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调查问卷分析调查问卷分析 创建本底基线(问卷调查) 项目组完成了一项有36个问题的量化调查以建立知识、态度和行为(KAP)的本底基线,帮助他们更好地了解他们自豪项目的受众,并验证关于这些受众的假设。 在确定了目标受众、项目需要针对的关键威胁因子,并确立了项目总体目标后,我们设计了调查表。问卷的问题由志愿调查员(主要由甘肃林业职业技术学院的大学生构成,调查前项目主管对他们进行了培训)高声朗读。答案由志愿调查员认真记下来。这一调查征集了关于知识、态度的主流水平,对于裕河保护区的一般行为以及所面临的威胁因子的信息;另外还有关于...

调查问卷分析 创建本底基线(问卷调查) 项目组完成了一项有36个问题的量化调查以建立知识、态度和行为(KAP)的本底基线,帮助他们更好地了解他们自豪项目的受众,并验证关于这些受众的假设。 在确定了目标受众、项目需要针对的关键威胁因子,并确立了项目总体目标后,我们设计了调查表。问卷的问题由志愿调查员(主要由甘肃林业职业技术学院的大学生构成,调查前项目主管对他们进行了培训)高声朗读。答案由志愿调查员认真记下来。这一调查征集了关于知识、态度的主流水平,对于裕河保护区的一般行为以及所面临的威胁因子的信息;另外还有关于媒体偏好、改变行为意愿、(效益和障碍)以及可信的信息来源等方面的信息。 以下表格总结了访谈过的人数以及调查表的村子分布。 乡镇 村子 人口数量 目标地区被抽样的人口 人口调查员的姓名 裕河乡 阳坝 727 23 柴静、景利忠、夏海 唐坝 544 17 燕、王维成、王玉青、 孙家湾 382 12 吴俊成、何敏、张军、 赵钱坝 521 17 高云峰、李晓鸿、李 坟坪子 686 22 发新 梨树 316 10 庙坝 534 17 范家坪 442 14 苦竹园 247 8 余家河 471 15 五马乡 观音崖 169 5 金口坝 733 23 郭家坪 424 13 马坝 94 五马街 113 4 李家坝 465 15 西山 231 7 石家坝 265 8 董家院 374 12 枫相乡 东沟 258 8 松咀 452 14 尹家河 308 10 大水沟 504 16 磨坝 339 11 黑沟子 167 5 枫相院 316 10 强家湾 0 张家院 352 11 洛塘镇 楼房山 329 10 水磨 421 13 陈家庄 298 9 宁杏沟 551 17 厂里 580 18 总计 12,613 416 该调查使用了Apian? Survey Pro?软件进行设计和分析。 注意: , 我们的项目干预人数是16000人(保护区内及周边有影响的村子),但只对生活在保护区 内的12,613人进行了基线调查,这样做的原因在于干预重点在保护区,保护区周边居民的 生活习俗与调查村的基本相同但调查成本要高。 , 传统上,男人从事社交活动,少量女性因为不愿意抛头露面而拒绝了我们的调查。 调查结果 人口统计员回收了416份调查,并将其输入到Survey Pro?软件包中。量化调查中收集的数据可以验证我们的一些假设,并帮助我们修正目标。调查分析有助于断定并更好地理解一个人的目标受众,以及确定渠道、可信的来源并有助于策划信息。 研究的结果总结可以在本项目 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的下一小节中找到。完整的分析材料备索。 调查档案总结 该调查抽样了裕河保护区的部份人口,对保护区内所有主要的村庄进行了抽样,但稍微有些偏向男人而不是妇女。其样本大小能广泛地代表他们的人口。社区居民以农业生产为主(64.6%),文化程度较低,文盲(33.6%)和小学及小学以下(36.5%)占多数。 回答者性别 回答者受教育程度 回答者教育程度 回答者职业 9.2 关键受众细分对媒体的偏好 电视是社区居民能够接触到的最主要媒体渠道(97.3%),其次是家庭VCD(9.7%)。偏爱的媒体也是电视(92.2%) 现有社区媒体渠道 社区居民对媒体的偏爱 9.3 可信的信息来源 下图是社区居民对信息来源任任程度的调查结果,总体上,对对家人/朋友的信任程度最高(4.21分),对电视、广播/收音机、报纸/杂志等媒体比较信任(3分以上),对教师、地方领袖、政府工作人员和执法人员比较信任(3分以上)。 9.4 关于关键问题的知识和态度 在接受调查的社区居民当中(人数n,413),有87.2,的人认为砍伐薪柴本地的森林和环境带来严重的威胁,此外认为放牧、砍伐木材、采集、开垦对本地森林和环境构成负面影响的人数百分比是39.3,、29.1,、26.4,和26.4,,但却有44,的人从来不知道节柴灶,35.3,的人只是听说过节柴灶。 在是否愿意使用节柴灶的态度方面,有29.9,的人强烈同意,58.3,的人同意。20.2,有人愿 意投入的成本在200元以下,29.9,的人愿意投入201~500元,28.2,的的人愿意投入 501~1000元。 9.5 方式 在接受调查的社区居民当中(人数n,416)目前仅有12.3,的人自己认为在使用节柴灶。但 TNC能源专家王书文先生考察后认为,当地人自己认为的节柴灶与项目定义的节柴灶并不一致, 项目定义的节柴灶在设计上要更科学,而当地人说的节柴灶,仅仅是对原有土灶的简单改进(增 加了烟道)。 9.6 行为改变的统一体 研究结果表明:在行为改变的统一体中,绝大多数的居民处于预思考阶段和思考期,其中有 42.2,的居民表明“在过去1年中,我根本就不知道节柴灶或从未想过要将厨房的灶改建成节柴 灶”,有41.7,的居民表明“在过去1年中,我想过要将厨房的灶改建成节柴灶,但是我目前 还没有计划”。 调查问卷 Part1 Background information needed to be completed without asking interviewees. (1) Program researcher : [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] (2) Supervisor : [A] [B] [C] (4) Place : ___________village __________county (5) Date (month/day/year) : month day , 2009 (6) research period: [A] baseline---program zone [B] baseline---comparison zone [C] postprogram –--program zone [D] postprogram---comparison zone (7) Interviewee’s gender: [A] Male [B] Female Part 2 Survey on social economy and population statistics (8) How old are you ? [A] 18-25 years old [B] 26-35 years old [C] 36-45 years old [D] 46-55 years old [E] 56-65 years old [F] 66 years old and over 66 years old [G] under 18 years old (9) What is your education background ? [A]Uneducated [B] Primary-school-educated and under primary-school-educated [C]Secondary-middle-school-educated [D]Senior-middle-school-educated or technical-secondary-school-educated [E]University-educated or junior-college-educated [F] Unwilling to reply (10) What is your occupation ? [A]Agriculture [B] Transportation [C] Medical service [D] Migrant worker [E] Craftsman [F] Vendor [G] Education [H] Catering [I] Undergraduate [J] Government department [K] Factory or manufacturing [L] Unable to work [M]Housework [N] Else (11) In the last year, how much money did your family earn ? It is restated that all the survey information will not be released. [A] less than 2,000 yuan [B] 2,001-5,000 yuan [C] 5,001-10,000 yuan [D] 10,001-15,000yuan [E]not clear [F]20,001-30,000yuan [G]30,001-50,000yuan [H] 15,001-20,000yuan [I] over 50,000yuan [J] unwilling to answer (12)In the last year, what did you depend on for making money?(multiple check) [A] planting food crops [B] planting economic crops [C] planting herbs [D] animal husbandry [E] transportation [F] selling wood [G]farming [H] collecting forest byproducts [I] technical service [J] working away from hometown [K] doing business [L] selling firewood [M] managing a factory [N] family processing industry [O] working for local factory [P] working for government department [13] In the last year, what is the annual income of most families in your village? [A] less than 500 yuan [B] 5,01-1000 yuan [C] 1,001-1,500 yuan [D] 1,501-2,500 yuan [E] more than 2,500yuan [F] not clear [G] unwilling to answer Part3 Survey on reliable information resources and advertisements contact (14) In the recent year , which item(s) do you have or did you have ? (multiple check ) [A] television [B] radio [C] newspaper [D] VCD/DVD [E] brochure [F] broadcasting [G] poster [H] magazine [I] advertising wall calendar / desk calendar [J] else [15] In the recent year , which item(s) have you learnt? (multiple check ) [A] television [B] radio [C] newspaper [D] VCD/DVD [E] brochure [F] leaflet [G] publicity board [H] broadcasting [I] poster [J] magazine [k] advertising wall calendar / desk calendar [L] art joint performance [M] villager [N]puppet show [O] slogan [P]government officials in charge of publicity [Q] officials in charge of publicity from other institutions [R] friends / relatives [S] else (16) Among the following item(s ), which item(s) have you used more?( multiple check ) [A] television [B] radio [C] newspaper [D] VCD/DVD [E] brochure [F] leaflet [G] publicity board [H] broadcasting [I] poster [J] magazine [k] advertising wall calendar / desk calendar [L] art joint performance [M] villager [N]puppet show [O] slogan [P]government officials in charge of publicity [Q] officials in charge of publicity from other institutions [R] friends / relatives [S] else (17) Among the following item(s ), which item(s) do you like best? ( multiple check ) [A] television [B] radio [C] newspaper [D] VCD/DVD [E] brochure [F] leaflet [G] publicity board [H] broadcasting [I] poster [J] magazine [k] advertising wall calendar / desk calendar [L] art joint performance [M] villager [N]puppet show [O] slogan [P]government officials in charge of publicity [Q] officials in charge of publicity from other institutions [R] friends / relatives [S] else (18) What is your impression of the following information resources? (18.1) those working for broadcasting / radio [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.2) those working for Tv [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.3) reports from newspaper and magazines [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.4) law executing personnel [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.5) government officials [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.6) non- government officials [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.7) leader of the local area [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.9) slogan [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.10) teacher [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.11) poster and advertising board [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.12) brochure [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.13) puppet show [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.14) public gathering and villagers [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.15) art joint performance [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.16) leaflet [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (18.17) VCD/DVD [A] absolutely believe [B] pretty believe [C] be doubtful [D] not quite believe [E] not believe (19) What is your favorite program? [A] play [B] news report on Tv [C] drama [D] opera [E] circus [F] puppet show [G] opuscule [H] cross talk Part 4 Interviewees are grouped by the corresponding behaviors. (20)In the last year, which of the following statements is right for you ? [A] I did not know the firewood-saving cooker at all or I have never considered changing the traditional cooker into the firewood-saving one . [B] I have considered changing the traditional cooker into the firewood-saving one , but I have not made a plan yet. [C] I have considered changing the traditional cooker into the firewood-saving one and I have planned to do it later . [D] I have successfully changed the traditional cooker into the firewood-saving one and I am going to keep using it. [E] I have successfully changed the traditional cooker into the firewood-saving one , but I seldom use it or stop after using it for some time and frequently use the traditional cooker. [F] The interviewee is not involved in this practice. (21) In the last year, which of the following statements is right for you ? [A] I have never considered reducing firewood cutting. [B] I have considered reducing firewood cutting ,but I have not planned on when to do it. [C] I have considered reducing firewood cutting and I have planned to do it at a right time. [D] I have reduced firewood cutting and planned to keep doing it. [E] I have ever reduced firewood cutting but I stopped. [F] The interviewee is not involved in this practice. Part5 Collect the baseline information for SMART information objective and observe its change . (22) In your opinion, the negative effects on the local forest and environment are ________(the researcher should not give hints and mark the listed effects with ? and write down the unlisted .) [A] firewood cutting [B] collecting [C] herding [D] cultivating [E] wood cutting [F] infrastructure construction [G] mining [H] forest fire [I] hunting [J] else1_________ [K] else 2 _______ (23) In your opinion, the effects of the excessive firewood cutting on the local forest and environment are ____________ [A] forest reduction [B] climate deterioration [C] mud-rock flow increase [D] animal and plant decrease [E] scenery deterioration [F] forest byproducts reduction [G] else1_______ [H] else2_______ (24) As to firewood-saving cooker, which of the following statements is true for you ? [A] have used it [B] have seen it [C] have heard it [D] have never known it (25)Please list the advantages of firewood-saving cooker ( if the interviewee does not know firewood-saving cooker at all , the interviewer will choose “ not clear ” directly.) [A] save firewood [B] save labor [C] keep kitchen neat [D] reduce dust [E] helpful for health [F] keep hot water delicious [G] not clear Part6 Collect the baseline information for SMART attitude objective and observe its change . (26) In spite of inconvenience , will you reduce firewood cutting to protect the local forest resources and environment ? ( the interviewer should remind the interviewee to express the sincere attitude.) [A] strongly approve [B] approve [C] be neutral [D] disapprove [E] be strongly against (27)What do you think of taking some measures to reduce the use of firewood? [A] strongly approve [B] approve [C] be neutral [D] disapprove [E] be strongly against (28) Do you agree to use firewood-saving cooker? [A] strongly approve [B] approve [C] be neutral [D] disapprove [E] be strongly against (29) Are you willing to spend some money changing your traditional cooker into firewood-saving cooker ? ( If having used firewood-saving cooker, how much money did you spend ?) [A] less than 200 yuan [B] 201-500 yuan [C] 501-1,000yuan [D] 1,001-2,000yuan [E] over 2,000yuan (30)To decrease firewood consumption , which of the following items would you like to choose? (the interviewer can remind the interviewee to make a choice under the condition of spending their own money.) [A] use firewood-saving cooker [B]use methane [C] use solar water heater [D] use electric heater [E] use coal Part7 Collect the baseline information for SMART intercommunication objective and observe its change . (31) In the last year, did you talk about firewood-saving cooker with others ? If yes, could you tell me whom you talked with ? [A] never talked with others [B] talked with my wife/husband [C] talked with parents or with parents-in –law [D] talked with adult children [E] talked with unadult children [F] talked with friends or neighbors [G] talked with the village elders [H] talked with government officials or experts [I] talked with environmental protection workers [J] talked with other villagers (32) In the last year, did you talk about protecting local forest with others? If yes, could you tell me whom you talked with ? [A] never talked with others [B] talked with my wife/husband [C] talked with parents or with parents-in –law [D] talked with adult children [E] talked with unadult children [F] talked with friends or neighbors [G] talked with the village elders [H] talked with government officials or experts [I] talked with environmental protection workers [J] talked with other villagers (33) In the last year, did you talk about your using firewood-saving cooker with others? If yes, could you tell me whom you talked with ? [A] never talked with others [B] talked with my wife/husband law [D] talked with adult children [C] talked with parents or with parents-in – [E] talked with unadult children [F] talked with friends or neighbors [G] talked with the village elders [H] talked with government officials or experts [I] talked with environmental protection workers [J] talked with other villagers Part8 Collect the baseline information for SMART behavior objective and observe its change . (34)Have you used firewood-saving cooker? [A] Yes [B] No (35) How much firewood did you use last winter? (the researcher can tell the interviewee that his or her answer will not bring the inconvenience. ) [A] less than 1,500jin (half a tractor of firewood ) [B] 1,501-3,000jin (half a tractor to a tractor) [C] 3,001-4,500jin (one and a half tractors to two tractors) [D] 4,501-6,000 jin (two tractors to two and a half tractors) [E] 6,001-7.500 jin (two and a half tractors to three tractors) [F] 7,501-9,000jin (three and a half tractors to four tractors) [G] 9,001-10,500jin ( four tractors to four and a half tractors ) [H] 10,501-12,000 jin (four and a half tractors to five tractors) [I] 12,001-13,500jin (five tractors to five and a half tractors) [J] 13,501-15,000 jin (five and a half tractors to six tractors) [K] 15,001-16,500 jin (six tractors to seven and a half tractors ) [L] over 16,501jin (more than seven and a half tractors ) (36)In the last year, how much firewood did you use except winter? [A] less than 1,500jin (half a tractor of firewood) [B] 1,501-3,000jin (half a tractor to a tractor) [C] 3,001-4,500jin (one and a half tractors to two tractors) [D] 4,501-6,000 jin (two tractors to two and a half tractors) [E] 6,001-7.500 jin (two and a half tractors to three tractors) [F] 7,501-9,000jin (three and a half tractors to four tractors) [G] 9,001-10,500jin ( four tractors to four and a half tractors ) [H] 10,501-12,000 jin (four and a half tractors to five tractors) [I] 12,001-13,500jin (five tractors to five and a half tractors) [J] 13,501-15,000 jin (five and a half tractors to six tractors) [K] 15,001-16,500 jin (six tractors to seven and a half tractors ) [L] over 16,501 (more than seven and a half tractors ) Part9 Check the obstacles and the advantages of putting into practice. (37) Complete the following sentences. (37.1) If firewood-saving cooker goes into your kitchen , in your opinion , the advantages are ________________and the disadvantages are ___________. (37.2) If firewood cutting is reduced, the positive effects are ________________, the negative effects are ______________. Part10 Information on how much the interviewees learnt about the activities of RARE (38)As to the following items, could you tell me whether you saw them or heard them in the last year ? (38.1) Did you see the advertising board or wall newspaper for using firewood-saving cooker? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (38.2) Did you see the poster for using firewood-saving cooker? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (38.3) Did you watch a short play on using firewood-saving cooker? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (38.4) Did you learn the information of firewood-saving cooker and forest protecting from your children in school? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (38.5) Did you watch a puppet show with the characters of golden monkey/ firewood-saving cooker? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (38.6) Did you read a brochure on using firewood-saving cooker? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (38.7) Did you know the activities related to RARE? [A] Yes [B] not clear [C] No (39) Among the various ways giving you some information on using firewood-saving cooker, which one impresses you most ? [A] advertising board or wall newspaper [B] puppet show [C] poster [D] brochure [E] short play [F] all of the above-mentioned [G] no way impresses me most [H] forget all [I] else_________ (40) Which of the above-mentioned ways produces the greatest influence on you ? [A] advertising board or wall newspaper [B] puppet show [C] poster [D] brochure [E] short play [F] all of the above-mentioned [G] no way impresses me most [H] forget all [I] else_________ (41) In the last six months , if you made use of various ways to get the information on using firewood-saving cooker , what is the most important information you have learnt ? [A] use firewood-saving cooker in the kitchen [B] firewood-saving cooker can keep kitchen clean and be good for health [C] protect the forest of Yuhe protection area [D] can not remember what the ways are /what the publicity information is [E] else_______ Thank you for your participating in this questionnaire!
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