首页 数据、模型和决策案例



数据、模型和决策案例 目录 2案例1 新型洗衣机产品投资生产决策案例 3案例2 PCB制造公司 4案例3 道格拉斯公司 6案例4 联合航空公司的往返班机 9案例5 Alfonso 百货公司 11案例6 多米利恩钢铁厂的燃料管理 13案例7 新英格兰饲料供应公司 15Case problem 1: The Descriptive Analysis of Profitability for SSE50 Constituents 16Case problem 2: Quality Associat...

目录 2案例1 新型洗衣机产品投资生产决策案例 3案例2 PCB制造公司 4案例3 道格拉斯公司 6案例4 联合航空公司的往返班机 9案例5 Alfonso 百货公司 11案例6 多米利恩钢铁厂的燃料管理 13案例7 新英格兰饲料供应公司 15Case problem 1: The Descriptive Analysis of Profitability for SSE50 Constituents 16Case problem 2: Quality Associates, Inc. 18Case problem 3: Compensation For ID Professionals 20Case problem 4: Forecasting Food and Beverage Sales 21Case problem 5: Chateau Macquin STGeorges Winery (CMS) 24Case problem 6: Red Brand Canners 案例1 新型洗衣机产品投资生产决策案例 光大电器公司开发了一种新型洗衣机,生产该洗衣机的经济规模为100万台/年,需要投入的生产线设备、模具、工装等固定投资费用为2 000万元,项目的建设期为1年,固定投资费用在建设期初一次投入。产品投产时还需投入生产流动资金1 000万元。由于洗衣机产品的技术进步发展较快,估计该产品的市场寿命期为5年,5年末固定资产残值为固定投资额的20%,流动资金可在寿命期末全部收回。由于洗衣机的市场竞争非常激烈,该新型洗衣机投入生产后的经济效益具有很大的不确定性。为了提高产品投资决策的科学性,该公司在决定是否投资生产该新型洗衣机之前,进行了一些市场调查预测和项目的经济可行性研究。市场调查和预测 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 估计,产品上市后销售量将达到生产能力的80%以上(畅销)、50%~80%(销售一般)、不足50%(滞销)的可能性分别为40%、30%、30%。另经财务部门所作的财务预算分析,在产品出现“滞销”、“一般”和“畅销”三种销售状况下,该项目投产后的年净现金流量将分别为100万元、600万元和1 000万元。考虑到筹资成本和资金的机会成本,贴现率应取6%。 为使对该新产品的投资决策更具科学性,总经理召开了销售、生产、财务、技术等部门负责人的会议。会上销售部经理建议,为减小决策风险,应在决定是否投资生产前先利用原有设备进行少量试生产(100台),并将试生产的洗衣机免费赠送给不同地区的一些用户进行为期3个月的试用,以取得用户的反馈信息。为此,销售部经理还设计了用户试用后的信息反馈表,包括功能、使用效果、方便程度、外观、可靠性五大类共25个指标,每项指标都由用户按1~5分打分,加权平均后的满分为100分。根据用户试用后反馈结果的总平均分,可将用户对该洗衣机的评价分为“不满意”(低于60分)、“尚可”(60~90分)和“满意”(高于90分)三种可能的结果。 销售部经理认为,为减少决策风险,应根据对用户试用反馈情况进行分析后再作是否投资生产该洗衣机的决定。销售部经理还提供了过去许多企业在产品正式投产之前采用类似试用或试销方法的用户反馈结果与产品正式生产上市后销售状况之间的统计数据,如表4.1所示。 表4.1 销售状况与试用结果间的统计资料 试 用 结 果 销 售 状 况 滞 销 一 般 畅 销 不满意 14(0.7) 9(0.3) 5(0.1) 尚可 5(0.25) 12(0.4) 15(0.3) 满意 1(0.05) 9(0.3) 30(0.6) 合计 20(1.0) 30(1.0) 50(1.0) 注:表4.1中括号外的数据是每种销售状况下当初试销时反馈的各种结果出现的次数,括号内则是相应的频率。 总经理指示财务部对销售部经理所提试生产与免费试用 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 所需费用进行估算。 在下一次的会议上,财务部经理给出了试生产、分发用户试用及收集用户反馈信息等项工作的总费用估算结果,估计需要100万元。会上有人提出是否值得花100万元进行试生产并免费赠送用户试用,由此展开了激烈的争论。总经理希望能对各种可行方案的风险及经济效益进行科学的分析与评价。 案例2 PCB制造公司 PCB制造公司的主管人员担心大量有问题的印制电路板(PCBs)已经到了客户的手中。 PCB制造公司生产电视机用印制电路板(PCBs)。公司既按客户要求生产印制电路板,也为自己制造的电视机生产印制电路板。每块板子的生产成本为5美元,批发价为8美元。一类普通板一般生产一至两批,每批1000块板子。不同类型的电路板生产批量也不同。公司每年生产很多类型的电路板。 PCB制造公司的质量控制 PCB制造公司生产的所有印制电路板均须经过一系列检测,以确定每块板子是否可以装运出厂。如果装运了有问题的板子出厂,则会给PCB造成极大的负担,因为平均每块板子要花费掉运费25美元。为减少问题的发生,PCB采取了下列质量控制程序: ①把每块印制电路板都送到检测站,在那儿进行使用标准电池的电子测试;初始检测合格的板子可以装运。 ②初始检测不合格的板子还可以再次送回检测中心,做第二次检测;第二次检测合格的板子也可以装运。 ③第二次检测不合格的板子可以第三次送回检测中心,进行第三次测试;通过第三次测试合格的板子还可以装运。 ④第三次测试后仍不合格的板子就是废品。检测所采用的电子测试程序对板子损伤相当小,因此绝对不会影响板子的质量。每检测一批板子的调准费为15美元,但一旦调准好以后,对每块板子进行测试并不会增加其变动成本。   检测测试 PCB制造公司为大量有问题的板子正在被装运而发愁。斯坦福大学的营运研究教授克里斯特被请来调查情况。克里斯特教授从一个理论模型人手,模型为:   设:a为实际上无问题的板子所占比例   p为实际上无问题的板子通过测试的概率   q为实际上有问题的板子通不过测试的概率   通过条件假设,克里斯特教授计算出了已装运有问题的板子的理论比例。 为了检验预测的准确性,克里斯特教授研究了1136块板子。这些板子中,有1087块通过了第一次检测;49块不合格板子再次检测后,又有21块通过;余下的28块板子又进行了第三次测试,结果全未通过。 克里斯特教授证明此结果与他的预测理论一致。 最后的测试 经过一番辛苦的游说,克里斯特教授获准从第一次检测合格的板子中抽取样品进行第二次测试。公司同意对200块板子进行第二次测试,结果有7块未通过测试。   克里斯特教授不知道此结果是否会对他的分析造成影响。   提高质量可靠性的方案 该计划的真正目的是想设计一个质量控制方案,以减少由于装运有问题的板子而造成的成本增加。克里斯特教授试图通过调整质量控制方案,以提高已装运的印制电路板的质量。既然没有更好的办法,只好仍采用原来的电子检测程序。 案例3 道格拉斯公司 在1978年年初、斯坦·皮埃尔斯--道格拉斯公司食品部的市场开发经理就已经想到为方便微波炉使用者而销售瓶装即食汤。瓶装的优点在于汤可以直接放到微波炉中加热、而不必更换包装。但瓶装即食汤预计要比一般的罐装浓缩汤每份贵一到两美分。如果道格拉斯想按这个思路干下去,就必须说服一家较大的汤品公司安装玻璃瓶装生产线并试销这种产品。 道格拉斯公司在决定是否值得向汤品公司有偿转让这种想法之前,不得不预测瓶装即食汤的市场潜力。斯坦让肯·鲍尔波负责调查以玻璃瓶作即食汤品包装的可行性。肯是加拿大一所重点商学院的MBA学生。他已在道格拉斯公司工作了一个夏季。 公司背景 道格拉斯公司是加拿大最大的新闻纸和瓦棱容器生产商--联合巴瑟斯特公司的全资子公司,也是加拿大最大的玻璃容器供应商。而联合巴瑟斯特公司又是能源公司的一部分。道格拉斯公司经营着分别位于蒙特利尔、伯若玛利、汉密尔顿、华莱士伯戈、红崖、以及伯拿白的六个现代化的玻璃容器生产厂。这些厂的产品包括盛装、软饮料、花生油、酒精饮料、色拉调味汁的各种玻璃容器。道格拉斯公司把他们在这个行业中的领先地位归功于他们优质的产品、卓越的顾客服务,以及现代化的设施。 微波炉 肯的分析从调查微波炉在加拿大的拥有状况开始。在1972年,仅有12 000户加拿大家庭拥有微波炉,但到1978年,就增加到了350 000户。电子和电器生产厂商协会已经对主要电器产品的国内销售情况进行了预测,他们对微波炉的销售和拥有情况的预测是:  之所以预测到微波炉拥有量会出现激增是因为加拿大家庭数量的不断增长(预计至少在1988年会超过人口增长率),以及生活方式的改变。正是生活方式的改变带来了对省力器具的需求。 用微波炉进行烹任带来一个问题--微波无法透过金属器具,因而不能将金属器具置于微波炉中。甚至于餐具上涂色或上光用的金属颜料都会对微波炉造成破坏。许多微波炉使用者使用微波炉专用用具,但这样就得洗更多得餐具? 道格拉斯公司为了解微波炉烹任中能否使用碱石灰玻璃器具进行了全面的测试,发现碱石灰玻璃器具可以在微波炉中使用。B.C.海德鲁通过进一步测试发现:"有足够耐热强度的纯净玻璃是最适合微波烹饪的"。 问题 肯设计了一份问卷以估测顾客对于微波炉烹饪中使用玻璃包装的态度。1978年6月,这份问卷寄给了600人,人名都是从返回的立登-默富特牌微波炉保修卡中得到的。 在这20个问题中,第15题和第20题是直接就玻璃瓶装即食汤提出的: 15.如果有-种可以直接放入微波炉中加热,加热完后再倒入碗中的独立包装(大约10盎司)即食汤。你会购买吗?假定每份汤的价格与罐装汤价格一样。 --是的 大约每月购买多少份? --不 为什么? 20.请再阅读一下第15题至第19题,对于每一个问题,请指出你是否愿意为问题中所描述的产品每份多付出1~2美分。 此调查一共返回了312份问卷。在表7-1中总结了对第15题的反馈答案以及对第20题中与瓶装汤有关的反馈答案。 肯的下一个任务是估计这种新产品的年度需求量。 案例4 联合航空公司的往返班机  联合航空公司设计了往返班机,以便参与短程航线的竞争,尤其是洛杉矶--旧金山航线。在这些航线上,成本低廉的航空公司如西南航空公司及西部航空公司,已稳步获得了市场份额,并将联合航空公司这样的成本高昂的航空公司挤出了市场。 联合航空公司每天有40班航机穿梭于洛杉矶与旧金山之间,但它的市场份额已从1989年的50%降到1994年的34%,而同期西南航空公司的市场份额却从零上升到了50%。诸如西南航空公司这类成本低廉的航空公司班次较多,收取的费用也很低。且没有不实用的服务项目,这种模式为市场所青睐。为了与这些航空公司竞争,联合航空公司不得不将成本降低了30%。 联合航空公司的员工购买了公司股票后。同意5年内将工资福利费用削减49亿美元,也就是劳动力成本降低14%。这使得公司有机会利用这笔节省的开支开发一种足以与西南航空公司竞争的新产品。新产品的目标成本为每个座位每英里7.4美分(现在是10.5美分),这个成本仅比西南航空公司的成本高0.4美分。在这个价位上,联合航空公司更具有竞争力,因为它能从头等舱乘客、更多的关系户及源自于收入管理系统的高定价中获得额外收入,而西南航空公司却不具有这些优势。 西南航空公司的班机不提供伙食,没有头等舱,也不对号入座,为了避免订票费,也不采用任何预订方式。由于西南航空公司服务简单、程序简便,所以班机的往返航时间一般在20分钟左右,班机的利用率也就很高。它所采取的不对号入座措施,促使乘客尽早到达登机口,以便抢得最好的座位。乘客到达登机口时,会得到一张塑料登机卡,卡片上有编号。号码是根据西南航空公司波音737飞机的座位数定的,一般是从1-126,按先来先到的原则给旅客发号。为加快登机过程,乘客30人-组登机。对于随身行李也有严格的规定、尺寸过大的随身携带行李在入口处贴上标签,由雇员送到货舱处。上了飞机后,乘客可以自由选择空座。为简化机上的服务,供应的食品仅限于花生米和饮料。 西南航空公司不仅成本低,而且在按时起落、包裹处理、及客户投拆率等方面的表现也处于行业最高水平。高效运营和高载客率使它大获成功。成为90年代初期唯一获利的美国航空公司。 联合航空公司的反应 联合航空公司负责区间航线开发的副主管罗纳·多特采取针锋相对的措施。力图开发出一种能与西南及其他主要航空公司相抗衡的新的服务手段。联合公司认识到只有在原有的经营方式上实现较大的突破,才能取得成功。联合公司的目标是在与西南公司的价格相差无几的同时,还要盈利。这意味着要保持飞机高速周转、减少地面停留时间。飞机在地面停留时间减少意味着可以减少入口、减少路面装置,从而将提高飞机的利用效率,并增加收入。 飞机在地面上花费的时间包括旅客下机时间、上机时间、行李处理时间及其他服务时间。联合公司以往的做法是,乘客买票时即给他们分配好座位,让带有小孩和需特殊帮助的人先登机。接下来,是头等舱乘客和因经常搭乘该公司航班而享受优惠价的乘客登机,最后是包厢乘客登机,包厢乘客先上后三个包厢,再是中间三个,最后是前三个。 联合公司研究了其与西南公司737飞机的地面作业情况,结果表明两家公司的下机速度相同(17人/分钟)。但是,西南公司每分钟可有11人登机,而联合公司每分钟只能有8.5人登机。这意味着如果登机人数达737飞机满员人数的80%,在联合公司登机时间总共需要14.2分钟,而在西南公司只需12.5分钟。据观察,联合公司整个登机过程要花费23.7分钟,而西南公司只需花费21.53分钟。 基本问题在于,西南公司采取不对号入座,而联合公司实行预先指定座位,所以在西南公司登机速度要快。即使采用不对号入座,仍有瓶颈问题。大多数乘客都喜欢临窗或靠走道的座位,因此,后上机的乘客不得不从靠走道的乘客跨越到里面去或与先上机的人换座位。另外,乘客将行李放在头顶的行李柜中也带来问题。联合公司曾尝试在40个航班采用不对号入座制,结果平均登机时间从14.2分钟降为13.3分钟(仍高于西南公司的12.5分钟)。但旅客对这一做法极不满意。 按区登机 联合公司注意到在公路运输中,卡车装载时是按由外到里的顺序,该公司于是推出按区登机法。在此法中,乘客挑选好座位后,就给他们指定一个区号,该区号印在他们的登机证上。区号l的座位是飞机右边靠窗座位、区号2的座位是飞机左边靠窗座位,区号3为右边中间座位,区号4为左边中间座位、区号5为右边靠通道的座位,区号6为左边靠通道的座位。-起旅行的乘客分配的区号相同,以免孩子与父母分开。检查完登机卡片后,乘客就可以按区号登机。l号、2号为先。其次是3号、4号,最后是5号、6号。头等舱也按区号登机。同时仍然允许需要特殊帮助的乘客先登机。 为了保证按区登机按计划实施,还设计了几项附加程序:虽然购票时座位实际上已预知了,但直到乘客在机场检票后才算最后安排妥当;严格限制随身携带行李,以免乘客为安置几个包裹而耽搁登机;飞行协调人员安排服务员到机舱口巡视,发现行李过多的乘客,帮助他们将这些行李安排好;在登机前所有头顶上方的行李柜都被打开,并且服务员要保证只要行李柜未满,就-定是敞开的,以便于乘客看到;不再在起飞前为头等舱乘客提供饮料,以保持走道空敞;杂志、枕头和毯子都收起来,只有当所有乘客都坐好以后才分发;机组人员的变动要减至最小,如有变动,最好各机组同时进行,因为即便做一个普通的安排表也会使成本剧增。 为了减少往返航班的地面停留时间,还对操作 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 和程序做了许多小改进。一切就绪后,对新的登机程序做了一次测试,大致结果如表9-l所示。 案例5 Alfonso 百货公司 Mary Kazinczi刚刚被任命为A1fonso百货公司的总经理,很想给董事会一个良好的第一印象。她着手重新审视A1fonso百货公司的营销策略,一方面为了熟悉公司的营销实务,另一方面也为了找到促进销售和提高市场份额的途径。 Alfonso百货公司 A1fonso是一座大城市里最大的一家百货公司,已有60多年的历史,现在仍由创建者家族控制。A1fonso采用了多种营销手段,但近期以来,营销手段的重心开始偏向报纸广告。为了达到促进即期销售的目标,A1fonso公司不时地在地方报纸上刊登广告。广告的内容包括以低于平时的价格推出商品,或以正常价格重点推荐各种中低价商品。 报纸广告通常能产生很直接的效果,一般而言,作了广告的商店的销售额会有明显增长。销售的增加相应地会给商店员工带来薪水和奖金的增加,商店也因此而很乐意刊登报纸广告。 但是,Mary Kazinczi认为表面上的增长并不是真实的增长。因为这类广告只是把一家商店的销售转移到另外一家,或者只是把这个时间段的销售挪到了其他时间段。为了成功地从顾客的钱包里掏出钱来,每个登广告的商店都在和竞争对手的商店以及A1fonso公司的其他商店竞争,甚至也在和自己竞争--抢来自己下周或下月的销售额。顾客用来消费的钱只有这么多,如果他们在报纸广告的诱惑下买了一台新的电冰箱,他们也许就不再会花钱买一块新地毯。这可能只是将销售从地毯转移到了家电。更进一步讲,当商店以750美元的价格向顾客提供平时卖1000美元的电冰箱时,受吸引的顾客中可能就有那些原打算在下周或下个月用1000美元购买的顾客。这就是广告使销售从一个时间段转移到了另外一个时间段,此时,商店的利润实际上也受到了损失。 要制定报纸广告策略,首先要了解广告的总体效果。特别是,当把百货公司看作一个整体时,广告带来的是收获还是损失。 数据 问题的研究从收集数据开始。A1fonso公司有它自己每周销售额的数据,知道自己哪一周刊登了报纸广告,也知道每次广告的成本(见表13-1)。大城市各主要百公司(包括A1fonso百货公司)总销售额可以从政府的统计数据里得到。最后,A1fonso公司的员工统计了26周里各主要商店刊登的报纸广告,并根据他们自己在广告费用方面的经验以及竞争者们广告的规格和水平估计了竞争对手的广告成本。各项数据列示于表13-1。 这些数据能揭示出A1fonso百货公司所做的报纸广告带来的真实收益吗? 案例6 多米利恩钢铁厂的燃料管理 多米里恩(Dominion)钢铁厂(简称DOFASCO)的工厂经理面临着市场燃料油和天然气价格的迅速增涨,而且在可预见的将来这种涨势还要继续。工厂经理想搞清楚在炼钢厂,能源资金是否已得到最佳的使用,特别是工厂运转过程中作为副产品的燃料是否已有效的加以适用。 公司简介 DOFASCO建于1912年,是一个重要的钢铁厂,生产不同型号的轧制钢板和铸件。公司开始时作为一个铸造厂,伟铁路机车生产部门提供铸件。在20世纪70年代中期扩大成为一个拥有10000名职工的钢铁联合企业。公司年产300多万吨钢铁,年销售额达6.21亿美元。 主要生产设备安装于700英亩的厂区里,包括6座焦炉组、4座高炉、2格炼钢车间,1个热轧带钢车间以及冷轧、精整线。DOFASCO的生产线包括: · 热轧钢钢板和钢条------用于汽车框架、车轮和各种冲压件以及建筑和农业上的钢铁应用。 · 冷轧板和带钢------用作汽车零部件、金属容器、机械用管、农业设备。 · 马口铁、镀铬板------用作食品和饮料罐、杯子和喷洒容器等。 · 电镀钢------用于制造变压器、电机。 · 钢产品------用作建筑外墙、汽车零部件和各种制品。 · 铸钢件------用于铁道部件、齿轮、阀门和其他工业用途。 能源 燃料由高炉和炼焦炉产生。生产每一吨钢铁产生15500立方英尺(Cubic Feet, CF)高炉气(Blast Furnace Gas, BFG)。热值低(仅为90BTU’s/CF,BTU/CF是非法计量单位,1CF=0.028m3,1BTU=1.055KJ) 但由于该厂预计生产能力为330万吨铁,成为DOFASCO的主要能源。由于BFG是高炉作业的一个主要副产品,将BFG作为燃料气利用,其成本只是维护BFG生产线和必要设备的成本,估计利用每100万CF成本为5.00美元。 焦炉气(Coke Oven Gas, COG)是生产焦炭的副产品,它比BFG热值高的多(540BTU/CF)。生产每吨焦炭副产品12000CF的COG,预测焦炭生产量为130万吨,维护COG生产线的成本估计每利用100万CF为45.00美元。 内部生产燃料气的数量随着天然气和燃料油市场价格的上涨而增加。燃料油现在的价格为40美元/千磅(1磅=453.59237克),天然气为2200美元/百万CF,将来这一价格还要继续上涨。1千磅的燃料油具有热值约18.75百万英热单位,而天然气可产生热量为1000BTU/CF。天然气管线的维护成本估计为0.10美元/百万CF,燃料油管线维护成本为8.00美元/千磅。 能源的需求 钢的生产是一个能源密集型工艺过程,要花大量的电、煤和燃料气。所需要的燃料气可由不同的供应源提供,具有相当的灵活性。 炼焦炉、退火、精整和浇注是消耗燃料的主要工艺过程。上述各分厂需要由不同种类燃料气混合而成的具有一定热值的气体(用英热单位计量)。生产钢的各道工序的物理特性,决定了生产一吨钢所需的英热单位,因而限制了一些燃料的使用。下表汇总列出8个主要分厂燃料气需求及限制。 燃料气的应用 使用分厂 现在使用的燃料气 能够使用的燃料气 对燃料的需求 百万英热单位/吨 生产预测 千吨/每月 最大量 百万CF/每月 热处理窑 NG,COG,OIL NG,BFG,COG,OIL 1.16 275 2147(NG) 510(COG) 分批退火 COG NG,BFG,COG 1.02 52 166(COG) 电镀生产线 NG,COG NG,BFG,COG 1.16 45 45(COG) 56.8(NG) 磁心板生产线 NG NG,BFG,COG 0.54 2.6 17.4(NG) 特种钢 NG NG 0.57 7 铸造 COG NG,BFG,COG 12.34 2.8 1080(COG) 正火线 NG NG,BFG,COG 1.15 10.8 9(NG) 炼焦炉 BFG,COG BFG,COG 初级燃料1.6“去臭”气体0.37“浓缩”气体0.23 108.3 注:NG:天然气;BFG:高炉气;COG:焦炉气;OIL:燃料油 炼焦炉所用燃料有所限制,有三种形式的燃料可以在炼焦炉使用: 1) 初级燃料BFG要求提供160万英热单位/吨。 2) “去臭”气体,即由BFG与COG混合而成,平均热值为100BTU/CF的气体,要提供37万英热单位/吨。 3) “浓缩型”气体,即由BFG与COG混合,平均热值为250BTU/CF,提供23万英热单位/吨。 以上三种燃料结合起来适合于生产每吨焦炭220万英热单位的燃料需求。 分配 在工厂中实际气体流动很复杂,而且条件每时每刻都在变化。为了作长期分析,工厂经理决定钢厂燃料气的分配仅按生产分厂和使用分厂的要求来确定。如果分析显示,由于分配的改善可使燃料成本降低,就应该对设备和操作原则作必要的变更,以实现上述改善。 工厂经理要求生产控制部门确定工厂中燃料使用最有效的形式。 案例7 新英格兰饲料供应公司 1996年4月14日,新英格兰饲料公司(New England Feed Supply Inc, NEFS)的配方分析师杰夫·史密斯(Jeff Smith)在估算波灵顿(Burlington)分厂生产的三种混合饲料下周的需求量。由于有一种原料------肉粉短缺,使NEFS很难完成手头上的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。史密斯需要决定,是更改饲料配方,还是在自由市场上以高价购买肉粉。若更改配方,应如何更改。 公司简介 新英格兰饲料供应公司是一个生产动物混合饲料的公司。它有12个工厂,分布在新英格兰的主要中心。公司每月从农户、中间商采购主要原料然后混合成标准的动物饲料,出售给饲料场农户和答的农场公司。NEFS按订单要求混合产品,部保持产品库存,由于原料在不同时间按不同价格购买入,每种原料在仓库中的成本,按购买这种原料的总支出除以其在仓库中的吨数计算。 每种出售的混合产品必须要达到或超过国家研究协会(National Research Council, NRC)制订的营养成分含量标准的要求。原料成本占总产品成本的80%以上,因此,取得最低成本的配方就成为公司保持竞争优势和获利能力的关键。 配方 生产工厂直接取得的不同类型动物饲料的客户订单。设在总部办公室的配方部门负责向每个工厂发出相应的饲料配方。根据配方部提供的标准饲料配方,每个工厂科确定下一周的原料需求量,并且在星期三上午之前,将这以需求报告总部办公室。由于订购饲料的按时交货对客户的牲畜饲养至关重要,公司的策略是:接下了一个订单就必须完成,部允许缺货(也不允许退还订单)。 NEFS的每种产品都具有相对稳定的可预测的需求。实际上,每个工厂提供150---200种不同的产品混合物。工厂日常作业是按标准混合配方饲料,即使在市场价格或原料成本有少量波动时,仍坚持这一原则。但是,偶尔原料短缺,就不得不要求配方部门重新计算配方,或者想办法从现货市场以显著高于正常的价格购买短缺的原料。 波灵顿工厂 设立在波灵顿的工厂,混合并销售三种要以肉粉作原料的产品,包括:15%猪饲料,40%猪补充饲料和17%鸡蛋饲料(其中%表示产品中蛋白质的含量)。在准备这些产品生产时,公司必须保证产品能够达到NRC规定的最低营养成分标准。NRC的产品规定标准如下表1所示。例如1吨15%猪饲料需用0单位的禽类营养素,3000单位的猪营养素,15单位的蛋白质等。该表同时还列出了工厂下周各原料的需求量(按吨计)。 表1:各种产品需求和需要的营养成分------波灵顿工厂 产品 15%猪饲料 40%猪饲料 17%笼养蛋鸡饲料 下周需求1吨 400 120 600 每吨营养成分需要量: 家禽营养素 0 0 2675 猪营养素 3000 2500 0 蛋白质 15 40 17 钙 0.75 5.50 3.80 磷酸盐 0.60 2.50 0.70 赖氨酸 0.61 2.00 0.68 蛋氨酸 0.20 0.45 0.28 甲基胱氨酸 0.30 0.80 0.48 色氨酸 0.10 0.25 0.15 将各相应数量的原料混合到一起,达到配方所要求的一样成分要求,就可生产出三种产品。所用的原料包括谷物、大麦、豆粉、石灰石和过磷酸钙。每吨原料中包含有不同的营养成分,如下表2所示。如每吨谷物中含有3500单位的禽类营养素。该表同时还列出每种原料当前的成本。 表2:原料的营养成分和成本 产品 谷物 大麦 豆粉 肉粉 石灰石 过磷酸钙 每吨成本(美元) 127 145 314 339 25 405 营养成分含量(营养单位/吨原料): 家禽营养素 3500 2865 2530 1984 猪营养素 3325 2870 3485 2540 蛋白质 8.70 10.00 48.4 50.90 钙 0.02 0.06 0.30 9.70 39 16.50 磷酸盐 0.28 0.33 0.69 4.02 21.00 赖氨酸 0.20 0.35 3.20 2.82 蛋氨酸 0.20 0.15 0.70 0.62 甲基胱氨酸 0.33 0.32 1.44 1.24 色氨酸 0.09 0.09 0.63 0.31 史密斯所面临的基本饲料配方问题,是确定原料的配比以满足每种产品的营养需求,并使成本最低的问题。 为确定每种最终产品的混合比率,史密斯先生需要确保,所选择的用以组成1吨产品的各原料组合重量不超过1吨。如果组合原料重量小于1吨,短缺部分可用加入非营养物填充,基本上部增加成本。 特夫·史密斯(Teff Smith)的问题 公司总部办公室接到通知,波灵顿工厂接到下周要用168吨肉粉的一个订单,这是工厂按照标准饲料配方完成它的订单所需要的肉粉量。当时仓库中仅有80吨肉粉,缺货问题已通知史密斯。 在分析波灵顿工厂生产和出售的三种混合产品的配方时,史密斯注意到每种产品都需要肉粉。他清楚地了解,肉粉的可用量由每月的 采购合同 采购合同下载采购合同模板下载简易采购合同下载采购合同范本免费下载下载农副产品采购合同 所确定,订购的肉粉平均成本为339美元/吨。超过合同规定的需求量需要在现货市场上采购,现货市场由独立的商人控制,他们能根据采购要求及时供货,但是价格要比合同高的多。 在重新计算配方或考虑到现货市场采购时,肉粉最大可用量约束可定为80吨,如果觉定第二天到现货市场上采购,面临的问题是立即确定一个合适的买价。或者是根据有限的肉粉量确定新的混合配方。上述活动的结果,要在星期五上午反馈至工厂。 除肉粉外,其他原料已在夏季备有存货,即使在配方有些变化的情况下,叶能保证充分供应。 Case problem 1: The Descriptive Analysis of Profitability for SSE50 Constituents Chinese stock market was now very hot in 2007, but it changed dramatically in 2008 and 2009. The most investors were very scared for the high volatility of Chinese stock market. So now, all investors around the country are wandering: “how to invest in stock market?” Usually, the fundamental value of stocks should highly correlate with profitability of the companies. Now, for the investors in China, it is very important to know how profitable of the Chinese listed companies are. To have a full understanding of the profitability of Chinese listed companies, you are asked to do a statistic analysis on the indicators of profitability, such as ROA, ROE, of the stocks in the SSE50 for 2008. You can find the financial data from internet。 You are required: 1. making the frequency distributions of the profitability indicators; 2. Calculating the central tendencies; 3. Calculating and analyzing the dispersion and skews 4. Making a summery about the profitability of Chinese stocks. Case problem 2: Quality Associates, Inc. Quality Associates, Inc. is a consulting firm that advises its clients about sampling and statistical procedures that can be used to control their manufacturing processes. In one particular application, a client gave Quality Associates a sample of 800 observations taken during a time in which that client’s process was operating satisfactorily. The sample standard deviation for these data was .21; hence, the population standard deviation was assumed to be 12. Quality Associates then suggested that random samples of size 30 be taken periodically to monitor the process on an ongoing basis. By analyzing the new samples, the client could quickly learn whether the process was operating satisfactorily. When the process was not operating satisfactorily, corrective action could be taken to eliminate the problem. The design specification indicated the mean for the process should be 12. The hypotheses test suggested by Quality associates follows. H0: μ = 12 H0: μ ≠ 12 Corrective action will be taken any time H0 is rejected. The following samples were collected at hourly intervals during the first day of operation of the new statistical process control procedure. These data are available in the data set Quality. Case data. exl / case 2 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 11.55 11.62 11.91 12.02 11.62 11.69 11.36 12.02 11.52 11.59 11.75 12.05 11.75 11.82 11.95 12.18 11.90 11.97 12.14 12.11 11.64 11.71 11.72 12.07 11.80 11.87 11.61 12.05 12.03 12.10 11.85 11.64 12.00 12.07 11.60 12.30 12.04 12.11 11.95 12.27 11.98 12.05 11.96 12.29 12.30 12.37 12.22 12.47 12.18 12.25 11.75 12.03 11.97 12.04 11.96 12.17 12.17 12.24 11.95 11.94 11.85 11.92 11.89 11.97 12.30 12.37 11.88 12.23 12.15 12.22 11.93 12.25 Managerial Report 1. Conduct the hypothesis test for each sample at the .01 level of significance and determine what action, if any, should be taken. Provide the test statistic and p-value for each test. 2. Compute the standard deviation for each of the four samples. Does the assumption of .21 for the population standard deviation appear reasonable? 3. Compute limits for the sample mean around μ= 12 such that, as long as a new sample mean is within those limits, the process will be considered to be operating satisfactorily. If exceeds the upper limit or if is below the lower limit, corrective action will be taken. These limits are referred to as upper and lower control limits for quality control purposes. 4. Discuss the implications of changing the level of significance to a larger value. What mistake or error could increase if that were done? Case problem 3: Compensation For ID Professionals For the last 10 years Industrial Distribution has been tracking compensation of industrial distribution (ID) professionals. Results for the 358 respondents in the 2006 Annual Salary Survey showed that 27% of the respondents work for companies with sales over $40 million, with the typical ID professional working for a $12 million firm. Those who work for small to mid-sized companies (between $6 million and $20 million) report higher earnings than those in larger firms. The lowest paid employees work for firms with sales of less than $1 million. The typical outside salesperson made $50,000 in 2005, and the typical inside salesperson earned just $30,000 (Industrial Distribution, November 2006). Suppose that a local chapter of ID professionals in the greater San Francisco Area conducted a survey of its membership to study the relationship, if any, between the years of experience and salary for individuals employed in outside and inside sales positions. On the survey, respondents were asked to specify one of three levels of years of experience: low (1-10 years); medium (11-20 years); and high (21 or more years). A portion of the data obtained follow. The complete data set, consisting of 120 observations, is available on the data file IDSalary. Case data. exl / case 3 IDSalary Observation Salary $ Position Experience 1 28938 Inside Medium 2 27694 Inside Medium 3 45515 Outside Low 4 27031 Inside Medium 5 37283 Outside Low 6 32718 Inside Low 7 54081 Outside High 8 23621 Inside Low 9 47835 Outside High 10 29768 Inside Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 33080 Inside High 116 53702 Outside Medium 117 58131 Outside Medium 118 32788 Inside High 119 28070 Inside Medium 120 35259 Outside Low Managerial report 1. Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean annual salary for all salespersons, regardless of years of experience and type of position. 2. Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean salary for outside salespersons. 3. Develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean salary for inside salespersons. 4. Ignoring the years of experience, develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean difference between the annual salary for outside salespersons and the mean annual salary for inside salespersons. What is your conclusion? 5. Use analysis of variance to test for any significant differences due to position. Use a .05 level of significance, and for now, ignore the effect of years of experience. 6. Use analysis of variance to test for any significant differences due to years of experience. Use a .05 level of significance, and for now, ignore the effect of position. Case problem 4: Forecasting Food and Beverage Sales The Harbor Restaurant is on Jinan District of Shanghai, China. The restaurant, which is owned and operated by Karen Payne, has just completed its third year of operation. During that time, Karen has sought to establish a reputation for the restaurant as a high-quality dining establishment that specializes in fresh seafood. The efforts by Karen and her staff have proven successful. And her restaurant ahs become one of the best and fastest-growing restaurants on the island. Karen has concluded that to plan for the growth of the restaurant in the future, she needs to develop a system that will enable her to forecast food and beverage sales by month for up to one year in advance. Karen has the following data ($1000s) on total food and beverage sales for the three years of operation. Month First Year Second Year Third Year January 242 263 282 February 235 238 255 March 232 247 265 April 178 193 205 May 184 193 210 June 140 149 160 July 145 157 166 August 152 161 174 September 110 122 126 October 130 130 148 November 152 167 173 December 206 230 235 Managerial Report Perform an analysis of the sales data for the Harbor Restaurant. Prepare a report for Karen that summarizes your findings, forecasts, and recommendations. Include: 1. A graph of the time series. 2. An analysis of the seasonality of the data. Indicate the seasonal indexes for each month, and comment on the high and low seasonal sales months. Do the seasonal indexes make intuitive sense? Discuss. 3. A forecast of sales for January through December of the fourth year. 4. Recommendations as to when the system that you have developed should be updated to account for new sales data. 5. Any detailed calculations of your analysis in the appendix of your report. Assume that January sales for the fourth year turn out to be $295,000. What was your forecast error? If this is a large error, Karen may be puzzled about the difference between your forecast and the actual sales value. What can you do to resolve her uncertainty in the forecasting procedure? Case problem 5: Chateau Macquin STGeorges Winery (CMS) In September 1992 William Jaeger, a member of the partnership that owned Chateau Macquin STGeorges, had to make a decision: Should he harvest the Riesling grapes immediately, or leave them on the vines despite the approaching storm? A storm just before the harvest is usually detrimental, often ruining the crop. A warm, light rain, however, will sometimes cause a beneficial mold, botrytis cinerea, to form on the grape skins. The result is a luscious, complex sweet wine, highly valued by connoisseurs. The Winery Chateau Macquin STGeorges was located in Saint Emilion, France. The winery produced only premium wines from the best grape varieties. Of the 25,000 cases of wine bottled each year, most were Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. About 1,000 cases of Riesling were also bottled. (A case contains 12 bottles of wine.) Winemaking Wine is produced when fruit sugar, which is naturally present in the juice of grapes, ferments. The wine ages in barrels for one or more years until it is ready for bottling. By various decisions during vilification – for example, the type of wooden barrel used for aging –the winemaker influences the style of wine produced. The style adopted by a particular winery depends mainly on the owners' preferences, though it is influenced by marketing considerations. Usually, as the grapes ripen, the sugar levels increase and the acidity levels decrease. The winemaker tries to harvest the grapes when they have achieved the proper balance of sugar and acidity for the style of wine sought. The ripening process is variable, however, and if the weather is not favorable, the proper balance might never occur. Several different styles of Riesling (more accurately, Johannisberg Riesling) are on the market. A rare style results when almost-ripe Riesling grapes are attacked by the botrytis mold. The resulting wine is extraordinary and the botrytis itself adds to the wine’s complexity. CMS had already produced a botrytised Riesling from its 1990 vintage (see Exhibit 1) Jaeger's Decision Problem From the weather reports, Jaeger concluded that there was a fifty-fifty chance that the rainstorm would hit the Saint Emilion. Since the storm had originated over the warm waters of Mediterranean sea, he thought there was a 40% chance that, if the storm did strike, it would lead to the development of the botrytis mold. If the botrytis did not form, however, the rainwater would merely dilute the berries. This would yield a thin wine that would sell wholesale for only about €2.00 per bottle, about €0.85 less than Jaeger could obtain by harvesting the not-quite-ripe grapes immediately and eliminating the risk. CMS always had the option of not bottling a wine that was not up to standards. It could sell the wine in bulk, or it could sell the grapes directly. These options would bring only half as much revenue as bottling and selling the wine wholesale, but would at least avoid damaging the winery’s reputation, which would be risked by bottling an inferior product. If Jaeger decided not to harvest the grapes immediately in anticipation of the storm, and the storm did not strike, Jaeger would probably leave the grapes to ripen more fully. With luck, the grapes would result in a good wine selling for around €3.50 wholesale. Even with less favorable weather, the grapes would yield a light wine selling at around €3.00. Jaeger thought these possibilities were equally likely. A third possibility was a dip in acidity that would produce a ‘low acid’ wine that would be priced at about €2.50. Jaeger felt that this third possibility had roughly a 0.2 probability. The wholesale price for a botrytised Riesling would be about€ 8.00 per bottle. Unfortunately, the same process that resulted in this fine, sweet wine also caused a 30% reduction in the total juice. The higher price was therefore partly offset by a reduction in quantity. Although fewer bottles would be produced, there would be essentially no savings in vinification costs. The winery’s vilification costs were about the same for each of the possible styles of wine and were small relative to the wholesale price. Managerial report: Making a decision analysis report and finding the “right” decision for Mr. William. Exhibit 1 Chateau Macquin STGeorges 1990 Botrytised Wine Label Case problem 6: Red Brand Canners On Monday, September 13, 2006, Mitchell Gordon, vice president of operations, asked the controller, the sales manager, and the production manager to meet with him to discuss the amount of tomato products to pack that season. The tomato crop, which had been purchased at planting, was beginning to arrive at the cannery, and packing operations would have to be started by the following Monday. Red Brand Canners is a medium-sized company that cans and distributes a variety of fruit and vegetable products under private brands in the western states. William Cooper, the controller, and Charles Myers, the sales manager, were the first to arrive in Gordon’s office. Dan Tucker, the production manager, came in a few minutes later and said that he had picked up Produce Inspection’s latest estimate of the quality of the incoming tomatoes. According to the report, about 20%of the crop was grade A quality and the remaining portion of the 3-million-pound crop was grade B. Gordon asked Myers about the demand for tomato products for the coming year. Myers replied that they could sell all of the whole canned tomatoes they could produce. The expected demand for tomato juice and tomato paste, on the other hand, was limited. The sales manager then passed around the latest demand forecast, which is shown in Table 6-1. He reminded the group that the selling prices had been set in light of the long-term marketing strategy of the company and that the potential sales had been forecast at these prices. TABLE 6-1 Demand Forecasts PRODUCT SELLING PRICE PER CASE ($) DEMAND FORECAST (CASES) 24—21/2 whole tomatoes 4.00 800,000 24—21/2 choice peach halves 5.40 10,000 24—21/2 peach nectar 4.60 5,000 24—21/2 tomato juice 4.50 50,000 24—21/2 cooking apples 4.90 15,000 24—21/2 tomato paste 3.80 80,000 Bill Cooper, after looking at Myer’s estimates of demand, said that it looked like the company “should do quite well [on the tomato crop] this year.” With the new accounting system that had been set up, he had been able to compute the contribution for each product, and according to his analysis the incremental profit on whole tomatoes was greater than the incremental profit on any other tomato product. In May, after Red Brand had signed contracts agreeing to purchase the grower’s production at an average delivered price of 6 cents per pound, Cooper had computed the tomato products’ contributions (see Table 6-2). TABLE 6-2 Product Item Profitability PRODUCT 24—21/2 WHOLE TOMATOES 24—21/2 CHOICE PEACH HALVES 24—21/2 PEACH NECTAR 24—21/2 TOMATO JUICE 24—21/2 COOKING APPLES 24—21/2 TOMATO PASTE Selling price $4.00 $5.40 $4.60 $4.50 $4.90 $3.80 Variable cost Direct labor 1.18 1.40 1.27 1.32 0.70 0.54 Variable overhead 0.24 0.32 0.23 0.36 0.22 0.26 Variable selling 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.85 0.28 0.38 Packaging material 0.70 0.56 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.77 Fruit* 1.08 1.80 1.70 1.20 0.90 1.50 Total variable costs 3.60 4.38 4.20 4.38 2.80 3.45 Contribution 0.40 1.02 0.40 0.12 1.10 0.35 Less allocated overhead 0.28 0.70 0.52 0.21 0.75 0.23 Net profit 0.12 0.32 (0.12) (0.09) 0.35 0.12 *Product usage is as follows: Product Pounds per Case Whole tomatoes 18 Peach halves 18 Peach nectar 17 Tomato juice 20 Cooking apples 27 Tomato paste 25 Dan Tucker brought to Cooper’s attention that although there was ample production capacity, it was impossible to products all whole tomatoes because too small a portion of the tomato crop was “grade A” quality. Red Brand used a numerical scale to record the quality of both raw produce and prepared products. This scale ran from 0 to 10, the higher number representing better quality. According to this scale, grade A tomatoes averaged nine points per pound and grade B tomatoes averaged five points per pound. Tucker noted that the minimum average input quality was eight points per pound for canned whole tomatoes and six points per pound for juice. Paste could be made entirely from grade B tomatoes. This meant that whole-tomato production was limited to 800,000 pounds. Gordon stated that this was not a real limitation. He had been recently solicited to purchase 80,000 pounds of grade A tomatoes at 81/2 cents per pound and at that time had turned down the offer. He felt, however, that the tomatoes were still available. Myers, who had been doing some calculations, said that although he agreed that the company “should do quite well this year,” it would not be by canning whole tomatoes. It seemed to him that the tomato cost should be allocated on the basis of quality and quantity rather than by quantity only, as Cooper had done. Therefore, he had recomputed the marginal profit on the basis (see table 6-3), and from his results had concluded that Red Brand should use 2 million pounds of the grade B tomatoes for paste, and the remaining 400,000 pounds of grade B tomatoes and all of the grade A tomatoes for juice. If the demand expectations were realized, a contribution of $48,000 would be made on this year’s tomato crop. PRODUCT Canned Tomatoes Tomato Juice Tomato Paste price $4 $4.5 $3.8 Variable Cost (excluding tomato cost) $2.52 $3.18 $1.95 Tomato Cost $1.49 $1.24 $1.3 Marginal profit ($0.01) $0.08 $0.55 Discussion Questions 1. Structure this problem verbally, including a written description of the constraints and objective. What are the decision variables? 2. Develop a mathematical formulation for Red Brand’s objective function and constraints. 3. Solve the problem and discuss the results. 数据、模型与决策案例集 Dec. 2010 PAGE 1 _1248678869.unknown _1248678905.unknown
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