首页 关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇)(精简版)



关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇)(精简版)关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇)(精简版) 关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇) 关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇) 篇一:央视“关爱老人”系列公益广告 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 央视“关爱老人”系列公益广告 :2016年1月起,央视多个频道分别播出了“关爱老人”系列公益广告。 该系列由《老爸的谎言》、《妈妈的等待》、《打包篇》组成。这是精选的三则触动心灵的影视广告,为爱而坚韧、勇敢、包容、无私、奉献„„找寻心灵本真,感悟丝丝触动,享受内心与情感的盛宴。公益广告也是一盏灯,唤醒和传播爱与善的意识。让我们每个人都把心灯点亮,关爱...

关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇)(精简版) 关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇) 关爱老人公益广告词(共3篇) 篇一:央视“关爱老人”系列公益广告 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 央视“关爱老人”系列公益广告 :2016年1月起,央视多个频道分别播出了“关爱老人”系列公益广告。 该系列由《老爸的谎言》、《妈妈的等待》、《打包篇》组成。这是精选的三则触动心灵的影视广告,为爱而坚韧、勇敢、包容、无私、奉献„„找寻心灵本真,感悟丝丝触动,享受内心与情感的盛宴。公益广告也是一盏灯,唤醒和传播爱与善的意识。让我们每个人都把心灯点亮,关爱老人,一点点驱走长辈的寒冷与黑暗! :公益广告 影视广告 关爱老人 一、影视广告和公益广告的界定 (一)影视广告的含义 影视广告是从影视的形态出发,从本质及作用等诸多方面,有依据地直接论证产品或者服务的优点,吸引消费者购买和使用,此类型的诉求方式有助于适合与新产品或服务的导入。 (二)公益广告的含义 公益广告是以为公众谋利益和提高福利待遇为目的而设计的广告;是企业或社会团体向消费者阐明它对社会的功能和责任, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明自己追求的不仅仅是从经营中获利,而是过问和参与如何解决社会问题和环境问题这一意图的广告,它是指不以盈利为目的而为社会公众切身利益和社会风尚服务的广告。它具有社会的效益性、主题的现实性和表现的号召性三大特点。 (三)“关爱老人”系列公益广告体现的基本特征 公益广告作为一种精神产品,其社会价值就是精神价值。它主要作用于 人们的精神世界,满足于人们的精神世界的多种需要。而公益广告能够存在当今社 会,是因为它能满足于当今社会的某种需要,这主要体现在社会责任性、教育引导 性和艺术性等方面。 1、社会责任性 公益广告的社会责任性是以情感沟通来实现的,以赏心悦目的情感符号使受众心 领神会而倍感亲切,享受到公益广告所带来心理满足。公益广告的责任性不仅可以当 作思想教育的手段,还可以实现公益广告对以人性为内核的人文观点的寻觅,并且还 能进行美育教育,提高人们的审美情趣和陶冶情操,激发人们对真善美的渴望和追求。 公益广告设计语言用情感营造关注人性发展的氛围。公益广告本身具有鲜明的社 会和文化功能,对受众的影响大到意识形态、道德观念,小到内心触 动和感悟,都能 形成自己独特的影响与导向。《老爸的谎言》这篇创意广告文案运用了公益广告诉求策略,该作品中创意与策划的意旨在于通过真实事件去让观众自觉性意识到关爱老人,阐述观众的责任,另一层面体现了亲情的伟大,这是一则社会性题材,从而导致它反映的基本是我们的社会问题,这就更容易引起公众的共鸣。 2、教育引导性 现代社会里的公益广告是最佳的大众社会教育工具。由于公益广告的教育功能和价值导向是在人们欣赏公益广告时不知不觉中接受的,所以它比较容易渗透到人们的精神世界里,这对公益广告来说是至关重要的。 公益广告体现整个社会提倡的精神和美德,使人们从中受到影响和教育,使一个自然人成为一个社会人,这是公益广告的使命。公益广告的播出和发布往往在一段时期内给社会带来一定的影响。《老爸的谎言》、《妈妈的等待》、《打包篇》三篇广告从不同的角度教育子女不论是从精神上还是物质上都应该给父母足够的关怀。作为儿女的我们不应该等着尽孝,而是应该从现在开始,关心老人,多陪在父母身边才是重要的。 二、广告创意:来源于身边真实生活 创意是“说什么”与“怎么说”辩证关系,创意的极其重要,创意是广告的灵魂通俗地讲,广告就是广而告之的意思,影视广告就是通过影视的途径去解决广告的目的,创意就是就是你在影视广告中的一种独到的特别的想法,能够解决你的影视广告的目的的特殊路径。 初看这三则广告的时候,容易被简单的画面,朴实的话语所感动。或许正是因为这则广告《打包篇》的灵感来源于身边杨同事真实事件。导演用一件真实的事件改编,加以创作性的提升,用真实亲情的一瞬间去感染观众,简单却富有冲击力。伯恩巴克曾说过“杰出的广告创意不是夸张,也不是虚饰,而是要竭尽创意人员的智慧使广告讯息单纯化、清晰化、戏剧化,使它在消费者脑海中留下深刻而难以磨灭的记忆”。影视广告的冲击力不仅只表现在画面部分,还体现在创意的内涵当中。因为,一种创意虽然要通过画面表现出来,但很多的能震撼心灵的还是创意当中所包含的思想。同样,公益广告《妈妈的等待》用悠扬的乐曲,缓缓讲述一段青春与流逝的故事。广告呼吁每个人停下脚步,等等那个为你而无悔青春流逝的女人。这也是对真实的女性的写照。通过简洁的画面,朴实的感情,深刻揭示本质,透彻剖析事理。正如, 创意来源于生活,却高于生活。有时候身边看似很简单的一瞬间却包含着生命中的真、善、美。所以,这种从身边的一瞬间或许灵感,加以修饰得到的广告,让人感动,富有冲击力,重要的是让人铭记于心。 三、广告诉求点:关爱老人诉求点是指某商品或服务在广告中所强调的、企图劝服或打动广告对象的传达重点。诉求点即广告对象。包括:产品、品牌、以及折射社会生活或具有宣传意义的事例广告。 作为一个父亲,最大的乐趣就在于:在其有生之年,能够根据自己走过的路来启发、教育子女。其实,就算即使在年老患上老年痴呆,也知道你最喜欢的是什么。这或许是可悲的,可悲的在于父亲一直在奋斗,却没有真正为了自己,却又是伟大的,伟大在于父爱其实也有无私的一面。所以,这一则广告,激起儿女对父母的那种关爱。人的态度,是扎根于情感之中的。如能让观念依附在较易被感知的情感成分上,就会引起人的共鸣,更何况东方民族尤重感情。所以央视公益广告《老爸的谎言》平实无华的语言,哀而不悲的基调,让漂泊在外的子女们感慨万千。 从另一方面也反应了中国的社会问题。空巢老人越来越多,老人缺乏照料、精神孤独等生存危机。“出门一把锁,进门一盏灯”,这是时下许许多多空巢老人晚年生活的真实写照。当前,很多空巢老人,往往有一定的积蓄,有稳定的退休金或养老保险收入,因此在物质方面基本能够得到满足,但子女忙于工作等原因疏于对其探望、照顾,精神上很孤独。家家有老人,人人都会老,关爱老人。老人也在矛盾中,一方面希望儿女多回家看看陪陪自己,另一方面给儿女自由闯出自己的世界,不希望因为自己的原因影响了孩子的工作。现在快节奏的生活,奋斗中的儿女们都忘记抽取时间多陪父母,偶尔抽取一些时间打下电话,那又可曾想过,多陪在父母身边才是真正的尽孝。儿女在外奋斗希望得到更好的生活,却往往这样丢失了最纯碎而又容易得到陪伴在亲人身边的那一种幸福。俗话,百善孝为先。现在儿女不应该等到尽孝,而是应该从现在开始,关心老人,多陪在父母身边才是重要的。 三、结语 影视广告创意的魅力在于让人们认知并且认可,相较于其他媒体形式的公益广告,电视公益广告的影响是生动而且深远的。它利用各种艺术手段,运用准确而生动的艺术语言,将深刻的思想内涵融入生动感人的视觉形象之中,并通过多时段高频 次的播出,在短时间内达到一种“势”,从而打动观众,影响观众。这三则广告是一系列“关爱老人”的公益广告,深刻揭示本质,透彻剖析事理。广告的创意来源于生活,对现实的真实写照,同时反映了一定的社会现实,也引起了观众的共鸣。 参考文献 张明新著,《公益广告的奥秘》,广东经济出版社2004年1月,149页 汤?狄龙著《怎样创作广告》,中国友谊出版公司,1991年版,29页 高萍:《公益广告初探》,中国商业出版社,1999年,第11页 潘泽宏:《公益广告导论》,中国广播电视出版社,2001年,第4页张明新:《公益广告的奥秘》,广东经济出版社, 2004年1月 朱健强:《改革开放30年——电视公益广告主题回眸》中国广播电视学刊2016年 参考网站:百度 网页链接地址 《老爸的谎言》: /v_sho/id_XNTUzNzY0Njg.html 《妈妈的等待》: /v_sho/id_XNTUzNzYyOTI4.html 《打包篇》: /v_sho/id_XNTUzNzYzODM2.html 篇二:关爱老人主题广告鉴赏关爱老人主题广告鉴赏 尊老爱老一直是中华民族的传统美德。而随着现代社会经济的快速发展,我们往往忽略了一些我们最珍贵的东西,看着央视频道播出的“关爱老人”系列公益广告,让我感触颇深。 该系列由《老爸的谎言》,《妈妈的等待》,《打包篇》组成。是精选的三则触动心灵的影视广告,为爱而坚韧,勇敢,包容,慈爱,无私„„让我们返璞归真,追寻心灵最真的感触,享受内心情感永无止境的激荡,感情丝丝入心,揭起我们这些游离在外学子内心对父母的埋在心底的爱和父母无言的爱。公益广告是一盏灯,它点燃了我们现代社会上存在着的,想说却说不出的爱,一些在平常被漠视的东西,在它的指引下,像弦弓之箭一触即发。公益广告唤醒和传播爱与善的意识。让我们每个人把心敞开,把心点亮,关爱老人,关爱未来的自己。一点点驱走长辈们的孤寂与担心~ 公益广告的社会责任是以情感沟通来实现的,以赏心悦目的情感符号使观众心神领会而倍感亲切,享受到公益广告所带来的心里满足。它的语言设计用情感营造关注人性发展的氛围。它具有鲜明的社会性和文化功能,对观众的影响大到意识形态,道德观念。小到内心触动和感悟。形成自己独特的影响和引导。《老爸的谎言》这片广告运用了公益广告诉求策略,该作品中创意与策划 的意旨在于通过真实事件去让观众自觉意识到关爱老人,阐述观众的责任,另一层面体现了亲情的伟大,这是一则社会性题材,从而导致它反映的基本是我们的社会问题,这就更容易引起公众的共鸣。现代广告是最佳的大众社会教育工具。由于公益广告的教育功能和价值导向在人们欣赏公益广告中会不知不觉接受,所以比较容易渗透到人们的精神世界《老爸的谎言》,《妈妈的等待》,《打包篇》三篇广告从不同的角度教育子女无论从物质上还是精神上都应该给父母足够的关怀。作为儿女的我们不应该等着尽孝,而应该从此刻开始,关爱老人,多陪在父母身边才是最重要。影视广告创意的魅力在于让人们认知并且认可,相较于其他媒体形式的公益广告,电视公益广告的影响是生动而且深远的。它利用各种艺术手段,运用准确而生动的艺术语言,将深刻的思想内涵融入生动感人的视觉形象之中,并通过多时段高频次的播放,在短时间内达到一种“势”,从而打动观众,影响观众。这三则广告是一系列关爱老人的公益广告,深刻揭示本质,透彻剖析事理。广告的创意来源于生活,是对现实的真实写照,同时反映了一定的社会现实,可以引起观众的共鸣。 作为一个父亲,最大的乐趣就在于:有生之年,能够根据自己走过的路来启发,教育子女。其实,就算即使在自己年老是患上老年痴呆,也知道孩子最喜欢的是什么,爱吃什么。这或许是可悲的,可悲的在于父亲一直在奋斗,却没有真正的为了自己,却又是伟大的,伟大之处在于父爱虽然无言,但他是无私的。所以,这一则广告,激起了儿女对自己父母的那种发自内心的关爱。人的情感态度是相互交融的。如能让观念依附在比较被感知的情感情分上,就会引起人们的共鸣,更何况我们是华夏文明的泱泱大国,历史悠久的东方古国,我们更为注重感情。所以央视公益广告《老爸的谎言》平实无华的语言,哀而不悲的基调,让漂泊在外的我们感慨万千~这则广告从另一方面强调了反应了现代中国面临的社会问题,“空巢老人”。 空巢老人现在越来越多,老人缺乏照料,精神孤僻等问题越来越明显。“出门一把锁,进门一盏灯”,这是试下许许多多空巢老人晚年生活的真实写照。当前,很多空巢老人,往往有一定的积蓄,有稳定的退休金和养老金。因此物质方面基本能够得到满足,但子女忙于工作等原因属于对其探望,照顾,精神上很 孤独。家家有老人,人人都会老,关爱老人,是我们每一个子女的责任。老人也在矛盾中,一方面希望儿女多回家看看陪陪自己,另一方面也希望儿女们可以自由闯出自己的世界,不希望因为自己的原因影响孩子的工作。现在快节奏的生活,奋斗中的儿女都忘记抽出时间多陪陪父母,偶尔抽出一些时间打一下电话,我们可曾想过,我们往往忽略了我们最近的人。儿女在外奋斗希望得到更好的生活,却往往这样丢失了最纯粹的亲情。俗话说,百善孝为先。现在儿女不应该等着去尽孝,而是从此刻开始去抽出我们的一点时间给妇女打打电话,抽时间回家陪陪他们。从现在开始孝敬我们的父母。 “所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和他的缘分就是今生不断地在目送他的背影中渐行渐远。你站在小路的这一端,看着他逐渐消失在小路拐弯的地方,而且,他的背影默默告诉你:不必追”这是龙应台在《目送》中在与送他儿子的时候写的。多么的贴切,想想自己在与父母分别时,我们总是固执的转头离开,抛出渐行渐远的身影给他们。是否我们也该反思一下自己的行为,是不是只有当我们被“享受”到孤独的背影时,才知道“不必追”的凄苦。作为年青的下一代,我们应该学着去关心我们身边的亲人,不要等到“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”时,才反思自己。抽出时间陪陪他们,比给他们买东西来的更快,他们也会感到很快乐,幸福~“陪伴”也许就是老人们最想要到晚年幸福。 篇三:公益广告关注老人和翻译公益广告—关注留守老人 摘要:随着中国老龄化社会的逐渐到来, 中国农村出现了留守老人, 他们年轻时把自己人生美丽的韶光献给了中国农村, 由于种种原因, 他们选择了留守农村, 由此产生了一系列问题: 负担重, 收入低; 精神生活单调; 家庭氛围缺失; 医疗问题突出; 安全隐患多等。因此我们应该多去关注那些留守老人,多去关注、关心、关爱他们~ 关键词:广告、公益广告、留守老人 公益广告的概念: 公益可以理解为公众的利益。 它通过某种观念的传达,呼吁公众关注某一社会问题,以合乎公众利益的准则去规范自己的行为,支持或倡导某种社会事业或社会风尚。 公益广告的发起者投入时间和财力,通过大众媒介向广大受众传达有利于社会公众利益的观念或意见。 公益广告的作用 媒介实际就是宣传工具,它教给人们各种价值观念和行为准则,引导 人们接受新的生活方式,使人们融入媒介制造的社会体制中。而在“制造认同”的过程中,公益广告是最现实、最直接、最具时效的途径。 长久以来,公益广告一直被用来作为解决不同社会问题,敦促社会公众以正确的观念和行为配合社会变革运动的手段之一,它是社会营销的有力工具。“社会营销”一词最早出现于1971年,当时是指运用市场营销的原理和技巧倡导某个社会运动、观念或行为。自那时起,该术语的意思逐渐演变为社会变革管理科学,具体指设计、实施和控制变革运动,实现在一个或几个目标接受者群体中提高某种社会观念或实践的接受程度的目的。 公益广告还有以下特性: (1)非盈利性。公益广告以人与社会、人与自然和谐发展为宗旨,以社会保护与群体素养提升为目的,促进社会的发展。注重社会效益。与商业广告完全以盈利为出发点相比,公益广告则是非盈利性的。凡是从事公益广告的单位或个人,他的终极目标是公众的利益,而不是以盈利为目的。 有一点要说明的是,不以盈利为目的并不等于说从事公益广告是亏本的,而应是持平或有盈余的。只是从事公益广告的单位或个人对于盈余不得在所有者和管理者中分配,必须用于提高公益广告的质量和数量上。 (2)观念性。公益广告诉求的是观念,以某一观念的传播,促使公众启迪、自省、关注某一社会性问题,以符合公德的社会行为为准则,规范行为并身体力行以形成社会良好风尚,或支持某种社会事业。它传播的是精神形态的观念,而不是物质形态的商品。 (3)受众的广泛性。公益广告面对的是社会公众。这表明,公益广告不同于商业广告,它不是为某个企业的产品树形象、打知名度,而是为社会大众谋利,为公众切身利益服务的广告。创作者是站在社会公众角度去创造启迪,而不是针对某一特殊群体。公益广告就是要针对社会公众的特点和心态,反映公众的意愿和呼声,反映公众普遍关注的社会问题。公益广告期待尽可能多的公众目光,受众的范围越大越好。 (4)利他主义的自觉性。做公益广告的原动力是高度的社会责任感,谁做公益广告谁付费,公众可从中感知公共事业心。公益广告的费用由广告人自行、自愿承担,广告主有充分的自主权决定是否参与公益广告。公益广告表现了利他主义精神。它是与助人为乐的无私奉献相联系的,是人类的同情心、爱心、责任感等美德的彰 显,是社会伦理道德走向和谐,个人智慧趋向成熟的标志。对于那些自愿资助公益广告的个人或团体,社会应给予鼓励和支持。 随着中国老龄化社会的逐渐到来, 中国农村出现了留守老人, 他们年轻时把自己人生美丽的韶光献给了中国农村, 由于种种原因, 他们选择了留守农村, 由此产生了一系列问题: 负担重, 收入低; 精神生活单调; 家庭氛围缺失; 医疗问题突出; 安全隐患多等。 农村留守老人面临的困难与问题 随着子女纷纷外出务工,农村留守老人群体的不断扩大,带来的一系列社会问题不容忽视,主要表现在: 1、经济收入低,生活质量差。目前除部分享受低保的户有得到扶助外,绝大部分农村老年人没有养老保障。农村留守老人的经济来源主要依靠自己劳动所得和子女贴补。随着孝道观念的不断淡化及子女在外务工谋生压力加大,子女贴补缺乏稳定性,农村老人的经济收入更是少得可怜,由于无经济来源,三餐基本的油、盐、柴都无法保证;吃的菜大多数是左邻右舍的乡亲送的;炊事用燃料有的是烧废旧木料,生活很是艰难。 2、生活缺少照料,安全隐患多。由于子女不在身边,日常生活的一些小事,诸如理发、换电灯泡等都成为难题。特别是老人身体不好,需要子女陪同上医院看病治疗时,子女不在身边,老人更是觉得孤苦无靠,感到很失落。有的老人生病了,连饭都做不了,想哭旁边连一个听的人也没有。此外,老年人发病往往具有突然性,家中无人或抢救不及时,可能会错过治疗时机,导致严重后果。随着年事渐高,一些农村老人记忆力下降,有的行动不便或身有残疾,一些日常生活行为都有可能留下安全隐患,甚至导致悲剧。 3、对隔代教育造成心理负担重。如果单从照顾孙辈的生活起居方面而言,只是增加老人的生活压力,增加劳动强度。但对小孩教育方面心理负担更重,主要因为农村老年人大多数识字不多,无法辅导小孩的学习,担心学习成绩差。其次目前农村交通、通讯得到迅速改善,电视、网吧到处有,孩子在外的时间长,担心发生一些意想不到的事情。老年人总觉得管理小孩力不从心。 4、精神缺少慰藉。人老了有喜静的一面,但人老了最怕孤独。农村老人过惯了苦日子,对物质生活往往无过高的奢求,因此来自子女的精神慰籍是老人身心健康必不可少的主要来源之一。由于子女不在身边,农村老人大多过着 “出门一孤影,进门 一盏灯”的寂寞生活,这很容易使他们感到孤独。特别是独居老人感到有心里话没处述说,有时间没事打发,很可能出现抑郁症状,觉得生活没有意思,严重的会产生自杀的念头。另外,农村精神文化生活比较单调,老人大多是“蹲墙根、找树阴、聊聊天”,在家庭外边也难以找到精神寄托。 解决农村留守老人问题的建议与对策 1、发挥主观能动性,做积极参与社会的主人。农村留守老人自身要注意调节好心态,增强心理上的自立程度;生活上,锻炼自己的自立能力;并且注意锻炼身体,养成良好的生活习惯;并保持勤学好问的习惯,不断学习新事物,跟上时代步伐。积极寻找精神寄托,充实新的生活内容。寻找精神寄托的方式有许多,如:和邻居聊聊天,下下棋;参加村里的公益事业活动,帮助村里做些力所能及的工作,加入计生协会会员,帮忙做育龄人群的计生工作,把自己融入社会之中。 2、强化尊老、爱老、养老、敬老的宣传教育。在农村社会化养老机制尚未形成之前,传统式家庭化养老仍是农村养老的唯一形式。尊老爱老是中华民族的传统美德,要加强农村年轻人的孝道教育,对在敬老爱老等方面做得较好的年轻人应予以弘扬表彰,对歧视、排斥老人等行为给予曝光、鞭达。架起亲情时时沟通的桥梁,在外子女要经常与自己父母保持联系,按时给老人寄钱送物。家中大事多征求父母意见,即使没有事也要经常与老人通通话,加强彼此之间的沟通与联系。 3、逐步建立农村老年人自愿者服务队。为留守老人提供诸如理发、环境卫生清理、房屋修缮等日常服务,可由民政或共青团、妇联等部门组织牵头,尽可能在各乡镇都成立农村老年人自愿者服务队,建立一支常年服务的队伍,以缓解留守老人存在的困难。 4、完善农村医疗保险制度。农村留守老人大多数身体虚弱,小病不断,门诊费用大。按照目前农村医疗保险规定,只有住院才能报销,且报销比例较低。因此要在逐步提高住院费报销比例的同时,对60岁以上的农村参保老人门诊费给出报销标准,以减轻这部分弱势群体医疗费用。 5、逐步建立农村养老制度,为农村留守老人提供生活保障。首先是扩大农村最低生活保障范围,把符合条件的农村老人全部纳入最低生活保障范围,从经济上保证老年人达到基本生活水平。其次是鼓励企业、个体老板捐资设立老年人基金,对需要帮助的老人给予扶持。 6、兴办农村养 老福利事业,走家庭化养老与社会化养老相结合之路。有条件的地方, 可由乡、村组织牵头,通过招商引资、当地能人投资等多渠道的办法 兴办养老院、托老所等,建立一个温暖的大家庭。如成立农村老年人 休闲活动中心、老年人互助协会等,让老年人重新找到归属感。在老 年人组织内部,可实施老年人互助机制,低龄老人为高龄老人义务服 务,把义务服务的时间进行累积并建档,等将来自己需要这方面服务 时,可以享用所累积的服务时间。并逐步将农村老年人福利事业引向 市场,对于年龄较大的留守老人,可以考虑由其子女出部分钱,搬进 托老所,进行社会化养老,促进诸如个别留守老人无人管等问题的解 决。 留守老人的难题若得不到解决,将会影响到他们的晚年生活与 身体健康,在外打工的子女也难以安心。要真正破解留守老人面临的 问题,需要政府、社会各界给予更多的关怀和支持。农村有农村的优 势,政府可在发展农业生产上找出路,加大对农村的财力与科技投入, 让更多有知识、有文化、有技术的劳动力留在农村,进行农业开发, 使他们在农村有钱可赚,既不影响致富,也能照应老人。 综上所述: 公益广告能够更好的解决留守老人面临的一些问题,我也希望所有人 应该多关注、关心、关爱留守老人,多给他们一点帮助,多给他们一 点爱心,让他们不再感到寂寞,不再感到孤单,安享晚年~ PSAs - focus on staying for the elderly Abstract: With the gradual arrival of the aging society in China, China s rural areas stay for the elderly, hen they ere young beautiful life Akimitsu dedicated to rural China, for various reasons, they chose to stay in rural areas, thus resulting in a series The problem: The heavy burden on lo ine; the spirit of life is monotonous; the absence of a family atmosphere; medical problems; more security risks. Therefore, e should to pay attention to those staying for the elderly, and more attention, care, love them! Keyords: advertising, public service ads, stay elderly The concept of public service ads: The public elfare can be understood as the public interest. A concept to convey, it urged the public to focus on a social issue in the public interest criteria to regulate their on behavior, support or advocate the cause of some kind of social or social practice. The initiator of the public service ads to invest time and financial resources to a ide audience through the mass media to convey ideas or opinions in favor of social public interest. The role of public service advertisements. The media is in fact a propaganda tool to teach people a variety of values and codes of conduct, and guide people to accept the ne ay of life, the people into the media made the social system. In the manufacturing process of the identity, public service advertising is the most realistic, most direct, most aging ay. A long time, public service ads have been used as address different social problems, and urged the public to one of the means of social change movement in conjunction ith the right attitudes and behavior, it is a poerful tool for social marketing. The term social marketing first appeared in 1971, as the use of marketing principles and techniques of advocacy of any social movement, ideas or behavior. Since then, the meaning of the term gradually evolved the scientific management of social transformations, specifically referring to the design, implementation and control of thereform movement, to achieve acceptance of the purpose to improve a social idea or practice in one or more target recipient groups . PSAs have the folloing characteristics: non-profit. Public service ads for the purpose of man and society, beteen man and nature development, enhance social protection and group acplishment for the purpose of promoting the development of society. Emphasis on social benefits. Commercials entirely for profit pared to the starting point, public advertising is a non-profit. Any units or individuals engaged in public service ads, and his ultimate goal is the public interest, rather than in terms of profits for the purpose. The point to note is, not for profit does not mean that engage in public service ads at a loss, but should be the same or a surplus. Only the units engaged in public service ads or personal surplus shall be allocated in the oners and managers, must be used to improve the quality and quantity of public service ads. conceptual. The demands of public service advertising is the concept of the spread of a particular concept, promote public enlightenment and self-examination, focus on a social issue, in line ith public morals, social behavior as the norm, the irregularities and take action to form a good social, or support some social undertakings. It spread the spirit of the concept of form, the form rather than material goods. the breadth of the audience. PSAs face the public. This suggests that public service ads are different from the mercials, it is not the product of a corporate image building, name recognition, but for the benefit of the munity, the vital interests of the advertising for the public. The creators are standing in the public point of vie to create inspiration, rather than a particular group. PSAs is to reflect the public s ill and voice of the public the features and state of mind, to reflect the social issues of mon concern to the public. The public service ads to look forard to as much as possible the public eye, the greater the scope of the audience the better. altruism consciousness. To do public service ads, the driving force behind the high degree of social responsibility, ho pays to do public service ads, and the public from the perception of the public dedication. The cost of public service advertisements by advertising on their on, voluntarily assumed, advertisers have full autonomy to decide hether to participate in public service ads. The PSAs performance altruism. It is linked to the selfless dedication and helpfulness, is the manifestation of the human virtues of passion, love, responsibility, social ethics toard harmony, isdom tends to a sign of maturity. For those individuals or groups of voluntary financing of public service ads, the munity should be encouraged and supported. With the gradual arrival of the aging society in China, rural China, stay for the elderly, hen they ere young beautiful life Akimitsu dedicated to rural China, for various reasons, they chose to stay in rural areas, resulting a series of questions: heavy burden on lo ine; the spirit of life is monotonous; lack of family atmosphere; medical problems; more security risks. Ageing Parents in rural areas facing difficulties and problems Migrant children have left in rural areas the elderly group continues to expand, tobring a series of social problems can not be ignored, mainly in: A lo ine, poor quality of life. In addition to part of the household to enjoy lo to get the assist, the vast majority of the rural elderly old-age security. The main source of ine of the elderly left behind in rural areas rely on their labor ine and children supplement. With filial piety continues to dilute and children outside orkers to earn a living increasing pressure on children to supplement the lack of stability, the economic ine of the rural elderly is meager, because no source of ine, three meals a basic oil, salt, fireood can not guarantee ; the food they eat most of the neighbors, the folks sent; some burning aste ood for cooking fuel, life as very difficult. Life the lack of care, security and more. Because children are not around, the little things of everyday life, such as Barber, to change a light bulb and so bee a problem. Especially the elderly in poor health, children, acpanied by the hospital doctor treatment, children are not around, the elderly feel lonely ithout relying on and am lost. Some elderly sick, and even have to do not cry next to even listen. In addition, the incidence of elderly tend to have a sudden, no one at home or rescue is not timely, and may miss the timing of treatment, leading to serious consequences. The heir of the rural elderly memory decline, some mobility or physical disability, some of the activities of daily living are likely to leave the security risks, and even lead to tragedy. 3, the psychological burden of inter-generational education. From the care of the daily life of grandchildren, only increased the pressure of life of the elderly, increasing the labor intensity. Heavier psychological burden of a child s education, mainly because the majority of the rural elderly lo levels of literacy, from helping children learn to orry about the poor academic performance. Folloed by the current rural transportation, munication improved rapidly, television, Internet cafes everyhere, the child outside for a long time, orried that something unexpected occurs. The older people alays feel inadequate management of children. 4, the spirit of the lack of fort. Old pregnant quiet side, but older people are most afraid of loneliness. The rural elderly has been used to the bitterness of the material life is often too high luxury, so the spirit of the child s fort is the main source of elderly mental and physical health is essential. Children are not around, the rural elderly are mostly living out a Guying, the door of a lamp, the lonely life, it is very easy to make them feel lonely. In particular, elderly people living alone feel there is truth and no place to tell, there is nothing to pass, is likely to sho signs of depression, I feel life is meaningless and ill have serious thoughts of suicide. Additionally, the spiritual and cultural life in rural areas is rather monotonous, the elderly are mostly squatting foot of the all to find the shade of a tree, a chat, it is difficult to find spiritual sustenance in the family outside. Suggestions and countermeasures to solve the left behind the problem of the elderly in rural areas A subjective initiative, do actively participate in the masters of society. Ageing Parents in rural areas to pay attention to adjust their attitude and enhance the psychological self-reliance; life, exercise their on self-reliance; and pay attention toexercise and develop good habits; and inquisitive habits, constantly learning ne things keep up the pace. Actively looking for spiritual sustenance, and to add ne content. Looking for spiritual ay, such as: chat ith neighbors, a game of chess; to participate in public elfare activities of the village to help the village to do hatever ork, to join the family planning association members to help the planning ork of childbearing age population, to integrate itself into the society. 2, to strengthen respect for the old, love the old, old-age, respecting the publicity and education. Before rural social pension has not been established, traditional family endoment is still the only form of rural old-age. Respect and care is alays the traditional Chinese virtues, to strengthen the education of rural young people s filial piety should be done a better job of respecting and loving the other aspects of young people to promote the recognition of acts of discrimination, exclusion of the elderly to give exposure, hip up. Set up family time to time a bridge of munication to the outside, children should alays keep in touch ith their on parents, time to send money to send material to the elderly. Home events to consult ith the parents opinion, even if things have alays been ith the elderly through the call to strengthen munication and contact beteen them. 3, the gradual establishment of the rural elderly volunteer service teams. Stay for the elderly such as Barber, environmental sanitation cleaning, housing repairs and other routine services, led by the Home or the Communist Youth League, omen s federations and other sector organizations, as far as possible in all tonships have set up a service team of the rural elderly volunteers, set up the team of a year-round service to ease the difficulties of stay for the elderly. 4, improve the rural medical insurance system. Most of rural left-behind elderly frail, minor illness continued, patient charges. In accordance ith the provisions of the current rural health insurance, the only hospital in order to be reimbursed, and loer reimbursement. To gradually increase the reimbursement of hospital expenses, given the rural insurance for the elderly over the age of 60 patient fee reimbursement standard, in order to reduce the medical costs of this part of the vulnerable groups. 5, and gradually establish a pension system in rural areas, to provide security for Ageing Parents in rural areas. The first is to expand the coverage of rural minimum living standard, to meet the conditions of the rural elderly include all the minimum living guarantee range from the economy to ensure that the elderly meet the basic standard of living. Encourage enterprises and individuals boss donated to the establishment of the elderly fund, to give support to the elderly in need of help. 6, to set up a rural old-age elfare, take the road of family pension and the social pension. Areas here conditions permit, by the Tonship and village organizations, led by the multi-channel approach to investment, local hotshots investment to set up nursing homes, daycare center, the establishment of a arm family. Such as the establishment of the rural elderly and leisure activity center, the elderly, the Mutual Aid Association, to allo the elderly to rediscover a sense of belonging. In older people ithin the organization, implementation of the elderly and mutual assistance mechanism younger elderly services for the oldest old obligations, the obligations of service time accumulated and archiving, they need this service, you can enjoy freeyears of service time. Welfare of the rural elderly and gradually into the market, Ageing Parents of older, can be considered by their children out of the money moved into the daycare center, a social pension, and promote to solve problems such as no control of individual Ageing Parents . The elderly left behind problems are not resolved, ill affect their later life and health of children orking outside your mind at ease. To really crack the problems facing stay for the elderly, need the government and the munity to give more care and support. Rural areas have the advantage of rural areas, the Government can find a ay in the development of agricultural production, increase rural financial investment in science and technology, so that more knoledge, culture, skilled labor force to stay in the rural and agricultural development, so that they money to be made in rural areas ill not affect the rich can take care of the elderly. Summary: public service ads are better able to solve some of the issues facing stay for the elderly, I also hope that all people should pay more attention, care, care stay for the elderly, to give them a little help, give them a little love, so that they no longer feel lonely, no longer feel alone in their old age!
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