首页 屏幕提示语(中英)



屏幕提示语(中英)1.Abort, Retry, Ignore? 放弃,再试一次,勿略?(re-再) 2.Access denied.拒绝访问。(deny拒绝)(access存取,访问,入口) 3.Accent/ Width/Kana/Case -insensitive不区分重音/全半角/假名/大小写(case情况,案件, 容器; uppercase/ lowercase大写/小写)(sen se感觉,意义;sensitive敏感的) 4.Are you sure? 你确定吗?(ensure确保;unsure不确定,无把握...

1.Abort, Retry, Ignore? 放弃,再试一次,勿略?(re-再) 2.Access denied.拒绝访问。(deny拒绝)(access存取,访问,入口) 3.Accent/ Width/Kana/Case -insensitive不区分重音/全半角/假名/大小写(case情况,案件, 容器; uppercase/ lowercase大写/小写)(sen se感觉,意义;sensitive敏感的) 4.Are you sure? 你确定吗?(ensure确保;unsure不确定,无把握;insure保证,投保;insurance 保险) 5.Attempt ed write protect violation.试图写保护(侵害)。(violate侵害,暴力,冲突)(tempt怂恿, 诱惑) 6.Attempting to recover allocation unit.设法修复分配单元。(local本地的,locate定位,allocate 分配, locale地点,location地点)(seek查找,定位) (LAN:Local Area Network局域网;W AN:Wide Area Network广域网;wide:宽广的,充分的;wild野蛮的,狂热的,荒凉的) 7.Bad command or file name.错误的命令或文件名 8.Bad ro missing command interpret er.命令解释程序错误或丢失。(miss错过,失误,想念;Miss 小姐,女老师)(-er-人,-程序) 9.Bad partition table. 错误的分区表。 10.Bad track s found at start of partition or partition size adjusted.分区开始处有坏磁道或分区大 小已做了调整。(track追踪,路径,磁道) (ad-向-;just正好,公平的,合理的) 11.Batch file missing. 没有找到批处理文件。 12.Boot failure.自举失败。(boot靴子,踢,导入,启动) 13.Cache memory bad, do not enable cache.高速缓(冲)存(储器)损坏,不能使用。(cache藏物处, 藏匿的珍宝)(able/unable/enable/disable能/不能/启用/禁用,使残废;un-不;en-使能够;dis-分离,否定;de-剥夺,分离) 14.CMOS battery state low. CMOS电池电压过低。(state/statement/status:状态,州,陈述/陈述, 报表/身份,状况,状态)(CMOS:complementary metal oxid semiconductor互补金属氧化半导体) (complete完成,彻底;complement补充;oxygen氧气;duct管道;conduct导体;semi-半,con-共同)( implement执行,器具;execute执行) 15.CMOS check sum failure. CMOS检验(求和)出错。(sum求和;summary摘要,匆忙的,简要 的;summer夏天)(detect检测) 16.CMOS display typed mismatch. CMOS中显示类型的设置与实测不一致.(match匹配,比 赛,婚姻)(mis-表否定)(type类型, 打字)(screen屏幕;display/touch screen显示/触屏) 17.- is not a valid user name. -不是有效的用户名.(invalid无效的,病人) 18.- contain ed an unexpect ed object. -包含意外对象.(object/subject目标,对象,宾语,反抗/课程, 主语,征服)(un-否定)(expect预期) 19.- contains an incorrect schema. -包含不正确的 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 . ( scheme计划,阴谋,策划) (correct正确 的,纠正) 20.- contains an invalid path.-包含无效路径.(pass通过,传递) 21.- could not be create d because the directory is full. 目录已满,无法创建-.(fill填充)(direct直 接,指导;director负责人,导演;leader领导)(subdirectory子目录;rootdirectory根目录) 22.- could not be opened because there are too many open files.打开文件太多,无法打开-. 23.- could not be remove d because it is the current directory.-是当前目录, 无法删除. (copy/cut/paste/save/delete/move/remove复制/剪切/粘贴/保存/删除/移动/移走) (eliminate删除,忽略,淘汰)(current当前,通用,趋势,水流,电流,气流;currency流行,通用,货币)(present呈现,礼物,出席,当前) 24.- has a bad format.- 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 有误.(form组成,结构,形式,表单;formal形式的,正式的;informal 1 非正式的;information消息,信息,通知;message信息;SM:short message短信) 25.Small Business Server.小型商业服务器.(busy忙碌;business商业,业务)(serve(动)服 务;service(名)服务; servant仆人,雇员,公务员;servitor/servitress仆人;waitor/watiress服务员) 26.Cannot find this file. Please verify that the correct path and file name are given. 找不到该文 件.请确定路径和文件名是否正确.(very很,非常) 27.Unable to register document.无法注册文档.( register注册,登记,寄存器;cancel注销;sign up 注册,订合同;signature签名) 28.- is not a valid entry. Please specify a value between- and- for this field.-条目无效.请为该字 段指定-和-之间的值.(enter进入,输入) (specific/special/specialist特定的/特殊的/专家)(valuable有价值的)(field字段,田地,领域) 29.- does not support multiple network adapter s for Windows -. Press Finish to exit this wizard and contact your system administrator.- 不支持Windows -的多个网络适配器.请按「完成」退出该向导,并与系统管理员联系.(exit/exist退出/存在)(adapt使适应,改编)( addition/subtract/multiply/divid e+/-/×/÷;add-加;sub-减少,提取; multi-多; de-除去;multimedia多媒体;additional附加的)(administrate管理)(pressure压力;express表达,快递;expression表情,表现)(compress/decompress压缩/解压缩)(compact压缩,CD:compact disc光盘) 30.-exists. Do you want to reinstall these files? -已存在,是否重(新安)装这些文件? 31.-has been grant ed access to network resource s. -已被授予访问网络资源的权限.(grant同意, 承认,助学金) (URL :Uniform Resource Locator统一资源定位器) 32.-has detected that the Remote Access Service (RAS) is installed.The wizard will configure only your network card to connect to your Small Business Server. It will not configure RAS to connect to -. To configure RAS to connect to-, please consult the Online Guide.检测到已安装的远程访问服务(RAS).向导将仅对您的网卡进行配置以便连接到-,而不会配置RAS连接到-.要配置RAS连接到-,请参阅联机指南.(RAS/RAM:Random Access Storage/Memory 随机存取存储器;ROM:Read Only Memory;store商店,存放)(guide引导,导游,导师)(disconnect断开) 33.-is not an administrator on-.The wizard will close. -不是-的管理员.向导即将终止. 34.To continue setting up this computer. Close all programs that are running.Turn off any utilities that auto-log on to you computer.Click Next to set up this computer. 继续安装该计算机.关闭所有正在运行的程序.关闭所有自动登录到该计算机的实用程序.单击「下一步」安装该计算机.( utility实用程序)(log登陆,日志)(programmer程序员) 35.Check with the manufacture r before continuing. 继续操作以前,请与厂商核对. 36.Client Application s. 客户端应用程序.(apply运用,申请) 37.Business fax number/Telephone Area Code/Postal Code 业务传真号码/电话区号/邮政编码 (code/encode/decode代码,号码/编码/解码) 38.If you omit this field, fax server will not be installed.省略该字段将无法安装传真服务器. 39.There is no updated log file since the last report. 从上次 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 以来就没有更新日志文 件.( update/upgrade升级/更新)(report报告,成绩单) 40.Please free up some disk space and/or modify your installation directories. 请清空某些磁盘 空间和/或修改安装目录. 41.Service Status Report:- 服务状态报告:- 42.Virtual Server虚拟服务器(virtual实际的,实质的,虚拟的) 43.Either your - is not correctly installed or you need to upgrade to - version 4.0 or later. 可能-安 装不正确,也可能需要升级到- 4.0或更高版本. 44.The - log cannot be sent because it is being logged to an ODBC database.由于该日志正被记 录到ODBC数据库,因此无法发送-日志.(send/receive发送/接收)(ODBC:Open Database onnectivity开放式数据库互接)(datum数据,复数形式data) 45.The - log file cannot be sent because it is set to use an unknown logging module.由于该文件 已设置为使用未知的日志 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 模块,因此无法发送-日志文件.(mode样式;model模特) 46.The Web Proxy log cannot be sent because no logging has not been enabled.由于所有日志记 录均被启用,因此无法发送Web Proxy 日志.( proxy代理) 47.user company name 用户的公司名(company公司,朋友,陪伴;corporate社团的,法人 的;corporation/cor/firm公司) 48.-depends on IE.取决于IE.(IE:Index Error指标误差;index索引,指数,象征) 49.Label -blank high density floppy disk with the name of the user of this computer. 在一张高 密度空白软盘上标明该计算机用户的名称.(dense密集的) 50.Create a user account创建用户帐号(countless无数的;countable可数的;uncountable不可数 的) 51.Save all work in programs that are currently running and then close all programs. 保存当前正 在运行程序的所有工作,然后关闭所有的程序. 52.Share a new or existing folder on your server.共享服务器上已有的或新的文件夹.(fold折 叠) 53.Insert the disk into floppy drive and click Next.在软盘驱动器中插入磁盘并单击「下一 步」.(drive/driver驾驶/司机) 54.Control which users have access to the shared folder. 控制哪些用户可访问共享文件夹. (console控制台,安慰) 55.Make sure that users close all files and connections that they have open on the server. 确保用 户已关闭在服务器上打开的所有文件和连接. 56.Define the type of access each user has to the shared folder. 定义每个用户访问共享文件夹 时的访问类型.(definition定义) 57. A fatal error has occur red. 发生致命错误. 58. A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing-.访问- 时报告硬件I/O出 错.( I/O:Input/Output Device输入/输出设备) (hardware/software软件/硬件) 59.A lock ing violation occurred while accessing-. 访问- 时发生锁定冲突. 60. A mandatory component of Small Business Server has the following problem:-.You will need to correct the problem before continuing. Setup will now exit. Small Business Server 的必要组件出现下列问题:-.继续以前必须解决该问题.安装程序将退出.(component元件,组件,成分) 61. A modem has not been detected on your server. Please verify its installation in Modem Control Panel before continuing.在服务器上未检测到调制解调器.继续以前,请在「控制面板」的「调制解调器」中验证其安装.(panel面板,仪表盘) 62. A problem was encounter ed while trying to install Internet Explorer.试图安装Internet浏览 器时遇到问题. 63.A require d resource was unavailable. 无法获得所需资源. 64. A second network adapter has not been detected on your server. Please verify its installation using a static IP address in Network Control Panel before continuing. 在服务器上未检测到 第二个网络适配器.继续以前,请用「网络控制面板」中的静态IP地址验证其安装.(IP:Internet Protocol因特网 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 )( static /dynamic静态/动态) 65. A sharing violation occurred while accessing-. 访问- 时出现共享冲突. 66. A significant error occurred; see - for detail s. No rollback possible. Select OK to exit. 出现重 大错误,详情请参阅-.不能回退,请选择「确定」退出. 67. A significant error occurred; see - for details.Select Yes to change all your settings back to their initial values.Select No to continue configuring other - components, if any. Select Cancel to quit now, without continuing or rolling back.发生重大错误,详情请参阅-选择「是」将所有设置更改成初始值.如有其他-组件,请选择「否」继续配置这些组件.选择「取消」立即退出,不再继续或回退.(initiate开始) 68. A user account has been created for-.已创建- 的用户帐号. 69.Access to- was denied.对- 的访问被拒绝. 70.Access to Resources资源访问权限 71.Accessories\Communications\Internet Connection Wizard.lnk附件\通讯\Internet 连接向 导.lnk (communicate交流,通讯) 72.Add another user to a computer that is already set up to use Small Business Server.将另一个用 户添加到已安装使用Small Business Server的计算机 73.Add new printers, manage printing jobs, and change printer settings and access.添加新的打印 机、管理打印作业并更改打印机设置和访问权限. 74.Add new users, change user accounts and passwords, manage user permission s.添加新用户、 更改用户帐号和密码、管理用户权限.(permit允许) 75.Add programs to computer that is already set up to use -.将程序添加到已安装使用-的计算机 76.Administrative Privilege s/Wizards/Tools (Common)管理特权/向导/工具(公用) 77.Administrator privileges are required. Log on as Administrator or as a user with administrator privileges and run-.需管理员权限.请作为管理员或有管理员权限的用户登录,然后运行-. 78.Allow- to use modem to dial up and connect to the server computer.允许- 使用调制解调器拨 号并连接到服务器计算机. 79.Allow you to track - Web site activity. Information in the log includes type of activity, IP Address, and other data. - log files can become large and may take time to transmit.允许您跟踪-Web 站点的活动,日志中的信息包括活动类型、IP 地址和其他数据.-日志文件可能变得很大,要花时间来传输.(trans-横过,贯穿;transmit发射,传播,传染/transfer转移,转让,换乘;transport运送,流放) 80.An adapter has already been installed.- will configure -Networking for this adapter.适配器已 经安装,- 将针对该适配器配置-网络. 81.An adapter was not found. - cannot continue. Press Finish to exit this wizard and contact your system administrator.没有找到适配器,-无法继续.请按「完成」退出向导并与系统管理员联系. 82.An attempt was made to access- past its end.试图访问超出-末尾的内容. 83.An attempt was made to read from the writing-.试图从正在写入的-中读取数据. 84.An attempt was made to write to the reading-.试图对正在读取数据的- 执行写入操作. 85.An error has occurred while moving the folder. Not all files or subfolders have been moved.移 动文件夹时出现错误.并不是所有文件和文件夹都被移动. 86.An error has occurred. No export file will be created.出现错误,无法创建导出文 件.(import/export导入/导出)(port港口,im-/in-入,ex-出) 87.An Error has occurred; the wizard was not able to configure the computer.Restart the computer and run Client Setup again. If it fails, then see Troubleshooting in Online Guide. Remove the client setup disk from your floppy drive and click Finish to restart your computer.出现错误,向导无法配置计算机.请重新启动计算机,再次运行客户端安装程序.如果失败,请参阅-联机指南中的「疑难解答」.请从软盘驱动器中取出客户端安装盘,然后单击「完成」重新启动计算机. 88.An error occurred while copying client files/creating installation directory.复制客户端文件/安 装目录时出错. 89.An error occurred while starting Client Setup/ during setup. Please rerun setup.启动客户端安 装程序时/安装期间出错,请重新运行安装程序. 90.An error occurred when reading profile. 读取配置文件时出错. 91.An error occurred while creating the client share.创建客户端共享时出错. 92.An error occurred while sharing the folder for Windows NT Network users. The folder was not shared.共享Windows NT网络用户的文件夹时出错,该文件夹未被共享. 93.An invalid file handle was associate d with-.无效文件句柄与- 关联. 94.An unknown version of Modem Sharing is installed.安装了Modem Sharing的未知版本. 95.An unsupported operation was attempted. 不支持该操作. 96.Any changes you have made will not be saved. Click Yes to cancel this wizard. 任何更改都不 会被保存.单击「是」取消该向导. 97.Applications are presented in the order they will be installed. 应用程序以其安装顺序显示. 98.Applications will be installed to the folders shown. To remove applications, go back to the Installation Option s screen, then select Custom Installation.将把应用程序安装到所显示的文件夹中.要删除应用程序,请返回「安装选项」屏幕,然后选择「自定义安装」. (optical 光学的,视觉的,optical cable/fiber光缆/光纤)(custom顾客,风俗,关税) 99.Apply these permissions to all subfolders将这些权限应用于全部子文件夹 100.Are you sure that you want to end -Upgrade Wizard?是否确定结束升级向导? 101.Are you sure you want to cancel setup/ the wizard?是否确定取消安装/向导? 102.Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?是否确定退出向导? 103.Are you sure you want to re-install the Client Applications for-是否确定重装-客户端应用程序104.Ask your ISP to cancel your Internet connectivity and stop billing. After your ISP has confirm ed the termination of your account, you can continue.请求ISP取消Internet 连接并停止记费,ISP 确认帐号终止后可以继续.(terminate结束;dumb/intelligent terminal 智能/非智能终端)( ISP :Internet Service Provider因特网服务提供者;provide提供) 105.Ask your ISP to change your access password on its system. After your ISP has confirmed the password change, you can continue.要求ISP更改系统上的访问密码,请在ISP确认密码更改后继续. 106.Ask your ISP to change your Internet domain name on its system. After the ISP has confirmed the Internet domain name change, you can continue.请求ISP更改其系统上的Internet域名. 您可以在ISP确认Internet域名的更改后继续. 107.Ask your Web site hosting service to change your Web site location on its system. After these changes have been confirmed, you will be prompt ed to enter your new Web site information. 请求Web站点宿主服务更改系统Web站点位置.确认这些更改后,系统将提示输入新Web 站点信息.(host主机,男主人,主持人,军队,很多;hostess女主人,空中小姐)(prompt提示,迅速,促使) 108.Automatically detect the network card in the computer. (Recommend ed)自动检测计算机内
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