首页 大足区石马中学五四歌咏比赛方案



大足区石马中学五四歌咏比赛方案大足区石马中学五四歌咏比赛方案 大足区石马中学“传承五四精神,唱响石中辉煌” 五四歌咏比赛活动方案 为纪念“五四”运动93周年~歌颂和弘扬爱国主义精神~激发同学们勤奋学习、立志报国、为校争光的巨大热情~同时丰富校园文化生活~学校决定开展“传承五四精神~唱响石中辉煌” 歌咏比赛~并进行本年度优秀学生的表彰活动和新团员入团宣誓活动。 现制定方案如下: 一、活动主题: “传承五四精神~唱响石中辉煌” 二、比赛时间: 2012年5月4号上午,星期五, 三、比赛地点: 学校操场 四、参赛对象:全校学生 五、...

大足区石马中学五四歌咏比赛 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 大足区石马中学“传承五四精神,唱响石中辉煌” 五四歌咏比赛 活动方案 关于团建活动方案关于感恩节活动方案关于团建活动方案歌咏比赛活动方案革命传统教育主题班会活动方案 为纪念“五四”运动93周年~歌颂和弘扬爱国主义精神~激发同学们勤奋学习、立志报国、为校争光的巨大热情~同时丰富校园文化生活~学校决定开展“传承五四精神~唱响石中辉煌” 歌咏比赛~并进行本年度优秀学生的表彰活动和新团员入团宣誓活动。 现制定方案如下: 一、活动主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 : “传承五四精神~唱响石中辉煌” 二、比赛时间: 2012年5月4号上午,星期五, 三、比赛地点: 学校操场 四、参赛对象:全校学生 五、领导小组: 组 长:雷登武 副组长: 王学强 刘英勇 陈光胜 组 员: 中层干部 团委 音乐老师 各班班主任 六、奖项设置: 比赛分年级设奖 全校共设一等奖三名,二等奖四名,三等奖四名,组织奖若干。 七、参赛注意事项: 1(每个参赛队演唱一至两首积极向上歌曲~于3月22日前上报团委~于4月25号前写好串词并上报团委。 2(每队演唱总时间不得低于5分钟。 3(每个参赛队伍服装整齐统一~有指挥。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 4(音乐伴奏形式由各参赛队自己准备~并于4月15号前上报团委。 5(比赛顺序由各班赛前抽签决定。 6(各班班主任教师要充分重视此次活动~由音乐教师教唱~认真组织排练~并充分利用纪念“五四”运动93周年这一契机~开展内容丰富、形式多样的系列活动~努力掀起我校爱国主义教育的高潮~唱响石中辉煌。 八、 评分 售楼处物业服务评分营养不良炎症评分法中国大学排行榜100强国家临床重点专科供应商现场质量稽核 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 : 1、 按10分制打分,保留两位小数,~最低8.00分~满分10分~最终得分为去掉最高分和最低分的平均分(保留三位小数~) 2、歌曲紧扣主题~内容健康。,2分, 3、合唱人数是全班学生~队列整齐~进退场秩序良好。,1分, 4、演出服装整齐统一得体~充分展现石中人积极向上的精神面貌。,1分, 5、演唱时精神饱满、积极乐观、保持良好台风~动作表情自然大方。,2分, 6、演唱时声音宏亮协调~节奏准确~声情并茂~吐词清晰~没有走音和忘词等现象~强弱对比得当。,2分, 7、合唱歌曲有一定难度~能体现一定合唱艺术性~有感染力。,1分, 8、指挥手势正确~节奏准确~姿势优美。,1分, 大足区石马中学团委 2012年3月 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 附件1: 大足区石马中学“传承五四精神~唱响石中辉煌” 五四歌咏比赛活动议程 一、 主持人宣布开始。 二、 全体起立,齐唱国歌和《光荣啊,中国共青团》。 三、 领导讲话。 四、 介绍评委老师,根据抽签顺序进行比赛。 五、 颁奖 (背景音乐《光荣啊,中国共青团》) 大足区石马中学团委 2012年3月 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 石马中学“弘扬五四精神,唱响石中辉煌”五四歌咏比赛 暨五四表彰大会领导小组 组 长:雷登武 副 组 长: 陈光胜 王学强 刘英勇 成 员:王明建 江四海 刘达英 陈能刚 李东梅 石马中学“弘扬五四精神,唱响石中辉煌”五四歌咏比赛 暨五四表彰大会评委、工作人员安排表 评 委:刘达英 季小荣 苟成芬 邢 婕 蒋文强 黄 丽 周旭霞 现场指导:李东梅 舞台引导: 杨华淑(进场) 胡登高(出场) 音 响: 李光平 张兴余 统 计:刘贤友 达贵强 书 写:黎昌其 陈能刚 现场秩序:各班班主任 评委席桌凳布置:夏 波 参赛人数清点:梁 涛 黎荣华 大足区石马中学团委 2012年3月 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 大足区石马中学2012年“弘扬五四精神、唱响石中 辉煌”五四歌咏比赛秩序表 序号 班级 歌曲名称 1 7.4 《让我们荡起双浆》 2 7.5 《同一首歌》 3 7.3 《让世界充满爱》 4 9.7 《红河谷》 5 8.5 《黄河大合唱》 6 7.2 《游击队歌》 7 9.3 《送别》《光荣啊~中国共青团》 8 8.2 《乡间的小路》 9 9.6 《没有共产党就没有新中国》 10 8.1 《让我们荡起双浆》 11 8.6 《团结就是力量》 12 9.2 《大海啊~故乡》 13 8.3 《我们走在大路上》 14 8.4 《让世界充满爱》 15 7.6 《长江之歌》 16 8.7 《团结就是力量》《我们走在大路上》 17 7.1 《歌唱祖国》 石马中学团委 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 2012.4( 评分标准: 1、 按10分制打分,保留两位小数,~最低8.00分~满分10分~最终得分为去掉最高分和最低分的平均分(保留三位小数~) 2、歌曲紧扣主题~内容健康。,2分, 3、合唱人数是全班学生~队列整齐~进退场秩序良好。,1分, 4、演出服装整齐统一得体~充分展现石中人积极向上的精神面貌。,1分, 5、演唱时精神饱满、积极乐观、保持良好台风~动作表情自然大方。,2分, 6、演唱时声音宏亮协调~节奏准确~声情并茂~吐词清晰~没有走音和忘词等现象~强弱对比得当。,2分, 7、合唱歌曲有一定难度~能体现一定合唱艺术性~有感染力。,1分, 8、指挥手势正确~节奏准确~姿势优美。,1分, 注:彩排时间为5月3号下午二点半,按歌咏比赛顺序在操场进行,合唱队列为四排,从正对舞台的左边入场,右边出场,请各班抓紧排练,主持好本次彩排工作,为5月4日的正式比赛作准备。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes
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