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零起点基础英语重点Unit one 1.look forward to (希望/盼望); I`m looking forward to meet you again. 2.Keep doing (一直做某事); I kept wondering what she was doing. 3.Enjoy (享受.....之乐); I enjoy going to the movies. 4.Wish for (希望得到/盼望); Every body wishes for happiness. Unit two 1...

Unit one 1.look forward to (希望/盼望); I`m looking forward to meet you again. 2.Keep doing (一直做某事); I kept wondering what she was doing. 3.Enjoy (享受.....之乐); I enjoy going to the movies. 4.Wish for (希望得到/盼望); Every body wishes for happiness. Unit two 1.not only...but also(不仅...而且); He is not only a good father ,but also a good friend. 2.Neither ....nor( 既不....也不); I have neither time nor money. 3.make up ones`s mind(下定决心); I have made up my mind to study hard. 4.write down(写下/记下); He write down everything I said. 5.Fell oneself lonely(感觉自己很孤独) I often fell myself quite lonely in the school. Unit three 1.At best (充其量); I can give you ten yuan an best. 2.deal with(对付,解决) It is not easy to deal with him . 3.It is no use doing(做...没用); It is not use crying now. 4.Lick...into shape (使...趋于完美); Y ou need to lick your article into shape now. 5.Not ...until (直到...才); Y ou can`t play until you’ve finished your homework. Unit four 1.Be concerned with(关心); Parents are concerned with their children. 2.Even though (虽然); I enjoy it even though it`s a hard work. 3.Have (stth) to do with ; This story has something to do with me . 4.Take in (吸收,改小尺寸); Please take this dress for me . 5.Get rid of (除掉,改掉); I have to get rid of my bad habit . Unit six 1.Be goog at (擅长); She is good at dancing . 2.Because of (由于); Because of you ,I have quit the job. 3.Slow down (放慢,放松); Slow down , there is no need to rush . 4.Serve as (充当); The sofa served him as a bed . Unit seven 1.thy ......on( 试穿); Please thy this coat on . 2.On sale ( 打折出售); They sell eggs on sale today. 3.Attend to ( 照料某人/ 努力); Y ou must attend to your work. 4.Lose touch with (与失去联系); I lost touch with him after he went home. 5.So ....that ( 太...以至于); It is so hard that nobody can do it. Unit Eight 1.At heart (本质上); I think she is very vain at heart . 2.Butter sb up (奉承某人); It is no use to butter our boss up. 3.The hunger for ( 渴望); Looking back on the past five years ,I feel proud of myself. 句行转换部分 1.verb-ing form--------------------动词+ ing 形式 ★动词+ing 形式是动词的不定式的一种形式。大概可分为动名词和现在分词两种; ⑴动名词: e.g : Playing football is my favorite .( 作主语) I didn`t stop working. (作宾语) My favorite sport is swimming . ( 作表语) His father works in printing shop . (作定语) ◆.注意:作表语时,如果跟在enjoy,avoid, fancy, finish , keep , consider (考虑),practice(练习), suggest(建议),mind ,等动词后时,一定要用动词+ ing 形式。
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