首页 公共秩序管理制度1



公共秩序管理制度1公共秩序管理制度1 公共秩序管理制度 第一章 规章制度 一、中控值机员工作制度 二、车辆管理工作制度 第二章 岗位职责 一、中控值机员岗位职责 二、巡检员岗位职责 三、车辆管理员岗位职责 第三章 工作标准 一、中控值机员工作标准 二、巡检员工作标准 三、车辆管理员工作标准 第四章 工作流程 一、中控值机员工作流程 1、公检法机关因工作需要查看录像 2、在图像中发现从电梯将物品搬至地库上车 3、有人搬大件物品未办理搬物出门手续 4、楼层无人搬物而工梯仍悬挂保护毯 5、有人搬运大件物...

公共秩序 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 1 公共秩序管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 第一章 规章制度 一、中控值机员工作制度 二、车辆管理工作制度 第二章 岗位职责 一、中控值机员岗位职责 二、巡检员岗位职责 三、车辆管理员岗位职责 第三章 工作标准 一、中控值机员工作标准 二、巡检员工作标准 三、车辆管理员工作标准 第四章 工作流程 一、中控值机员工作流程 1、公检法机关因工作需要查看录像 2、在图像中发现从电梯将物品搬至地库上车 3、有人搬大件物品未办理搬物出门手续 4、楼层无人搬物而工梯仍悬挂保护毯 5、有人搬运大件物品走客梯或走工梯未悬挂保护毯 6、发现图像不清晰、监视点偏移、无图像等现象 7、电梯困人 8、可视电话损坏,有访客、业主回家 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 9、施工单位开动火证 10、业主报告家中物品被窃 11、进行烟感、温感、手报测试时 12、有人询问他人情况(该室电话、有无车位等) 13、发现可疑人员破坏车辆 14、遇全园停电(包括外部线路频闪) 15、送水(餐)人员未带证件 16、咨询办理暂住证需要何种手续 17、接到保安员报告有人员入楼,劝阻无效 18、接到火灾报警,与巡检联系不上 19、接到服务质量投诉 20、发现保安员、车管员违反工作纪律 21、咨询办理磁卡需要何种手续 22、接待公、检、法机关办案人员 23、接到保安员报车辆被刮、撞伤 24、业主要求查看录像 25、园内如遇火灾报警 26、业主(租户)需要搬物出门 二、巡检员工作流程 1、打架斗殴的处理 2、盗窃的处理 3、抢劫的处理 4、对醉酒滋事或精神病人的处理 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 5、遇到不执行规定,不听劝阻的人的处置 6、尾随的处理方法 7、邻里纠纷的处置方法 8、巡视中发现业主未锁门的处理 9、遇有业主要求帮助的处理 10、发死亡的处理 11、消防报警查不出问题的处理 12、巡视中发现阳台储物过多的处理 13、新闻单位来园内进行不良采访的处理十四、业主出言不逊动 手打人的处理 14、巡视中发现可疑人的处理 15、日常巡视工作规程 16、火灾应急处理程序 17、施工房间的巡视、检查 18、消防设备设施测试、检查 三、车辆管理员工作流程 1、遇到有人询问业主、住户有关情况 2、发现可疑人员破坏车辆 3、咨询车位 4、车场车辆出现擦伤、刮蹭的处理 5、地面车位已满 6、乱停乱放占车位的处理 7、车辆停放未入位的处理 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 8、持车辆入园小条的车辆出园时不交费的处理 9、发现停车场内停放车辆未关车门、车窗的处理 10、施工人员、垃圾清运、送装材料末按规定时间要求进园的处理 11、熟知停车场收费标准及收费办法 中控值机员工作制度 一、使用 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 1、消防中心管理规定: 1)无关人员严禁入内,一般情况下中控室应闭门、上锁。除本部门主管和公司领导检查工作可以进入外,其余非中控室人员进出中控室必须登记。 2)值班员严禁使用明火,不准将引火器具带入中控室。室内严禁吸烟,因设备维修用明火时,须报部门经理批准。消防中控室严禁会客。 3)值班人员应严格做好保密工作。严禁随意调整监视画面,有客人办理有关事项时,应注意尽量避免让其窥视。严禁将值班中办理或查验的图象及问题向外传播。查看录象必须经部门经理批准。 4)当值人员应密切注意消防控制屏及监控画面,发现报警信号或可疑情况时,及时按规定程序妥善处理。 5)值班人员应每天对中控室仪器和设备进行擦拭,一旦发现设备出现故障,应及时维修并及时呈报部门主管,凡当日交接班前设备故障不能排除的应报部门经理。 6)保持室内卫生整洁,除值班人员的喝水杯子、暖瓶及办公用品外,其余物品严禁放置。值班员下班前必须搞好室内卫生方可交班。 7)严禁上岗时睡觉、上网、玩游戏、电话聊天或进行与工作。 8)消防中控室电话属专用报警联系电话,任何人不得占用,影响消防联络。 2、监控系统管理规定: 1)控系统主屏对重点部位实施 24小时监控并自动录像,严禁关闭主机。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 2)监控过程中不得随意操作。如果发现可疑情况应严格按程 序操作,并详细记录(何时、何地、发生何事或何事可疑),同时通 知巡检员前往处置。 3)注意监控各受监控点,发现探头被挪动方向应立即通知巡 检予以纠正。 4)爱护监控设备,发现故障立即上报。人为损坏由当事人照 价赔偿。 二、保密 1、不得私自操作系统用于监控自己感兴趣的目标或刺探业主隐私。 2、不得与无关人员谈及监控到的任何事物。 3、非保安部内保人员不得出入监控室(工程人员维修设备除外)。 4、办理证件时注意不要让办证人将头探入室内进行窥探。 三、审查 1、严禁私自查阅监控系统录像,或提供给任何人查阅,确需查阅必须经部门经理同意。 2、公检法机关因工作需要查阅,必须出具介绍信并出示工作证,由当班人员将来人的工作证编号、单位、姓名登记于介绍信背后,经请示经理后方可提供相应图像并进行操作。 3、任何情况下查看监控内容,都要将查阅内容的时间、部位及简要情况进行记录,并交由部门存档备案。 四、交班 1、接班人员提前 10 分钟到达岗位,交班人员做好交班前的各in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 项准备工作,详细填写交接班记录,向接班人交代待处理问题,移交物品、工具等。 2、接班人员认真查看上一班的运行记录,并听取上一班人员口述设备运行的情况及遗留问题。 3、接班人员检查室内设备是否完好,器材物品是否齐全,如有问题,应做好记录向上级主管汇报。 4、交班人员要在交班前将室内卫生做好。 5、接班人员如未到岗,交班人员不得离岗。 6、交接班人员不迟到、不早退,交班后迅速离开工作岗位,不得影响他人工作。 7、值班日志要保持清洁、完好,填写记录字迹要清楚,不准在上面乱写乱画,接班人员遇有此情况时可拒绝签字,并向上级主管汇报。 车辆管理员工作制度 一、地库停车场工作规定 1、没有地库车证的车辆严禁驶入地库。 2、有证车辆进入地库要记录时间、车位号、车号,发现车辆有损伤in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 要做好记录并及时通知车主。 3、发现车辆未按登记车位号停车要及时通知车主。 4、车辆没有小证一律禁止出库(没有保安部批示不能私自放行);如车证丢失或忘带必须记录身份证号码,姓名,地址,或驾驶证号码及姓名。 5、对于早、中、晚进库车辆分别用“早上好、中午好、晚上好”对于公司领导的称呼“姓+职位+早上好、中午好、晚上好”。 二、地面停车场工作规定 1、持有车证的车辆进园时首先查看大证号码,按号码发送相应的《小证卡》,然后详细记录时间、车号、车位号、是否发证。 2、对临时证车辆进入园区,要进行出入凭证登记,记录车号、临时证号、时间,并把凭证付卷交给司机,车辆出园时收回,并按车辆滞留时间收取临时停车费。 3、出租车、邮递车可直接进园,警车进园时,要问清原因,记录进入时间、原因、访问房间并及时通知保安部。 4、对于接送人及来访的无证车辆要开临时停车证,详细记录时间、车号、房间,并告知车主车辆不能久停。 5、给物业管理处送物品的车辆按临时停车处理。 6、对于无车证、无事由、无访问对象又无理取闹者应及时报告保安部,不激化矛盾。要说:“您好~先生/女士您的车辆未办理车证,按照公司规定不能进入园区。” 7、无小证车辆和无出入凭证车辆严禁驶出园区。如车证丢失或忘带必须记录身份证号码,姓名,地址或驾驶证号码及姓名。 8、发现车辆有损伤要详细记录并及时通知车主、保安部。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 中控值机员岗位职责 一、熟悉消防法规,掌握各种消防设备、监控设备的操作方法,熟练 掌握各种紧急情况的应急处理方法,认真做好中控室消防、监控工作; 二、熟知园区的整体布局和各部位名称,全面观察和掌握各区域治安 动态,发现问题正确分析,果断决定,及时报告并与有关岗位取得联 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 系,不得贻误; 三、详细记录每次报警的时间、地点、人员姓名和处理结果及当班情况,做好交接班工作; 四、严格审查办理《动火证》及《物品出入门条》; 五、爱护各种设备和器材,做好经常性地维护保养,保证设备正常运行。监控设备出现故障,需及时通知、上报,由专业人员修理,执机人员不得私自修理; 六、熟知火灾应急行动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,并按规定程序做好紧急情况下的上报下传工作; 七、负责接受白天和夜间业主的投诉,并及时通知有关专业组进行处理,积极主动为业主(住户)排扰解困,业主(住户)反映的有关问题要主动及时向有关领导和部门反映,争取尽早解决; 八、做好资料保管和保密工作,无关人员不准进入监控室,不准向无关人员谈及监控室的运作情况和值班情况; 九、完成上级领导交办的其它工作; 十、中控值机员必须持证上岗。 巡检员岗位职责 一、掌握消防知识和专业技能,熟知园内结构、重点部位、部门、负责人及消防设施设备的情况,牢记紧急情况处理方案。 二、检查园区各项安全制度的落实情况,发现不安全隐患,及时汇报、采取措施,消除隐患,防止各类治安刑事案件的发生。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 三、按照规定时间、路线进行检查巡视,不得擅自改变巡逻路线。对发现的问题隐患(如:闻到异味或听到可疑声响等)及时处理并详细登记。 四、加强对园区内各施工地点的巡视,制止违章,消除事故隐患,发现违反规定的施工单位及个人,依照《装修管理手册》进行处理。 五、检查消防设施设备、器材使用情况,发现故障和损坏,要及时报修、补充。检查消防通道是否畅通,制止乱堆乱放杂物。 六、负责检查监管园区内公共通道的垃圾及物品的堆放情况。 七、在巡逻中注意观察来往人员的情况及其携带物品,发现可疑情况,应立即做好监视、采取有效措施,并及时上报部门主管。 八、督促检查安检员、保安员岗上工作,纠正违纪现象,认真填写值勤记录。维护园区内交通秩序,制止乱停乱放,发现交通堵塞立即疏导,使车道保持畅通。 车辆管理员岗位职责 一、熟悉园内车位分布状况,随时掌握车位空置情况。 二、遵守停车场有关制度,根据相关规定收取停车费用。 三、协助保安员处理各种车辆问题和对进园车辆及时发放计时票据。 四、不定时对园内车位进行巡视,及时清理、纠正占用车位及非车位in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 停车的现象。 五、定期检查每辆车的车况,发现问题详细记录时间、车号、损伤部位,及时报告保安部。 六、认真做好交接班工作详细记录值班情况和车辆状况,交接班中发生的问题,以交班人为主,遇有特殊情况向部门主管汇报,并做好记录。 七、认真完成好部门交给的各项工作,努力钻研业务,积极提出合理化建议。 八、维护公司的形象和利益,遵守公司的各项规章制度。 中控值机员工作标准 一、中控值机员均持证上岗,熟悉本岗位相关业务。 二、中控值机员实行“四班三运转”24 小时值班制度,在任何情况下监控中心至少有一名当值人员。 三、当值人员要职守尽职,无脱岗现象。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 四、时刻保证消防系统运行良好,可随时起用,落实各项消防安全管理制度。 五、一旦发现设备出现故障,应及时通知有关部门进行维修,并报部门领导。 六、熟记公司、项目有关领导姓名及联络方式。 七、接待客户应一视同仁,使用文明用语。 八、接班提前 15 分钟到岗,按公司规定着装。在岗期间严禁从事喝酒、赌博、吸烟、使用明火、嬉笑、追逐打闹、吃东西、看书 报、聊天等无关事宜。 九、交班人员应主动介绍(询问)当班(前几班)情况,交待 遗留问题及处理意见。 十、爱护设施、设备,保持室内卫生。白班中控员负责中控室物品摆放整理;夜间中控员负责对中控室除设备之外的地方全面清整。定期通知工程部人员对室内设备进行全面清扫、擦拭和检修。 十一、报警电话未经批准不得外借,严禁打私人电话,接听电话应简明扼要。接听电话要详细登记。 十二、认真执行保安部各项规章制度,严禁无关人员进入中控 室,非执机人员严禁动用监控设备。严禁利用监控设备,做与工作无关的事情。 十三、不让办证人员将头探入窗内窥探。 十四、遇有上级或其他单位参观监控室,必须经安保部主管级以上(含主管)人员批准并指派专人陪同。 十五、保安部及项目管理处规定的其它工作标准。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 巡检员工作标准 一、按规定的路线和间隔时间执行巡逻任务,并做好每次巡逻的工作 记录。 二、发现可疑的人、事、物,要严密监控,及时报告,迅速查明情况, 件件有结果,事事有记录。 三、夜间巡逻注意访客情况,及时关上应该关闭的门、窗、水、电、 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 气开关。 四、做好交接班工作,交接清楚,并有记录。 五、按规定巡视施工房间,对装修过程严格监管,对违规行为及时制止。 六、及时消除园区火灾隐患,督促各用户与本部门签订消防责任书。 七、熟知各种消防器械的使用方法和技巧。定期检查消防器材及消防设备的完好情况。 八、处理问题要头脑冷静、有理有序、不激化矛盾、不扩大事态、不打人骂人,时刻牢记为业主服务的宗旨。 九、积极参加项目处组织的各种消防普及和演习活动。 十、定期巡视公共区域的出入口,确保消防通道的畅通。 十一、协助保安员维护园区的公共秩序及地面车辆停放。 车辆管理员工作标准 一、遵守园区车场管理规定,维护停车场的车辆安全,保证通道畅通。 二、值勤中严禁串岗、脱岗、睡觉、看书报,严禁做与工作无关的事情。 三、值班中做到“四勤”(眼勤、耳勤、嘴勤、腿勤),主动接送车证,做到人等车,不要车等人。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 四、值勤中严格保密制度,严禁向无关人员泄露车场内的任何情况。要坚持认证不认人。不准将熟人、朋友带入车场。 五、车管员在巡逻时应对停放车辆、磁卡门、及公共设施、设备认真检查,发现可疑情况要立即做好记录,并及时通知保安部。 六、接班员必须按规定时间提前十分钟到达工作岗位,由交班人负责详述上班情况,交待好遗留问题,做好交接班记录。 七、车辆出入必须严格执行收发卡制度,进场发卡,出场收卡,出入卡不能丢失,如遇丢失及时上报保安部。 八、车管员有事必须提前请假。无故不上班,一律按旷工处理。 九、保安部或项目管理处规定的其它岗位标准。 中控值机员工作流程 一、公检法机关因工作需要查看录像 1、查验来人工作证,收取介绍信,并在介绍信背后登记工作证有关内容(姓名、职务、警衔、警号)。 2、上报部门领导,经部门领导同意后方可协助。 3、如果来人手续不完备(无介绍信或工作证),可向管片民警请in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 示是否协助调查,经管片民警同意后方可协助,并向部门领导汇报。 二、在图像中发现从电梯将物品搬至地库上车 首先确认是什么物品,如果搬出物品属于必须开具出门条物品范围,应立即与巡检员联系(如联系不上,立即通知地库车管员),让其立即赶到现场,劝其开具出门条。 三、有人搬大件物品未办理搬物出门手续 1、立即电话询问楼座保安员,查问搬出物品是否有出门条。 2、对无出门条的,通知巡检前往阻止,劝说其到相关部门办理出门条手续。 四、楼层无人搬物而工梯仍悬挂保护毯 1、询问保安员确定无人搬物后,通知巡检员前往摘下。 2、如在屏中发现大堂有保洁员,可通知保安员,让保洁员摘下。 五、有人搬运大件物品走客梯或走工梯未悬挂保护毯 1、如发现乘坐客梯搬运物品,中控员首先应利用电梯对讲系统 礼貌进行劝阻,告知其客梯禁止搬运大件物品,如劝阻无效,可将 该客梯停止运行并立即通知巡检员到现场进行劝阻。 2、如发现乘工程电梯搬运大件物品未悬挂保护毯。中控员应马 上通知楼座保安员或保洁员,将工程电梯悬挂保护毯。 3、第一时间无法与本楼座保安员或保洁员取得联系的,应即刻 通知巡检员由其负责悬挂保护毯。 六、发现图像不清晰、监视点偏移、无图像等现象 1、电话通知物业部,并在值班登记本上认真记录接电人、事项、时间。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 2、可填写维修单,送工程部,须让接单人在第一联上签收后带回备案。 3、当日下班前不能完成维修的,报部门主管、经理。 七、电梯困人 1、通过电梯对讲系统,安抚被困人员不要惊慌,说明维修人员马上赶到。通话时声调自然、音量适中、注意礼貌。要询问被困人员健康状况,告诉被困人员不要试图扒开梯门自救。 2、以最快速度通知电梯维保及工程部人员,立即前往故障点解救被困人员,通知巡检员协助营救被困人员。 3、利用电梯对讲系统,随时与被困人员保持联系,及时了解电梯内情况,并随时安抚被困人员。 4、对一时营救有困难的,立即报告部门经理和项目主任。 5、故障排除后应将受困人基本情况、受困时间、故障原因、处理情况记录在交接班记录表上。 八、可视电话损坏,有访客、业主回家 1、中控员接到保安员报告后,请保安员转告访客,让其稍候,我们负责马上联系住户。 2、将来客姓名用电话报告给住户,征求是否同意接待的意见。 3、住户如不同意,让保安员转告来客:该住户家中无人,请其以后再来访。如业主同意接待,请速让巡检前往开门。 4、中控员接到保安员报告后,如无该住户的联系电话,立即将情况通报给巡检员,由巡检员处理。 5、可视电话损坏,应在楼岗处配备磁卡,并及时通报物业部维in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 修。 九、施工单位开动火证 1、查验施工人员的资质(有无电焊工证)。将资质证书号填写在动火证上,并督促施工单位务必在施工房间内配备足额的灭火器。 2、通知巡检到现场检查用火、用电安全。 3、在施工准许时间内开具动火证。待施工结束后将动火情况详细记录在案。 十、业主报告家中物品被窃 1、安抚业主不要着急,仔细记录业主报告内容(业主房间、发现时间、丢失物品等重要内容)。 2、立即报告部门领导,按部门领导指示协助业主报警。 3、通知巡检员保护作案现场,公安机关未来人之前,不许任何人触摸现场痕迹和移动现场物品。 4、保留重点部位录像,以备公安机关查巡。 十一、进行烟感、温感、手报测试时对每一次报警都要查看,发现报警地点不在测试区域立即通知巡检前往检查。 十二、有人询问他人情况(该室电话、是何单位、有无车位等)。遇他人询问业主的情况,中控员应回复询问人,该询问内容属业主私密,物业公司有为业主保密的义务。对不起,您询问的内容恕我不能奉告,如有问题请与物业部联系。 十三、发现可疑人员破坏车辆 1、立即报告巡检员及部门领导。利用监控设施仔细对可疑人员行踪进行监视。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 2、按部门领导指示通知保安队人员,协助巡检员将可疑人员带 回部门。 3、按部门领导指示报警。 4、协助公安机关调查取证。 十四、遇全园停电(包括外部线路频闪) 1、立即通知物业总值班。 2、通知工程部电工班。 3、报告巡检、部门主管。 4、来电后,立即重新启动电脑,并详细做好记录。 十五、送水(餐)人员未带证件 1、通知楼座保安员给该住户打可视电话,核实是否申请了该项服务。 2、经核实无误后,告知送水(餐)人员下次来园区送水(餐)需到保安部办理临时出入门证。 3、可视电话损坏,按上述第八条处理。 十六、咨询办理暂住证需要何种手续 1、公司员工办理暂住证: 方法一:员工持本公司开据的居住证明原件、本房屋房产证明复印件、租赁 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 复印件(租赁关系确实存在时)、员工本人身份证原件、一寸免冠照片 3张直接到辖区派出所办理即可。 方法二:1)员工持本公司开据的居住证明原件、身份证原件,到保安部开据《办理暂住证证明》。2)持居住证明原件和《办理暂住证证明》、一寸免冠照片 3 张、身份证原件,到辖区派出所办理即可。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 2、业主办理暂住证: 方法一:业主本人持房产证明复印件、身份证复印件、一寸免冠照片 3 张直接到辖区派出所办理即可。 方法二:1)先到物业部开据《居住证明》。2)业主持物业部开据的居住证明、身份证原件,到保安部开据《办理暂住证证明》。3)持保安部出据的《办理暂住证证明》、一寸免冠照片 3张身份证复印件,到辖区派出所办理即可。 十七、接到保安员报告有人员入楼,劝阻无效 1、立即通知巡检员或值班主管前往处理。 2、固定监视画面,掌握动态,随时将有关情况报部门领导。 十八、接到火灾报警,与巡检联系不上 1、(白天)应迅速将报警类型、地点、告知部门领导,由部门领导携带消防应急包(未配备应急包的需携带插孔电话)赶往报警地点查看。 2、(夜间)应迅速报告部门值班领导,由部门领导携带消防应急包(未配备应急包的需携带插孔电话)赶往报警地点查看,或通知夜间总值班,由夜间总值班派人前往查看。 3、执行消防紧急预案。 十九、接到服务质量投诉 1、中控员接到服务质量投诉,应耐心、细致的了解业主的基本情况(房间号、姓名),认真倾听业主的投诉内容并对投诉内容进行详细的记录。 2、态度诚恳并承诺,将情况立即报告领导进行处理,并给业主in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 一个满意的答复。 3、将业主投诉的内容上报部门领导。 二十、发现保安员、车管员违反工作纪律(与人聊天、超出工作区 域、吸烟等)。 中控员在值班时,发现保安员、车管员违反工作纪律,应迅速通知巡检员进行制止,并记录违纪人员姓名,向部门主管汇报,由部门主管对违纪人员进行处理。 二十一、咨询办理磁卡需要何种手续, 1、如果是租户,应持有与上述房间业主签定的租房合同、本人身份证明并经业主同意,到保安部办理,并做好相应记录。 2、业主办理应持本人身份证明,并做好相应记录。 二十二、接待公、检、法机关办案人员 1、首先应查验办案人员工作证,要求来人出具介绍信。 2、如果调查手续不完备,可向管片民警请示,是否要协助调查, 如何办理。 3、根据来人要求,协调有关部门配合。 4、工作完成后将有关情况记录在案。(查何人、何事、何房号、查哪些内容及结果)。 5、及时向有关领导汇报。 二十三、接到保安员报车辆被刮、撞伤 1、中控员应及时通知巡检员到现场进行查看,根据巡检员现场反馈信息,及时对有关情况进行记录。 2、及时向有关领导汇报。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 二十四、业主要求查看录像 1、了解业主查看录像的目的,告知业主监控录像属于业主私密, 只有公、检、法机关办案人员才可以查阅。 2、如果业主物品遗失或被盗,应积极协助业主报案,经公安机关介入后,由公安人员带领业主可以查阅。 3、特殊情况下,必须经保安部经理同意后,方可查阅。 二十五、园内如遇火灾报警 中控员接到消防设备或电话报火警后,应立即检查报警信号的真伪,经核查信号属实后严格按照“遇报警,联巡检,如确定,按断定,呼保安,找水电,启设备,开广播,报经理,全过程,详记录”程序操作。 1、“遇报警,联巡检”。遇到火灾报警,应立即将报警地点、接报方式报告给巡检员,要求前往报警地点查看。 2、“如确定,按断定”。接到巡检员确定火情后,迅速按下“火灾断定”键(切断着火地点电源)。 3、“呼保安,找水电”。打电话通知保安队灭火,并告知着火地点(楼座、区域、房间等);通知工程部水工、电工携带有关工具前往着火地点灭火;通知物业总值班。 4、“启设备,开广播”。根据着火地点,启动消防联动设备(消火栓泵、喷淋泵、加压风机、新风机、电梯归首层、空调、排烟风机、卷帘门)。开启消防广播,疏散受火灾威胁人员。 5、“报经理,全过程,详记录”。报告经理(保安部经理、项目主任、副总经理、工程部经理、物业部经理),并按照领导指示做好 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 有关工作。详细记录有关事项。 6、联动设备启动失败的处理:1)、迅速致电工程部,告之火灾报警地点、联动设备无法正常启动等情况;通知工程部水电工携带水电大通等有关工具尽快赶往着火地点,视火情大小,准备手动启动消防泵、正压风机等消防设备。2)、通知电梯维保工携带电梯钥匙迅速赶往火灾地点,准备手动将电梯归置首层。3)、通知巡检员三分钟内赶赴火灾现场。4)、通知客服部楼长及项目管理处相关领导。 二十六、业主(租户)需要搬物出门 凡是将物品搬运出小区时必须凭有效证明、证件到保安部门办理《搬物出门条》。 1、业主搬物出门 1)业主持本人有效证件(身份证、驾驶证、护照、户口薄)到保安部办理出门条,中控室值班人员在确认证件有效后,将申请人有效证件与业主资料进行核对无误,开据出门凭证。 2)请业主在《搬物出门条》上签字。 3)中控值班人员将搬出物品的房间号报告给外巡。 4)出门条第二联存档备案。 2、租户搬物出门 1)租户搬家 ?查看业主档案或值班记录看是否有业主同意租户放行条件的备案。 ?中控值班人员立即与客服部联系,让客服部派人到该房间查水、电、煤气表,并将查表读数单据转给财务,由财务确认费用金额,in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 通知租户到财务交清费用。 ?与业主本人联系,说明租户搬家及费用交纳情况,征得业主 同意。 ?如租户欠费业主同意搬家,并为其交纳欠费的,请业主将同意搬家、同意为其交纳欠费金额书写一份证明(如业主不在本地传真也可)。外巡接到后,即到客服部确认,确认有效后,按照“业主搬物出门”第一款办理。 ?将业主书写(传真)的证明及申请人的复印件、联络方式连同《搬物出门条》第二联的附件存档备案。 2)租户搬出单件物品 申请人持有效证件后,中控值班人员经确认有效,征得业主同意后,可按《业主搬物出门》2.3.4款办理。 3、业主委托人搬物出门 1)请业主写出书面委托(如业主不在本地发传真也可)委托书(传真)上写清委托人、被委托人姓名及搬出物品名称。 2)接到委托书(传真)后,外巡即到客服部确认,并将被委托人身份证复印件留存至客服部。确认有效后按“业主搬家出门”办理。 4、公司搬物出门 1)搬出小件物品,须持公司证明(证明上写清房间号和搬出物品名称)。 2)公司搬家:按“租户搬物出门”之“租户搬家”办理。 5、注意事项 1)业主口头或电话同意不视为确认。并告知业主(租户)先办in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 理出门条后再领车进入园区。 2)大件物品,必须用工程梯,并悬挂保护毯。 3)开具的出门条 12 小时内有效。 4)应开具出门条的物品包括:家具、家电、办公用品、设备、 各类较大工具、器具、行李箱及纸箱做包装的各类物品。不需要开具出门条的物品包括:日常生活用品、食品、纸(塑料)制品,各类背包及随身携带的物品等。 巡检员工作流程 一、打架斗殴的处理 1、通知保安队派人协助处理现场; 2、立即劝阻打斗,劝散围观群众,收缴打斗用凶器; 3、如有伤人或财产损失,立即报告公安机关; 4、双方如不听劝阻,事态可能继续扩大,难以控制,应采取强制措施; 5、如有受伤人员,组织人员送附近医院救治; 6、事件经过要详细记录、备案。 二、盗窃的处理 1、如发现盗窃分子正在作案,应立即组织人员当场抓获,连同证据(作案工具、脏物)送交公安机关处理,业主在场的要一起到公安机关报案、作证和配合公安机关处理,业主不在场的要立即设法通知; 2、发现盗窃现场,盗窃分子已逃离现场的,应积极组织人员对in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 现场附近严格清查,大堂、门岗人员对出入人员严格检查; 3、立即报告有关领导(部门经理、项目主任等); 4、保护作案现场,不许任何人触摸现场痕迹和移动现场物品; 5、对可疑作案人员,可采取暗中监视或设法约束,报告公安机关处理; 6、重点部位的录像,要保留备案,以备公安机关查验。 三、抢劫的处理 1、迅速制止犯罪,设法擒获或报告保安部,组织人员擒获罪犯。 2、如在楼内发生劫案,应通知大堂保安员关闭大堂门,严格检查出入人员,组织人员对楼内进行清查。 3、如罪犯逃走, 追不上时,应记清犯罪分子的人数、衣着、面貌特征、身体特点,所用的交通工具及型号、品牌、特征等,及时报告当地派出所或打“110”报警。 4、保护好现场,劫匪遗留凶器、作案工具等不要用手触摸,不要让无关人员进入现场。如无固定现场的,无法将劫匪遗留现场的物品留在原处的,要一一拾起,交给公安机关处理。 5、如有受伤人员,要立即设法将受伤者送医院抢救,并将情况报告公安机关。 四、对醉酒滋事或精神病人的处理 1、接到报告或发现此类情况,首先立即上前劝阻和阻拦,同时调派保安队员到现场协助处理。 2、调查当事人身份、住址、单位,以便及时通知其家人或朋友将其带回。对园区内的住户还应派人将其护送回房间;如无法查出其in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 身份,可将其带离园区。 3、如其欲对他人造成伤害或损毁公私财物,可强制将其带离园区的公共区域,派专人看管。及时通知公安机关处理,直至来人将其领走。 4、处理过程中要注意保护自己,对于狂躁者可采取正当防卫手段,使其就范。 五、遇到不执行规定,不听劝阻的人的处理 1、对不执行有关管理规定者,要立即规劝。 2、对不听劝阻者,查清姓名单位,如实记录并向保安部门汇报。 3、发生纠纷时,要沉着冷静,以理服人,对蛮横无理者或故意捣乱者,视情节报告公安机关,依法处理。 六、尾随的处理方法 1、发现有人尾随业主准备通过磁卡门进入园区时,应及时制止。 2、如证实尾随人也是业主,应立即表示歉意,并为其开门请其进入楼座。 3、如是来访者,应很礼貌的问清其要去的房间号、有何事,并请其用楼门对讲电话与业主直接联系,如业主同意方可让其进入楼座,并进行登记。 4、如业主家无人回答或对讲电话出现故障时,由楼门岗登记并联系中控室,再由中控人员联系业主,得到业主同意后由巡检人员带来访者进入楼座,或由来访者亲自联系业主,楼门岗在确认业主同意来访者进入后,方可准许其进入并作登记,否则不能准许来访者进入楼座。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 七、邻里纠纷的处置方法 1、当接报或发现邻里纠纷时,应立即通知中控室联系楼长请其前来协助处理。 2、应立即对当事人双方进行解劝,尽量防止事态扩大。 3、如果事态已扩大并危害到公众财物及他人的人身安全时,应立即通知保安部主管级以上人员并由其视情况严重性报请公安机关人员前来处理。 八、巡视中发现业主未锁门的处理 巡视检查中发现业主房间的门未锁或敞开,应敲门,如房间无业主应答,确认业主不在家。 1、查看确认是未锁门还是房间被盗窃。 2、立即联系中控室,让其联系保安队,让保安队长带2名队员协助处理。 3、安排保安员盯守,迅速通知本楼楼长让其联系业主并告之情况。 4、待事件处理完毕或业主回家锁门后保安员方可撤离现场。 九、遇有业主要求帮助的处理 1、区别对待:在本职范围内或自已能够提供帮助的。 2、禁止拒绝业主的要求。 3、对自已不能提供帮助而业主有须要的可让其联系物业或帮助联系物业处理。 十、突发死亡的处理 1、保护现场,立即报告部门经理及项目主任。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 2、阻止无关人员靠近,防止秩序混乱,待公安机关到达现场后,协助寻找死者有无遗言等证据材料。 3、如是他杀死亡,首先保护现场,观察周围有无可疑人员,不许无关人员靠近,待公安机关到达后,汇报有关线索和情况。 4、注意记录发现人姓名,发现时间、死者姓别、年龄等有关信息。 5、协助公安处理善后事宜。 十一、消防报警查不出问题的处理 1、到现场查看确认报警房间。 2、可通过橱房烟道,暖气管道查看。 3、联系部门或让部门来人帮助上、下层寻找。 4、没有查明问题前须留人看守报警房间。 5、确认没有问题后方可撤离。 十二、巡视中发现阳台储物过多的处理 1、确认阳台房间号。 2、联系房间业主清理该阳台物品。 3、业主不在,上报物业部联系业主清理。 4、暂时不能清理在平常的巡视中注意观察。 十三、新闻单位来园内进行不良采访的处理 1、接待来人到保安部、或物业部。 2、简单询问来人的意图。告知来人公司有专人接待。请来人稍等。 3、上报本部门、物业部负责人。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 十四、业主出言不逊动手打人的处理 1、在任何情况下禁止与业主发生争执、吵架、斗殴。 2、注意控制业主的情绪,发现情况不对注意避免矛盾激化。 3、业主有暴力倾向,可联系部门,来人进行对阻。 4、可根据现场情况,必要时可报警。 十五、巡视中发现可疑人的处理 1、对可疑人员进行监视,随时掌握可疑人员动向,组织保安员进行监视。 2、通知中控室通过录像监视。 3、发现作案的可实施抓捕。 4、全程注意自身安全。 十六、日常巡视工作规程 1、巡视人员按管理处规定定时、定路线进行巡视、检查及时发现问题并处理。 2、对发现可疑、有碍园区形象、违反园区治安管理规定的人、事、物有权进行盘查、阻止、纠正并及时报告。 3、巡视时间、路线及巡视情况要有记录并妥善保管,若没按规定进行巡视根据《员工考核奖惩细则》进行处理。 4、巡视人员在巡视过程中,除特殊情况(遇紧急情况需处理)严禁乘坐电梯。 十七、火灾应急处理程序 巡检员接到报警后,应以最快的速度赶到现场(要求3分钟内),当确定火情后,不要惊慌,应沉着,冷静的做到: in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 1、向中控室报告火情地点、火势大小、着火性质、燃烧物及有无人员被困等其它现场情况。 2、巡检员根据现场火势大小,报告中控室是否需要调动义务消防队(保安队)参加灭火。 3、如火势较小,可用灭火器自行扑救。如火势较大应马上通知中控室呼叫保安队协助灭火。巡检员应积极主动抢救、疏导受困人员。将受困人员疏散到安全地方后,打开消火栓柜取出水龙带,在确定着火区域断电后,开启阀门,持水枪先行灭火。 4、与中控室保持不间断的联系,发现水枪喷水量减少时,及时通知中控室启动水泵;灭火后及时通知中控室停止消防水泵供水。 十八、施工房间的巡视、检查 1、巡视人员按管理处规定定时、定点对园内施工房间进行巡视、检查以便及时发现问题和及时处理、上报。 2、主要检查内容如下:施工房间有无《施工 许可 商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可商标使用许可 证》,施工人员是否佩带《临时出入证》;施工房间是否动用明火或配备足额的灭火器;施工现场是否堆放杂物或有住宿现象,施工人员是否在施工房间内抽烟等。 3、检查施工人数、施工负责人、施工单位是否与物业部备案内容相符,并做好详细巡查记录。 4、发现问题严格按照《小区装修管理规定》进行处理,疑难问题及时通报各部门相关责任人。 5、严格控制施工时间、垃圾清运时间和装修物品搬运时间。 十九、消防设备设施测试、检查 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 1、每日检查火灾报警控制器的功能,并填写系统运行和控制器日检登记表。检查消防通道情况是否被堵塞、占用;灭火器的位置是否移动或灭火器被挪做它用。并做好记录,如有问题需工程部解决要立即上报。 2、每季度检查和试验火灾自动报警系统下列功能并填写季度登记表。 1)采用专用检测仪器分期分批试验探测器的动作及确认灯显示; 2)试验火灾警报装置的声光显示; 3)试验水流指示器,压力开关等报警功能、信号显示; 4)对备用电源进行1-2次放电试验,1-3次主电源和备用电源自动切换试验; 5)用自动或手动检查下列消防设备的控制显示功能: ?防排烟设备(可半年检查一次),防火阀、防火门、防火卷帘门等的控制设备; ?室内消火栓、自动喷水灭火系统的控制设备; ?卤代烷、二氧化碳、泡沫、干粉等固定灭火系统的控制设备; ?火灾事故广播、火灾事故照明灯及疏散指示标志灯。 6)消防通讯设备应在消防控制室进行对讲通话试验: ?检查所有转换开关; ?强制切断非消防电源功能试验; ?检查所有可移动灭火器的有效期、铅封、压力表状态及外观情况。 3、每年对火灾自动报警系统的功能,作下列检查和试验,并填in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 写年检登记表。 1)每年用专用检测仪器对所安装的探测器,应试验一次; 2)进行第2款中,除1)、2)以外的各项试验,其中第5)项第3条试验可作模拟试验; 3)试验火灾事故广播设备的功能。 4、探测器投入运行二年后,应每隔三年全部清洗一遍,并作相应的功能试验,合格器材方可继续使用,不合格器材严禁重新安装使用。 5、检测中发现问题,要填写“消防整改通知单”,通知工程部解决,解决完毕,消防中心的人员要进行复查。 6、每次检测结果都应详细做好记录,并认真填写“消防设备设施测试结果登记表”,每月以书面形式报告相关领导。 7、消防管道的修理与停水,必须报告保安部,经批准后方可进行。 8、各部门对自己所管辖范围的消防器材,也必须有专人兼管,定期进行维护,有问题及时汇报。 9、对无故动用消防器材和毁坏消防设备、设施的行为,要给予严肃处理。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 车辆管理员工作流程 一、遇到有人询问业主、住户有关情况 遇到有人询问住户有关情况,如:京XXXXX号车是不是XX座XXX房间的,XXX是不是住在X座XXX房间,应回复:先生(女士),您询问的内容属住户个人隐私,物业公司有为业主保守私人秘密的责任。您的问题恕我不能奉告,如有问题请您与保安部联系。 二、发现可疑人员破坏车辆 1、立即报告中控室,协同保安员扣留或追捕可疑对象。 2、追缴作案工具,保护现场。 3、根据部门领导指示,配合公安机关调查取证。 三、咨询车位 1、遇客户询问车位,应将园区车场构成及租赁价格如实告知询问人。 2、具体价格是:参照各项目实际运作情况,详情请与保安部联系。 3、如有意向租赁,请客户留下联系方式,由车辆主管与其联系。 四、车场车辆出现擦伤、刮蹭的处理 1、园内车辆发生刮蹭、碰撞,首先要让责任人确认责任。 2、按人、地、时、事、历、因、果要素详细记录责任人的姓名、房间号及双方车牌号,受伤部位,并请责任人签字确认。 3、报中控室或保安部办公室,请车辆主管处理。 五、地面车位已满 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 1、车管员与车辆主管之间要经常沟通,及时掌握园区地面车位情况。 2、当地面车位已满时,首先要向业主说明情况:地面车位已满,请您谅解~ 3、立即联系车管主管,由车管主管安排园内车位或地下车位,让业主车辆停放。 六、乱停乱放占车位的处理 严格控制园外车辆入园是有效解决乱停乱放占用车位的最佳办法。因此,车管员要加强责任感,有效引导,劝解车主将车停泊在园外适当位置。日常巡视时要及时发现临时车辆长时间占用车位的现象,并及时进行清理。 1、对经常来园的无固定车位的车辆,让其到保安部办理租用车位的手续,并与车辆主管及时取得联系。 2、发现无车位的车辆要停放在他人车位上时,应主动上前告知:先生(女士),该车位是业主租用的,他的车马上就要回来,请您将车移开,找一个黄线车位(临时车位)停放,谢谢合作~ 七、车辆停放未入位的处理 1、对停放未入位的园内车辆,车管员发现一辆要及时清理一辆,向车主说明情况:日前由于园内车位紧张,该车位已由业主每人租用,由于您一车放置不到位,就会影响全园车辆的停放秩序,还要耽误您的时间。请您注意停放入位,谢谢合作~ 2、对于车辆停放未入位的,车管员要及时赶到车前,引导车辆进入车位。特殊情况未能及时赶到,对停放未入位的车辆,立即通报中控室,in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 由中控室通知车主,重新停放入位。 八、持车辆入园小条的车辆出园时不交费的处理 对无本小区车证的车辆进入园内,车管员在开具小条时一定要说明这是收费停车场。对不交费的,向车主解释:小区车场是经过国家政府主管机关批准的,收费是按国家规定执行的。我们的工作是维护大多数业主的利益,谢谢您配合我们工作。对仍不交费的园内住户,说明下次把钱带上,尔后放行,并在值班登记本上做好记录,便于下一班次催要停车费。对不愿交费的园外车辆及时上报中控室,由巡检员处理。 九、发现停车场内停放车辆未关车门、车窗的处理 当车管员发现停车场内车辆未关车门、车窗时应立即联系巡检员或附近保安员看护车辆,报告车辆主管查找车主,查到车主后立即与车主联系请车主检查车辆并关好车门、车窗。 十、施工人员、垃圾清运、送装材料末按规定时间要求进园的处理 说明施工人员早8:50前、中午13:50(具体装修时间见各项目自定)前不能入园;拉垃圾、送装饰材料在下午14时至16时。其他时间会影响业主的正常生活,请您配合我们工作,如果您有特殊情况,请与保安部或物业部联系解决。 十一、熟知停车场收费标准及收费办法(具体标准见各项目自定) 1、地面临时停车场收费标准: 1)小型车:每2小时1元 2)大型车:每2小时2元 2、地面长期包租停车收费标准; 1)按月租用停车位:小型车每月150元,大型车每月210元。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 2)按年租用停车位:小型车每月1600元,大型车每月2300元。 3、收费办法: 1)地面临时停车场采取即时结算的办法收取。 2)地面租用车位按租期收取或结算。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process:
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