首页 2013年广东高考语文大纲



2013年广东高考语文大纲2013年广东高考语文大纲 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试考试大纲(广东卷) 【高考考纲1】语文 ?.命题指导思想 符合选拔性考试规律和要求,体现普通高中新课程的理念,反映本学科新课程标准的整体要求,考查考生初步的科学与人文素养,注重能力与素质考查,注重时代性和实践性,促进素质教育的实施。 命题以教育部考试中心《高等学校招生全国统一考试语文考试大纲(课程标准实验?2014年版)》和本说明为依据,坚持科学性、规范性,确何考试的公平和公正。试卷以合格的大学新生应该具备的语文基础与能力为主要考查内容,着...

2013年广东高考语文大纲 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试考试大纲(广东卷) 【高考考纲1】语文 ?.命题指导思想 符合选拔性考试规律和要求,体现普通高中新课程的理念,反映本学科新课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的整体要求,考查考生初步的科学与人文素养,注重能力与素质考查,注重时代性和实践性,促进素质教育的实施。 命题以教育部考试中心《高等学校招生全国统一考试语文考试大纲(课程标准实验?2014年版)》和本说明为依据,坚持科学性、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 性,确何考试的公平和公正。试卷以合格的大学新生应该具备的语文基础与能力为主要考查内容,着重加强对汉语言文字规范掌握及实际应用能力的考查。试题反映我省语文教学实际和高考改革趋势,适应于使用经全国中小学教材审定委员会初审通过的各版本普通高中课程实验教科 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的考生。 ?.考试能力要求 高考语文要求考查考生识记、理解、分析综合、鉴赏评价、表达应用和探究六种能力,这六种能力表现为六个层级。 A(识记:指识别和记忆,是最基本的能力层级。 B(理解:指领会并能作简单的解释,是在识记基础上高一级的能力层级。 C(分析综合:指分解剖析和归纳整理,是在识记和理解的基础上进一步提高了的能力层级。 (鉴赏评价:指对阅读材料的鉴别、赏析和评说,是以识记、理解和分析综合D 为基础,在阅读方面发展了的能力层级。 E(表达应用:指对语文知识和能力的运用,是以识记、理解和分析综合为基础,在表达方面发展了的能力层级。 F(探究:指对某些问题进行探讨,有见解,有发现,有创新,是在识记、理解和分析综合的基础上发展了的能力层级。 对A、B、C、D、E、F六个能力层级均可有难易不同的考查。 ?.考试内容 根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,依据中华人民共和国教育部2003年颁布的《普通高中课程 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 (实验)》和《普通高中语文课程标准(实验)》,确定语文科考试内容。 按照高中课程标准规定的必修课程中阅读与鉴赏、表达与交流两个目标的“语文1”至“语文5”五个模块,选修课程中诗歌与散文、小说与戏剧、新闻与传记、语言文字应用、文化论著研读五个系列,组成必考内容和选考内容。必考和选考均可有难易不同的考查。 一、必考内容 必考内容及相应的能力层级如下: (一)现代文阅读 阅读一般论述类文章。 1(理解 B (1)理解文中重要概念的含义 (2)理解文中重要句子的含意 2(分析综合 C (1)筛选并整合文中的信息 (2)分析文章结构,把握文章思路 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, (3)归纳内容要点,概括中心意思 4)分析概括作者在文中的观点态度 ( (二)古代诗文阅读 阅读浅易的古代诗文。 1(识记 A 默写常见的名句名篇。 2(理解 B (1)理解常见文言实词在文中的含义 (2)理解常见文言虚词在文中的意义和用法 常见文言虚词:而、何、乎、乃、其、且、若、所、为、焉、也、以、因、于、 与、则、者、之。 (3)理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法 不同的句式和用法:判断句、被动句、宾语前置、成分省略和词类活用。 4)理解并翻译文中的句子 ( 3(分析综合 C (1)筛选文中的信息 (2)归纳内容要点,概括中心意思 (3)分析概括作者在文中的观点态度 4(鉴赏评价 D (1)鉴赏文学作品的形象、语言和表达技巧 2)评价文章的思想内容和作者的观点态度 ( (三)语言文字运用 正确、熟练、有效地运用语言文字。 1(识记 A (1)识记现代汉语普通话常用字的字音 (2)识记并正确书写现代常用规范汉字 2(表达应用 E (1)正确使用标点符号 (2)正确使用词语(包括熟语) (3)辨析并修改病句 病句类型:语序不当、搭配不当、成分残缺或赘余、结构混乱、表意不明、不合 逻辑。 (4)扩展语句,压缩语段 (5)选用、仿用、变换句式 (6)正确运用常见的修辞手法 常见修辞手法:比喻、比拟、借代、夸张、对偶、排比、反复、设问、反问。 (7)语言表达简明、连贯、得体、准确、鲜明、生动 (四)写作 能写论述类、实用类和文学类文章。 表达应用 E 作文考试的要求分为基础等级和发展等级。 1(基础等级 (1)符合题意 (2)符合文体要求 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, (3)感情真挚,思想健康 4)内容充实,中心明确 ( (5)语言通顺,结构完整 (6)标点正确,不写错别字(每一个错别字扣1分,重复的不计。) 2(发展等级 (1)深刻 透过现象深入本质,揭示事物内在的因果关系,观点具有启发作用。 (2)丰富 材料丰富,论据充实,形象丰满,意境深远。 (3)有文采 用词贴切,句式灵活,善于运用修辞手法,文句有表现力。 (4)有创新 见解新颖,材料新鲜,构思新巧,推理想象有独到之处,有个性色彩。 二、选考内容 选考内容及相应的能力层级如下: (一)文学类文本阅读 了解小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧等文学体裁的基本特征及阅读鉴赏中外文学作品。 主要表现手法。文学作品的阅读鉴赏,注重审美体验。感受形象,品味语言,领悟内涵,分析艺术表现力;理解作品反映的社会生活和情感世界,探索作品蕴涵的民族心理和人文精神。 1(分析综合 C (1)分析作品结构,概括作品主题 (2)分析作品体裁的基本特征和主要表现手法 2(鉴赏评价 D (1)体会重要语句的丰富含意,品味精彩的语言表达艺术 (2)欣赏作品的形象,赏析作品的内涵,领悟作品的艺术魅力 (3)对作品表现出的价值判断和审美取向作出评价 3(探究 F (1)从不同的角度和层面发掘作品的意蕴、民族心理和人文精神 (2)探讨作者的创作背景和创作意图 (3)对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读 (二)实用类文本阅读 阅读评价中外实用类文本。了解传记、新闻、 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 、科普文章的文体基本特征和主要表现手法。准确解读文本,筛选、整合信息。分析思想内容、构成要素和语言特色,评价文本产生的社会功用,探讨文本反映的人生价值和时代精神。 1(分析综合 C (1)筛选并整合文中的信息 (2)分析语言特色,把握文章结构,概括中心意思 (3)分析文本的文体基本特征和主要表现手法 2(鉴赏评价 D (1)评价文本的主要观点和基本倾向 (2)评价文本产生的社会价值和影响 (3)对文本的某种特色作深度的思考和判断 3(探究 F center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, (1)从不同的角度和层面发掘文本所反映的人生价值和时代精神 2)探讨作者的写作背景和写作意图 ( (3)探究文本中的某些问题,提出自己的见解 ?.考试形式 考试采用闭卷、笔答形式。全卷满分为150分。考试时间150分钟。 ?.试卷结构 一、全卷包括必做题和选做题。 必做题的考查内容为“语言文字运用”、“古代诗文阅读”、“现代文阅读”和“写作”,共18小题,分值约占总分的90%。 选做题的考查内容为“文学类文本阅读”和“实用类文本阅读”。两类文本阅读各设3道小题,题型为非选择题;考生选做其中一类,完成同一类文本阅读中的3道小题,分值约占总分的10%。 二、试卷内容、题量及占分比例 1.语言文字运用 6题 约16% 2.古代诗文阅读 7题 约23% 3.现代文阅读 4题 约11% 4.文学类文本阅读/实用类文本阅读 3题 约10% 5.写作 1题 40% 三、题型的占分比例 约20% 1.选择题 2.非选择题 约80% ?.古诗文背诵篇目 “古诗文背诵篇目”为名句名篇默写的考查范围。 文言文(11篇) 1.《论语》 有子曰:“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美,小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。” 子曰:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。” 子曰:“人而不仁,如礼何,人而不仁,如乐何,” 孔子曰:“不知命,无以为君子也;不知礼,无以立也。不知言,无以知人也。” 颜渊问仁。子曰:“克己复礼为仁。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。为仁由己,而由人乎哉,” 樊迟问仁。子曰:“爱人。”问知,子曰:“知人。” 樊迟未达。子曰:“举直错诸枉,能使枉者直。” 子曰:“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。能近取譬,可谓仁之方也已。” 子曰:“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。” 子曰:“知者乐水,仁者乐山。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。” center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, 子曰:“志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。” 2(寡人之于国也 《孟子》 3(劝学 《荀子》 4(陈情表 李密 5(兰亭集序 王羲之 6(滕王阁序(时维九月„„声断衡阳之浦) 王勃 7(春夜宴从弟桃花园序 李白 8(师说 韩愈 9(阿房宫赋 杜牧 10(游褒禅山记(于是予(余)有叹焉„„此予(余)之所得也) 王安石 11(赤壁赋 苏轼 诗词曲(22篇) 1.氓 《诗经》 2.短歌行(对酒当歌) 曹操 3.归园田居(少无适俗韵) 陶潜 4.春江花月夜 张若虚 5.山居秋暝 王维 6.积雨辋川庄作 王维 7.蜀道难 李白 8.梦游天姥吟留别 李白 9.登高 杜甫 10.登岳阳楼 杜甫 11.琵琶行 白居易 12.锦瑟 李商隐 13.虞美人(春花秋月何时了) 李煜 14.望海潮(东南形胜) 柳永 15.雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切) 柳永 16.念奴娇(大江东去) 苏轼 17.定风波(莫听穿林打叶声) 苏轼 18.声声慢(寻寻觅觅) 李清照 19.书愤 陆游 20.永遇乐(千古江山) 辛弃疾 21.扬州慢(淮左名都) 姜夔 22.沁园春(独立寒秋) 毛泽东 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring,
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