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LabVIEW错误代码表·40· LabVIEW程序设计与应用(第二版) ·41· LabVIEW错误代码表 LabVIEW错误代码表 1表1 LabVIEW 错误代码(Error Codes)的范围 3表2 网络(Networking)错误代码表 6表3 仪器驱动(Instrument Driver)错误代码表 7表4 VISA错误代码表 12表5 报表生成(Report Generation)错误代码表 13表6 公式翻译器(Formula Parsing)错误代码表 14表7 数学(Ma...

·40· LabVIEW程序 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 与应用(第二版) ·41· LabVIEW错误代码 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf LabVIEW错误代码表 1表1 LabVIEW 错误代码(Error Codes)的范围 3表2 网络(Networking)错误代码表 6表3 仪器驱动(Instrument Driver)错误代码表 7表4 VISA错误代码表 12表5 报表生成(Report Generation)错误代码表 13表6 公式翻译器(Formula Parsing)错误代码表 14表7 数学(Mathematics)错误代码表 17表8 信号分析工具包(Signal Processing Toolset)错误代码表 19表9 信号分析(Signal Processing)错误代码表 24表10 逐点分析(Point By Point)错误代码表 25表11 数据采集(DAQ)错误代码表 42表12 波形(Waveform)错误代码表 43表13 Apple Event错误代码表 44表14 PPC错误代码表 45表15 注册表访问(Windows Registry Access)错误代码表 46表16 GPIB错误代码表 48表17 串口(Serial)错误代码表 49表18 Windows连接(Windows Connectivity)错误代码表 50表19 MATLAB节点错误代码表 51表20 运行时菜单(Run-Time Menu)错误代码表 52表21 波形(Waveform)错误代码表 53表22 SMTP邮件错误代码表 表1 LabVIEW 错误代码(Error Codes)的范围 代码范围 错误代码表 -2147467263~-1967390460 Networking -1074003967~-1074003950 Instrument Driver -1073807360~-1073807192 VISA -41005~-41000 Report Generation -23096~-23081 Formula Parsing -23096~-23000 Mathematics -20699~-20601 Signal Processing Toolset -20999、-20337~-20301 Signal Processing -20207~-20201 Point By Point -20103~-20001 Signal Processing -10943~-10001 DAQ -1809~-1800 Waveform -1719~-1700 Apple Event -1300~-1210 Instrument Driver -932~-900 PPC -620~-600 Windows Registry Access 0 Signal Processing、GPIB、Instrument Driver、Formula Parsing、VISA 1~20 GPIB 1~52 General 30~41 GPIB 53~66 Networking 61~65 Serial 67~91 General 92~96 Windows Connectivity 97~100 General 102~103 Instrument Driver 108~113 Networking 116~118 General 1000~1045 General 1046~1050、1053 MATLAB Script 1051~1086 General 1087~1185 Networking 1088~1157 General 1158~1169 Run-Time Menu 1172、1173、1189、1195 Windows Connectivity 1174~1188、1190~1194、1196 General 1800~1809 Waveform 14050~14053 Windows Connectivity 16211~16554 SMTP 20020、20334、20351~20353 Signal Processing 1073479937~1073479940 Instrument Driver 1073676290~1073676457 VISA 表2 网络(Networking)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 -2147467263 E_NOTIMPL Not implemented. -2147467260 LERR_ABORT Operation aborted. -2147467259 E_FAIL Unspecified error. -2147024809 E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid. -1967390712 LERR_NO_SUCH_NAME Cannot resolve name to a network address. -1967390711 LERR_TIMEOUT Network operation timed out. -1967390703 LERR_NO_SUCH_SERVICE Could not resolve service to a port address. -1967390702 LERR_CONNECTING Socket timed out while trying to connect to peer. -1967390686 LERR_NO_MACHINE Machine name is not present in the URL. -1967390685 LERR_FIRST_NON_ALPHA Machine name starts with a non-alphabetic character. -1967390684 LERR_MACHINE_INVLD_CHAR Machine name contains an invalid character. -1967390683 LERR_NO_PROCESS Process name is not present in the URL. -1967390682 LERR_PROCESS_INVLD_CHAR Process name contains an invalid character. -1967390681 LERR_NO_POINT Point or tag name is not present in the URL. -1967390680 LERR_POINT_INVLD_CHAR Point or tag name contains an invalid character. -1967390672 LERR_EMPTY_COMPONENT Empty component in point or tag name. -1967390668 LERR_THREAD_FAILED Thread initiation failed. -1967390464 LERR_TOO_FEW_LEADING_SLASHES URL does not start with two slashes. -1967390463 LERR_TOO_MANY_LEADING_SLASHES URL starts with more than two slashes. -1967390462 LERR_MULTIPLE_DELIMITERS URL contains two consecutive delimiters. -1967390460 LERR_BAD_QUOTES Unbalanced quotation marks in URL. 53 Manager call not supported. 54 ncBadAddressErr The network address is ill-formed. 55 ncInProgressErr The network operation is in progress. 56 ncTimeOutErr The network operation exceeded the user-specified or system time limit. 57 ncBusyErr The network connection is busy. 58 ncNotSupportedErr The network function is not supported by the system. 59 ncNetErr The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset. 60 ncAddrInUseErr The specified network address is currently in use. 61 ncSysOutOfMem The system could not allocate the necessary memory. 62 ncSysConnAbortedErr The system caused the network connection to be aborted. 63 ncConnRefusedErr The network connection was refused by the server. 64 ncNotConnectedErr The network connection is not yet established. 65 ncAlreadyConnectedErr The network connection is already established. 66 ncConnClosedErr The network connection was closed by the peer. 108 ncSockNotMulticast Singlecast connections cannot send to multicast addresses. 109 ncSockNotSinglecast Multicast connections cannot send to singlecast addresses. 110 ncBadMulticastAddr Specified IP address is not in multicast address range. 111 ncMcastSockReadOnly Cannot write to read-only multicast connection. 112 ncMcastSockWriteOnly Cannot read from write-only multicast connection. 113 ncDatagramMsgSzErr A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram was smaller than the datagram itself. 1087 kLVE_NoDataSocket There is no DataSocket information available for the object. 1091 LVE_SrvrUnrecognizedMessageID The VI Server or client received an unrecognized message. 1114 kLVE_DataSocketReadConnErr DataSocket is not connected with read mode. 1115 kLVE_DataSocketWriteConnErr DataSocket is not connected with write mode. 1130 kLVE_ConnPeerUnresponsive The VI Server connection peer is unresponsive. 1132 kLVE_DataSocketBusy DataSocket is busy with another operation. 1133 kLVE_DataSocketBusyConnecting DataSocket is busy connecting. 1134 kLVE_DataSocketBusyReading A different DataSocket read operation is in progress. 1139 kLVE_kLVE_DataSocketIllegalItemName DataSocket item name is illegal. 1140 kLVE_DataSocketNoMoreItemsAllowed Exceeded maximum DataSocket item count. 1141 kLVE_DataSocketNoMoreConnsAllowed Exceeded maximum DataSocket connection count. 1142 kLVE_DataSocketTooManyWriters Multiple DataSocket writers are not allowed. 1143 kLVE_DataSocketFailLoadNIDSLib Cannot load DataSocket library. 1178 kLVE_DataSocketFileEOF DataSocket reached end of file. 1179 kLVE_DataSocketAccessMode DataSocket access mode not supported for operation. 1180 kLVE_DataSocketPendingOperation DataSocket pending operation in progress. 1181 kLVE_DataSocketUnrecognizedProtocol Protocol unrecognized by DataSocket. 1182 kLVE_DataSocketErrParsingURL Error in parsing DataSocket URL. 1183 kLVE_DataSocketSyncNotSupported Synchronous operation not supported for protocol. 1184 kLVE_DataSocketPathNotFound DataSocket path not found, FTP login incorrect, or no FTP write permission. 1185 kLVE_DataSocketOPCItemNotFound OPC item not found. 表3 仪器驱动(Instrument Driver)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误来源 -1074003967 Parameter 1 is out of range. -1074003966 Parameter 2 is out of range. -1074003965 Parameter 3 is out of range. -1074003964 Parameter 4 is out of range. -1074003963 Parameter 5 is out of range. -1074003962 Parameter 6 is out of range. -1074003961 Parameter 7 is out of range. -1074003960 Parameter 8 is out of range. -1074003951 Identification query failed. -1074003950 Error interpreting the instrument's response. –13xx Developer-specified error codes. –1300 Instrument-specific error. Instrument Drivers –1236 Error interpreting instrument response. Instrument Drivers –1223 Instrument identification query failed. Instrument Drivers –1210 Parameter out of range. Instrument Drivers 0 No error: the call was successful. 102 Specific driver is different from the specific driver associated with Logical Name. Instrument Drivers 103 There is no session opened to the class driver. Instrument Drivers 1073479937 ID Query not supported. 1073479938 Reset not supported. 1073479939 Self-test not supported. 1073479940 Error Query not supported. 表4 VISA错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –1073807360 VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR Unknown system error (miscellaneous error). –1073807346 VI_ERROR_INV_OBJECT The given session or object reference is invalid. –1073807345 VI_ERROR_RSRC_LOCKED Specified type of lock cannot be obtained, or specified operation cannot be performed because the resource is locked. –1073807344 VI_ERROR_INV_EXPR Invalid expression specified for search. –1073807343 VI_ERROR_RSRC_NFOUND Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system. –1073807342 VI_ERROR_INV_RSRC_NAME Invalid resource reference specified. Parsing error. –1073807341 VI_ERROR_INV_ACC_MODE Invalid access mode. –1073807339 VI_ERROR_TMO Timeout expired before operation completed. –1073807338 VI_ERROR_CLOSING_FAILED The VISA driver failed to properly close the session or object reference. This might be due to an error freeing internal or OS resources, a failed network connection, or a lower level driver or OS error. –1073807333 VI_ERROR_INV_DEGREE Specified degree is invalid. –1073807332 VI_ERROR_INV_JOB_ID Specified job identifier is invalid. –1073807331 VI_ERROR_NSUP_ATTR The specified attribute is not defined or supported by the referenced resource. –1073807330 VI_ERROR_NSUP_ATTR_STATE The specified state of the attribute is not valid, or is not supported as defined by the resource. –1073807329 VI_ERROR_ATTR_READONLY The specified attribute is read-only. –1073807328 VI_ERROR_INV_LOCK_TYPE The specified type of lock is not supported by this resource. –1073807327 VI_ERROR_INV_ACCESS_KEY The access key to the specified resource is invalid. –1073807322 VI_ERROR_INV_EVENT Specified event type is not supported by the resource. –1073807321 VI_ERROR_INV_MECH Invalid mechanism specified. –1073807320 VI_ERROR_HNDLR_NINSTALLED A handler was not installed. –1073807319 VI_ERROR_INV_HNDLR_REF The given handler reference is invalid. –1073807318 VI_ERROR_INV_CONTEXT Specified event context is invalid. –1073807315 VI_ERROR_QUEQUE_OVERFLOW The event queue for the specified type has overflowed. This is usually due to previous events not having been closed. –1073807313 VI_ERROR_NENABLED You must be enabled for events of the specified type in order to receive them. –1073807312 VI_ERROR_ABORT User abort occurred during transfer. –1073807308 VI_ERROR_RAW_WR_PROT_VIOL Violation of raw write protocol occurred during transfer. –1073807307 VI_ERROR_RAW_RD_PROT_VIOL Violation of raw read protocol occurred during transfer. –1073807306 VI_ERROR_OUTP_PROT_VIOL Device reported an output protocol error during transfer. –1073807305 VI_ERROR_INP_PROT_VIOL Device reported an input protocol error during transfer. –1073807304 VI_ERROR_BERR Bus error occurred during transfer. –1073807303 VI_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS Unable to queue the asynchronous operation because there is already an operation in progress. –1073807302 VI_ERROR_INV_SETUP Unable to start operation because setup is invalid (due to attributes being set to an inconsistent state). –1073807301 VI_ERROR_QUEUE_ERROR Unable to queue the asynchronous operation. –1073807300 VI_ERROR_ALLOC Insufficient system resources to perform necessary memory allocation. –1073807299 VI_ERROR_INV_MASK Invalid buffer mask specified. –1073807298 VI_ERROR_IO Could not perform operation because of I/O error. –1073807297 VI_ERROR_INV_FMT A format specifier in the format string is invalid. –1073807295 VI_ERROR_NSUP_FMT A format specifier in the format string is not supported. –1073807294 VI_ERROR_LINE_IN_USE The specified trigger line is currently in use. –1073807290 VI_ERROR_NSUP_MODE The specified mode is not supported by this VISA implementation. –1073807286 VI_ERROR_SRQ_NOCCURRED Service request has not been received for the session. –1073807282 VI_ERROR_INV_SPACE Invalid address space specified. –1073807279 VI_ERROR_INV_OFFSET Invalid offset specified. –1073807278 VI_ERROR_INV_WIDTH Invalid access width specified. –1073807276 VI_ERROR_NSUP_OFFSET Specified offset is not accessible from this hardware. –1073807275 VI_ERROR_NSUP_VAR_WIDTH Cannot support source and destination widths that are different. –1073807273 VI_ERROR_WINDOW_NMAPPED The specified session is not currently mapped. –1073807271 VI_ERROR_RESP_PENDING A previous response is still pending, causing a multiple query error. –1073807265 VI_ERROR_NLISTENERS No listeners condition is detected (both NRFD and NDAC are deasserted). –1073807264 VI_ERROR_NCIC The interface associated with this session is not currently the controller in charge. –1073807263 VI_ERROR_NSYS_CNTLR The interface associated with this session is not the system controller. –1073807257 VI_ERROR_NSUP_OPER The given session or object reference does not support this operation. –1073807256 VI_ERROR_INTR_PENDING An interrupt is still pending from a previous call. –1073807254 VI_ERROR_ASRL_PARITY A parity error occurred during transfer. –1073807253 VI_ERROR_ASRL_FRAMING A framing error occurred during transfer. –1073807252 VI_ERROR_ASRL_OVERRUN An overrun error occurred during transfer. A character was not read from the hardware before the next character arrived. –1073807250 VI_ERROR_TRIG_NMAPPED The path from trigSrc to trigDest is not currently mapped. –1073807248 VI_ERROR_NSUP_ALIGN_OFFSET The specified offset is not properly aligned for the access width of the operation. –1073807247 VI_ERROR_USER_BUF A specified user buffer is not valid or cannot be accessed for the required size. –1073807246 VI_ERROR_RSRC_BUSY The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access it. –1073807242 VI_ERROR_NSUP_WIDTH Specified width is not supported by this hardware. –1073807240 VI_ERROR_INV_PARAMETER The value of some parameter (which parameter is not known) is invalid. –1073807239 VI_ERROR_INV_PROT The protocol specified is invalid. –1073807237 VI_ERROR_INV_SIZE Invalid size of window specified. –1073807232 VI_ERROR_WINDOW_MAPPED The specified session currently contains a mapped window. –1073807231 VI_ERROR_NIMPL_OPER The given operation is not implemented. –1073807229 VI_ERROR_INV_LENGTH Invalid length specified. –1073807215 VI_ERROR_INV_MODE Invalid mode specified. –1073807204 VI_ERROR_SESN_NLOCKED The current session did not have a lock on the resource. –1073807201 VI_ERROR_NSUP_INTR The interface cannot generate an interrupt on the requested level or with the requested statusID value. –1073807202 VI_ERROR_LIBRARY_NFOUND A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded. –1073807200 VI_ERROR_INV_LINE The value specified by the line parameter is invalid. –1073807199 VI_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS An error occurred while trying to open the specified file. Possible reasons include an invalid path or lack of access rights. –1073807198 VI_ERROR_FILE_IO An error occurred while performing I/O on the specified file. –1073807197 VI_ERROR_NSUP_LINE One of the specified lines, trigSrc or trigDest, is not supported by this VISA implementation, or the combination of lines is not a valid mapping. –1073807196 VI_ERROR_NSUP_MECH The specified mechanism is not supported for the given event type. –1073807195 VI_ERROR_INTF_NUM_NCONFIG The interface type is valid, but the specified interface number is not configured. –1073807194 VI_ERROR_CONN_LOST The connection for the given session has been lost. –1073807193 VI_ERROR_MACHINE_NAVAIL The remote machine does not exist or is not accepting any connections. If the NI-VISA server is installed and running on the remote machine, it might have an incompatible version or might be listening on a different port. –1073807192 VI_ERROR_NPERMISSION Access to the remote machine is denied. 0 VI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. 1073676290 VI_SUCCESS_EVENT_EN Specified event is already enabled for at least one of the specified mechanisms. 1073676291 VI_SUCCESS_EVENT_DIS Specified event is already disabled for at least one of the specified mechanisms. 1073676292 VI_SUCCESS_QUEUE_EMPTY Operation completed successfully, but queue was already empty. 1073676293 VI_SUCCESS_TERM_CHAR The specified termination character was read. 1073676294 VI_SUCCESS_MAX_CNT The number of bytes transferred is equal to the requested input count. More data might be available. 1073676300 QUEUE_OVERFLOW VISA received more event information of the specified type than the configured queue size could hold. 1073676407 VI_WARN_CONFIG_NLOADED The specified configuration either does not exist or could not be loaded. VISA-specified defaults will be used. 1073676413 VI_SUCCESS_DEV_NPRESENT Session opened successfully, but the device at the specified address is not responding. 1073676414 VI_SUCCESS_TRIG_MAPPED The path from trigSrc to trigDest is already mapped. 1073676418 VI_WARN_NULL_OBJECT The specified object reference is uninitialized. 1073676416 VI_SUCCESS_QUEUE_NEMPTY Wait terminated successfully on receipt of an event notification. There is at least one more event occurrence of the type specified by inEventType available for this session. 1073676420 VI_WARN_NSUP_ATTR_STATE Although the specified state of the attribute is valid, it is not supported by this resource implementation. 1073676421 VI_WARN_UNKNOWN_STATUS The status code passed to the operation could not be interpreted. 1073676424 VI_WARN_NSUP_BUF The specified I/O buffer is not supported. 1073676440 VI_SUCCESS_NCHAIN Event handled successfully. Do not invoke any other handlers on this session for this event. 1073676441 VI_SUCCESS_NESTED_SHARED Operation completed successfully, and this session has nested shared locks. 1073676442 VI_SUCCESS_NESTED_EXCLUSIVE Operation completed successfully, and this session has nested exclusive locks. 1073676443 VI_SUCCESS_SYNC Operation completed successfully, but the operation was actually synchronous rather than asynchronous. 1073676457 VI_WARN_EXT_FUNC_NIMPL The operation succeeded, but a lower level driver did not implement the extended functionality. 表5 报表生成(Report Generation)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 -41005 NIReportsInvalidMargins Invalid margins. One or more of the specified margin values do not exceed the minimum margins of the printer. -41003 NIReportsFileOpenError File open error. Unable to open or read from the specified file. -41001 NIReportsOutOfMemory Out of memory. Insufficient memory for requested operation. Try closing open applications to create more memory. -41000 NIReportsUnknownError An unknown error has occurred. 表6 公式翻译器(Formula Parsing)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误举例 –23096 Too many decimal points. 1.23.45 –23095 Not a valid function. sins(x) –23094 Incomplete function expression. sin(x)+ –23093 Incomplete expression. x+ –23092 Variables output problem. Depends on application. –23091 Inconsistency in variables or numbers. Depends on application. –23090 Contains more than one variable. 1+x+y4 –23089 Contains variables. Depends on application. –23088 Wrong variable name. a11 –23087 Wrong letter. sin(X) –23086 Wrong function call. sin() –23085 Wrong number format. 1e-3 instead of 1E-3 –23084 Wrong decimal point. 1,2 (US) –23083 Bracket problem at the end. (1+x –23082 Bracket problem at the beginning. 1+x) –23081 Bracket problem. () 0 No error. sin(x) 表7 数学(Mathematics)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –23096 ManyDecimalPointsErr Too many decimal points. –23095 InvalidFunctionErr Not a valid function. –23094 IncompleteFunctionExpressionErr Incomplete function expression. –23093 IncompleteExpressionErr Incomplete expression. –23092 VariablesOutputErr Variables output problem. –23091 InconsistentVariablesOrNumbersErr Inconsistency in variables or numbers. –23090 OneVariableErr Contains more than one variable. –23089 VariablesErr Contains variables. –23088 VariableNameErr Wrong variable name. –23087 LetterErr Wrong letter. –23086 FunctionCallErr Wrong function call. –23085 NumberErr Wrong number format. –23084 DecimalPointErr Wrong decimal point. –23083 BracketEndErr Bracket problem at the end. –23082 BracketBeginningErr Bracket problem at the beginning. –23081 BracketErr Bracket problem. –23055 ArgumentRange[0-1)Err Argument out of range [0,1). –23054 NonuniqueVariablesErr Non-unique variables. –23053 SignalLengthPowerTwoAndGEFourErr Signal length not a power of two and >= 4. –23052 SignalLengthNotPrimeAndGEFiveErr Signal length not a prime and >= 5. –23051 SignalLengthPowerTwoErr Signal length not a power of two. –23050 SignalLengthNotMultipleErr Signal length not a multiple of number. –23049 WindowLengthErr Invalid window length. –23048 TimeIncrementErr Invalid time increment. –23047 ArgumentRange[0-100]Err Argument out of range [0,100]. –23046 EmptyArrayErr Empty array. –23045 nLTkErr n= n >= 0 is violated or the matrix of derivatives has the wrong dimension. –23029 LevMarFailureErr Levenberg Marquardt has failed. –23028 ModelEquationErr Wrong model equation. –23027 VariableErr Not exactly one variable. –23026 NoOptimumErr No optimum found. –23025 NonvalidTripletErr Nonvalid triplet (a,b,c). –23024 NoRootErr No root found. –23023 StartDimensionErr Wrong dimension of start. –23022 GTZeroErr Nonpositive accuracy or nonpositive delta x(h). –23021 SameSignErr Both function values have the same sign. –23020 LeftGTRightErr Left point greater than right point. –23019 RightRootErr Right point is a root. –23018 LeftRootErr Left point is a root. –23017 MultipleRootsErr Multiple roots. –23016 SingularEigenvectorErr Singular eigenvector matrix. –23015 EmptyX0Err Empty X0. –23014 AX0DimensionErr A and X0 have different dimensions. –23013 MatVecConflictErr Matrix vector conflict. –23012 AccuracyGTZeroErr Nonpositive accuracy. –23011 StepRateGTZeroErr Nonpositive step rate. –23010 CashKarpInputErr Wrong input, Cash Karp method. –23009 RungeKuttaInputErr Wrong input, Runge Kutta method. –23008 EulerInputErr Wrong input, Euler method. –23007 GraphsFileErr Not a graphs file. –23006 InvalidPathErr Not a valid path. –23005 DistanceLTZeroErr Negative distance. –23004 ColorPaletteRangeErr Number of color palettes out of range. –23003 ContourRangeErr Number of contours out of range. –23002 DiscrepancyErr Discrepancy between function, variables and coordinates. –23001 ParserSyntaxErr Syntax error of parser. –23000 EngineeringMathErr The starting error codes of engineering math. 表8 信号分析工具包(Signal Processing Toolset)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –20699 WFBFileFormatErr The format of the data file for the wavelet filter bank is invalid. –20698 WFBFileOpenErr Cannot open the data file for the wavelet filter bank. –20697 NotFullTreeErr The wavelet packet session or handle must refer to a full tree. –20696 WvltWPRefErr The wavelet packet handle or session is invalid or the data space it refers to does not contain the necessary information. –20695 WvltCoeffsErr Invalid dimensions of the wavelet coefficients. –20964 WvltOptionalParErr Invalid optional parameter to find the optimal path. –20693 WvltTrendLevelErr The trend level must be no less than zero and no greater than 1.0. –20692 WvltTimeStepErr The time step must be greater than zero. –20691 NotTNodeErr The node must be a terminal node. –20690 IsTNodeErr The node must not be a terminal node. –20689 InvalidPathErr The path or node string must contain only "0" or "1". –20688 FilterLenErr The lengths of the analysis filters or synthesis filters must be greater than zero. –20687 WvltRefineErr The refinement level for computing the mother wavelet must be greater than zero. –20686 WvltShift01Err Shift must be 0 or 1. –20685 WvltShiftErr Shift must be no less than zero and less than the decimation factor or interpolation factor. –20684 WvltInterpErr The interpolation factor must be greater than or equal to two. –20683 WvltDecimatErr The decimation factor must be greater than or equal to two. –20682 WvltScaleGTZeroErr The scale of the wavelet decomposition must be greater than zero. –20681 WvltTypeErr The selection of the wavelet type is invalid. –20665 MDLLargestOrderErr The largest order must be greater than the initial order and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal. –20664 MDLInitialOrderErr The initial order must be no less than 1. –20663 AROrderGENumOfSinErr The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids. –20662 NumOfCxSinErr The number of complex sinusoids must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal. –20661 SRSAAROrderErr The order for the AR model must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal. –20644 RefIndexOutOfRangeErr The index of 2D array stored in the refnum is out of range. –20643 RefDataTypeErr The refnum does not support this operation. –20642 RefInvalidErr The refnum is invalid. –20641 RefOutOfMemErr Failure to create refnum. –20630 JTFAFreqInfoErr The parameters of the frequency information are invalid for further computation. –20629 JTFAWinInfoErr The parameters of the window information are invalid for further computation. –20628 KernelDimErr The dimensions of the kernel must be greater than zero and power of two values. The column size of the kernel must be 2^(ceil(log2(Ls – 1))), where Ls is the length of the input signal. –20627 GaussVarErr The variance of the Gaussian window must be greater than zero. –20626 WinSizeGTZeroErr The size of the window must be greater than zero. –20625 AdptTermErr The number of terms must be greater than zero. –20624 GaborOverSampleErr The oversampling rate must be greater than or equal to one. –20623 GaborOrderErr The order must be greater than or equal to zero. –20622 JTFATIPow2Err The time interval must be a power of two. –20621 JTFATIGTZeroErr The time interval must be greater than zero. –20604 SPTInvSelErr The selection for the enumerated data type parameter is invalid. –20603 SPTFreqBinsErr The number of frequency bins must be greater than zero and a power of two. –20602 SPTSampleRateErr The sample rate must be greater than zero. –20601 SPTSignalEmptyErr The input signal is empty. –20001 OutOfMemErr There is not enough space left to perform the specified routine. 0 NoErr No error. 表9 信号分析(Signal Processing)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –20999 FatalDSPErr Serious algorithm failure. Call National Instruments support. –20337 BegEndError The specified time stamp is after the end of the limit. –20336 NotMonotIncrErr Values of the X array contained in the Limit Specification cluster are not monotonically increasing. –20335 WfrmNotContigErr Waveforms are not contiguous. You can concatenate two waveforms (A, B) with same dt only if they are contiguous, that is if t0_B = t0_A + N * dt, where N is the number of samples of waveform A. –20334 TimestampsTooFarApartErr Cannot align waveforms because their time stamps are separated by more than 10 times the duration of the longest waveform. –20333 t0NotNdtErr Cannot align two waveforms with same dt if their samples are not clocked in-phase. Alignment of two waveforms is possible only if the samples share the same dt and are in-phase, that is the difference between their t0's is a integer multiple of dt. –20307 FreqNotMultErr Frequency not a multiple of (Sampling Rate)/Samples. –20306 Diffdt2ChErr The two signal waveforms contain different dt. –20305 DiffNbPts2ChErr The two time signal waveforms contain different number of data points. –20304 DiffdtAvg2ChErr At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process. –20303 DiffNbPtsAvg2ChErr At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process. –20302 DiffdtAvg1ChErr The time signal waveform does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process. –20301 DiffNbPtsAvg1ChErr The time signal waveform does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process. –20103 orderGEZeroErr The error must be positive. –20102 ShiftRangeErr The shifts must meet: |shifts| < samples. –20101 BaseGETopErr Parameter must meet condition: Top>Base. –20099 AROrederGENumOfSinErr The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids. –20098 2/3SmplLenGEAROderErr The AR order must not be greater than two-thirds of the number of samples. –20097 2/3SmplLenGENumOfSinErr The number of complex sinusoids must not be greater than two thirds of the number of samples. –20096 AROrderGTZeroErr The AR order must be >0. –20095 NumOfSinGTZeroErr The number of complex sinusoids must be > 0. –20094 ConditionsLengthErr The size of the initial or final condition array is not correct. –20093 DfGTZeroErr df must be > 0. –20092 NoDualFunctionErr The dual function does not exist. –20091 GaborCoefErr The Gabor coefficient array does not have the correct dimension. –20090 GaborCodeErr The order of the Gabor spectrogram must be >=0. –20089 GaborOversamplErr The oversampling rate, N / dM, must be >=1. –20088 GaborNErr The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the number of frequency bins, N, which must be a power of 2. –20087 GabordMErr The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the Gabor time sampling interval, dM. –20086 STFTWindowLErr Window length must be > 2 and a power of 2. –20085 JTFAHilbertErr The size of the input array and its Hilbert transform must be equal. –20084 JTFATIErr Time increment must not be greater than (window length)/4. –20083 JTFAWindowErr Window length must be > 4 and a power of 2. –20082 GaborTErr Time increment must not be greater than dM. –20081 GaborDNErr dN or time interval must be greater than zero. –20080 AdaptTIErr Time increment must be greater than the (window length)/16. –20068 MatrixInfNanErr Input matrix has at least one element that is Inf or NaN. –20067 FFSRInvalidErr The input fundamental frequency or sampling rate is equal to zero. –20066 IIRFilterInfoErr The information in IIR filter structure is not correct. –20065 ZeroVectorErr The elements in the vector cannot be all zero. –20064 InitStateErr The internal memory state of this function was not initialized correctly. –20063 PolyErr The coefficients of the polynomial are invalid. –20062 MaxIterErr The maximum number of iterations was exceeded. –20061 InvSelectionErr The selection is invalid. –20060 DivByZeroErr Divide by zero error. –20059 NegNumErr Negative number error. –20058 DimensionsErr Invalid number of dimensions or dependent variables. –20057 BetafuncErr The parameter to the beta function should be 0 < p < 1. –20056 TableErr The contingency table has a negative number. –20055 CategoryErr The number of categories or samples must be greater than one. –20054 InvProbErr The probability must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one. –20053 ProbabilityErr The probability must be between zero and one. –20052 FreedomErr The degrees of freedom must be one or more. –20051 ColumnErr All values in the first column of X matrix must be one. –20050 PoleErr The interpolating function has a pole at the requested value. –20049 DistinctErr The x-values must be distinct. –20048 ModelErr The Random Effect model was requested when the Fixed Effect model is required. –20047 BalanceErr The data is unbalanced. All cells must contain the same number of observations. –20046 OverflowErr There is an overflow in the calculated F-value for the ANOVA Fit function. –20045 DataErr The total number of data points must be equal to the product of levels/each factor * observations/cell. –20044 ObservationsErr Zero observations were made at some level of a factor. –20043 FactorErr The level of factors is outside the allowable range of some data. –20042 LevelsErr The number of levels is out of range. –20041 SingularMatrixErr The system of equations cannot be solved because the input matrix is singular. –20040 SquareMatrixErr The input matrix must be a square matrix. –20039 MatrixMulErr The number of columns in the first matrix is not equal to the number of rows in the second matrix or vector. –20038 IntervalsErr The number of intervals must be > 0. –20037 SizeGTOrderErr The number of data points in the Y Values array must be greater than the order. –20036 MixedSignErr The elements of the Y Values array must be nonzero and either all positive or all negative. –20035 StdDevErr The standard deviation must be greater than zero for normalization. –20034 OddSizeErr The number of coefficients must be even for this filter. –20033 EvenSizeErr The number of coefficients must be odd for this filter. –20032 RankErr The rank of the filter must meet: 1 <= (2*rank + 1) <= size. –20031 EqRplDesignErr The filter cannot be designed with the specified input values. –20030 LeakErr The leakage coefficient, leak, and step-size parameter, u, must meet: 0 <= leak <= u. –20029 StepSizeErr The step-size, u, must meet: 0 <= u <= 0.1. –20028 AttenGTRippleErr The attenuation value must be greater than the ripple amplitude. –20027 FinalGTZeroErr The final value must be > 0. –20026 WidthGTZeroErr The width must be > 0. –20025 AttenGTZeroErr The attenuation must be > 0. –20024 RippleGTZeroErr The ripple amplitude must be > 0. –20023 BandSpecErr The following conditions must be met: 0 < f_low <= f_high <= fs/2. –20022 DecFactErr The decimating factor must meet: 0 < decimating factor <= samples. –20021 OrderGTZeroErr The order must be > 0. –20020 NyquistErr The cut-off frequency, fc, must meet: 0 <= fc <= fs/2. –20019 UpperGELowerErr The upper value must be >= the lower value. –20018 IndexLengthErr The following condition must be met: 0 <= (index + length) < samples. –20017 IndexLTSamplesErr The following condition must be met: 0 <= index < samples. –20016 DtGTZeroErr dt must be > 0. –20015 DtGEZeroErr dt must be >= 0. –20014 DelayWidthErr The following conditions must be met: 0 <= (delay + width) < samples. –20013 WidthLTSamplesErr The width must meet: 0 < width < samples. –20012 CyclesErr The number of cycles must be > 0 and <= the number of samples. –20011 DutyCycleErr The duty cycle must be equal to or fall between 0 and 100: 0 <= duty cycle <= 100. –20010 MaxXformSizeErr The maximum allowable transform size has been exceeded. –20009 PowerOfTwoErr The size of the input array must be a power of two: size = 2^m, 0= 3. –20006 SamplesGETwoErr The number of samples must be >= 2. –20004 SamplesGEZeroErr The number of samples must be >= 0. –20003 SamplesGTZeroErr The number of samples must be >0. –20002 EqSamplesErr The input sequences must be the same size. –20001 OutOfMemErr There is not enough memory to perform the specified routine. 0 NoErr No error; the call was successful. 20020 NyquistWarn Some frequencies violate Nyquist criteria. 20334 WvfrmNotOverlap Waveforms are not overlapping. The time stamp of one waveform is not contained within the duration of a second waveform. 20351 AvgRestart The averaging process was automatically restarted to a change in the averaging process. 20352 DataNotContigWarn Current and previous waveforms are not contiguous. 20353 DtNEWarn Current and previous dt not equal. 表10 逐点分析(Point By Point)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –20207 UpperGELowerErr The upper limit is less than the lower limit. –20206 NegShiftErr Shifts: n is negative. –20205 SampleGEWinErr The sample length is less than the window length. –20204 WinLengthGTZErr The window length is not positive. –20203 TimeIncGTZErr The time increment is not positive. –20202 SampleLengthGEZErr The sample length is negative. –20201 SampleLengthGTZErr The sample length is not positive. 表11 数据采集(DAQ)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 -10001 syntaxError An error was detected in the input string; the arrangement or ordering of the characters in the string is not consistent with the expected ordering. -10002 semanticsError An error was detected in the input string; the syntax of the string is correct, but certain values specified in the string are inconsistent with other values specified in the string. -10003 invalidValueError The value of a numeric parameter is invalid. -10004 valueConflictError The value of a numeric parameter is inconsistent with another one. Therefore, the combination is invalid. -10005 badDeviceError The device is invalid. -10006 badLineError The line is invalid. -10007 badChanError A channel, port, or counter is out of range for the device type or device configuration; or the combination of channels is not allowed; or the scan order must be reversed (0 last). -10008 badGroupError The group is invalid. -10009 badCounterError The counter is invalid. -10010 badCountError The count is too small or too large for the specified counter, or the given I/O transfer count is not appropriate for the current buffer or channel configuration. -10011 badIntervalError The analog input scan rate is too fast for the number of channels and the channel clock rate; or the given clock rate is not supported by the associated counter channel or I/O channel. -10012 badRangeError The analog input or analog output voltage or current range is invalid for the specified channel, or you are writing an invalid voltage or current to the analog output. -10013 badErrorCodeError The driver returned an unrecognized or unlisted error code. -10014 groupTooLargeError The group size is too large for the board. -10015 badTimeLimitError The time limit is invalid. -10016 badReadCountError The read count is invalid. -10017 badReadModeError The read mode is invalid. -10018 badReadOffsetError The offset is unreachable. -10019 badClkFrequencyError The frequency is invalid. -10020 badTimebaseError The timebase is invalid. -10021 badLimitsError The limits are beyond the range of the board. -10022 badWriteCountError Your data array contains an incomplete update; you are trying to write past the end of the internal buffer; or your output operation is continuous and the length of your array is not a multiple of one half of the internal buffer size. -10023 badWriteModeError The write mode is out of range or is disallowed. -10024 badWriteOffsetError Adding the write offset to the write mark places the write mark outside the internal buffer. -10025 limitsOutOfRangeError The requested input limits exceed the board capability or configuration. Alternative limits were selected. -10026 badBufferSpecificationError The requested number of buffers or the buffer size is not allowed. -10027 badDAQEventError For DAQEvents 0 and 1, general value A must be greater than 0 and less than the internal buffer size. If DMA is used for DAQEvent 1, general value A must divide the internal buffer size evenly, with no remainder. -10028 badFilterCutoffError The cutoff frequency specified is not valid for this device. -10029 obsoleteFunctionError The function you are calling is no longer supported in this version of the driver. -10030 badBaudRateError The specified baud rate for communicating with the serial port is not valid on this platform. -10031 badChassisIDError The specified SCXI chassis does not correspond to a configured SCXI chassis. -10032 badModuleSlotError The SCXI module slot that was specified is invalid or corresponds to an empty slot. -10033 invalidWinHandleError The window handle passed to the function is invalid. -10034 noSuchMessageError No configured message matches the one you tried to delete. -10035 irrelevantAttributeError The specified attribute is not relevant. -10036 badYearError The specified year is invalid. -10037 badMonthError The specified month is invalid. -10038 badDayError The specified day is invalid. -10039 stringTooLongError The specified input string is too long. For instance, DAQScope 5102 devices can only store a string up to 32 bytes in length on the calibration EEPROM. In that case, please shorten the string. -10040 badGroupSizeError The group size is invalid. -10041 badTaskIDError The specified task ID is invalid. For instance, you may have connected a taskID from an Analog Input VI to a Digital I/O VI. -10042 inappropriateControlCodeError The specified control code is inappropriate for the current configuration or state. -10043 badDivisorError The specified divisor is invalid. -10044 badPolarityError The specified polarity is invalid. -10045 badInputModeError The specified input mode is invalid. -10046 badExcitationError The excitation value specified is not valid for this device. -10047 badConnectionTypeError The type of SCXI channel connection specified is not valid for this module. -10048 badExcitationTypeError The excitation type specified is not valid for this device. -10050 badChanListError There is more than one channel name in the channel list that corresponds to the same hardware channel. -10079 badTrigSkipCountError The trigger skip count is invalid. -10080 badGainError The gain or gain adjust is invalid. -10081 badPretrigCountError The pretrigger sample count is invalid. -10082 badPosttrigCountError The posttrigger sample count is invalid. -10083 badTrigModeError The trigger mode is invalid. -10084 badTrigCountError The trigger count is invalid. -10085 badTrigRangeError The trigger range or trigger hysteresis window is invalid. -10086 badExtRefError The external reference is invalid. -10087 badTrigTypeError The trigger type is invalid. -10088 badTrigLevelError The trigger level is invalid. -10089 badTotalCountError The total count is inconsistent with the buffer size and pretrigger scan count or with the board type. -10090 badRPGError The individual range, polarity, and gain settings are valid, but the combination is not allowed. -10091 badIterationsError You have attempted to use an invalid setting for the iterations parameter. The iterations value must be 0 or greater. Your device might be limited to only two values, 0 and 1. -10092 lowScanIntervalError Some devices require a time gap between the last sample in a scan and the start of the next scan. The scan interval you have specified does not provide a large enough gap for the board. Refer to your documentation for an explanation. -10093 fifoModeError FIFO mode waveform generation cannot be used because at least one condition is not satisfied. -10094 badCalDACconstError The calDAC constant passed to the function is invalid. -10095 badCalStimulusError The calibration stimulus passed to the function is invalid. -10096 badCalibrationConstantError The specified calibration constant is invalid. -10097 badCalOpError The specified calibration operation is invalid. -10098 badCalConstAreaError The specified calibration constant area is invalid. For example, the specified calibration constant area contains constants which cannot be modified outside the factory. -10100 badPortWidthError The requested digital port width is not a multiple of the hardware port width or is not attainable by the DAQ hardware. -10120 gpctrBadApplicationError Invalid application used. -10121 gpctrBadCtrNumberError Invalid counterNumber used. -10122 gpctrBadParamValueError Invalid paramValue used. -10123 gpctrBadParamIDError Invalid paramID used. -10124 gpctrBadEntityIDError Invalid entityID used. -10125 gpctrBadActionError Invalid action used. -10126 gpctrSourceSelectError Invalid source selected. -10127 badCountDirError The specified counter does not support the specified count direction. -10128 badGateOptionError The specified gating option is invalid. -10129 badGateModeError The specified gate mode is invalid. -10130 badGateSourceError The specified gate source is invalid. -10131 badGateSignalError The specified gate signal is invalid. -10132 badSourceEdgeError The specified source edge is invalid. -10133 badOutputTypeError The specified output type is invalid. -10134 badOutputPolarityError The specified output polarity is invalid. -10135 badPulseModeError The specified pulse mode is invalid. -10136 badDutyCycleError The specified duty cycle is invalid. -10137 badPulsePeriodError The specified pulse period is invalid. -10138 badPulseDelayError The specified pulse delay is invalid. -10139 badPulseWidthError The specified pulse width is invalid. -10140 badFOUTportError The specified frequency output (FOUT or FREQ_OUT) port is invalid. -10141 badAutoIncrementModeError The specified autoincrement mode is invalid. -10150 CfgInvalidatedSysCalError Hardware configuration has changed since last system. -10151 sysCalOutofDateError System calibration is out of date. -10180 badNotchFilterError The specified notch filter is invalid. -10181 badMeasModeError The specified measurement mode is invalid. -10200 EEPROMreadError Unable to read data from EEPROM. -10201 EEPROMwriteError Unable to write data to EEPROM. -10202 EEPROMwriteProtectionError You cannot write into this location or area of your EEPROM because it is write-protected. You may be trying to store calibration constants into a write-protected area; if this is the case, you should select user area of the EEPROM instead. -10203 EEPROMinvalidLocationError The specified EEPROM location is invalid. -10204 EEPROMinvalidPasswordError The password for accessing the EEPROM is incorrect. -10240 noDriverError The driver interface could not locate or open the driver. -10241 oldDriverError One of the driver files or the configuration utility is out of date, or a particular feature of the Channel Wizard is not supported in this version of the driver. -10242 functionNotFoundError The specified function is not located in the driver. -10243 configFileError The driver could not locate or open the configuration file, or the format of the configuration file is not compatible with the currently installed driver. -10244 deviceInitError The driver encountered a hardware-initialization error while attempting to configure the specified device. -10245 osInitError The driver encountered an operating-system error while attempting to perform an operation, or the operating system does not support an operation performed by the driver. -10246 communicationsError The driver is unable to communicate with the specified external device. -10247 cmosConfigError The CMOS configuration-memory for the device is empty or invalid; the configuration specified does not agree with the current configuration of the device; or the EISA system configuration is invalid. -10248 dupAddressError The base addresses for two or more devices are the same; consequently, the driver is unable to access the specified device. -10249 intConfigError The interrupt configuration is incorrect given the capabilities of the computer or device. -10250 dupIntError The interrupt levels for two or more devices are the same. -10251 dmaConfigError The DMA configuration is incorrect given the capabilities of the computer/DMA controller or device. -10252 dupDMAError The DMA channels for two or more devices are the same. -10253 jumperlessBoardError Unable to find one or more jumperless boards you have configured using MAX. -10254 DAQCardConfError Cannot configure the DAQCard because the correct version of the card and socket services software is not installed; the card in the PCMCIA socket is not a DAQCard; or the base address and/or interrupt level requested are not available according to the card and socket services resource manager. Try different settings or use AutoAssign in MAX. -10255 remoteChassisDriverInitError There was an error in initializing the driver for Remote SCXI. -10256 comPortOpenError There was an error in opening the specified COM port. -10257 baseAddressError Bad base address specified in MAX. -10258 dmaChannel1Error Bad DMA channel 1 specified in MAX or by the operating system. -10259 dmaChannel2Error Bad DMA channel 2 specified in MAX or by the operating system. -10260 dmaChannel3Error Bad DMA channel 3 specified in MAX or by the operating system. -10261 userModeToKernelModeCallError The user mode code failed when calling the kernel mode code. -10340 noConnectError No RTSI or PFI signal/line is connected, or the specified signal and the specified line are not connected, or your connection to an RDA server either cannot be made or has been terminated. -10341 badConnectError The RTSI or PFI signal/line cannot be connected as specified. -10342 multConnectError The specified RTSI signal is already being driven by a RTSI line, or the specified RTSI line is already being driven by a RTSI signal. -10343 SCXIConfigError The specified SCXI configuration parameters are invalid, or the function cannot be executed with the current SCXI configuration. -10347 chassisCommunicationError There was an error in sending a packet to the remote chassis. Check your serial port cable connections. -10349 SCXIModuleTypeConflictError The module ID read from the SCXI module conflicts with the configured module type. -10350 CannotDetermineEntryModuleError Neither an SCXI entry module (i.e.: the SCXI module cabled to the measurement device that performs the acquisition/control operation) has been specified by the user, nor can NI-DAQ uniquely determine the entry module for the current SCXI configuration. -10360 DSPInitError The DSP driver was unable to load the kernel for its operating system. -10370 badScanListError The scan list is invalid. For example, you are mixing AMUX-64T channels and onboard channels, scanning SCXI channels out of order, or have specified a different starting channel for the same SCXI module. Also, the driver attempts to achieve complicated gain distributions over SCXI channels on the same module by manipulating the scan list and returns this error if it fails. -10380 invalidSignalSrcError The specified signal source is invalid for the selected signal name. -10381 invalidSignalNameError The specified signal name is invalid. -10382 invalidSrcSpecError The specified source specification is invalid for the signal source or signal name. -10383 invalidSignalDestError The specified signal destination is invalid. -10390 routingError The routing manager was unable to complete the request due to a lack of resources, or because the required resources are reserved. -10391 pfiBadLineError The routing manager was unable to complete the request due to an invalid PFI line number. -10392 pfiGPCTRNotRoutedError The specified General Purpose Counter Output and/or Up/Down signal(s) are not routed to any PFI lines. -10393 pfiDefaultLineUndefinedError A default PFI line does not exist for the given signal. You must specify the PFI line either explicitly in the VI, or through the PFI line configuration VI. -10394 pfiDoubleRoutingError Given PFI line is already reserved for a different signal, or given signal has already reserved a different PFI line. -10400 userOwnedRsrcError The specified resource is owned by the user and cannot be accessed or modified by the driver. -10401 unknownDeviceError The specified device is not a National Instruments product, the driver does not support the device (for example, the driver was released before the device was supported), or the device has not been configured using MAX. -10402 deviceNotFoundError No device is located in the specified slot or at the specified address. -10403 deviceSupportError The specified device does not support the requested action (the driver recognizes the device, but the action is inappropriate for the device). -10404 noLineAvailError No line is available. -10405 noChanAvailError No channel is available. -10406 noGroupAvailError No group is available. -10407 lineBusyError The specified line is in use. -10408 chanBusyError The specified channel is in use. -10409 groupBusyError The specified group is in use. -10410 relatedLCGBusyError A related line, channel, or group is in use; if the driver configures the specified line, channel, or group, the configuration, data, or handshaking lines for the related line, channel, or group will be disturbed. -10411 counterBusyError The specified counter is in use. -10412 noGroupAssignError No group is assigned, or the specified line or channel cannot be assigned to a group. -10413 groupAssignError A group is already assigned, or the specified line or channel is already assigned to a group. -10414 reservedPinError The selected signal requires a pin that is reserved and configured only by NI-DAQ. You cannot configure this pin yourself. -10415 externalMuxSupportError This function does not support your DAQ device when an external multiplexer (such as an AMUX-64T or SCXI) is connected to it. -10440 sysOwnedRsrcError The specified resource is owned by the driver and cannot be accessed or modified by the user. -10441 memConfigError No memory is configured to support the current data-transfer mode, or the configured memory does not support the current data-transfer mode. (If block transfers are in use, the memory must be capable of performing block transfers.) -10442 memDisabledError The specified memory is disabled or is unavailable given the current addressing mode. -10443 memAlignmentError The transfer buffer is not aligned properly for the current data-transfer mode. For example, the buffer is at an odd address, is not aligned to a 32-bit boundary, is not aligned to a 512-bit boundary, and so on. Alternatively, the driver is unable to align the buffer because the buffer is too small. -10444 memFullError No more system memory is available on the heap, or no more memory is available on the device, or insufficient disk space is available. -10445 memLockError The transfer buffer cannot be locked into physical memory. On PC AT machines, portions of the DMA data acquisition buffer may be in an invalid DMA region. For example, above 16 megabytes. -10446 memPageError The transfer buffer contains a page break; system resources may require reprogramming when the page break is encountered. -10447 memPageLockError The operating environment is unable to grant a page lock. -10448 stackMemError The driver is unable to continue parsing a string input due to stack limitations. -10449 cacheMemError A cache-related error occurred, or caching is not supported in the current mode. -10450 physicalMemError A hardware error occurred in physical memory, or no memory is located at the specified address. -10451 virtualMemError The driver is unable to make the transfer buffer contiguous in virtual memory and therefore cannot lock it into physical memory; thus, the buffer cannot be used for DMA transfers. -10452 noIntAvailError No interrupt level is available for use. -10453 intInUseError The specified interrupt level is already in use by another device. -10454 noDMACError No DMA controller is available in the system. -10455 noDMAAvailError No DMA channel is available for use. -10456 DMAInUseError The specified DMA channel is already in use by another device. -10457 badDMAGroupError DMA cannot be configured for the specified group because it is too small, too large, or misaligned. Consult the device user manual to determine group ramifications with respect to DMA. -10458 diskFullError The storage disk you specified is full. -10459 DLLInterfaceError The NI-DAQ DLL could not be called due to an interface error. -10460 interfaceInteractionError You have mixed VIs from the DAQ library and the DAQ compatibility library (LabVIEW 2.2 style VIs). You may switch between the two libraries only by running the DAQ VI Device Reset before calling DAQ compatibility VIs or by running the compatibility VI Board Reset before calling DAQ VIs. -10461 resourceReservedError The specified resource is unavailable because it has already been reserved by another entity. -10462 resourceNotReservedError The specified resource has not been reserved, so the action is not allowed. -10463 mdResourceAlreadyReservedError Another entity has already reserved the requested resource. -10464 mdResourceReservedError Attempted to access a reserved resource that requires the usage of a key. -10465 mdResourceNotReservedError Attempting to lift a reservation off a resouce that previously had no reservation. -10466 mdResourceAccessKeyError The requested operation cannot be performed because the key supplied is invalid. -10467 mdResourceNotRegisteredError The resource requested is not registered with the minidriver. -10480 muxMemFullError The scan list is too large to fit into the mux-gain memory of the board. -10481 bufferNotInterleavedError You must provide a single buffer of interleaved data, and the channels must be in ascending order. You cannot use DMA to transfer data from two buffers; however, you may be able to use interrupts. -10482 waveformBufferSizeError You have specified channels with different waveform lengths. To fix the problem, ensure that the waveform data for every channel has the same number of array elements. -10540 SCXIModuleNotSupportedError At least one of the SCXI modules specified is not supported for the operation. -10541 TRIG1ResourceConflict CTRB1 will drive COUTB1, however CTRB1 will also drive TRIG1. This may cause unpredictable results when scanning the chassis. -10542 matrixTerminalBlockError This function requires that no Matrix terminal block is configured with the SCXI module. -10543 noMatrixTerminalBlockError This function requires that some matrix terminal block is configured with the SCXI module. -10544 invalidMatrixTerminalBlockError The type of matrix terminal block configured will not allow proper operation of this function with the given parameters. -10560 invalidDSPHandleError The DSP handle input is not valid. -10561 DSPDataPathBusyError Either DAQ or WFM can use a PC memory buffer, but not both at the same time. -10600 noSetupError No setup operation has been performed for the specified resources, or some resources require a specific ordering of calls for proper setup. -10601 multSetupError The specified resources have already been configured by a setup operation. -10602 noWriteError No output data has been written into the transfer buffer. -10603 groupWriteError The output data associated with a group must be for a single channel or must be for consecutive channels. -10604 activeWriteError Once data generation has started, only the transfer buffers originally written to may be updated. If DMA is active and a single transfer buffer contains interleaved channel-data, new data must be provided for all output channels currently using the DMA channel. -10605 endWriteError No data was written to the transfer buffer because the final data block has already been loaded. -10606 notArmedError The specified resource is not armed. -10607 armedError The specified resource is already armed. -10608 noTransferInProgError No transfer is in progress for the specified resource. -10609 transferInProgError A transfer is already in progress for the specified resource, or the operation is not allowed because the device is in the process of performing transfers, possibly with different resources. -10610 transferPauseError A single output channel in a group may not be paused if the output data for the group is interleaved. -10611 badDirOnSomeLinesError Some of the lines in the specified channel are not configured for the transfer direction specified. For a write transfer, some lines are configured for input. For a read transfer, some lines are configured for output. -10612 badLineDirError The specified line does not support the specified transfer direction. -10613 badChanDirError The specified channel does not support the specified transfer direction, or you have performed an operation on a digital port or line configured for the opposite direction. -10614 badGroupDirError The specified group does not support the specified transfer direction. -10615 masterClkError The clock configuration for the clock master is invalid. -10616 slaveClkError The clock configuration for the clock slave is invalid. -10617 noClkSrcError No source signal has been assigned to the clock resource. -10618 badClkSrcError The specified source signal cannot be assigned to the clock resource. -10619 multClkSrcError A source signal has already been assigned to the clock resource. -10620 noTrigError No trigger signal has been assigned to the trigger resource. -10621 badTrigError The specified trigger signal cannot be assigned to the trigger resource. -10622 preTrigError The pretrigger mode is not supported or is not available in the current configuration, or no pretrigger source has been assigned. -10623 postTrigError No posttrigger source has been assigned. -10624 delayTrigError The delayed trigger mode is not supported or is not available in the current configuration, or no delay source has been assigned. -10625 masterTrigError The trigger configuration for the trigger master is invalid. -10626 slaveTrigError The trigger configuration for the trigger slave is invalid. -10627 noTrigDrvError No signal has been assigned to the trigger resource. -10628 multTrigDrvError A signal has already been assigned to the trigger resource. -10629 invalidOpModeError The specified operating mode is invalid, or the resources have not been configured for the specified operating mode. -10630 invalidReadError The parameters specified to read data were invalid in the context of the acquisition. For example, an attempt was made to read 0 bytes from the transfer buffer, or an attempt was made to read past the end of the transfer buffer. -10631 noInfiniteModeError Continuous input or output transfers are not allowed in the current operating mode, or continuous operation is not allowed for this type of device. -10632 someInputsIgnoredError Certain inputs were ignored because they are not relevant in the current operating mode. -10633 invalidRegenModeError The specified analog output regeneration mode is not allowed for this board. -10634 noContTransferInProgressError No continuous (double buffered) transfer is in progress for the specified resource. -10635 invalidSCXIOpModeError Either the SCXI operating mode specified in a configuration call is invalid, or a module is in the wrong operating mode to execute the function call. -10636 noContWithSynchError You cannot start a continuous (double-buffered) operation with a synchronous function call. -10637 bufferAlreadyConfigError Attempted to configure a buffer after the buffer had already been configured. You can configure a buffer only once. -10638 badClkDestError The clock cannot be assigned to the specified destination. -10670 rangeBadForMeasModeError The input range is invalid for the configured measurement mode. -10671 autozeroModeConflictError Autozero cannot be enabled for the configured measurement mode. -10680 badChanGainError All channels of this board must have the same gain. -10681 badChanRangeError All channels of this board must have the same range. -10682 badChanPolarityError All channels of this board must be the same polarity. -10683 badChanCouplingError All channels of this board must have the same coupling. -10684 badChanInputModeError All channels of this board must have the same input mode. -10685 clkExceedsBrdsMaxConvRateError The clock rate exceeds the board's recommended maximum rate. -10686 scanListInvalidError A configuration change has invalidated the scan list. -10687 bufferInvalidError A configuration change has invalidated the acquisition buffer, or an acquisition buffer has not been configured. -10688 noTrigEnabledError The number of total scans and pretrigger scans implies that a triggered start is intended, but triggering is not enabled. -10689 digitalTrigBError Digital trigger B is illegal for the number of total scans and pretrigger scans specified. -10690 digitalTrigAandBError This board does not allow digital triggers A and B to be enabled at the same time. -10691 extConvRestrictionError This board does not allow an external sample clock with an external scan clock, start trigger, or stop trigger. -10692 chanClockDisabledError The acquisition cannot be started because the channel clock is disabled. -10693 extScanClockError You cannot use an external scan clock when doing a single scan of a single channel. -10694 unsafeSamplingFreqError The scan rate is above the maximum or below the minimum for the hardware, gains, and filters used. -10695 DMAnotAllowedError You have set up an operation that requires the use of interrupts. DMA is not allowed. For example, some DAQ events, such as messaging and LabVIEW occurrences, require interrupts. -10696 multiRateModeError Multi-rate scanning cannot be used with the AMUX-64, SCXI, or pretriggered acquisitions. -10697 rateNotSupportedError Unable to convert your timebase/interval pair to match the actual hardware capabilities of this board. -10698 timebaseConflictError You cannot use this combination of scan and sample clock timebases for this board. -10699 polarityConflictError You cannot use this combination of scan and sample clock source polarities for this operation and board. -10700 signalConflictError You cannot use this combination of scan and convert clock signal sources for this operation and board. -10701 noLaterUpdateError The call had no effect because the specified channel had not been set for later internal update. -10710 noHandshakeModeError The specified port has not been configured for handshaking. -10720 noEventCtrError The specified counter is not configured for event-counting operation. -10740 SCXITrackHoldError A signal has already been assigned to the SCXI track-and-hold trigger line, or a control call was inappropriate because the specified module is not configured for one-channel operation. -10780 sc2040InputModeError When you have an SC2040 attached to your device, all analog input channels must be configured for differential input mode. -10781 outputTypeMustBeVoltageError The polarity of the output channel cannot be bipolar when outputting currents. -10782 sc2040HoldModeError The specified operation cannot be performed with the SC-2040 configured in hold mode. -10783 calConstPolarityConflictError Calibration constants in the load area have a different polarity from the current configuration. Therefore, you should load constants from factory. -10784 MasterDeviceNotInPXISlot2 Your master device must be PXI slot number 2 in order to route clocks to slave devices. PXI slot 2 is the STAR trigger controller slot. Only modules in slot 2 can drive the STAR trigger lines. -10800 timeOutError The operation could not complete within the time limit. -10801 calibrationError An error occurred during the calibration process. Possible reasons for this error include incorrect connection of the stimulus signal, incorrect value of the stimulus signal, or malfunction of the DAQ device. -10802 dataNotAvailError The requested amount of data has not yet been acquired. -10803 transferStoppedError The on-going transfer has been stopped. This is to prevent regeneration for output operations, or to reallocate resources for input operations. -10804 earlyStopError The transfer stopped prior to reaching the end of the transfer buffer. -10805 overRunError The clock rate is faster than the hardware can support. An attempt to input or output a new data point was made before the hardware could finish processing the previous data point. This condition may also occur when glitches are present on an external clock signal. -10806 noTrigFoundError No trigger value was found in the input transfer buffer. -10807 earlyTrigError The trigger occurred before sufficient pretrigger data was acquired. -10808 LPTcommunicationError An error occurred in the parallel port communication with the DAQ device. -10809 gateSignalError Attempted to start a pulse width measurement with the pulse in the phase to be measured (e.g., high phase for high-level gating). -10810 internalDriverError An unexpected error occurred inside the driver when performing this given operation. -10811 frequencyMeasurementError The input signal's frequency could not be measured. The input signal's frequency may be outside the expected frequency range,or the threshold and hysteresis values may not be being crossed. -10840 softwareError The contents or the location of the driver file was changed between accesses to the driver. -10841 firmwareError The firmware does not support the specified operation, or the firmware operation could not complete due to a data-integrity problem. -10842 hardwareError The hardware is not responding to the specified operation, or the response from the hardware is not consistent with the functionality of the hardware. -10843 underFlowError Because of system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations, the driver could not write data to the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput; the onboard device memory reported an underflow error. This error may be returned erroneously when an overrun error has occurred. -10844 underWriteError Your application was unable to deliver data to the background generation buffer fast enough so new data could not be delivered to the device. To prevent this error, you might increase the size of the background generation buffer, increase the amount of data you write to it per call to the write function/VI, slow down your generation rate, or reduce the number of tasks your computer is performing. -10845 overFlowError Because of system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput; the onboard device memory reported an overflow error. -10846 overWriteError Your application was unable to retrieve data from the background acquisition buffer fast enough so the unretrieved data was overwritten with new data. To prevent this error, you might increase the size of the background acquisition buffer, increase the amount of data you read from it per call to the read function/VI, slow down your acquisition rate, or reduce the number of tasks your computer is performing. -10847 dmaChainingError New buffer information was not available at the time of the DMA chaining interrupt; DMA transfers will terminate at the end of the currently active transfer buffer. -10848 noDMACountAvailError The driver could not obtain a valid reading from the transfer-count register in the DMA controller. -10849 OpenFileError The configuration file or DSP kernel file could not be opened. -10850 closeFileError Unable to close a file. -10851 fileSeekError Unable to seek within a file. -10852 readFileError Unable to read from a file. -10853 writeFileError Unable to write to a file. -10854 miscFileError An error occurred accessing a file. -10855 osUnsupportedError NI-DAQ does not support the current operation on this particular version of the operating system. -10856 osError An unexpected error occurred from the operating system while performing the given operation. -10857 internalKernelError An unexpected error occurred inside the kernel of the device while performing this operation. -10858 hardwareConfigChangedError The system has reconfigured the device and has invalidated the existing configuration. The device requires reinitialization to be used again. -10880 updateRateChangeError A change to the update rate is not possible at this time because when waveform generation is in progress, you cannot change the interval timebase, or when you make several changes in a row, you must give each change enough time to take effect before requesting further changes. -10881 partialTransferCompleteError You cannot do another transfer after a successful partial transfer. -10884 pretrigReorderError Could not rearrange data after a pretrigger acquisition completed. -10885 overLoadError The input signal exceeded the input range of the ADC. -10920 gpctrDataLossError One or more data points may have been lost during buffered GPCTR operations due to speed limitations of your system. -10943 chassisLockupError The interrupt service routine on the remote SCXI unit is taking longer than necessary. You do not need to reset your remote SCXI unit. However, clear and restart your data acquisition. 表12 波形(Waveform)错误代码表 错误代码 错误说明 –1809 Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52. –1808 Values other than 0,1,L,H are present in the digital data. –1807 Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals. –1806 Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data. –1805 Start index out of range. –1804 Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN. –1803 Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range. –1802 Waveforms have different dt values. –1801 Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. –1800 Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. 1800 Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. 1801 Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. 1802 Waveforms have different dt values. 1803 Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range. 1804 Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN. 1805 Start index is out of range. 1806 Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data. 1807 Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals. 1808 Values other than 0,1,L,H are present in the digital data. 1809 Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52. 表13 Apple Event错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –1719 errAEIllegalIndex Index is out of range in a put operation. –1718 errAEReplyNotArrived The contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet. –1717 errAEHandlerNotFound No handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler. –1716 errAEUnknownAddressType Unknown Apple event address type. –1715 errAEParamMissed Handler did not get all required parameters. –1714 errAENotASpecialFunction Wrong keyword for a special function. –1713 errAENoUserInteraction No user interaction allowed. –1712 errAETimeout Apple event timed out. –1711 errAEWaitcanceled User canceled out of wait loop for reply or receipt. –1710 errAEUnknownSendMode Invalid sending mode was passed. –1709 errAEERReplyNotValid AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter. –1708 errAEReplyNotValid AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter. –1707 errAENotAppleEvent The event is not an Apple event. –1706 errAENewerVersion Need a newer version of Apple Event Manager. –1705 errAEBadListItem Operation involving a list item failed. –1704 errAENotAEDesc Not a valid descriptor record. –1703 errAEWrongDataType Wrong descriptor type. –1702 errAECorruptData Data in an Apple event could not be read. –1701 errAEDescNotFound Descriptor record was not found. –1700 errAECoercionFail Data could not be coerced to the requested descriptor type. 表14 PPC错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –932 guestNotAllowedErr Destination port requires authentication. –931 badLocNameErr Location name is invalid. –930 badServiceMethodErr Service method is other than ppcServiceRealTime. –928 noUserRecErr Invalid user reference number. –927 authFailErr User's password is wrong. –926 noInformErr PPCStart failed because destination did not have an inform pending. –925 networkErr An error has occurred in the network. –924 noUserRefErr Unable to create a new userRefNum. –923 notLoggedInErr The default userRefNum does not yet exist. –922 noDefaultUserErr User has not specified owner name in Sharing Setup Control Panel. –919 badPortNameErr PPCPortRec is invalid. –917 sessClosedErr The session has closed. –916 portClosedErr The port was closed. –915 noResponseErr Unable to contact destination application. –914 noToolboxNameErr A system resource is missing. –913 noMachineNameErr User has not named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel. –912 userRejectErr Destination rejected the session request. –911 noUserNameErr User name unknown on destination machine. –910 portNameExistsErr Another port is already open with this name (perhaps in another application). –909 badReqErr Bad parameter or invalid state for this operation. –908 noSessionErr Invalid session reference number. –907 sessTableErr PPC Toolbox is unable to create a session. –906 destPortErr Port does not exist at destination. –905 localOnlyErr Network activity is currently disabled. –904 noGlobalsErr The system is unable to allocate memory. This is a critical error, and you should restart. –903 noPortErr Invalid port name. Unable to open port or bad portRefNum. –902 nameTypeErr Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName. –900 notInitErr PPC Toolbox has not been initialized. 表15 注册表访问(Windows Registry Access)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 –620 MachineNotFound Networked machine was not found. –619 RemoteNotAvailable Remote registry services not available or remote administration not enabled. –618 StableSubkeyNotCreated Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key. –617 SymboLinkNotCreated Cannot create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values. –616 RegLogFull System could not allocate the required space in a registry log. –615 RegIllegalOp Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion. –614 BadRegFileFormat The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format. –613 RegI/OFailed An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry. –612 RegCorrupted The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contains registry data is corrupted, or the system's image of the file in memory is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted. –611 RegFileRecovered One of the files in the registry database had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful. –610 KeyNotWritten The configuration registry key could not be written. –609 Key NotRead The configuration registry key could not be read. –608 KeyNotOpened The configuration registry key could not be opened. –607 InvalidKey The configuration registry key is invalid. –606 CorruptReg The configuration registry database is corrupt. –605 ReadPastLastKeyOrVal Attempted to read beyond last key or value. –604 RemoteRegAccDenied Remote registry access denied. –603 KeyOrValNotExist Specified key or value does not exist. –602 InvalidRegRefnum Invalid registry refnum. –601 WrongDataType Incorrect data type specified. –600 UnkRegErr Undetermined Windows registry error. 表16 GPIB错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 0 EDVR Error connecting to driver or device. This error might be caused by a failure to find or properly open the GPIB device driver. 1 ECIC Command requires GPIB Controller to be Controller-In-Charge. This error occurs when the board is not the Controller-In-Charge and any board-level function requiring controller capability is called or when any device-level function that affects the GPIB is called and the driver cannot make the board the Controller-In-Charge. 2 ENOL No Listeners on the GPIB. This error occurs when a data-byte write operation, such as ibwrt, is attempted with no addressed listeners on the bus or if a command-byte operation, such as ibcmd or SendCmds, is attempted and no devices are present. 3 EADR GPIB Controller not addressed correctly. This error occurs when the board is the Controller-In-Charge and is not properly addressed before starting a transfer. For example, ibrd returns EADR if the interface is not addressed as a listener. ibgts also can return this error if the board is not properly addressed for shadow handshaking. 4 EARG Invalid argument or arguments to function call. This error occurs when a driver function is called with an invalid parameter. 5 ESAC Command requires GPIB Controller to be System Controller. This error occurs when the board is not the System Controller but needs to be to perform the requested operation. 6 EABO I/O operation aborted. This error occurs when the I/O operation is aborted due to timeout, ibstop, or Device Clear. 7 ENEB Nonexistent GPIB interface. Board-level functions return ENEB when the specified interface is configured in ibconf but cannot be found in the system. Device-level functions return ENEB when the specified access board of a device cannot be found in the system, even if the access board is configured in ibconf. 8 EDMA DMA hardware error detected. This error occurs when the driver has DMA enabled but cannot use DMA to transfer a buffer. The error can be due to an operating system error, such as when the operating system is unable to provide a physical address to the driver. The error also can be due to a hardware limitation, such as when the DMA controller cannot address your buffer and the driver cannot remap the buffer. 9 EBTO DMA hardware uP bus timeout. 10 EOIP Asynchronous I/O operation in progress. This error occurs when a thread starts asynchronous I/O and then attempts to access the interface while the interface is still in an unsynchronized state. 11 ECAP No capability for operation. This error occurs when you try to take advantage of a driver feature that is either not implemented in the driver or is not currently usable. For example, if you disabled hardware DMA by removing the DRQ/DACK jumpers on her legacy AT-GPIB/TNT, a call to ibconfigIbcDMA with a value of 1 to enable DMA would return this error. 12 EFSO File system operation error. This error occurs when an ibrdf or ibwrtf call encounters a problem accessing the specified file. 13 EOWN Shareable board exclusively owned. 14 EBUS GPIB bus error. This error occurs while sending out GPIB command bytes. This error is only returned by functions that indirectly send out command bytes. For example, a device-level ibwrt returns EBUS if it is unable to send the addressing command bytes. 15 ESTB Serial poll byte queue overflow. 16 ESRG SRQ is stuck in ON position. This error occurs when the driver is unable to wait for the RQS bit to set during a device-level ibwait. 17 ECMD Unrecognized command. 19 EBNP Board not present. 20 ETAB Table error. This error occurs when there is a problem with a table used by a driver function. FindLstn returns ETAB when it finds more listeners on the bus than will fit in the table you provided. FindRQS and AllSpoll return ETAB if the list of addresses to serial poll is empty or none of the devices in the list are asserting SRQ. 30 NADDR No GPIB address input. 31 NSTRG No string input (write). 32 NCNT No count input (read). 40 EMOM Out of memory (MacBus read or write). 41 EMIM Insufficient memory (MacBus read or write). 表17 串口(Serial)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 61 EPAR Serial port parity error. 62 EORN Serial port overrun error. 63 EOFL Serial port receive buffer overflow. 64 EFRM Serial port framing error. 65 SPTMO Serial port timeout; bytes not received at serial port. 表18 Windows连接(Windows Connectivity)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 92 axEventDataNotAvailable ActiveX Event Data was not available. The ActiveX Event Data was not available on the queue. 93 axEventStoreNotPresent ActiveX Event Information was not available. ActiveX Event Information was not available. 94 axOccurrenceNotFound The Occurrence associated with the ActiveX Event was not Found. The Occurrence associated with the ActiveX Event was not Found. 95 axEventQueueNotCreated The ActiveX Event Queue could not be created. The ActiveX Event Queue could not be created. 96 axEventInfoNotAvailable ActiveX Event Data was not available. ActiveX Event Data was not available. 1172 kLVE_DotNetException A .NET exception occurred. 1173 kLVE_DotNetTypeMismatch LabVIEW data type does not match the .NET type. 1189 kLVE_MultipleEventRegistration You cannot register the same event on an object multiple times. 1195 kLVE_DotNetFrmWrkNotInstalled You must install the .NET Framework before doing this operation. 14050 ACTIVEX_EVENT_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE ActiveX Event Data was not available. The ActiveX Event Data was not available on the queue. 14051 ACTIVEX_EVENT_STORE_NOT_AVAIL ActiveX Event Information was not available. 14052 ACTIVEX_EVENT_OCCUR_NOT_FOUND The Occurrence associated with the ActiveX Event was not found. 14053 ACTIVEX_EVENT_QUEUE_NOT_CREATED The ActiveX Event Queue could not be created. 表19 MATLAB节点错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 1046 KLVE_ScriptCantInitErr LabVIEW cannot initialize the script server. 1047 kLVE_ScriptSetValueErr LabVIEW failed to send variable to the script server. 1048 kLVE_ScriptGetValueErr LabVIEW failed to get variable from the script server. 1049 KLVE_ScriptSetTextErr LabVIEW failed to send script text to the script server. 1050 kLVE_ScriptExecuteErrLineNum Error occurred while executing script. 1053 kLVE_ScriptDllMissErr At run time, LabVIEW cannot find script support dll. 表20 运行时菜单(Run-Time Menu)错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 1158 kLVE_RTMTagNotUniqueErr One or more application items already exist. 1159 kLVE_RTMNoAppItemErr Cannot find one or more application items. 1160 kLVE_RTMIllegalMenuErr Illegal menu. 1161 kLVE_RTMFPNotOpenErr Cannot find the menu because the front panel is not open. 1162 kLVE_RTMTagNotFoundErr Cannot find one or more tags. 1163 kLVE_RTMIllegalShortcutErr Illegal shortcut. 1164 kLVE_RTMAppItemModifyErr Cannot modify an application menu item. 1165 kLVE_RTMMenuNotFoundErr Cannot find the menu. 1166 kLVE_RTMItemIdxOutOfRangeErr One or more illegal menu item indexes. 1167 kLVE_RTMGroupItemAtTopLevelErr Cannot insert a group item as a menu bar item. 1168 kLVE_RTMMaxMacMenusExceededErr Exceeded the maximum number of menus for this platform. The VI will use the default run-time menu. 1169 kLVE_RTMItemNotSelectableErr Cannot select the menu item because it is disabled or has a submenu attached to it. 表21 波形(Waveform)错误代码表 错误代码 错误说明 –1809 Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52. –1808 Values other than 0,1,L,H are present in the digital data. –1807 Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals. –1806 Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data. –1805 Start index out of range. –1804 Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN. –1803 Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range. –1802 Waveforms have different dt values. –1801 Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. –1800 Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. 1800 Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. 1801 Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt. 1802 Waveforms have different dt values. 1803 Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range. 1804 Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN. 1805 Start index is out of range. 1806 Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data. 1807 Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals. 1808 Values other than 0,1,L,H are present in the digital data. 1809 Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52. 表22 SMTP邮件错误代码表 错误代码 错误名称 错误说明 16211 kLVSMTP_SystemStatus 211 System status, or system help reply. 16214 kLVSMTP_HelpMessage 214 Help message. Information about how to use the receiver or the meaning of a particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only to the human user. 16220 kLVSMTP_ServiceReady 220 "domain" Service ready. 16221 kLVSMTP_ServiceClosingChannel 221 "domain" Service closing transmission channel. 16250 kLVSMTP_RequestedMailActionCompleted 250 Requested mail action okay, completed. 16251 kLVSMTP_UserNotLocal 251 User not local; will forward to "forward-path." 16354 kLVSMTP_StartMailInput 354 Start mail input; end with two carriage-return/line-feed characters. 16421 kLVSMTP_ServiceNotAvailable 421 "domain" Service not available, closing transmission channel. This might be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down. 16450 kLVSMTP_MailboxBusy 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable. For example, the mailbox might be busy. 16451 kLVSMTP_LocalErrorInProcessing 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing. 16452 kLVSMTP_InsufficientSystemStorage 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage. 16500 kLVSMTP_CommandUnrecognized 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. For example, the command line might be too long. 16501 kLVSMTP_SyntaxError 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 16502 kLVSMTP_CommandNotImplemented 502 Command not implemented. 16503 kLVSMTP_BadCommandSequence 503 Bad sequence of commands. 16504 kLVSMTP_CommandParameterNotImplemented 504 Command parameter not implemented. 16550 kLVSMTP_MailboxUnavailable 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. For example, the mailbox was not found or there is no access. 16551 kLVSMTP_TryForwardPath 551 User not local; try "forward-path." 16552 kLVSMTP_ExceededStorageAllocation 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation. 16553 kLVSMTP_MailboxSyntaxIncorrect 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed. For example, the mailbox syntax might be incorrect. 16554 kLVSMTP_TransactionFailed 554 Transaction failed.
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