首页 狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第12集中英对照剧本

狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第12集中英对照剧本


狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第12集中英对照剧本狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第12集中英对照剧本 Dialogue:嘿 艾芙莉Hey, Avery. Dialogue:亲爱的 笑什么呢Sweetheart, what are you laughing at? Dialogue:笑这成绩单This report card. Dialogue:之前怎么跟你说过不许嘲笑泰勒的成绩单的What have we told you about laughing at Tyler's report card? Dialogue:好吧 这次他们又用三...

狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第12集中英对照剧本
狗狗博客/Dog With a Blog第一季第12集中英对照剧本 Dialogue:嘿 艾芙莉Hey, Avery. Dialogue:亲爱的 笑什么呢Sweetheart, what are you laughing at? Dialogue:笑这成绩单This report card. Dialogue:之前怎么跟你说过不许嘲笑泰勒的成绩单的What have we told you about laughing at Tyler's report card? Dialogue:好吧 这次他们又用三个小丑里的哪一个来损他了Okay, which one of the Three Stooges did they compare him to this time? Dialogue:不不 这是我的成绩单No, no, this is my report card. Dialogue:你的成绩单 那没什么笑点啊Your report card? Those don't make us laugh. Dialogue:只会让我们觉得自己 什么词来着They just make us feel-- what's the word? Dialogue:-愚昧无知么 -我本来想说“笨”的- Hebetudinous? - I was gonna day "Dumb." Dialogue:不是挺好么 没觉得有什么好笑的呀This looks great! I don't see what's funny here. Dialogue:对啊 自从土豚修车行在A大道Yeah, I haven't seen that many "A's" in a row Dialogue:开了家店之后我还没见过这么多A呢Since Aardvark Auto opened that annex over on Avenue A. Dialogue:不不 读读克拉普老师给我的评语就知道了No, no. Just read the hilarious comment from Mrs. Krupp. Dialogue:笑尿我了She kills me. Dialogue:艾芙莉是个勤奋突出的好学生"Avery is an outstanding, conscientious student. Dialogue:只不过有点太严肃了些"It just seems she's a bit too serious Dialogue:对待学习应该开心一点And could have more fun with her schoolwork." Dialogue:她觉得我不懂乐子She thinks I'm no fun. Dialogue:不搞笑么 哈哈哈哈哈Isn't that hilarious? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Dialogue:你们咋不笑呢Why aren't you laughing? Dialogue:你们不会赞同她吧You don't agree with her, do you? Dialogue:你们互相看什么看Why are you looking at each other? Dialogue:话到此处我有点胆颤了Speaking for myself, I'm a little scared. Dialogue:-你们觉得我不懂乐趣 -没有- You don't think I'm fun? - Uh, no, Dialogue:没有 我们可没说 亲爱的No, that's not what we're saying, sweetheart. Dialogue:那就是觉得我懂咯Oh, so you do think I'm fun. Dialogue:你们俩站在那儿不敢直言评价I'm getting really frustrated with the two of you Dialogue:让我感觉着实有点心凉了Not having the courage to just be up front with me. Dialogue:关我们什么事情 亲爱的This isn't about us, sweetheart. Dialogue:这事是因为你不懂乐趣This is about you not being any fun. Dialogue:我去Dang it! Dialogue:哇 我亲爹妈都不觉得我有趣Wow. My own parents don't think I'm fun. Dialogue:斯坦 你觉得我有趣不Stan, you think I'm fun, right? Dialogue:艾芙莉我觉得你非常 非常地 聪明Avery, I think you're very, very...smart. Dialogue:我没问那个That's not what I asked. Dialogue:我问的是有趣不有趣I asked if I was fun. Dialogue:你鞋子挺有意思的Your shoes are fun. Dialogue:感觉像在火星买的They're, like, from mars or something. Dialogue:那就是觉得我很无趣咯So you don't think I'm fun. Dialogue:听着 我知道你有趣 你自己也知道Look, I know you're fun, you know you're fun. Dialogue:这样还不够吗Isn't that enough? Dialogue:可是大家呢Well, what about everybody else? Dialogue:呃 快看窗外Uh... look out the window! Dialogue:那不是突然爆红的男子偶像团吗It's whatever boy band is currently popular! Dialogue:嘿Hey! Dialogue:我懂乐子 我要证明给你们看I'm fun, and I'm gonna prove it! Dialogue:这张表情好像离有趣有点远Kinda hard to make that face fun. Dialogue:不过好吧 来试试But hey, let's try. Dialogue:瞧 气球脑袋Look. She's got a balloon head! Dialogue:嘿 把气撒掉看看Hey, let's let the air out of her! Dialogue:哦 太搞笑了Oh, this is hilarious. Dialogue:至少我懂乐子Well, at least I'm fun. Dialogue:哇哦 我收到你的消息了Whoa-ho-ho! I got your message. Dialogue:培根裹猫猫在哪儿呢Where's the bacon-wrapped cat? Dialogue:可能是跟你那隐形的男团在一起吧Must be out there with your invisible popular boy band. Dialogue:-我被耍了对吧 -正是- I've been bamboozled, haven't I? - Yes. Dialogue:你是想拉我来讨论You're trying to get me to Dialogue:如何让你变有趣的事 对吧talk to you about being fun again, aren't you? Dialogue:正是Yes. Dialogue:斯坦 大家觉得我很无趣真的伤到了我Stan, it really hurts my feelings that people don't think I'm fun. Dialogue:没什么大不了的 他们只不过太了解你了而已It's no big deal, it's just the people who know you best. Dialogue:说真的 斯坦 我不喜欢别人那样看我Seriously, stan, I hate that everybody sees me that way. Dialogue:我知道自己有趣 怎么能让大家知道I know I'm fun. How can I show everybody else? Dialogue:那你就别用培根裹猫猫耍别人呗Don't lure them into your frilly little prison promising bacon cats? Dialogue:能借我电脑看看朋友做的视频吗Can I use your laptop to watch a video my friends made? Dialogue:随便吧Yeah, whatever. Dialogue:不许笑 唱歌 咯咯出声No laughing, singing, or giggling. Dialogue:大家怎么就觉得我无趣呢Why do people think I'm not fun? Dialogue:是不是我打领带给大家的错误信号Maybe the ties are giving the wrong message. Dialogue:不 “我是岁的理财专家”No, "-year-old investment banker" Dialogue:一目了然了is coming through loud and clear. Dialogue:-哈哈哈哈 -克洛伊- Ha ha ha ha! - Chole! Dialogue:不好意思 这片子太搞笑了I'm sorry. This movie is hilarious. Dialogue:-我朋友太搞笑了 -有了- My friends are so fun. That's it! Dialogue:你要去跟克洛伊的朋友玩儿 让他们把你变有趣You're gonna hang around Chole's friends and hope they make you fun? Dialogue:不 我原本要给克拉普老师写份 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 的No! I'm supposed to write a paper for Mrs. Krupp. Dialogue:把它拍成电影 她就知道我多有趣了 Instead, I'll make a movie, and she'll see how fun I am. Dialogue:然后把家里人都拍进去And everyone in the family can be in it, Dialogue:他们也就知道我的有趣了And then they'll see how fun I am. Dialogue:我现在就开工I'm gonna start right now! Dialogue:嘿Hey! Dialogue:谢了 斯坦 多谢帮助 欠你个人情Thanks, stan, for all your help. I really owe ya. Dialogue:嘿 那培根裹猫猫呢Hey! How about that bacon-wrapped cat?! Dialogue:首先 感谢大家参与我的电影拍摄First off, thank you all so much for helping me with my movie. Dialogue:这大清早的 我连杯“咖灰”都没喝呢It's so early! I haven't even had my first coff of cuppee. Dialogue:一定要六点开始拍吗Did we have to be here at six a.M.? Dialogue:其实现在五点 我重设了闹钟提前开始It's actually five. I reset the clocks to get a head start. Dialogue:爸爸还没开始呢Daddy's head still hasn't started. Dialogue:啊 我来了Aah! Here I am! Dialogue:好的All rightie... Dialogue:这是大家的任务跟行程Here is everyone's assignments and schedules. Dialogue:克洛伊 你是我的助理导演Chole! You're my assistant director. Dialogue:你就紧跟在我一步之遥的地方You'll be at my side every step of the way. Dialogue:-我能说“开拍”么 -当然- Can I say "Action"? - Absolutely. Dialogue:开拍Action! Dialogue:这样吧 我会告诉你什么时候说You know what? I will let you know when. Dialogue:那么 片子是关于什么的So, what's this movie about? Dialogue:一个永恒的话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 关于一位迷途的少年Ah. It's the timeless story of a misunderstood teen Dialogue:挣扎在一个充满流言蜚语的尘世的 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt Struggling to find acceptance in a harsh and judgmental world. Dialogue:哦 好吧Oh. Oh. Okay. Dialogue:就是男孩跟狗互换身体的故事It's about a boy who swaps brains with a dog. Dialogue:我取名叫I call it... Dialogue:我与来福"Freaky Fido." Dialogue:撒泡尿划领土登陆你家附近的各大剧院Marking his territory at a theater near you. Dialogue:我喜欢I like it. Dialogue:但是会有人相信能说话的狗狗吗But is anybody gonna believe a talking dog? Dialogue:我现在就能把你们全吓尿I could freak you out so bad right now. Dialogue:我现在最大的难题My biggest challenge is finding a boy Dialogue:就是找一个有说服力的男演员演狗Who can convince everyone he has the brains of a dog. Dialogue:不是吧Oh, no. Dialogue:不 我才不要给你演狗呢No, I'm not playing a dog in your movie. Dialogue:不 不让你演 斯坦演狗No, no, you're not. Stan's the dog. Dialogue:你演长了狗脑的男孩You're the boy with the dog's brains. Dialogue:你知道那是多大的耻辱吗Do you know how insulting that is? Dialogue:如果你能虚心把我的脑袋演好 我没什么意见Oh, if you portray my brain respectfully, I'm okay with it. Dialogue:狗头狗脑的泰勒 你就是这么看我的Goofy, dog-brain Tyler? That's what you think of me? Dialogue:我头可断血可留尊严不能丢Well, I have more depth and dignity than anyone gives me credit for. Dialogue:-你跟尼基有感情戏 -那还等什么- You have a love scene with Nikki. - Let's shoot this movie! Dialogue:-开拍 - 噢- Action!!! - Ohh! Dialogue:演员们好Hello, cast. Dialogue:首先 让我们欢迎尼基First off, I'd like to welcome nikki Dialogue:参与与泰勒的情感大戏in the role of Tyler's love interest. Dialogue:绝对是个高难度挑战It will certainly be a challenge. Dialogue:喂Hey! Dialogue:哦 不 不Oh, no, no, no. Dialogue:主要是因为我对你一点兴趣都没有It's only because I'm not the least bit interested in you. Dialogue:等你看我打滚装死后就不那么想了You'll change your tune after you see me roll over and play dead. Dialogue:没准呢That might help. Dialogue:好了 拍摄过程中All right, in making this movie, Dialogue:我要你们尽情享受乐趣I want you all to have a lot of fun. Dialogue:这不是建议 这是命令It's not a suggestion; that's a direct order. Dialogue:开个玩笑That was a joke. Dialogue:好了 打住Okay, that's enough. Dialogue:好吧Fine. Dialogue:好 这是大家的剧本Right. Here's everyone's scripts. Dialogue:严格按照剧本来Do all the lines exactly as written Dialogue:不许有误 也不要有个人意见With no deviation or independent thought. Dialogue:这不是开玩笑That's not a joke. Dialogue:我干嘛答应她Why did I agree to do this? Dialogue:我讨厌表演 超讨厌I hate acting! I hate it! Dialogue:其实如果你不想的话你真不用You really don't have to do this if-- Dialogue:我是在演我恨表演I was only acting that I hate acting. Dialogue:我喜欢表演I love acting. Dialogue:哇 演得还真像Wow. That was really good. Dialogue:谢谢Thanks. Dialogue:不过 其实不是But...no, it wasn't. Dialogue:我想演好 但是没有I want to be good, but I am not. Dialogue:我来美国的梦想就是演戏Acting was my dream coming to america, Dialogue:我就没法演好 泰勒But I'll just never be any good, Tyler, Dialogue:我演不好I just won't! Dialogue:好吧 我知道你在干嘛Okay, I see what you're doing. Dialogue:哦 别呀 对不起Oh, no, I'm--I'm sorry, I-- Dialogue:哈 演戏Ha! Acting! Dialogue:我是在表演我演得很差I was only acting that I was stinky at acting Dialogue:其实我演得很好 不是吗When really, I am very good. No? Dialogue:是呀 你很棒Yeah, you're awesome! Dialogue:我还真以为你觉得自己很烂呢I totally thought you thought you were stinky. Dialogue:突然感觉自己好笨But now I feel like such a fool. Dialogue:我感觉自己又笨I feel so foolish and... Dialogue:又丢人So embarrassed. Dialogue:演的Acting. Dialogue:这还真不用演No, that really wasn't. Dialogue:知道吗 我觉得演演戏You know what, I think acting in this movie Dialogue:对咱俩也是一种乐子is gonna be fun for us, too. Dialogue:是呀 虽然我觉得让我们演Yeah, although I think we're a little young Dialogue:孩子的爹妈似乎太老To be playing the parents of our children. Dialogue:就仿佛回到了你跟我It takes me back to when you and I Dialogue:在社区剧院的日子Used to do community theater. Dialogue:艾格尼丝 我知道你有健忘症Agnes! I know you got the amnesia, Dialogue:但我还是要问你But I still gotta ask ya, Dialogue:你四号晚上干什么去了Where was you on the night of the fourth? Dialogue:不记得了 长官 我的记忆出毛病了I don't remember, butchy. My memory's on the fritz. Dialogue:是么 那你的手袋里怎么会有枪Huh? Then why was this gun in your handbag, doll? Dialogue:你说的是手枪 刺杀专家 寡妇制造者吗You mean the gat? The heater? The widow-maker? Dialogue:我不记得了 长官I don't remember, butchy. Dialogue:我记得所有的枪名 别的不记得I remember all the names for guns, but nothin' else. Dialogue:那好 或许一点么么哒哒Well, maybe a little mouth-to-mouth Dialogue:能激发你的记忆力Will shake a few memories loose! Dialogue:干嘛呢你们What are you doing? Dialogue:妈妈鼻子里有点东西Well, mommy's got something in her nose, Dialogue:我在帮她看看And I was just trying to see it. Dialogue:我的手指小 可以挖出来I've got small fingers. I can get up in that thing. Dialogue:等好了 我得带点工具来Wait right here. I'm coming back with tools. Dialogue:-现在 这一幕 -开拍- All right, now, in this scene-- - Action! Dialogue:-还没好 -停- Not ready yet. - Cut! Dialogue:还没开始呢你就不能喊停You can say "Cut" If we haven't started yet. Dialogue:-午饭时间 -什么午饭时间- That's lunch! - That's not lunch. Dialogue:大功告成That's a wrap! Dialogue:好了 爸爸 你坐在这儿All right, dad, you will sit here. Dialogue:老妈 你走进来跟乔治打招呼 行吗Mom, you'll walk in and say hi to george. Okay. Dialogue:乔治 克鲁尼吗George! As in "Clooney?" Dialogue:没你事As in "Curious." Dialogue:老妈你说 嗨 乔治 今儿个早晨很不错Mom, you'll say, "Hi, George, isn't it a nice morning?" Dialogue:行吗 预备Okay. And... Dialogue:嗨 乔治 今儿个早晨真不错Hi, george. Isn't it a nice morning? Dialogue:-停 -怎么了- Cut! - What's the matter? 嗨 乔治 今儿个早晨真不错It's "Hi, George. Isn't it a nice morning?" Dialogue:是 Dialogue:-我说的不是那个吗 -行吧 你就说 嗨 乔治- Isn't that what I said? - You know, just say, "Hi, George." Dialogue:-嗨 乔治 -只说 嗨- Hi, George. Just say, "Hi." Dialogue:-嗨 -只招手- Hi. -Just wave. Dialogue:别招了Don't wave. Dialogue:好了 这是头脑互换前的最后一个镜头All right, so this is the scene right before the brain switch. Dialogue:你依然还是只狗You're still just a dog. Dialogue:这太帅了 我要红了This is awesome! I'm gonna be a star! Dialogue:我需要个经纪人 还有副墨镜Oh, I'm gonna need an agent. A-and sunglasses. Dialogue:还缺一个政治面貌 我不明白那些A-and a political cause I really don't understand. Dialogue:你要叼起你最爱的玩具You're gonna pick up your favorite toy... Dialogue:然后疯狂的摆弄And squeak it like crazy. Dialogue:来吧 叼起来 开始Go on, get it. Action! Dialogue:停 停Cut, cut. Dialogue:都乱套了 乱套了This is all wrong, this is all wrong. Dialogue:拿过来Give me that. Dialogue:斯坦 拿过来Stan, give me that. Dialogue:你拿来 我才是导演Give me that. I'm the director! Dialogue:你以为你是谁Who do you think you are?! Dialogue:没法拍了I can't work like this! Dialogue:我太爱这玩具了Man, I love this toy! Dialogue:嘿 艾芙莉人呢Hey-- where'd Avery go? Dialogue:好的 你刚刚发现All right, you just discovered Dialogue:你的男朋友成了狗脑子that your boyfriend here has the brain of a dog. Dialogue:懂吗 预备 开始All right? And...action! Dialogue:哦 亲爱的 即便你变成了狗脑子Oh, darling. Even though you now have the brain of a dog, Dialogue:我也会对你始终如一I will love you always. Dialogue:-汪 -停- Ruff! - Cut. Dialogue:好吧 泰勒 是这样的Okay, Tyler, so here's the thing. Dialogue:我知道你很努力 我真的很感激I know you're really trying, and I really appreciate it. Dialogue:但我这样是为了激发你的狗性This is to help you get into the mindset of being a dog, Dialogue:也因为你烂到家了And partly because you stunk. Dialogue:叫你不听话 叫你不听话Bad boy! Bad boy! Dialogue:不乖 不乖Bad, bad boy! Dialogue:好吧 伙计们 我们的进程有点落后了Okay, people, we're a couple hours behind schedule. Dialogue:-十分钟时间吃午饭 -天呐- Ten minutes for lunch. - Oh. Goodness. Dialogue:-我不能吃快 这样我会打呼的 -你说的是打嗝吧- I can eat fast, but it gives me the hoocups. - You mean "Hiccups." Dialogue:不 打呼 我会“呼”地一下No, hoocups-- I go, "Hooc!" Dialogue:亲爱的 既然大家都在 我们得谈谈Sweetheart, while we're all together, we need to talk. Dialogue:行 不过得从你午餐时间内扣Fine, but it's coming out of your eating time. Dialogue:-对 亲爱的 就这事儿 - 什么意思- Yeah, sweetie. Stuff like that. - What do you mean? Dialogue:亲爱的 你对我们太刻薄了Well, hon, you're being a little bit hard on us. Dialogue:竟然说你老妈不会招手I mean, telling mom she couldn't even wave right? Dialogue:不就是有点It was just a little, uh... Dialogue:强迫我们快吃 呼Making us eat so fast. Hooc! Dialogue:非让我午餐时还呆在角色里Making me stay in character during lunch. Dialogue:泰勒 赶紧起来Tyler, get up off the floor. Dialogue:我这样 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 你们是为了拍出更好的电影I'm only pushing you all to this make a better movie. Dialogue:一直演砸的可是你们You're the ones who are laying the big stink bombs all over the set. Dialogue:可是 你拍它是为了证明你是有趣的Well, you're making this movie to show that you're fun, Dialogue:但是现在没人觉得有趣But no one here is having any. Dialogue:如果斯坦能说话的话 我打赌它都会说同意的And if stan could talk for real, I bet he'd agree. Dialogue:我同意 Dialogue:好吧 如果你们都觉得那么痛苦Well, if you all are having such a horrible time, Dialogue:那或许你们才是不懂得乐趣的人Maybe you guys are the ones who don't know how to have any fun. Dialogue:或许我该把你们换掉Maybe I'll just replace you Dialogue:用我的后备家庭成员with the backup family I have standing by. Dialogue:所以才有那么多人在我办公室里呀That's what those people are doing in my office! Dialogue:失陪一下Excuse me a minute. Dialogue:你们可以走了 抱歉浪费你们宝贵的时间You can all go now. Sorry for wasting your time. Dialogue:谁把我的方形笔硬插进圆孔的Who jammed my square peg into my round hole? Dialogue:不许你在我们家用另一家人拍电影You are not shooting a movie in our house with another family. Dialogue:或许是你该换换方式了Maybe it's just time you go about this in a different way. Dialogue:你们首先是说我不懂乐子First you guys tell me that I don't know how to have fun, Dialogue:现在又要说我不会拍电影吗And now you're telling me that I don't know how to make a movie? Dialogue:不 我们什么都没说No, we're not telling you any of that. Dialogue:现在又跟我说你们什么都没说Now you're telling me you're not telling me any of that? Dialogue:知道吗 最大的错误就是让你们来演我的电影You know, my biggest mistake was letting you all be in my movie. Dialogue:亲爱的 你一个人拍不了电影Sweetheart, you can't exactly make a movie by yourself. Dialogue:是么 走着瞧Oh yeah? Watch me. Dialogue:呼Hooc! Dialogue:咦Eeep! Dialogue:挺新鲜That's new. Dialogue:《我与来福》 艾芙莉独角戏"Freaky Fido," Starring Avery in all parts, Dialogue:第一条Take one. Dialogue:噢 泰勒 你变回来了Ay, Tyler, you are back, Dialogue:人们会认识真正的你 认识到你的有趣And people will get to know the real you and see how fun you are! Dialogue:是呀Yeah, man. Dialogue:长了颗狗脑的感觉太诡异了It was so freaky havin' the brains of a dog. Dialogue:简直太大不敬了That is offensive on so many levels. Dialogue:刚才你也站在他们那边反对我啊So was you taking everybody else's side against me. Dialogue:艾芙莉 我尽管爱你Avery, as much as I love you, Dialogue:我得说家里其他人没有错 错在你The rest of the family is not the problem; you are. Dialogue:开什么玩笑Are you kidding me? Dialogue:他们不听我的话 也不严格按照They're the ones who aren't listening to everything I say Dialogue:我想要的方式去做and doing everything exactly how I want it! Dialogue:不管我怎么冲他们喊And no matter how many times I scream at them-- Dialogue:天呐 的确是我Oh, my gosh, I am the problem. Dialogue:你说的一点没错They're right about me. Dialogue:我不是有趣的人 怎么可能拍出有趣的电影How can I make a fun movie when I'm not even a fun person? Dialogue:但你可以成为有趣的人的But you can be a fun person! Dialogue:大胆疯狂一把就好Just go a little crazy once in a while, Dialogue:多点疯癫的事Do something wacky. Dialogue:我也不知道I don't know. Dialogue:不过谢了 斯坦 你真好But thanks, stan. You're the best. Dialogue:我欠你一只培根裹猫猫I owe you a bacon-wrapped cat. Dialogue:要确保是野生的Just make sure it's free-range. Dialogue:我觉得我的成名噱头就是I think that's gonna be my celebrity cause-- Dialogue:野生培根裹猫猫Free-range bacon-wrapped cats. Dialogue:谢谢你们愿意再试一次Thank you all for agreeing to try this one more time. Dialogue:抱歉我之前的I'm sorry. Before, I was a little... Dialogue:现在起我会更Now I'm gonna be a little more... Dialogue:谢谢你 亲爱的 这样听起来不错Thank you, sweetie. That sounds like a reallygood idea. Dialogue:克洛伊 你去哪儿了Chole, where have you been? Dialogue:说来有趣 我不小心跟别人一家走了Funny story. I accidentally left with that other family. Dialogue:那我们去哪儿吃午餐So, where are we going for lunch? Dialogue:嘿 你穿的是我的裤子吗Hey, are you wearing my pants? Dialogue:你知道这附近有个Did you know there's a great Dialogue:我们从来都没试过的汉堡店吗burger place near here that we've never tried? Dialogue:好了 在这一幕中All right. So in this scene, Dialogue:老爸老妈会一起吃饭Mom and dad are gonna be having dinner. Dialogue:-可以带口音吗 -再好不过- Could we do accents? - You better. Dialogue:你真的很有突破This is a whole new you! Dialogue:而且我也会出演一幕And I'm gonna be in this scene, Dialogue:肯定会超有趣的It is gonna be so much fun! Dialogue:好戏在后头呢You ain't seen nothin' yet. Dialogue:我说了好戏And I just said "Ain't"! Dialogue:我们在这Well, here we are, Dialogue:与俺们跟狗换了大脑的儿子一起吃饭Having dinner with our son who has switched brains with a dog, Dialogue:还有他那身处苦境的女朋友And his girlfriend, who's making the most of a bad situation-- Dialogue:之前提到的人脑狗身The aforementioned dog brain switcheroo. Dialogue:是是是Yes, yes, yes. Dialogue:用俺们英国佬的话说就是As we brits are fond of saying, Dialogue:咬紧牙关 排除万难Stiff upper lip, pass the crumpets, Dialogue:球用脚踢一样And soccer is football. Dialogue:总之吧 可怜我儿啊Aha. Anyway, shame about the boy. Dialogue:这简直太不幸了It is so sad what happened. Dialogue:无法想象他现在有多害怕与困惑I cannot imagine how frightened and confused he must be. Dialogue:尼基 没事 只是电影而已Nikki, it's okay. It's just a movie. Dialogue:嘘 演着呢Shh! I'm acting! Dialogue:她真强She's good. Dialogue:对于不会说方言的人来说For someone who's not doing an accent. Dialogue:让我们为这个特别的场合整点甜点咋样Shall we ring for dessert in honor of this special occasion? Dialogue:有人在叫甜点吗Did somebody call for dessert? Dialogue:哦 瞧啊 小喇叭 还散花Oh, look, a horn! And confetti! Dialogue:-真有趣 -像派对一样- What fun! - It's like a party! Dialogue:派对正要开始呢And the party's just beginning. Dialogue:一个西瓜呢It's--it's a melon! Dialogue:艾芙莉 亲爱的 怎么了Avery! Sweetheart, what's wrong? Dialogue:不觉得电影中间Don't you just hate it when Dialogue:突然改变气氛很讨厌吗movies change tone right in the middle like this? Dialogue:我不喜欢I hate this. Dialogue:能给我们几分钟吗Can you guys just give us a moment? Dialogue:好吧 不过我刚才没录 可能得重来一遍Okay, but I wasn't rolling. We're gonna have to do that again. Dialogue:各位Guys. Dialogue:亲爱的 怎么了 艾芙莉Honey. What happened, Avery? Dialogue:刚才不是挺开心的吗That started out so much fun! Dialogue:我不开心 我就跟加拉格尔一样Not for me. It went full Gallagher. Dialogue:{\a\fs}(注:加拉格尔,美国喜剧演员,以砸西瓜闻名) Dialogue:噢 原来是他啊 我还想说是谁来着Oh, that's who that is. I was trying to think of that guy's name. Dialogue:我知道这是个错误I knew this was a mistake. Dialogue:亲爱的 那你为什么还要这么做Well, then sweetheart, why'd you do it? Dialogue:因为大家都在跟我说我有问题Because everyone was telling me there was something wrong with me, Dialogue:包括你们Including you two. Dialogue:不 不 我们从来没说过你有什么问题No, no! We never said there was anything wrong with you, Dialogue:我们只是想你开心点We just wanted you to have fun! Dialogue:我知道 我本来就很开心I know, and I was having fun. Dialogue:我的行程表 笔记 清单My schedules and notes and lists Dialogue:告诉别人各种事情应该怎么做And telling everyone exactly how everything has to be done-- Dialogue:我就觉得很有趣That's fun for me. Dialogue:是呀 很抱歉 我们可能忘了Yeah. I'm sorry. I think we forgot that. Dialogue:就好像 大家对真实的我感到失望一样It was just like everyone was disappointed in me for being me. Dialogue:-哦 不 -我知道我是个非典型的小孩- Oh, no. - I know I'm not the typical kid, Dialogue:但你们曾经说过这样很好的But you guys used to say that was great. Dialogue:噢 亲爱的 本来就很好Oh, honey, it is great. Dialogue:而且我们最不想做的事And the last thing we want to do Dialogue:就是把你变得跟别人一样Is make you like everyone else. Dialogue:谢谢 爸爸Thanks, dad. Dialogue:知道吗 这是你的电影You know what? This is your movie, Dialogue:我们就按你的方式来And we're gonna do it your way. Dialogue:不管我们会有多难熬No matter how miserable it is for the rest of us. Dialogue:那会给我莫大的欢乐That would be really fun for me. Dialogue:你很有趣 Dialogue:谢谢大家的帮助Thank you all so much for all your help. Dialogue:在《我与来福》首映之前Before I show "Freaky Fido," Dialogue:我想说 希望大家I'd like to say I hope you all had-- Dialogue:开播Roll 'em! Dialogue:好吧All right. Dialogue:{\fad(,)}{\pos(,)}{\fn方正华隶简体}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\bord}{\shad}{\fs}艾芙丽?詹 宁斯出品 Dialogue:{\fad(,)}{\pos(,)}{\fn方正大黑简体}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\bord}{\shad}{\fs}我与来福 Dialogue:我的生活充满了问题与烦心事My life is so full of problems and trouble, Dialogue:而且不知为何我爹妈觉得自己是英国佬And for some reason my parents think they're British! Dialogue:有时候我宁愿自己是条狗Sometimes I wish I was a dog. Dialogue:泰勒 我儿啊 该喂来福了 它在天井里呢Oh, Tyler, my boy, time to feed Fido. He's on the patio. Dialogue:不要忘了用铁饭碗噢Don't forget to use the metal bowl. Dialogue:但小心闪电But mind the lightning. Dialogue:你倒潇洒 伙计You have it easy, boy. Dialogue:没作业纯娱乐All fun and no work, Dialogue:根本不用想Not a care in the-- Dialogue:噢 不 我变狗了Oh, no! I'm a dog! Dialogue:别担心 泰勒 这都不会影响到我们的感情的Don't worry, Tyler. Nothing will change between us. Dialogue:除了你不允许上沙发以外Except you are not allowed to sit on the couch. Dialogue:来福 你也不能在毯子上蹭And Fido, you're not allowed to butt-scoot on the carpet! Dialogue:开动了 伙计Chow time, buddy. Dialogue:哇 电闪雷鸣啊Wow, that's some lightning-filled sky. Dialogue:给你最喜欢的铁饭碗Here's your favorite metal bowl. Dialogue:哦 我又变回来了Oh! I'm a boy again! Dialogue:我一直觉得做条狗挺酷的I always thought it would be cool to be a dog, Dialogue:现在我知道能做自己就很幸运了But now I know I'm lucky to be me. Dialogue:即便我是个非典型的小孩 那又如何Even if I'm not a typical kid, that's okay. Dialogue:泰勒 你回来了Tyler, you're back! Dialogue:现在我们一起去餐馆吃饭的时候Now I can eat in restaurants again, and I won't have to Dialogue:就不用把你绑在停车计时器上了leave you tied to the parking meter! Dialogue:哦 儿啊 太好了Oh, son! This is brilliant! Dialogue:欢迎回来Welcome back! Dialogue:刚才好险That was terribly close. Dialogue:或许我们该进屋Perhaps we should go inside Dialogue:以免其他人before someone else-- Dialogue:哦 天呐Oh, dear. Dialogue:{\fad(,)}{\pos(,)}{\fn方正华隶简体}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\bord}{\shad}{\fs}完 Dialogue:{\fad(,)}{\pos(,)}{\fn方正姚体}{\c&HCCA&}{b}{\bord}{\shad}{\fs}砸西瓜制作公 司 Dialogue:哦 亲爱的 太棒了Oh, sweetheart, that was wonderful! Dialogue:真的很棒 亲爱的It really was, hon. Dialogue:不见得 这简直是我至今最糟的经历Not for me! It was the worst experience of my life! Dialogue:-真的么 -不 演戏呢- Really? - No. Acting. Dialogue:艾芙莉能接受自己真好It's great that Avery accepted who she is, Dialogue:大家也是一样And do did everybody else. Dialogue:我也找到了炒作自己成名的噱头And I found my movie star cause. Dialogue:嗨 我是斯坦 《我与来福》的演员Hi, I'm stan, star of "Freaky Fido," Dialogue:我在此想谈谈And I'm here to talk to Dialogue:我心中的宝贵的憧憬you about a cause that's dear to my heart-- Dialogue:野生培根裹猫Free-range bacon-wrapped cats. Dialogue:认识一下勒夫?麦芬教授Meet Professor Love Muffin. Dialogue:我们发现他的时候 他被关在板条箱里When we found him, he was locked in a crate, Dialogue:吃着自己身上的培根Reduced to eating his own bacon. Dialogue:但有了你们的贡献But with your contributions, Dialogue:我们可以将麦芬教授We can send Professor Love Muffin, Dialogue:跟他小伙伴们or one of his many friends, Dialogue:送到斯坦培根猫猫牧场to Stan's bacon-wrapped cat ranch, Dialogue:在那儿 猫猫可以自由地奔跑 裹培根Where cats run free, covered in bacon... Dialogue:直到被我抓到 吃掉Until I catch them and eat them. Dialogue:克洛伊 能把这个端给斯坦吗Chole, honey, could you take this out to stan? Dialogue:他在天井里上He's on the patio. Dialogue:-好的 -谢谢 乖乖- Oh, sure. - Thanks, hon. Dialogue:那么 雷金纳德So, Reginald, Dialogue:多年后俺还能见到你忒好了It's nice to see you again after all these years. Dialogue:是也 菲欧娜 的确Yes, Fiona, it was. Dialogue:不过有件事我得坦白But I have a confession to make-- Dialogue:我不是什么英国小说家雷金纳德?阿星顿?皮克特I'm not Reginald Ashington Pickett, dashing british novelist. Dialogue:我是班尼特?詹姆斯I'm Bennett James, Dialogue:世界知名的儿童心理学家World-renowned child psychologist. Dialogue:好吧 气氛没了Okay, now you've ruined it. Dialogue:哦 克洛伊 克洛伊Oh. Oh! Chole! Chole! Dialogue:亲爱的 你没事吧Honey! Are you all right? Dialogue:汪Ruff! Dialogue:真有趣Very funny. Dialogue:说真的 我真的可以帮你挖干净Seriously, I could clean out that whole mess for you.
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