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考研英语2作文模版考研英语2作文模版 作文模版(一) 问题解决型 As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on indi...

考研英语2作文模版 作文模版(一) 问题解决型 As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world.Each of us should attach high emphasis on solving it. As a matter of fact,the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound.Naturally and necessarily,there are two major ways coping with this problem.The first way to tackle it is to appeal to authorities to take measures.Once achieving the success of solving the problem,the whole society also thrives/makes progress.Solving the problem can accelerate better individuals’development.The other way that is worth adopting is to work out new laws.Where there are better laws,there are more hopes,vitality and development.These advisable laws eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony.Finally,I can safely come to the conclusion that it is high time we enhanced the awareness of people that is every vital to us.Only by these means can we succeed in solving the problem in the near future.(1 Therefore,measures should be taken to terminate the ridiculous affair.First and foremost,governments should establish some regulations to prohibit enterprises and people from making such misdeeds.What’s more,people should get ready to pass criticism upon such misdeeds anytime and anywhere.After all,it is necessary to develop our society by performing hard work instead of talking nonsense. 2 In my opinion,it is imperative that we should take some drastic actions.On the one hand,we should appeal to our authorities to enact concrete laws to control commercial fishing.On the other hand,we should enhance people's awareness that ocean resources are vital to us and the ecological balance will be guaranteed with the strategy of sustainable development.Only by doing so can we effectively protect our natural resources.Also I am convinced that we humans can overcome this difficulty and we will have a bright future.) To conclude,we should not yield to mediocrity regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.So the prospect we are looking forward to will be bright and encouraging. 作文模版(二) 正面现象歌颂型1 As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.It has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays,increasingly more argumentations about it can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday life.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world. First of all,______________is crucial for every individual.With its seemingly magic power,it can not only accelerate better individuals’development,but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change the world.Those equipped with it are always admired and respected,because it may endow them with more competence,chances,self-confidence to overcome difficulties and handle problems.Those people appear to possess a special charm,bringing to others hope,passion and surprise,and,thus winning others’favor and trust.It can directly promote the rapid progress of the organization with its energy and indirectly spurs continuous development with the good culture it generates.Through continuously promoting the social productivity,unceasingly improving the productive relationship,and gradually enriching human material and spiritual wealth,______________eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony. In short,where there is better______________,there are more hopes,vitality and development.When we are benefiting from it,we shall also do our utmost to maintain its vitality to ensure ourselves a brighter future. 正面现象歌颂型2 As is subtly in the picture(s),it is a contemporary social issue in China of common interests and permanent value.The picture(s)does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon in China nowadays.When weighing in the mind,we find an apparent tendency underlying this sight:_______________. It is apparent that cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of______________in our daily life.Hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without.As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce,we must defeat our rivals though.Numerous examples can be given,but this will suffice.A case in point is the successful host of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the deadly earthquake in Si Chuan province.These cases effectively clarify that really counts in this competition society. Hence,it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the thought-provoking picture(s).For one thing,we should frequently use it to enlighten the young.For another,we should cultivate the awareness of people that every vital to us.Only by doing so can we help to make our country a harmonious society to live in and only by doing so can we become winner in the face of difficulties 正面现象歌颂型3 As is vividly in the picture(s),it is a contemporary social issue in China of common interests and permanent value.The picture(s)does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon nowadays.When weighing in the mind,we find an apparent tendency underlying this sight:_______________. Simple as it is,what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking.With the development of economy and society,competition is becoming increasingly fierce.It is impossible for anyone to finish a task without_______________.Hence,people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on_______________.In fact,it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of_____________is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.Numerous examples can be given,but this will suffice.A case in point is the successful host of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the deadly earthquake in Si Chuan province.These cases effectively clarify that really counts in this competition society. Accordingly,it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of_____________in our society.We should bear in mind that_____________is of great significance to both our society and ourselves.Everyone should have the ability of______.Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in. 作文模版(三) 反面现象批评型1 As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.It has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays,increasingly more argumentations about it can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and marry aspects of our everyday life.It s status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its in negligible but harmful influence on individuals,collective,and even the whole world. It seems to have a strange power to drive some individuals or organizations to act wrongly.The essence of these wrong actions is:(1)to gain personal,short-term and partial individual interest at the expense of damaging others’long-term and overall interest;(2)to adopt improper means to win more rewards with less input.We must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by it,because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spread,it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.Though with various reasons and forms,from the perspective of the essence,the problems brought by it originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and material production.Thus,we should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle. Due to the depth and width of its harmful influence,we should draft our solution scientifically and systematically on the basis of deep analysis of its problem.We must acquire our power from technology,management,law and culture to tackle the problem,effectively eliminate the shadow of___________,and ensures ourselves a bright future. 反面现象批评型1 How enlightening and compelling the above drawing is!It is so funny that whoever sees it cannot help thinking:_____.(这句 自己加完整,从宏观上描述一下图画就可以,笼统的,大体的)______while_______.(这句从微观上具体说明一下图 画要描述的矛盾点,必须找到矛盾点,用到while这个单词)Simple as it looks,its intended meaning goes far deeper what on earth does the drawer really aim to convey. 第二段 What the image above vividly mirrors goes far more than a simple image,instead,it carries a thought provoking social phenomenon:____.(本文的主旨)There are upsetting(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把upsetting删除)parallels today in our contemporary community.For example,______.(举2个例子,如果字数够就举1个) 第三段: Much can be done.To begin with the schools and the mass media should develop,guide and cultivate noble and worthy values and qualities among people,doing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation.(of this worsening situation自己可以换成主旨的词,如果不换,这样也可以。如文章不是讽刺性的,就把worsening删除) What is more,the authorities concerned should play a dominant role in taking nationwide actions to curb(如文章不是讽刺 性的,就把curb换成promote)such practices.In conclusion,all the society should make actively more sustained and concerted efforts.Although we still have a long way to go,a promising start has begun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious society may be not be far behind. 注意事项: 卡通cartoon也可以用以下几个picture image drawing illustration 图画Photo也可以用以下几个picture image photograph 作文模版(四) 选择观点---两种相互促进的事物或现象(正面意义倾向) ? A A A happiness BBB money AAA and BBB are nothing strange for us,because increasingly more argumentations about them can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday life.People always confront the dilemma of choosing whether AAA or BBB. We can never separate AAA from BBB,because they two have close but complicated relationship.On one hand,in some sense,BBB is the foundation of AAA,creating favorable condition for AAA’s improvement.Thus,it is quite rational for average people to choose BBB because of the obvious reason that BBB is closely associated with our life.On the other hand,AAA provides support and insurance for BBB.The main reason for my preference for AAA is that AAA will effectively promote the enrichment of human material and spiritual wealth,hence stimulating economic prosperity and social harmony.. All in all,taking into account all these merits that AAA and BBB boasts of,we should try our best to motivate the better mergence and development of AAA and BBB,and hence ensure ourselves a bright future. The relationship between wealth and happiness has always been what some people long for.It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor.Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth,and hence to their happiness. There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness,especially in the modern society.Various kinds of up-to-date household appliances,latest fashions and recreations make their appearance with each passing day.All this makes our life more comfortable and colorful.Therefore,without money we cannot turn admiration into reality. Wealth,however,can also lead to disasters,if we have an inappropriate approach to it.Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits,such as drug taking and gambling,and result in their own ruin.Besides,a person may lose his reason and go astray if he intends only to seek wealth and indulges himself in leading a luxurious life.For example,there are some government officials who take advantage of their positions to take bribes from the people turning to them for help.Obviously,wealth may bring us disasters if we do not take a proper attitude to it.In my opinion,on no account can we equate happiness with wealth.I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness.(224 words) 作文模版(五) 对立观点 AAA earlier day care BBB late day care AAA and BBB are nothing strange for us,because increasingly more argumentations about them can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday life.Before rendering my opinion,I think it is necessary to take a glance at the arguments on both sides. It is undeniable that BBB has its own merits.The most extreme manifestation of this idea is the fact that例子.Even so,we have no complete evidence to suggest that BBB is always better than AAA.There are numerous reasons for my preference for AAA,and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.What is also worth noticing fact is that原因一.The above is only part of the important aspects,and another one with equal significance with respect to choosing between the two lies in the development of the proposition that原因二. All in all,taking into account all these merits that AAA boasts of,we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the advantages of AAA outweigh any benefit we can get from BBB and choosing AAA is a rather wise decision. 作文模版(六) 利弊 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 型作文 ______________has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays,increasingly more argumentations about______________can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and marry aspects of our everyday life.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world.But we have to ask ourselves whether the craze is beneficial or harmful and what we can attribute this phenomenon.Why have become the focus of people’s attention,is closely associated with our life. With the development of science and human civilization,many formerly unimaginable things come into reality.Some of them have positive effects on our life,but some are distasteful.The people who approve of say that there are many advantages for us.For example, can enrich our life.However,the opponents of point out that can have unhealthy side-effects.Young people sometimes become addicted to it at the expense of their school work. Weighing the pros and cons of both sides,perhaps the best policy is to regulate it in such a way as to maximize its advantages.At the same time,we must avoid its harmful part.Furthermore,young people should be advised that spending too much time doing so is bad for themselves. 例子佐证 1.Patriotism Patriotism implies a love for one's mother country.It is the noblest of human sentiments.Every citizen should possess some spirit of patriotism.Patriotism,however,is not to be testified by the tongue;it should be manifested in action.With this definite object in view,one must do his best for his motherland,and,at any moment,be ready to make sacrifices for her.The man who possesses such will is a real patriot at heart. Patriotism may be shown in various ways:soldiers display it by fighting for or defending their country;scientists express it by doing constant research work so that more advanced technology can be introduced and utilized in the construction of their motherland;those overseas demonstrate it by doing whatever they can to help their motherland and fall into its embrace without hesitation whenever they are needed. The true patriot desires righteousness and uprightness for one's own land.He puts love of his country before the love of himself,and is willing to makeany sacrifice for it. 1.爱国主义 爱国主义意味着人们对祖国的热爱。它是人类最高尚的情感。每一个公民都应当具有爱国主义精神。爱国主义 不能停留在口头上,而应当落实在行动上。有了这个明确的目标,人们必须尽力报效祖国并时刻准备为祖国牺牲一 切。在内心里具有这样精神的人才是真正的爱国主义者。 爱国主义 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现在各个方面:士兵的爱国主义精神体现在为保卫祖国而战;科学家的爱国主义精神体现在孜孜不 倦的科研工作,把更先进的技术引进并应用在祖国的建设中;海外华人的爱国主义精神则体现在尽其最大努力帮助 建设自己的祖国,并且在祖国需要的时候毫不犹豫地投入祖国母亲的怀抱。 真正的爱国主义者对自己的祖国是正直无私和忠心耿耿的。他把祖国的利益放在个人利益之上,并且为了祖国 的利益甘愿牺牲自己的一切。 2.Physical exercise Physical exercise is often carried out in the form of collective performance and requires the spirit of cooperation.Self-concept and self-image are thus to be realized in coordinated team work.Therefore,from a wider view,physical exercise can be considered a rewarding means to socialize with others,as well as a source of enjoyable recreation. 锻炼身体 锻炼身体常常是集体活动,需要合作精神。自我意识和自我形象要在相互配合的团队中得以体现。因此从更宽 的视野看,体育运动可以被看作不仅是有趣的娱乐活动,而且是与别人社交的有益方式。 3. Different people have different opinions in regards to the same object or idea.Sometimes,these opinions can vary widely due to one’s personal tastes,educational background,childhood and life experience,and the profession one engages in. 不同的人对同一事物的观点不同 不同的人对于同一事物或观点有着不同的见解。而由于个人品味、教育背景、早年经历、阅历和职业的不同, 见解之间有时甚至大相径庭。 4.improve the reading ability To improve the reading ability of the entire population of China,great attention from the government and the vigorous participation of the whole society are required.We students have a great responsibility to join in the reading campaign throughout our country.Remember:the nation that has the strongest reading ability will be the most competitive nation and the final victor.Let’s read for the China’s great revival! 提高阅读能力 提高全民的阅读能力,需要政府的高度重视和全社会的积极参与。我们大学生更有责任参加全民阅读运动。记 住:阅读能力最强的民族一定是将来最具有竞争力并最终能胜出的民族。为了中华民族的伟大复兴,大家都来读书 吧。 5.Failure When we lose,we sometimes feel too disappointed to go on,and perhaps overly pessimistic and depressed.When we win,we sometimes become imperious,and being too focused on the present and feeling unbeatable,we cannot see the potential difficulties that may arise in the future.We forget the struggles that made our success possible. In fact,failure is the mother of success,and success can give birth to failure.Being unable to rationally deal with failure and calmly face success are simply manifestations of a weak will. 失败 失败时,我们常常无力从失望中自拔,过度悲观和沮丧;而成功时,又常常目空一切,沉湎于成功的刹那,自 觉不可战胜,看不到未来可能潜伏的困难,忘了成功是艰辛得来的。 事实上,失败中原本就孕育着成功,成功之中同样孕育着失败。不能理性地对待失败和不能冷静地看待成功都 是一个人意志薄弱的表现。 6.Disobeying rules Disobeying rules unfavorably influences our society.It upsets the social order and prevents our daily social interactions from running smoothly.In the long term,it will negatively effect our society’s development.The 21st century has brought with it a change from disorder to order,from disharmony to harmony.Every citizen should always keep the following in mind:Complying with social rules should be considered a fundamental guideline for every citizen to steer by. 不守规则 不守规则给社会带来了不利的影响。它破坏了社会秩序,妨碍了我们日常社会交往的 顺利进行,从长远看会影响我们社会的发展。在21世纪,人类社会正从无序走向有序,从不和谐走向和谐。 每个公民都应该牢记:遵守社会规则应是公民最起码的行为准则。 7.Responsibility This cartoon shows the importance of responsibility,which holds together the fabric of our society.If a teacher does not teach responsibly,his students will not progress.If a scientist does not do his work responsibly,he will find it difficult to overcome the obstacles he is sure to meet in his research.If a soldier does not do his duty responsibly,he will be unable to competently guard his homeland. 责任 这幅漫画说明了责任的重要性。责任维系着我们的社会结构。如果一个教师不负责任,他的学生就不会进步; 如果一个科研人员不负责任,他就很难攻克研究中必然要遇到的难关;如果一个士兵不负责任,他就不能称职地保 卫祖国。 8.the determined spirit To cultivate this determined spirit,we must establish a firm faith and get ready to devote ourselves.We must be prepared to go through all the trials and hardships.No matter what tasks we are undertaking,preparing for a graduate examination or working towards a career,we should go all out.Only when we have tried our best to uphold this spirit,can we achieve the final success. 拼搏精神 要培养这种拼搏精神,我们必须树立坚定的信念,并准备为之献身。我们必须准备好经受考验和磨难。不管我 们现在面对什么样的任务,是在复习备考,还是为事业而奋斗,我们都要全力以赴。只有我们竭尽全力发扬这种精 神,我们才能最终获得成功。 9.life-long learning This profoundly insightful cartoon provides us with a new way to view learning:that it should be a life-long process and should not stop simply because we are no longer attending school.In this age of information,our knowledge is evolving at an unprecedented rate,and what you learn today may quickly become out-of-date.Only by continual study can we keep pace with social development. 10终身学习 这幅寓意深刻的漫画为我们提出了关于学习的新理念,即学习应该是终身的,不应该在离开学校后即告终止。 在现在的信息时代,知识正以前所未有的速度更新,你今天学习的东西可能很快就过时了。只有不断学习,我们才 能跟上社会的发展。 11.Cultures——National and International In my opinion,national culture,as a priceless spiritual treasure,should be preserved and cherished.Meanwhile there are good reasons to advocate international culture,for those ideas from other cultures,controversial or even absurd at first sight,can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world.However,when we are confronted with a different culture,we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and resist its dark side.Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our world dimensional,colorful and vigorous. 在我看来,民族文化,作为一种无价的精神财富,应当被保存与珍惜。同时我们有充分的理由提倡世界文化。 这是因为其它文化中的理念,尽管刚一接触显得格格不入甚至荒谬,可以为我们提供一种观察世界的不同视角。然 而,当我们面对一种不同文化时,我们应当充满理智地去取其精华、去其糟粕。只有这样我们才能促进文化的健康 发展,并且使我们的世界多元化,多姿多彩,充满生机。 12 overindulgence and conspicuous consumption We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity. 我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。相反,我们应该继续发扬节俭的优点以守护我们新获得的繁荣。 13多灾多难的2008的中国 This year,we,Chinese people,really have suffered a lot,from snowstorm to Tibet Riot,from Torch Relay Event to Wenchuan Earthquake,however,we have not been defeated,instead,we've become more united and show great resolution to overcome all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous.I’m so proud to be a Chinese! 今年,我们中国人民真的承受了太多:从雪灾到西藏暴乱,从火炬事件到汶川地震,可我们从没倒下,而是变 得更团结,坚信能经受住一切挑战,使我们的祖国更繁荣昌盛。我作为一个中国人真的很自豪~ 14神舟七号 "The Shenzhou-VII mission marks a historic breakthrough in China's manned space program." 神舟七号是我国载人航天事业的历史性突破 As the world’s largest developing country,China is more than proud of making its own contribution to human beings’outer space exploration.The successful launch of Shenzhou-VII has clearly showcased the value of devotion,co-operation and pursuit of the unknown.And the upbeat spirit the first Chinese astronaut demonstrated in the face of the unknown will inspire the nation to take on challenges as it continues to evolve. 15北京2008奥运会能给我们带来什么 The Olympic Games offers a way for man to surpass himself,and the essence of the Games lies in the spirit of competition and sense of honour.We have a lot of slogans—the Green Olympics,the Humanist Olympics,and the High-Technology Olympics.The event definitely conforms to the core values of mankind,and expresses our Chinese determination to merge with the rest of the world. 北京2008奥运会能给我们带来什么? 奥运会提供了一个方法,人类以超越自我,与本质的游戏,关键在精神,竞争意识和荣誉。我们有很多的口号-绿色奥运, 人文奥运,高科技奥运。该事件绝对符合核心价值观的人类,并表示,我们中国人的决心,才能融入世界其余地区。 16 . Love Among all the precious emotions of human beings,love is regarded as the most sublime.In the picture presented to us,an oil lamp is designed with a flame showing a child's smile.It looks so innocent and pure that we can almost feel the warmth and care from the flame,a symbol of love.The darker the background is,the brighter it looks.In other words,the harder the situation is,the more valuable love is. The following illustrations can show the importance of love.For instance,when someone is starving to death,just a little food and water from you may save his life.Or when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school,just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish her schooling and change her life.In these cases,you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed. As far as I am concerned,there are two indispensable aspects regarding how to show love.For one thing,we should offer our help to all who are in need.When someone in really in difficulty or in distress,we will help him without hesitation.For another,it is also necessary to devote ourselves to the work and our nation so as to benefit all the people.No matter how harsh the environment is,we must make every effort to shoulder the responsibility of our jobs and to make contributions to our nation. 17.Zhengzhou VII spacecraftA case in point is the successful launching of“Zhengzhou VII spacecraft”which sets China in a high position of aviation and space flight.Although it means a great achievement for us Chinese,we are facing new challenges in the future and need to do further research in space technology. 18.examinees Another illustration is closely related to us,the examinees.If we pass this test and are fortunately admitted by our dream universities,we shall not stop making efforts.Instead,we are confronted with the challenge of conquering the difficult graduate courses.We still have to strive for success in our future academic study,employment and career.On the whole,these examples effectively clarify the saying that“destination is another starting point.” 19.persist 金字塔是由一块块石头积累成的 坚持到底或者持之以恒或毅力的重要性 Most people are familiar with the proverb:Rome was not built in a day.The great success is in fact an accumulation of small achievements. History proves that many famous artists and scientists are only successful because of their continued efforts,even after numerous failures.One might recall Leonardo DaVinci's drawing of an egg,Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting,or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb,for example.The fable that tells us that even water can eventually pierce through stone also points to the importance of patience and diligence.We should take such stories and histories into account and remember the importance of fundamentals;remember that one can build a pyramid only if one is willing to work with small stones.People would be wise to abandon rash inclinations and instead try in earnest.Perseverance is sure to lead to success. 译文: 大多数人都熟悉这个谚语:罗马不是一天建成的。伟大的成功实际上就是集腋成裘。历史上,许多有名的艺术家和 科学家都是由于他们不断的努力才获得成功的,尽管屡屡失败他们也在所不惜。例如,人们可能会想到莱昂纳多?达 芬奇画蛋,王羲之练习书法和托马斯?爱迪生发明电灯的故事。“水滴石穿”这个寓言也喻意耐心和勤奋的重要性。我 们应该重视这些故事和历史,牢记打好基础的重要性;且还要记住人只有在他愿意堆砌小石块时才能建造起金字塔。 人们摒弃急躁冒进并代之以严肃认识是明智之举。坚持不懈必定会走向成功。
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