首页 2014年大学三级(A)阅读理解专项试题(三)



2014年大学三级(A)阅读理解专项试题(三) 大学三级(A)阅读理解专项试题(三) 一、Reading Comprehension(共55小题,共55.0分)Directions: After rending the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct...

大学三级(A)阅读理解专项试题(三) 一、Reading Comprehension(共55小题,共55.0分)Directions: After rending the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 第1题     As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the alt of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.    Stress is a natural part of everyday life. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital (重要的) to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and iii health.    The amount of stress a person can withstand (忍受) depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress. Such characters are best for management. Others lose heart at the first signs of stress. When exposed to stress we react both chemically and physically. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Since we can't remove stress from our lives, we need to find ways to deal with it. In paragraph 3, "such a reaction" refers back to ______. A asking a choice between "flight or fight" B "reaction to stress both chemically and physically" C "responding to crises quickly" D "losing heart at the signs of difficulties" 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理题。根据上下文大意可知,这种反应是指在压力面前人体产生的物理和化学反应。 第2题 In the last sentence of the passage, "deal with it" refers to ______. A "expose ourselves to stress" B "find ways to deal with stress" C "remove stress from our lives" D "establish links between diseases and stress" 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理题。根据文章最后一句“既然我们无法消除生活中的压力,我们需要找办法对付它。”可知答案是B。 第3题 Which of the following statements is true? A We can find some ways to avoid stress. B Stress is always harmful to people. C It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work. D Different people can withstand different amount of stress.. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 排除法。第二段开头说“压力是日常生活的一部分,没有办法躲避它。”所以A答案错;第二段紧接着说“当压力过大无法控制时,才会对人体有害”,所以B答案错;文章第一段第二句讲“……一旦你从早忙到晚形成习惯,就很难停下来”,所以C答案错。 第4题 According to the writer, the most important character for a good manager is his ______. A not fearing stress B knowing the art of relaxation C high sense of responsibility D having control over performance 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节题。第三段第二句话说某些人不怕压力,具有这些特点的人适合做管理工作。 第5题 People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because ______. A they do not know how to enjoy themselves B they do not believe that relaxation is important for health C they are traveling fast all the time D they are becoming busier with their work 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节题。第一段指出随着人们生活节奏的不断加快,我们正在渐渐丧失休息和放松的技能,从早忙到晚很难有时间停下来休息。 第6题    English, like all other language, is constantly changing. When a language stops to change, we call it a dead language. Classical Latin is a dead language because it has not changed for nearly 2,000 years.    The change that is going on in a living language can be easily seen in the vocabulary. Old words die out and new words are added. Much of the vocabulary of Old English has been lost, and the development of new words to meet new conditions is one of the most familiar phenomena of our language. Change of the meaning can be seen from any page of Shakespeare. Nice in Shakespeare’s day meant foolish; rheumatism (风湿病) meant a cold in the head. Another change is pronunciation. Change in the vowel sounds has characterized English throughout its history. Old English start has become our stone; cu has become cow. Most of these changes are regular. Changes likewise occur in the grammatical forms of a language. These may be the result of gradual phonetic modification (语音变化). The person who says I knowed is only trying to form the past tense of this verb. This process is known as the operation of analogy (类比), and it may affect the sound and meaning as well as the form of words. The process of analogy contributes to the change in ______. A grammar B vocabulary C pronunciation D all of the above 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节题。第二段说动词know变过去式后面加-ed是因为很多动词变过去式都加 ed,这是一个类比过程,这一过程会影响到语音、语义及词汇的变化。 第7题 The statement which is not tree about the change of the English language is ______. A all of the Old English words have died out or changed their meaning B new words come out to meet the new situations C most of the changes in English vowel pronunciation are regular D the change in pronunciation may lead to the change in grammar 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节题。第二段提及大部分古英语的旧词被淘汰而不是全部都被淘汰,所以A答案的说法是错误的。其他三项在第二段中均有说明。 第8题 Classical Latin is dead because ______. A the Latin words have died out B nobody likes to speak it now C it has not changed for a long time D it is too Did 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节题。第一段说到“古拉丁语是死语言,因为它2000多年来一直没有发生变化”。 第9题 We call a language dead when ______. A nobody speaks it B it's too difficult to learn C it stops changing D people who speak that language die out 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节题。第一段第二句说到“当一种语言不再变化,就称之为死语言”。 第10题 We can infer from this passage that ______. A the English language is subject to the most changes compared with other language B Shakespeare would have trouble understanding modem English if he still lived today C there are more changes in vocabulary than in grammar D the author of the passage is an expert in the field of language change 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理题。作者提到莎士比亚著作中很多词的词义,词形已发生了很大的改变,所以对于现代英语,他也许很难读懂。作者第一段第一句话就谈到英语与其他语言一样都经历了巨大的变化,所以答案A错误。第二段谈到词汇和语法都经历了变化,不存在变化多或少的问题,所以答案C错;文章中没有提到作者的身份,所以答案D错误。 第11题 Working at home in your nightclothes while saving hundreds of dollars may sound too good to be true, but it isn't. More and more employees are telecommuting, doing their job at home or another remote site.    "It's a trend that's here now and you're going to see a lot more telecommuting because people don't have to put up with commuting (来回上下班). They want more work/life balance, they want less stress in their lives and companies want to drive costs after their bottom lines," says John Edwards, President of the International Telework Association and Council.    However, Edwards says, "The biggest problem at the moment is dealing with middle management who is uncomfortable with management style focusing on results. They are used to the line of sight management style. But they have to change to more results-oriented management style which can often be slightly opposite, so they feel uncomfortable with that."    Edwards says telecommuting kills distance--and a lot of face to face meetings are replaced by tele-conferences. "Distance does not exist anymore. It's the death of distance, if you like. So now it's possible to have more invisible teams so that the necessity to have the old bricks and walls existing is beginning to disappear.\ According to the writer, telecommuting refers to the way ______ . A people do all their work by telephone B employees wear nightclothes while working C people do their work outside companies D employees communicate with each other 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问根据作者的说法,远程工作是指什么。文章第一段第二句话的后半部分是对前半句中的提到的远程工作的解释,远程工作即人们在家里或其他遥远的地方工作,由此可推知远程工作是人们不在公司进行的工作方式,故选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(人们通过电话进行工作的方式)和选项D(员工彼此之间交流的方式)在文章当中没有提到,故为错误选项。选项B(职员穿着睡衣工作)虽然在文章第一段第一句话中提到过,但这只是远程工作时的一种可能的情形,说法不够全面,故应排除。 第12题 Which of the following is NOT the reason why telecommuting has become popular? A It can balance employees' work and life. B It can help save the cost for companies. C It can reduce conflicts between employers and employers. D It can kill the time spent in going to work from hom 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问下面哪一项不是远程工作受人欢迎的原因。选项C(远程工作可以减少员工与雇主的冲突)在文章当中没有提到,故此项符合题意,为正确答案。 [避错指南] 解答此题可用排除法。文章第二段中爱德华所说的话提到了远程工作的好处,也就是远程工作受欢迎的原因。根据第二段中爱德华说的第兰句话的后半部分可知远程工作可以减少人们上下班花费的时间,故选项D是远程工作的好处之一。根据他说的第二句话可知远程工作可以平衡员工的工作与生活,故选项A是远程工作的好处之一。根据他说的第二句话后半部分可知远程工作可以减少公司的成本,因此选项B也是远程工作的好处之一。此三项都是远程工作受欢迎的原因,不符合题目的要求,故不选。 第13题 According to John Edwards, management style in the new trend ______ . A focuses on sight management B is opposite to employers' expectation C should get used to results management D saves unnecessary troubles 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问根据约翰·爱德华的说法,新的管理方式是什么样子的。根据文章第三段第三句话的前半部分可知管理远程工作时人们更加注重结果,所以新的管理方式应该适应注重结果的管理,选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据文章第三段第二句话可知以前的管理方式注重面对面的管理,因此这不是新的管理方式,选项A为错误选项;选项B(与雇主的期望相反)和选项D(可以省去不必要的麻烦)在文章中没有提到,故这两项都为错误选项。 第14题 We can infer from the last paragraph that ______ . A employees hate distance between each other B there should be no distance between employers and employees C the disappearance of distance improves efficiency D telecommuting changes ways of communication 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问从最后一段中我们可以推理得出什么。根据最后一段第一句话的后半部分,网上会议取代面对面的会议,由此可知远程工作可以改变人们的交流方式,故选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(员工痛恨彼此之间存在的距离)、选项B(雇员与雇主之间不应该存在距离)和选项C(距离的消失提高了效率)不能从文章最后一段中推理得出,故此三项均不符合题目要求。 第15题 The passage is mainly concerned with ______ . A commuting B telecommuting C teleconferences D management style 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 主旨大意题。本题询问这篇文章主要是关于什么的。这篇文章主要讲了远程工作,远程工作的优点以及面临的困难,因此选项B为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(来回上下班)只是在文章第二段中提到,不是全文主要讨论的问题,故为错误选项。选项C (网上会议)是远程工作进行交流的一种方式,不全面,故不选。选项D(管理方式)或称远程工作对管理方式的影响,是第三段的主要内容,不足以涵盖全文的主要内容,故不选。 第16题 All of us communicate with one another verbally (口头的) as well as non-verbally. Most of the time we are not aware that we're doing it. We wave a hand, meet someone else's eyes or look away, shift positions in a chair. We make these movements unconsciously. But researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent (一致的) and comprehensible as language.    Every culture has its body language. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, Americans are likely to end a statement with a lowering of the eyelids. They conclude a question with a lift of the hand or a widening of the eyes. With a future-tense verb they often gesture with a forward movement. There are regional idioms too. Your sex, ethnic background, social class and personal style all influence your body language. Nevertheless, you move and gesture within a certain idiom.    Usually, the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the non-verbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often it's a case of "not what he said but the way he said it."    Experts in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. The expert looks for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture. Which of the following is NOT a way of non-verbal communications according to the fnst paragraph? A Waving a hand. B Making eye contact. C Changing positions in a chair. D Crying in a low voic 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问四个选项中哪一项不是第一段中提到的非言语交际。根据第一段第一句和第三句可以知道人们的行为可以分为言语行为和非言语行为,其中非言语行为并不包括低声哭泣,因此只有选项D符合题目要求,是正确答案。 [避错指南] 依据第一段第三句可以判断,非言语行为包括挥手、跟神的交流、改变坐姿三种行为,因此可知选项A(挥手)、选项B(眼神交流)和选项C(改变坐姿)三个选项均不符合题目要求,故为错误选项。 第17题 According to researchers, people's gestures are ______ . A incidental B comprehensible C isolated D precise 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问研究者是如何看待人的手势的。根据第一段最后一句可以判断,研究者认为人们的肢体语言,或称非言语交际,和语言相似,是一致的、可理解的系统,因此选项B(可理解的)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(偶然的)和选项C(孤立的)与第一段最后一句的“a system(一个系统)”不一致,因此予以排除;选项D(准确的)与文章最后一段的内容不一致,因此也不正确。 第18题 All of the following statements are true of Americans EXCEPT ______ . A start a question with widened eyes B have their forward movements in future-tense verbs C cross their legs in a different way that Englishmen do D tend to lower their eyelids to conclude a statement 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节推理判断题。本题询问四个选项中哪一项对美国人的说法是不正确的。根据文章第二段第四句可以知道,美国人只有在问题问完了之后,才会有睁大眼睛的行动,因此选项A(问问题前睁大眼睛)不是文章中对美国人的正确表述,符合题目要求,为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据第二段第二、三、四和五句可以知道选项B(表示将采的情况时使用向前的动作)、选项C(翘腿的姿势和英国人不一样)和选项D(叙述完后眨一下眼睛)的表述部符合美国人的特点,因此不符合题目要求,为错误选项。 第19题 In paragraph 3, which of the following does NOT influence one's body language? A Sex. B Educational background. C Social status. D Personal styl 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。根据第二段第七句的内容,可以判断只有选项B(教育背景)不会影响我们的非言语交际,因此为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(性别)、选项C(社会地位)和选项D(个人风格)都会影响我们的非言语交际,因此不符合题目要求,为错误选项。 第20题 Non-verbal communication ______ . A always expresses the message precisely B usually doesn't match the language C sometimes isolates a meaning D often shows the speaker's true emotions 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问非言语交际是什么样的交际。根据第三段第二句可以判断非言语交际能够表现说话者的真实情感,因此选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(总是能够准确表达信息)和文章最后一段的内容不符,因此可以首先予以排除。选项B(总是和语言不一致)和选项C(有时候没有意义)在文章中都没有提及,因此也都不正确。 第21题 Working at home in your nightclothes while saving hundreds of dollars may sound too good to be true, but it isn't. More and more employees are telecommuting, doing their job at home or another remote site.    "It's a trend that's here now and you're going to see a lot more telecommuting because people don't have to put up with commuting (来回上下班). They want more work / life balance, they want less stress in their lives and companies want to drive costs after their bottom lines," says John Edwards, President of the International Telework Association and Council.    However, Edwards says, "The biggest problem at the moment is dealing with middle management who is uncomfortable with management style focusing on results. They are used to the line of sight management style. But they have to change to more results-oriented management style which can often be slightly opposite, so they feel uncomfortable with that."    Edwards says telecommuting kills distance—and a lot of face to face meetings are replaced by tele-conferences. "Distance does not exist anymore. It's the death of distance, if you like. So now it's possible to have more invisible teams so that the necessity to have the old bricks and walls existing is beginning to disappear.\ According to the writer, telecommuting refers to the way ______ . A people do all their work by telephone B employees wear nightclothes while working C people do their work outside companies D employees communicate with each other 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问根据作者的说法,远程工作是指什么。文章第一段第二句话的后半部分是对前半句中的提到的远程工作的解释,远程工作即人们在家里或其他遥远的地方工作,由此可推知远程工作是人们不在公司进行的工作方式,故选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(人们通过电话进行工作的方式)和选项D(员工彼此之间交流的方式)在文章当中没有提到,故为错误选项。选项B(职员穿着睡衣工作)虽然在文章第一段第一句话中提到过,但这只是远程工作时的一种可能的情形,说法不够全面,故应排除。 第22题 Which of the following is NOT the reason why telecommuting has become popular? A It can balance employees' work and life. B It can help save the cost for companies. C It can reduce conflicts between employers and employers. D It can kill the time spent in going to work from hom 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问下面哪一项不是远程工作受人欢迎的原因。选项C(远程工作可以减少员工与雇主的冲突)在文章当中没有提到,故此项符合题意,为正确答案。 [避错指南] 解答此题可用排除法。文章第二段中爱德华所说的话提到了远程工作的好处,也就是远程工作受欢迎的原因。根据第二段中爱德华说的第一句话的后半部分可知远程工作可以减少人们上下班花费的时间,故选项D是远程工作的好处之一。根据他说的第二句话可知远程工作可以平衡员工的工作与生活,故选项A是远程工作的好处之一。根据他说的第二句话后半部分可知远程工作可以减少公司的成本,因此选项B也是远程工作的好处之一。此三项都是远程工作受欢迎的原因,不符合题目的要求,故不选。 第23题 According to John Edwards, management style in the new trend ______ . A focuses on sight management B is opposite to employers' expectation C should get used to results management D saves unnecessary troubles 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问根据约翰•爱德华的说法,新的管理方式是什么样子的。根据文章第三段第三句话的前半部分可知管理远程工作时人们更加注重结果,所以新的管理方式应该适应注重结果的管理,选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据文章第三段第二句话可知以前的管理方式注重面对面的管理,因此这不是新的管理方式,选项A为错误选项。选项B(与雇主的期望相反)和选项D(可以省去不必要的麻烦)在文章中没有提到,故这两项都为错误选项。 第24题 We can infer from the last paragraph that ______ . A employees hate distance between each other B there should be no distance between employers and employees C the disappearance of distance improves efficiency D telecommuting changes ways of communication 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问从最后一段中我们可以推理得出什么。根据最后一段第一句话的后半部分,网上会议取代面对面的会议,由此可知远程工作可以改变人们的交流方式,故选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(员工痛恨彼此之间存在的距离)、选项B(雇员与雇主之间不应该存在距离)和选项C(距离的消失提高了效率)不能从文章最后一段中推理得出,故此三项均不符合题目要求。 第25题 The passage is mainly concerned with ______ . A commuting B telecommuting C teleconferences D management style 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 主旨大意题。本题询问这篇文章主要是关于什么的。这篇文章主要讲了远程工作,远程工作的优点以及面临的困难,因此选项B为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(来回上下班)只是在文章第二段中提到,不是全文主要讨论的问题,故为错误选项。选项C(网上会议)是远程工作进行交流的一种方式,不全面,故不选。选项D(管理方式)或称远程工作对管理方式的影响,是第三段的主要内容,不足以涵盖全文的主要内容,故不选。 第26题 All of us communicate with one another verbally (口头的) as well as non-verbally. Most of the time we are not aware that we're doing it. We wave a hand, meet someone else's eyes or look away, shift positions in a chair. We make these movements unconsciously. But researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent (一致的) and comprehensible as language.    Every culture has its body language. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking,  Americans are likely to end a statement with a lowering of the eyelids. They conclude a question with a lift of the hand or a widening of the eyes. With a future-tense verb they often gesture with a forward movement. There are regional idioms too. Your sex, ethnic background, social class and personal style all influence your body language. Nevertheless, you move and gesture within a certain idiom.    Usually, the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the non-verbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often it's a case of "not what he said but the way he said it."    Experts in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. The expert looks for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture. Which of the following is NOT a way of non-verbal communications according to the fast paragraph? A Waving a hand. B Making eye contact, C Changing positions in a chair. D Crying in a low voic 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问四个选项中哪一项不是第一段中提到的非言语交际。根据第一段第一句和第三句可以知道人们的行为可以分为言语行为和非言语行为,其中非言语行为并不包括低声哭泣,因此只有选项D符合题目要求,是正确答案。 [避错指南] 依据第一段第三句可以判断,非言语行为包括挥手、眼神的交流、改变坐姿三种行为,因此可知选项A(挥手)、选项B(眼神交流)和选项C(改变坐姿)三个选项均不符合题目要求,故为错误选项。 第27题 According to researchers, people's gestures are ______ . A incidental B comprehensible C isolated D precise 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问研究者是如何看待人的手势的。根据第一段最后一句可以判断,研究者认为人们的肢体语言,或称非言语交际,和语言相似,是一致的、可理解的系统,因此选项B(可理解的)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(偶然的)和选项C(孤立的)与第一段最后一句的“a system(一个系统)”不一致,因此予以排除。选项D(准确的)与文章最后一段的内容不一致,因此也不正确。 第28题 All of the following statements are true of Americans EXCEPT ______ . A start a question with widened eyes B have their forward movements in future-tense verbs C cross their legs in a different way that Englishmen do D tend to lower their eyelids to conclude a statement 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节推理判断题。本题询问四个选项中哪一项对美国人的说法是不正确的。根据文章第二段第四句可以知道,美国人只有在问题问完了之后,才会有睁大眼睛的行动,因此选项A(问问题前睁大眼睛)不是文章中对美国人的正确表述,符合题目要求,为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据第二段第二、三、四和五句可以知道选项B(表示将来的情况时使用向前的动作)、选项C(翘腿的姿势和英国人不一样)和选项D(叙述完后眨一下眼睛)的表述都符合美国人的特点,因此不符合题目要求,为错误选项。 第29题 In paragraph 3, which of the following does NOT influence one's body language? A Sex. B Educational background. C Social status. D Personal styl 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。根据第二段第七句的内容,可以判断只有选项B(教育背景)不会影响我们的非言语交际,因此为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(性别)、选项C(社会地位)和选项D(个人风格)都会影响我们的非言语交际,因此不符合题目要求,为错误选项。 第30题 Non-verbal communication ______ . A always expresses the message precisely B usually doesn't match the language C sometimes isolates a meaning D often shows the speaker's true emotions 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问非言语交际是什么样的交际。根据第三段第二句可以判断非言语交际能够表现说话者的真实情感,因此选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(总是能够准确表达信息)和文章最后一段的内容不符,因此可以首先予以排除。选项B(总是和语言不一致)和选项C(有时候没有意义)在文章中都没有提及,因此也都不正确。 第31题    Working at home in your nightclothes while saving hundreds of dollars may sound too good to be true, but it isn't. More and more employees are telecommuting, doing their job at home or another remote site.    "It's a trend that's here now and you're going to see a lot more telecommuting because people don't have to put up with commuting (来回上下班). They want more work/life balance, they want less stress in their lives and companies want to drive costs after their bottom lines," says John Edwards, President of the International Telework Association and Council.    However, Edwards says, "The biggest problem at the moment is dealing with middle management who is uncomfortable with management style focusing on results. They are used to the line of sight management style. But they have to change to more results-oriented management style which can often be slightly opposite, so they feel uncomfortable with that."    Edwards says telecommuting kills distance--and a lot of face to face meetings are replaced by tele-conferences. "Distance does not exist anymore. It's the death of distance, if you like. So now it's possible to have more invisible teams so that the necessity to have the old bricks and walls existing is beginning to disappear." According to the writer, telecommuting refers to the way ______ . A people do all their work by telephone B employees wear nightclothes while working C people do their work outside companies D employees communicate with each other 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问根据作者的说法,远程工作是指什么。文章第一段第二句话的后半部分是对前半句中的提到的远程工作的解释,远程工作即人们在家里或其他遥远的地方工作,由此可推知远程工作是人们不在公司进行的工作方式,故选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(人们通过电话进行工作的方式)和选项D(员工彼此之间交流的方式)在文章当中没有提到,故为错误选项。选项B(职员穿着睡衣工作)虽然在文章第一段第一句话中提到过,但这只是远程工作时的一种可能的情形,说法不够全面,故应排除。 第32题 Which of the following is NOT the reason why telecommuting has become popular? A It can balance employees' work and life. B It can help save the cost for companies. C It can reduce conflicts between employers and employers. D It can kill the time spent in going to work from home. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问下面哪一项不是远程工作受人欢迎的原因。选项C(远程工作可以减少员工与雇主的冲突)在文章当中没有提到,故此项符合题意,为正确答案。 [避错指南] 解答此题可用排除法。文章第二段中爱德华所说的话提到了远程工作的好处,也就是远程工作受欢迎的原因。根据第二段中爱德华说的第兰句话的后半部分可知远程工作可以减少人们上下班花费的时间,故选项D是远程工作的好处之一。根据他说的第二句话可知远程工作可以平衡员工的工作与生活,故选项A是远程工作的好处之一。根据他说的第二句话后半部分可知远程工作可以减少公司的成本,因此选项B也是远程工作的好处之一。此三项都是远程工作受欢迎的原因,不符合题目的要求,故不选。 第33题 According to John Edwards, management style in the new trend ______ . A focuses on sight management B is opposite to employers' expectation C should get used to results management D saves unnecessary troubles 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问根据约翰·爱德华的说法,新的管理方式是什么样子的。根据文章第三段第三句话的前半部分可知管理远程工作时人们更加注重结果,所以新的管理方式应该适应注重结果的管理,选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据文章第三段第二句话可知以前的管理方式注重面对面的管理,因此这不是新的管理方式,选项A为错误选项;选项B(与雇主的期望相反)和选项D(可以省去不必要的麻烦)在文章中没有提到,故这两项都为错误选项。 第34题 We can infer from the last paragraph that ______ . A employees hate distance between each other B there should be no distance between employers and employees C the disappearance of distance improves efficiency D telecommuting changes ways of communication 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问从最后一段中我们可以推理得出什么。根据最后一段第一句话的后半部分,网上会议取代面对面的会议,由此可知远程工作可以改变人们的交流方式,故选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(员工痛恨彼此之间存在的距离)、选项B(雇员与雇主之间不应该存在距离)和选项C(距离的消失提高了效率)不能从文章最后一段中推理得出,故此三项均不符合题目要求。 第35题 The passage is mainly concerned with ______ . A commuting B telecommuting C teleconferences D management style 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 主旨大意题。本题询问这篇文章主要是关于什么的。这篇文章主要讲了远程工作,远程工作的优点以及面临的困难,因此选项B为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(来回上下班)只是在文章第二段中提到,不是全文主要讨论的问题,故为错误选项。选项C (网上会议)是远程工作进行交流的一种方式,不全面,故不选。选项D(管理方式)或称远程工作对管理方式的影响,是第三段的主要内容,不足以涵盖全文的主要内容,故不选。 第36题    All of us communicate with one another verbally (口头的) as well as non-verbally. Most of the time we are not aware that we're doing it. We wave a hand, meet someone else's eyes or look away, shift positions in a chair. We make these movements unconsciously. But researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent (一致的) and comprehensible as language.    Every culture has its body language. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, Americans are likely to end a statement with a lowering of the eyelids. They conclude a question with a lift of the hand or a widening of the eyes. With a future-tense verb they often gesture with a forward movement. There are regional idioms too. Your sex, ethnic background, social class and personal style all influence your body language. Nevertheless, you move and gesture within a certain idiom.    Usually, the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the non-verbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often it's a case of "not what he said but the way he said it."    Experts in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. The expert looks for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture. Which of the following is NOT a way of non-verbal communications according to the fnst paragraph? A Waving a hand. B Making eye contact. C Changing positions in a chair. D Crying in a low voice. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问四个选项中哪一项不是第一段中提到的非言语交际。根据第一段第一句和第三句可以知道人们的行为可以分为言语行为和非言语行为,其中非言语行为并不包括低声哭泣,因此只有选项D符合题目要求,是正确答案。 [避错指南] 依据第一段第三句可以判断,非言语行为包括挥手、跟神的交流、改变坐姿三种行为,因此可知选项A(挥手)、选项B(眼神交流)和选项C(改变坐姿)三个选项均不符合题目要求,故为错误选项。 第37题 According to researchers, people's gestures are ______ . A incidental B comprehensible C isolated D precise 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问研究者是如何看待人的手势的。根据第一段最后一句可以判断,研究者认为人们的肢体语言,或称非言语交际,和语言相似,是一致的、可理解的系统,因此选项B(可理解的)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(偶然的)和选项C(孤立的)与第一段最后一句的“a system(一个系统)”不一致,因此予以排除;选项D(准确的)与文章最后一段的内容不一致,因此也不正确。 第38题 All of the following statements are true of Americans EXCEPT ______ . A start a question with widened eyes B have their forward movements in future-tense verbs C cross their legs in a different way that Englishmen do D tend to lower their eyelids to conclude a statement 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 细节推理判断题。本题询问四个选项中哪一项对美国人的说法是不正确的。根据文章第二段第四句可以知道,美国人只有在问题问完了之后,才会有睁大眼睛的行动,因此选项A(问问题前睁大眼睛)不是文章中对美国人的正确表述,符合题目要求,为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据第二段第二、三、四和五句可以知道选项B(表示将采的情况时使用向前的动作)、选项C(翘腿的姿势和英国人不一样)和选项D(叙述完后眨一下眼睛)的表述部符合美国人的特点,因此不符合题目要求,为错误选项。 第39题 In paragraph 3, which of the following does NOT influence one's body language? A Sex. B Educational background. C Social status. D Personal style. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。根据第二段第七句的内容,可以判断只有选项B(教育背景)不会影响我们的非言语交际,因此为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(性别)、选项C(社会地位)和选项D(个人风格)都会影响我们的非言语交际,因此不符合题目要求,为错误选项。 第40题 Non-verbal communication ______ . A always expresses the message precisely B usually doesn't match the language C sometimes isolates a meaning D often shows the speaker's true emotions 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问非言语交际是什么样的交际。根据第三段第二句可以判断非言语交际能够表现说话者的真实情感,因此选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(总是能够准确表达信息)和文章最后一段的内容不符,因此可以首先予以排除。选项B(总是和语言不一致)和选项C(有时候没有意义)在文章中都没有提及,因此也都不正确。 第41题 Dietetics (营养学) is the application of the science of nutrition (营养) to the selection and preparation of foods, in health and disease. A dietitian is specially trained to give practical advice to individuals about their diets. He/she will have received training in a hospital and/or community setting as part of his/her course. Many dietitians are employed in the NHS (National Health Service). They work with both healthy and sick people, as well as their families. With patients who need special diets, dietitians use their scientific knowledge to provide practical information that is appropriate to the patient's medical history and lifestyle.    These days a large number of dietitians spend some or all of their time working in the community rather than in a hospital. Many of these have fur conditions to apply for registration in public health nutrition as well as being registered dietitians (RD). In the community, the dietitian's work is more about health education, although many also run clinics (诊所)for people who need specialists' suggestions about the right diet. Dietitians also work in research, the food industry, government, the media and education. Information about part-time dietitians is available from the Freelance Dietitians Group of the British Dietetic Association.    It is necessary to have a degree (BSc or MSc) in nutrition and dietetics to work as a dietitian. The British Dietetic Association has information about qualifying as a dietitian. There exist undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for a qualified dietitian who has finished required courses. According to the passage, which of the following does dietetics NOT refer to? A It uses the science of nutrition to construct diets in health and disease. B It uses the science of nutrition to select foods. C It uses the science of nutrition to create diets only for patients. D It uses the science of nutrition to prepare foods. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问根据这篇文章,下面哪一项不是营养学涉及的内容。根据文章首句可知,营养学是将营养科学的知识运用到饮食方面,为达到保持身体健康和预防、治疗疾病的目的,营养学不仅为病人也为身体健康的人提供饮食建议,所以选项C(只将营养学运用到病人饮食搭 配方 学校职工宿舍分配方案某公司股权分配方案中药治疗痤疮学校教师宿舍分配方案医生绩效二次分配方案 面)不符合文意,故选项C为符合题意的正确答案。 [避错指南] 据文章首句可知,选项A(将营养科学运用到饮食搭配中,以达到保持身体健康和预防、治疗疾病的目的)、选项B(将营养科学运用到食物挑选方面)、选项D(将营养科学运用到食物准备方面)这三种说法都是营养学包括的内容,故不符合题目要求。 第42题 According to the passage, the Freelance Dietitians Group of the British Dietetic Association refers to the group which includes A all the dietitians B all the registered dietitians C only full-time dietitians D only part-time dietitians 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问根据这篇文章,英国营养协会自由营养师组织包括什么人。根据第二段最后一句话可知,英国营养协会自由营养师组织提供兼职营养师的相关信息,所以这个组织只包括兼职营养师,故选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(所有的营养师)、选项B(所有的注册营养师)、选项C(只包括全职的营养师)在文中都没有提到,故不符合题意。 第43题 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A Dietitians work in hospitals for a longer time than in the community. B British dietitians have wide choices for their work. C The dietitians in the community care more about the health research than health education. D The dietitians just work together with the healthy peopl 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问下面哪一项说法符合文章内容。根据第二段第四句话可知,英国的营养师可以在研究部门、食品行业、媒体等很多部门工作,说明他们的:工作领域宽广,故选项B为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据第二段第一句话可知;营养师在社区工作的时间比在医院工作的时间还要长,故选项A(营养师在医院工作的时间比在社区工作的时间长)与文意相反。根据第二段第三句。可知,在社区营养师的工作更多的是进行健康教育,选项C(与健康教育相比;在社区工作的营养师更加重视健康研究)不符合文意,故不选。根据第一段第五句话可知;营养师既为身体健康的人服务工作,也为病人服务,故选项D(营养师只为身体健康的人服务)不符合文意。 第44题 According to the passage, who can be a dietitian? A Those who have worked with sick people. B Those who like to help other people. C Those with a degree of BSc in nutrition and dietetics. D Those with enthusiasm for nutrition and dietetics. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问根据这篇文章,谁能够成为营养师。根据最后一段第一句话可知,要想成为营养师,必须获得营养学和饮食学的本科学位或者硕士学位,故选项C(那些获得营养学和饮食学本科学位的人)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(那些曾经为病人服务过的人)、选项B(那些乐于助人的人)和选项D(那些热衷于营养学和饮食学的人)在文中没有提到,故不选。 第45题 This passage is mainly about ______. A dietetics B health education C British Dietetic Association D dietitians 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 主旨大意题。本题询问这篇文章主要是关于什么内容的。本文主要讲了有关营养师的内容,包括他们的工作以及成为营养师的条件等,故选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(营养学)只是在文章首句中提到,选项B(健康教育)只是在第二段第三句话中提到。选项C (英国营养协会)只是在第二段最后一句话以及第三段第二句话中提到;这三项都不是文章的主要内容,不够全面,故不选。 第46题 Self-esteem is a private, individual matter. It goes up and down from day to day, or even from hour to hour. Thus, strengthening self-esteem is no easy task. But managers can help improve employees' self-esteem in the following ways.    Firstly, they must create a work environment that invites people to feel good about themselves and the work they do. They must not damage or lower the self-esteem of others. Managers should avoid something said or done to someone that wears away their feelings of self worth and satisfaction in performance. For example, it is unacceptable to greet a lazy employee with comments like "Late again! You win the prize for being the least reliable person here."    Secondly, they must develop ways of communicating real respect and concern to the employees by actively helping them improve their self-image and to feel better about themselves and their performance. For example, comments like, "I knew you could do an exceptional job on that new assignment--and you proved me right!" If sincere, it will make an employee's day.     Lastly, give specific rather than general praise. Managers can't just go around saying to employees, "I really appreciate your work" or "Thanks'--your employees will think you're running for political office! Instead, be specific about what was done and the positive consequences of the action. For example, "That report you did for me on Thursday was just what I needed for my marketing meeting."  And be sure to give the feedback to the person as soon after the event as possible. We can learn from the first paragraph that self-esteem is ______ A kept as it is for a long time B not fixed C easy to improve D the most important 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题。本题询问从第一段中我们可以知道自尊心是什么样的。根据第一段第二句话可知,自尊心在每天甚至每个小时都是起伏不定的,说明自尊心是不稳定的,故选项B(不稳定的)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(可以在很长时间内保持不变)与文意不符;故不选。根据第一段第三句话可知,增强自尊心不是件容易的事情。故选项C(很容易提高)不符合文意。选项D(是最重要的)在文章中没有提到,故不选。 第47题 According to the passage, creating the work environment should consider A the role of high efficiency at work B employees' self-value for their work C employers' satisfaction about their work D the importance of the prize for the company 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问根据这篇文章,营造工作环境应该考虑什么。根据第二段第三句话可知,要营造良好的工作环境,经理们要避免伤害员工对工作的自我价值感,故选项B为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(工作的高效率作用)、选项C(老板对员工工作的满意程度)和选项D(奖励对公司的重要性)在文中均未提到,故不选。 第48题 The comments given to employees should ______ in order to strengthen their self-respect. A be frequent B show respect and concern C be much in amount D be negative sometimes 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 事实细节题。本题询问为了提高员工的自尊心,在评论员工时应该怎样做。根据第三段第一句话可知,经理要建立真正尊重员工、关心员工的交流方式,故选项B(显示尊重与关心)为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(很频繁)、选项C(要很多)和选项D(有时候可以是消极的评论)在文中都没有涉及到,故不选。 第49题 Managers should give praise to employees A in a general way B for a special purpose C in detail and in time D on a special occasion 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 推理判断题,本题询问经理应该如何称赞员工。根据最后一段第三句话和第五句话可知,经理在称赞员工时要具体,针对他们所做的工作和工作的积极效果。而且,事情做完后,经理要尽可能早地感谢有关员工,由此可知经理在称赞员工时要讲究具体性和及时性,故选项C为正确答案。 [避错指南] 根据最后一段第一句话可知,经理称赞员工时不能泛泛而谈,故选项A(以泛泛的形式)与文意不符。选项B(为了特殊目的),选项D(在特殊场合)在文中没有提及,故不选。 第50题 Which is the best title for this passage? A Importance of Self-esteem. B The Role of Managers. C The Praises for Employees. D Improvement of Self-esteem. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 主旨大意题。本题询问下面哪一项最适合做本文的题目。本文主要讲了如何提高员工的自尊心。第一段的最后一句话是本文的主题句,第二、三、四段分别从营造有利的工作环境、建立真正尊重员工关心员工的工作方式、称赞员工时要注意具体性和及时性这三个方面讲了如何提高员工的自尊心。故选项D为正确答案。 [避错指南] 选项A(自尊心的重要性)、选项B(经理的作用)在文章当中没有涉及,故不选。选项C(对员工的称赞)只是概括了文章第四段的主要内容,不全面,故不选。 第51题 In medicine, blood type is the classification of red blood cells by the presence of specific substances on their surface. In the early part of the 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions often failed because the blood type of the recipient was not compatible with that of the donor. In 1901 the Austrian doctor Karl Landsteiner classified blood types and discovered that the hereditary blood factor is of great importance in blood transfusions because it creates reactions that can threaten the life of newborn infants.    The four blood types are known as A, B, AB, and O. Blood type A contains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface. This type of blood also contains an antibody directed against substance B, which can be found on the red cells of persons with blood type B. Type B blood contains the opposite things. Blood type AB contains neither antibody, but red cells in this type of blood contain both A and B substances. In type O blood, neither substance is present on the red cells, but the individual is capable of forming antibodies directed against red cells containing substance A or B, If blood type A is transfused into a person with B type blood, anti-A antibodies in the recipient will destroy the transfused A red cells. Because O type blood has neither substance on its red cells, it can be given successfully to almost any person. Persons with blood type AB have no antibodies and can receive any of the four types of blood; thus blood types O and AB are called universal donors and universal recipients, respectively.    Other hereditary(遗传的) blood-group systems have subsequently been discovered, for example, the Rh blood factor. And nowadays more than twenty additional blood types have been discovered. Their importance is obvious. In the early part of the 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions often failed because ______. A the blood type of the donor was not compatible with that of the recipient B the blood type of the recipient was not suitable for that of the donor C blood type A contains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface D blood cells are necessary for blood transfusion 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 根据文章第一段第二句话来做,注意be compatible with “与……兼容”;be suitable for“适合……”。 第52题 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A The four blood types are known as A, B, AB, and O. B Blood type A contains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface. C Blood type B contains an antibody directed against substance A. D Blood type AB contains antibody, but red cells in this type of blood neither contain both A and B substances. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 在D项中,错误在于多了“neither”一词,使整句话意思完全相反。 第53题 If a patient whose blood type is O needs blood transfusion, who can be the donor? A Blood type A. B Blood type B. C Blood type AB. D Blood type O. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 文章讲到O型血的人是universal donors,但不是universal recipients。因为在第二段最后一句“Persons With blood type AB have no antibodies and can receive any of the four types of blood; thus blood types O and AB are called universal donors and universal recipents, respectively.”中respectively是“各自地,独立地”的意思。同时另一句“In type O blood, neither substance is present on the red cells, but the individual is capable of forming antibodies directed against red cells containing substance A or B.”其句意是:O型血的人红细胞中没有该物质,但个体的人能形成抗A或B型红细胞的抗体。所以,只有O型血的人能给O型人输血。 第54题 A baby's blood type is decided by ______. A his father or his mother B his mother and his father C his grandparents D himself 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 此题可根据常识来做,孩子的血型由父母决定。 第55题 The best title for this passage would be ______. A The Importance of Blood Type B The Importance of Blood Transfusion C Blood Type D Hereditary Blood-group Systems 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 A、B项强调血型或输血的重要性,但据文章的意思来看,本文纯粹介绍血型的基本概念和重要性,所以应选C项。 none、二(共Reading Comprehension小题,45共分)45.0 第1题  Directions: The following is a passage about lessons against AIDS. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it  . You should write your answers briefly ( in no more than 3 words ) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.    AIDS has killed 22 million people and it spreads with frightening speed. No known cure exists, yet we do learn some lessons in our battle against it:    Firstly, speak to your community, in a way they can hear. Many communities have a low literacy rate, making it impossible for passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it. To solve this problem, ask people in the community to create low-literacy AIDS education publications. Secondly, train teenagers to educate their peers. Because AIDS is spreading fastest among teenagers, the program trains youth to go into the community and explain the risk of catching AIDS to friends at their own age. At last, redefine "at risk" to include women from different backgrounds and marriage .status. According to the Centers for Disease Control, women will soon make up 80 percent of those diagnosed(诊断) with    These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis but until there is a cure for AIDS, education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus.                                       Lessons against AIDS    1. AIDS spreads with frightening speed, and now it has killed   1      2. Lessons learned in our battle against it:       1) Speak to your community and ask them to create  2   AIDS education publications.       2)Train teenagers to educate   3           3)Redefine "at risk" to include women from different   4  status.    3. In a word,   5  represents the only safe measure against AIDS. 【正确答案】: 答案:22 million people。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。根据文章第一段第一句话。艾滋病已经使二千二百万人丧生并在以惊人的速度传播。 第2题 【正确答案】: 答案:low-literacy。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。根据文章第二段第三句话。我们要向整个社区宣传,要求他们出版一些面对低文化层次读者的简单易懂的艾滋病教育刊物。 第3题 【正确答案】: 答案:their peers。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。根据文章第二段第四句话。其次要训练年轻人去教育他们的同伴。 第4题 【正确答案】: 答案:backgrounds and marriage。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。根据文章第二段第六句话。最后,我们应该重新定义危险人群,其中包括有着不同背景和婚姻状况的女性。 第5题 【正确答案】: 答案:education。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。根据文章第三段第一句话。这些教训不是惟一的解决办法,在找到治愈艾滋病的办法之前,教育是抵制病毒的惟一安全措施。 第6题  Directions: The following is the content of a book on transportation. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet,   A--braking system B--breakdowns C--brick Road D--bridge E--bridge management system F--broken stone surface G--bus management information system H--bus network I--bus-kilometer J--bypass road K--cable car, cableway L--centre line lane M--changing lane N--climbing lane O---connecting road P--control station Q--counter flow R--cross road; S--direct bus T--divided road (    )砖面路      (    )分隔式道路 【正确答案】: 答案:C、T 第7题 (    )公车路网    (    )十字路口 【正确答案】: 答案:H、R 第8题 (    )空中缆车    (    )中央车道 【正确答案】: 答案:K、L 第9题 (    )爬坡车道    (    )桥梁管理系统 【正确答案】: 答案:N、E 第10题 (    )控制站      (    )变换车道 【正确答案】: 答案:P、M 第11题  Directions: Read the following business letter. After reading it you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions  . You should write your answers briefly ( in no more than 4 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Dear Mr. Green, Please ship us orange marmalade as per the following terms: Quantity: 20,000 jars Unit: 1 kg per jar Description: Orange marmalade, Quality A2 Price: US $ 2.30 per jar CIF Guangzhou Shipment: By July 15, 2002 Mode of transport: Ocean freight Marks: SIC in a triangle Payment: Irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight Discount: 3 % special discount We are waiting for your acknowledgement.                                                                           Sincerely                                                                               ××× What does the demander need? 【正确答案】: 答案:Orange marmalade。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。本题问的是“订货人要的什么货”,答案在第一段。 第12题 What kind of quality should the orange marmalade have? 【正确答案】: 答案:Quality A2。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。本题问的是“鲜橙果酱的质量要求”,答案在第四段:货物描述:A2级鲜橙果酱。 第13题 By what time will the goods be delivered? 【正确答案】: 答案:July 15,2002。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。本题问的是“货物的装运期”,答案在第六段:装运期:2002年7月15日前。 第14题 How will the goods be transported? 【正确答案】: 答案:By ship/On ocean freight。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。本题问的是“货物的运输方式”,答案在第七段:海洋运输。 第15题 What discount does the company offer? 【正确答案】: 答案:3% special discount。 [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 细节题。本题问的是“公司提供多少折扣”,答案在第十段:3%特殊折扣。 第16题 Directions:you are required to complete the outline below it . You should write your answer briefly ( in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. A company needs staff not only who have the right qualifications and experience, but also who are happy to fit in with the company's way of doing things. Our managers have to accept the idea that everyone working here is a colleague and that spending time actually in the store with colleagues and customers, rather than in their office, is part of the job. For management post, we organize pre-interview group exercises to measure team-working and leadership skills, sometimes along with activities to assess personal qualities.    In all our interviews we pay attention to body language. And like all employers, we want to take on staff who are at ease with colleagues and customers so it is important to watch the way candidates behave, as well as listen to what they have to say.                               Interview Staff needed: both have the right  (1)  and fit in with  (2)  of doing things. Expectation from the managers: the employees spend time in the store with  (3)  . Pre-interview group exercises: designed to measure team-working and  (4)  of candidates. The interviewers will pay attention to  (5)  in all their interviews. 【正确答案】: 答案:qualifications and experience 第17题 【正确答案】: 答案:the company's way 第18题 【正确答案】: 答案:colleagues and customers 第19题 【正确答案】: 答案:leadership skills 第20题 【正确答案】: 答案:body language 第21题 Directions:you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet, numbered 1 through 5. A--International Logistics                           B--Distribution Channels C--Global Marketing                                  D--Excess Capacity E--Market Access                                     F--Product Strength G--Technology Transfer                               H--Domestic Marketing I--Market Diversification                            J--Product Adaptation K--Trading Patterns                                  L--Technological Innovation M--Latent Market                                     N--Existing Market O--Incipient Market                                  P--Pricing Strategy (  )过剩生产能力    (  )分销渠道 【正确答案】: 答案:D、B 第22题 (  )新生市场        (  )产品调整 【正确答案】: 答案:O、J 第23题 (  )市场多元化      (  )技术革新 【正确答案】: 答案:I、L 第24题 (  )市场进入        (  )潜在市场 【正确答案】: 答案:E、M 第25题 (  )产品优势        (  )国际物流 【正确答案】: 答案:F、A 第26题 Directions:you are required to complete the outline below it . You should write your answer briefly ( in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. A company needs staff not only who have the right qualifications and experience, but also who are happy to fit in with the company's way of doing things. Our managers have to accept the idea that everyone working here is a colleague and that spending time actually in the store with colleagues and customers, rather than in their office, is part of the job. For management post, we organize pre-interview group exercises to measure team-working and leadership skills, sometimes along with activities to assess personal qualities.    In all our interviews we pay attention to body language, And like all employers, we want to take on staff who are at ease with colleagues and customers so it is important to watch the way candidates behave, as well as listen to what they have to say.                                                                          Interview Staff needed: both have the right  1  and fit in with  2  of doing things. Expectation from the managers: the employees spend time in the store with  3   Pre-interview group exercises: designed to measure team-working and  4   of candidates. The interviewers will pay attention to  5  in all their interviews. 【正确答案】: 答案:qualifications and experience 第27题 【正确答案】: 答案:the company's way 第28题 【正确答案】: 答案:colleagues and customers 第29题 【正确答案】: 答案:leadership skills 第30题 【正确答案】: 答案:body language 第31题 Directions:you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet, numbered 1 through 5.    A—International Logistics                       B—Distribution Channels    C—Global Marketing                              D—Excess Capacity    E—Market Access                                 F—Product Strength    G—Technology, Transfer                          H—Domestic Marketing    I—Market Diversification                        J—Product Adaptation    K—Trading Patterns                              L—Technological Innovation    M—Latent Market                                 N—Existing Market    O—Incipient Market                              P—Pricing .Strategy (    )过剩生产能力                    (    )分销渠道 【正确答案】: 答案:D、B 第32题 (    )新生市场                        (    )产品调整 【正确答案】: 答案:O、J 第33题 (    )市场多元化                      (    )技术革新 【正确答案】: 答案:I、L 第34题 (    )市场进入                        (    )潜在市场 【正确答案】: 答案:E、M 第35题 (    )产品优势                        (    )国际物流 【正确答案】: 答案:F、A 第36题 Directions: After reading it you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions. You should write your answers briefly ( in no more than 4 words ) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Ugly Is Only Skin-deep    It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won't boil over and ruin your piston rings. It won't freeze over and ruin your life. It's in the back of the car for better traction on snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas.    After a while you get to like so much about the VW, you even get to like what it looks like.    You find that there's enough legroom for almost anybody's legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody's head. With a hat on it. Snug-fitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They're so airtight, it's better to open the window a crack first!    Those plain wheels are each suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn't make the other Wheel bump. It's things like you pay the $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn't add a thing to the cost of the car.    That's the beauty of it. What does the ad talk about?    It talks about ______ . 【正确答案】: 答案:VW 第37题 What is beneath the humble exterior?    Beneath that humble exterior beats an ______ . 【正确答案】: 答案:air-cooled engine 第38题 How many miles will it give you to a gallon of gas?    ______ miles. 【正确答案】: 答案:About 29 第39题 What will happen when a bump makes one wheel bounce?    The bounce doesn't make the  ______ . bump. 【正确答案】: 答案:other wheel 第40题 How much should you pay for the VW? 【正确答案】: 答案:$1585 第41题 (Ehime-ken) Ehime University in Matsuyama is seeking English instructors for posts of one-year duration at the English Education Center beginning April 2005. Qualifications:    Bachelor's degree, native English proficiency, and teaching experience required; TEFL certification preferred; daily conversational ability in Japanese preferred. Duties:    Full-time work teaching communicative English to first and second year students. Twelve 90- minute classes taught each semester. Attendance at occasional meetings for instructors. Salary:    Annual salary currently amounts to approximately 3.7 million yen (less tax), based on the university's part-time hourly pay scale. Monthly payments vary depending on the number of hours worked each month. Application Deadline:    December 17, 2004. Application Materials:    Resume, copy of diploma(s) from universities/graduate schools; recommendation, and passport-size photo to:    English Education Center, Ehime University,    Matsuyama, Ehime,    Japan 790-8577.    Phone & Fax: 089-927-8340    e-mail: office@eec.ehime-u.ac.jp                              Employment Advertisement Position: seeking applicants for  (1)   Duties: 1) teaching  (2)  to first and second year students        2) attendance at  (3)  for instructors Salary: annual salary is based on the university's  (4)  hourly pay scale Application Materials: resume, copy of diploma(s),  (5)  and recommendation 【正确答案】: 答案:English instructors 第42题 【正确答案】: 答案:communicative English 第43题 【正确答案】: 答案:occasional meetings 第44题 【正确答案】: 答案:part-time 第45题 【正确答案】: 答案:passport-size photo 跟多试卷请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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