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无言的父爱教案无言的父爱教案 《无言的父爱》教学设计 五里小学 六年级 陈荣爱 教材分析, 《无言的父爱》是冀教版小学语文第十二册四单元的一篇略读课文,本单元的文化主题是“真爱无言,大爱无疆”。 父爱如山,这种爱,厚重而宽广,父爱有它独特的示意方式。也许他记不起你的生日,甚至不清楚你今年几岁,但他无处不在。 课文写了父亲无力购买价格昂贵的玩具来满足孩子的要求,就花了四个月时间,日夜辛苦劳动,给孩子造了一间木头玩具屋。与众不同的父亲“以双手而不是言语,传达出对我无限的爱”,让我在这笔珍贵的财富中幸福成长且终身受益。 父...

无言的父爱教案 《无言的父爱》教学设计 五里 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 陈荣爱 教材分析, 《无言的父爱》是冀教版小学语文第十二册四单元的一篇略读课文,本单元的文化主题是“真爱无言,大爱无疆”。 父爱如山,这种爱,厚重而宽广,父爱有它独特的示意方式。也许他记不起你的生日,甚至不清楚你今年几岁,但他无处不在。 课文写了父亲无力购买价格昂贵的玩具来满足孩子的要求,就花了四个月时间,日夜辛苦劳动,给孩子造了一间木头玩具屋。与众不同的父亲“以双手而不是言语,传达出对我无限的爱”,让我在这笔珍贵的财富中幸福成长且终身受益。 父亲用双手实现了我的愿望,实际他是用自己的行动教会孩子如何自己生活。在孩子们的生活里,父母可以帮助孩子,引导孩子,但是真正生活的还是他们自己,自己的人生道路还得自己走。 读完这篇课文,谁都会被父亲那无言的爱深深地打动。这位平凡的父亲,靠着勤劳的双手,为孩子实现了梦想。从他的身上,孩子也学到了最珍贵的精神财富。 学情分析, 六年级的学生已经有了预习的习惯,能运用已有的读书方法,抓关键词句、联系上下文、结合生活体验等,进行自主阅读,能初步了解文章内容,体会思想感情,并有了查阅相关资料并进行简单整理的能力。 .教学目标, height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 【知识与技能目标】 1.有感情地朗读课文。 2.运用已经掌握的品词析句的阅读方法,自主学习课文,体会和感受课文中表现的这种极其珍贵的父 爱。 3.结合生活实际,联系上下文,理解文中含义深刻的句子。 【过程与方法】 在理解内容的基础上,要注重朗读。让学生在读中再现情境,在读中体会感情。 【情感态度价值观】 体会和感受课文中表现的这种极其珍贵的父爱。 教学重、难点, 难点,理解课文内容,感受父亲深沉的爱,感受父女之间那种浓浓的亲情。 重点,结合生活实际,联系上下文,理解文中含义深刻的句子。 4.教学时间,1课时 二、教学准备, 布置预习作业, A.读通课文,把遇到的读音问题以及不理解的地方做出标注。 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation B.思考,课文讲了一件什么事, 三、教学过程及设计意图, 教学设计设计意图 一、导入新课 导语,人世间的亲情莫过于父爱、母爱,他们都是伟大的爱。但是,这些爱也许体现在谆谆的教导中,也许体现在默默无闻的奉献中。然而,今天我们要来感受这样一对父女,感受父亲那无言的爱。 板书,无言的父爱 二、初读课文,感知文章内容。 1.学生以自己喜欢的方式读课文,注意把文章读正确、读流利。 2.小组内相互检查生字词的认读情况。 3.自愿朗读自己喜欢的段落。 三、再读课文,说说文章主要讲了一件什么事,让孩子们尽情地说出自己的想法,教师可在概括方法上予以指导。 四、细读课文,感悟理解文章内容。 1.提出中心议题,学生自读自悟。 中心话题,文章中哪些地方让你体会到了父亲“无言的爱”,边读边在文中作出标注,说说自己的理由。 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 2.小组交流。 3.全班交流。 重点引导, ,1,引导学生从第一部分内容体会父亲“勤劳实干”的优秀品质。通过自由读课文,从作者叙述的一个个事例中了解父亲的品质,感受父亲的形象,让学生充分体会作者为有一个“勤劳实干”的父亲感到自豪的情感。 ,2,抓住重点段落中写父亲帮“我”早玩具房子的内容,体会“无言的父爱”,引导孩子自己去读,去讨论,去领悟。 通过理解父亲引导、启发“我”自己动手做木头房子的话,让学生领悟到真正的父爱就是引导“我”“创造自己的天地”。父亲用双手、用行动来表达对“我”无言的爱,要让学生通过度、议,抓住有关语句,深刻理解父亲这种最深沉的爱。 ,3,最后一自然段,要充分放手让学生讨论、理解, “我”身上最要紧的部分是什么,父亲给“我”的最珍贵的财富是什么, 在这一环节中,要引导学生一读为本,反复有感情地朗读课文,特别是重点语句,一定要让学生读中悟情,以读表情。 五、课堂延伸。 引导学生说一说自己的父亲对自己的爱是怎样的,从哪些事例中可以体现出来。 六、作业, 回家替父亲捶一捶背,沏一杯茶,与父亲交谈一次。 用合乎情理而又接近学生生活的语言,将孩子们与文章联系在一起,激发起孩子们阅读的欲望。 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 正确流利的朗读课文是学习课文的前提。在小组内解决生字词的问题。 让孩子们选择自己喜欢的段落读,可以增进孩子们的阅读兴趣,给他们一种自主的权利。 培养学生概括文章大意的能力。 “无言的父爱爱”是最能触动学生心灵的,文中父亲表达爱的方式会给学生留下深深的印象,因此以此中心话题引领学生展开讨论。 谈谈日常生活中父亲对自己关爱的小事,以此深化对课文内容的理解。感受亲情、体验亲情 分享. height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation
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