首页 高一政治必修二单元一、单元二试题



高一政治必修二单元一、单元二试题高一政治必修二单元一、单元二试题 一、选择题 本大题共35小题,每小题2分,共计70分。在每小题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的 1. 年满18周岁的高中学生晓迪参加区人大代表选举时,社区领导告诉他一定要选本社区的居委会主任,晓迪感到自己的基本民主权利受到侵犯,就把这个事情反映给了上级人大部门。该事件中,涉及的公民基本民主权利包括 A. 选举权 B. 被选举权 C. 政治自由 D. 监督权 2. 人民民主专政的本质是 A. 坚持共产党领导 B. 人民享有广泛的政治权利 C. 人民当家作主 D. 坚...

高一政治必修二单元一、单元二 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 一、选择题 本大题共35小题,每小题2分,共计70分。在每小题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的 1. 年满18周岁的高中学生晓迪参加区人大代表选举时,社区领导告诉他一定要选本社区的居委会主任,晓迪感到自己的基本民主权利受到侵犯,就把这个事情反映给了上级人大部门。该事件中,涉及的公民基本民主权利包括 A. 选举权 B. 被选举权 C. 政治自由 D. 监督权 2. 人民民主专政的本质是 A. 坚持共产党领导 B. 人民享有广泛的政治权利 C. 人民当家作主 D. 坚定不移地走社会主义道路 3. 在十届全国人大代表中,工人、农民代表占18.46%,知识分子占21.14%,民主党派和无党派代表占16.09%,解放军代表占8.9%,此外,还包括香港、澳门特区和归国华侨等方面的代表。这充分体现出我国社会主义民主的 具有 的特征。 A.权利 真实 B. 权利 阶级 C . 主体 广泛 D .主体 平等 4. 我国人民民主的真实性表现在( ) ?民主主体的广泛性 ?人民民主有制度保证 ?人民民主有法律保证 ? 人民民主有物质保证 A. ??? B. ??? C. ??? D.??? 5、《中华人民共和国行政许可法》第46条规定:“涉及公共利益的重大行政许可事项,行政机关应当向社会公告,并举行听证。”由此可见 A(国家注重保障公民的基本民主权利 B(我国人民当家作主的权利具有真实性 C(我国人民直接管理国家事务 D(社会主义民主是全民的民主 6. 2010年9月22日,温家宝总理在联合国千年发展目标高级别会议上指出:“2000年联合国千年首脑会议提出,一定使每一个人实现发展权。千年发展目标一定会在中国如期实现。”温总理之所以强调要实现我国公民的发展权,根本原因在于 A. 发展权是我国公民基本的民主权利 B. 我国民主具有真实性和广泛性 C. 我国充分尊重和保障人权 D. 我国是人民民主专政的国家 7. 2010年8月1日,北京市公安局同步开通官方博客、微博与播客,构成三位一体的网络公共关系平台,倾听群众呼声,了解社情民意,打造“平安北京”。这一举措 ?便于市民对市公安局的监督 ?强化了市公安局的管理职能 ?扩大了市民政治参与的权利 ?拓宽了市民利益诉求的新渠道 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 国家发改委公布了《关于居民生活用电实行阶梯电价的指导意见(征求意见稿)》,就居民用电实行阶梯电价向社会公开征求意见。据此回答8—9题。 8. 就阶梯电价向社会公开征求意见,有利于 ?保障公民的质询权 ?坚持从群众来到群众中去的工作方法 ?增加政府工作透明度 ?公民直接参与管理国家和社会事务 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 9. 针对发改委的征求意见稿,某日报以“阶梯电价,对咱有好处吗,”、“阶梯电价,谁在获益,”等为题连续发文进行报导,产生了很大的社会反响。这一做法 ?属于行政系统外部的监督 ?会削弱政府的权威和公信力 ?是以权力制约权力的体现 ?有利于提高行政水平减少失误 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 10. 在我国现有政治体制中,农村村民委员会和居民委员会是我国的 A. 基层政权组织 B. 基层自治组织 C. 基层社会团体 D. 基层经济组织 11. 当前全国有许多地方进行村委会换届选举。不少地方在选举中采用了“海选”方式,设立秘密划票间,候选人向村民发表治村演说,公开唱票、计票,当场公布选举结果。绝大多数村庄选出了群众满意的村委会领导班子。这表明 村民选举是村民参与民主管理的重要途径 ? ?村民选举是我国政府机构改革的重要组成部分 ?村民选举是村民自治的重要组成部分 ?“海选”是产生村民满意的村委会领导班子的唯一途径 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 日前,北京市讨论通过了《北京市中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》。据此回答第12—13题。 12. 在《纲要》制定过程中,北京市政府有关部门曾就《纲要》草案向社会公开征求意见,各界人士积极建言献策。在这里,公民是通过_________参与《纲要》的制定过程。 ?信访举报制度 ?舆论监督制度 ?社会公示制度 ?社情民意反映制度 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 13. 此次征求意见共收集建议上千条,其中外来务工人员子女在京受教育、学生减负以及学龄前儿童入园难等问题成为社会关注的焦点。如果让你编写这则消息,最佳的标题是 A. 集专家智慧,做科学决策 B. 行使民主权利、履行光荣义务 C. 社情民意汇民智,民主决策为人民 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. D. 基层民主自治进程加快,公民政治参与意识加强 14. 某小区的两栋楼之间新开了一家烤鸭店,“嗡嗡”的噪声和刺鼻的炭焦味让附近居民苦不堪言。对此,居民可以 ?向环保监测部门投诉 ?对楼顶的风机进行改造,减少噪音 ?向人民法院提起诉讼 ?加强执法力度,制止扰民现象发生 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 15. 近年来,海淀区政府推行“一科制”审批工作机制,即各单位的审批事项集中由一个科室办理,实现“一个窗口受理、一个机构审批、一个公章办结”,审批时限平均缩短50%以上。这体现了 A. 精简机构,建设便民利民政府 B. 强化政府职能,建设法治型政府 C. 权力下放,建设廉洁高效政府 D. 简化行政审批,建设服务型政府 16. 高中生小杨所在的研究性学习小组,想给当地政府负责人写一份《关于提升政府权威的建议书》,他们列出的建议中有如下几点,你认为正确的是 ?稳定物价,促进经济又好又快发展 ?优化服务,与人民群众保持和谐关系 ?接受监督,让群众成为决策的主体 ?注重品行,工作人员要有良好的业绩 A. ?? B. ?? C. ??? D. ??? 17. 北京市治理交通拥堵综合 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 里积极开展“公交周”、“无车日”、“少开车”等活动,倡导乘坐公共交通工具、骑自行车和步行等绿色出行方式,北京市民积极响应,“每周少开一天车”,“拼车上下班”等成为市民的新选择。这说明 A. 北京市民都在践行正确的消费观,树立了正确的权力义务观 B. 绿色消费、低碳生活、环保观念已深入人心 C. 公民树立了正确的消费观,生活方式已发生深刻变化 D. 参与社会生活应正确处理国家利益和个人利益的关系 18. 北京市市长就“加强基础设施建设、缓解交通拥堵压力”主题,到金融街进行专题调研。在调研活动中,市政府的角色主要是 A. 经济建设的组织者 B. 社会公共服务的提供者 C. 企业活动的管理者 D. 国家公共权力的所有者 19. 在人民网的显著位置,设置了“地方领导留言板”。在这里,网民可以就自己关心的问题发表意见和建议,各级领导干部也积极对网友提出的问题给予答复并设法解决。这个平台拉近了网民和领导、政府部门的距离,受到广大网民的欢迎,这是因为 ?网络问政有助于促进政府决策的科学化、民主化 ?公民可以通过网络参政议政,行使国家权力 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. ?网络问政拓宽了公民参与政治生活的渠道 ?网络问政扩大了公民的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 20. 下面漫画反映了 ?直接选举优于间接选举 ?社会主义民主政治的发展是一个逐步完善的过程 ?选举方式的选择要顺应社会进步与经济发展的要求 ?村民直选村委会成员是村民参与管理国家事务的表现 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 21. 当前,少数地方政府不惜以牺牲资源、环境为代价追求产值,甚至弄虚作假,热衷于 搞“政绩工程”、“形象工程”。“政绩工程”、“形象工程”必须制止,是因为它主要违 背了 A. 政府要树立求真务实的工作作风 B. 政府要坚持从群众中来到群众中去的工作方法 C. 政府要广泛集中民智,增强决策的科学性 D. 政府要切实履行好依法行政的基本原则 22. 下图:漫画“动真格的”体现了 ?依法治国的原则 ?我国政治生活崇尚民主与法制 ?政府的社会公共服务职能 ?权利与义务相统一原则 A. ??? B. ??? C. ??? D. ??? 23. “知屋漏者在宇下,知政失者在草野”。强调的是政府必须自觉接受 A. 国家权力机关监督 B. 人民政协监督 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. C. 社会与公民监督 D. 司法机关监督 24. 某市卫生局启动“行政提速”工程,推行办公限时制。这主要体现了政府依法行政的具体要求是 A. 合法行政 B. 合理行政 C. 高效便民 D. 诚实守信 25. 区别有权威政府和无权威政府的标志是 A. 政府的活动是否遵守宪法和法律 B. 政府的权威是否由国家政体决定 C. 政府及其公职人员是否具有影响力 D. 政府是否被人民自觉地认可和接受 26. 某区交通局从2003年下半年起连续两次在部门服务社会评议中名列倒数第一,根据事先确定的规则,交通局领导班子的5位负责人分别被降职、调任处理。这体现了 A. 社会评议可以实现政府职能的转变 B. 社会评议是公民行使民主权利的体现 C. 社会评议制度是保障人民利益的根本措施 D. 社会评议制度是完善政府工作的最佳途径 27. 我国已经初步建立起全面的行政监督体系,它包括行政系统外部的监督和行政系统内部的监督。其中属于行政系统外部监督的有 ?国家权力机关监督 ?司法机关的监督 ?中国共产党的监督 ?监察部门的监督 A. ??? B. ??? C. ??? D. ??? 二、简答题 28. 人民民主具有_________________和______________两个特点。 29. 依法实行_____________、______________、______________、_____________,是公民参与政治生活的重要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。 30. 政府的权威,是指政府在社会管理和公共服务过程中形成的威信和公信力,从根本上讲,一个政府能否具有这种权威是由____________________________________决定的。 31. 现实生活中,我们几乎处处能感受到政府为我们提供的各种服务。请根据所学知识完成下表。 具体事例 体现政府的职能 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 改扩建30所公办幼儿园,新增1.2万个入 园名额,缓解入园紧张 2011年起个人房产或将纳入征税范畴 在“十二五”期间,中国铁路建设将维 持大规模投入,投资额将保持在每年7000亿 元左右,共计约3.5万亿元 三、问答题 32. 随着我国经济社会的快速发展和改革开放的不断推进~我国公民对参与政治生活有了更高的热情。党的十七大 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 强调要健全民主制度~丰富民主形式~拓宽民主渠道。 公民参与政治生活要遵循哪些基本原则, 33.在某市开展的“我为建设节约型城市献一计”活动中~广大市民纷纷建言献策。不到半年时间~市政府就收到9000多条建议。经认真研究~很多合理的建议被政府采纳。 (1)你认为我国公民可以通过哪些方式参与民主决策, (2)市民纷纷向市政府建言献策有何现实意义, 34、“经济增速放缓,改善民生提速”是2012年政府工作报告的一大亮点,在报告了今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标后,温家宝指出,综合考虑各方面情况,要继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,根据形势变化适时适度预调微调,进一步提高政策的针对性、灵活性和前瞻性。他强调,全面做好今年的工作,必须坚持突出主题、贯穿主线、统筹兼顾、协调推进,把稳增长、控物价、调结构、惠民生、抓改革、促和谐更好地结合起来。 请运用“为人民服务的政府”的相关知识,说明政府在“改善民生提速”方面应怎样做, strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A C C C B D B C D B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B D C B D C D B B C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A D C C D B A 二、简答题(本题共10分) 28. 广泛性、真实性 29. 民主选举、民主决策、民主监督、民主管理 30. 国家性质 31. 具体事例 体现政府的职能 改扩建30所公办幼儿园,新增1.2万个入发展教育事业,行使文化职能。 园名额,缓解入园紧张 2011年起个人房产或将纳入征税范畴 行使经济职能,进行经济调节。 在“十二五”期间,中国铁路建设将维完善公共基础设施建设,提供社会持大规模投入,投资额将保持在每年7000亿公共服务职能。 元左右,共计约3.5万亿元 34、?政府应该坚持为人民服务的宗旨和对人民负责的工作原则,切实实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民群众的根本利益。 ?政府应该切实的履行自身的保护人民民主和维护国家长治久安的职能、组织社会主义经济建设的职能、组织社会主义文化建设的职能、提供社会公共服务的职能,加强对社会的管理与服务,转变政府职能,为人民群众打造良好的社会生活环境。 ?政府应该贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持依法行政、科学决策、审慎用权,做到“权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋”,坚持以人为本,切实维护人民群众的根本利益。 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment.
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