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竖井联系测量竖井联系测量 大连地铁2号线工程 000标段工点#竖井联系测量 检测报告 大连市勘察测绘研究院有限公司 大连地铁2号线第三方测量项目部 二〇一〇年月 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to streng...

竖井联系测量 大连地铁2号线工程 000标段工点#竖井联系测量 检测报告 大连市勘察测绘研究院有限公司 大连地铁2号线第三方测量项目部 二〇一〇年月 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 委托单位:大连市地铁有限公司 测量单位:大连市勘察测绘研究院有限公司 大连地铁2号线第三方测量项目部 检测项目:000标段工点#竖井联系测量检测 总 经 理: 尹水清 总 工 程 师: 王贵明 部 长: 赵 磊 主任工程师: 工程负责人: 单位地址:大连市沙河口区胜利路188号(金地海景4楼) 邮政编码:116021 电 话:84306951 传真:84306951 电子信箱:XZBGS@DLKC.COM.CN 2 大连地铁2号线工程 第三方测量检测报告 检测报告 受大连市地铁有限公司委托,我项目部于2010年月日对000标段工点#竖井联系测量工作进行了检测,详情如下: 1.测量目的 为了满足施工需要,000标段承包商根据施工进度实际情况,对工点#竖井进行了联系测量。为确保加密点的精度符合地铁施工及相关 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求,我项目部对工点#竖井联系测量进行了检测。 2.作业依据 ?《城市轨道交通工程测量规范》 GB50308-2008 ?《城市测量规范》 CJJ8-99 ?《工程测量规范》 GB50026-2007 ?《大连地铁施工测量管理 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》 3.坐标系统 平面坐标系统为:大连城建坐标系; 高程基准为:1985国家高程基准。 4.作业 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 及使用仪器 4.1.使用仪器 本次联系测量工作我项目部共投入仪器: - 1 - (1) 徕卡TCA2003全站仪(标称精度为0.5″ 1+1ppm)及 配套专用转镜 (2) 徕卡TPS1201 R400全站仪(标称精度为1″ 2+2ppm) 及配套专用转镜 (3) 徕卡DNA03电子水准仪(标称精度0.3mm/km)及配套 3米铟钢条码尺 (4) 天宝DINI电子水准仪(标称精度0.4mm/km)及配套3 米铟钢条码尺 (5) SOKKIA GP3130R陀螺全站仪(一次定向优于20″) (6) 拉特激光投点仪2套(投点精度1/200000) (7) 经专业检定的田岛50米钢尺及5.1KG重锤等。 另外配备专用测量附属设备:温度计及气压计等。 4.2.人员投入 共计投入专业测量人员12人。 4.3.作业方法描述 4.3.1.高程传递测量检测 在进行高程传递之前对地面高程近井点210G1和高程其算点DTJ[2]04之间的高差进行了验证,结果符合规范要求。本次高程传递测量以近井水准点210G1为高程起算点。 2 大连地铁2号线工程 第三方测量检测报告 本次检测按照二等水准导线的作业要求、采用悬挂钢尺法进行,具体实施过程: 在竖井上方承台上固定钢尺,钢尺零刻划端朝下,并挂以相当于检定时拉力的重锤(5.1KG),在地面近井点210G1和井下近井点BM1上安置水准尺;在地面、井下同时安置电子水准仪,地面、井下同时读取3组读数,如此独立进行三测回,且测回间改变仪器高(不少于5cm),且3测回测得的高差较差小于3mm。由此得到BM1点的高程,由BM1为起算点测量另一井下近井点BM2的高程。 4.3.2平面联系测量检测 在进行平面联系测量之前,我项目部已对地面平面近井点ZD1、ZD2进行了检测,其成果满足各项要求。本次平面联系测量以平面近井点ZD1、ZD2为平面起算点。 本次检测采用全站仪+激光投点仪+陀螺全站仪组合作业的方法,具体实施过程: (1)地面投点 将两台垂准仪安置在竖井上方的承台上,分别记作TD1、TD2,向井下投点,井下以专业数显光靶承接。分别旋转仪器以0?、90?、180?、270?四个不同的方向投点,最后取其四个不同方向的投点点位所构成几何图形的重心为井下传递点,分别记作TD1′、TD2′。 (2)地面、井下精密导线测量 - 3 - 按精密导线的作业要求,将地面近井点ZD1、ZD2与两台垂准仪所在点位TD1、TD2构成支导线进行测量,将井下近井点J1、J2、J3、J4与井下传递点TD1′、TD2′构成导线进行测量。 (3)陀螺定向 本次定向采用逆转点法进行,采用“地面已知边(两测回)—地下定向边(三测回)—地面已知边(两测回)”的测量程序,严格按陀螺仪的操作规程操作。 定向所用地面已知边DTJ[2]04,DTJ[2]05经检查数据精度可靠。井下定向边为J1,J2、J1,J3、J1,J4。 4.3.3.内业计算 水准导线、精密导线平差处理均采用北京清华山维“EpsNas 2007(测量控制网平差系统)”软件进行严密平差计算,测量精度见平差 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf (附表)。 5.内部质量检查 通过对观测资料及精度检查资料的全面检查,该工程作业方法、测量成果质量均满足要求。 6.提交成果 6.1. 高程传递测量检测 经我项目部计算的点位高程成果与承包商提交的成果相比较,高程值较差最大的为BM1点,较差为5mm,满足近井控制点限差(5mm) 4 大连地铁2号线工程 第三方测量检测报告 要求。 6.2. 平面联系测量检测 经我项目部计算的井下定向边J1,J2、J1,J3、J1,J4方位角及J1、J2、J3、J4点位坐标成果与承包商提交的成果相比较。 (1)井下定向边方位角 其中J1,J2定向边坐标方位角较差为0?01′24.2″超出限差(16″),其他两条边坐标方位角较差最大为14.4″满足限差(16″)要求; (2)点位坐标 点位坐标较差最大为9mm,满足限差(16mm) 要求。 6.3.检测示意图 水准检测见附图一 平面检测见附图二 6.4.平差资料 水准检测见附表一 平面检测见附表二 7. 检测结论 7.1.高程传递测量 - 5 - 1)经现场勘查,000标段工点#竖井井下水准控制点BM1、BM2点标石埋设符合规范要求,可作为水准控制点使用。 2)从检测比较结果看,000标段工点#竖井井下水准控制点BM1、BM2点满足相关限差的要求,可以用于指导施工。 7.2.平面联系测量 1)经现场勘查,000标段工点#竖井井下平面控制点J1、J2、J3、J4点标石埋设符合规范要求,可作为平面控制点使用。 2)从检测比较结果看,000标段工点#竖井井下平面控制点坐标虽都符合要求,但J1,J2定向边坐标方位角超出限差。考虑到J2、J3、J4三点均为支导线,相互之间并不影响。所以最终确定井下平面控制点J1、J3、J4满足相关限差的要求,可以用于指导施工,J2点点位超限,不可用于指导施工。 8.注意事项 1)本检测成果只作为对施工单位测量成果的评定,不能用于指导施工; 2)承包商应妥善保护好控制点,若因自身原因使控制点破坏或降低精度引起的施工测量误差由施工单位负责; 3)承包商在使用各控制点之前要坚持先复核后利用的原则; 4)点位要做明显标记,以利于寻找和辨别。 6 大连地铁2号线工程 第三方测量检测报告 附图一(水准) - 7 - 附图二(平面) 8 大连地铁2号线工程 第三方测量检测报告 附表一(水准) - 9 - 附表二(平面) ======== 网平差后精度如下 ========= 单位权中误差 = 0.000099 ------------ 改正后 ------------ 测距固定误差(m):0.000281 测距比例误差:0.281425 方向中误差(dms):0.000099 平面网中最弱点为J2, 点位中误差 = 0.001596 平面网中最弱相邻点为J1-J2, 相对点位中误差 = 0.000925 最大边长比例误差边为ZD2-TD1, 比例误差 = 1 / 18964 最大边长J1-J4, 长度(m) = 52.479370 最小边长ZD2-TD1, 长度(m) = 4.369900 平均边长(m) = 23.464000 平面点间误差表 序号 起始点 终止点 点间误差(m) 相对误差 1 J1 J3 0.000295 166955 2 J1 TD1 0.000255 63996 3 J1 TD2 0.000271 44872 4 J1 J2 0.000287 66646 5 J1 J4 0.000296 177179 6 ZD2 TD1 0.00023 18964 7 ZD2 TD2 0.000231 45610 10
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