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GMDSS理论英语题库(上海海事大学最新题库)GMDSS理论英语题库(上海海事大学最新题库) 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 GMDSS英语题汇编 1. GMDSS moved to full effect by 1 Feb____ A 2002 B 1999 C 1992 D 2000 2.The GMDSS defines____sea areas based on the location and capability of shore based communication facilities. A Three B six C f...

GMDSS理论英语题库(上海海事大学最新题库) 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 GMDSS英语题汇编 1. GMDSS moved to full effect by 1 Feb____ A 2002 B 1999 C 1992 D 2000 2.The GMDSS defines____sea areas based on the location and capability of shore based communication facilities. A Three B six C five D four 3. This certificate will remain in force until July 1st, 2003. _____. A This sentence refers to the time of the validity of the certificate B This sentence refers to the time of the certificate C This sentence refers to the date of the certificate D This sentence refers to the issue of the certificate 4. We ___the distress signal on our own radio before the shore station relayed it to us. A received already B have received C had received D were receiving 5. Utopia asked for tug assistance because she _____. A run aground B is running aground C was aground D is aground 6. Traditional terrestrial techniques can _____. A help the radio system to overcome its basic flaws B improve the world communications with the help of satellite and digital techniques C not perfect the existing radio system D B and C 7.During a _____ period, as a newly commissioned SES, your IMN will be past to the other CESs. A 20-hour B 12-hour C 24-minute D 24-hour 8.The quality(质量) of the message can be affected (影响)by_____ A climatic (气候) B sunshine C Human beings D Both A and B 9.Satellite communication_____terrestrial(地球。陆地的) radio communication. A is more advanced than B has more advantages(优势) than C is superior to D all of above 10.A ship station on receiving a shore-to-ship distress alert should_____. A keep silence B interfere with such communication C establish(建立) communication as directed and render(给予) such assistance as is required and appropriate D refuse communication as directed and render such assistance as is required and appropriate 11 .There are_____NAVAREAs designated在(特定的) by IHO and IMO all over the world. A 13 B 4 C 16 D 12 12.The INMARSAT system provides(提供)the coverage(覆盖) of_____ A area A4 B area A1+A2 1 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C area A3 D area A1+A2+A3 13. Which of the following is not a DSC distress alert frequency? A 2187.5KHZ B 2182KHZ C 8414.5KHZ D 4207.5KHZ 14. A SOLAS vessels should be able to communicate with shore stations_____ A at any time and from any(任何) location B either in case of distress or exchange of information C in major ocean regions and at regular times D A and B 15 .The abbreviation(缩写) MERSAR means_____ A Merchant SOLAS and Radio System B Merchant ship Search and Rescue Manual C Marine Rescue and Search Radar D Maritime Engine Rescue Standard 16 .In GMDSS,the distress or safety message will be picked(采用) up by_____if it is sent using HF,INMARSAT or the COSPAS-SARSAT system. A ships B shore stations C both ships and shore stations D either ships or shore stations 17.Ships which operate in area A4 will have to carry(装载)_____ A HF equipment B MF,VHF equipment and SES C INMARSAT equipment D EGC receiver 18. On-scene communications (现场通信)will be between _____ and _____. A the ship in distress/SAR B the ship in distress/RCC C the ship in distress/vessel in vicinity D the ship in distress(遇险船舶)/assisting units(搜救单位) 19. International SafetyNet and NAVTEX Services promulgate(发布) MSI by means of ___ A FEC and ARQ B satellite and terrestrial communications C radio and telex D NBDP 20. Where are INMARSAT satellites located? A Atlantic Ocean B Pacific Ocean C India Ocean D All of above 21. What can’t the existing(现在的 目前的) system overcome? A A lot of basic flaws(基本的缺陷) B Traditional techniques C Terrestrial techniques D None of above 22. For most people, what are satellites used for? A Television(电视) B Entertainment(娱乐) C Navigation D A & B 23. What are satellites used for by IMO? A Maritime communication B World communication C Shore communication D Entertainment 2 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 24. What is international NAVTEX based on? A Terrestrial technique B NBDP technique(技术) C Satellite D Digital technique 25. What may damage EPIRB on board according to the passage? A Sea spray(水花) B Chemicals(化学品) C Exhaust and vibration D All of above 26. What should the mounting place of EPIRB be suitable(适当的) for? 小A testing B Maintenance(维护,维修) C Commissioning(试用) D A & B )by COSPAS-SARSAT system? 27. Who will receive the distress or safety message sent (送发出 A Shore station B Coast earth station C Ship earth station D EPIRB 28. Sea area A2 is an area within(在??内部) the coverage of at least(最小) one MF coast station. Normally (通常的)the range(范围) of it is____nm. A 20 to 30 B 150 C 65 D 80 29. The position of the POR satellite in the Inmarsat system is____above the equator.(赤道) A 55.5 B 64.5 C 15.5 D 178 POR-178 30. The meaning(意思) of RCC is____. A Rescue Control Centre B Receive Company Cable C Rescue Coordination Centre(搜寻救助中心) D Remain Course Continuously 31. A NAVTEX receiver receives MSI broadcast from____. A NAVTEX station B RCCs C NCCs D SafetyNET service 32. For locating the ship in distress, the SAR party will make use of____by starting(发出) 9GHz shipborne(船载) or airborne(空载) radars. A DSC B SART C EPIRB D NBDP 34. SOLAS vessels are able to communicate with shore stations____. A No matter where they are and what the time it is(无论何时何地) B In major oceans and at scheduled time C At regular times everyday D From some fixed position. 35. The INMARSAT system has five major(主要的) components(部分), they are_ Space Segment, NCC,NCS, CES and SES___. A Space Segment, NCC, RCC, SES and CES B Space Segment, a satellite system, C system, NCC and NCS C Space Segment, NCC,NCS, CES and SES D A system, C system, satellite system, earth stations, and NCS 36. Any radio communication service which is used for the safeguarding(保护) of human(人类的) life and property(财产), whether permanently or temporarily, is a____service. A Public B radio C safety D emergency 3 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 37. A mobile earth(地球) station in the maritime mobile-satllite service, which is located(位于 处于) on board ship,is called____. A an LES(岸站) B an SES(船站) C a ship station D a Land Mobile Station 38. ____is the center of the frequency band assigned to a station. A Assigned frequency B working frequency C MF band D distress frequency 39. ____is a space(空间) system using one or more artificial earth satellites.(人造地球卫星) A satellite network B satellite link C INMARSAT D satellite system 40. General communications(常规)____ A concern the management and operation of the ship(关系船舶的管理和操作) B may affect(影响) the safety of the ship C are between ship station and shore-based communication network D A,B and C 41. ____receive MSI via INMARSAT SafetyNet service within the INMARSAT coverage. A a NAVTEX receiver B an EGC receiver C a MF/HF radio D a VHF R/T 42. The NCC is located in the____. A IMO Headquarters in London B Inmarsat Headquarters building in London(伦敦的INMARSAT中心) C Western European Maritime Organization D International Maritime Safety Committee 43. The Network Coordination Station for the INMARSAT-A in the Pacific ocean region is in____. A Yamaguchi, Japan B Beijing, China C Nakhodka, Russia D Perth, Australia 44. There are____ NCSs in total(总计), one in each ocean region, the AOR(E and W), IOR and POR. A 3 B 2 C 1 D 4 45. Mariners should pay much attention in the overlapped area owing to____. A complicated circumstances B changeable atmosphere pressure C large density of traffic D some strong signals from unwanted satellites 46. There is actually an overlap of____ocean regions somewhere in Western European Waters. A as many as three B more than two C less than two D up to four 47. The requirement of shipborn communications equipment vary according (依照)to the____. A type of the ship B cargo which the ship loads on board C tonnage of the ship D area (or areas) in which the ship operates(船舶航行的区域) 答案 D 4 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 48. The chapter(章) IV of SOLAS Convention is about____. A maritime radio-communication B navigational regulations C terms and definitions D GMDSS instructions 答案 A 49. On receipt(收到) of a distress alert, the SAR unit ashore and at sea will____soonest. A coordinate(协调) in rescue operations B send rescue vessels C reach the distress area at once D conduct a sector search 答案 A 50. A distress alert can be relayed(转发)from an RCC by____. A major coast stations B satellite and terrestrial communications C MF/HF and VHF stations D COSPAS-SARSAT 答案 B 51. Any ships fitted (适合)with SES can____and____through the satellite system when sending a distress alert. A enter the system/ contact an RCC B access to INMATSAT/ establish contact with a CES C have absolute priority(绝对优先) to enter the system(有绝对的优先权进入系统)/ make contact with a CES(和CES联系) D enter the system gradually/ wait for rescue 答案 C 52. It is quite____for an SES operator to send a distress alert. A easy and expensive(昂贵) B simple(简单) and certain(可靠) C dangerous and stable D difficult and compulsory 答案 B 53. ____is designed( 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ) to give an automatic(自动) distress signal when a ship sink(下沉) suddenly(突然). A A lifeboat B A Survival craft C An EPIRB D A SART 答案 C 54. When TRON-30S S-EPIRB is____,the auto-transmitting(自动发射)will start(启动). A put into water in the upright position B switch on by the operator C stored in an inverted position D mounted up on the ship 答案 A 55. The training of the GMDSS operators should be in accordance(一致) with____ A SOLAS 88 B STCW 95 C IMO Assembly D WARC 答案 B 5 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 56. SOLAS ships should keep a continuous(连续) listening watch on____. A CH 16 B 2182 KHz C 121.5 MHz D CH 70 答案 D 57. There are____operational(运作) satellites in the INMARSAT system covering the whole globe excep(除了)t the polar (两极)regions(地区). A 3 B 4 C 8 D 12 答案 B 58. The maritime access code for the POR is____in INMATSAT-A Telex Service.(电传) A 581 B 582 C 58 D 584 答案 B 59. The maritime access code for the IOR____ in INMATSAT-A Telex Service. A 581 B 582 C 583 D 584 答案 C 60. The maritime access code for the AOR-E is____ in INMATSAT-A Telex Service. A 581 B 582 C 583 D 584 答案 A 61. The maritime access code for the AOR-W is____ in INMATSAT-A Telex Service. A 581 B 582 C 583 D 584 答案 D 62. The world’s first communication satellite, Telstar, was put into orbit(轨道) in____. A 1962 B 1960 C 1957 D 1975 答案 A 63. The existing(目前,现存的) terrestrial(陆地) radio system has a number of basic flaws which____. A can be overcome by using traditional techniques B cannot be overcome by satellite system C can be overcome(克服) by satellite and digital techniques(技术) D cannot be tackled by any modern system 答案 C 64. General(通常的 一般的) radio communication in the global system are those between____concerning the management and operation of the ships and may have impact(影响) on their safety. A SAR party and the ship in distress B SAR authorities and the ship in distress and survival craft C a ship station and any coast station D ship station and shore-based communication work 答案 D 65. Distress traffic consists of all messages relating to the immediate(立即) assistance required by the ship in distress,including search and rescue communications and _____are also distress traffic according to this passage A routine traffic B VHF calling C signals for locating D any signals 答案 C 66. The word “shipping” here means(意思)____ A a ship B shipping companies C ship in navigation D shipping industry(航运产业) 6 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 D 67. Why do some stations keep silence(静默)? A becasure they are not engaged in the distress traffic B they will affect(影响) the transmission of the distress traffic C the powers of these station are very weak D they are not in charge of search and rescue 答案 B 68. Which of the following has the same meaning as the phrase”relating to” in the passage? A owing to B such as C concerning D for example 答案 C 69. The auto-operation of Tron-30s S-EPIRB is mainly controlled by____ A the mercury switch(水银开关) B battery unit C its switch on the top D its environmental conditions 答案 A 70. The transmission of the beacon will start____ A when it is in water in the inverted position B as soon as it is put into water in the upright position C after it is out of water D until it is in water of some depth 答案 B 71. Radio system____ about 100years ago A came into use at sea(在海上使用) B saved the ships in distress C has been used by mariners D was greatly improved 答案 A 72. In the GMDSS,Maritime Safety Information broadcast will be made on two dedicated system providing near-continuous automated reception on board ships ,they are____. A INMARSAT SafetyNet Service and NAVTEX B SafetyNet Service and COSPAS-SARSAT C DSC system and Navigation Warning Service D MF/HF radiotelephone with NBDP and EGC Service 答案 A 73. To establish a communication channel for the telex service in the INMARSAT-A terminal, you should first____. A establish a communication channel from the CES, via the International Telex Network to the final destination B set up a communication channel from the SES, via a satellite, to a CES within your ocean region C set up a channel directly to the addressee at the destination D establish a channel from your terminal, via the International Telex Network to a CES within 7 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 your ocean region 答案 B 74. For ship-to shore distress alerts ,you can use____. A INMARSAT,EPIRB and DSC B NAVTEX, NBDP and R/T C INMARSAT, VHF and SART D EPIRB. DSC and radar 答案 A 75. The satellites over the major(主要) ocean regions cover the globe____. A beside the polar regions B including the North Pole and the South Pole C above 76N and below 76S D as far north and south 76 答案 D 76. There are some back-up satellites in the event(事件) of failure(故障). If the operational satellite is out of work____. A communications in the whole system will stop B the global system will be damaged C the back-up one will take its place D the whole system will not work 答案 C 77. Geostainary satellites(同步卫星) are the artificial satellites which____. A always move slowly B are in one place only C sometimes move and sometimes do not D synchronize(同步) with the movement of the earth 答案 D 78. A radio determination system based on the comparison of reference signals with radio signals reflected, or retransmitted from the position to be determined, is ____. A DF B Radar System C DSC System D COSPAS-SARSAT 答案 B 79. IMN is an ____for an SES. A International Mobile Number B INMARSAT Maritime Number C INMARSAT Mobile Number D International Maritime Number 答案 C 80. Operating method in which transmmission is possible simultaneously in both directions of a communication channel is called ____. A Duplex Operation (双工工作) B Simplex Operation C Auto-Operation D Two-way communication 8 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 A 81. According to the basic concept of GMDSS, ____can be rapidly(立即迅速) alerted to a distress incident. A only SAR authorities on land B all ships in a very large sea area. C the nearest coast stations and port radios D the SAR authorities ashore as well as ships navigating in the vicinity(在附近) of the casualty 答案 D 82. When receiving a distress, the SAR authorities(搜救当局) ashore(在岸上) and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will ____in a coordinated (协调)search and rescue operation with the minimum(最小的延迟) delay. A assist B send a rescue vessel C search the distress area D reach the distress position at once 答案 A 83. For ships equipped with(装备) an SES, it is ____and____ for the operator to send a distress alert. A easy/reliable(简单和可靠) B simple/difficult C stable/compulsory D cheap/slow 答案 A 84. ____communications are intership VHF radio telephone communications for the purposes of(为了目 的) the safe movement of the ships. A Safety B Urgent C Bridge-to-Bridge D Distress 答案 C 85. The maritime access code of telephone mode in INMARSAT-A terminal for the AOR(E) is ____. A 871 B 872 C 873 D 874 答案 A 86. The maritime access code of telephone mode in INMARSAT-A terminal for the AOR(W) is ____. A 871 B 872 C 873 D 874 答案 D 87. The maritime access code of telephone mode in INMARSAT-A terminal for the POR is ____. A 871 B 872 C 873 D 874 答案 B 88. The maritime access code of telephone mode in INMARSAT-A terminal for the IOR is ____. A 871 B 87 C 873 D 874 答案 C 89. When you have received GA+ from the CES for the INMARSAT-A telex communication, you should immediately(立刻) select挑选)____ and ____ you required(需要). A an CES/telex mode B an SES/telex service C the service(服务)/the subscriber(用户) D a satellite/an ocean region 答案 C 90. COSPAS-SARSAT is primarily(主要) used for____. 9 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A improve communications in polar regions B search and rescue C providing MSI to ship at sea D transmitting and receiving information 答案 B 91. SOLAS vessels should be able to communicate with shore stations ____according to the SOLAS Convention. A in major ocean regions and at regular times B in case of distress C at any time and from any location D at fixed position and scheduled time 答案 C 92. All complying vessels fitted with maritime VHF installations should maintain watch on ____. A 156.8 MHz B CH70 C 2182 KHz D CH8 答案 B 93. Why should the SES operators be very careful when the ship enters the area where three ocean regions overlap? Because ____ A the weather is always terrible B the condition there is complicated C the signals are too strong D their SES may receive the signals from unwanted satellite 答案 D 94. The auto-operation of Tron-30s S-EPIRB is mainly controlled by ____. A the switch on the top of it B the mercury switch in the battery unit C turning the switch “ON” or “OFF” D SES operators 答案 B 95. The EPIRB should be mounted ____, protected from harmful conditions. A at a regular place in the radio room B anywhere on board C at a higher place on the vessel D in one of the life-boats 答案 C 96. The auto-transmission of TRON-30s S-EPIRB will start ____. A when the switch is set to “ON” B until it is in water of some depth C when it is stored in an inverted position D as soon as it is in water upright 答案 D 97. If the beacon is mounted at a wrong place, it may ____by sea water ,chemicals , exhaust and vibration . A be damaged B work normally regardless of harmful conditions 10 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C not work though it is not in a bad condition D both A and C 答案 A 98. Bridge-to-bridge communications are intership VHF radio-communications for the purpose of ____. A assisting the safe movement of ships B assist the ship in distress C communicating with other stations D obtaining MSI 答案 A 99. When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will ____ soonest .. A reach the distress area B conduct a sector search C send rescue vessels D assist coordinately in SAR operation 答案 D 100.Sea Area A2 is an area within the coverage of at least one ____. A VHF coast station B MF coast station C satellite D RCC 答案 B 101. ____means rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide or coordinate assistance.. A Distress message B Distress Alerting C Safety Calling D Digital Selective Calling 答案 B 102. There are ____ for the mariners to receive SafetyNet messages. A some charge B a few charge C more expensive D no charge 答案 D 103. With the help of GMDSS, ____ will be rapidly alerted to the distress incident. A the SAR authorities ashore. B the ships in the vicinity to the casualty C the nearest coast stations and port radios D A and B 答案 D 104. ____ allows the SAR party to locate the ship in distress by starting 9 GHz radar. A DSC B EGC C EPIRB D SART 答案 D 105. Within the area of INMARSAT coverage, ____receives MSI via SafetyNet service. A EGC receiver B NAVTEX receiver C VHF R/T D MF/HF radio telephone 答案 A 106. Every ship according to Chapter ? of SOLAS shall be provided with____ A VHF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving 11 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 B radiotelephony on the frequencies 156.8MHZ C radar transponder capable of operating in the 9GHZ band D a ,b, c are all right 答案 D 107. A radio transponder capable of operating in the 9GHZ band, which shall be so stowed that it can be____ A easily operated B easily switched on C easily read D easily utilized 答案 A 108. Every ship, while at sea ,shall, maintain a continuous watch on ____if the ship is fitted with an MF radio installation. A 2182KHZ B 156.8MHZ C 2187.5KHZ D 2182.7KHZ 答案 C 108. When applicable, equipment shall be so constructed and installed that it is readily accessible for____and on-board maintenance purposes A requirement B readjustment C elaboration D inspection 答案 D 109. The COSPAS-SARSAT system can provide distress alert to the appropriate authorities ____. A at sea B on land C in the air D anywhere in the world 答案 D 110. On-scene communications are between the ____. A ship station and the coast station B SAR party and the ship in distress C RCC and SAR parties D ship in distress and the SAR authorities ashore 答案 B 111. The INMARSAT SES operator can choose the most suitable CES according to ____. A his service and position B time and course C tide and speed D type of his ship 答案 A 112. A radio link between a transmitting earth station and a receiving earth station through one satellite is named a ____. A Radio Link B Space Segment C Satellite link D Upper link 答案 C 113. There is actually an overlapped area of ____ ocean regions somewhere in Western European Water. A two B three C more than two D more than three 答案 B 114. COSPAS-SARSAT comprises____- A several near polar-orbiting satellites and a network of land-based earth stations B a station and an earth station C a lot of station and an earth station D only one polar-orbiting stations and one earth station 12 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 A 115.A radio link between a transmitting earth station and a receiving earth station through one station ,which comprises one up-link and down-ling , is called____ A satellite network B communication link C satellite link D INMARSAT 答案 C 116. Without permission of ____a ship earth station cannot enter the system. A ITU B IMO C INMARSAT D the nearest CES 答案 C 117. DSC distress acknowledgements are normally transmitted by ____in respond to a received DSC distress call. A SES B CES C NCS D NCC 答案 B 118. A station in the mobile service the emissions of which are intended to facilitate search and rescue operations is____ A EPIRB B SART C Mobile Station D Distress Alerting 答案 A 119. Please use ____for ____ A English/all distress communications B Chinese/some distress calls C the language decided by Administrations/all distress calls D Japanese/some distress alerts 答案 A 120. Traditional,terrestrial techniques can ____ A help the radio system to overcome its basic flaws B improve the word communications with the help of satellite and digital techniques C not perfect the existing radio system D B and C 答案 D 121. During a ____period , as a newly commissioned SES, your IMN will be past to the other CESs A 20 hours B 12 hours C 24 minutes D 24 hours 答案 D 122.For tron-30s S-EPIRB , transmission will be automatically stop when ____ A the EPIRB is in upright position B the ship is sunk C the beacon is lifted out of water D it is put into water 答案 C 123. A distress alter can be relayed from an RCC by ____ A terrestrial systems using appropriate frequencies B satellite communication to SESs C any major CES and SES D both A and B 13 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 D 124. An SES can be used ____ A as soon as it has been properly installed on board B before it was commissioning C after successful commissioning D on the scheduled date 答案 C 125. The system for the broadcast and automatic reception of MSI by means of NBDP is ____ A VHF B SES C EGC D NAVTEX 答案 D 126. sea area A3 is an area within the coverage of ____in which continuous alerting available A VHF stations B MF/HF stations C radio stations D INMARSAT stations 答案 D 127. The satellite and support facilities operated by INMASAT are based on____operational region A 3 B 4 C 2 D 5 答案 B 128. An area call will be normally transmitted by an RCC to relay a distress call so that ____ A all ships in a large sea area will receive the relayed distress call B other ships will not enter the distress area C only those ships near the distress incident are altered D those ships can identify the ship in distress 答案 C 129. COSPAS-SARSAT is the international satellite system____ A just as the same sa INMARSAT system B for search and rescue C for improve the communications in the polar regions D for transmitting useful MSI to shipping 答案 B 130. COSPAS-SARSAT provides distress alters and location information to appropriate rescue authorities____ for____in distress A over all major ocean regions\all ship B in the polar regions\some ships C below the north pole and above the south pole\ocean-going ships D anywhere in the word\maritime, aviation and land system users 答案 D 131. An SES operator can choose the most suitable CES according to ____ A the routing agreement for a particular ocean region B the communication service he required C the position of his ship and the CESs D B and C 答案 D 132. Having studied the INMARSAT document, GMDSS document, SOLAS Convention and other international navigation document , we all know that the chapter IV of SOLAS convention is mainly 14 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 about____ A the regulations B the technical terms and definitions C how to operate the GMDSS SES equipment Maritime communications D 答案 D 133. NAVTEX receivers also use the B2 character to ____different classes of messages A identify B Reject C Print out D correct 答案 A 134. International SafetyNet and Navtex services promulgate MSI by means of ___ A FEC and ARQ B Satellite and terrestrial communications radio and telex D NBDP C 答案 B 135. SafetyNet is a maritime safety information broadcast service offering____on suitable equipped ships . A free reception B free transmission C dedicated reception D dedicated transmission 答案 A 136. The International SafetyNet Service is able to address the call to ____ A all vessels B selected groups of ships C A particular ship D A,B ,C are all correct 答案 D 137. Ships sailing in ____are able to receive and print out EGC messages. A a fixed area or Navarea in any ocean region B a navarea or weather forecast area C any designated area or given geographic position D anywhere of the world 答案 C 136. The priority of EGC messages is classified by____ A distress, urgent and safety B safety and routine C urgent, safety and routine D distress, urgent, safety and routine 答案 D 137. the quality of EGC messages is____ affected by the position of the ship ,the time of reception and climate conditions. A sometimes B all time C never D partly 答案 C 138. All EGC messages ____owing to their nature of importance A can suppress B can be suppressed C can not be suppressed D are to be suppressed 答案 C 139. If EGC receiver share a same antenna with Inmarsat SES, it means that it can receive MSI____ A from any Inmarsat satellite 15 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 B via any appropriate Navtex and EGC station C via the satellite the SES is tracking D from any RCC and coast station 答案 C 140. NAVTEX transmitter identification character B1 is a single unique letter which is allocated to each Navtex____ A receiver B SES C CES D Transmitter 答案 D 141. The WWNWS is a coordinated global service for the broadcast by radio of vital information on ____ to marine navigation A ship’ s movement B safety C SHIP’S management D Hazards 答案 D 142. Among all Navtex transmissions,____ has the extreme priority A IMPORTANT B ROUTINE C VITAL D MSI 答案 C 143. Maritime safety information ____international Safety Net service and NAVTEX service A consists of B can be received by C is transmitted by D is made on 答案 D 144. EPIRB batteries must be clearly ____with their expiry date, the serial number and the identification code. A noted B written C marked D notified 答案 C 145. Radar band width is normally____ to the range scale and the associated pulse length. A fixed B matched C fitted D equal 答案 B 146. NAVTEX is a system whose purpose is to broadcast gale warning ,weather forcasts ,important navigational warnings ,etc. to the ships within a _____area. A covered B limited C certain D special 答案 D 147. Radio telephone stations should be in the upper part of the ship and be located away from noise that could _____the quality of communications. A degrade B decrease C ensure D warrant 答案 A 148. Eastablishing communication between ships may _____on Ch.16. A existed B take place C include D concern 答案 B 149. Misuse if ship radio frequencies is _____and must not take place. A forbidden B allowed C illegal D concern 答案 A 150. The master or the person responsible for the ship is the _____with regard to the operation of the radio station. A absolute priority B supreme authority 16 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C only bureau D main commander 答案 B 151. ____is intended to transmit general public information to groups of ships A safetyNet B FleetNet C System Message D MSI 答案 B 152. If a ship is not fitted with any automatic position-fixing aid ,such as GPS, its position should ____in EGC receiver at regular interval A not key B be keyed C not keyed D key 答案 B 153. EGC safetyNet transmits ____types of message for mariners. A four B six C five D three 答案 C 154. For COSPAS-SARSAT system ,____ transmit distress alert and location information to appropriate rescue authorities all over the world . A Polar orbiting satellites B Ground receiving stations C MCC D ROC 答案 C 155. The chief officer _____on board for seven years. A has been working B has been worked C worked D is working 答案 A 156. They _____TV while the captain came in. A were watching B watched C are watching D watch 答案 A 157. The fire _____out of control and the vessel requires fire-fighting assistance. A has been B is C was D is being 答案 B 158. In November 1998 a decade of work _____a successful conclusion when a conference held at IMOP headquarters. A has reached B reached C reach D reaches 答案 B 159. When a mis-entry __in the log book, a red line would be drawn through that port. A has made B make C has been made D is making 答案 C 160. The fishing vessel _____the distress area until the assistance vessel arrived. A leave B left C has left D didn’t leave 答案 D 161. COSPAS-SARSAT is intended to be used for search of people in distress ___ A only at sea or in air B no matter where they are C mainly at sea or on land D in INMARSAT operational regions 答案 B 17 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 162. The low polar orbiting satellite system provides the coverage of ____ A Area A4 B Area A1 and A2 C Area A3 D Area A1,A2,A3,A4 答案 D 163. How many types of COSPAS-SARSAT radio beacons in use nowadays? A 3 B 4 C 2 D 5 答案 A 164. For COSPAS-SARSAT system, ____usually transmit initial COSPAS-SARSAT alert. A RCC B MCC C LUT D MRCC 答案 C 165. Distress signal are always stored in the memory so as to start____ A local-mode coverage B SAR operations C data process D continuous broadcast 答案 D 166. In Inmarsat-A, “Priority 1”means____communication A routine B distress C urgency D safety 答案 D 167. In Inmarsat-A, “Priority 2”means____communication A routine B distress C urgency D safety 答案 C 168. In Inmarsat-A, “Priority 3”means____communication A routine B distress C urgency D safety 答案 B 169. In Inmarsat-A, “Priority 0”means____communication A routine B distress C urgency D safety 答案 A 170. Radio beacon can be activated ____in case of distress. A only automatically B only manually C both automatically and manually D only be remote control 答案 C 171. For COSPAS-SARSAT system, ____process the distress signal from EPIRB to determine its position and identity. A COSPAS-SARSAT B Ground receiving stations C Spacecraft D Satellite SAR instrument 答案 B 172. COSPAS-SARSAT is intended to be used for ____ A distress alerting B locating distress position C storing distress signal D A and B 答案 D 173. ____is capable of finding any 406MHZ beacon no matter where they are. A Local User Terminal B Spacecraft 18 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C Local-mode coverage D Near polar orbiting satellites 答案 D 174. In Inmarsat-A service code “32”____ A medical assistance B medical advice C maritime assistance D technical assistance 答案 B 175. Which Inmarsat system applies store-and-forward messaging? A Inmarsat-A B Inmarsat-C C Inmarsat-B D Inmarsat-M 答案 B 176. Which of the following function that is not fulfilled by Inmarsat-C? A distress alerting B store-and-forward messaging C reception of EGC messages D telephone communication 答案 D 177. Which of the following statements is NOT a basic flaw of the terrestrial techniques. A reception difficulties B the need for specialization C congestion of communication D height of antenna 答案 D 178. Ladies and gentlemen ,this is Captain Wang speaking. I have pleasure in informing you_____all safety equipment is in full working order A that B which C when D not 答案 A 179. Please listen carefully to the safety instructions _____ A which follow B which followed C which follow D which is followed 答案 C 180. All passagers of deck number 1 are requested to follow the crew member _____will escort you to you assembly station A Who B whom C that D \ 答案 A 181. We have just received a message from the shore _____assistance is on the way A when B where C how D that 答案 D 182. _____I have further information I will make another announcement A As soon as B when C after D whenever 答案 A 183. _____, which consisted of seven short blasted and one prolonged blast, all passengers have to go to their assembly station A when the distress alert is sounded B when the emergency equipment is switched on 19 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C when the general emergency alarm is sounded D when the distress broadcast is sounded 答案 C 184. Which areas does the COSPAS-SARSAT system cover? A four sea areas B the whole world C only polar regions D near polar regions 答案 B 185. In which year was the COSPAS-SARSAT system established? A 1980 B 1981 C 1979 D 1982 答案 A 186. COSPAS-SARSAT is intended to be used for ____ A distress alerting B locating 406MHz EPIRBs C storing distress signal D A and B 答案 D 187. COSPAS-SARSAT cannot fulfill the function of ____ A determining the position of a distress vessel B distress alerting and position-fixing in Area4 C distress communication D both A and B 答案 C 188. A EPIRB beacon operating in ____ frequency band through the COSPAS-SARSAT system is located on board a ship. A 406MHz B 121.5MHz C 518KHz D A+B 答案 D 189. A PLB beacon operating in____ frequency band through the COSPAS-SARSAT system is located on board a ship. A 406MHz B 121.5MHz C 518KHz D A+B 答案 A 190. A ELT beacon operating in ____ frequency band through the COSPAS-SARSAT system is located on board a ship. A 406MHz B 121.5MHz C 518KHz D A+B 答案 B 191. The beacon located on board aircraft is termed____ A EPIRB B PLB C ELT D MCC 答案 C 192. The establishment of Inmarsat as an independent organization marked a great step forward for maritime radio communication. What does “marked a great step” mean in the sentence? A To run faster than ever B To go forward C To march without stopping D A significant symbol of a great improvement in maritime communication. 答案 D 193. The Inmarsat system utilizes ____ satellites positioned above four ocean regions. A station B relaying C geostationary D standstill 20 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 C 194. Which of the following is the most important function by using the Inmarsat system from the IMO’s point of view? A distress and urgency communication B distress and safety communication C distress alerting and safety, urgency communication D urgency and safety communication 答案 C 195. By using previous communication system, rescue is often a matter of chance. What does “a matter of chance” mean? A occasionally B accidentally C often D usually 答案 A 196. What is the abbreviation of World Administrative Radio Conference? A WACR B WADCR C WARC D WAAC 答案 C 197. The beacon located on board ship is termed____ A EPIRB B PLB C ELT D MCC 答案 A 198. The COSPAS-SARSAT 406MHz system was adopted as an element of the GMDSS by IMO in____ A 1982 B 1980 C 1984 D 1988 答案 D 199.____is capable of finding any 406MHz beacons no matter where they are A LUT B spacecraft C Local-mode coverage D Near –polar orbiting satellites 答案 D 200. In the COSPAS-SARSAT system distress signals are proceeded by ____and the resulting data are forward to ____ through ____ communication network. A MCC/LUT/RCC B LUT/MCC/RCC C LUT/RCC/MCC D LUT/RCC/LUT 答案 C 201. Ships equipped with Inmasat SES send distress alerts both ____and____ A quick and good B convenient and certain C easily and simply D important and difficult 答案 C 202. A distress alert will normally be initiated ____and all distress alerts will be acknowledged____ A manually/automatically B manually/ manually C automatically/manually D automatically/ automatically 答案 B 203. When a ship sinks, a ____satellite EPIRB is ____activated. A stationary/ automatically B float free/manually C vertical/ automatically D float free/ automatically 答案 D 204. When receiving a relayed distress alert, ships in the area addressed should establish communication with the_ ____concerned to enable the assistance to be___ 21 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A RCC//given B RCC/rendered C SAR/united D RCC /co-ordinated 答案 D 205. For SAR operations, it should be possible to transmit messages in ____directions A one B double C both D four 答案 C 206. The communication will be carried out by terrestrial or satellite means according to the ____and the____ A tonnage of vessel/year when the vessel B port of registry/the length of vessel C the height of vessel/ship in vicinity D equipment on vessel/areas concerned 答案 D 207. What frequencies shall be used, when aircrafts are involved in on-scene ocommunicatin? A 3023KHz B 4125KHz C 5680KHz D A.B.C are all right 答案 D 208.____will form the basis for distress alerting and safety calling A GMDSS B EGC C MSI D DSC 答案 D 209. The frequency 518KHz will be used to transmit ____and ____warnings in NAVTEX A navigational/typhoon B traffic/meteorological C marine/hurricane D navigational/ meteorological 答案 D 210. ____indicates that a ship is in distress and requires immediate assistance A Distress traffic B Urgency traffic C Safety traffic D Routine message 答案 A 211. On-scene communications will be between ____and____ A the ship in distress/SAR B the ship in distress/RCC C the ship in distress/vessel in vicinity D the ship in distress/assisting units 答案 D 212. In areas covered by Inmarsat, HF can be used as an ____to satellite communication. A alternation B alternate C alter D alternative 答案 D 213. Distress and safety communication following DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephone or ____ A. NBDP B EGC receiver C NBDP or both D EGC receiver or both 答案 C 214. For what purpose are bridge-to-bridge communications used? A for purpose of safe movement of ships B for purpose of urgency C VHF communication D for purpose of MF communication 22 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 A 215. The distress alert should ____the ship in distress A identity B identical C identify D identification 答案 C 216. ____consist of all messages relating to the immediate assistance required by the ship in distress A Distress traffic B Urgency traffic C Safety traffic D Distress alerting 答案 A 217. What shall be transmitted to avoid all ships in a large sea area being alerted? A area call B distress call C urgency call D DSC call 答案 A 218. On receipt of a relayed distress alert, ship in the area addressed should establish communication with the ____concerned to enable the assistance to be co-ordinated. A SAR B RCC C MSI D FEC 答案 B 219. Shore-to-ship distress alert will be addressed to ships within ____or to all ships. A distress area B specified area C a specified geographical area D geographical area 答案 C 220. A SART will provide the main means for ___a survival craft in the system. A sending B launching C locating D leaving 答案 C 221. Where can the SART be permanently installed? A on the bridge B in the survival craft C in the engine room D A or B 答案 A 222. Which of the following statements is right? A the SART can be operated in vertical position some time. B the SART can be operated in a parallel position at any time. C the SART can be operated under the water sometime. D the SART can be operated in float-free position when combined with EPIRB. 答案 D 223. The SART fitted on the bridge can be activated ____. A manually B automatically C abruptly D manually or automatically 答案 D 224. How long will the SART operate when in stand-by condition? A 86 hours B 20 hours C 55 hours D 96 hours 答案 D 225. It is ___for mariners to combine the SART with a float-free satellite EPIRB. A essential B compulsory C optional D inadvisable 答案 C 226.Which of the following statements is NOT true? 23 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A MSI is navigational meteorological warnings; meteorological forecasts and other urgent messages broadcast to ships B In the GMDSS ,MSI broadcast will be made on the Inmarsat Safety Net service and NAVTEX C MSI is suitable for all ships in all waters of globe D All ships over 300 GTG must be fitted with an Inmarsat Safety Net reception facility on and after 01 February 1999 答案 D 227. What is the abbreviation for World Meteorological Organization? A WMO B IHO C IMO D WARC 答案 A 228. The NAVTEX receiver can be mounted ____ A on the bridge B in the coast station C on the forecastle D on starboard side 答案 A 229. The concept of NAVTEX is of a ____ system for the broadcast and receipt of MSI. A search and rescue B safe C co-ordinated D hydrographic 答案 C 230. Warnings are transmitted at specified times and remain in force____ the information is valid A so long as B as long as C until D unless 答案 B 231. Distress alerts will be relayed on the ____ when the RCC considers it necessary A dedicated system B MSI broadcasts C 518 KHz D channel 16 答案 B 232. NAVTEX provides shipping with navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information by automatic print-out from____. A a dedicated receiver B an EGC receiver C NAVTEX receiver D automatic receiver 答案 C 233. What languages does International NAVTEX use? A Russian B French C English D German 答案 C 234. NAVTEX co-coordinators control messages transmitted by each station according to ____ A the information contained in each message B the geographical coverage required C transmitted identification D A or B are right 答案 D 235. NAVTEX transmitter identification character ____ is used to identify the broadcasts which are to be accepted by the receiver and those are to be rejected. A B2 B B1 C MAR D NNN 答案 B 236. NAVTEX transmissions have a designed range of about ____ nautical miles . A 300 B 400 C 500 D 600 答案 B 24 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 237. The service uses a single frequency with transmissions from nominated stations within each NAVAREA being arranged on a time-sharing basis ____ A to remove other transmission B to establish contact C to avoid interference between vessels D to eliminate mutual interference 答案 D 238. Category B2=F is to be used only for broadcasting ____to the pilot service A water report B details of vessel C temporary alterations D urgent information 答案 C 239. If the DSC controller is configured for MF/HF operation, the distress will be sent on ____ A double frequencies B single frequencies C dedicated frequency D multiple frequencies 答案 D 240. When Tron-30s beacon in the upright position is put into water ,transmission will start independent of the switch ____ the beacon. A at the bottom of B at the top of C at the left of D at the right side of 答案 B 241. The list of Coast Station is republished ____ in a trilingual A every two years B every three years C every year D every four years 答案 A 242. The list of Coast Station is republished every two years in____ A French, English ,German B French, English, Russian C French, English, Japanese D French, English, Spanish 答案 D 243. Station are grouped by countries arranged in the ____order of their country symbols. A alphabetical B figure C name of stations D series 答案 A 244. Station in the Unites States of America are grouped by states arranged in the alphabetical order of their____ A countries B states C names D groups 答案 C 245. And SOLAS vessels should be able to communicate with shore stations____ A at any time and from any location B either in case of distress and exchange of information C in major ocean regions and at regular times D A and B 答案 A 246. What is the COSPAS—SARSAT ? A an international satellite system for improving communications in polar regions B an international satellite system using a number of polar-orbiting satellites 25 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C primary used for search and rescue D B and C 答案 D 247. The COSPAS—SARSAT system can provide distress alerts to appropriate authorities____ A anywhere in the word B at sea C in the air D ashore 答案 A 248. The INMARSAT consists of ____major components A 4 B 9 C 8 D 5 答案 D 249. The position of the INMARSAT satellite over the Atlantic Ocean Region(W) is____ A 180 above the equator B 64.5 over the IOR C 15.5 along the straight line D 55.5 above the equator 答案 D 250. The position of the INMARSAT satellite over the Atlantic Ocean Region(E) is____ A 180 above the equator B 64.5 over the IOR C 15.5 along the straight line D 55.5 above the equator 答案 C 251. The GMDSS has ____ main functions A 4 B 9 C 8 D 5 答案 B 252. In accordance with ____,the training of the GMDSS operators should be carried out ? A GMDSS regulations B SOLAS 88 C WARC D STCW95 答案 D 253. The NCS of INMARSAT-A system in the AOR(E) is in ____ A Goon hilly ,UK B Yamaguchi, Japan C Perth, Australia D Southbury, USA 答案 D 254. The NCS of INMARSAT-A system in the AOR(w) is in ____ A Goon hilly ,UK B Yamaguchi, Japan C Perth, Australia D Southbury, USA 答案 D 255. The NCS of INMARSAT-A system in the POR is in ____ A Goon hilly ,UK B Yamaguchi, Japan C Perth, Australia D Southbury, USA 答案 B 256. The NCS of INMARSAT-A system in the IOR is in ____ A Goon hilly ,UK B Yamaguchi, Japan C Perth, Australia D Southbury, USA 答案 B 257. In addition to radio equipment ,the GMDSS introduced requirements for other equipment to improve the chance of survival ____and____ for location of the ship or survival craft in distress. A EPIRB/SART B NAVTEX/EGC C RADAR/SA RT D DF/ALARM 答案 A 258. The SART should have sufficient battery capacity to operate in stand-by condition for ____ hours and 26 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 should continuously work for ____hours A 120/20 B 56/18 C 100/16 D 96/8 答案 D 259. After successful commissioning ,the ____will permit the SES access to system A INMARSAT B IMO C MSC D CES 答案 A 260. In general, there are two parts in an SES. One of these is antenna equipment, also referred to as ____ A BDE B UDE C AEP D ADE 答案 D 261. The other part of an SES is communication electronics and controller ,which is referred to as BDE, because this part is located____ A high up on the vessel B inside the vessel C exterior the vessel D above deck 答案 B 262. There is actually an overlapped area of three ocean regions somewhere in the word .It is an overlap of ____and____ A IOR,AOR(E)/POR B POR,AOR(E)/IOR C AOR(E),AOR(W)/IOR D AOR(W),IOR/POR 答案 C 263. ____is a mobile station in the mobile statellite service. The emissions of it are intended to facilitate search and rescue operation. A EPIRB B RCC C SES D EGC 答案 A 264. Disstress alter sent by RCC through CES or COAST STATION is ___ alert. A ship-to-shore B ship-to-ship C shore-to-ship D A ,B ,C are all correct 答案 C 265. A ship with the gross tonnage of 500 or upwards should be equipped with ____portable two- way VHF sets. A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 答案 B 266. COSPAS-SARSAT cannot fulfill the function of ____ A determining the position of a distress vessel B distress communication C distress alerting and position-fixing in Area 4 D both A and B 答案 B 267. The communication systerm used by the GMDSS are ____ A shore-range and long-range radio systerm B INMARSAT and COSPAS-SARSAT C Long-range and terrestrial radio systerm D The terrestrial and satellite communication system 答案 D 268. IN GMDSS ,distress alerling can be transmitted in ____directions. 27 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 答案 C 269. In case a ship is in emergency or distress in any of 4 areas, it is required to use the continuous ____ alert. A MF/HF DSC B SART C EPIRB D any of A,B,C 答案 C 270. Locating systerm is composed of SART and ____ A X-band radar B S-band radar C two-way VHF D VHF with DSC 答案 A 271. If a ship happens to be in distress in Area A4, ____EPIRB is to be used for distress alerling. A 1.6GHz B 406MHZ C INMARSAT D A,B,C are all 答案 B 272. COSPAS-SARSAT has the function of ____ A distress alerling B communication C broadcasting MSI D on-cence communication 答案 A 273. The EPIRB battery should be renewed every ____ A 2 years B 3 years C 1 years D 4 years 答案 D 274. Ship-to-ship distress alerling should be conducted by ____ A INMARSAT SES B VHF/DSC or MF/DSC C SART and VHF/DSC D satellite EPIRB and VHF/DSC 答案 B 275. When the power of a SART is on ,it will ____ A transmit distress signal B send response signal C transmit the signal of ship ”s position D be started by X-band radar 答案 D 276. In the communication of INMARSAT ,____communication has the absolute priority over all other transmissions. A routine B distress C urgency D security 答案 B 277. Ship at sea in urgent need of MSI because they are ____various kinds of danger . A subject for B liable to C easy to meet D always encounter 答案 C 278. As a matter of fact ,MSI is the combination of ____ important information. A many B quite a few C lots of D a lot 答案 C 279. Maritime Safety Information is ____ MSI. A short for B abbreviated to C reffered as D shorten to 28 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 B 280. The broadcast of MSI is made on two dedicated systems .”Dedicated” means ___ A special B different C expensive D valuable 答案 A 281. MSI is received by ships on a designed channel. ”Designated” means ____ A allocated B appointed C designed D specialized 答案 A 282. The INMARSAT SafetyNet service covers ____ A the whole world B all Navareas C areas from A1 to A4 D only the four INMARSAT regions 答案 D 283. It is preferable for ships lying ____ to receive MSI to ensure safe navigation A both at sea and in port B in international waters C at the anchorage D in narrow channel 答案 A 284. EGC is a____part of INMARSAT-C A component B supportable C combined D complimentary 答案 A 285. WWNWS broadcasts ____kinds of navigational warnings by means of radio for mariners. A four B three C several D a lot of 答案 B 286. It is possible for ships to receive safety message transmitted by Navtex station __ A in any INMARSAT regions B in each NAVAREA C at any distance D in Areas A3 and A4 答案 B 287. A NAVTEX station in each NAVAREA is usually allowed to have ____for transmission. A 10 minutes every four hours B half an hour ev ery other hour C irregular period of time D 3 minutes every two hours 答案 A 288. In order to avoid duplication, safety messages sent by international Navtex must be brief and clear .”Duplication” means ____ A repetition B misunderstanding C transcription D rejection 答案 A 289. The distance between the two Navtex stations with the same B1 character should not exceed ____nautical miles. A 400 B 240 C 450 D 180 答案 C 290. The identification character of each Navtex station is regarded as ____to the messages. A the only preamble B a part of preamble C the closing D the suspension 答案 B 291. With the help of morden technology ,ships are able to receive automated broadcast of safety messages____ A by day or night B almost round the clock 29 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C somewhat and sometime D from sunrise to sunset 答案 B 292. Exchange of answerbacks acts a confirmation that the messages ____at the destination. A have received B have been received C are received D are being received 答案 B 293. Which of the following statement is correct? A Navtex station have the same transmission power B Navtex station can transmission at the same time C Navtex station have the different identification characters in each Navarea D There are 24 Navtex station in each Navarea 答案 C 294.The difference between international and national Navtex Service is limited to __ A frequency allocated B both language and frequency C language used D transmission power and time 答案 B 295. The DSC frequency for distress alerting in AreaA2 is____ A 2182KHZ B 2174.5KHZ C 2192KHZ D 2187.5KHZ 答案 D 296. Which of the following transmits and receives signal to and from the satellite using ”L” band frequency? A SES B CES C NCS D NCC 答案 A 297. The telex number____ required is incorrect .Please check and confirm. A what you B you C that D which 答案 B 298. Within the polar areas it is ____to see a satellite in geostationary orbit. A impossible B possible C easy D difficult 答案 A 299. The portable SART is designed ____ on the bridge in its container. A to stow B for stowing C being stowed D to be stowed 答案 D 300. ____the INMARSAT system ,a ship can sent a distress message and know with certainty it will be received by others. A By using B With using C By to use D Though the use 答案 A 301. The instruction book will provide you ____ the information about the Navtex receiver A for B to C of D with 答案 D 302. Only those ____ familiar with the requirement of the GMDSS can operate it. A who B who are C are D that 答案 B 30 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 303. There are ___NAVAREAs designated by IHO ang IMO all over the world. A 13 B 4 C 16 D 12 答案 C 304. Each NCS works as a type of ____ ,assigning ,controlling, monitoring telex and telephone network as quickly as possible. A switch operator B communication gateway C national operator D on-scene commander 答案 A 305. We _ the distress signal on our own radio before the shore station relayed it to us. A received already B have received C had received D were receiving 答案 C 306. The INMARSAT system is open for use by ____ countries on non-discriminatory basis A some B lots of C many D all 答案 D 307.All ships which, ____ the present Convention , are required to carry radio installation shall carry out the International Code of Signal. A according B in according with C in according to D in accordance with 答案 D 308. It is no use ____ to get in touch with that distress ship right now. A trying B to try C tried D to trying 答案 A 309. The radio officer ____the require of the transmitter until midnight. A finished B had no finished C did not finish D did not finished 答案 C 310. If a ship ____ in danger ,the distress signal will be sent out in the shortest possible time by means of the GMDSS equipment. is B encounter C will be D is meet A 答案 A 311. I’d like to know precautions ____ when operating this new equipment. A should take B to be taken C to take D must take 答案 B 312. It ___ that all survivors have been rescued and some of them sent to the hospital. A believed B is believed C believes D to be believed 答案 B 313. It is important ____ familiar with the GMDSS system before you operate it. A get B for you get C to get D for you to get 答案 D 314. ___the message has been sent out or not is not known to us. A If B IS C Does D whether 答案 D 31 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 315. We consider____send a helicopter with medical facilities to the distress area A it necessary B it is necessary C it necessary to D necessary 答案 C 316. The GMDSS is more advanced than ____for distress traffic up to now A any other equipement B any equipement C all equipement D whaterever equipement 答案 A 317. Before____, a station shall take precautions to ensure that its emission will not interfere with transmission already in progress. A transmit B to transmitting C transmitting D in transmitting 答案 C 318. The circuits within the SESs use the ____to lock the satellite A signal strength B signaling channel C antenna D unique word 答案 C 319. In order to ensure that all necessary MSI is available ,the EGC receiver will remain in operation while____ A the ship is at sea B the condition is good C the ship is in port D A and C 答案 D 320. A digital calling systerm used to call ships and coast stations using frequencies in the MF,HForVHFbands, as is defined by CCIR recommendations 493 and 541,is a(an)____ A DSC system B EGC C Terrestrial radio D alerting systerm 答案 A 321. DSC distress relays can be transmitted by either___or____ A a coast station/a ship station B an EPIRB/A SART C ARQ/FEC D A back-up satellite/a land SAR unit 答案 A 323. If a DSC distress relay is transmitted from a coast station , it will____ A indicate the ship in distress that the alert has been received B alert ships in the area of a distress incident that a distress has occurred C inform other coast stations of distress incident D repeat the distress alert in 5 minutes 答案 B 324.If a ship station relay a DSC distress call to an appropriate coast station ,it means that____ A the ship has received the DSC distress call on an HF frequency B the coast station concened has not acknowledged it within 5 minutes C the ship will take command of search and rescue in 5 minutes D A and B 答案 D 325. What should be indicated in the lists of ship and coast station? A information on charging 32 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 B the services by each station open to public correspondence,together with charging information C the working mode D only the service 答案 B 326. MSI stands for ____ A mobile satellite information B motor ship identification C most serious information D martime safety information 答案 D 327. MSI,which includes____,is transmitted to all ships in all principal waters A navigational warnings B meteorological warnings and meteorological forecast C other urgent safety related messages D A ,B and C 答案 D 328. According to the regulations, vessels in distress ____to indicate their own position by any method A can not B should get permission to C are not allowed D have the right 答案 D 329. After studying the SOLAS convention and other regulations for navigation, you should have known the Chapter IV of SOLAS is regarding the ____ A maritime communications B navigational regulations C technical terms and their definitions D maritime information 答案 A 330.“decade of work” means ____ A a lot of work B a piece of work C a long time work D ten years of work 答案 D 331. Actually,the date for entry into effect will be 1 february ____. Though the text does not tell us about it A 1995 B 1998 C 1999 D 2000 答案 C 332. which expression has the different meaning from entry into force? A coming into effect B moving to effect C being based on force D coming into force 答案 C 333. The ARQ mode should be applied____ A when two stations communicate with each other B in any radio system and at any time C when one ship sends a message to another station D for communication among some stations 33 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 A 334. The FEC mode is for ____from____ station to two or more other stations when available. A receving messages/one station B transmission/one coast station or ship C communicating/one ship D contacing/other 答案 B 335. What should be made known in the lists of coast and ship stations? A the services of the stations open to public correspondence B the information on charging C what kind of the public correspondence D A and B 答案 D 336. The first communication satellite was used for the purpose of____ A taking the place of the radio system B introducing a new life-saving system C saving the vessels in distress D improving the communication on land 答案 D 337. traditional and terrestrial techniques____ A can overcome the basic flaws of the radio system B are useless today C now are out of date D are impossible to overcome the flaws in the exising radio systerm 答案 D 338. What does “the existing system “mean? A a radio system using traditional ,terrestrial techniques B the satellite communication system C a global system operated by INMARSAT D a modern system transforming the global communication 答案 A 339. what is the advantage when using the satellites? A the message can be directed to the desired location B the message can follow the earth’s curvature C the quality of message can not be affected by climatic D the rang of the message extend and the quality of reception is improved 答案 D 340.. Radio system has so many principle problems which____ A can be tackled by traditional and terrestrial techniques B can be solved by satellite communication C can be tackled by some other techniques except satellites D can hardly solved by any other techniques 答案 B 340. Traditional and terrestrial techniques____ 34 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A can help the radio system to overcome its drawbacks B are unable to perfect the existing system C are out date D are useless to the radio system 答案 B 341. What do the general radio communications relate to? A management of ship B operation of ship C safety of ship D ABC are all right 答案 D 342. What channel is general communication used? A any appropriate channel expect public communication B any appropriate channel expect for public communication C any appropriate channel besides public communication D any appropriate channel beside public communication 答案 C 343. Can MF/HF radiotelephone receive the MSI from COMSPAS-SARSAT along? A no, it receives the MSI from ship stations B Yes, it can C only with NBDP terminal ,can it receive the MSI from coast stations D no, it can not receive the MSI sent from station 答案 D 344. What shall all stations do when receiving distress alert? A to relay it to the SAR B to transmit it to rescue center C to stop transmitting and continue to watch D to act as soon as possible 答案 C 345. What information will a distress alert contain? A nature of distress B type of assistance required C course , speed and time at which the information was recorded D ABC are all right 答案 D 346. Who permits the SES enter the system after successful commissioning ? A network B the CES preferred by the applicant C INMARSAT D the SES itself 答案 C 347. What part of the INMARSAT will the SES get access to if the commissioning is successful? A The SES B the space segment of INMARSAT C Any CES D THE CES decided by the applicant 答案 C 348. ____means navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships. 35 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A Navigational broadcast B Weather forecast C Urgency message D MSI 答案 D 349. Locating means ____in distress. A the finding of ships ,aircraft ,units B or (the finding of )persons C cargoes D A and B are right 答案 D 350. Chapter 4 of SOLAS applies to all ships to which the present regulations apply and to cargo ships of ____and upwards. A 300 gross tonnage B 1200 gross tonnage C 800 gross tonnage D 500 gross tonnage 答案 A 351. Every ship constructed on or after ____shall comply with all the applicable requirements of this chapter. A 1 February 1995 B 1 February 1992 C 1 July 1997 D 1 February 1999 答案 A 352. Every ship, while at sea, shall be capable____ A of receiving shore-to-ship distress alerts B of transmitting and receiving MSI C of transmitting and receiving ship-to-ship distress alerts D a, b, c are all right 答案 D 352. Every radio installation shall be clearly marked with the ____,the ship station identity and other codes as applicable for the use of the radio installation. A call sign B port of register C radio name D signal label 答案 A 353. Every radio installation shall be protected against ____,extremes of temperature and other adverse environmental conditions. A coated oil B dangerous cargo C harmful effects water D noxious atmosphere 答案 C 354. The radio personnel on every ship shall be ____specified in the Radio Regulations to have primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents. A holders of certificates B bachelor of science C chief officer D qualified engineer 答案 A 355. Bridge-to-bridge communication means____communications between ships from the position from which the ships are normally navigated. A distress B urgent C safety D general 答案 C 356. ____means the finding of ships, aircraft, units or persons in distress. 36 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A Shore-based radar assistance B Locating C Search and rescue D Salvage operation 答案 B 357. According to Chapter Four, every ship, while at sea, shall be capable of____ A receiving shore-to-ship distress alerts B transmitting and receiving ship-to-ship distress alerts C transmitting and receiving on-scene communication D A, B, C are all right 答案 D 358. ____means the Organization established by the Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization adopted on 3 September 1976 A CCIR B INMARSAT C ITU D SAR 答案 B 359.____means the navigational and meteorological warnings meteorological forecast and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships A MSI B Safety information C radio regulations D DSC 答案 A 360. ____service means a service which is based on polar orbiting satellites which service and relay distress from satellite EPIRB and which provides their position. A Geostationary satellite B Near-polar orbiting satellite C Polar orbiting satellite D Terrestrial satellite 答案 C 361.____means a technique using digital codes which enables a radio station to establish contact with, and transfer information to another station or group of stations and complying with the relevant recommendation of the International Radio Consultative Committee. A DSC B MSI C EGC D NBDP 答案 A 362.____means the co-ordinated broadcast and automatic reception on 518KHZ of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy using English language. A International NAVTEX B National NAVTEX C CCIR D INMARSAT 答案 A 363. Digital selective calling means a technique using____which enable a radio station to establish contact with, and transfer information to, another station or group of station, and complying with the relevant recommendations of the CCIR. A digital codes B code mess ages C Norse codes D distress messages 答案 A 364. International NAVTEX Service means the co-ordinated broadcast and automatic reception on ____KHZ of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band direct- printing telegraphy using English language. A 518 B 2182.75 C 516 D 516.8 答案 A 365. Polar orbiting satellite service means a service which is based on ____which receive and relay distress alerts 37 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 from satellite EPIRBs and which provides their position A geostationary satellite B near-polar orbiting satellite C polar orbiting satellite D terrestrial satellite 答案 C 366. INMARSAT means the ____established by the Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization adopted on 3 September 1976 A conference B group C meeting D organization 答案 D 367. International NAVTEX means the co-ordinated broadcast and automatic reception on 518KHZ of maritime safety information by means of ____using English language. A EGC receiver B narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy C radio communication D terrestrial technique 答案 B 368. Maritime Safety Information means____- A meteorological warnings B meteorological forecasts C other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships D A, B, C are all right 答案 D 369. ____means an area, excluding sea area A1,within the radio-telephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerts is available, as may be defined by contacting Government. A Sea area A1 B Sea area A2 C Sea are a A3 D Sea area A4 答案 B 370.____ means the Radio Regulations annexed to,or regarded as being annexed to,the most recent Internationl Telecommunication Convention which is in force at any time. A Radio Conventions B Radio Rules C Radio Regulations D Radio System 答案 C 371. Ships of 10 000 tons gross tonnage and upwards shall be fitted two ____,each capable of being operated independently of the other. A radio equipment B radar installations C Life-saving appliances D EPIRBs 答案 B 372. Ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after ____shall be fitted with a radar installation. A 1 January 1985 B 1 February 1984 C 1 September 1984 D 1 December 1985 答案 C 373. From____,the radar installation shall be capabe of operating in the 9GHZ frequency band. A 1 August 1985 B 1April 1990 C 1March 1992 D 1 February 1995 答案 D 38 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 374. When engaged on international voyages , ships of 1600 tons gross tonnage and upwards shall be fitted with a ____. A radio direction-finding apparatus B DSC C NAVTEX D EPIRB 答案 A 375. At least ____two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every passenger ship. A one B two C three D four 答案 C 376. Every cargo ship of ____tons gross tonnage and upwards shall be provided with at least three two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus. A 300 B 400 C 500 D 600 答案 C 377. At least____ two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of 300 tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage. A one B two C three D four 答案 B 378. At least two two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of ____ tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage. A 300 B 800 C 400 D 200 答案 A 379. Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus provided on board ships prior to ____. A 1 February 1993 B 1 February 1995 C 1 January 1994 D 1 January 1995 答案 B 380. Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed ____VHF radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its operating position. A one-way B two-way C double-effect D one-effect 答案 B 381. Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way ____ radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its orerating position. A HF B VHF C MF D MHF 答案 B 382. Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with____ which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its orerating position. A dummy B a supporting facilities C a back-up equipment D an antenna 答案 D 383. Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is ____ shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its operating position. 39 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A highly mounted B mounted C separately mounted D partly mounted 答案 C 384. Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is highly mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its ____. A operating position B stand—by position C responding position D power position 答案 A 385. If a fitted two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus is fitted in the lifeboat,it shall be install in a cabin ____to accommodate both the equipment and person using it . A large enough B enough large C sufficient place D small place 答案 A 386. Until 1 February 1999, ship of 1600 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 25 May 1980 and before 1 February 1995, when engaged on international voyage shall be fitted with radio equipment for____. A receiving distress message B transmitting distress message C homing on the radiotelephone distress frequency D VHF communication 答案 C 387. All ship which, in accordance with the present Convention are required to carry radio installations shall carry out ____. A Q-code word B telephone numbers and addresses C the International Code of Signals D radio instructions 答案 C 388.All ship which in accordance with the present Convention are required to carry ____ shall carry the International Code of Signals. A radio license B radio installations C radio antenna D radar installations 答案 B 389. The reserve source or sources of energy shall be independent of the propelling power of the ship and the ship’s____. A electrical system B energy system C power system D lighting system 答案 A 390. Every ship shall be carry personnel qualified for____to the satisfaction of the administration. A distress and safety radiocommunication purposes B Life-saving purpose C GMDSS requirements D emergency position 答案 A 40 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 391. Every ship, while at sea ,shall maintain continuous watch on____,if the ship , in accordance with the requirements of regulation 7.1.2, is fitted with VHF radio installation. A Channel 16 B Channel 68 C Channel 70 D Channel 65 答案 C 392. Every ship shall be provided with DSC on the frequency ____MHZ A 156.250 B 156.350 C 156.525 D 156.725 答案 C 393. The site and installation of accumulator batteries which provide a reserve source of energy shall be such as to ensure____. A the highest degree of service B a reasonable lifetime C reasonable safety D A,B,C are all right 答案 D 394. Equipment shall be so designed that the main units can be ____readily, without elaborate recalibration or readjustment. A required B replaced C required D readjustment 答案 B 395. Adequate information shall be provided to enable the equipment to be properly____, taking into account the recommendation of the Organization. A operated and maintained B swithed on and swithed off C performed and satisfied D connected and communicated 答案 A 396. ____ means an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least on VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available ,as may be defined by a Contracting Government. A Sea Area A1 B Sea Area A2 C Sea Area A3 D Sea Area A4 答案 A 397. These are based currently on 4 operational regions,each with its own operational satellites, with ____satellite in the event of failure. A supporting B some C a lot of D back-up 答案 D 398. The INMARSAT space segment ____the satellite and support facilities operated by INMARSAT. A is made of B refers to C consists of D is based on 答案 C 399. Particular care should be ____ in selecting CESs in areas where Ocean Regions overlap. A taken B take C took D taked 答案 A 400. Particular care should be taken in selecting CESs in areas where Ocean Regions ___ A cover B overlap C provide D consider 答案 B 401. Calls/messages should be sent only ____ the master or the person responsible for the ship. A on behalf of B on the authority of C according to D with the approval of 41 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 B 402. If no distress , acknowledgement is received ____ a DSC distress call transmission, then the ship in distress may repeat the DSC distress call attempt after a delay of between 3.5 and 4.5 min from the beginning of the initial call. A relevant to B relate to C in response to D in relation to 答案 C 403. As each message will also have a unique identity , the printing of message already received correctly is automatically ____. A suspended B suppressed C surprised D suppress 答案 B 404. Monitoring is especially important in a highly automated system which is dependent on careful ____ procedure and format. A adherence to B adoption to C relaying on D usage of 答案 A 405. In the case of a ship in distress , the need exists to create a temporary geographic area to ____ locating potential assisting ships. A increase B improve C facilitate D develop 答案 C 406.A rectangular area is described in degrees of latitude and longitude from the latitude and longitude of the southwest corner of ____. A square B triangle C circle D rectangle 答案 D 407. ____during commissioning tests, you may send distress messages only in actual emergency situations. A Besides B Beside C Except D Except for 答案 A 408. When the beacon in the upright position is put into water, transmission will start ____the switch at the top of the beacon. A dependent B responsible C independent of D release from 答案 C 409.EPIRB is the____for Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon. A acronym B signal C label D symbol 答案 A 410. The present INMARSAT system utilizes _____satellites positioned above the Atlantic Ocean. A station B relaying C geostationary D float-free 答案 C 412. When the beacon in the _____position is put into water, transmission will start independent of the switch at the top of the beacon. A upright B vertical C parallel D float-free 答案 A 413. The requirements for equipment on board ships_____ related to the sea areas defined in GMDSS. A mainly B mostly C exclusively D generally 答案 C 414. A distress alert will normally be initiated _____and distress alerts will be acknowledged_____ 42 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A manually/automatically B manually/manually C automatically/automatically D automatically/manually 答案 B 415. The rescue coordination center may _____on stations which interfere with distress traffic. A keep silence B forbid transmission C change information D impose silence 答案 D 416. The concept of NAVTEX is of a___ system for the broadcast and receipt of MSI. A complete service B partial controlled C quite new D total coordinated 答案 D 417. The transmissions for entertainment purpose and unnecessary talking are_____. A not allowed B sometimes allowed C forbidden D strictly forbidden 答案 D 418. The present INMARSAT system _____geostationary satellites positioned above the Atlantic Ocean. A uses B ignores C considers D utilizes 答案 D 419. Since it was first used at sea more than 90 years ago, radio has helped to save lives of _____people. A millions of B thousands of C hundreds of .thousands of D tens of thousands of 答案 D 420. General radio communication in the global system may_____ ship’s safety. A be responsible for B have an impact on C command D give a guidance to 答案 B 421. Radiotelephony communications or radiotelex communication or both will be carried out by terrestrial or satellite means,_____ the equipment fitted on ship and the area in which the incident occurs. A depend on B depending on C dependent on D dependant on 答案 B 422. Distress traffic is the communication_____ between the station in distress, and the ships ,aircraft ,coast radio stations, coast earth stations and rescue centers participating in the rescue work. A exchange B to exchange C exchanging D exchanged 答案 C 423. Distress and safety communications _____DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephony or narrow band direct printing or both. A follows B to follow C following D to be followed 答案 C 424._____all ships in a large sea area being alerted ,an “area call”, will normally be transmitted so that only those ships in the vicinity of the distress incident are alerted. A Avoiding B To be avoided 43 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C Avoided D To avoid 答案 D 425. Distress traffic is the communication_____ between the station in distress, and the ships ,aircraft coast radio stations, coast earth stations and rescue centers participating in the rescue work. A participating B participated C participate D to participate 答案 B 426. Signals _____to assist in locating a ship ,aircraft or vehicle in distress of in locating survivors will be transmitted in the 9GHz band means of a search and rescue radar transponder. A to intend B to be intended C intending D intended 答案 D 427. The distress alert may also contain information _____the nature of distress ,the type of assistance required ,the course and speed of the ship and the time at which the information was recorded. A regarding B regardless C regarded D to be regarded 答案 A 428. Like a distress alert ,a distress priority message is routed automatically through a_____CES to a RCC. A selecting B having selected C selected D being selected 答案 C 429. It is no use _____to get in touch with that distress ship right now. A trying B to try C tried D to trying 答案 A 430. I’d like to know what precautions_____ when operation this new equipment. A should be taken B to be taken C to take D must take 答案 B 431. It _____that all survivors have been rescued and some of them send to the hospital. A believes B believed C to be believed D is believed 答案 D 432. We consider_____send a helicopter with medical facilities to the distress area. A it necessary B it is necessary C it necessary to D necessary 答案 C 433. If a ship _____in danger ,the distress signed the send out in the shortest possible time by means of the GMDSS equipment. A is B encounter C will be D is meet 答案 A 434. Before_____a station shall take precautions to ensure that its emission will not interfere with transmission already in progress. A transmit B to transmitting C transmitting D in transmitting 答案 C 435. A person on board _____a radiotelephony operater’s certificate shall be responsible for the radio operation. A holds B held C holding D to hold 答案 C 436. Whenever possible ,the approval of the nearest coast radio station should be obtained prior to _____a test 44 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 transmission. A conducting B conduct C be conducted D conduction 答案 A 437. When hearing a distress call ,all station shall immediately cease any transmission capable of _____with the distress traffic. A interfere B interfering C being interfered D interference 答案 B 438. Test transmission must be kept to a minimum and whenever possible ,be carried out on aircraft antennas and with _____power. A reducing B having reduced C reduced D being reduced 答案 A 439. The emergency communication set’s transmitter should not be tested except when _____by a public radio inspector. A inspecting B inspected C inspects D having inspected 答案 B 440. _____on VHF Ch-16,the decoder equipments may be connected to the ship radio station’s usual VHF transceiver which is expected to be tuned to Ch-16 when it is not used for other traffic. A To receive selective calling B For receiving selective calling C Having selective calling D After receiving selective calling 答案 D 441. In the case of a ship in distress , the need exists to create a temporary area to facilitate locating potential _____ships. A assist B assistance C assisting D assisted 答案 C 442. Each COSPAS SARSAT MCC is responsible for _____all alert data for distress located in its service Area. A distributing B distribution C distributed D having distributed 答案 B 443. A SART provides the main means _____a survival craft or the mother ship in distress under the global maritime distress and safety system. A to locate B for locating C in locating D by locating 答案 B 444. Message transmission charges are set by National Telecommunication Administrations and coast earth stations_____ A offer EGC services B offered by EGC services C offering EGC services D offers EGC services 答案 C 445. To overcome problem of bills _____in many different currencies, the billing process uses special “nominal” currencies. A being issued or settled B issued or settled C issuing or settling D to be issued or settled 45 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 答案 A 446. _____is divided into two separate stages to establish a communication channel to its final destination. A To make a telex call B Marking a telex call C Make a telex call D To be making a telex call 答案 B 447. The portable SART is designed _____on the bridge in its container. A to show B for stowing C being stowed D to be stowed 答案 D 448._____the INMARSAT system ,a ship can send a distress message and know with certainty it will be received by others. A By using B With using C To use D Through the use 答案 A 449. It’s important _____familiar with the GMDSS system before you operate it. A get B for you get C to get D for you to get 答案 D 450. The frequency_____the safety message will be transmitted shall be included in DSC safety call A which B on which C at which D in which 答案 B 451. __,DSC distress alert should be inserted manually, at least once every four hours A When the position and time inserted manually from the ship’s alerting equipment B As far as the position and time concerned C Whenever the time and position are not inserted automatically in the log D If the position and time are not inserted automatically from the ship’s navigational equipment 答案 D 452. _____ by an ice-breaker ,it is important to maintain a continuous listening watch on the appropriate VHF channel and to maintain a proper look-out for sound and visual signals A Which is assisted B That assist you C When you assisted D When being assisted 答案 D 453.Receiving point is a mark or place_____a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit or escort procedure A at which B which C where D when 答案 C 454. Traffic lane is an area within defined limits_____one-way traffic is established A in which B at which C when D which 答案 A 455. Safety working load: maximum working load of lifting equipment_____ A A ship should pay attention B A ship should keep a sharp lookout C that not be exceeded D that cargoes can be lifted 答案 D 456. A person_____in spite of being in an extremely dangerous situation is a survivor A who is still alive B who is safety C who is healthy D who is continues to live 答案 D 457. The advantage of geostationary satellites is _____ 46 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A the range of antennal can cover everywhere in the world B we can know the ship’s exact position C that the distress alert can be located as soon as possible D antenna of permanent earth stations may be directed toward fixed points in the sky 答案 D 458. Radio station which hear transmissions concerning the safety of navigation shall listen to the transmission_____ A when they are sure that there is not distress traffic B as soon as they hear a distress message C until they are certain that it does not concern them D which station is sending the distress message 答案 C 459. _____,a distinct humming should be heard on the loudspeaker A when the distress alarm is sound B when the emergency communication receive is turned on C whenever an emergency call is transmitted D when a distress message is received 答案 D 460. the IMO SMCP the situation_____phrases using the world “can” appear it clear whether a possibility is referred to A where B when C after D unless 答案 A 461. In the IMO SMCP the situation where phrases using the word “can” appear it clear_____a possibility is referred to. A whether B why C how D what 答案 A 462. I am looking for Captain John _____ I want him on sign on this B/L A because B due to C that D since 答案 A 463. _____ we stand away from the church bell, it takes time for the sound waves to reach us A If B Whenever C Because D Where 答案 C 464. Radio waves_____flow over the surface of the earth, _____they radiate from the antenna in other directions A Even/then B not only/but also C no sooner/than D Although 答案 B 465. _____it is advisable to remain on a VHF channel 8, say “stand by on VHF Ch 8 A that B \ C when D What 答案 C 466. the captain asked me _____ A whether the pilot was on board B If was the pilot on board C was the pilot on board D When would the pilot on board 答案 A 467. The vessel is asking for shore-based radar assistance_____ A is because her radar damaged B because her radar is being repairs 47 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C due to dense fog D because her radar is not working 答案 D 468. we’ve been on board for almost one year_____ A since we sailed from New York at the end of last year B because the port is congested C as some one was ill D we have earn money 答案 A 469. we’ve been on board for almost one year_____ A since we sailed from New York at the end of last year B because the port is congested C as some one was ill D we have earn money 答案 A 470. Nowadays we utilize GMDSS_____ A because there are many flaws of the previous radio communication system B because a conference was held in 1962 C because Telstar was put into obit D A and C are both right 答案 A 471. we are sure_____in the near future A that our seafarers can speak English fluently B that out seafarers can read English adequately C that our seafarers can listen to English conversation without any problem D A B C is all required according to STCW convention 答案 D 472. What did you say on board _____any part of message is considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding? A which B if C why D that 答案 D 473. Some words in English have meanings _____the context in which they appear A depended on B which depend on C which depends on D to depends on 答案 B 474. You should keep radio silence on CH16_____you’ve a message about casualty A unless B even C wherever D until 答案 A 475. _____,pilotage services has been suspended A Because of heavy rain, strong wind, port congestion etc B Because the officers are not on duty now C Because the vessel is too large to entry the harbors D Because radio communication interrupted 答案 A 476.Forward station_____the chief officer’s position when the vessel is arriving at or leaving the berth 48 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A is B was C is not D was not 答案 A 477. The port authority asked me_____ A what was my last port of call B that my last port of call was C what is my last port of call D what my last port of call is 答案 B 478. The fire_____under control. we require a fire-fighting vessel A has been B hasn’t been C is D isn’t 答案 D 479. A sailor on board_____ from appendicitis and required operation immediately A was suffering B is suffering C has suffered D has been suffering 答案 A 480. The helicopter_____to rescue survivors A will come B is coming C has come D would come 答案 B 481. You_____into danger because bridge will not open A are running B were running C run D has run 答案 A 482. A gale warning _____at 0200 hours UTC A was issued B is issued C issued D issues 答案 A 483. The seafarers sometimes _____cards in their spare time A are playing B play C plays D played 答案 B 484. Radio communication__for many years and helps save tens of thousands of lives A has been used B have been used C has used D have used 答案 A 485. The foreign seafarers said goodbye to us and looked forward to _each other soon A see B seeing C be seen D being seen 答案 B 486. Last year ,we _____eight months sailing around the world on a container ship. A spend B speeded C spent D splendid 答案 C 487. The port authority asked us _____for lock clearance at Southpoint A wait B to wait C waiting D waited 答案 B 488. Every ship _____on or after 1 February 1995 shall comply with all the applicable requirements of Chapter four A constructs B constructed C has constructed D was constructed 答案 B 489. A conference_____at IMO headquarters adopted amendments to the SOLAS convention in 1988 A held B was held C was holding D has held 答案 A 490. SOLAS ships _____with a maritime VHF installation and maintain watch on 156.8MHz. 49 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A should fit B have fitted C should fitted D fit 答案 A 491. All coast radio stations_____ DSC installed for VHF and HF. A have B had C are having D have had 答案 A 492. We_____a sharp lookout while sailing in the iced water. A keep B kept C are keeping D have kept 答案 B 493. Newharbor asked us what assistance_____. A is required B requires C had required D was required 答案 D 494. The fishing boat _____into danger because there is a fog bank ahead. A is running B runs C ran D run 答案 A 495. Utopia asked for tug assistance because she_____ A run aground B is running aground C was aground D is aground 答案 C 496. Two vessels _____while they are sailing in Huangpu river A strike B strikes C are striking D struck 答案 A 497. The vessel has stayed in port for several days because she needs_____ A repairs B repairing C repaired D being repaired 答案 B 498. The vessel was drifting because she _____the rudder. A lost B lose C had lost D has lost 答案 C 499. Deck cargo shift happened while a sailor_____the cargo. A lashed B was lashing C is lashing D lashing 答案 B 500. SOLAS vessels should be able to communicate with shore stations _____ according to the SOLAS Convention. A in major ocean regions and at regular times B in case of distress C at any time and from any location D at fixed position and scheduled time 答案 C 501. The INMARSAT system is open for use by _____ countries on non-discriminatory basis. A some B lots of C many D all 答案 D 一、单项选择 1. what does ITU stand for? (B) 50 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A. the international telephone union B. the international telecommunication union C. the international telecommunication unit D. the international telex unit 2. the rescue co-ordination center may __D____ on stations which interfere with distress traffic. A. keep silence B. forbid transmission C. change information D. impose silence 3. what is the abbreviation for the world meteorological organization? A A. WMO B. IHO C. IMO D. WARC 4. distress traffic is the communication between the station in distress and the ships, aircrafts, coast radio stations, coast earth stations and rescue centers __ A____ in the rescue work. A. participating B. participated C. participate D. to participate 5. distress and safety communications __C____ DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephony or narrow-band direct-printing or both. A. follows B. to follow C. following D. to be followed 6. __A___ a distinct humming should be heard on the loudspeaker. A. when the distress alarm is sounded B. when the emergency communication receiver is tuned on C. whenever an emergency call is transmitted D. when a distress message is received 7. for SAR operations it should be possible to transmit messages in _C___ directions. A. one B. double C. both D. four 8. the present INMARSAT system __D____ geostationary satellites positioned above the Atlantic ocean. A. use B. ignores C. considers D. utilizes 9. we __B__ a sharp lookout while we were sailing in the icy water A. keep B. kept C. are keeping D. have kept 10. MSI is received by ships on a designated channel “Designated” means _B____. A. allocated B. apointed C. designed D. specialized 11. the first communication satellite was used for the purpose of ___D__. A. taking the place of the radio system B. introducing a new life-saving system C. saving the vessels in distress D. improving the communication on land 12. Tradition radio system has so many principle problems which _ B___。 A. can be tackled by traditional and terrestrial techniques B. can be solved by satellite communications C. can be tackled by some other techniques except satellites D. can hardly solved by any other techniques 13. according to the basic concept of GMDSS, _D___ can be rapidly alerted to a distress incident. A. only SAR authorities on land B. all ships in a very large sea area C. the nearest coast stations and port radios D. the SAR authorities ashore as well as ships navigating in the vicinity of the casualty 14. ships equipped with Inmarsat SES send distress alerts both __B__ . 51 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A. quick and good B. convenient and certain C. easily and simply D. important and difficult 15. ships in sea areas A3 and A4 will transmit __D__,as appropriate. A. a ship to ship alert on MF/VHF B. a ship to shore alert by SES/HF DSC C. a ship to shore alert by satellite EPIRB D. all of A, B, C 16. the GMDSS has _C___ main functions. A. 4 B. 9 C. 7 D. 5 17. when receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will _D___ soonest. A. reach the distress area B. conduct a sector search C. sand rescue vessels D. assist coordinately in SAR operations 18. in addition to meeting the requirement of sea area A1, every ship engaged on voyage in sea area A2 shall be provided with __A__ . A. MF radio installation with DSC B. SES C. MF/HF radio-telephony installation D. 2187.5KHz watch receiver 19. an area within the coverage of at least one VHF shore station in which continuous DSC alerting is available is __A__ . A. sea area A1 B. sea area A2 C. distress area D. GMDSS areas 20. _A___ are used for distress alerting as a rule. A. SES/DSC/EPIRB B. SART/radiotelephone C. COSPAS-SARSAT D. both A and C 21. __D__ means rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide or coordinate assistance. A. distress message B. distress alerting C. safety calling D. digital selective calling 22. the GMDSS is composed of _A___ . A. satellite and terrestrial communication systems B. only navigation and alerting systems C. just MSI system and locating system D. SAR co-ordination system 23. the satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe __D__ . A. besides the polar regions B. including the north pole and the south pole C. above 70?N and 70?S D. as far north and south as 70? 24. __D__ are operated as a secondary method of alerting in the GMDSS. A. satellite EPIRBS B. non-satellite EPIRBS C. SES and DSC D. A + B 25. the GMDSS is to provide _D___ with reliable communication. A. all large passenger vessels B. freighters of more than 300GT in coastal waters. C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international- voyages. D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300GT upwards 26. the GMDSS enables distress alerting and its relays to be transmitted in __D_ directions. A. ship to ship B. ship to shore C. shore to ship D. all of A,B,C 27. for ship to shore distress alert, we can use __A__. A. INMARSAT EPIRB and DSC B. NBDP and R/T C. satellite D. RC 28. According to the basic concept of the GMDSS, distress alerting can be sent by __A__ to SAR authorities ashore or ships in vicinity of a distress incident. A. either satellite or terrestrial communication B. only satellite communication 52 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C. only terrestrial communication D. VHF DSC or SES 29. for ship-to-shore distress alerts, you can use__A____. A. INMARSAT, EPIRB and DSC B. NAVTEX, NBDP and R/T C. INMARSAT, VHF and SART D. EPIRB, DSC and radar 30. what following is not among the functions of SOLAS ships? C A. receive shore to ship distress alerting B. transmit ship to shore distress alerting C. receive message for public correspondence D. transmit and receive locating signals 31. the INMARSAT system has five major components, they are _C___ . A. space segment, NCC, RCC,SES and CES B. space segment, a satellite system, C system NCC and NCS C. Space segment, NCC, NCS, CES and SES D. A system, C system, satellite system, earth stations and NCS 32. the NCS of INMARSAT-A system in the AOR(W) is in _D___ . A. Goonhily, UK B. Yamaguchi, Japan C. Perth, Australia D. Southbury, USA 33. A mobile earth station in the maritime mobile-satellite service which is located on board ship, is called __B__ . A. an LES B. an SES C. a ship station D. a land mobile station 34. without permission of _C___ , a ship earth station cannot enter the system. A. ITU B. IMO C. INMARSAT ORGANIZATION D. the nearest CES 35. who has right to permit the SES enter the system after successful commissioning? C A. network B. the CES preferred by the applicant C. INMARSAT D. the SE 36. there is actually an overlapped area of three ocean regions somewhere in the world. It is an overlap of ____ , C____ and ____ . A. IOR, AOR(E), POR B. POR, AOR(E), IOR C. AOR(E), AOR(W), IOR D. AOR(W), IOR, POR 37. the position of the INMARSAT satellite over the POR is _A___ . A. 180E above the equator B. 64.5E over the IOR C. 15.5W along the straight line D. 55.5W above the equator 38. the INMARSAT consists of _D___ major components. A. 4 B. 9 C. 8 D. 5 39. the satellite and support facilities operated by INMARSAT are based on _B___ operational regions. A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D. 5 40. what part of the INMARSAT will the SES get access to if the commissioning is successful? B A. the SES B. the space segment of INMARSAT C. any CES D. the CES decided by the applicant 41. by using _B___ system a ship can send a distress message and know with certainty it will be received. A. COSPAS-SARSAT B. satellite C. terrestrial radio D. INMARSAT 42. Which of the following optional equipment can be used by a ship in area A3 for ship-to-shore distress alerting? C 53 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A. VHF DSC B. MF DSC C. INMARSAT SES D. VHF 70CH EPIRB 43. the satellite in the INMARSAT system virtually cover the globe as far as about 70?_D___ the polar regions. A. together with B. besides C. including D. except 44. the INMARSAT SES operator can choose the most suitable CES according to __A__ . A. his service and position B. time and course C. tide and speed D. type or his ship 45. in INMARSAT-C, “priority 1” means _D___ communication. A. routine B. distress C. urgency D. safety 二、阅读理解 Once your Inmarsat C or Mini C terminal has been installed and activated, it must first be logged in to an ocean region before it can send or receive messages. Logging-in is managed via the NCS, a specially equipped LES, appointed as the NCS for a particular ocean region, which monitors and co-ordinates the operation of all the Inmarsat C and Mini C terminals and LESs within that ocean region. Logging-in automatically tunes your terminal to the correct NCS Common Signalling Channel for that ocean region and informs the network that your Inmarsat C or Mini C terminal is available for communications. Some Inmarsat C and Mini C models may automatically log in to the Inmarsat C network when first switched on, selecting the strongest NCS Common Channel signal if they are in an overlappinig satellite region. Other models must be manually logged in to the selected ocean region or NCS. After a few minutes your terminal should indicate that it has successfully logged in to the selected ocean region and also indicate signal strength received from the NCS. The signal strength should be at least the minimum required by the manufacturer. If not, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on what action you should take. 46. what does LES stand for? B A. Local Equipment Standards B. Land Earth Station C. Local Earth Station D. None of above 47. what should the operator do before he wants to send a telex via an Inm-C MES? A A. he must first log-in to the required ocean region. B. He must first activate the MES. C. only after the MES’s power on ,anyone can send message without doing anything. D. A and B 48. what does NCS mean? A A. NCS is abbreviated for Network Co-ordinating Station. B. NCS is a specially equipped LES. C. NCS monitors and co-ordinates the operation of all the Inmarsat C and Mini C terminals and LESs within its ocean region. D. A, B, C are all right. 49. why should your Inmarsat-C MES be logged-in to the required ocean region before sending and receiving messages? D 54 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 A. the operation of log-in tunes your terminal to the correct NCS Common Signalling Channel for that ocean region. B. the operation of log-in informs the network that your Inmarsat C or Mini C terminal is available for communications. C. the operation of log-in is just a operating procedure. D. A and B. 50. every Imn-C MES _C___ automatically log in to the Inmarsat C network when first switched on. A. can B. can’t C. sometimes it can, but sometimes it can’t D. can if you want The 64 kbit/s data service supports applications between ISDN terminals using ISDN protocols such as V.120 or X.75. it will support any 64kbit/s data stream and is the service used for implementing ISDN applications such as video conferencing, LAN routing, file transfer, broadcast- quality audio transmission and secure telephone. The service is accessed primarily through the RJ-45 connector on the Mobile Satellite Unit. Multiple ISDN devices (up to eight) can be attached to the MSU. A point-to-point protocol (PPP) modem data service, suitable for file transfer, e-mail or internet access, may also be available via an RS-232 interface, USB port or infrared port. With Inmarsat Mobile ISDN, the customer uses a dedicated line or channel between the mobile equipment and the satellite. This channel provides up to 64kbit/s of bandwidth. Users are charged by the length of time this dedicated channel is allocated. Because of the global growth of ISDN, a whole arrange of telecommunications applications that were once the domain of large corporations have now become cost-effectively available to even the smallest of businesses. Dial-up networking using ISDN enables any number of Local Area Networks (LANs) to be quickly and easily linked. Other services available through the Mobile ISDN are video conferencing and broadcast-quality audio. An ISDN call typically takes less than five seconds to connect, which is something to take into account when the call is over a satellite communications system. With the introduction of the Inmarsat Mobile ISDN service, there is no longer any reason why people working in remote locations should not enjoy the sophisticated IT solutions that are taken for granted in today’s office. 51. what does MSU mean? C A. Maritime safety Unit B. Mobile Satellite Union C. Mobile Satellite Unit D. Morine Security Union 52. which of the following has the similar meaning to the word “dedicated” in paragraph 4? A A. devoted B. special C. designed D. decided 53. users are charged by _A__ for the Inmarsat mobile ISDN 64kbps service? A. the length of time the dedicated channel is allocated. B. the number of characters being sent. C. either the duration or the number of letters sent. D. this passage does not tell us. 54. what kind of services is available through the Mobile ISDN? D A. video conferencing and secure telephony B. broadcast quality audio C. file transfer and LAN routing 55 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 D. all of the above 55. the channel between the mobile equipment and the satellite for mobile ISDN provides up to of bandwitdth? C A. 4.8kbps B. 9.6kbps C. 64kbps D. 128kbps For ships equipped with an Inmarsat SES, sending a distress alert is both simple and certain. It only involves pressing a special distress button or using an abbreviated dialing code. This automatically gives priority access to the system and establishes contact with a CES via the Inmarsat satellite. The SES operator can choose the most suitable CES for the communication service required, as long as the CES is within the same ocean region as the SES. The shore Inmarsat user does not have the flexibility and is limited to using the CES through which his local PTT administration has a routing agreement for a particular ocean region. 56. it is quite _C___ for SES operator to send a distress alert. A. difficult and stable B. easy and expensive C. easy and reliable D. possible and compulsory 57. any ships with SES can _D__ and ___ through the Inmarsat satellites when sending a distress alert. A. establish contact with the system/contact with RCC B. enter the system gradually/contact a coast station C. enter the system manually/contact with any CES D. have absolute priority to enter the system/contact a CES 58. the SES operator cannot set up communication through a CES, __D__ it’s within the same ocean region as the SES. A. once B. if C. unless D. when 59. the shore Inmarsat user can only use __B__ . A. a few CESs within his ocean region B. that associated CES for a certain ocean region C. a number of Ces insede and outside his area D. those CES which are most suitable for him 60. which of the following acronyms has the different meaning for the seme letter of “S”? D A. CES B. SES C. NCS D. MSI 第二节GMDSS 0177. Which statement pertaining to log keeping is TRUE ____B____( 下列有关记录本的保管,()是正确的 A(Entries relating to pre-voyage,pre-departure and daily tests are required 航次开始前、开航前及日常测试必须填写 B(Both A and C 正确的是A和C C(All distress,urgent and safety communications must be logged 所有有关遇险、 紧急和安全方面的通信必须记录 D(Routine daily MF-HF and INMARSAT-C transmissions do not have to be logged 56 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 对MF-HF 和 INMARSAT-C的日常发射不需要记录 0254. What does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS radio operator fails to insert updated information when initiating a DSC distress alert ___C_____( 当启动DSC遇险警报时,如果GMDSS无线电操作员忘了输入更新资料,DSC控制装置会() A(It will abort the transmission and set off an audible alarm that must be manually reset 将取消发送,并发出声响警报,且必须手动重设 B(It will initiate the DSC distress alert but,as no information will be transmitted,rescue personnel will not be able to identify the vessel,its position or its situation 它将发出DSC遇险报警,但是由于没有发出有关信息,搜救人员将无法识别发出报警的船舶、船位及情况 C(It will initiate the DSC distress alert and default information will automatically be transmitted 它将发出DSC遇险报警且自动发出默认信息 D(It will initiate the DSC distress alert,but any station receiving it will have to establish contact with the distressed vessel to determine its identity,position and situation 它将发出DSC遇险报警,任何接收到这种信息的台站将不得不试图与遇险船联系,以确定其船名、位置和情况 0258. Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission _____D___( 当启动DSC报警时,当选择哪一个频道和哪一种模式发送() A(Channel 6 DSC CH6/DSCB(Channel 6 Radiotelephony CH6/无线电话 C(Channel 13 Radiotelephony and channel 16 DSC CH13/无线电话和CH16/DSC D(Channel 70 DSC CH70/DSC 0262. While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone(Which action should you take ___D_____( 当前往遇险现场的过程中,你在无线电话中听到“Seelonce mayday”,则应采取什么行动 A(Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer required 回到原航向及原航速,因为已经不需要你的救助 B(Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETA 进行收到确认,并报告你船航向、航速及ETA C(Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged it 转发初始遇险信息,因为没有其他船舶进行收到确认 D(Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit 继续守听无线电话,但不要发射(silence即静默的意思) 1248. AMVER is a system which provides ___A___( AMVER是一个提供()的系统 A(satellite communications 卫星通信B(navigational information 航海信息 C(weather information 气象信息D(position reporting service 船位报告服务 57 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 AMVER是Automated Merchant VEsselReport的缩写,意思是《电脑商船报告组织》,是一种国际航运安全组织。它将商船和飞机的位置储存到计算机中,以迅速确定距发出无线电呼救信号的遇难处船只最近的商船位置。 1257. How can rescue personnel detect that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity ____A____( 搜救人员如何确认搜救应答器就在很近的地方发射() A(The SART's blips on the PPI will begin arcing and eventually become concentric circles PPI上,搜救应答器的回波开始弯曲并最终集中成同心圆形 B(The DSC unit will react to the SART's signal and respond with the two-tone autoalarm DSC装置将使用双音频自动警报回应搜救应答器的信号, C(The SART can provide an approximate location to within a two nautical mile radius per IMO standards 根据IMO 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,搜救应答器应能提供大致船位,位于一个半径约为2海里的圆内 D(The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on a SART 搜救应答器的信号时有时无,就如同海面上的大涌的回波一样 1276. The operator of the ship's radiotelephone,if the radiotelephone is carried voluntarily,must hold at least a __B____([1130] 对于一艘自愿配备无线电话的的船舶,船上的无线电话操作员应至少持有() A(Mate's license 驾驶员证书B(Restricted radiotelephone operator permit 限用无线电操作员证书C(Second-class radio operator's license 二级无线电操作员证书D(Seaman's document 海员证 1277. The range of a SSB transmission (单边带)is MOST affected by __B____( 单边带的发送距离受()影响最大 A(Atmospheric noise and radiated power 大气噪声及无线电发送功率 B(The frequency band selected and time of day or night 所选择的频率和白天或夜间的时间段 C(Interference and position of the moon 月球的干扰和所处的位置 D(Radiated power and nearness to shore 无线电发送功率及近岸程度 一般通信系统中,载波音频信号调制后,包含载波频率和上,下两个边带,这两个边带均能用来传输信息。通常传递信号,仅需要一个边带就可以了,但在一般的通信系统中,往往把载波频率和上,下边带一起发送去,这样在载波和另一边带中消耗了发射功率中的大部分功率,而且还要占用较宽的通信频带。为了提高通信效率和节约通信频带,在通信时,可将载波和另一边带去掉,只发送一个边带,这种通信方式就称为单边带通信。 根据国际协议,短波通信必须使用单边带调幅方式(SSB),只有短波广播节目可以使用双边带调幅方式(AM)。因此,国内外使用的短波电台都是单边带电台。 短波的基本传播途径有两个:一个是地波,一个是天波。 如前所述,地波沿地球 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面传播,其传播距离取决于地表介质特性。海面介质的电导特性对于电波传播 58 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 最为有利,短波地波信号可以沿海面传播1000公里左右;陆地表面介质电导特性差,对电波衰耗大,而且不同的陆地表面介质对电波的衰耗程度不一样(潮湿土壤地面衰耗小,干燥沙石地面衰耗大)。短波信号沿地面最多只能传播几十公里。地波传播不需要经常改变工作频率,但要考虑障碍物的阻挡,这与天波传播是不同的。 短波的主要传播途径是天波。短波信 号由天线发出后,经电离层反射回地面,又由地面反射回电离层,可以反射多次,因而传播距离很远(几百至上万公里),而且不受地面障碍物阻挡。但天波是很不 稳定的。 多径效应、电离层衰落等因素,都会造成信号的弱化在天波传播过程中,路径衰耗、时间延迟、大气噪声、 和畸变,影响短波通信的效果。 电离层的浓度对工作频率的影响很大,浓度高时反射的频率高,浓度低时反射的频率低。电离的浓度以单位体积的自由电子数(即电密度)来表示。 电离层的高度和浓度一方面随地区、季节、时间、太阳黑子活动等自然因素的变化而变化;另一方面也受到地面核试验、高空核试验以及大功率雷达等人为因素影响而变化,这决定了短波通信的频率也必须随之改变。一般在太阳活动性大的一年采用波段中的长波通信,在太阳活动性小的一年采用波段中的短波 1282. Vessels in port may use __B____ for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season([1320] 台风季节,船舶可用()接收台风警报 A(Their transmitters 发射机B(Their receivers 接收机C(Their radars 雷达D(Their lorans 劳兰 1285. When should the emergency position-indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning an OSV(on sinking vessel) ___A_____( 从一艘正在沉没的船上弃船后,何时应启动无线电应急示位标() A(Immediately 立即B(After one hour 一小时后C(Only when another vessel is in sight 仅当看到另一条船时D(Only after sunset 仅当日落后 1299. ___A___ is an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous Digital Selective Calling is available( ()是指在至少一个甚高频岸台的无线电话覆盖范围之内,可以使用连续的DSC报警的区域; A(Sea Area A1 B(Sea Area A2 C(Sea Area A3 D(Sea Area A4 GMDSS船舶的设备配备要求,原则上由船舶的航行海区来确定。GMDDS的区域划分如下: A1海区——在至少一个甚高频岸台的无线电话覆盖范围之内,可以使用连续的DSC报警的区域; A2海区——在至少一个中频岸台的无线电话覆盖范围之内,可以使用连续的DSC报警的区域,但不包括A1海区; A3海区——在国际海事卫星静止卫星的覆盖范围之内,可以使用连续的DSC报警的区域,但不包括A1海区和A2海区; A4海区——A1、A2、和A3海区以外的区域。 在所有的航行海区中,若船舶发生紧急情况,要求使用连续的DSC报警。 1300. ___D___ is not required by bridge-to-bridge communications( 驾驶台对驾驶台通信系统中,下列哪一项不是必需的() A(VHF B(SART C(NAVTEX D(LES 1301. __A____ operates at a transfer rate of up to 9600 bits per second and is telephone,telex and facsimile(fax)capable( 59 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 下列哪一类系统的发射频率为每秒9600比特,且用电话、电传及传真均可() A(INMARSAT A B(INMARSAT C C(SafetyNET D(NAVTEX International Maritime Satellite Inmarsat 系统由船站、岸站、网络协调站和卫星组成。下面简要介绍各部分的工作特点: 1( 卫星 分布在大西洋、印度洋和太平洋上空的3颗卫星覆盖了几乎整个地球,并使三大洋的任何点都能接入卫星,岸站的工作仰角在5?以上。 2( 岸站 岸站(CES)是指设在海岸附近的地球站,归各国主管部门所有,并归它们经营。它既是卫星系统与地面系统的接口,又是一个控制和接入中心。其主要功能为:(1)对从船舶或陆地上来的呼叫分配和建立信道;(2)信道状态(空闲、正在受理申请、占线等)的监视和排队的管理;(3)船舶识别码的编排和核对;(4)登记呼叫,产生计费信息;(5)遇难信息监收;(6)卫星转发器频率偏差的补偿;(7)通过卫星的自环测试;(8)在多岸站运行时的网络控制功能;(9)对船舶终端进行基本测试;每一海域至少有一个岸站具备这种功能。典型的CES抛物面天线直径为11,14m。 3( 网路协调站 网路协调站(NCS)是整个系统的一个组成部分。每一个海域设一个网路协调站,它也是双频段工作。 4( 船站 船站(SES)是设在船上的地球站。在海事卫星系统中它必须满足:(1)船站天线满足稳定度的要求,它必须排除船身移位以及船身的侧滚、纵滚和偏航的影响而跟踪卫星;(2)船站必须设计的小而轻,使其不至于影响船的稳定性,同时又要设计的有足够带宽,能提供各种通信业务。 5( 系统工作 分类 在Inmarsat 系统中基本信道类型可分为:电话、电报、呼叫申请(船至岸)和呼叫分配(岸至船)。Inmarsat 系统规定在船站与卫星之间采用L频段,岸站与卫星采用双重频段,数字信道采用L频段,FM信道采用C频段,因此对于C频段来说,船站至卫星的L频段信号必须在卫星上变频为C频段信号再转发至岸站,反之亦然。 Inmarsat 业务的发展如下表所示。其中移动性更强的Inmarsat -C以及M的开发是借助于该组发射Inmarsat -3卫星的结果,Inmarsat -A/B相当于衣箱大小,而Inmarsat -C/D相当于公文包大小。 1302. At sea,all required GMDSS equipment(other than survival craft equipment)must be proven operational by ___B___([1625] 在海上时,所有按要求配备的GMDSS设备(救助艇上的设备除外)应通过()来证明其处于可用状态。 A(daily testing 每日测试 B(either A or C A和C对 C(operational use of the equipment 对设备的操作使用 D(testing at least every 48 hours 至少每48小时测试一次 1303. Each satellite broadcasts ___D___ traffic on a designated channel( 60 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 每个卫星都在指定的频道上广播() A(LES B(ESA-equalized side lobe antenna 均衡旁瓣天线 C(NCS 网络协调(控制)站(模拟器) D(EGC –enhanced group call强化群呼(GMDSS系统用语) 1304. For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port ___C_____( 按GMDSS规定要求,什么时候按规定应强制要求配备GMDSS设备的船舶不允许离港() A(When the vessel is in an overloaded condition 超载 B(When the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenance 当船舶已经安排好了设备的代用品及岸基维修 C(When the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or logged 当船舶更换了按规定应配备的GMDSS 设备,但未经检验或登记 D(When the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functions 当船舶仅配备了两名操作员,且他们能胜 任所有设备的操作 1305. How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board ___D_____([596] GMDSS电台日记应在船保留多久() A(At least two years after the last entry 最后一次填写后最少两年 B(At least one year after the last entry最后一次填写后最少一年 C(At least 90 days after the last entry最后一次填写后最少90天 D(At least 30 days after the last entry最后一次填写后最少30天 1306. If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message,what happens ___C_____( 如果GMDSS操作员启动了遇险信号发射,但没有输入信息,会发生什么情况() A(The transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the operator 发射中断,并发出声响提操作者示应输入数据 B(The transmission is not initiated and“ERROR”is indicated on the display readout 不会发射,且在面板上会出现“错误”的提示 C(The transmission will be made with“default”information providedautomatically 会自动发送内存的“格式化”信息 D(The receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary information 接收台站会对翻查遇险船DSC设备并从中下载必要的信息 1307. Reliable delivery of messages is ensured by ___A___ techniques( 通过()技术,可保证信息传输的可靠性 A(forward error correction 前置误差改正B(aftward error correction 后置误差改正 61 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 C(DGPS 差分GPSD(error-free and low error reception 无误差或小误差接收法 1308. The ___D___ provides the link between the Space Segment and the land-based National/International fixed communications networks( ()为空间部分与地面上各国内或国际间的固定台站之间提供了联系的方法 A(VHF B(SART 搜救应答器C(NAVTEX 航行警告D(LES 岸站 1309. The Consol navigation system,used in Russian and Northern European waters,can be used __C____( 使用于俄罗斯及北欧水域的Consol导航系统,可以使用() A(For precise navigation in coastal waters 在沿海水域的精确导航 B(By measuring the phase difference of the dots and dashes C(As an aid to ocean navigation 做为大洋航行的导航 D(If the vessel is fitted with a special Consol receiver 如果船舶装有一个特殊的 Consol导航系统接收机 The Lorenz beam blind landing system was an air radio navigation system in use from the latter 1930s. Early in the war it was further developed to be used for long-range navigation under the German name Sonne. The British captured Sonne receivers and maps and started to use it for their own navigation under the name Consol. 1310. The data travels from the ___D___ to the INMARSAT Network Coordination Station(NCS)and then down to the SES's on ships at sea( 数据是通过()传输到INMARSAT协调台后再转发到船上的SES船站 A(VHF B(SART C(NAVTEX D(LES INMARSAT系统组成 M岸站(LES)卫星(空间段)船站(SES)网络协调站(NCS)网络控制中心(NCC)' 1311. What are the vessel equipment and personnel requirements for GMDSS ___D_____( 下列哪一项是对船舶GMDSS设备配备及操作人员的要求() A(Two licensed GMDSS radio operators 两个GMDSS无线电操作员 B(Equipment carriage requirements 对配备相应设备的要求 C(Distress alerting and response 遇险报警及反应 D(All of the above 以上全是 1312. What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received ____B____( 当收到DSC遇险报警时,GMDSS操作员应采取什么行动() A(No action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequency 不需采取行动,因为DSC控制装置会自动 转换到窄带通信频率 B(The operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone 62 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received 收到遇险信号的人员应立即在接收到该遇险报警的频道或频率上保持守听 C(The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70收到遇 险信号的人员应立即在CH70上保持守听 D(The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received 收到遇险信号的人员应立即在接收到该遇险报警的频道或频率有关的窄带上保持守听 1313. What is the most appropriate action for a GMDSS radio operator to take in a distress situation where immediate help is needed,but the vessel is not sinking nor needs to be abandoned ____B____( 当船舶需要紧急援助,但不会沉没或不需弃船时, GMDSS操作员应采取什么行动() A(Switch off EPIRB and SART manually 手动关闭EPIRB和SART B(Transmit distress call by MF/HF,VHF or INMARSAT 用MF/HF,VHF 或 INMARSAT 发送遇险呼叫 C(Notify the RCC(Rescue Coordination Center)through VHF FM on channel 13 通 过VHF FM CH13 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 搜救协调中心 D(Transmit distress call by activating the radiotelegraph automatic alarm signal 用 无线电报自动报警信号发送遇险呼叫 1314. What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment ___B_____([1416] 关于如何设置及操作船上的GMDSS设备,操作员应查阅什么书() A(ITU Publications 国际电信联盟的出版物 B(The manufacturers instruction manuals 制造商的使用手册 C(Part 90 of the FCC Rules and Regulations Federal Communications Commission (美 国)联邦电信委员会的规则第90条 D(Code of Federal Regulations,Title 47,Part 80,Subpart W 联邦法规第47节第90条第W款 1315. When the GMDSS Radio Operator on watch hears“SECURITE”spoken three times he can expect to receive a message concerning ___A___( 当GMDSS操作员收到“SECURITE”连说三遍时,他估计会收到什么样的信息() A(The safety of navigation or important meteorological warnings 有关航行安全或天 气警告方面的 B(The safety of a vessel or a person is in jeopardy 有关某船的安全或或该船上人员有 生命危险的 C(A vessel in need of immediate assistance 某船需要紧急援助 D(A coast station traffic list 岸台名录 1316. Where should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship ___C_____([1542] 63 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 船上的GMDSS无线电台日志应存在什么地方() A(In the Captain's office 船长办公室B(In the sea cabin 船员房间 C(At the GMDSS operating position GMDSS操作处所D(Anywhere on board the vessel 船上任何地方 1317. Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert __D______([1550] 当收到GMDSS遇险报警时,应采取什么行动() A(Read the display screen and/or printout 查看显示屏和/或打印结果B(Silence the alarm 关掉报警 C(Listen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequency 在 相应的频道守听随后的电话或电传 D(All of the above 以上全是 1319. Which device provides the main means in the GMDSS for locating ships in distress or their survival craft ____B____([1570] GMDSS中,下列哪一种设备用于确定遇险船舶或其救生艇的位置() A(Radio direction finder 无线电测向仪 B(Satellite EPIRBs 应急无线电定位仪 C(MF/HF DSC D(VHF homing deviceVHF自动导引设备 1320. Which frequencies and modes are allocated for distress alerting in GMDSS ___D_____( 在GMDSS系统中,分配给遇险报警的频率或模式是() A(406 MHz via EPIRB B(1626.5-1645.5 via INMARSAT C(Channel 70 DSC plus six(6)MF/HF DSC frequencies D(All of the above 1321. Which maintenance functions can a GMDSS Radio Operator perform ___B_____( 作为GMDSS操作员,应能完成如下哪一种维修保养工作() A(The Operator can make fine internal adjustments to the transmitter as long as the output power does not change by more than one percent 只要输出功率的变化不超过 百分之一,则操作员应能做好发射机的微调 B(The Operator is responsible for ensuring that INMARSAT antennas are free of built-up soot and clear of obstacles 操作员应确保INMARSAT天线上没有被烟灰遮盖, 并没有被其他障碍物遮挡 C(All levels of maintenance must be performed by a licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer 所有的维修工作均应由持证GMDSS无线电维修员进行 64 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 D(The Operator may install an EPROM in order to ensure that the equipment continues to operate within legal constraints 操作员应放入一个可擦可编程只读存储器 来确保设备的运行能符合规定要求 1322. Which message categories cannot be disabled by the GMDSS radio operator ____D____([1599] 收到的下列各项信息中,哪一项操作员可以取消() A(Navigational Warnings 航行警告B(Meteorological Warnings 天气警告C(Search and Rescue Information 搜救信息D(All of the above 以上全是 1323.Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE ___C_____( 下列有关GMDSS操作员的各项要求,其中哪一项是错误的() A(Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at sea 在海上航行时,所有按规定需配备该系统的船舶均应 配备至少两个操作员 B(Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as well在海上航 行时,所有按规定需配备该系统的船舶均应配备至少两个操作员,也可自行决定是否配备一 名维修员 C(Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communications 只要按规定需配 备该系统的船舶没有涉及到有关海上人命安全的通信,则有关这方面的通信无需记入无线电 电台日志 D(While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer 在海上时,只要处于船上的维修员的监督之 下,则有关GMDSS设备的调整、维修可由操作员进行 1324. Which statement concerning locating signals in the GMDSS is FALSE ____A____([1644] 下列有关GMDSS定位信号的说法哪一句是错误的() A(Locating signals are transmitted by survival craft VHF transceivers 定位信号由救 生艇上的收发机发射 B(Locating signals are transmitted by SARTs定位信号由雷达反射器发射 C(Locating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distressed vessel or its survivors 定位信号用于帮助发现遇险船舶及其幸存者的位置 D(Locating signals are not transmitted by autoalarm generators 定位信号不是由自 动报警器发射的 1325. Which statement concerning reserve sources of energy for GMDSS is FALSE 65 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 ____B____( 下列有GMDSS设备省电方式的说法哪一句错误() A(While the ship is at sea,there must be available at all times a supply of electrical energy sufficient to operate the radio installations and to charge any batteries used as part of a reserve source of energy 当航行时,任何时候均应提供足以提供全部设备操作及设备中的各种电池充电用的电源 B(Both the VHF and MF/HF installations must be simultaneously supplied 应同时为 VHF和MF/HF提供电源 C(A means of ensuring a continuous supply of electrical power must be provided to all GMDSS equipment that could be affected by an interruption in power 如供 GMDSS运行的电源会受到其他外部设备的干扰,应提供一套能供全部GMDSS设备运行的 电源设备 D(If a UPS or equivalent is used to supply power to the ship's GPS receiver or other source of positional information,a means must be provided to ensure the continuous supply of the information in the event of a failure to the ship's main or emergency source of power 如果不断电系统或其他相似设备用于为GPS接收机或其他定位系统供电,则应有备用电源, 以便当船上的主电源故障时,能使船舶正常定位 1326. Which statement concerning satellite EPIRBs is TRUE ___A_____( 下列有关EPIRB的说法哪一句正确() A(Once activated,these EPIRBs continuously send up a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon 一旦启动,这些EPIRB就连 续发送信号,用于识别和定位 B(The coded signal identifies the nature of the distress situation 以码语识别船舶遇险的性质 C(The coded signal only identifies the vessel's name and port of registry以码语识别 船名和船籍港 D(If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB,it will transmit default information such as the follow-on后继 communications frequency and mode如操作 员没有对EPIRB进行编程,它会自动发送默认的信息 1327.Which statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS ___D_____( 根据GMDSS的有关要求,下列关于GMDSS设备的维修要求哪一句正确() A(Redundancy多余物 of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement一些设备的附加功能应部分符合这些要求 B(On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS maintainer's license will partially meet the requirements 在船上进行的由持证维修员进行的维修工作 应部分符合要求 C(Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet 66 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 this requirement 由岸上维修人员进行的及按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进行的测试及检查应部分符合要求 D(All of the above 以上全是 1328. Which statement is TRUE ____C____([1666] A(GMDSS radio logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected to radio communication service which appear to be of importance to the safety of life at sea GMDSS无线电日志应记录所有看起来与海上人命安全事项有关的无线电通信 B(All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS radio log( 所有遇险 通信均应记录在GMDSS无线电日志中 C(Both of the above 上面都对 D(None of the above 上面都错 1329. Which statement is TRUE ___D_____([1667] 下列说法哪一句正确() A(Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS radio logbooks under any circumstance 任何情况下都不应使用首字母或简写语记录GMDSS无线电日志 B(Urgent communications do not need to be entered in the GMDSS radio log 有关 紧急通信方面的事项不要记录在GMDSS无线电日志中 C(Both of the above 以上都对 D(None of the above 以上都错 1330. You are signing on a deck officer,who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators,before sailing foreign(Which statement is TRUE ___A_____( 你正为一个将被任命为远洋GMDSS操作员的驾驶员签发证书,下列说法哪一句正确() A(He/she must have an STCW certificate endorsed as“Valid for Service on Vessels Operating in the GMDSS System”他/她应持有一张根据STCW公约签发的注有“适用于 在船上操作GMDSS系统”的证书 B(He/she must present either an FCC-issued license or a Coast Guard-issued license 他/她应出示一张由美国无线电电信联盟或海岸警卫队签发的证书 C(You must consult the“List of Qualifications”on the reverse of his/her FCC-issued license 应根据美国无线电电信联盟签发的证书反查“资格证书清单” D(His/her Merchant Mariners Document must have an added endorsement as “Radio Electronics Officer” 他/她的商船海员证件应加上“无线电电子员”的签注 1331. The control of distress traffic is the responsibility of __D___( 由谁负责遇险通信的控制协调工作() A(the owners 船东B(the charterers 租船人C(the shipper托运人D(the vessel in distress or of the station that relays the distress message 遇险船舶或负责转发遇险通 信的船舶 67 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 1341. How can the SART's audible tone monitor be used ____A____([588] 应如何使用雷达应答器的声响警报监控器() A(It informs survivors that assistance may be nearby 该监控器可提醒幸存者援助人员就在附近 B(It informs survivors when the battery's charge condition has weakened 当蓄电池电力不足时会提醒幸存者 C(It informs survivors when the SART switches to the standby mode 当把应答器开关打到standby时会提醒幸存者 D(It informs survivors that a nearby vessel is signaling on DSC 当附近有他船使用DSC发送信号时会提醒幸存者 1342. How can vessel personnel detect the operation of a SART in its vicinity ___A_____( 船舶如何控测附近有应答器工作 A(A unique radar signal consisting of a blip (在雷达屏幕显示出的)物体光点 code radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearing 雷达屏幕上由应答器位置起顺着应答器方位发出的独特的光点回波 B(A unique two tone“warbling颤音”signal heard on VHF-FM ch-70 在VHF-FM ch-70可听到的双声调的“warbling”信号 C(A unique two tone alarm signal heard upon the automatic unmuting of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic receiver 在2182 kHz频率上可听到独特的双音调的无法使之静音的报警信号 D(The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on the SART 应答器的回波忽稳忽现,就象涌浪在摇动应答器一样 1561. How can a SART's effective range be maximized _____B___([587] 如何要以使应答器的有效作用距离达到最大() A(The SART should be placed in water immediately upon activation 一旦启动应答器,应立即放入水中 B(The SART should be held as high as possible 应把应答器举得越高越好 C(Switch the SART into the“high”power position 把应答器开关转换到“high高”的电源位置 D(If possible,the SART should be mounted horizontally so that its signal matches that of the searching radar signal 如有可能,应把应答器水平安装,以便与搜救雷达的信号相匹配 1582. Under the International Code of Signals how are geographical locations such as New York City transmitted ___B_____([1301] 根据国际无线电规则,如何拼写发送象“New York City”这样的地理名词 A(A commonly used abbreviation such as NYC is used 一船使用简写语“NYC” B(The name is spelled out 全拼 C(The geographical coordinates are used 使用地理坐标 68 湖 北 交 通 职 业 技 术 学 院 D(The radio station call sign for the nearest marine radio station is used 使用最近 的海岸电台的识别呼号 丙类三副47期84. The satellite systems of GMDSS comprise __B____. GMDSS的卫星系统包括()。 A. NAVTEX, COSPAS/SARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-system B. Inmarsat, COSPAS/SARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-system C. NAVTEX, Inmarsat, EPIRBs and SART D. Inmarsat, Direct Printing Telegraphy, and DSC 69
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