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如何提意见(How to make comments)


如何提意见(How to make comments)如何提意见(How to make comments) 如何提意见(How to make comments) Quite different cry up wine and sell vinegar image project false is false duplicitous among vase ornaments is not practical When you give advice to others, know the discretion, default category, 2010-0...

如何提意见(How to make comments)
如何提意见(How to make comments) 如何提意见(How to make comments) Quite different cry up wine and sell vinegar image project false is false duplicitous among vase ornaments is not practical When you give advice to others, know the discretion, default category, 2010-04-04, 13:49:55, read 40, comment 0: big, medium and small subscriptions Advice is a good thing, and advice is not always necessary. Advice tone is melodious and gentle, is to achieve the effect of persuasion, the attitude of the suggestions can be accepted or rejected, but will not affect the feelings between each other. However, opinions are often made when XX is dissatisfied with SS or has a complaint against SS. It expresses a feeling of non kindness, which is one of the kind of recipients I don't like people who talk directly and hurt people. When everyone gives advice to others, you should think it over first, whether your opinion will hurt others, or say that your purpose is to hurt people. Whether you put yourself in the other's shoes, or your words, is no brain outlet, not bad. No matter what the starting point of your opinion is, you are always wrong to hurt others. Everyone should be held responsible for the crimes he has committed, but everyone's personal innocence is not subject to restraint or abuse. Everyone has the right to freedom of behavior, a person's thought and behavior is not affected by anything outside the legal effect, is your moral sin hurt others views, is a kind of psychological blow is the object, which is often a psychological trauma, it is difficult to cure. Poor psychological endurance often caused the situation get out of hand. So remind everyone not to underestimate the consequences of "opinions". I heard such a story: Once upon a time, there was a boy who had a bad temper, often offend by rude remarks. His father repeatedly said he regretted him, but he had been unable to control himself without changing anything. His father was worried about his future. So one day, the father gave him a bag of nails and agreed that every time he lost his temper, he would put a nail in the back yard fence. The boy agreed. The results of the first day, the boy thirty times to temper, had more than 30 nails, but then every nail number will slowly become less, because he found his temper more easily than a nail, he found his temper really can be suppressed, just need their own strict demands on themselves, need time of magic refining. Finally one day, the boy never lost his temper. The father told him that every time he could control his temper, he pulled out a nail. Day after day, the boy told his father that he had pulled all the nails out. Pointing to the fence, the father gently said to the boy, "boy, you did a good job.". But look at the holes in the fence, and the fences will never come back. When you are angry, what you say is like these nails. They leave scars on others. No matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will last forever. The pain that someone brings to others is like real pain, which can cause serious consequences." The ancients said: "people with kindness, warm in the cloth; wounding words, deep in spears". Friendship and harmony are in good words to establish good language; all is because caused disaster and tragedy abusable. This is like the advice and opinions of the proposal to the portrayal, opinions are good words, opinions to suggest words! Eighty-eight billion eight hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight English: teach you how to give advice in English Source: Exam8.com 2009-11-24 14:36:00 [exam]: the first portal of Chinese education and training] English learning - Your boss told you you were doing a poor job. Your colleagues criticize you in front of the whole team. It is not easy to accept criticism, no matter where it comes from. But for you, when you give advice in English, you can tone it down. By carefully choosing your words and your voice, you can help others to promote themselves without letting them be completely defeated. Avoid direct accusations Such comments as "You're wrong" and "Your presentation was terrible" do not work at all. In fact, if possible, it is better to remove the word "you" from the sentence. Personal aggressive language will alert them and they won't listen to what you're saying. Praise is soft Before you make any criticism, try to praise each other. If you are talking about their work, find out where you are very satisfied with what they have done. For example, "I, enjoyed, your, presentation, today.." 你在里面提供了很多好的有用的信息,我可以告诉你要付出很多努 力。我很欣赏你的努力。”这样的话能解除他们的戒备心并让他们感 激你的赞美。 不要以”而是“继续 然后,简短而含糊的一句赞美语马上接着用”而是“-“这是一个有 益的例如说话,但你真的需要提高你的演讲技能。”不能帮助你 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达 你的意思。在向对方表示了赞美之后,要让他们有足够的时间接受。 马上用”而是“会让你的赞美显得非常的虚假和不真诚。 提出建议 记得提出批评的目的并是要让人感到非常的难受;而是要帮助他们。 不要直接的指责对方,而是用一种轻松的方式传达意见。用类似,“下 次你要„”或是”我觉得是有帮助的„”能让人不觉得是在责备而 觉得只是提供帮助。“下次你可能要多给一点关注听众。我发现它有 助于看在眼里的人,而我说的。” 提供细节 人们不可能一夜之间就有所变化,特别是如果他们没有受到详细的指导。只要简单的说一句”你要对你的工作表现能力”其实并不能帮到他们~要对你提出的建议非常的详细,并不要一味的批评。记得,你希望他们继续努力和提高。不要让他们有挫折感~ 八千八百八十八兆八千八百八十八亿八千八百八十八万八千八百八十八 怎样给人提意见默认分类2009-05-06 21:09:47阅读148评论0字号:大中小订阅。 第一现场 会议室,张强正和经理争吵不休。今天3号,按照惯例正在召开部门月度工作布置会议。 “这个指标我完成不了,经理你每天坐在办公室里,根本不知道我们在一线的辛苦。现在市场竞争这么激烈,新客户很难开发。现在你要求这个月实现业绩增长30%,这根本就不现实张强对于经理布置的本月工作任务很不满。”。 “为什么你完成不了呢经理问道,”。 “我人手不够。我带的三个业务员,钱可刚毕业没什么经验,老周和赵明不错,可赵明这个月18号就将离职了。没有兵你让我怎么打仗张强觉得这个理由很充分了,”。 “就这个原因吗,这是你的问题。怎么带新人,怎么降低老员工离职带来的业绩影响,是你这个做主管应该考虑的事情经理说。”。 “我的问题,那经理你做什么,难道部门任务都是我们的事情张强 不服,”。 “如果你觉得做不了,可以选择辞职。” “辞职就辞职,照这样下去根本就没有法做了。” “好,你可以离开会议室了,等会议结束后把辞职报告交给我。” 自我分析: 用全身心的爱去面对今天去面对对每一个人给别人带来快乐是我的使命 1。张强让老板难堪假如老板屈服于张强的要求那老板以后还怎样立足还怎样管理手下的员工呢身为一个老板要言出必行建立威信如果只说不做就没人会把你说的话放在心上了 2。张强可以采取一些更高明的方法一定不要把主观因素当做是你的理由理由应该是实实在在的数据包括市场形势具体每个员工分担的任务等等 3。按现有条件或许完不成任务但是可以想办法提出一个最可行的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 让老板给提供一些实质性的帮助如暂时的人员调动或者给提供多一些经费等等 他错了,最明显的标记是:他的目标结果--让经理接受他的建议--并没有实现目标没有实现,说明行为有问题。 他错在哪里, 1。他选择了错误的建议时机。工作布置会议不是工作讨论会议,布 置会议召开时,决议已经形成,此时提建议就是推翻原有的决议。没 有人喜欢被别人说自己错了,上司更不喜欢下属说自己的决策是错误 的。且工作会议场合是公众场合,在这样的场合指责上司错了,无疑 是当众给了他一个耳光。上司在这样的情况下, It was difficult to accept advice, or even to listen to advice, and the only thing he could think of was how to maintain his authority. The work arrangement of meeting and working meeting the difference: in the work arrangement of the meeting, you have to listen to opinions, after again; working meeting, you have to be prepared in advance, at the meeting to fully express their views, and find enough reason for his ideas. Be sure to know people. No one is willing to challenge their authority. No one wants to make a fool of himself in public. 2. He chose the wrong opening remarks. Zhang Qiang's first words were: "I can't finish this indicator, manager. You sit in the office every day and don't even know we are in the front line."." Here it is. Give the manager a stick. In a strong heart, this is a waste, a manager! The manager said, "that's your problem."." The manager asked him earlier, "why can't you do it?"" Don't really care what a difficult, but have a strong reason to say, then refute this reason, Zhang Qiang to prove that you are wrong, your suggestion is not wrong, but he is a manager of "waste" "fool" the view is wrong. 3. He chose the wrong advice. Zhang Qiang made suggestions in the form of words, which is very bad. First of all, it is easy to influence the information dissemination of language content because of tone, intonation, body language and so on. In the same way, speaking in different tones is exactly the two concept. An action of speaker intention, communication may interfere with language information, the recipient may make a mistake there, "decoding", also can produce ambiguity. Even if the boss is an enlightened leader, he can admit his mistakes, but the formation of the resolution needs to be re formed. This may not lead to new resolutions at that time, and new changes may be made before the new resolution is formed, leading to proposals that are still not accepted. If you want to make some suggestions to be accepted is the only way of data so that the best method is the reason should be made in writing to the manager of the 1. time enough to consider 2. to avoid action mistakes and misleading 3. can present some verbal data can not explain 4. He chose the wrong advice. In fact, Zhang Qiang did not make any suggestions, only comments. In analyzing Zhang Qiang, he only said "work is difficult" and "manpower shortage" and so on. He gave the problem without giving a plan, so the manager said, "well, it's your problem" is not wrong. The manager was not interested in any difficulties, he only cared about the results, and what he could do was to provide the conditions and support for the solution to the difficulties. Zhang Qiang said a bunch of problems, but he didn't say he needed to solve these difficulties. How should Zhang Qiang advise the manager? Second, don't suggest it in public. With other people present, the manager still has a face problem. Without the presence of others, it would be less likely that Mr Zhang would be suggested by the manager to challenge authority. Third, make recommendations in written form. Make a similar application written materials, and then set aside special instructions, listed on the rise: "the manager instructions."". In this way, the proposal becomes an application, and the manager will feel that the matter is still in his decision-making, and will not feel suppressed by subordinates. At the same time, it is written material that avoids the possible ambiguity of verbal expression. Moreover, since there are special instructions, such advice will certainly be given feedback, and the manager's feedback has been returned, no matter whether the manager agrees or not. Zhang Qiang can revise the scheme according to feedback. Fourth, organize the content. Zhang Qiang reason to the manager suggested that nothing more than feel that this month's performance may not be completed. But he could not speak directly to the manager: "I can't do it."." Because it's a tough thing, nothing to do with the manager. Therefore, Zhang Qiang should change the focus of the problem, the performance can not be completed into what kind of conditions I need. For example, more manpower is required for the manager, and the reason for the claim is that there is not enough manpower. The content of such a proposal is submitted to the manager in written form. The manager will not begin to think Zhang Qiang intends to shirk his responsibility. But the manager doesn't necessarily agree with additional staff, never mind, because the manager already know Zhang Qiang there not enough manpower, and now the market development work has certain difficulty, so he will reconsider to Zhang Qiang's performance indicators. Fifth, give your request enough support. Advising the manager is not about what you want, but what you need to accept. The key is to let the manager understand why you have to ask for these conditions, which requires you to give sufficient arguments to support them. What is the argument, speak in numbers?. Take Zhang Qiang as an example. He should list the performance of his three salesmen in the last few months during the difficult analysis, To illustrate why money may not work, and Zhao Ming's departure will have a great impact. At the same time, a sketch of the growth figures in recent months shows how big the growth in recent months is by numbers and illustrations What's the average growth rate? Is the growth rate of 30% feasible? Once more Zhang Qiang wrote a report on the application for additional staff according to the status of his team and came to the manager's office. "Manager, I have an application report here. Please give me your instructions."." With that, he handed over the report he had written. The manager took a look at it and glanced at the title. He knew that Zhang was going to apply for more manpower. The beginning of the report is the current situation analysis of the business group responsible for Zhang qiang. Several tables clearly reflect the fact that the business team is out of hand at the same time, and several performance reports reflect performance growth in recent months. Zhang Qiang left, the manager took out a good performance distribution table. Think about just now Zhang Qiang's report, feel that this month to Zhang Qiang formulation of "performance growth of 30%" target seems difficult to achieve, and then consider it. On the 3 day of the month, the manager announced at the departmental monthly job placement meeting: "Zhang Qiang's business team has achieved a 10% growth target this month."." At the same time, the manager said: "other than a strong group of target group more, Zhang Qiang group Zhao Ming No. 18 will leave, but money can now also need training and learning, so as to give some tasks. But labor departments have started recruiting, complete with hand et al, would not have this situation." Eighty-eight trillion and eight hundred and eighty-eight billion eight hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight Think of the art of AI before. This ditch The skills of communication are really worth studying. We all do well, and we often think we are Teachers, others are students, they are moral models, others have problems. We all like Go face to face with others. This should be a problem and should be overcome. True, AI Is a very high level, it is a perfect, very few people can do it completely, but... Can we be infinitely close? How should we give advice to others? My view: should not use the order, The domineering, a lesson tone, it will inspire each other A rebellion, especially one that gives one's level of knowledge A man who has a sense of knowledge is inferior to himself and can be taught that man is equal to man, I've always believed in it. Everyone is educated, and a little self-confident Respect each other. For men and women, even if married, should also adhere to this Otherwise, it will trigger a quarrel. Because, once you take the tone of the lesson, good If he is a general, the other party is a soldier, he must listen to himself, then the other party, even if there is a mistake, It is not easy to accept, and the feelings of the other side of the heart immediately rise, and even lead to breaking The jar was broken. "What's wrong with you?"" There is a voice in the other's opposition, perhaps He doesn't show it. Don't be complacent. Think he has accepted your tough line Manner". Under your strong pressure, take care of face or gentleman or otherwise The reason for that didn't happen on the spot, and did what you wanted to do, but he didn't quite follow it Of course, he will probably realize his mistake later, and he will think you are right, but... At least you were not easy to accept when you taught him. Therefore, we must pay attention to other The manner in which a person speaks is converted to a kindly and gentle tone in a negotiated tone, The other side is easy to accept some. And you'll be sincerely grateful after the event. Eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight trillion and eight hundred and eighty-eight billion eight hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight He seems to have your opinion, it seems that you usually do not pay attention to your behavior, while you are doing this for the company, but you need to know to ask others to help you must be polite, to speak, although you do not have what was malicious, but what will others think, like another angle and if you were him, so he speaks to you, how would you mind? Although everyone has an opinion, if it is your own fault, I think you should apologize to him, no matter what grade or, anyway, I was wrong to apologize to others, it is polite if you always do this is to help you busy, people will look at you not pleasing to the eye, you feel this is a bit like you look down on people, relationship with colleagues will not do well! You said yes, things found the best to solve immediately, right is right, wrong is wrong, later happened, don't lose your temper, to endure, wrong, it is good to talk about, lose your temper is useless, It looks like you should know you're wrong now Eight hundred and eighty-eight trillion and eight hundred and eighty-eight billion eight hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight The most important thing is that your opinions are accepted by the other party. It is necessary to use some skills on this premise. We often see even personally encountered such a situation: it is good advice is good for both sides, but only because of the way of speaking and skills, the parties do part, and even become enemies. So skills are very important. The following three steps for "giving advice to others" (mainly aimed at leadership, but in fact, for everyone) are extracted from Zhao's "politics of Liangshan" (Tsinghua University press, 2005, pp. 120~123). After introducing the method, the author adds a case to Song Jiang's classmate to explain and explain carefully. The first step is called recognition. In any case, first of all to recognize each other, especially when the other party is your leader, this recognition is extremely important. If his mind is not good, accept his eyes; if he is not good, accept his principles; if the principles are wrong, then at least acknowledge the positive attitudes of others. In short, be sure to find something to recognize and praise in a genuine manner. It can obtain the trust of the other side, for the future to pave the way for the proposal. For example, Wu division made a plan, a massive attack on the Tokyo kaifeng. This strategy is a Too Big for Her Skin strategy, there are problems of course. But when in the opposition, or should I first recognized its strategic vision, such as the beautiful will save, by surprise, the heart of the problem. Even if none of this is commendable, at least this attitude and courage to crack down on the enemy is entirely acceptable. The second step is called assimilation. That is to say, there is a position before you say what you suggest. How about it? The essentials is based on recognition of the previous one, tell yourself those things to inspire and educate their own role, further pointed out that behind the idea is developed based on this important inspiration. This statement is very important, it shows that their position is not opposed to the leadership, but with the leadership in the same team, is inspired by the leadership of the proposal. In this way, even if the proposal is wrong, the position is right. So, your leadership will eliminate the hostility, the people around (even if some of the crafty villain) is not good to do to move. The third step is called add-on. This is actually the core of the whole proposal, and in the front of the two steps on the basis of foreshadowing, this core part can enter the stage. And when you say, do not say that your own suggestions or ideas, but as "by the front of the inspiration after the individual immature ideas," as a supplement to the views of the leadership, for your reference". In this way, one can speak out one's opinions without showing mountains or dew. Only one purpose is to reduce conflicts, reduce conflicts and hostility, so that their recommendations have really been taken seriously by the leadership. Perhaps many people hold different views on this advice, honest person would think this opinion is too hypocritical, gracious people think this opinion is too vague, the people may find it too long winded comments. In fact, everything in the world is not absolutely perfect, we do things as long as the main goal is achieved, you can be satisfied. The main purpose of making an opinion is, of course, to make your opinion acceptable. As long as we can achieve this purpose, so the longer, a little trouble, even a little hypocritical all the Never mind. This is the mind to do things. Therefore, in the present situation, he decided to choose this strategy to make comments to him. The second day, just the copycat has a small meeting, only Wu division, Lu Yuanwai, Chai magnifico people and several other people in. I've decided to get a chance to speak at the meeting. There is one basic principle for making comments, which is to try to choose small occasions. Public opinion very easily lead to antagonism, so a good thing to do anyway. Through the ages, many people do not pay attention to occasions and methods when they make their opinions, and say with enthusiasm and good wishes that this situation often leads to conflict. Once the conflict really, the two sides at loggerheads, incompatible, not only their own opinions were denied, and later hit, people also have no way to speak. This is in fact a way to harm the interests of the whole world by the stupidity of one person. Not only is not worthy of praise, but to be criticized. Originally, if a skilled person carries it out, it is entirely possible to be adopted, so that everyone benefits. Now a skilled people reckless to carry out, with the leadership of fierce clashes, mention the same views on the road was blocked, Even the skilled people were at a loss what to do. This is of course a dull, showing loyalty to brute courage and in spite of the sufferings of the hateful behavior. I chose a small occasion, is considering the song brother my face, since proposed, we must try to ensure that he can accept shunshundangdang. When the meeting was held for second days, I couldn't tell what was expected. I talked about the recent events in the cottage. Song eldest brother finished the marriage of Wang Ying, said Qin Ming's marriage, and then cheerfully told everyone that he was brewing the next pile. I took her to start my, ready to speak. First of all, I am sure that song brother's starting point and vision: "Song elder brother concerned about the personal lives of brothers, personally consider personal issues for brothers, so that we are all very moved.". Moreover, the brothers an able to lift everyone's this thing itself menace from the rear, there is very important significance for the stability and development of the copycat." Then I stand on its own: "the biggest advantage of assimilation before I often think I Liangshan is the" loyalty "two words, brothers fellowlike, share life and death, this is the fundamental development in Liangshan. How to embody this loyalty, loyalty to the occupation education with new brothers, I also often confused. Recently, see and hear the song brother strategy, inspired me. Caring for the lives of brothers is really a good starting point, and it works fastest. Inspired by song big brother, I also had some ideas." Finally, I took my thoughts out: "I will add my views as a complement, please brother song and you will consider.". Caring for the lives of the brothers is a good way to gather people's hearts. This concern is not limited to the leaders, should be widely applied to the bottom of the brethren. At present, the cottage food storage emergency, some brothers have limited meals. How to solve the problem of shortage of food in spring each year is a matter of concern to everyone, also should be the focus to consider the cohesion of the people. Also, the song brother as copycat Lord himself for his brethren to marriage, so we are very sorry. I have heard the brothers said, we all hope that the song brother can save labor day, hundreds of thousands of brothers, eleven, leader of province families, the daily stand a lot of things, the song brother to do the demonstration, a good start, later assigned to Sun Erniang, Gu dasao they can. The song brother don't need hands-on, big and small pipe. Urgent things copycat has enough, the brothers are private things to feel shy with the song brother's heart, the more afraid of hard song brother more, once the body tired, the development of Liangshan will be affected." Talk to people that nod, song brother smiled: "please tell Zhu Xiandi you, brothers Song Jiang took out of my mind, I will not live up to everyone's expectations." Wu you looked at me, smiling a meaningful smile. I know, Wu counsellor is the Pearl of wisdom in hand, all of this nature he could understand. Later, song eldest brother was busy preparing food for the matter. Life leaders are entrusted to the Gu dasao arrange, the appointment document is issued by the song brother personally. Comment: Mr. Zhao comments of the three step a good explanation of "the art" "shape" of the idea: firstly make oneself in an invincible position, and then look for opportunities, overwhelmingly, to "fight the enemy", "to achieve self-protection and victory" to "good keep hidden under nine places, good attack who move in nine days, can protect themselves also victory." "Because he, in an invincible position, without losing the enemy." "Is it wins the soldiers to win then go to war, troops war first and then win." How to win the soldiers to win then go to war? "Fight for an article": on the soldiers cut plan; no war and bend soldiers. All these are built on the following basis: in order to move the enemy. What is Li? Material interests, face and conscience correspond to the individual needs of the body, mind and spirit...... Eight hundred and eighty-eight trillion and eight hundred and eighty-eight billion eight hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
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