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绝望主妇第一季第8集中英字幕 学习笔记


绝望主妇第一季第8集中英字幕 学习笔记Desperate Housewives 第一季08:Guilty WRITTEN BY KEVIN MURPHY DIRECTED BY LARRY SHOW -PAUL: Look, I just want to move this place fast. just: 只是want to: 想要 我只是想赶快搬到这里 -EDIE: I'll call you tomorrow. 我明天给你打电话 -PAUL: Edie, wait. Eide,等等 -PAUL: That’s why it...

绝望主妇第一季第8集中英字幕 学习笔记
Desperate Housewives 第一季08:Guilty WRITTEN BY KEVIN MURPHY DIRECTED BY LARRY SHOW -PAUL: Look, I just want to move this place fast. just: 只是want to: 想要 我只是想赶快搬到这里 -EDIE: I'll call you tomorrow. 我明天给你打电话 -PAUL: Edie, wait. Eide,等等 -PAUL: That’s why it’s so incomprehensible to me that Edie Brit would try to destroy us. incomprehensible:难以理解的try to: 设法destroy: 破坏 我真不理解Edie Britt要毁了我们 -MR. SHAW: For five grand she’s hurt. For ten grand she’s gone. grand: 一千美元hurt: 受伤gone: 离去的,死了的 5千块,她会受伤10千块,她就死了 -NARRATOR: Some neighbors are hired to help... neighbor: 邻居hire: 雇佣 一些邻居被雇来帮忙 -L YNETTE: You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning? be supposed to:应该,被期望pull off: 胜利完成formal: 正式的warning: 前兆 我怎么能想到会举行一个没有预告的正式晚宴? -TOM: I don't know. 我不知道 -NARRATOR: Some help themselves。。。 有些人做着自己的事 -JOHN: I hate that she's always watching us. watch:看,注视 我讨厌她老看着我们 -NARRATOR: Some just couldn’t stop 有些人不能停止 -MAMA SOLIS: Smile, Gabrielle. 微笑,Gabrielle -NARRATOR: And one...didn’t stop in time. in time: 及时 还有一个...没有及时结束 -BREE: Oh Andrew. I need your help, honey. 哦,亲爱的,Andrew ,我需要你的帮忙 -ANDREW: Mama. 妈妈 -NARRATOR: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. widely: 广泛的,普遍的sinner: 罪人 有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人, Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do. guilt: 内疚over: 关于 当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。 -NARRATOR: But Bree Van de Kamp did. 但是Bree Van De Kamp就觉得。 In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling guilty. in face: 其实,事实上spend: 花费时间 事实上,布雷对她这辈子做的很多事都感到内疚。 -NARRATOR: As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight A’s. get : 得到straight: 直的,整齐的A: 成绩等级的最高级 当她还是个小孩的时候,她就为了没有一排A而羞愧。 As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base. teenager: 十几岁的青少年second base: 【棒球】2垒 等到青年的时候,她又为了让她男朋友上2垒而难受。 As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank you cards newlywed: 新婚的人take: 花费时间get out : 作出,完成 成了个新娘的时候,她又为花三个星期弄感谢卡而愧疚。 she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit. transgressions: 犯罪compare with: 与…比较sin: 罪,罪孽 be about to: 刚要,即将commit: 犯(错误) 但是她知道她过去做的错事是不能跟她要坦白的罪过相比的。 -DANIELLE: Couldn't we just go to the police and tell them it was an accident? go to the police: 报警accident: 意外事件 难道我们就不能去警察局跟他们说那是个意外? -REX: This wasn't some simple DUI. some: 某个DUI:duo的复数, <意> 二重唱, 艺人的一对。 这可不是什么简单的二重唱啊. Not only was your brother drinking, Andrew left the scene of the crime. scene: 现场crime: 犯罪 你哥不只喝了酒,Andrew还在现场留下证据了啊。 That makes it a hit and run. hit and run: 闯了祸逃走的 所以才逃的啊 -ANDREW: Maybe I could go to Canada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up. maybe: 可能,也许until: 直到 statute of limitations: 法定时效up: 被控告的,上法庭的 或许我应该去加拿大,你知道,得到法定时效实行之后。 -DANIELLE: Do you really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while you go moose hunting for seven years? be going to: 将要hunt for: 搜寻foot: 支付bill: 账单foot the bill: 负担费用,付账moose: [动] 驼鹿(产于北美的一种大鹿) 你真的认为爸妈只是在你去打驼鹿的7年里签签支票吗? -REX: If Carlos’ mother dies, there is no statute of limitations. statute of limitations: 法定时效 如果Carlos的妈妈死了的话,就没有法定时效了。 -DANIELLE: Right. Because then it’s murder. murder: 谋杀 是啊,但是那会变成谋杀。 -ANDREW: Shut up! shut up: 住口 别说了! -DANIELLE: You shut up! 你才别说了呢! -ANDREW: How could it be murder, it was an accident! accident: 意外事件 那怎么可能是谋杀,只是意外! -BREE: We have to get rid of the car. But we can't sell it. have to: 必须get rid of: 摆脱sell: 出售, 卖 我们必须扔了这车,但是我们不能卖。 The police might find it, and there could be DNA. DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 警察会找到的,会有DNA在那里。 We take the car to a bad part of town. We'll leave the keys in the ignition and the doors part: 部分ignition:(汽车引擎)的发火装置unlocked: 未锁的,开着的 我们得把车弄到城里最坏的地方,我们把钥匙插在上面门也不要锁。 If the police don't find it, we'll get the insurance money, insurance: 保险 如果警察找不着这车,我们就可以拿到保险金。 and if they do, it wasn't in our possession. Anyone could have hit Mrs. Solis. possession: 拥有hit: 撞 但是如果他们找到了,这车就不属于我们了,谁都可能撞了Solis。 -ANDREW: That sounds good! sound:听起来 那倒不错! -REX: Bree, are you sure? Bree,你确定吗? -BREE: Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail. I won't allow that. spend: 度过rest: 其余jail: 监狱allow: 允许 我们的儿子就要在监狱里度过他的余生。我决不允许那样。 -NARRATOR: Bree knew what she was about to do was wrong, but like most sinners, she would worry about her guilt tomorrow. be about to: 将要,正打算sinner: 罪人worry about: 担心guilt: 对罪行有责任 Bree知道她所要做的事是不对的。但是像很多有罪的人一样,她明天才担心犯的错。 -BREE: Well everybody should, uh, go wash up. We're having pancakes for breakfast. wash up: 洗餐具pancake: 薄烤饼 好了,大家去洗盘子吧,我们会吃煎饼当早餐。 -NARRATOR: Not since my own suicide had violence intruded upon the serenity of life on Wisteria Lane in such a conspicuous fashion. suicide: 自杀violence: 暴力intruded upon: 打扰 serenity: 平静conspicuous: 显著的fashion: 方式 原来我个人的自杀举动也使Wisteria巷子平静的生活受到了暴力干扰,还这么明显的样子。And needless to say, my friends attacked the problem head on. needless to say: 不必说attack: 动手处理(某事) head on: 迎面地 不用说,我的朋友们来帮我解决这个迎面的问题。 Lynette brought the broom. Susan brought the trash bags. And Bree brought the industrial strength solvent. broom: 扫帚trash: 垃圾,废物industrial: 工业的 strength: 强度,浓度solvent: 溶媒, 溶剂 Susan带来了垃圾袋Bree也把工业溶解剂带来了。 -L YNETTE: Woo. That stuff is strong! stuff: 原料, 材料, 素材资料 哦,这东西太冲了! -BREE: It has to be, I don't want Gabrielle and Carlos coming home to this ugly reminder in front of their house. ugly: 丑陋的,难看的reminder: 暗示,提醒in front of: 在...前面 它必须这样,我不想让Gabrielle和Carlos回家的时候在房子前面看到这个丑陋的东西。 -L YNETTE: So, has anyone been over there? over there: 那里 那有人检查过吗? -SUSAN: Julie and I went over this morning. go over: 检查,查看 Julie和我今天早上检查了。 -BREE: How is Juanita doing? Juanita怎么样了? -SUSAN: She’s been in a coma ever since she came out of ER. coma: 昏迷ever since: 从那时到现在 come out of: 从...出来ER: emergency room 急診室 她从急诊室出来就一直昏迷着。 Nobody knows when or even if she'll wake up. wake up: 醒来even: 甚至 没人知道什么时候,有或者可能,她会醒过来。 -L YNETTE: This is awful. Carlos must be just devastated. awful: 可怕的,威严的, <口>极度的,糟糕的devastate: 毁坏 太可怕了.Carlos会受多大的打击啊! -SUSAN: I hope she wakes soon. Maybe she can tell us who was driving that car. wake: 苏醒maybe: 可能,也许 我希望她很快醒过来,可能她还会告诉我们谁开的车。 -BREE: We can only hope. 我们只能希望了。 -L YNETTE: Slow down, you jerk, this is a residential neighborhood. slow down: 使慢下来jerk:性情古怪的人residential: 住宅的,与居住有关的neighborhood: 附近,邻近 慢点!你这个急性子!这是在居住区!! -SUSAN: Wow, that’s quite a pitching arm you've got there. quite: 十分,相当pitching: 远投,扔出 WOW,你那样做的时候可是个很好的投掷动作啊。 -L YNETTE: It pisses me off. I've got four kids, you know. piss off: 使生气 我真气死了,我有4个孩子,你知道吗? I was up all night reading statistics online. be up: 起床statistic: 统计量online: 联机,在线式 我整个晚上都得起来在网上看统计。 One out of every four traffic accidents happens on residential streets. traffic accident : 交通事故residential: 住宅的 每4个交通事故都有一个发生在居住区的街道上。 I hope whoever hit Juanita gets put away for life. whoever: 任何人,无论谁get: 使得 put away: 放弃, 抛弃;把...收起;放好【这里指把…关进监狱】 我希望不管是谁撞了Juanita都得被关进监狱。 -BREE: don't you think that’s a little bit extreme? a little: 少许bit: 有点extreme: 极端的 你难道不认为那有一点极端吗? -L YNETTE: An innocent woman gets hit by a car and the driver just takes off? I don't think it’s extreme. innocent: 清白的,无罪的takes off: 逃跑extreme: 极端 一个无辜的女人被一辆车幢了而司机却逃跑了,我不认为它极端。 -GABRIELLE: You should go home and get some rest, eat something. rest: 休息 你应该回家休息一下,吃点东西。 You have a ton of messages from work--Tanaka called; said it was urgent. a ton of : 大量,许多message: 留言urgent: 急迫的,紧急的 你有一吨的工作留言,Tanaka打来的,说是紧急的事。 Carlos, I can stay here with your mother. stay with: 陪伴 Carlos,我可以在这陪你妈妈 -CARLOS: I need to be here if she wakes up. wake up: 醒来 如果她醒了我必须在这里。 -GABRIELLE: You can't go on like this. You have to take care of yourself. go on: 继续下去have to: 不得不take care of: 照顾 你不能再这样继续下去了,你得照顾好自己。 -CARLOS: And what if she dies? People slip into comas all the time and never come out. slip into: 陷入,渐渐养成comas: 昏迷all the time: 一直come out: 苏醒 如果她死了怎么办?人如果一直陷入昏迷就不会醒了。 -GABRIELLE: Don't say that! We need to stay positive. stay: 继续,保持positive: 肯定的,积极的 别说那个了,我们要有积极的心态。 -JOHN: Mr. and Mrs. Solis? Solis先生和夫人? -GABRIELLE: John! John -JOHN: Is it okay if I come in? come in: 进来 我可以进来吗? -CARLOS: Of course. 当然可以。 -JOHN: Mr. Solis, I'm so sorry this happened. 我对发生的事感到抱歉。 -CARLOS: It means a lot that you came. mean: 意味着a lot: 许多 你来了就很好了。 -CARLOS: Look, I think I'm gonna to go down to the chapel and pray. gonna=going to: 将要go down to: 下到chapel: 小礼拜堂,礼拜pray: 祈祷我想我现在该去小礼拜堂祈祷。 You want to come? 你要来吗? -GABRIELLE: Um, no, I think I will stay here with mama. um: ( 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示迟疑)嗯 哦,不了。我想我要留在这陪妈妈。 -JOHN: Is it all right if I come? 我去的话可以吗? -CARLOS: Of course, we need all the prayers we can get. prayer: 祈祷 当然了,所有的祈祷者都能来。 -NURSE: Mrs. Solis, it’s time for her sponge bath. it’s time for: 到时间该... sponge bath: 用海绵擦洗的沐浴 Solis夫人,现在要用海绵给她擦身了。 -GABRIELLE: Come again? 再说一次? -NURSE: Sometimes family members prefer to administer sponge baths themselves. sometimes: 有时family member: 家属prefer to do: 较喜欢,宁愿administer: 管理,给予sponge bath: 用海绵擦洗的沐浴 有些时候家里人会希望自己帮亲人做这些事情。 -GABRIELLE: I think I'll pass. pass: 越过 我想我不必了 -EDIE: Martha. Where’s your purse? purse: 钱包 Martha,你的钱包呢? -MARTHA: over there, why? over there: 那里 在那啊,怎么了? -MARTHA: What are you doing?" 你在干吗? -EDIE: I am taking back the $40 that you stole out of my purse. take back: 收回steal: 偷out of: 从...里面purse: 钱包 我要把你从我的钱包里偷的40美圆拿回来。 -MARTHA: Edie! Edie! -EDIE: We both know you did it, now hand it over! hand over: 交出,交给 我们都知道你做了,现在要还给我了。 -MARTHA: I have taken nothing from your purse, 我没在你钱包里拿任何东西。 and if you're missing money, I'd ask one of those strange men you parade through here at all hours. miss: 丢失parade: (使)列队行进;招摇而行at all hours: 随时 如果我能偷你的钱,我就会把你的那些猛男也一起拿来了。 -EDIE: I am not going to apologize for having a healthy sex life! be going to: 将要apologize for: 为...道歉sex life: 性生活 我不会为过着健康的性生活而道歉! -MARTHA: Healthy? I'm going to have to burn every sheet you've touched. have to: 不得不sheet: 被单,被褥touch: 碰触 健康? 我要把你碰过的所有床单都烧了。 -EDIE: I want my money. 我要我的钱。 -MARTHA: And I want those non-fat peach yogurts. nonfat: 脱脂的yogurt: (=yoghurt) 酸奶酪, 酵母乳 而且我要那些脱脂的桃子酸奶。 They didn'tjust walk out of that fridge by themselves. walk out of: 从...走出来fridge: 电冰箱 他们可不会自己从冰箱里走出去。 -EDIE: Well you can deduct it from the $40 that you're going to give me, now! deduct from: 从...扣除 好,那你可以把那从40美圆里减掉,你现在可以给我了! -MARTHA: You're my best friend, why would I steal from you? steal from: 从...偷, 窃取 你是我最好的朋友,为什么我要偷你的? -EDIE: It’s no secre t that you've been having financial problems. secret: 秘密financial: 财政的,金融的 你有经济问题不是秘密。 I hear you bitching on the phone to your bank. bitch: 发牢骚on the phone: 在接电话 我听见你在电话里骂银行。 -MARTHA: That’s it! I can put up with your debauchery and your fo od theft, but I will not tolerate spying. I want you out. put up with: 忍受,容忍debauchery: 放荡,游荡theft: 偷窃tolerate: 忍受,容忍spy: 暗中监视 那是,我可以忍受你的放荡和偷食,但是不能忍受被监视,你给我出去。 -EDIE: You don't mean that. 你不是真的吧。 -MARTHA: Yes I do. I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my sister for a few days. visit: 拜访 是的,我是。我明天会离开几天去看我姐姐。 I want you gone by the time I get back. by the time: 到...时候为止get back: 回来 我明天会离开几天去看我姐姐。 -EDIE: I'll do one better. I will leave today. 我会做个更好的,我今天就走。 -L YNETTE: I hope this works. work: 起作用 我希望这管用。 My sleep cycle is totally out of whack. cycle: 循环out of whack: [美、口]紊乱 我的睡眠循环严重的失调了。 I'm up all night, I'm dozing off during the day. be up: 起床【这里是说自己一直醒着】doze off: 打瞌睡 我夜里一直醒着,然后白天一直打瞌睡。 -DR. CHANG: Trust me, this will do the trick. trust: 相信do the trick: 获得成功 相信我,这会有帮助的 In fact, you should be feeling more relaxed already. in fact: 事实上relaxed: 轻松的,不拘束的already: 已经 事实上,你应该觉得已经很放松了。 -L YNETTE: You know, you're right. 你知道,你是对的。 -L YNETTE: Boys, I can hear you out there. 男孩们,我可以听见你们在外面。 Now be quiet. Just sit there and color. quiet: 安静color: 涂颜色于,着色【这里指画画】 现在安静,只要坐在那然后画画。 -DR. CHANG: Now is not a good time to be moving. a good time: 一段美好时光 现在不是动的好时候。 -L YNETTE: Oh, yeah. Sorry. 是啊,对不起。 -DR. CHANG: Just block everything out, and let it go. block out: 封闭let go: 放开 只要把所有的事都关在外面,然后让它去吧! Imagine that you're in a forest imagine: 想象,设想forest: 森林,林木 想象一下你就在一个森林里。 There’s a babbling brook nearby, and the wind is just com ing through the trees... babbling: 婴儿发出的咿哑声brook: 小溪nearby: 附近地come through: 穿过附近有条潺潺的小溪,风正从树中吹过来。 -PARKER: Mommy. 妈妈。 -L YNETTE: Parker! I don't know --ow!--what you think that you're doing, but put that back where it belongs! ow: 哦put back: 放回原处belong: 属于 Parker,我不知道,哦!你认为你在干吗?但是把它们放回原位! -L YNETTE: I'm sorry. You were saying something about wind? 对不起,你说到一些有关风的东西。 -DR. CHANG: I was just creating a soothing image. creat: 创造【这里是在描述一个虚拟的环境】 soothing: 抚慰的,使人宽心的image: 画面 我正在描述一个让人安心的画面。 -L YNETTE: Oh, for the love of God! for the love of: 为了...起见 哦,上帝啊! -L YNETTE: Knock it off, you little monsters. knock it off: 停止monster: 怪物 停,你们这些小怪物。 -DR. CHANG: Mrs. Scavo, please lie down. we need to finish this. lie down: 躺下finish: 完成 Scavo夫人,请躺下我们必须完成它。 -L YNETTE: Look, I'm on my last nerves, so I'm going to level with you. nerve: 胆量, 勇气level with: 对...说实话 我要鼓起最后的勇气向你表白 I've screwed up my entire system by taking my kids’ ADD medication. screw up: 把...搞糟system: 系统,体系take: 吃,喝,服 ADD:Attention Deficit Disorder (注意力缺陷障碍,又称多动症)medication :药 我用我孩子的A.D.D药物治疗,把自己整个的系统弄乱了 Yeah, that’s right, you heard me. 对,你听见。 I plan to stop, but right now I need to sleep, and I need more than a few, crappy, needles, so whattya got? plan to: 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,打算right now: 现在more than: 不只是 crappy: <俚>蹩脚的,没价值的needle: 针whattya: what do you 我决定要停止,但是现在,我要睡觉。而且我需要比这些没用的,针更多的东西,你弄到什么了? -DR. CHANG: I'm not licensed to write prescriptions. be licensed to: 授权给prescription: 处方, 药方 我没被授权开药啊。 -L YNETTE: I know you're not. 我知道你没。 -DR. CHANG: This will put you right to sleep. put right: 使恢复正常 这个可以让你立刻睡着.。 It’s a very powerful herbal remedy. powerful: 强大的,有力的herbal: 草药的remedy: 药物 这是一个非常有效的草药。 Now promise me you're going to use it judiciously? promise: 承诺be going to: 将要judicious: 明智的 现在,答应我你会理智的用它。 -L YNETTE: Sure. Whatever. whatever: 无论什么,不管什么 好的。不管怎样。 -SUSAN: Knock, knock! knock: 敲门声【这里Susan是为了幽默,而模仿敲门的声音】 嘿嘿! -MIKE: Hey! Come on in! come on in: 进来吧!(这是比come in更随和友好的说法) 嘿!进来! -SUSAN: You're a mess. mess: 混乱,脏乱 你一团糟啊。 -MIKE: Ah, yeah, I'm tearing out these leaky pipes in the upstairs bathroom. tear out: 撕下, 扯下leaky pipe: 渗漏管upstairs: 楼上的bathroom: 浴室,盥洗室 我在楼上的洗手间把这些渗漏管给扯下来。 Wall to wall rotten wood. rotten: 腐烂的 墙和墙之间的腐烂的木头。 -SUSAN: Sounds like a job. So, Julie said that you came by before? sound like: 听起来像come by: 来串门,来访 恩..听起来是个活所以Julie说你之前就去过了? -MIKE: Um.. Yeah. Uh... yeah, I was thinking about driving up to the Girmany vineyard tomorrow for this wine tasting, and, um.. um: (表示迟疑)嗯uh=huh: 嗯think about: 想,考虑 drive up to: 开往vineyard: 葡萄园wine : 葡萄酒,酒tasting : 尝味,品尝 恩... 我本来在想明天开到Germani Vineyard去参加品酒,..而且... -SUSAN: What time do you want me to be ready? ready: 有准备的 你想让我什么时候准备好? -MIKE: How about six? how about : 怎么样 大概6点? -SUSAN: Six is good. 6点很好。 -MIKE: All right. I thought maybe afterwards, we could have a little dinner, maybe some dancing. maybe: 可能afterwards: 然后,后来地dinner: 正餐,宴会dancing : 舞蹈 那好,你知道,我想可能然后,我们可以吃点晚餐,然后跳舞。 -SUSAN: Sounds great. Um, you do know that it’s like a two-hour drive up there. sounds: 听起来dirve up: 驱车来到 听起来很不错啊!恩。你知道那个,大概两小时开到那吧。 And isn't that kind of late to be coming back? that: 那么kind of: 有点come back: 回来 而且回来还不会太晚? -MIKE: I thought if, you know, worse came to worse, we could grab a room... grab: 找,抓住,夺得worse came to worse : 【这里可理解为再坏也不会有多坏】 我想如果,你知道,最坏我们就找间房。 -SUSAN: Oh? Like a hotel room? hotel: 旅馆 哦? 宾馆吗? -MIKE: Yeah, as a last resort resort: 手段last resort: 最后的补救方法 恩,这是最后的办法。 -SUSAN: Of course, of course, yes. So, maybe we should make reservations, you know, just in case. of course : 当然reservation: (旅馆房间等)预定,预约in case : 以防万一 当然,当然,所以我们应该以防万一预定一下。 -MIKE: Yeah, I found some hotels online. Let me get a printout. online: 联机,在线printout: 打印 是啊,我上网找到一些宾馆,我来打印出来。 -SUSAN: Hey, Bongo, come here. You want a treat? come here: 来这里treat: 宴请, 款待, 请客 嘿,要点心吗? Hey Mike, where do you keep the dog biscuits? dog biscuit: 喂狗的硬饼干 嘿,MIKE,你把狗饼干放哪了? -MIKE: I'm sorry, what? 对不起,什么? -SUSAN: Oh, never mind! We'll just find them ourselves. never mind: 没关系, 不用担心 哦,没事.。我们不是刚刚找到它们吗? We'll go find them ourselves. 我们正要去找它们 -MIKE: I'm sorry Susan. I couldn't hear you. What did you say? 对不起,Susan。我听不见你讲什么?你说什么? -SUSAN: Nothing. It’s not important. 没什么,不重要。 -MIKE: It’s my tile guy. Here, see what looks good. tile: 瓦片, 瓷砖guy: 家伙, 人 这是我的瓦工。这里,看看有什么好的。 -MIKE: Hey Phil. 嘿,Phil。 Um, no. No. Tomorrow morning I'm making a lumber run. um: (表示迟疑)嗯lumber: <美>木材run: 运转【这里指工作】哦,不,不,明天早上我会做个木材活动。 It’s no good. Uh, no, I'll be gone tomorrow night, too. 那不好,哦,不,我明晚也要走。 -SUSAN: I could let him in. let in: 让...进入 我可以让他进来。 -MIKE: No, that’s okay. 不,可以了,谢谢。 -SUSAN: No, it’s fine, just give me the key. 不,没事!只要把钥匙给我就行了。 I'll be around all day. around: 在周围 我会一整天都在的。 -MIKE: All right. Thanks. Phil, I'll give the key to my neighbor. Phil, all right : 好, 良好neighbor : <美> 邻居, 邻国 我要把钥匙给我的,恩,邻居。 She'll be here to let you in. 她会在这让你进来的。 -NARRATOR: Like every city, Fairview had a neighborhood that was less than desirable. neighborhood: 地区desirable: 合意的 像每个城市一样,Fairview也有个不是很令人满意的地方。 It was an accepted fact: anyone who lingered there after midnight was usually up to no good. accepted: 一般承认的, 公认的linger: 逗留, 闲荡midnight: 午夜 up to: 相当于,胜任no good:【这里省略了men】 谁都知道午夜过后在街上闲逛的人一般都不是好人。 Rex and Bree Van de Kamp were no exception. exception: 例外 Rex和Bree Van De Kamp也不例外 -REX: You really think this is gonna work? gonna=going to: 将要work: 起作用 你真认为这有用? -BREE: This is the most impoverished neighborhood in the city. impoverished: 穷困的neighborhood: 地区 这是这市里最贫困的地方了。 Trust me, somebody will steal the car. trust: 相信steal: 偷窃 相信我,有人会把车偷了的。 -REX: How can you be so sure? 你怎么能这么肯定? -BREE: Because I have faith in the poor. have faith in: 相信, 信任 因为我相信穷人。 -PAUL: She’s so beautiful. I shot this last year on her birthday. shot: 拍摄 她真美,去年她过生日的时候我拍了这个。 How you going to do it? 你怎么做的? -MR. SHAW: I made contact with her at a bar. make contact with: 和...接触bar : 酒吧 我跟她在酒吧里碰了面。 She thinks I'm a real estate developer. real estate: 房地产developer: 开发者 她认为我是个房地产开发商。 -PAUL: Is she going to suffer? suffer: 受痛苦, 受损害 她会痛苦吗? -MR. SHAW: No. Edie Britt will disappear, and you'll go back to your life. disappear: 消失,不见go back to: 回去 Edie Britt会消失的,而你也会回到你原来的生活。 -PAUL: Before you do it, do you think you should ask her why she sent this note to my wife? sent : send的过去式和过去分词note : 留言条 在你做之前,你认为你可以问她为什么她把这个留言给我妻子吗? -MR. SHAW: You can't think like that, Mr. Young. You can't give in to your curiosity. like that: 那样地give in to: 屈服于curiosity: 好奇心 你不能这样想,Young先生。你不能屈服于你的好奇心。 Curiosity leads to guilt. lead to: 导致,引起guilt: 内疚 好奇心导致愧疚。 Guilt leads to talking. 愧疚让我们说话。 You still have questions? 你还有问题吗? -MR. SHAW: I want to be clear about something. be clear abou: 明白 我想知道一些事情。 When I walk away with this cash, it’s done. No refunds. No buyer's remorse. walk away with: 顺手拿走cash : 钱done : 完成了的【这里指把钱用光】refund:退款buyer: 买家remorse: 懊悔,自责 我拿走了这些钱,用光了,没有退的,没有买家会自责。 -PAUL: I get it. get: 理解,明白 我知道了。 -MR. SHAW: We won't talk again so I'll ask one more time: are you sure you want this? 我们不会再谈了,所以我要再问一次:你确定你要? -PAUL: My wife is dead because of Edie Britt. because of : 因为 我妻子因为Edie Britt而死。 I absolutely want this. absolutely: 完全地,绝对地 我非常想。 -REX: You've been awfully quiet. awfully: 非常,很,十分quiet: 安静的 你一直安静的可怕。 -BREE: I had just been...thinking about the kids. think about : 想 我一直....在想孩子们。 They sure grew up quickly, didn't they? sure: 的确,当然grow up: 长大quickly: 很快地 他们真的成长的很快,对吧? -REX: They sure did. 他们当然了。 -BREE: I remember telling them when they were babies that they weren't allowed to get any bigger because they were so adorable. remember doing sth. : 记得做过... allow sb. to : 允许某人做... adorable: 可爱的 我记得当他们还是小孩的时候,我告诉他们,他们是不会长大一点的。 And we were so happy. 因为他们是那么可爱。 -REX: Yeah, well... 是啊。 -BREE: They sure didn't turn out like we expected them to. turn out: 培养出expect: 期待 他们没有向我们期望之外的地方发展吧。 -REX: No, they didn't. 没,他们没有。 -BREE: We could have been better parents. 我们可以是更好的父母。 -REX: We weren't that bad. that: 那么 我们没那么糟。 -BREE: We still have so much to teach them. For starters, have to: 必须starter: 开端 我们还有很多要教他们的。作为开始, we need to get across to Andrew the enormity of what he’s done. get across to: 使被理解enormity: 极恶 我们必须让Andrew理解他所做的是多么大的罪恶。 -REX: I don't - I suppose we could punish them. suppose: 假设,猜想punish: 惩罚,处罚 我想我们可以惩罚他们。 -BREE: All right, then what’s the appropriate punishment for a child who drives over a woman? appropriate: 适于,合乎punishment: 惩罚,处罚drive over: 开车从...碾过 是啊,对于一个撞到一个女人的孩子什么惩罚是恰当的呢? -REX: I...I don't know. 我,我不知道。 -BREE: You know, no matter how the kids turn out, I still love them. no matter: 不管 你知道无论孩子们变成什么样,我都爱他们。 -REX: Of course, you do. 当然了你会的。 -BREE: But I'll never forgive them for growing up so quickly. forgive sb. for: 原谅某人做了某事grow up : 长大, 成人 但是我永远不原谅他们这么快的长大。 -REX: Hey, look. 嘿,看。 -SUSAN: And then I opened the cabinet and there was all this money in it. cabinet: 橱 然后我打开橱子,里面都是钱。 I mean, there was wads of it. wad: (文件、钞票等的)(一)卷 我的意思是,有很多卷钱。 -JULIE: That’s why you're freaking out? A few stacks of cash? Come on." freak out: 反常,发狂,失去理智stack: 大量,一大堆come on: 拜托这就是为什么你这么反常吧,一小堆钱?好了吧? -SUSAN: Well what? Realistically, I've known this guy a few weeks. realistically: 实际地guy: 家伙, 人 好吧,什么?实际上我认识这人才几星期。 I mean, he could be a hit man for the mob! mob: (集合词)暴徒hit man: 职业杀手 我的意思是,他有可能是一群暴徒里的杀手。 -JULIE: If you really think that, why are going on a trip with him? go on a trip: 旅行 如果你真这样想,为什么你还要跟他一起去旅行? -SUSAN: I never get out of the house. get out of: 离开 我从未离开过这个房子。 -JULIE: Mom, if you really need something to freak out about, freak: 奇异的,反常的 妈,如果你真的需要一些可能反常的东西, just remember that you're going to spend the night with Mike in a hotel. be going to: 将要spend the night with: 在...家过夜 只要记得你跟MIKE在旅馆呆了一晚上。 No man has seen you naked in years, except your doctor. naked: 裸体的, 无遮盖的except: 除了 这些年来除了你的医生没有男人看见过你的裸体。 -SUSAN: Yeah, and he retired. I try not to take that personally. retire: 退休try to: 尝试take: 产生预期效果personally: 亲自 是啊,而他退休了,我试着不让那变成私人的 -JULIE: You look old in that. in: 穿着 你穿那个很老。 -SUSAN: Maybe I am being silly, but going to a hotel with a man is a big deal to me. maybe: 可能,也许silly: 愚蠢的,无聊的a big deal: 大事情 哦,可能我有些傻,但是跟一个男人去旅馆对我来说是件很大的事。 What if Mike is hiding something? hide: 隐瞒 如果Mike隐瞒了一些事怎么办? -JULIE: Like what? 像是什么? -SUSAN: I don't know. 我不知道。 -JULIE: That’s Dad. I gotta go. gotta(=have got to): 必须 那是爸爸,我要走了。 Now, listen to me. No more freaking out. I need this weekend to go well. listen to: 听...说话freak out: 反常,失去控制go: 变得 现在,听我说,没有更反常的东西,我需要这个周末来变好。 -SUSAN: Why do you care so much? care: 担心 你为什么担心这么多? -JULIE: Because I'm gonna have a husband of my own someday, and I really don't want you living with us. gonna:<美> 将要(=going to) someday: 某天live with: 与...一起住 因为我有天要拥有一个自己的丈夫,而且我真的不想你和我们住一起。 -BREE: Are the lady fingers okay? finger: 手指 这位小姐的指头还好吗? -GABRIELLE: Oh, they're terrific. We just appreciate you all stopping by. terrific: 令人恐怖的appreciate: 感激stop by: 顺便访问 哦,惨不忍睹,我们感激你们都来拜访。 -BREE: We just want you to know how much we care. care: 担心 恩,我们只是想你知道我们有多担心。 -REX: So, have the police come up with any leads? come up with: 提出lead: 线索 警察有提出什么线索吗? -GABRIELLE: Not really. They'll be able to determine the make and model of the car, determine: 决定, 确定be able to: 能,会make: 构造model: 车型号 不一定,他们可以决定车的构造和车型, but without any eye witnesses, no one seems very optimistic. witness: [律]证人,目击者seem: 好像,仿佛optimistic: 乐观的 但是没有目击者就很不乐观了。 -BREE: Well, more importantly, is there any good news about Juanita? importantly: 重要地 恩,更重要的事,有没有Juanita的好的消息? -GABRIELLE: No change. All we can do is wait and hope for the best. hope for the best: 抱乐观的态度,从好的方面着想 还是没变化,我们现在能做的只有等待和希望最好的。 -DANIELLE: We put her on our prayer list at church. prayer: 祈祷list: 名单church. : 教堂 我们把她放到我们教堂的祈祷者名单。 -GABRIELLE: Oh, that’s very sweet, Danielle, thank you. 哦,那太贴心了,Danielle,谢谢。 -CARLOS: It must really help during times like these--having kids. have: 所有,持有 这种时候有这个真的很有帮助有孩子 -REX: Yeah, they're a blessing. blessing: 祝福 是啊,他们是个祝福。 -CARLOS: Children make everything worthwhile. You guys are the future. Legacy. worthwhile: 值得做的legacy: 遗赠(物), 遗产(祖先传下来) 孩子们让一切都变的有价值了,你们是未来,遗产。 -ANDREW: Thanks. 谢谢。 -CARLOS: After we're all dead, you'll be the only ones left to carry on. carry on: 继续开展,坚持 等我们都死了,你会变成唯一一个要坚持的人。 Gabrielle and I are about to start a family. be about to : 将要, 正打算 Gabrielle和我要组成一个家庭。 -REX: Oh, hey, that--that’s great. 哦,嘿! 那,那很好啊。 -BREE: Well, when did you decide this? decide: 决定 你什么时候做的决定? -GABRIELLE: It’s a fairly recent development. fairly: 完全地recent: 近来的 是最近的一个重大发展。 -BREE: I see. see: 明白,理解 我知道了。 -GABRIELLE: We'll talk about this later. talk about : 谈论later: 较晚地 我们晚一些再讨论这个。 -CARLOS: Face it. We're shallow people. face : 面对shallow: 浅薄的 面对它,我们是浅薄的人。 I mean, can our lives have any meaning if all we ever do is buy stuff? meaning: 意义ever: 不断,总是stuff: 东西 如果我们只会买东西,生命还有意义吗? -GABRIELLE: That depends on what we buy. depend on: 依赖 那取决于我们买什么。 -CARLOS: I want a child. 我想要个孩子。 -GABRIELLE: In case you've forgotten, before we got married, we made a deal. in case:万一get married: 结婚deal:交易 以防你忘了,在我们结婚之前,我们达成个协议。 No kids. 没有小孩 -CARLOS: Yeah, well, deals were meant to be renegotiated. be meant to: 有意要,打算renegotiate: 重新谈判 好吧,协议会被重新商量。 -GABRIELLE: Well, we're not negotiating my uterus. negotiate: 谈判uterus: [解]子宫 恩,我们不能和我的子宫谈判。 -BREE: We should probably be going. probably: 可能,也许 我们应该走了。 -REX: Yeah. 是的,恩... -BREE: Thank you so much. 非常感谢。 -DANIELLE: That was weird. weird: 怪异的,神秘的 那很怪。 -BREE: I feel awful for Carlos. awful: 可怕的,糟糕的 我觉得Carlos可怕。 That talk about children was obviously coming from his grief. obviously: 明显地come from: 来自grief: .悲痛,忧伤 关于孩子的谈论明显来自他的悲痛。 -ANDREW: Whatever. I'm off the hook. whatever: 无论如何off the hook : 摆脱困境,脱身 无论怎样,我解脱了。 -NARRATOR: A weary Lynette drank her potent tea in hopes of finally finding the sleep that had eluded her. weary: 疲倦的potent: 威力大的,效力大的in hopes of: 希望着finally: 最后,终于elude: 躲避 疲倦的Lynette希望喝了她的灵药她就能最终找到躲避她的睡眠。 Unfortunately for Lynette, there would be no rest for the weary. unfortunately: 不幸地rest: 休息 不幸的是Lynette没有休息。 -L YNETTE: Go to hell. go to hell: 完蛋,毁灭 去死吧。 -L YNETTE: Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell. 去死吧去死吧去死吧去死吧去死吧。 -SCOUT MOTHER: Sorry we're late, Kenny Lipman couldn't find his handkerchief. Come on guys! handkerchief: 手帕come on: 赶紧,快点 对不起我们迟了,Kenny Litman找不着他的手帕.快来啊。 -L YNETTE: The scout meeting is today? scout: 侦察 Lori Jean,侦察会议是今天? -PARKER: Mommy! 妈! -L YNETTE: What? Oh...right! Okay, boys. 什么?哦,恩,好的,男孩们。 This knot is called the bowline. It is a remarkably useful knot. knot: (绳等的)结bowline: 帆脚索remarkably: 非常地,显著地 这个结叫帆脚索,这是个非常有用的节。 Now, pick up your ropes. pick up: 拿起rope: 绳 现在,拿起你们的绳子。 Okay. First we cross this end over here, cross: 交叉end: 尾部over here: 这里 好的,首先,我们在这交叉这个根部。 and then we make a loop, loop : 环 然后我们打个环, and then another loop, 再是另一个, and then you sort of pull it through, I'm guessing, sort of: 有几分地pull through: 渡过难关【这里指学会】 然后你们差不多就会了,我想, and then, ready? Yank it taut. ready: 准备好的yank: 猛拉taut : (绳子)拉紧的 然后你们就可以--准备好了? 猛地拉紧。 -TWIN: Mommy, that doesn't look like the picture. look like : 像..., 似..., 妈,这跟图上的不太像。 -L YNETTE: You're never going to be a sailor, what do you care? sailor: 海员,水手care: 担心,关心 你又不会去做水手,那么担心干吗? Okay everybody, let’s just take a break! break: 休息,暂停 可以了,大家,休息一会。 -L YNETTE: Thanks! 谢谢! -PHIL: Okay, it’s all up there. Can I get a signature? up: 在上面signature: 签名,署名 好的,那都在上面了,我可以要个签名吗? -SUSAN: Oh, of course. Oh,当然。 -PHIL: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 -SUSAN: Here you go. Have a nice weekend. 给你,祝你有个愉快的周末。 -PHIL: You too, lady. 你也是,小姐。 Hey ma'am, you still here? I forgot to give you a receipt! Ma'am? ma'am: 夫人,女士forget: 忘记receipt: 收条,收据 嘿,女士,你还在这吗?我忘了给你一个收据! -SUSAN: Hello! I need help, I'm up here, I'm trapped in the floor, hello?! up: 在上面trap: 使陷入,困入 女士?你好? 我需要帮助,我在楼上。我被困在楼梯里了,喂! -SUSAN: If you came in here to judge me, you can just leave! come in: 进来judge: 审理,审判 如果你过来是评判我的话,你可以走了。 -SUSAN: Wait! Wait! No! Wait, don't, don't go! Wait, I have an idea. 等等,别,别走。我有个主意。 Here! Here! Here! Here, grab the towel, Bongo! Come on, grab the other end! grab: 抓住towel: 手巾,毛巾come on: 随后跟上,过来 the other: 另一个【两个中的一个】 这,这这,抓住毛巾,Bongo过来,抓住另外一端! Come on, boy! That’s it! Get the other end! Come on, Bongo! come on: 加油get: 抓住end: 末尾端 好孩子就是那样,抓住那一端加油,Bongo! Pull the other end! Come on, Bongo! pull: 拉 拉那头!加油!Bongo! What are you doing? Bongo, over here! 你在干吗?Bongo,在这啊! -SUSAN: Bongo? Oh, oh! don't do that! Bongo! Bongo?哦哦,别那样!哦,Bongo! -NARRATOR: While Susan was hopelessly stuck, Gabrielle was moving to confront the issue of her young lover’s restless conscience. hopelessly: 无望地,绝望地stuck: 不能动的,被卡住的confront: 使面临 issue: 问题lover: 情人restless: 不平静的,不安宁的conscience:良心,道德心 当Susan还是那样没有希望的样子时Gabrielle到了面临她的年轻情人的不安的良心的时候... -JOHN: Nobody’s home. 没有人在家。 -GABRIELLE: I know, I've been watching. I came to talk to you. talk to sb.: 跟...谈话 我知道,我在看着呢。我过来跟你谈谈。 -NARRATOR: Although she would need to be discrete. although: 虽然discrete: 小心谨慎的 虽然她需要小心谨慎。 -GABRIELLE: Keep working! What were you thinking, showing up at the hospital? keep: 继续,保持show up: 露出,露面 继续工作你在想什么,干吗在医院出现? -JOHN: I had to see if she was okay. 我必须知道她是不是还好。 -GABRIELLE: You need to keep a low profile right now. low profile: 低姿态,低调的姿态right now : 立刻 你现在要低调一点。 -JOHN: Look, you and I are finished. From now on, I'm sticking with Danielle. finish: 完成from now on : 从现在开始stick with : 坚持做(某事) 你和我结束了,从现在开始,我要和Danielle一起坚持。 -GABRIELLE: Why would you say that? 你为什么说那个? -JOHN: I hate myself for what we did! Okay? I can't sleep at night! I've got to make a clean break. break: 休息 我为我们做的事憎恨我自己,我晚上睡不着,我要有个清净的休息。 -GABRIELLE: We weren't driving the car. We didn't chase Juanita into the street! chase: 追赶 我们没有开车,我们没有在街上追Juanita。 -JOHN: Well, she wouldn't have been there if we weren't having an affair. have an affair: 通奸 如果我们没在一起,她也不会在那。 -GABRIELLE: Oh, for God’s sakes, between you and Carlos! Listen to me carefully, you didn't do anything wrong. for God’s sakes: 看在上帝的份上for one’s sake: 看在...份上,为了... listen to: 听...说话carefully : 仔细地 哦,行行好,你和Carlos。仔细听我说。你没做错任何事。 -JOHN: That’s not what Father Crowley thinks. Crowley神父不是那样认为的。 -GABRIELLE: What? 什么? -JOHN: I went to confession confession: 坦白,忏悔 我去忏悔了。 -GABRIELLE: Have you lost your mind? What did you tell him? lost one’s mind : 失去理智 你疯了吗?你告诉他什么了? -JOHN: Everything. 所有的事。 -GABRIELLE: Including in the alley? Behind the truck stop? including: 包括alley : 小路,巷,(花园里两边有树篱的)小径 truck: 卡车stop: 停车站 包括...在卡车站台后面的小巷? -JOHN: Everything. 一切。 -GABRIELLE: Damn you! damn: 该死的 哦,去你的。 -SUSAN: What is wrong with you? Lassie would have had a fire truck here by now! Stupid dog. fire truck: 救火车by now: 到如今stupid: 愚蠢的 你哪儿出毛病了?现在Lassie这会有个救火车你这个笨狗。 -SUSAN: Good boy, Bongo! Run, Bongo, run, go get help! 好孩子,BONGO! 去啊,,Bongo,去! 找人帮忙! -SUSAN: Ooooeeewwwoooohhh... 噢。 -BREE: Andrew, um, I know the last few days have been stressful, and, uh, you know, if you ever need to talk to anybody... um: (表示迟疑)嗯stressful: 产生压力的uh=huh: 嗯 ever: 在某时talk to: 跟…谈话 Andrew,恩... 我知道过去的几天里压力很大,而且,恩... 你知道,如果你需要和什么人谈谈。 -ANDREW: I know, I know. You and Dad are here for me. 我知道,我知道,你和爸爸会在这的。 -BREE: Actually, I was thinking we could arrange for you to talk to a professional. actually: 事实上arrange for: 安排professional: 专业人员 事实上,我在想我们应该让你去和一个专业人士谈。 -ANDREW: A shrink? You think I'm crazy? shrink: 【美】【俚】精神科医师[C] crazy: 疯狂的 神经科医生?你认为我有问题? -BREE: Of course not. It’s just that the accident probably stirred up a lot of emotions, accident: 事故probably: 可能stir up: 激起,引起 a lot of: 许多emotion: 情绪,情感,感情 当然不,那只是一个事故激起的很多情绪。 and it would be normal for you to be feeling confused or depressed or ashamed... normal: 正常的confused: 困惑的,烦恼的 depressed: 消沉的ashamed: 惭愧的,羞耻的 感到困惑难过或是惭愧的对你是正常的。 -ANDREW: I'm cool,mom. Really cool: 冷静的 我很冷静,恩,真的。 -BREE: Honey, you put a woman into a coma. Surely that arouses some kind of emotion! put: 使处于某种状态coma: 昏迷surely: 想必arouse: 唤起,引起emotion: 感情亲爱的,你把一个女人弄的昏迷。当然了那引起了一些情绪。 -ANDREW: Yeah, well, it doesn't. Now if you'll excuse me... excuse: 准许...离去;让...走开 是啊,对,但没有。现在,恕我失陪… -BREE: No, I won't, not until you tell me. until: 直到 不,我不会,直到你告诉我。 -ANDREW: Why do you care? care: 担心 为什么你要担心? -BREE: Because I need to know that you're not a monster! monster: 怪物,妖怪 因为我必须知道你不是个魔鬼。 -ANDREW: You want to know how I feel? 你要知道我怎么想的吗? -BREE: Yeah. 是。 -ANDREW: Okay, here it goes. I feel bad that she got hurt. feel bad: 不舒服bad: 糟糕的 好的,现在开始我觉得难过她受伤了。 But I also feel bad that my car got dinged because somebody didn't have enough sense to look both ways before she crossed the street. get: 使得dinge: [俚]黑人;肮脏sense: 意识,判断力both : 两边都cross: 穿过 但是我还觉得我的车被污染了,因为有些人对他们过马路时,没有向两边看的足够的意识。And I also feel bad that now I'm gonna have to ride my bike to school. gonna=going to: 将要have to: 不得不ride: 骑,乘 而且我还觉得我要骑车上学很难过。 -BREE: Andrew, you almost killed another human being. almost: 几乎,差不多human being: 人类 Andrew,你几乎杀了人。 -ANDREW: She’s an old lady. Okay? She’s lived her life. 她是个老女人,好不好? 她有自己的生活。 I have my whole life ahead of me, and now it might be screwed up! ahead of : 在...前面screw up: 把...搞糟 我前面有我的整个人生而且现在我需要振作! That’s what you should be worried about! be worried about : 为...忧虑,烦恼的 那就是你需要担心的! -BREE: What I'm worried about, Andrew, is that you don't seem to have a soul. seem: 好像soul: 良心 我担心的是,Andrew,你看起来没有良心。 Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police! reason: 理由 给我个理由为什么我没有打电话叫警察! -ANDREW: Because I'm your son. That would make you the monster. 因为我是你儿子那就是让你有个魔鬼的原因。 -MIKE: Hey, buddy! buddy: 好朋友,伙伴;搭挡 嘿,兄弟! -MIKE: Susan, is that you? Susan,是你吗? -SUSAN: Mike? I'm upstairs. Sorta. upstairs: 楼上sorta: 有几分,可以说是 Mike? 我在楼上...差不多。 -MIKE: Hang on, I'll be right up. hang on: 等候right: 马上,立即 等等,我,我正要上去。 -MIKE: What happened? 发生什么事了? -SUSAN: Well, you see, this bird, um, flew in your bathroom window, and, I, tried to save it, but, uh, it died. um: (表示迟疑)嗯flew:fly的过去式bathroom: 浴室, 盥洗室try to: 尝试 好,看这只鸟,恩.... 从你的洗手间飞了近来。我想救它,但是.... 它死了。 -MIKE: I don't think that’s what happened. 我不认为是那样发生的。 -SUSAN: I don't think so, either. either: (否定句中)也 我也不认为你能不能帮我从这出去? -MIKE: Come on... come on: 随后跟上 来, -SUSAN: Thank you, oh, you have no idea what that was like... 谢谢。你不知道那像什么。 -MIKE: You went through my cabinets. go through: 审查,搜查cabinet: 橱子 你看了我的橱子。 -SUSAN: What? Oh, I can explain. explain: 解释, 说明 什么?Oh,我可以解释。 -MIKE: Get out of my house. get out of: 从...出去 出去!! -SUSAN: Mike... Mike -MIKE: Get out! 出去! -EDIE: Hello there! 你好! -MR. SHAW: Good afternoon. 下午好! -EDIE: Ooh, well isn't this just as pretty as a picture book! pretty: 漂亮picture book: 图画书 哦,好啊,这是不是像本图画书那样漂亮? -MR. SHAW: Well, the plan is to put in a small condo. plan: 计划put in: 做,履行【这里指盖房子】condo: 公寓 好了,计划是盖座小公寓楼。 -EDIE: You want to make some money, or you want to pussyfoot around? make money: 挣钱pussyfoot: 轻轻地走 你想赚钱吗?又或者你想走走? -MR. SHAW: What do you suggest? suggest: 建议,提议 你认为呢? -EDIE: I'm thinking strip mall. I've run some numbers. strip: 狭长的一块mall: 林荫路 我在想那条林荫路。我在那跑过很多次。 -MR. SHAW: Nice stationary. stationary: 信纸 漂亮的信纸。 -EDIE: Oh, it’s stolen. steal: 偷 Oh,那是偷来的。 -MR. SHAW: What do you mean? 你什么意思? -EDIE: After my house burned down, I was staying with this neighbor, Martha Huber. burn down: 烧为平地stay with: 与...一起住neighbor: 邻居 在我的房子被烧掉之后,我就和邻居Martha Huber住。 That is, until the old troll threw me out. until: 直到troll: 鱼threw: throw的过去式throw out: 赶走 直到那条老鱼把我赶出来。 Anyway, I'd steal her stuff, she'd steal mine. Circle of life. anyway: 无论如何stuff: 东西circle: 循环 无论如何,我偷了她的东西,她也偷了我的。那是生存循环。 -MR. SHAW: So this paper is hers 所以这纸是她的? -EDIE: Oh, God, yes. 哦,上帝,是啊。 -L YNETTE: No, Tom, you can't do this to me. Because, I need you at home. 不,Tom,你不能这样对我因为我需要你在家。 Boys, stop it, I am on the phone. on the phone: [口]在打电话 孩子们,停止!!!我在打电话!! Well, yeah, I realize it’s not your fault that the meeting got postponed, realize: 意识到fault: 过错,缺点get: 使得postponed: 延期,缓办 好啊,是,我想,会议延期不是你的错, but you promised you'd be back tonight. I, I, I gotta go. The kids are... Yeah, promise: 允诺,答应be back: 回来,放回tonight : 今晚gotta(=have got to): 必须 但是你答应过今晚回来的我我要挂了,孩子们... I know... you're sorry, just, will you try to get back as soon as you can? Okay, bye. try to: 尝试做... get back: 回来as soon as you can: 尽可能地快 是啊,我知道你很抱歉。能不能就试着尽早回来?好的,再见。 -L YNETTE: Boys, would you please, please, stop it. Really, really, mommy’s got a headache. Okay? Just, uh... headache: 头痛just: 只是uh=huh: 嗯 孩子们,可不可以,停止啊! 好的好的,妈妈头疼,好吗? 只要,恩。 -L YNETTE: Turn that damn thing off. damn: 该死的turn off: 关掉 把那个该死的关掉。 -MIKE: What? 什么? -SUSAN: I just came over to say I'm sorry, and I'll pay for all the damage. come over: 过来pay for: 赔偿damage : 损害, 伤害 我只是过来说我很抱歉,弄坏的我会付钱。 -MIKE: don't worry about it. worry about : 担心 别担心.. -SUSAN: Well, so, in your mind, is the date off? date: 约会in one's mind: 想着off: 取消 好的,所以...,你的意思是,约会取消了? -MIKE: Well, you snooped around my house, and went through my stuff. snoop around: 巡视go through: 审查 你巡视我的屋子还检查我的东西。 Uh, yeah, in my book, that’s pretty much a deal breaker. uh=huh: 嗯pretty much: 几乎deal breaker: 煞风景,顽疾;交易破坏者 是啊,在我的字典里,漂亮女人是祸水。 -SUSAN: Hold on a minute, now. I started snooping around because I found all that money by accident. hold on : 等等snoop around : 巡视by accident:偶然 等等,现在我开始巡视了,因为我无意中发现钱。 And, and then, I found a gun. Are you a drug dealer or something? drug: 毒品dealer: 经销商,商人 然后发现了一支枪,你是毒犯或者是什么? -MIKE: Is that what you think? 那就是你认为的? -SUSAN: Well, I wouldn't know because you never let me in. let in: 允许进入 恩,我怎么会知道,你从来不让我进来。 You know, there’s this whole part of your life that you keep completely walled off. whole: 整个的completely: 十分,完全地wall off: 用墙把...隔开 你知道,你把你整个生活都封闭了。 -MIKE: I have a gun for protection, I keep cash for emergencies. protection: 保护cash: 现金emergencies:紧急需要 我有枪为了保护我自己,存钱来应急。 I'm a good guy, Susan, and you should know that. guy: 家伙,伙计,人 我是个好人Susan,你必须要知道。 I'm, I'm not obligated to share every little detail of my life with you. obligate: 有责任的share with: 与...分享detail: 细节,详情 我,我不能把我生活的每一个小细节都跟你分享。 -SUSAN: Well, every little detail is one thing. 每个小细节都是一件事啊。 You know, weird creepy secrets, that’s anoth er. weird: 怪异的creepy: 令人毛骨悚然的 你知道,很奇怪,小秘密,那是另外一种。 -MIKE: You know what, I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me. want to: 想要trust :信任 我不想和不信任我的人在一起。 -SUSAN: Well, maybe we shouldn't be dating. maybe: 可能,也许date: 约会 恩,我们可能不应该约会。 -MIKE: Maybe we shouldn't. 可能我们是不应该。 -SUSAN: Do you mean that? 你认真的吗? -MIKE: Yeah. 是的。 -SUSAN: Well, I hope that, your, you know, little secret keeps you warm at night because you're throwing something really great away to protect it! throw sth. away: 把某物扔掉protect : 保护 恩,我希望你的,你知道,小秘密可以让你在夜里温暖因为你扔掉了一些重要的东西来保护它。 -L YNETTE: Oh, Susan, you gotta take my kids for a while. gotta(=have got to): 必须take: 照看for a while : 暂时 Susan,你能帮我看一下孩子吗? -SUSAN: Lynette, it’s just, this really isn't the time... Lynette,现在真不是时候。 -L YNETTE: No, no, I'm sorry, I can't do this. It’s just too much. 不,不,对不起,但我做不了那只是,只是太多了。 Boys, you stay with your aunt Susan. stay with: 和...在一起 孩子们,你们要和Susan阿姨呆一会。 -SUSAN: Lynette! You know, when are you coming back? Lynette! Lynette! come back: 回来 Lynette,你知道,你什么时候回来吗? Lynette?! Lynette?! -BREE: There’s Lynette’s car, she’s gotta be close. close: 关着的 那是Lynette的车,她被关在里面了。 -SUSAN: I hope the kids aren't too much for Danielle to handle. handle: 处理, 操作 我希望对Danielle来说孩子们不是太难搞定。 -BREE: She'll be fine. What do you think’s happening with Lynette? 她会好的,你知道Lynette出什么事了吗? -SUSAN: I don't know, but I'm scared. Something’s very, very wrong. scared: 吓得要命 我不知道,但我很怕.有些事真的很不对劲。 -BREE: Lynette? Honey? Lynette,亲爱的? -SUSAN: Are you okay? 你还好吗? -GABRIELLE: Father, I'm so glad you could come and pray for mama. Please, sit, sit. pray for: 为...祈祷 神父,我,我很开心你会来而且为妈妈祈祷,请坐。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: Thank you, Gabrielle. 谢谢你,Gabrielle -GABRIEL LE: Listen, since you're here, there’s something I've always wondered about. since: 自从...以来wonder about 想知道 听着,自从你在这儿有些事我真的很想知道。 That whole thing about priests not being allowed to repeat what they hear in confessions, is that a hard rule, or just a general guideline? priest: 牧师allow: 允许repeat: 重复,反复confession: 忏悔,招供hard: 困难的general : 总体的guildline: 指南 整件事是牧师们不被允许重复他们所听到的忏悔词..是一个艰难的角色又或者只是个总的指引线路? -FATHER CROWEL Y: Rest assured, everyone’s secrets are safe. rest assured: 放心 放心,每个人的秘密都是安全的。 -GABRIELLE: That’s good to hear. 听到这个太好了。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: I'll keep yours, too, if you want to talk. 我也会保守你的,如果你要说的话。 -GABRIELLE: No, me? No, no. Confession is not really my thing. confession: 供认,承认,招供 哦,我? 不,不忏悔真的不是我的事。 -FATHER CRO WEL Y: That’s a shame. shame: 羞耻 那是个可耻的事。 -GABRIELLE: Okay. You can stop condemning me with your eyes. condemn: 谴责 好了,你可以停止用你的眼睛谴责我了。 Right now. I know you know, about the affair. right now: 现在affair: 事务,事件 现在我知道你知道我的事。 But you know nothing about my life. 但是你对我的生活一无所知。 Look, it’s not even an issue anymore. John and I are finished. even: 甚至issue: 事not…anymore: 再也不finish: 结束 瞧,那甚至不再是一件事了,John和我结束了。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: Gabrielle, the church is pretty clear on this. church : 教堂pretty: 相当的 Gabrielle, 教堂是很纯洁的 If you commit a mortal sin, and you die without repenting, you go to hell. commit a sin: 犯罪mortal : 致命的 repent: 后悔,悔改go to hell: 下地狱 如果你犯了不可饶恕的罪你会因为没有忏悔而死的,你会下地狱。 -GABRIELLE: Well, aren't you just a ball of fun. a ball of: 一团fun: 有趣 好啊,你们不是很好玩吗。 So, if I confess, it'll clean the slate, right? confess: 承认clean the slate : 了结往事,免除义务slate: 石板 所以如果我承认了,那就会了结往事,对吗? -FATHER CROWEL Y: Well not only that. If you want God’s forgiveness, you have to be t ruly sorry, and you have to promise not to commit the sin again . forgiveness: 宽恕have to: 必须truly: 真正地 promise: 允诺,答应commit: 犯罪sin: 罪过 不止那样,如果你要上帝的原谅的话,你就得真的感到抱歉,而且你还得保证不再犯。 -GABRIELLE: So what happens if I repent, later, like, say, when I'm 75? repent: 忏悔,悔悟 如果我忏悔的晚些会怎么样? 像是,我75岁的时候说。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: I wouldn't recommend waiting. What if you die before then? recommend: 建议 我不建议等待,如果你在那之前就死了呢? -GABRIELLE: Well, let’s say I don't die. I do yoga, I eat well. yoga: 瑜珈,瑜珈术 恩,就想我不会死。我做榆枷,我吃好的。 If I wait, does my repenting still count? repent: 忏悔,悔悟count: 有效 如果我等,我的忏悔还有效吗? -FATHER CROWEL Y: If you mean it, yes. 如果你真的想,是的。 -GABRIELLE: Thank you, Father Crowley. You have been a tremendous comfort. tremendous: 极大的comfort : 安慰者 谢谢你,Crowley神父,你是个很好的安慰者。 Um, I will let you do your thing. um: (表示迟疑)嗯 恩..我会让你做些事。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: Gabrielle, you know, we are all responsible for the choices we make. be responsible for: 为...负责choice: 选择 你知道,我们对我们做的选择有全部责任。 Don't you want to be a good person? 你真的想做个好人吗? -GABRIELLE: What I want is to be happy. 我想做的只是快乐。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: That’s the answer of a selfish child. selfish: 自私的 那是个自私小孩的答案。 -GABRIELLE: I know. 我知道。 -L YNETTE: Then I started taking the pills because they gave me energy, take: 吃pill: 药片energy: 能量 然后我要开始吃药因为它给我能量, but then I couldn't sleep at night, and I was getting so tired in the daytime. get: 变得tired: 疲倦daytime: 白天,日间 但是我那之后睡不着,然后我在白天就很累。 And, it totally messed me up. totally: 完全地,整全地mess up: 搞糟 那真的让我很乱。 I love my kids so much. I'm so sorry they have me as a mother. 我很爱我的孩子,我很抱歉他们有我这样一个母亲。 -BREE: Lynette, you're a great mother. Lynette, 你是个伟大的母亲. -L YNETTE: No, I'm not. I can't do it. I'm so tired of feeli ng like a failure. It’s so humiliating. be tire of :厌烦feel like: 有...的感觉failure: 失败者humiliating: 羞辱性的 不,我不是,我做不到,我不想再有作为一个失败者的感觉,那是很羞耻的。 -SUSAN: No, it’s not! So you got addicted to your kids' ADD medication. It happens. addict to: 沉溺于... ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder (注意力缺陷障碍,又称多动症) medication : 药物治疗,药物处理,药物 不,它不是,你对你孩子的A.D.D药物治疗上瘾了。它发生了。 -BREE: You've got four kids. That’s a lot of stress. Honey, you need some help. stress: 压力honey: 亲爱的 你有4个孩子,那是很大的压力。亲爱的,你只是需要一些帮助。 -L YNETTE: Tha t’s what’s so humiliating. Other moms don't need help. humiliating: 羞辱性的 那就是很羞耻的,别的母亲不需要帮助。 Other moms make it look so easy. All I do is complain. complain: 抱怨 别的母亲看起来很容易,我所做的所有事就只是抱怨。 -SUSAN: That’s just not true. When, when Julie was a baby, I, I was out of my mind almost every day. out of one's mind: 精神不正常,发狂almost: 几乎 那不是真的,当,当Julie还是个小孩的时候,我每天几乎快要失去理智了。 -BREE: I used to get so upset when Andrew and Danielle were little. I used their nap times to cry. used to: 过去常常upset: 不安nap: 小睡 我经常很不安当Andrew和Danielle都很小的时候,我在他们睡午觉的时候哭。 -L YNETTE: Why didn't you ever tell me this? 你们干吗从不跟我说这个? -BREE: Oh, baby. Nobody likes to admit that they can't handle the pressure. admit: 承认handle: 处理pressure: 压力 Oh,宝贝。没有人愿意承认他们不能搞定压力。 -SUSAN: I think it's just that we think that it’s easier to keep it all in. keep in: 隐瞒 我想那就是我们认为的,你知道,把它藏起来会容易些。 -L YNETTE: Well, we shouldn't. We should tell each other this stuff. stuff: 事情,东西 哦,我们不应该,我们应该告诉彼此这件事。 -SUSAN: It helps, huh? huh: 嘿(表示疑问、惊讶或异议) 有帮助,对吗? -L YNETTE: Yeah, it really does. 是的,真的有。 -PAUL: So it was Martha Huber all along. all along : 自始自终, 一直 所以Martha Huber一直一个人。 -MR. SHAW: Seems so. Edie didn't move in with Huber until after your wife received the blackmail note. seem: 好像move in: 搬进not...until: 直到...才blackmail: 敲诈,勒索note: 纸条 看起来是,在你妻子收到这个黑色邮件之前,Edie都没有和Huber一起住。 -PAUL: Thank God. We almost killed an innocent woman. almost: 差不多,几乎innocent: 无辜的 天啊,我们几乎杀了一个无辜的女人。 -MR. SHAW: Like I said, I don't do refunds, but if you'd like, I'm willing to pay Mrs. Huber a visit. refund: 退款be willing to: 乐于,愿意pay a visit: 进行访问 就像是我说的,我不会退钱的,但是如果你希望,我会付钱参观Huber夫人的。 -PAUL: No. Just keep the money. This whole thing's been tearing me up. whole: 整个的tear up: 撕碎 不,留下钱,整件事要把我撕碎了。 The nightmares, the guilt. This isn't what Mary Alice would've wanted. nightmare: 梦魇,恶梦guilt: 内疚 噩梦,自责。这不是Mary Alice真的要的。 -MR. SHAW: What would she have wanted? 那她要什么? -PAUL: Answers. 答案。 -PAUL: Hello, Mrs. Huber. 你好,Huber夫人。 -MARTHA: Paul. Paul。 -PAUL: Let me give you a hand. give sb. a hand: 帮助某人 让我帮你一把。 -MARTHA: That’s really not necessary. necessary: 需要的 真的不需要。 -PAUL: I insist. insist: 坚持 我坚持。 -PAUL: Ants, huh. ant: 蚂蚁 蚂蚁,啊? -MARTHA: Yeah. I've got a little infestation problem. infestation: (害虫, 盗贼等)群袭,出没,横行 是的,我有一个小小的害虫问题。 I wanted to take care of it before I left on my trip. want to: 想要take care of: 处理,对付trip: 旅行 我想在我去旅行之前解决掉。 -PAUL: Never had a problem with ants. Mary Alice and I had these little black flies once. black fly: 黑蝇fly: 苍蝇once: 曾经 从未有过蚂蚁的问题,Mary Alice和我有过一些黑色的小苍蝇。 -MARTHA: Oh? 哦? -PAUL: She was so funny about it. She ran out and bought herself a can of poison something to spray them down, funny: 有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的run out: 跑出去 can: 罐poison: 毒药spray: 喷射, 喷溅 她对那的的反应很滑稽,她跑出去买了一罐毒药准备朝它们喷。 so she was taking aim at one on the counter, and she just, uh, stops, and puts the can down. take aim at: 瞄准counter: 柜子can: 罐子put down: 放下 她瞄准一个在柜子上的目标,仅仅停了一下,放下了罐子。 She couldn't do it. She told me later, it felt too personal. later : 较晚地personal: 私人的 她做不到,她后来私下里告诉我。 Literally couldn't kill a fly. That’s how gentle she was. literally: 实际上fly: 苍蝇gentle: 温和的 她连只苍蝇都不敢杀,那就是她有多温和。 -MARTHA: Then you must have lived with quite a few flies. live with:和...生活在一起 然后你们就必须和很多苍蝇生活在一起。 I'm going to have to say good night to you now, Paul. 我要和你说晚安了,Paul。 -MARTHA: What are you doing here?" 这是干什么? -PAUL: I want to know why. 我想知道为什么。 -MIKE: I know you've got a lot of questions. And I also know I don't want to lose you. So ask me anything you want. a lot of: 许多,大量lose: 失去 我知道你有很多问题,而且我也知道我不想失去你,所以问我任何事你想知道。 -SUSAN: You just told me everything I need to know. 你只要告诉我所有我要知道的事。 -MARTHA: All right, my idiot husband died, and left me with a worthless pension. idiot: 白痴,愚人,傻瓜worthless: 无价值的pension: 养老金,退休金 好吧,我的白痴丈夫死后留给我,一个没有价值的退休金。 I was desperate for money, and it’s better to take it from a bad person than a good one. desperate: 不顾一切的 我不顾一切的想要钱,最好的办法是从个坏人手上弄到而不是一个好人。 How was I supposed to know she'd shoot herself? be supposed to: 应该,被期望shoot : 开枪 我怎么知道那会使她开枪打她自己? -PAUL: She was a good person. 她是个好人 -MARTHA: A good person who leaves her child motherless? motherless: 无母的 一个好人会留着她的孩子不管吗? Read the Bible, Paul, suicide’s a big no-no. Bible: 圣经suicide: 自杀no-no: 不可作之事,禁忌 读圣经吧,Paul,自杀是个很不应该做的事。 -PAUL: don't you feel any remorse whatsoever? remorse: 懊悔,自责whatsoever : 无论什么 你难道从来不觉得自责吗? -MARTHA: Why should I? Your wife didn't kill herself because I wrote a note. note: 纸条 为什么我要? 你老婆不是因为我写这个条子而自杀的。 She killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby! because of: 因为poor: 可怜的 她自杀是因为她对她的孩子所做的事! But rest assured, I'm praying for Mary Alice. rest assured: 确信无疑,放心pray for: 为...祈祷 但是放心,我正在为Mary Alice祈祷。 After what she did, she'll need all of our prayers. prayer: 祈祷 在那之后,她需要我们的祈祷。 -NARRATOR: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. widely: 广泛的,普遍的sinner: 罪人 有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人。 Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. guilt: 内疚 当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。 In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. in contrast: 相反,相比之下assume: 认为share: 部分blame: 过失,责备 相反的,有些人认为那应该比应受的谴责更多。 There are others, who sooth their consciences with small acts of kindness. sooth: 抚慰conscience: 良心,道德心act: 行为kindness: 仁慈 还有些人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心。 Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. sin: 罪过justify: 正当的 或者告诉他们自己他们的罪行是正当的。 Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. finally: 最后,终于simply 仅仅vow: 立誓,发誓 pray for: 为...祈祷forgiveness: 宽恕 最后,有些人会发誓下一次会做好些,然后为了饶恕而祈祷。 Sometimes, their prayers are answered. sometimes: 有时prayer: 祈祷answer: 回应,回答 有时他们的祈祷被回应了。 -MARTHA: That’s really not necessary. necessary: 需要的 真的不需要。 -PAUL: I insist. insist: 坚持 我坚持。 -PAUL: Ants, huh. ant: 蚂蚁 蚂蚁,啊? -MARTHA: Yeah. I've got a little infestation problem. infestation: (害虫, 盗贼等)群袭,出没,横行 是的,我有一个小小的害虫问题。 I wanted to take care of it before I left on my trip. want to: 想要take care of: 处理,对付trip: 旅行 我想在我去旅行之前解决掉。 -PAUL: Never had a problem with ants. Mary Alice and I had these little black flies once. black fly: 黑蝇fly: 苍蝇once: 曾经 从未有过蚂蚁的问题,Mary Alice和我有过一些黑色的小苍蝇。 -MARTHA: Oh? 哦? -PAUL: She was so funny about it. She ran out and bought herself a can of poison something to spray them down, funny: 有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的run out: 跑出去 can: 罐poison: 毒药spray: 喷射, 喷溅 她对那的的反应很滑稽,她跑出去买了一罐毒药准备朝它们喷。 so she was taking aim at one on the counter, and she just, uh, stops, and puts the can down. take aim at: 瞄准counter: 柜子can: 罐子put down: 放下 她瞄准一个在柜子上的目标,仅仅停了一下,放下了罐子。 She couldn't do it. She told me later, it felt too personal. later : 较晚地personal: 私人的 她做不到,她后来私下里告诉我。 Literally couldn't kill a fly. That’s how gentle she was. literally: 实际上fly: 苍蝇gentle: 温和的 她连只苍蝇都不敢杀,那就是她有多温和。 -MARTHA: Then you must have lived with quite a few flies. live with:和...生活在一起 然后你们就必须和很多苍蝇生活在一起。 I'm going to have to say good night to you now, Paul. 我要和你说晚安了,Paul。 -MARTHA: What are you doing here?" 这是干什么? -PAUL: I want to know why. 我想知道为什么。 -MIKE: I know you've got a lot of questions. And I also know I don't want to lose you. So ask me anything you want. a lot of: 许多,大量lose: 失去 我知道你有很多问题,而且我也知道我不想失去你,所以问我任何事你想知道。 -SUSAN: You just told me everything I need to know. 你只要告诉我所有我要知道的事。 -MARTHA: All right, my idiot husband died, and left me with a worthless pension. idiot: 白痴,愚人,傻瓜worthless: 无价值的pension: 养老金,退休金 好吧,我的白痴丈夫死后留给我,一个没有价值的退休金。 I was desperate for money, and it’s better to take it from a bad person than a good one. desperate: 不顾一切的 我不顾一切的想要钱,最好的办法是从个坏人手上弄到而不是一个好人。 How was I supposed to know she'd shoot herself? be supposed to: 应该,被期望shoot : 开枪 我怎么知道那会使她开枪打她自己? -PAUL: She was a good person. 她是个好人 -MARTHA: A good person who leaves her child motherless? motherless: 无母的 一个好人会留着她的孩子不管吗? Read the Bible, Paul, suicide’s a big no-no. Bible: 圣经suicide: 自杀no-no: 不可作之事,禁忌 读圣经吧,Paul,自杀是个很不应该做的事。 -PAUL: don't you feel any remorse whatsoever? remorse: 懊悔,自责whatsoever : 无论什么 你难道从来不觉得自责吗? -MARTHA: Why should I? Your wife didn't kill herself because I wrote a note. note: 纸条 为什么我要? 你老婆不是因为我写这个条子而自杀的。 She killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby! because of: 因为poor: 可怜的 她自杀是因为她对她的孩子所做的事! But rest assured, I'm praying for Mary Alice. rest assured: 确信无疑,放心pray for: 为...祈祷 但是放心,我正在为Mary Alice祈祷。 After what she did, she'll need all of our prayers. prayer: 祈祷 在那之后,她需要我们的祈祷。 -NARRATOR: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. widely: 广泛的,普遍的sinner: 罪人 有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人。 Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. guilt: 内疚 当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。 In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. in contrast: 相反,相比之下assume: 认为share: 部分blame: 过失,责备 相反的,有些人认为那应该比应受的谴责更多。 There are others, who sooth their consciences with small acts of kindness. sooth: 抚慰conscience: 良心,道德心act: 行为kindness: 仁慈 还有些人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心。 Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. sin: 罪过justify: 正当的 或者告诉他们自己他们的罪行是正当的。 Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. finally: 最后,终于simply 仅仅vow: 立誓,发誓 pray for: 为...祈祷forgiveness: 宽恕 最后,有些人会发誓下一次会做好些,然后为了饶恕而祈祷。 Sometimes, their prayers are answered. sometimes: 有时prayer: 祈祷answer: 回应,回答 有时他们的祈祷被回应了。 right now: 现在affair: 事务,事件 现在我知道你知道我的事。 But you know nothing about my life. 但是你对我的生活一无所知。 Look, it’s not even an issue anymore. John and I are finished. even: 甚至issue: 事not…anymore: 再也不finish: 结束 瞧,那甚至不再是一件事了,John和我结束了。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: Gabrielle, the church is pretty clear on this. church : 教堂pretty: 相当的 Gabrielle, 教堂是很纯洁的 If you commit a mortal sin, and you die without repenting, you go to hell. commit a sin: 犯罪mortal : 致命的 repent: 后悔,悔改go to hell: 下地狱 如果你犯了不可饶恕的罪你会因为没有忏悔而死的,你会下地狱。 -GABRIELLE: Well, aren't you just a ball of fun. a ball of: 一团fun: 有趣 好啊,你们不是很好玩吗。 So, if I confess, it'll clean the slate, right? confess: 承认clean the slate : 了结往事,免除义务slate: 石板 所以如果我承认了,那就会了结往事,对吗? -FATHER CROWEL Y: Well not only that. If you want God’s forgiveness, you have to be t ruly sorry, and you have to promise not to commit the sin again . forgiveness: 宽恕have to: 必须truly: 真正地 promise: 允诺,答应commit: 犯罪sin: 罪过 不止那样,如果你要上帝的原谅的话,你就得真的感到抱歉,而且你还得保证不再犯。 -GABRIELLE: So what happens if I repent, later, like, say, when I'm 75? repent: 忏悔,悔悟 如果我忏悔的晚些会怎么样? 像是,我75岁的时候说。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: I wouldn't recommend waiting. What if you die before then? recommend: 建议 我不建议等待,如果你在那之前就死了呢? -GABRIELLE: Well, let’s say I don't die. I do yoga, I eat well. yoga: 瑜珈,瑜珈术 恩,就想我不会死。我做榆枷,我吃好的。 If I wait, does my repenting still count? repent: 忏悔,悔悟count: 有效 如果我等,我的忏悔还有效吗? -FATHER CROWEL Y: If you mean it, yes. 如果你真的想,是的。 -GABRIELLE: Thank you, Father Crowley. You have been a tremendous comfort. tremendous: 极大的comfort : 安慰者 谢谢你,Crowley神父,你是个很好的安慰者。 Um, I will let you do your thing. um: (表示迟疑)嗯 恩..我会让你做些事。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: Gabrielle, you know, we are all responsible for the choices we make. be responsible for: 为...负责choice: 选择 你知道,我们对我们做的选择有全部责任。 Don't you want to be a good person? 你真的想做个好人吗? -GABRIELLE: What I want is to be happy. 我想做的只是快乐。 -FATHER CROWEL Y: That’s the answer of a selfish child. selfish: 自私的 那是个自私小孩的答案。 -GABRIELLE: I know. 我知道。 -L YNETTE: Then I started taking the pills because they gave me energy, take: 吃pill: 药片energy: 能量 然后我要开始吃药因为它给我能量, but then I couldn't sleep at night, and I was getting so tired in the daytime. get: 变得tired: 疲倦daytime: 白天,日间 但是我那之后睡不着,然后我在白天就很累。 And, it totally messed me up. totally: 完全地,整全地mess up: 搞糟 那真的让我很乱。 I love my kids so much. I'm so sorry they have me as a mother. 我很爱我的孩子,我很抱歉他们有我这样一个母亲。 -BREE: Lynette, you're a great mother. Lynette, 你是个伟大的母亲. -L YNETTE: No, I'm not. I can't do it. I'm so tired of feeli ng like a failure. It’s so humiliating. be tire of :厌烦feel like: 有...的感觉failure: 失败者humiliating: 羞辱性的 不,我不是,我做不到,我不想再有作为一个失败者的感觉,那是很羞耻的。 -SUSAN: No, it’s not! So you got addicted to your kids' ADD medication. It happens. addict to: 沉溺于... ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder (注意力缺陷障碍,又称多动症) medication : 药物治疗,药物处理,药物 不,它不是,你对你孩子的A.D.D药物治疗上瘾了。它发生了。 -BREE: You've got four kids. That’s a lot of stress. Honey, you need some help. stress: 压力honey: 亲爱的 你有4个孩子,那是很大的压力。亲爱的,你只是需要一些帮助。 -L YNETTE: Tha t’s what’s so humiliating. Other moms don't need help. humiliating: 羞辱性的 那就是很羞耻的,别的母亲不需要帮助。 Other moms make it look so easy. All I do is complain. complain: 抱怨 别的母亲看起来很容易,我所做的所有事就只是抱怨。 -SUSAN: That’s just not true. When, when Julie was a baby, I, I was out of my mind almost every day. out of one's mind: 精神不正常,发狂almost: 几乎 那不是真的,当,当Julie还是个小孩的时候,我每天几乎快要失去理智了。 -BREE: I used to get so upset when Andrew and Danielle were little. I used their nap times to cry. used to: 过去常常upset: 不安nap: 小睡 我经常很不安当Andrew和Danielle都很小的时候,我在他们睡午觉的时候哭。 -L YNETTE: Why didn't you ever tell me this? 你们干吗从不跟我说这个? -BREE: Oh, baby. Nobody likes to admit that they can't handle the pressure. admit: 承认handle: 处理pressure: 压力 Oh,宝贝。没有人愿意承认他们不能搞定压力。 -SUSAN: I think it's just that we think that it’s easier to keep it all in. keep in: 隐瞒 我想那就是我们认为的,你知道,把它藏起来会容易些。 -L YNETTE: Well, we shouldn't. We should tell each other this stuff. stuff: 事情,东西 哦,我们不应该,我们应该告诉彼此这件事。 -SUSAN: It helps, huh? huh: 嘿(表示疑问、惊讶或异议) 有帮助,对吗? -L YNETTE: Yeah, it really does. 是的,真的有。 -PAUL: So it was Martha Huber all along. all along : 自始自终, 一直 所以Martha Huber一直一个人。 -MR. SHAW: Seems so. Edie didn't move in with Huber until after your wife received the blackmail note. seem: 好像move in: 搬进not...until: 直到...才blackmail: 敲诈,勒索note: 纸条 看起来是,在你妻子收到这个黑色邮件之前,Edie都没有和Huber一起住。 -PAUL: Thank God. We almost killed an innocent woman. almost: 差不多,几乎innocent: 无辜的 天啊,我们几乎杀了一个无辜的女人。 -MR. SHAW: Like I said, I don't do refunds, but if you'd like, I'm willing to pay Mrs. Huber a visit. refund: 退款be willing to: 乐于,愿意pay a visit: 进行访问 就像是我说的,我不会退钱的,但是如果你希望,我会付钱参观Huber夫人的。 -PAUL: No. Just keep the money. This whole thing's been tearing me up. whole: 整个的tear up: 撕碎 不,留下钱,整件事要把我撕碎了。 The nightmares, the guilt. This isn't what Mary Alice would've wanted. nightmare: 梦魇,恶梦guilt: 内疚 噩梦,自责。这不是Mary Alice真的要的。 -MR. SHAW: What would she have wanted? 那她要什么? -PAUL: Answers. 答案。 -PAUL: Hello, Mrs. Huber. 你好,Huber夫人。 -MARTHA: Paul. Paul。 -PAUL: Let me give you a hand. give sb. a hand: 帮助某人 让我帮你一把。 -MARTHA: That’s really not necessary. necessary: 需要的 真的不需要。 -PAUL: I insist. insist: 坚持 我坚持。 -PAUL: Ants, huh. ant: 蚂蚁 蚂蚁,啊? -MARTHA: Yeah. I've got a little infestation problem. infestation: (害虫, 盗贼等)群袭,出没,横行 是的,我有一个小小的害虫问题。 I wanted to take care of it before I left on my trip. want to: 想要take care of: 处理,对付trip: 旅行 我想在我去旅行之前解决掉。 -PAUL: Never had a problem with ants. Mary Alice and I had these little black flies once. black fly: 黑蝇fly: 苍蝇once: 曾经 从未有过蚂蚁的问题,Mary Alice和我有过一些黑色的小苍蝇。 -MARTHA: Oh? 哦? -PAUL: She was so funny about it. She ran out and bought herself a can of poison something to spray them down, funny: 有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的run out: 跑出去 can: 罐poison: 毒药spray: 喷射, 喷溅 她对那的的反应很滑稽,她跑出去买了一罐毒药准备朝它们喷。 so she was taking aim at one on the counter, and she just, uh, stops, and puts the can down. take aim at: 瞄准counter: 柜子can: 罐子put down: 放下 她瞄准一个在柜子上的目标,仅仅停了一下,放下了罐子。 She couldn't do it. She told me later, it felt too personal. later : 较晚地personal: 私人的 她做不到,她后来私下里告诉我。 Literally couldn't kill a fly. That’s how gentle she was. literally: 实际上fly: 苍蝇gentle: 温和的 她连只苍蝇都不敢杀,那就是她有多温和。 -MARTHA: Then you must have lived with quite a few flies. live with:和...生活在一起 然后你们就必须和很多苍蝇生活在一起。 I'm going to have to say good night to you now, Paul. 我要和你说晚安了,Paul。 -MARTHA: What are you doing here?" 这是干什么? -PAUL: I want to know why. 我想知道为什么。 -MIKE: I know you've got a lot of questions. And I also know I don't want to lose you. So ask me anything you want. a lot of: 许多,大量lose: 失去 我知道你有很多问题,而且我也知道我不想失去你,所以问我任何事你想知道。 -SUSAN: You just told me everything I need to know. 你只要告诉我所有我要知道的事。 -MARTHA: All right, my idiot husband died, and left me with a worthless pension. idiot: 白痴,愚人,傻瓜worthless: 无价值的pension: 养老金,退休金 好吧,我的白痴丈夫死后留给我,一个没有价值的退休金。 I was desperate for money, and it’s better to take it from a bad person than a good one. desperate: 不顾一切的 我不顾一切的想要钱,最好的办法是从个坏人手上弄到而不是一个好人。 How was I supposed to know she'd shoot herself? be supposed to: 应该,被期望shoot : 开枪 我怎么知道那会使她开枪打她自己? -PAUL: She was a good person. 她是个好人 -MARTHA: A good person who leaves her child motherless? motherless: 无母的 一个好人会留着她的孩子不管吗? Read the Bible, Paul, suicide’s a big no-no. Bible: 圣经suicide: 自杀no-no: 不可作之事,禁忌 读圣经吧,Paul,自杀是个很不应该做的事。 -PAUL: don't you feel any remorse whatsoever? remorse: 懊悔,自责whatsoever : 无论什么 你难道从来不觉得自责吗? -MARTHA: Why should I? Your wife didn't kill herself because I wrote a note. note: 纸条 为什么我要? 你老婆不是因为我写这个条子而自杀的。 She killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby! because of: 因为poor: 可怜的 她自杀是因为她对她的孩子所做的事! But rest assured, I'm praying for Mary Alice. rest assured: 确信无疑,放心pray for: 为...祈祷 但是放心,我正在为Mary Alice祈祷。 After what she did, she'll need all of our prayers. prayer: 祈祷 在那之后,她需要我们的祈祷。 -NARRATOR: There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. widely: 广泛的,普遍的sinner: 罪人 有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人。 Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. guilt: 内疚 当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。 In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. in contrast: 相反,相比之下assume: 认为share: 部分blame: 过失,责备 相反的,有些人认为那应该比应受的谴责更多。 There are others, who sooth their consciences with small acts of kindness. sooth: 抚慰conscience: 良心,道德心act: 行为kindness: 仁慈 还有些人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心。 Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. sin: 罪过justify: 正当的 或者告诉他们自己他们的罪行是正当的。 Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. finally: 最后,终于simply 仅仅vow: 立誓,发誓 pray for: 为...祈祷forgiveness: 宽恕 最后,有些人会发誓下一次会做好些,然后为了饶恕而祈祷。 Sometimes, their prayers are answered. sometimes: 有时prayer: 祈祷answer: 回应,回答 有时他们的祈祷被回应了。
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