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大学生团课教程大学生团课教程 《大学生团课教程》 《大学生团课教程》 主编:李哲 (陕西中医学院团委书记) 出版:天津社会科学院出版社 开本:16开 订价:30元 目 录 目 录 第一章 走进共青团 第一节 共青团的历程 一、中国青年团的创立 二、民主革命时期的共青团 三、社会主义革命时期的共青团 四、改革开放和现代化建设时期的共青团 五、共青团的光荣传统 第二节 共青团的性质与职能 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits ...

大学生团课教程 《大学生团课教程》 《大学生团课教程》 主编:李哲 (陕西中医学院团委书记) 出版:天津社会科学院出版社 开本:16开 订价:30元 目 录 目 录 第一章 走进共青团 第一节 共青团的历程 一、中国青年团的创立 二、民主革命时期的共青团 三、社会主义革命时期的共青团 四、改革开放和现代化建设时期的共青团 五、共青团的光荣传统 第二节 共青团的性质与职能 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 一、共青团的性质 二、共青团的职能 第三节 共青团的任务与使命 一、共青团的任务 二、共青团的使命 第二章 共青团组织 第一节 共青团的组织系统与机构 一、共青团的组织系统 二、共青团的组织机构 第二节 共青团的组织生活制度 一、共青团的组织生活 二、共青团的组织生活制度 第三节 共青团组织的标志 一、团旗的诞生和象征意义 二、团徽的设计、内容和象征意义 三、团歌的确定和内容 四、团员证制度 第三章 共青团员 第一节 团员的发展条件 一、《团章》的规定条件 二、共青团的加入形式 三、入团考察 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 第二节 团员的发展程序 一、《团章》有关团员发展的规定 二、青年入团程序 三、团组织对入团积极分子的考察 第三节 团员的权利与义务 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 一、团员权利 二、团员义务 三、团员的义务与权利之间的关系 第四章 高校共青团干部 第一节 高校共青团干部的素质要求 一、共青团干部的理论素质和思想政治素质 二、共青团干部的科技、人文和能力素质 三、共青团干部的心理素质和人格素质 四、共青团干部的创新素质 第二节 共青团干部的选拔培养和管理 一、按照党的干部政策选拔和使用团干部 二、按照新形势的需要考察和考核团干部 三、根据新形势的需要培养团干部 四、建立健全团干部管理体制 第三节 高校共青团干部的岗位要求 一、高校团干部的岗位要求 二、团干部的成长 第四节 高校共青团干部的工作方法 一、明确岗位职责 二、了解团员青年 三、按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 推进工作目标 三、掌握团干部的工作方法和艺术 第五章 高校团支部 第一节 团支部的工作与职责 一、团支部的工作 二、团支部的职责 第二节 团支部的制度 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 一、民主选举制度 二、组织生活制度 三、 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 与报告制度 四、向同级党支部汇报工作制度 五、团员证 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 六、发展新团员和超龄团员离团工作制度 七、推荐优秀团员作党的发展对象制度 八、团费收缴与保管使用制度 第三节 团支部的选举办法 一、团支部选举工作的重要意义 二、团支部的选举办法 三、团支部选举前的准备工作 四、团支部选举工作的程序 五、出席上一级团的代表大会代表的选举 六、团员在选举中的民主权利 第六章 高校团员的“推优入党” 第一节 “推优”工作的原则与基本思路 一、“推优”工作的原则 二、“推优”工作的基本思路 第二节“推优”对象的范围与条件 一、“推优”对象的范围 二、“推优”对象的条件 第三节 “推优入党”的基本程序 一、“推优”工作的基本程序 二、“推优”对象的培养教育 三、“推优”工作中其他需注意的问题 第七章 高校团员的校园文化活动 第一节 高校校园文化活动的内涵和特点 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 一、校园文化活动的内涵 二、高校文化活动的特点 第二节 高校校园文化活动的功能与载体 一、高校校园文化活动的功能 二、高校校园文化活动的载体 第三节 高校校园文化活动的设计与实施 一、校园文化活动的设计 二、校园文化活动的实施 第八章 高校团员的科技创新活动 第一节 高校团员科技创新活动的特点及意义 一、 科技创新的内涵 二、 高校团员科技创新活动的特点 三、 高校团员科技创新活动的意义 第二节 高校团员科技创新的途径与方法 一、建立合理的知识结构 二、培养创新思维 三、培养科学精神 四、掌握和运用现代科学研究方法 第三节 高校团员的科技创新与竞赛活动 一、科学创新活动的一般程序 二、大学生参加科技创新竞赛活动规划进程 三、“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛及创业计划大赛介绍 第九章 高校团员的社会实践活动 第一节 高校团员社会实践的兴起与发展 一、高校团员社会实践的发展历程 二、高校社会实践发展的新趋势 三、高校团员社会实践的特征 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 四、高校团员社会实践活动的意义 第二节 高校团员社会实践的设计原则与方法 一、高校团员社会实践的原则 二、大学生社会实践活动的方法 第三节 高校团员社会实践的内容选择 一、高校团员社会实践形式内容选择的原则 二、高校团员社会实践形式内容多样化建设 三、高校团员社会实践注意事项 第十章 高校团员的青年志愿者活动 第一节 高校青年志愿者活动的内涵 一、我国青年志愿服务事业的发展概况 三、青年志愿者活动的基本特征 第二节 高校青年志愿活动的组织 一、青年志愿服务活动对加强大学生思想政治教育的意义 二、高校大学生志愿服务活动的主要形式 三、高校青年志愿者服务活动存在的主要问题 四、规范和完善高校青年志愿服务活动的 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 第三节 大学生志愿服务西部计划 一、大学生志愿服务西部计划概况 二、大学生志愿服务西部计划的意义 第十一章 高校团员的职业生涯规划 第一节 高校团员青年职业生涯规划及其必要性 一、高校团员职业生涯规划 二、高校团员职业生涯规划的必要性 四、职业生涯规划的前提:知己与知彼 五、高校团员职业规划存在的问题 第二节 高校团员青年职业生涯规划的方法与步骤 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 第二节 高校团员青年职业生涯规划的原则与步骤 一、大学生团员职业生涯规划的原则 二、职业生涯规划的目标 三、高校团员职业生涯规划需把握的几个重要关系 四、高校团员职业生涯规划的具体步骤 第十二章 高校共青团指导下的学生组织 第一节 学生会 一、学生会概述 二、学生会的性质 (二)承上启下的桥梁纽带作用 (三)学生干部的先锋模范导向作用 三、学生会的作用 四、学生会的建设与活动方式 五、共青团对学生会的指导关系 第二节 学生社团 一、学生社团概述 二、学生社团的形式 三、学生社团的目的 四、学生社团的性质和作用 五、共青对学生社团工作的指导 第十三章 高校共青团员的基本工作技能 第一节 公文写作技能 一、公文写作的概念与分类 二、公文写作的基本要求 三、团的工作中常用的文体 第二节 调查研究技能 一、调查方法 二、调查后的科学研究 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 第三节 沟通技能 一、沟通技能的重要性 二、增强沟通技巧 三、沟通倾听 第四节 会议纪要写作技能 一、会议纪要的特点 二、会议纪要与会议记录的区别 三、会议纪要的三种写法 四、会议纪要格式 附录一 中国共产主义青年团章程 总则 第一章 团员 第二章 团的组织制度 第三章 团的中央组织 第四章 团的地方与军队的组织 第五章 团的基层组织 第六章 团的干部 第七章 团旗、团徽、团歌、团员证 第八章 团的经费 第九章 团同少年先锋队的关系 附录二 中华全国学生联合会章程 总则 第一章 会员 第二章 组织和职权 第三章 学生会、研究生会和地方学生联合会 第四章 附则 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 附录三 中华全国青年联合会章程 总则 第一章 会员和委员 第二章 组织和职权 第三章 地方青年联合会 第四章 经费 第五章 附则 附录四 中国共产主义青年团历次全国代表大会简介 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly
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