas VVhat did you Ⅱke best? The shovvs l"ke music* And I"ke to vvatch people dance* Are you0K,Jenna? Jenna rm just ured°fta king about my tr p Eveγonevˇants to hear about t! 尸 κey Words ΠlusiC(n) rn刂uz丨k] 占乐 s`cv召 `氵 攵cs f@`氵s″ `7rρ` ″ J∫s′C d.lnce(v) [daens] 甘,LlI J●c`c″ `氵 汰召sr d″々Ic召‘ ```‘ ″ `氵 召s 2007 ∷ Venna∶ Eve: Jenna∶ EVe∶ Jenna∶ GΓan⒈ Do you like to ta|k about yourse f?VVhy。r o¨阝叩。Ⅱ串柙1忤狞 wⅡ n。t9辱 @Questi°"of the Day Vacat on Do something fun today llake your"fe more exo"ing Ellloy re Word Ba"k excite(v) l呔sa凵 仁t∷兴夼 激 ll;巾刂湫 sing along〈phr) 跟石一luⅡ{ enloy(v) 叵nd3al }∶妥1;艹妥 1巛e the p°rk LET s TALκ lN ENGLlsH 1s ? ? 9 Today’s Miss1o" llVhere does Tess Perkins l/vork? Read it: Grantis Work ng at0ceanVieW CenteⅡ Tess Perkins oonnes in Tes$is a nevV Worker at 0ceanVieˇV Tessis eXcted aboutˇVorking at oceanvievv she te"s Grant she"kes to ⒗k b peo创e Q she"kes to h创p peo创e, too But Tess does not knoVV anyone in the neighborh°od she vvants to make nevv f冖ends Tess asks Grantfor help Grant says church*is a good plaCe to meet people 冖ˇ κey words nci‘;hborhood(n) 1ncba hUdj 钌Ji J。r,`刂勿″″氵氵6″v'冖l″。″c,l8″3α功¤¤〃 church(n) 1trb trj 教会;教△ ‘,l(,8o召s扌¤″·〃′r而ti9vf`,sJl″″αy Conversatio"A 阳ranr a冖d Tess ale aF0cea/lˇ `el,Cenrer丿 Tess∶ Can l go to church VVth you this sunday? G「ant sure!l haVe lηgny frends there Tess∶ Whatdo yourfrends do? Grdn⒈ Nly f"end EVeˇvorks at a grocery store Tess∶ V√here is it?|need to buy grocer es Gran⒈ The Corner llarketis on our stree1* Ⅱess: Rea"y?l didnt see it CanˇVe go there noˇv? Gran1 0K! rl·印 怡a四丿 △ , ? ???? ??〓?〓〓〓〓?? ??〓 ?? ?? 16L=T击 乩 κ N ENGL田 Ⅱ~~ 1 church 'Key w° rds gmcell(n) t0osθHl 食nl杂货 l;1″cc〃〃 刁 C召″ 召s丿%厂 〃冖″`C^ "rcCt(n) [stl刂 街逍 乃″″″0,″o″ `P`dv`″`li召 s″Ff`′ ◎ Can I go to。¨with you...? ·C1"lIgO1o churCh、vi1h you this sunday? ·C11n I go to the park、v th you this saturday? ·C111I go to thc bookstolE、vi1h yOu this Friday? ·、Vritc your oWn! ?? More Informatio" nl a蛄t(n) 市场 ConVersatio"B (°冖rl’es″eel, Eve Hi,Grant Gran⒈ 0h!Hi,Eve lVVant you to meet Tess Perkins Eve Hi,Tess l’m Eve Lin Tess Good to meet you,Eve Gran1 EVe,Can you take△oss to The Corner Ⅸ刀arket?she needs to buy grocer es other! Grant Thanks l need to g。to the bank★ Eve 0K Bye Gran⒈ Bye! rTess a”dE。/ego b lle Co仰er Malke砂 EVe∶ 'bal1k(n) [bFokj 饣艮彳i Ed丨r召″ `〃 ,`乃Cb.,″灭 `ρ g召扌 `″ @″召y VAN∪ARˇ 2007 sure 、 '√ e can getto knoˇV eaCh κey Word she likes to talk to people 对喜欢的事物'栽 11说 : l"ke roses飧喜砍豉魂. "ke musc1。 喜欢啬乐。 lo岩喜欢的是-个动作的话 就可啄闱 〃不定守 -(t。+Verb) l"ke to s ng栽喜欢唱歇. l"ke to t叼ve 找喜欢旅游。 l"ke to augh我喜欢笑。 kA/here do you go to meet neVV people?罾 ? ?? ???? ?? ¤ⅡestIOn ot:ne口aY tnarket ·0~ J伢 9饣仍仍钐 1G11 ? 、 ` ●by Bi y△ooo打d ,ag●d●‘g^by M加刁Ch●● 10 Today’sM;ss∶o" 、冖冫ho is Granrs best friend? Co"versatio"^ rGra lI a冖d Tess a汜a!0cea冖研eW Cen沦” Gran⒈ Tess,did you buy a|ot of groce"es yesterday? Tess Yes,l did!l"lgo to The Corner Rlarket often! Grant k iS a good place to buy anything you need Tes⒏ "治 |bought a"ue n洄ht丬洄nt for my bedroom★ Grant that’sgood Doy。u"ke your apadment*? Tess∶ Yes,ldo "’sin a nioe neighborhood //’ κey Words bedroom(n) rbrd fuml 卧lˉ;眨卜室 ilft``,WC`i′′ρs`召fJ,冖i/lc`D召dl,n″7 apaltment(rll [o pαnmθltl 公l汀 ("勺 一以 ) `″ vc氵″日vf`)s″“″ `‘ ,,〃厂”″召″f ' More I"format£o" night hght(n) 亻艾丿守 18 1ET s TALK|N ENGusH 宀J扌 」iu", ComVersatio"B Tess seaside High schooI*isin my ne|ghborhood,r ght? Gran⒈ "is Lers go there today You Can meet some ofthe students Tess∶ 0K,great Do many ofthe students cometothe commun"y center? Gran⒈ Yes Tess∶ zaCk Lee is a teacher at soa$ide High,Hght? Grant∶ Yes,heis HoˇV did yo∪knoVV? EVe told me about him?? κey Words high school(n) i:; ll ⒎``,^`6y〃 ,`下O`〃 Jfc,氵⒊ `″ 乃 `卩 乃、(Ⅱ冖冖 `ComInun:ty ccnter(n) r⒈丨κ iL A△。厂sC乃ρO` "?8v`ρ `乃 c co刀″″″″灬 ‘‘″`c``ρ`″ !y ‘r″〃 `日` 攵 useful seⅡte"ce Patter" 。.。 is in1ny neighborhood ·Scasidc High Schoolis in In亠Ilcighbolhood ·Thc co1ηmunity centeris in I11y IlCighbOdlood ·The park is in Illy Ileighborllood ·Writc your0、vn! ConVersatio"C Grant zaCk and l are bestfr ends Tess∶ Rea"y?IˇVantto have旬bestfr end in san Diego Grant Tess,you re a fun person l knoˇv you’ "have many frendsTess∶ Thanks CanˇVe go to seaside High now?1oVantto meet eVeryone! Gran⒈ 0K Butnrstl need to go to the drugstore Tess∶ Great!lcan meet peop|e there,too! Gran← 阝m庀sl But we can`take ong" have to open the centerin a few hours rl·ey胎ave丿 Tess∶ zaCk∶ Tess∶ Grant zaCk: 尸κey w°rd drugst】lre(n) 「dr煺st,l ˉ」房;约丿·| ``,r,〃 g乃 `sr,l,!f`″ 。,‘″C氵″t,rlf·/·c扔Jf8⒊f rc’ C9Questiom of the Day Vˇhatis in your neighb°rh。°d? 11 Today’s Missio" 、 '√ here VVi"Jenna take Tess? Co"Versation A ∫Gra冖‘丁oss a冖d zack a/ea廿seas·de rJlg冖丿 G「an⒈ zaCk,|ˇVant you to meet Tess JAN∪ARY2007 v〃 κey w°rds booksller(n) rbuk lel词 氵架 「l`77″灬 '滋 〃s召 P!‘′yρJJr”ρ@ks o″油c3ρ@炳″召l/ bookstore(n) I bUk st。rj 氵丿占 氵3o″8/,``乃 `s沙 @ρ攵,ˉ `L夕 rD,b3°¤攵s`@lc, coffce shop(n) 叻Π叫F厅 ; lJ"叫|店 Lc`‘沙″ysα″召c砑″″·/,″ cr`汤s乃cf9 《a〉usefuI se"te"ce Patter" .。 。are going to,,.togethe⒈ ·Pete and I arc going tO study togctIlc∴ ·Thc studcnts∶uc going1o eat togcthc⒈ ·Jan and Kim arc goillg to cxcrcisc tOgethe∴ ·、V∶ ite your oWn! Co"Versatio"C Tess∶ l"ke going to co仟ee shops l/Vhere is The Bookshe亻? zack∶ D|dy°u see the park★VVhen y°u came here? Tess Yes zack∶ Y0ug。through the park to getto The Bookshelf Jenna∶ 111Iead*you thero Let’s go,Tess Tess∶ 0K!Bye,guys! r】≥ss a冖d Je·,na`eaˇe丿 zack∶ l think they、v"|be good frends Grant Y0s,Tessis a niCe person rm glad she’s vvorking vvith me at 0ceanV丨e Vˇ 'κ ey w°rds park(n) [pork] 公W T四o″大cs`ρ”cρ〃 ^/l/ FfC9"饣 /ks u/∶·,CP四*cvc。9 [1av Iead(v) 卩ldl ‖领;带路 `″ o″ `k″ ρ)v",乃召 `?%`。 l‘乃@llsc氵s C曰″yoJJ`c“〃″7召 `” f`?? C彐9Q"esti。"of the Day D° y°u“ke g°ing t°oo仟ee shops?Why or、vhy not?爸 Perkins HL zaCk Good to meet you,Tess lts good to meetyou,too zaok helpsˇvth a high school TV show "’s ca"ed seas丿de Ta`ks Jenna and Pete do most ofthe Work Tess Who are Jenna and Pete? zack∶ They are my students You oan meetJenna sheˇV"lbe here soon ConVersatio"B r冫e冂刀a vl/a`灬·l廿o仂e⒑om丿 Jenna∶ ^刀r Lee,Can vve ta|k tomorr°Vˇ? Pete and l are going to study together at The BooksheIf zocκ sure No pr。blem Jenna Thanks阝ta`饣s fO lea/el G「an1 Vhla t!」enn旬,l vˇant you to meet Tess Perkins Jenna∶ 0h!H,Tess rm Jenna J°nes Gran⒈ Can y°u tako Tess to The Bookshelf91want herto meet Pete Tess∶ Whatis The Bookshelf9 Jenna∶ lt’s a bookstore* G旧 n⒈ And it has a|tto co仟ee shop* 1ET S TALK|N ENGLlsH 19 ≥te Today’s Ⅲiss]om VˇhatˇVouId Tess"ke to do? Co"vorsatio"^ rTess and Je冖na are加The BookshelF丿 Tess∶ Are y0u and Pete good f"ends? Jenna∶ Yes,Vˇe are We"ke to have fun at 0oeanview Center or study here at The Bookshelf rPere"叼lks oVerl Pete∶ Here‘your cofee,Tess Tess∶ Thanks lrea"y"ke this store Who is the oˇnˇer? Josie NeIson she’s丨ηy aunt★ Tess,you know that Pete works W"h me on seasJde Ta∫ks,冖ght? Yes!"must be fun being on W Being on TV is a Iot offun l、ˇ ouId"ke to be on TV! I couId interVieW+you for one of our shoVˇs ` κoy"ords ●by8|Ⅱy△t,onard p食9仓 dejg^ⅡM查 "。 Chon Co"Vorsatio"B Tess∶ Υou inte丨γie、v peop|e on your show? I didn’t knoVV that JennQ∶ We do eveγ、veek lintervievved the Drews on ourshoW last Week Tes$∶ VVho are they? Pele∶ Ed and Caγ Drew have thelargest garden★in town女 Tess∶ Wo、V!l/Vhere is"? Jenna: "’s on Tenth street Tess∶ l WouId"ke to see it 沪Key w。rds garden(lll 【皙洌n] 花园 C四刀V召 驷9@Iurs氵″召曰″d切@庀 日ry@IJr沙幽 ″lrfI` 召夕汩 e’’′ town(n) 【tavn] 城;镇 No`,,i御冫 `纟 0p勿 ``v纟 @fu`而召昭 rll印舀〃 ″v召氵刀 ,’a纟 fol△闪 j蚴 Ⅱ△ ` 、 △ ?? ? 9 Pete∶ Jenna∶ Tess∶ Pete∶ Tess∶ Jenna∶ | ? ︼ ???? ? ? ? ? aⅡⅡt(lll lalltl 阿姨;姑姑;婶婶 J。r△ 〃@〃 ‘sIs″r氵s,,ll己Ⅱ″ iⅡter访ew←) 【'Ill枷 '△ Ju] 采访 ',,召 召″勿 l,,l招四D@叨矽勿诱 so J’昭 8口初g勿初馆l△沱v /,lPl 20 L∈ T s TA1κ lN ENGLlsH ? ? ? ? Co"Versation C =e∶e{ The DreVVsˇv"l be atchurch on sunday ^ess∶ ^刀aybeˇVe oan askthem to eat lun
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