首页 凤冠山 棣花古镇 金丝峡大峡谷两日游

凤冠山 棣花古镇 金丝峡大峡谷两日游


凤冠山 棣花古镇 金丝峡大峡谷两日游凤冠山 棣花古镇 金丝峡大峡谷两日游 凤冠山+棣花古镇+金丝峡大峡谷两日游 趁早春爬山,畅游平凹小说《秦腔》的原型实景地棣花古镇,赏早春二月金丝峡美景。 第1天 | 西安——凤冠山——棣花古镇 趁着春意懵懂、万物复苏的大好时光,约上三两好友一起去爬山赏早春美景吧~我们一起早早从西安吃碗面皮、规划好出行路线、整理行装向着凤冠山出发吧。 春意盎然,看看沿途的风景很美,很期待未来两天的旅程美景。大概三个小时后,我们来到了第一站——凤冠山。 一路奔波,肚子已经很空虚啦,来之前朋友推荐一些商洛美食,已经迫不急去品...

凤冠山 棣花古镇 金丝峡大峡谷两日游
凤冠山 棣花古镇 金丝峡大峡谷两日游 凤冠山+棣花古镇+金丝峡大峡谷两日游 趁早春爬山,畅游平凹小说《秦腔》的原型实景地棣花古镇,赏早春二月金丝峡美景。 第1天 | 西安——凤冠山——棣花古镇 趁着春意懵懂、万物复苏的大好时光,约上三两好友一起去爬山赏早春美景吧~我们一起早早从西安吃碗面皮、规划好出行路线、整理行装向着凤冠山出发吧。 春意盎然,看看沿途的风景很美,很期待未来两天的旅程美景。大概三个小时后,我们来到了第一站——凤冠山。 一路奔波,肚子已经很空虚啦,来之前朋友推荐一些商洛美食,已经迫不急去品尝,凤冠山周围有好几家农家乐,我们选中了一家当地的农家乐,老板推荐了商洛当地特色美食,上图几道美食供大家参考。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 商芝肉:根据食肉的队友介绍到,这道菜他在西安也吃到过,不过这商洛的商芝肉做的吃到嘴里肥而不腻,特意推荐给食肉的小伙伴们。 浆水鱼鱼:这道美食名字叫“鱼鱼”还真是形如其名,每个都向一个头大尾巴小的鱼,吃到嘴里凉凉滑滑的口感特别好,还有这里豆角芋头蒸面、搅团都十分美味,就不给大家一一发图了啊,大家可以趁着早春来商洛品尝。填饱肚子我们就要爬山啦,“大王叫我来巡山啦,”快来吧,小伙伴们。 凤冠山开放时间是8:00-18:00。成人票价是50元,学生凭有效学生证件,60--70周岁老人,1.2米-1.4米儿童可享受半价。正对山门,可以隐约看到凤冠山顶,今天一定要爬到山顶,一览山下美景。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 一个漂亮的导游说道,凤冠山石窟群位于秦岭东段南麓陕西省丹凤县城北。今丹凤因“襟带 丹江水,枕依凤冠山”而得名,素有“山城之父”“闹市幽境“之誉。 民间有传说,北宋道教南派初祖张紫阳曾在鸡冠山洞窟羽化成仙后人便依张紫阳“三教合一” 的思想,塑造了一系列民间喜闻乐见的神仙,并将一个个神奇动人的故事呈现在世人面前。 所以大家常说游冠山,一是登山看景,二是入洞求仙。仙气十分浓重哦~ pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 土地垌:据《直隶商州总志》载,“唐玄宗病,梦神进桔梗,曰商山土地。病愈,封为都土地,赐王者冕服”。都土地神,通俗地说就是京城的土地神,地位最为尊贵。都土地神在商山,此洞便是都土地的行宫。 洞壁浮雕为古代隐士许由的典故。许由,五代时阳城高士,他无意功名利禄,避乱世而隐居于凤冠山洞窟,身无长物,仅一缸一瓢一琴而已。心如止水,瓢饮充饥,抚琴放歌,年复一年”。后人为了宣扬许由酷爱自然山水和不贪身外之物的清高德行,特意把周梦麟的诗刻在洞中,命其名为“挂瓢洞”。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 正神位是佛教的开山鼻祖释迦摩尼,两边是观音菩萨和地藏菩萨,偏洞里是“大肚能容天下 难容之事”的弥勒佛。佛爷洞比其它洞大,因其曾经被清军大炮所毁。 从这里向下看去,美景尽收眼底,空气中弥漫着早春的气息,美景尽收眼底。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 不知不觉,走到了山顶,伙伴们一起去凉亭休息,一起聊聊生活,分享些自带的干粮,原路返回,再次来到山底,一起拍张合影,对凤凰山美景说声再见。出发去我们的第二站,棣花古镇。途中我们的肚子已经很寂寞啦,庆幸沿途看到一家农家乐,先填饱肚子吧~ 北瓜揽饭:龙驹寨人把“南瓜”叫做“北瓜”,尽管名差南北,却是一样的东西,据说这是如今治糖尿病的最佳食疗瓜类。当地人以它为主料做出的“北瓜揽饭”,既美味又有营养。继续启程啦,大约30分钟我们就来到了棣花古镇。 走进商於古道棣花文化旅游景区,扑面而来的是尘封已久的秦、楚、宋、金文化的呈现。这里既有先秦文化的温柔婉转,又有大宋汉民的含蓄内敛,更有金人游牧民族的粗犷豪迈。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 棣花古镇是贾平凹小说《秦腔》的原型实景地,清风老街就在于此。 平凹文学艺术馆。 陕西省现存的唯一金代建筑“二郎庙”就在于此,它也是全国仅存的3座金代庙宇之一,堪称 金代建筑艺术的活化石。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 棣花古镇景区以“两街(宋金街、清风街)、一馆(平凹文学馆)、一荷塘(生态荷塘)和西部花都” 为主打项目。每一处景点都氤氲着文化气息,让我们恋恋不舍。 转眼间就天黑了,我们计划第二天去金丝峡大峡谷国家森林公园,晚上就选择了距离棣花古 镇不远大约1小时车程的金丝峡国际酒店。这家酒店的风格独特、服务周到。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 这家酒店集东南亚建筑风格和现代设计风格为一体,无不透着久违的悠闲与自由。 这家酒店住宿环境也很不错,房间卫生整洁,可以让人在一天的旅途得到很好的放松,是一处理想的下榻之处。 第2天 | 棣花古镇——金丝峡大峡谷——西安 早上八点多左右,我们一行人就醒来了。 酒店窗外就可以看到金丝峡大峡谷国家森林公园各类树木, 打开窗户,空气很清新, 酒店服务员向我们推荐了附近的一家早餐店, pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 店里的早餐种类很多, 其中糊汤和韭菜盒子是商洛人最常吃的早点。 一天的行程就要开始啦~ 金丝峡大峡谷国家森林公园,就在我们眼前。 “中国最美的大峡谷”已经迫不及待去游玩了。 刚刚进去就可以看到各类奇形怪状的植被, 大多数植被日常都很少见。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 印象最深刻得的是金狮洞、锁龙瀑布和仙人桥,这几处景色各有特色。 金狮洞中一“方解石”石质石狮睡卧洞中,形象十分逼真。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 锁龙瀑布,气势磅礴,是14处瀑布中最具特色的一处。 仙人桥,从远处看桥倒映在水中十分美丽。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 在绝壁山峰之间我们还可以欣赏到20多处溶洞。 有的似龟、有的似兔,形状各异。 不知不觉,转到了出口, 这早春景色真让人迷恋。 旅行的最后一站, 一起在离开美景之前填饱肚子, 再回家带些商洛特产品尝。 金丝峡出口就可以见到许多商洛特产店。 金丝峡板栗:金丝峡一大特产,小而美味。 丹凤核桃,营养又不失美味。 pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 商南猕猴桃,维生素C含量丰富,营养又美味。 两天的行程就这样结束啦。 踏上归途,早春的商洛风景美不胜收, 将这一景一色用照片记录下来, 暮春商洛,有机会再见~ pharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic
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