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英汉英互译第一章 Translate the following sentences from the from the text into Chinese 1.Logistics is a unique global pipeline that operates 24 hours a day ,seven days a week and 52 weeks a year ,planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and s...

第一章 Translate the following sentences from the from the text into Chinese 1.Logistics is a unique global pipeline that operates 24 hours a day ,seven days a week and 52 weeks a year ,planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over 物流作为一种全球独特的输送管道,一天24小时,一周7天,一年52周不间断地运营着,计划和协调全球产品和服务的运输和交付. 2.However, when it comes to modern logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most challenging and exciting jobs, invisible as it is. 但是,说到现代物流,业内专业人士认为,尽管看不见摸不着,它是最富有挑战性和最激动人心的工作 3.Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, efficient flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements 物流是供应链的一部分,计划,执行和控制产品,服务及相关信息从原产地到消费地的及时有效流动和存储以满足客户要求. 4.It is recognized fact in industrialized countries that logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production, since there is not much to do to improve production to lower the cost 这是公认的事实:在工业化国家,在依靠改进生产来降低成本的空间越来越小的情况下,物流是工业生产中增加利润的最后一关. 5.The audience were confident that they would be able to herald the new economic growth if they could make headway in logistics 听众坚信,如果他们能够在物流上取得进展,他们就能促进经济的新增长. 6. It is through the logistics process that materials flow into the vast manufacturing capacity of an industrial nation and products are distributed through marketing channels to consumers 正是通过物流的过程原材料才得以流入工业国家巨大的制造机器中,产品才得以通过这个渠道流向顾客 7.Logistics is complex, in china alone , the market structure involves more than 20 million retailing networks and more than 2 million wholesalers’ networks 物流复杂极了,仅在中国市场上就有2000多万个零售网点和200万个批发网点 8.One expert holds the view that logistics is an iceberg, only the top of which is seen, what is unseen is much bigger 有一位专家认为,物流是一座冰山,人们只看到冰山的水面上那部分,水下未见的那部分更大 9.The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost 物流的整体目标是以最低的成本取得预期的顾客服务水平 10.In the beginning, companies that could afford inventory were able to satisfy customer demand 在早期,有库存能力的公司能够满足顾客的要求 11.The distribution or market channel is perhaps the least understood business area 配送渠道或市场渠道也许是人们知道得最少的商业领域 12.Quite a number of companies achieved success by creating value throughout domestic and global supply chains 相当多的公司通过遍及国内和全世界的供应链创造价值而获得成功. 13.Logistics has huge impact on domestic and global economy 物流对国内经济和全球经济有巨大的影响 14.The international Red Cross operates like a mobile warehouse 国际红十字会的工作就像一个活动的仓库 15.More than USD 25 million was spent on 1 logistics for the summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia 在佐治亚洲的亚特兰大举行的夏季奥运会上,物流的费用为:2500多万美元 16.The basic concepts of logistical management are applicable throughout private and public enterprise activities 物流管理的基本概念适用于所有私营企业和公用企业17.Logistics has become a profession that values strategic thinking, analytical skills, and the use of technology-based tools 物流已经变为一种职业,注重战略思维, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 技术和采用技术型工具 18.The appeaiance of foreign companies will contributes to the development of logistics in china 外国公司的出现将有助于物流在中国的发展 19.Logistics plays a very important role in promoting economic development 物流对经济的发展起了很大的推动作用 20.I like to carry out detailed analysis of a problem 我喜欢对问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 进行详细的分析 21.Nowadays, people in logistics business have an income higher than the average 现在从事物流行业的收入高于平均数 22.To ensure the time liness of logistics, it is important to keep a certain level of inventory 为了保证物流的及时性,就要求一定的库存存在. 第二章英译汉 An important characteristic of any product is its availability at the place where a customer wishes to consume it 任何一个产品的首要特征就是在顾客需要它时能够买到它 Consumer products are those that are directed to ultimate consumers 消费类产品是直接面对终端消费者的产品Convenience products are those goods and services that consumer purchase frequently , immediately , and with little comparative shopping ,typical products are banking services ,tobacco items , and many foodstuffs 便利型产品是指消费者需要经常及时购买并且不十分需要比较差价的产品和服务,银行服务,烟草产品和许多食品都是典型的便利型产品. Shopping products are those for which consumers are willing to seek and compare ,comparing in many location the price , quality , and performance, and making a purchase only after careful deliberation 购买产品是消费者愿意寻寻觅觅,比较价格,质量和性能,三思之后才作出购买决定 Specialty products are those for which buyers are willing to expend a substantial effort and often to wait a significant amount of time in order to acquire them 特殊产品是指买家愿意花费大量精力并为了得到它们可以忍受很长的等待时间的产品 In customers service performance , availability means providing a product or material on predictable 在客户服务绩效方面,可用性就是在预测的基础上提供产品或原料 Availability depends to keeping a safe stock and how fast the stock is filled up according to orders 可用性取决于安全库存以及根据订货填满库存有多快Performance is the ability to achieve a predetermined speed , consistency and flexibility in delivery 绩效是交付货物时到达预期的速度,取得一致性和灵活性的能力 The development and maintenance of quality performance are based on continuous measurement of logistical operations 质量绩效的开发和维持是以对物流作业持续不断的衡量为基础的 Logistics in industrialized countries is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production 工业化国家的物流现在是增加工业生产利润的最后空间 It is important to fully understand customer service deliverables when establishing logistical strategy 在确定物流决策时,完整理解客户服务的可交付性是重要的. Basic customer service is defined in terms of availability , performance and reliability 基本客户服务是从可得性,绩效和可靠性三方面衡量Little else is significant if the customer’s expectations are not fully met 如果客户的期望值没有完全实现,其他任何东西都不重要了 Logistical performance should be modified over time accommodate changing marketing requirements 物流绩效应随时调整,以适应不断变化的市场需求 A fundamental quality issue in logistics is the ability to comply to levels of planned inventory availability and operational performance 物流中的基本质量问题就是能够遵守计划库存可得性的水平和操作绩效. 汉译英 In today’s industrial society ,it is universally acknowledged fact that logistics is playing a more and more important role 在今天的工业社会里,物流扮演的角色越来越重要,这已有共识 Realization of customer’s expectation is core strategy of successful logistics 实现顾客的期望值是成功物流的一个核心战略Achievement of logistics high efficiency can’t be realized without physical vehicles’continuous improvement in technology 实现物流高效率离不开实物运输工具在技术上的不断改进 The ultimate in logistics quality is to do everything right and do it right the first time 物流的最终质量要求就是那每件事都做对并在第一时间做对 Foodstuffs are typical convenience products 事物是典型的方便性消费品Automobiles and houses are products that people can buy after careful deliberation 汽车,房子是人们经过深思熟虑后才购买的产品 By the end of this year ,the company’s profits must be very substantial with increasing market expansion 因为市场的不断开拓,公司今年年底的效益一定非常可观. Many films are trying to create their unique brand in order to guide customers’ preference 许多公司都在努力创造自己的特色品牌以引导消费者的偏好 Products can be divided into two categories : industrial products and consumer products 产品分为工业用品和消费用品 Effective products distribution patterns can save a great deal of time for the whole logistics process 有效的产品配送模式能够给整个物流过程节省大量时间 1.Transport may account for one-third to two-thirds of total logistic costs 交通运输可能占整个物流系统成本的1/3到2/3 2.The choices available to the user typically include the five major transport modes (air truck rail water and pipe ) and their combinations 用户一般可以选择五大运输模式(飞机汽车火车水路和管道运输)也可以相互结合使用 3.the cost characteristics vary from one mode to anther determine their rate structures 几个模式的成本的特点各有千秋,决定了费率结构有所不同 4.on the other hand , carrier preference is based on the extent of shipment handling at terminals and inherent speed of the carrier 另一方面,船舶绩效取决于码头上的装卸能力以及船本身的速度 5.the transportation equipment is the same as that used domestically , with the exception that certain elements of the transport system have become more important 运输设备和国内使用的一样,但运输系统的某些细节变的更为重要 6.fortunately , there exist middlemen , agents ,freight forwarders , and brokers to assist the shipper with international movement 幸运的是,有许多中间商,代理商,货代,和经纪人帮助托运人进行国际贸易往来 第三章 汉译英 Transportation is a vital component in the design and management of logistic system ,it may account for one-third to two thirds of total logistic costs 运输是物流系统中设计和管理的一个重要部分,可能占整个物流成本的1/3到2/3 the cost characteristics vary from one mode to anther and determine their rates structure 几个模式的成本的特点各有千秋,决定了费率结构有所不同 rates are based primarily on three factors : distance shipment size and competition 费率主要由3个方面决定---运输距离船运货物的大以及市场竞争 cost allocation is one of the many factors that affect pricing 成本分配是影响定价的诸多因素之一 the shipper’s perspective about it is important ,though it is chiefly something that the carrier should pay attention on 虽然这只是承运人应当注意的事情,但托运人的看法也很重要 aside from exceptional circumstances , transport rates must at least cover variable costs 除例外的情况,运输费率至少必须弥补变动成本 the user of the international transportation system may feel overwhelmed by increased documentation , by differences in carrier liability , by various customs procedures and the use of foreign trade zones 国际运输系统的用户面对越来越厚的文 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,不同的承运责任,不一样的海关手续和外贸区的适用规则感到手足无措 we have to divide large shipments into small ones 我们得把大宗货物分成小批量 第四章 This does not mean the more you have in the form of inventory , the richer you are 这并不是意味着以库存的形式存放的货物越多,你就富有 The interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory 利息随着投资在存货上的本金的多少而增减 In many countries , taxes are levied on the average inventory level on a specific day of the year 许多国家中按一年某一特定的日子的平均库存水平征收税款 Obsolescence means the deterioration of products in storage and is not covered by insurance 损耗指仓库的产品老旧了,这里不包含在保险范围内The storage cost incurs in respect of product holding 储存成本产生于产品保管 For the time being we are concerned only with the question of how much we have to pay for obsolescence cost 这里我们仅关心我们要有多少无形损耗费的问题 Not many people are driving pickups of that we don’t keep stocks of any spark plugs for such old cars 没多少人开那些年出的皮卡了,我们没有这种老爷车的火花塞 I’m sure they will transport it by air and you can get it on the same day 我确定他们肯定会空运的,当天就能收到 This means the more you have in the form of inventory , the more you have to pay to keep the inventory 这意味着以库存的形式储存的越多,你为了保持库存所付出的就越多 The logic behind it is that the cash to replace capital invested in inventory can be purchased in the money market 其暗含的逻辑是代替投资在库存上的本金的现金可在货币市场买到 汉译英 Inventory is viewed as playing a role in the value-added process 库存被认为是一个增值的手段 Overstock of the inventory will incur expenses not only in warehouse , but also in many aspects 库存过量不仅增加仓储方面的费用,也增加其他方面的费用 On(the) one hand ,capital cost increases with the lot size , on the other hand ,the interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory 一方面本金随着批量大小而改变,另一方面,利息随着投资在运输存货上的本金的多少而增减 In inventory planning , we should be able to answer three basic question 在对库存做计划方面,我们需要考虑三个基本问题Insurance cost is direct levy normally based on estimated risk or exposure over time 保险费一般根据预计风险或风险次数直接征收 第五章 The packing is strong enough to stand rough handling 这种包装很坚固,足以承受粗放的装卸 Owing to improper packaging , the goods are terribly damaged 由于不适当的包装,货物严重受损 We hope the packaging will be of a brighter color 我们希望包装的颜色再鲜艳一点儿 We have especially reinforced our packaging in order to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods 为使货物可能遭受到的损害减到最小,我们已对包装进行了特别加固 You shall be held liable for any loss resulting from improper packaging 因包装不善而造成的损失应由你方负责 汉译英 Could you improve the packaging 你们能否改进一下包装? You will surely find our products’packaging beautiful and well-done 你一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究 A products should be not only fine in quality , but also attractive in packaging 一种商品不但要质量好,而且包装要有吸引力 I’d like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packaging 我很想听听你们就包装问题发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的意见 The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from water 包装的关键在于防水 Our containers are recyclable 我们的容器都是可回收利用的 第六章 英译汉 1.However,the emergence of the supply chain management concept has enlightened many managers about the strategic role played by purchasing. 但是,供应管理概念的出现使许多管理人员从采购所起到的战略性作用中受到启发. 2.Purchased goods and services are one of the largest elements of costs for many firms. 许多公司购买的产品和服务是成本的最大几个部分之一. 3.Stockouts of raw material or component parts can shut down a production plant. 原材料告罄或零部件告急都会导致一个生产厂家关门待产. 4.Without effective purchasing practices,operations in a firm may be disrupted ,customer service levels may fall,and long-term customer realationship may be damaged. 缺乏富有成效采购,公司的运作就会陷入混乱,客户服务水平也会下降,长期的客户关系就会受损. 5.Excessive inventory will ultimately result in higher than necessary total ligistics cost. 过多的存货量将导致最终的物流总成本超支. 汉译英 第七章 英译汉 1.Supply chain information systems(SCIS)are the thread that links logistics activities into an integrated process. 供应链信息系统是将物流活动连接成一个综合过程的线条. 2.The major objective for logistics organization is to achieve coordination among logistics activities for their planning and control. 物流组织的主要目标是在物流各活动之间取得协调以便计划和控制. 3.Sometimes the inventory manager increases his levels of inventory to meet the requirement of a less expensive but slower means of transport. 有时库存经理增加库存量以达到价格低廉但速度较慢的运输方式的要球. 4.Information flow was often overlooked because it was not viewed as being critical by customers. 信息流经常被忽略,因为客户认为信息流不是关键. 5.The speed of information exchange/transfer was limited to the speed of paper at that time. 当时信息交换/转移的速度受制于纸张的速度. 6.Information technology (IT) consists of the hardware and software used throughout a supply chain to gather and analyze information. 信息技术(IT)包括了在整个供应链中收集和分析信息的硬件和软件设备。 汉译英 1.在我们公司信息至关重要 In our company , information is of critical importance. 2.我们公司有一个十分完善的客户服务信息系统. Our company has a perfect customer service information system. 3.通过在集装箱上油漆条形码和在各集装箱码头安 装激光扫描仪,我们现在能够对集装箱进行实时的跟踪. We can now perform real time tracking of containers with bar codes painted on them and laser scanners installed container terminals. 4.一个信息系统通常包括硬件和软件. An information system generally consists of hardware and software. 第八章 英译汉 1.Supply chain management means the design ,planning and control of the information flow ,movements of goods and money with a view to strengthening competitiveness. 供应链管理指为了增强竞争力而对信息流通,货物移动和货币流通进行设计,控制和调整. 2.The idea of supply chain management was first put forward in the 1980s on the basis of experience and lessons from the past practice. 供应链管理的理念最早出现在20世纪80年代,是在总结过去活动经验和教训的基础上提出的. 3.As time passed ,Ford discovered that specialized firms could perform most essential work as well as or better than his own bureaucracy. 随着时间的推移,福特公司发现专业的公司在开展大部分必要工作时做的和自己的企业一样好或者更出色. 4.To achieve this goal ,he set out to develop the world’s first complex vertically integrated firm. 为了达到这个目标,他开始着手发展世界首家机构复杂,垂直一体化的综合性公司. 5.Ford’s purpose was to cut costs from the global supplier base,while expanding its role as a consumer organization. 福特的目的是降低其在全球供应基地的成本,同时扩大其作为消费者组织的角色. 6.Supply chain is defined as a network composed of factories ,suppliers ,retails,etc.that supply to each other raw material ,components products and service. 供应链的定义是一个网络,它包括了工厂,供应商和零售商,它们互相给对方提供原材料,零部件,产 品和服务。 7.While logistics is not a new thing ,Supply chain management is comparing a new word. 虽然物流已经不是一件新鲜事,供应链管理相对来说却是一个新名词. 英译汉 1.当前的形势复杂,越来越需要专门的技术和人才 The current situation is quite intricate ,specialized technology and human resource are needed. 2.提升企业的竞争力,就要不断吸收好的技术 To rise the competitiveness of company ,it is necessary to introduce advanced technology. 3.仓库门口有一辆卡车,你去看看在卸什么货. A truck is at the warehouse gate ,GO and find what will be discharged. 4.20世纪后期,福特汽车公司开始依赖专业物流公司提供物流服务. In the later part of the 20th century ,Ford Motor Company began to rely on specialist logistics for logistics service. 第九章英译汉 1.Maritime shipping is a key link in international logistics. 海上运输是国际物流的一个重要环节. 2.A great quantity of cargo is shipped by bulk carriers,which can be chartered on the tramp market on a time basis or on voyage basis. 大量的货物是通过散货船运输的,可以用期租或程租的方式在不定期市场上租船. 3.A lot of cargo is shipped by huge container ships running on fixed lines around the world. 许多货物是通过环绕全球固定航线航行的大型集装箱来运输的. 4.As far as outbound flow of products from manufacture is concerned,the container ships are most frequently used. 就厂商出口到外国的产品而言,集装箱是使用频率最高的. 5.You can now take the Bill of Lading together with all the documents required by the Letter of Credit to negotiating bank to exchange for money from the buyer. 现在你可以拿着提单以及信用证要求的所有单证去议付银行换取买方的货款. 汉译英 1.新集装箱航线是海峡两岸的又一根纽带. The new container line is another link across the strait. 2.如果船公司接受了订舱,到时候你就会收到装货郸. When the shipping company accepts your space booking ,you will receive in due time a Container Load Plan. 3.出口货物前应当为货物投保. When exporting goods ,you have to buy insurance for them. 3.这家货贷公司提供拼箱服务 This forwarding agent offers LCL service. 4.二副将制作一幅积载图 The second mate will make a stowage plan. 5.只要你们明白了,这个问题我就不多说了 As long as you understand ,we shall say no more about it . 6.当上面再放一个40'箱子时,势必会把箱子给折 损了. If another 40’container is stowed upon the two,damage will occur. 第十章英译汉 1.One of the major functions of TPL companies is known as supply chain management. 众所周知,第三方物流公司的主要功能之一被称为供应链管理. 2.The objectives of supply chain management art to reduce overall cost, minimize lead time ,minimize inventory levels and cost ,improve service level and streamline goods and information flows. 供应链管理的目标是降低总成本,使前置期达到最短,使存货水平和存货成本最小化,提高服务水平并使货物和信息流动畅通. 3.It has become a global trend for TPL to apply technology to achieve an integrated process. 第三方物流使用技术手段来使过程一体化已经成为一个全球的趋势. 4.IT system is one of the value adding services provided by TPL. IT系统是第三方物流提供的增值服务之一. 汉译英 1.如今,第三方物流采用技术手段来使得过程一体 化已经成了一个全球化趋势. It has become a global trend for TPL to apply technology to achieve an integrated process. 2.大多数第三方物流公司正根据不同客户的具体要 球来提供升级服务. Most TPL companies have been upgrading their service according to the specific requirements of their customers. 3.这家公司依靠提供一流的客户服务而在市场上站 稳了脚跟. The company obtained a solid footing in the market by providing top-class customers services. 4.先进的生产技术和现代物流结合必然会提高公司 的绩效. When advanced technology in production is integrated with modern logistics ,the company’s performance will surely increase. 5.选定仓库地址时,你必须考虑你的客户是否可以 进入,是否可以使用. When choosing the site for a warehouse ,it is important to consider its availability and accessibility to your customers.
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