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英语翻译教程Lesson 11Lesson 11 (E-C) China and Britain in the world Economy中国与英国在世界经济中的作用 (Excerpt)(摘录) Britain and the World Economy英国与世界经济 My theme today is the world economy.我今天演讲的主题是世界经济。 The future of the world economy is of particular interest to my country because we h...

英语翻译教程Lesson 11
Lesson 11 (E-C) China and Britain in the world Economy中国与英国在世界经济中的作用 (Excerpt)(摘录) Britain and the World Economy英国与世界经济 My theme today is the world economy.我今天演讲的主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 是世界经济。 The future of the world economy is of particular interest to my country because we have such a huge stake in it.世界经济的未来 与我国休戚相关,所以我们格外关注。 Britain lives by commerce. With 2% of the world’s population, we are the world’s fifth largest trading nation. We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and services that we export, the investment that we attract and we make abroad. 英国的生存依赖贸易。虽然英国人口只占全球的2%,它却是世界第五大贸易国。英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖超过了世界上其他主要经济体。 The strength of our financial services sector is well-known; the world’s leading center for international bank lending, foreign exchange, aviation (飞行,航空,航空学,航空术)and marine insurance, for example. 我们的金融服务业以实力雄厚而著称,我们是国际银行借贷、外汇以及航空和海事保险业的中心。 But British exports range far beyond services, important as they are. We export one quarter of all we produce; more per head than either Japan or the United States. 服务业在英国的出口中占重要地位,但英国的出口绝对不仅限于服务业。我们四分之一的产品供出口,人均出口量高于美国和日本。 Our place in the flows of global capital is equally central. 我们在全球资本流动方面也居中心地位。 27% of all foreign exchange dealing takes place in London. 全球外汇交易的27%在伦敦进行。 Britain is the world’s third largest outward investor(投资者). We ourselves attract more foreign investment than any country but the US; more US investment than in the whole Pacific region(区域). 英国是世界上第三大对外投资者,同时我们所吸引的外资额仅次于美国,居世界第二,而美国在英投资高于其在整个太平洋地区的投资总和。 The fruits of this two-way flow are substantial.(坚实的,充实的,实质的,真实的) 这种双向资金流动使我们受益颇丰。 Our overseas investments yield Britain a net income of over ₤ 10 billion a year. In the last five years inward investment in Britain has brought our people more than 250,000 new jobs. 每年英国的海外投资为我们带来100亿英镑的净收入,而过去五年中外国对英投资为我国人民创造了25万个就业机会。 What this means is that Britain has direct experience of the benefits that international trade and investment generate. 这意味着英国直接享受到了国际投资所带来的利益。 We have a major interest in seeing it flourish(繁荣,兴旺,活跃). We have a major interest in creating the right climate for that to happen. 国际投资的蓬勃发展符合我国利益,我们非常愿意为此创造一个良好的环境。 China in the World Economy世界经济中的中国 What is China’s expanding role in this? 在世界经济中,中国将在哪些方面发挥日益重要的作用呢? China’s vast size and resources, her extraordinary(非常的,特别的,非凡的) economic progress over recent years, have made her an increasing important player in the modern international economy. Because of this, because of Britain’s own huge stake in the world economy, we need to take a real interest in China. 中国地大物博,近年来经济迅猛发展,这使得中国在现代国际经济中成为一支越来越重要的力量。中国在现代国际经济中的地位以我国在世界经济中的巨大利益使得我们需要密切关注中国。 Since economic reform began in 1978, and average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China’s GNP nearly quadruple. The rewards for the people of China’s GNP nearly quadruple(四倍). The rewards for the people of China are clear, most visibly in the dynamism (物力论,力本说)and prosperity (繁荣)of Peking and the coastal cities. 自1978年经济改革以来,中国经济以年均近10%的速度增长,使其国民生产总值几乎翻了两番。中国人民获得的实惠的目共睹。北京和沿海城市的繁荣和盎然生机便是最明显的见证。 For the international community (国际社会)the most striking (打击的,显著的,惊人的,罢工的)consequence of these changes is that China has grown to the world’s eleventh largest economy, and is set to grow further. 继之而来的是融入世界投资体系。外国资金大量流入中国,外资存量从1989年的50亿美元上升到1994年的近900亿美元。 China’s rapid emergence (浮现,露出,出现)as a major world actor is a tribute(礼物,颂词,贡献) to the drive and entrepreneurial spirit of her people, and more particularly to the fundamental(基础的,基本的) economic reforms she has pursued over the past two decades. It is a clear testimony (证词,宣言,陈述)to the success of the open door policy led by Mr Deng Xiaoping. 中国迅速崛起,成为世界上发挥重要作用的国家,这应归功于中国人民的努力和进取精神,尤其是过去20年里中国所进行的根本性的经济改革。这无疑证明了邓小平先生倡导的开放政策是成功的。 I warmly welcome those reforms and that success. 我对这些改革及其成功 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示热烈欢迎。 I would draw a further conclusion(结束,缔结,结论), which I believe is central to assessing (估计,评定)China’s future place in the world economy. 我还有一个想法,我认为我的这一想法对于任何估价中国今后在世界经济中的地位是至关重要的。 In my view China’s growing international engagement (约会,婚约,诺言,交战,接站,接合,雇拥)has vital to her progress. The key to sustaining (支持,持续的)and building on early economic success was China’s move into world markets. 我认为,中国日益扩大的国际接触对其进步一直是至关重要的。中国能够在已取得的经济成功的基础上进一步发展,关键是它进入了世界市场。 Consider a couple of statistics. Since 1979foreign trade as a share of China’s GNP has risen from 10% to 45%. Integration(综合) in world markets became a basic fact of Chinese economic life. 让我们看几个统计数字。1979年以来,外贸占中国国民生产总值的比重从10%以升到45%。融入世界市场已成为中国经济生活的一个基本事实。 With that came integration(综合) into the world investment system. Foreign funds flowed into China in a spectacular (壮观的,引人入胜的)way. The stock of foreign investment grew from under $5 billion in 1989 to nearly $ 90 billion by 1994. 继之而来的是融入世界投资体系。外国资金大量流入中国,外资存量从1989年的50亿美元上升到1994年的近900亿美元。 So China has built new an increasingly strong links, in both directions, with world markets. These links have contributed to creation of new jobs, new prosperity for China. What next? 总之,中国与世界市场之间建立起了双向的、新的联系,这些联系正在日益加强,并为中国创造了新的就业机会,带来了新的繁荣。那么今后怎么办呢? I believe it is China’s interest to build on this foundation, to consolidate(巩固) her place in the international system. That is the way to maximize (取…最大值,最佳化)her share of world markets; and ​‑‑‑ as the UK knows from direct experience --- to attract the stimulus(刺激,促进因素), the technology and the funding that inward investment can offer. 我相信,在此基本上进一步努力并巩固中国在国际体系中的地位符合中国的利益,也是最大限度地扩大其在世界上的市场份额的方法。英国从自身直接的经历中体会到,吸引外资可以还来动力、技术和资金。 (Excepted from “Speech by the Hon Malcolm Rifkind, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs at the University of International Business and Economics, 1996”) (原文及译文均选自李正中:《国际经贸英汉翻译》之附录) The Challenges of Reform改革面临的挑战 Of course, building a modern economy carries costs too. 当然,建立现代经济是有代价的。 Different countries will manage these costs in different ways. 各国应付这种代价的方式也不尽相同。 But the problems China has had to deal with in recent years are familiar to Britain and other countries undergoing(经历,忍受,遭受) major economic transition(转变,过渡,变调,转换): the conundrum ( 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 有双关意义的)谜语,难题of unleashing (释放)enterprises while keeping inflation in check; the social consequences and complexity of reforming(重整) uncompetitive(无竞争力的) or declining(倾斜的,衰退中的) industries. 而中国近年来面临的一些问题是英国和其他处于重大经济转轨时期的国家所熟悉的:即如何在控制通货膨胀的情况下使企业获得发展,如何处理由于改造缺乏竞争力或是每况愈下的工业所造成的复杂的社会后果。 The conclusion we reached in Britain is that change simply cannot sensibly be put off. For an industry to have a viable(可行的,能养活的) future it must learn to compete on its own merits. Of course change must be managed sensitively, with care. But jobs that depend on protection and subsidy (补助金,津贴)cannot be sustained(持续不变的,相同的) or long. 我们英国人得出的结论是,改革是大势所趋。一个工业要生存下去,就必须学会靠自身的力量去竞争。当然,处理变革问题应该十分谨慎。但依赖保护和补贴来保障就业是不能持久的。 By contrast, the British experience is that the industry that can adapt to the demands of competition will usually thrive(兴旺,繁荣). The enterprise that best meets the needs of its customer, at the best price. Offers the most secure future for its workers. 英国的经验是,能够适应竞争的工业通常会昌盛。那些能以最低价格最大限度地满足客户要求的企业就能为其工人提供最可靠的前途保障。 That is why the British Government believes strongly in the case for economic liberalization and deregulation(违反 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ,反常) at home. 这就是为什么英国政府坚信应当在国内实行经济自由化和撤销经济管制。 But the policy consequences of this are not solely (单独地,独自地)domestic. 但这样做的政策性影响并不仅限于国内。 With the liberalization of world trade, economic competition now means international as well as domestic competition. 随着世界贸易的自由化,现在的经济竞争意味着既是国际的竞争,也是国内的竞争。 Opening up national economies brings fresh challenges as well as new opportunities. New opportunities to do business and win investment; but fresh challenges from foreign firms too, new competition in established markets at home and abroad. 开放本国经济既带来新的挑战,也带来新的机遇,既带来新的商业和投资机会,也带来外国公司的新的挑战以及在国内外业已发育健全的市场上的新的竞争。 For Britain our membership (成员资格,成员人数)of the European Union and World Trade Organisation has brought this home. But we accept that because we have recognized that free trade is not a zero-sum game. 对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。但我们接受这一现实,因为我们认识到自由贸易不是一种你输我赢的游戏。外国投资若投向合理,则可使投资方和接受投资方均收益。 There is no finite stock of economic activity, which can grow in one country only at the cost of decline in another. Rather, increased trade generates further growth, further prosperity for all participants(参与者,共享者,参与的). 也就是说,一个国家的增长并非必须建立在另一个国家的经济衰退的基础之上。相反,贸易的扩大会带来进一步的经济增长,使所有参与 者更加繁荣。 Foreign investment, successfully deployed, benefits donor(损赠人) and recipient (容易接受的,感受性强的,容纳者,容器)alike. 外国投资若投向合理,则可使投资方和接受投资方均收益。 So economic interdependence (互相依赖)is not a hazard (冒险,危险,冒险的事)to be minimized (最小化,将……减到最少)or avoided; but an opportunity ot be promoted and exploited. 因此,经济上的相互依存并不是一种有害物,不需将其缩小到最低程度或加以避免;相反;它给我们提供了机会,我们应予以促进和利用。 Exploiting the opportunity depends crucially on establishing a strong international framework(框架结构) of rules and multilateral(多边的,多国的) disciplines(纪律,学科). I will return to this point in a moment. 而要利用这种机会,就必须依靠在国际上建立一种强有力的多边规则的框架。后面我将将谈到这一点。 (Excerpted from the same speech by the Hon Mlcolm Rifkind, 1996)
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