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中医养生知识宝典中医养生知识宝典 中医养生 中医是我国的传统医学,在我国流传发展了几千年,从最早的《黄帝内经》《神农草本》到《伤寒染病论》《脉经》《诸病源候论》,到公元14世纪明代著名伟大的医学家李时珍于1578年写成了世界名著《本草纲目》是早期最为完善的医学。 中医诊断主要靠四诊,即望,闻,问,切。望诊主要看形体,面相。闻诊主要听呼吸和讲话声音,嗅身体的气味;问诊,主要是询问病历史及近期的多种症状;切诊,即是切脉,南方人称“把脉”。把脉需要病人不吃早饭,静坐60分钟。方能准确,而且要相当深厚的中医相应地加强了其它三诊。而我...

中医养生知识宝典 中医养生 中医是我国的传统医学,在我国流传发展了几千年,从最早的《黄帝内经》《神农草本》到《伤寒染病论》《脉经》《诸病源候论》,到公元14世纪明代著名伟大的医学家李时珍于1578年写成了世界名著《本草纲目》是早期最为完善的医学。 中医诊断主要靠四诊,即望,闻,问,切。望诊主要看形体,面相。闻诊主要听呼吸和讲话声音,嗅身体的气味;问诊,主要是询问病历史及近期的多种症状;切诊,即是切脉,南方人称“把脉”。把脉需要病人不吃早饭,静坐60分钟。方能准确,而且要相当深厚的中医相应地加强了其它三诊。而我们“好享受”在此基础上增加了手诊,因此诊断地准确度高些。 内部脏腑阴阳失衡,因此治本需调理阴阳平衡。中医诊病首先要明辨阴阳,阴阳不辨,调病往往是南辕北辙。 例如:肾虚分阳虚和阴虚。阳虚者滋阴,腰越来越痛,阴虚者补阳,腰越来越酸。通过望诊辨阴阳主要从四个方面看。 1、形体:阴虚形瘦,阳虚形胖。 2、舌象:阳虚舌质淡,舌形胖,苔白,苔厚;阴虚舌质红,舌形瘦,苔少,苔薄。 3、神情:阳虚气短,懒语,抑郁不欢;阴虚燥热不安。 寒热:阳虚怕冷,阴虚怕热;阳虚者出凉汗,阴虚者出热汗。 第一节:五脏与六腑的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 里关系 中医通常用“脏腑”来总称人体的内脏。 五脏指:心、肝、脾、肺、肾(心外面有心包经) 六腑指:小肠、大肠、胆、胃、膀胱、三焦。 脏腑共同配合,五脏为主帅,六腑为辅佐,才能共同完成人体的各种功能。由此出现了物种表里关系:肝与胆相表里,心与小肠相表里,脾与胃相表里,肺与大肠相表里,肾与膀胱相表里。 一、肝与胆 肝与胆互为表里。“肝主藏血”,肝有储藏和调节血液的功能,故有“肝主血液”之说。肝气条达有升发疏泄的作用,可舒畅全身,令人精力旺盛又心平气和、神情怡然。 (1)“肝开窍于目”,肝是眼睛的根,肝的精气充足,眼睛明亮、黑白清晰,炯炯有神,如果肝火上炎,可是双目肝赤、肝虚则会双目干涩,视物不清。 (2)“肝主筋,其华在爪”,肝的精气充足能养筋、筋壮肢体灵活自如,指甲丰满光洁、透明、呈粉色;肝虚则筋发硬,活动迟钝不灵,指甲糟脏,凹陷不透明,缺少血色。 (3)“怒则伤肝”肝气调达顺畅,人的精力旺盛而又能心平气和,与人交往亲和友善,肝瘀气滞则易生怒火,目光凶狠,脸趁呈绛色,体内臭气鼓胀,令人厌恶而避之。 肝阴包括血液和全身筋与肌肉运动时所需的润滑液——阴津,肝阴足,身体轻松自如,内心自信,不愠不和。肝的不适之证分阳亢和阴虚,无论属于哪一种情况都会影响形象美,调肝要区别阳亢和阴虚,其不同的特点分别如下: 1.肝阳亢者性情急躁尚有气力;肝阴者性情焦躁但疲惫不堪。 2.肝阳亢眼红,干涩和眼角膜有斑,或眼袋鼓胀,下垂或眼球外突;肝阴虚者眼窝内凹,或干涩视物模糊,或迎风流泪,或眼花,或色盲,或视网膜脱落,黄斑性病变,白内障,重则患神经炎。 3.肝阳亢饭后两肋下胀满,或右肋常胀痛;阴虚右肋常隐隐作痛。 4.肝阳亢者双脚躁动不安;阴虚者两腿酸软。 5.肝阳亢者遇事焦躁,处事不周;阴虚者办事心余而力不足。 二、心与小肠 中医讲的心包括心脏和大脑。例如:心里想,不是指心脏在想而是讲大脑在思考。 心主神明是精神意识,思维等高级中枢神经活动的主宰,对其它脏腑的功能起领导作用,气足血旺的人精神愉悦,神采奕奕。容光焕发,心气虚的人心悸,二目无光,兴致索然,重则厌食。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the (1)心气足面有光华 心气足者脸色白里透红,皮肤光滑柔软,细嫩;心气虚者面色无光,毛孔粗大,因其锁不住毛孔而汗水自出,重者大汗亡阳。 (2)心气足声圆音亮 心气足的人声如响铃,乐于言表,喜形于色;心气虚者声音低沉,常吁短叹,少言寡语,抑郁不欢,心气虚者病因各异;或劳累过度,或心情抑郁而暗耗心阴;或受刺激郁郁不欢;或步入中年气虚;或大病初愈气已伤矣。 调心也有阴阳之分;心阳不足,耗阴生热;心阴不足,欠热伤气,阳虚或阴虚的特点分别如下: A、“舌为心之苗”舌嫩胖而苔白为阳虚,舌瘦而苔躁红者为阴虚。 B、舌尖有溃疡者,舌白为阳虚,舌红为阴虚。 C、长吁短叹自汗者为阳虚,面红燥热自汗者为阴虚。 D、心区憋闷,透不过气,心里怯懦者为阳虚,心区燥热,烦闷易发火者为阴虚。 三、肺与大肠 肺位胸中上走气道,喉为门户,开窍于鼻,为气体出入之所,“肺朝血脉”肺吸进的清气与脾运化的水谷精微相结合,生化为元气,维持人的生命,肺与心同为上焦,相互依存,肺主气,心主血,气离血死,血离气枯。 1、肺气是精力旺盛,肺气是人的血液中含氧充足,必然精力旺盛,健康的年轻女性皮肤白嫩,与肺气足有关。 2、肺主皮毛,肺气足,皮肤层面气血充足营养物质丰富,皮肤柔嫩,光滑,毛孔细,肺气虚,皮肤抵抗力弱,皮肤容易出现下列症状:皮下红疹、皮癣、面有红斑、粉刺,面部毛孔显粗,皮肤过敏。 3、肺气足鼻子精巧:肺开窍于鼻,肺气足,鼻子发亮,精巧,肺气虚,鼻子毛孔渐粗,或鼻翼变红,重则为“酒糟鼻”。 4、肺气足不虚胖,肺通调水道,下输膀胱,肺调节人体水分,需要脾、肾相互配合缺一不可,任何一个环节出了毛病,都会引起体内水液代谢不利,形成虚胖,重则浮肿。 肺气足鼻不生炎症,嗅觉灵敏。肺气虚,易患鼻咽,容易过敏,有时不辨香臭,“肺主忧”肺气足,人常欢笑,肺气虚,人多忧愁。肺有阴虚,阳虚之分,不同症状如下:肺阳虚时咳喘无力,流清鼻涕,甚则喘促或呼吸困难,痰多清稀,疲倦,懒语,声低,怕冷,自汗,脸色青色,舌胖淡嫩。肺阴虚时干咳少痰,潮热盗汗,两颧潮红,手足心热,咽燥喑哑,舌红干燥,苔少。 四、脾与胃 “脾胃为生化之源,后天之本”脾主运化,水和精微输布全身,供应人体多方面的需求,维持内脏功能正常的运行,食物入口皆由脾而散,脾与胃为营血化生之源,所以,人白天的身体状况健康与否,与脾有重要关系。 1、脾气足肌肉丰活,“脾主肌肉”脾气足,肌肉丰润、鲜活,面部生动而富有活力,有的人长相不漂亮,但仍然可人,这就是民间讲的脸上长着“爱人肉”。 2、脾气足脸不臃肿,女性面部白里透红的胖是正常的胖,可谓“富贵之美”,除此外的胖,多数为肿胖。脾主运化水湿,输布体内水份,脾虚湿滞,则导致水肿,肾虚引起的水肿在腿脚,脾虚引起的水肿在脸部及全身。 引起脾虚的原因有两个方面:一是吃;二是思,多吃冰冷食物,贪吃水果,暴饮暴食都能伤脾,思虑过多,也可能伤脾。 3、“脾开窍于口,其荣在唇,脾气通于口,脾足能知五谷”脾气足着嘴唇丰盈红润,呼出的气无异味,吃五谷杂粮可品出其中的香味,脾气弱者唇白而粗糙,若寒凝脾中则唇紫或黑,呼出的气息异味浓得令他人躲闪,且饮食无味。 4、“脾统血,使血液在脉管内运行顺畅不致外溢”脾气虚而无力统血时,血溢出脉管之外称为“血不循经”,有人会皮下出血形成瘀斑,严重的人流出的汗为红色,有的女性会经血不止。脾和胃相表里,脾相当于车间,二者缺一不可,相互配合,但是他们的习性却不同,脾喜燥恶湿,胃喜fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 润恶燥,脾气上升,人中气足,胃气下降,人才能顺利完成消化吸收,脾和胃的功能正常与否,其症状分别如下: 1、脾气虚时唇偏白,重则无血色,胃火上行,唇干,重则有裂纹。 2、脾气虚得太久,上牙龈萎缩,胃气虚弱久了,下牙龈萎缩。 3、脾气虚弱便溏稀,重则泻肚,胃火上行大便干硬。 4、脾气虚时四肢不温,胃火旺时人燥热。 5、胃阳不足,胃脘胀痛,呕吐清涎。 五、肾与膀胱 “肾为先天之本”肾气旺,人耳聪目明,精力充沛,颈直肤亮,可延缓衰老数十年之多;肾气虚,人易恐惧,严重者可出现精神疾病。 1、“肾主水”肾气时可调节体内水分并将多余水分及时排出体外,女性肾气衰时,体内该排掉的水份不能及时排出,造成腰以下部位虚胖甚至浮肿,若脸也肿胖时表明已相当严重了,而补充肾气,人的腰围即可减小,但体重可能不减,这是因为“肾主骨”,人的肾气足了,骨质密度便随之增加,体重也会增加。 2、“肾主毛发”,肾气足,头发浓密而黑亮,肾气不足时则头发脱落,发质枯干,所以治理脱发的根本是调养肾。肾气足颈项直挺,牙齿坚固,因为肾主骨,而牙是骨之余,肾气虚是颈椎无力挺直,重则骨质增生,因此当人到中年出现骨质增生或出现牙齿松动时,不要急于动手术,应从调肾入手,这样既能从根本上解决病患,又可保住牙齿。 3、“肾纳肺气,肺主皮毛”,肾气足可接纳肺气,肺朝百脉可养皮肤,肾气虚时令肺的肃降功能受阻,面部易生斑等,而有的人会因肾虚不纳肺气引起脸上长粉刺。 4、肾气足夫妻生活和谐,“肾下开窍于二阴,上开窍于耳”,肾气足,听力好,肾为肝之母,肝肾同源,肝肾足者耳聪目明,肾虚易导致听力差,或耳鸣,眩晕,甚者耳聋。 补肾,首先要确定肾阳虚还是阴虚,阳虚补阳,阴虚滋阴,调反了非但达不到补肾的效果,反而适得其反,南辕北辙,肾阳虚或肾阴虚的特点分别如下: 阳虚:怕冷,手或脚易凉。 阴虚:怕热,手心、脚心及其内心燥热,即“五心烦热“。 1、舌虚舌嫩胖,苔白;阴虚舌瘦,舌红,苔少而燥。 2、阴虚易瘦,阳虚易胖。 3、阳虚精神疲惫,阴虚燥热不安。 4、阳虚面色青白无光,阴虚颧红,脸呈绛色。 通过上面的介绍,可以提出一个结论,美是由综合因素构成的,只有当各种因素平衡时,人才可能美,其中,首先是保持物质身体的平衡,平衡的身体会产生平衡的精神面貌及状态,精神再反过来促进身体平衡,可使人体进入良性循环。 身体平衡主要是五脏循环系统各自的平衡和相互间的平衡,五脏之间的关系相生相克,是相互促进和制约的关系,某一脏器的失衡,会引起其他脏器失衡,所以女性在追求形象和仪态美的同时,可不能舍本求末,故此失败。 下面我们要讲到的是人体五脏与其相对的阴阳五行的关系,也就是五脏之间相生相克的关系,相生即相互资生,助长的意思,相克既相互制约,克制的意思。 首先我们要了解五行是指:金、木、水、火、土 即:肝(胆)属木 心(小肠)属火 脾(胃)属土 肺(大肠)属金 肾(膀胱)属水 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 第二节:五行的相生与相克 一、相生 1、木生火:木可燃烧造火,肝功能毫克促使心功能正常,肝的疏泄正常,气机调理通畅,则心情开朗,肝滋养生。 2、火生土:火使木燃烧后化为土,心功能好,可促使胃功能正常,心盛则脾健也。 3、土生金:金属从土中提炼,脾脏功能好,可促使肺功能正常,脾运化水谷以养肺,培土生金。 4、金生水:有石头的山可长树,山有多高,水有多高,石头比喻“金”,只有黄土没有石头,没有水,不长草的山不能长树,石头内含金属元素,古人称“金生水”肺功能好,可促使肾功能正常运行。 5、水生木:花草树木生长要靠水,肾功能好,可促使肝功能正常。 二、相克 1、木克土:树的种子破土而出,肝功能不好会影响脾胃功能正常。 2、土克水:土能挡水,脾脏功能不好,会影响肾功能的正常。 3、水克火:用水能灭火,肾功能不好,会影响心脏的功能,产生肾性心脏病。 4、火克金:火可溶化金,心脏功能不好,可影响肺脏的功能,如心肺衰竭。 5、金克木:用斧头可劈木来比喻,肺功能不好,可影响肝脏功能。 经络 中医经络学认为,经络是人体内经脉和络脉的部称。经:有路径的意思,就是经络系统的主干,多循环于深部,络:有网络的意思,这是经的分支,就如网络一样联络全身,无处不至,其部位分部较浅,经络遍布全身,使人体气、血、液等营养物质运行的通道,经络有联系人体各组织器官,运行气血,保卫机体的作用,它们内属脏腑,外络肢节,沟通内外,贯穿上下,人体经络有十四条,十四条经络上有很多的穴位,这些穴位是经络开通,主治所衣“就是说经络循行分布所到之处即是 说该穴位治疗的范围”。 阴阳学说认为一切事物都存在着相互对立的两个方面,概括一切事物的属性,阴阳在 组织结构 公司企业组织结构新部门组织结构组织结构部门职能华为公司的组织结构组织结构部门职能 上外为阳,内为阴,背为阳,腹为阴,上半身为阳,下半身为阴,五脏为阴,六腑为阳等,既然万事万物都有阴阳之分,那么经络也有阴阳之分,人体有十四条经络遍布全身,其中十二条正经,十二条正经中又划分为手三阳,手三阴,足三阳,足三阴,另有任、督两大主脉。 一、手三阳(手阳明大肠经,手太阳小肠经,手少阳三焦经) 1、手阳明大肠经: 走向:起于食指内侧指甲角旁的商阳穴,从手走到头,行于上肢外侧前缘及面前部。止于鼻旁的迎香穴。 主治:感冒,发烧,头痛,咳嗽,昏迷,牙痛,眼疾,咽炎,扁桃腺炎,鼻炎,甲状腺肿大,耳聋,耳鸣等。 2、手少阳三焦经: 走向:起于无名指尺侧甲角旁的关冲穴,经受被在上肢外侧正中线,止于眉梢的丝竹空穴,从手到头。 主治:耳聋,耳鸣,咽喉肿瘤,肘臂外侧疼痛,运动障碍,扁桃腺炎,咽炎,颈项痛,偏头痛等。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 3、手太阳小肠经 走向:起于手小指尺侧甲角旁一分少泽穴,从手到头,止于耳屏前方的听宫穴。 主治:耳鸣,耳聋,中耳炎,腮腺炎,扁桃腺炎,牙痛,目疾等。 二、手三阳(手太阴肺经,手厥阴心包经,手少阴心经) 1、手太阴肺经 走向:起于胸部中府穴,从胸走到手,行于上肢内侧前缘,至于拇指桡侧指甲旁的少商穴。 主治:呼吸系统疾病,急慢性支气管炎,哮喘,肺炎,肺气肿等引起的咳嗽,气喘,胸痛,咯血,胸部胀痛,短气等。 2、手厥阴心包经 走向:起于乳头旁一寸天池穴,在上肢行于上腹侧正中线,止于中指指尖的中冲穴。从胸到手。 主治:心悸、心痛、心烦、面赤、神志失常、胸肋痛、肘臂痉挛、掌心发热、胸闷等。 3、手少阴心经 走向:起于腋窝下的极泉穴,从胸走到头,沿上肢内侧后缘内侧,止于桡侧指甲旁的少冲穴。 主治:心痛,肋痛,咽干口渴,手心热,心律不齐,心绞痛,神经衰弱,掌心热等。 三、足三阳(足阳明胃经,足少阳胆经,足太阳膀胱经) 1、足阳明胃经 走向:起于眼眶下的承泣穴,从头到足,行于面前部,在胸部行于任脉旁4寸,在腹部行于脐旁2寸,下肢外侧前缘,止于足次趾的外侧甲旁的厉兑穴。 主治:胃痛,呕吐,腹泻,痢疾,胃下垂,头痛,牙痛,面部神经麻痹,乳腺炎,高血压,神经衰弱,身体虚弱等。 2、足少阳胆经 走向:起于眼外角的童子髎穴,上行至额角,环绕侧头部,向下循行于耳后,至肩内缺盆,下至腋窝,经过胸部至季肋,下行至客关节环跳穴,再沿下肢外侧中间,经膝外侧腓骨前缘,外踝前方到足背,止于第四趾外侧端的足窍阴穴。 主治:慢性胆囊炎,胆绞痛,急慢性肝炎,偏头痛,颈项痛,眼痛,牙痛,咽喉痛,耳鸣,耳聋,面部神经麻痹等。 3、足太阳膀胱经 走向:起于目内眦的晴明穴,行于头顶,后项背部,在背部分为二行下行。第一行行于距督脉1.5寸,第二行行于距离督脉3寸,至下肢行于下肢后侧正中线,经外踝后至足小趾外侧甲角旁的至阴穴。 主治:眼痛,头痛,项背痛,腰痛,下肢痿痹,瘫痪,坐骨神经痛,风湿关节炎,小儿麻痹后遗症等。 四、足三阴(足太阴脾经,足厥阴肝经,足少阴肾经) 1、足太阴脾经 走向:起于足大趾内侧甲角旁的隐白穴,从足走到胸,经足内侧内踝前方,行于下肢内侧前缘,在腹部行于脐旁4寸,上行至胸,在胸部行于任脉旁6寸,止于大包穴。 主治:消化不良,溃疡病,腹泻,痢疾,便秘,月经不调,痛经,闭经,前列腺炎,膀胱炎,阳痿等。 2、足厥阴肝经 走向:起于足大趾外侧甲角旁一分大敦穴,经足背,在下肢行于内侧前缘,内踝8寸以上行与下肢内侧中线,绕阴器抵小腹行于侧腹胸部,至于乳下二肋的期门穴。 主治:急慢性肝炎,胆囊炎,肝脾肿大,月经不调,痛经,前列腺炎,膀胱炎,疝气痛,高血压等。 3、足少阴肾经 走向:起于足底涌泉穴,绕过足跟,在下肢行于内侧后缘,上行至腹。在腹部行于任脉旁开半寸,在胸部行于任脉旁2寸,至于锁骨下俞府穴。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 主治:阳痿,遗精,遗尿,月经不调,痛经,肾炎,膀胱炎,头昏目眩,腰膝酸软,耳聋,耳鸣,牙痛,咽喉痛等。 五、任脉 走向:起于小腹之内,胞宫之下,出会阴穴,沿腹胸正中线上行,上喉咙,绕唇,终于唇下承浆穴,与督脉交。 主治:阳痿,遗精,月经不调,胃炎,消化不良,胸闷,咳嗽,气喘等。 六、督脉 走向:起于胞中,出长强穴,沿脊柱上行,经风府穴,进入脑部,上达巅顶,并沿前额正中至鼻柱,止于上唇内的龈交穴,与任脉交。 主治:精神分裂症,头痛,休克,虚脱,鼻炎,痔疮,子宫脱垂,感冒,中风后遗症等。 人体是一个有机的统一整体,经络有联系人体各组织器官,通行气血,保卫机体的作用,它们内属脏腑,外络支节,沟通内外,贯穿上下,当人体吸收高糖,高脂肪物质后,过剩的营养物质得不到身体的充分利用而储存于全身或受环境压力,阻碍经络的正常运行,经络的受阻就加重了脏腑的功能平衡,这是人就会有肥胖,食欲不振,头晕,头痛,目眩,便秘等一些亚健康状况,这是我们只需找出对应的经络,疏通它你的问题就能解决了。 子午流柱养生 前面讲了在肝,心,脾,腓,肾五大循环系统中若干脏器系统失衡的情况下,就要针对几个系统按不同的时辰进行调养,而子午流柱是我国古代中医圣贤精透人体而揭示出来的一种规律,因为太阳与地球位置的变化,其引力使人体的12条经脉在12个不同的时辰有兴有衰,估对证的经脉兴或衰时养生疗效可增数倍,通过下面的讲解便可得知: 12时辰为:子(23点至1点),寅(3点至5点),卯(5点至7点),辰(7点至9点),午(11点至13点),未(13点至15点),申(15点至17点),酉(17点至19点),戌(19点至21点),亥(21点至23点)。 1、子时(23点至1点)胆经最旺,中医理论认为:“肝之余气,泄于阳,聚而成精,胆为中正之官,五脏六腑取决于胆,气以壮胆,邪不能侵,胆气虚则怯,气短,谋虑而不能决断,由此可见胆的重要性。胆有多清,脑有多清。”凡在子时前1至2个小时入睡者,晨醒后头脑清晰,气色红润,反之,经常子时前不入睡者则气色青白,特别是胆汁无法正常新陈代谢而变浓结晶,犹如海水中水分蒸发后盐分浓而晒成盐一般,形成结石一类病症。 2、丑时(1点至3点),肝经最旺,“肝藏血”,人的思维和行动要靠肝血的支持,废旧的血液需要淘汰,新鲜血液需要产生,这种代谢通常在肝经最旺的丑时完成,中医理论认为:“人卧则血归于肝,如果丑时不入睡,肝还在输出能量支持人的思维和行动,就无法完成新陈代谢,所以丑时前未入睡者,面色青灰,情志倦怠而燥,易生肝病。 3、寅时(3点至5点),肺经最旺,”肺朝百脉“,肝在丑时把血液推陈出新之后,将新鲜血液提供给肺,通过肺送往全身,所以,人在清晨面色红润,精力充沛,寅时,有肺病的人反映尤为强烈,如剧咳和哮喘而醒。 4、卯时(5点至7点)大肠经最旺。”肺与大肠相表里“,肺将充足的新鲜血液面满全身,紧接着促进大肠经进入粉奋状态,完成吸收食物中水分与营养,排除渣滓的过程。 5、辰时(7点至9点)胃经最旺,人在7点吃早饭最容易消化,如果胃火过盛,嘴唇干,重则唇裂或生疮。 6、巳时(9点至11点)脾经最旺,“脾主运化,脾统血”,脾是消化,吸收,排泄的总调度,又是人体血液的统领。“脾开窍于口,其华在唇”脾功能好,消化吸收好,血的质量好,所以嘴唇红润的,唇白标志血气不足,唇暗,唇紫标志寒气入脾经。 7、午时(11点至13点)心经最旺,“心主神明,开窍于舌,其华在面”,心气推动血液运行,养神,养筋,故午时能睡片刻,对于养心大有好处,可便下午乃至晚上精力充沛。 8、未时(13点至15点)小肠经最旺,小肠分清浊,把水液归于膀胱糟粨送入大肠,精华上输送于fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 脾,小肠经在未时对人一天的营养进行调整,如小肠有热,人会咳而排屁。 9、申时(15点至17点)膀胱经最旺,膀胱是贮藏水液和浸液排出体外,津液循环在体内,若膀胱有热可致膀胱咳,且咳而遗尿,申时人体温较热,阴虚的人尤为突出。 10、酉时(17点至19点)肾经最旺,“肾藏生殖之精华和五脏六腑之精,肾为先天之根,”人体经过申时泻火排毒,肾在酉时进入贮藏精华的阶段,此时补肾最有效。 11、戌时(19点至21点)心包经最旺,“心包为心之外膜,附有脉络,气血通行之道,邪不能容,容之心伤”心包是心的保护组织,又是气血通道,心包经戌时兴旺可清除心脏周围外邪,使心脏处于完好状态。 12、亥时(21点至23点)三焦经最旺,三焦经是六腑中最大的腑,具有主持诸气,疏通水道的作用,亥时三焦通百脉,人如果在亥时睡眠,百脉可休养生息,对身体十分有益。 通过上面讲解每日12个时辰与人体12条经脉的关系,可以看出,人是大自然的组织成分,人的生活习惯应该符合自然规律。 卯时(5点至7点)大肠经旺,有利于排泄 辰时(7点至9点)胃经旺,有利于消化 巳时(9点至11点)脾经旺,有利于吸收营养,生血 午时(11点至13点)心经旺,有利于周身血液循环,心火生胃土有利于消化。 未时(13点至15点)小肠经旺,有利于吸收营养 申时(15点至17点)膀胱经旺,有利于泻掉小肠的水液及周身“火气” 酉时(17点至19点)肾经旺,有利于贮藏一日的脏腑精华 戌时(19点至21点)心包经旺,清理心脏周围的疾邪,以利于人进入睡眠 亥时(21点至23点)三焦通百脉,人应该进入睡眠,百脉休养生息 子时(23点至1点)胆经旺,胆汁推陈出新 丑时(1点至3点)肝经旺,肝血推陈出新 寅时(3点至5点)肺经旺,将肝贮藏的新鲜血液输送于百脉,迎接新的一天到来。 从亥时(21点)开始到寅时(5点)结束,是人体细胞休养生息,推陈出新的时间,也是人随地球旋转到背向太阳的一面,阴主静,是人睡眠的良辰,此时休息,才会有良好的身体和精神状态,人要顺其自然,就应跟着太阳走,几天醒我醒,天睡我睡。 正宗中医减肥的观点是:“要把人补瘦,勿把人泻瘦,饿瘦”,凡是经调养补瘦的人精力充沛,不易生病,而用药物泻瘦的人往往被伤了肝肾,饿瘦的人气虚血虚,严重者易患肝肾炎症,正如前面所说,非正常的肥胖是人的脾,肺,肾三脏调节水的功能下降,使人体水分调节失衡所至,属于虚症,对虚证只能补而不能泻,越泻越虚,那些暂时减掉的体重是以非正常脱水为代价的,其后果可想而知了。 面诊 额头大脑咽与喉 肺和心脏眉宇间 鼻头脾胃鼻中肝 颧内小肠斜上胆 颧下大肠外属肾 下额亦肾颧上肩 两颊膝膑口旁股 舌诊 正常的舌头:淡红色,薄白苔,运动灵活有光泽 问题舌: 1、舌底两静脉怒张——有心脑血管疾病 2、淡舌头:体内红细胞,血红蛋白减少,虚寒之症(容易患贫血慢性呼吸系统疾病) 3、赤红舌:体内有热症(炎症),心脏不好 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 4、红绛舌:(红的发紫)热毒攻心,或腹内有寒之症 5、点刺舌:容易出现心肺区易得心绞痛,胸闷 6、裂纹舌:(多出现脾胃区)气血不足精液不足 7、胖大舌:阳虚之症(冬天怕冷,性欲冷漠,浮肿,腰痛,肤温,脱发,健忘,疲乏无力) 8、瘦小舌:阴虚,五心烦热,口渴,腰痛,尿多,肤温,脱发,健忘,睡眠不好,潮热盗汗,消瘦。 手部医学概论 手,使人们赖以生存的劳动和生活工具,又使人体五脏六腑、四肢八骸和五官九窍的集中反映区。《黄帝内经》说:“夫四末阴阳之会者,此气之大络也。”是说手是阴阳经脉气血会合联络的重要部位。 一、掌纹与神经系统的关系 手掌是末梢神经人集中区,手与大脑之间有着精密的协调功能。手掌皮肤的敏感度很高,对冷,热,软,硬,涩,滑,痛的感觉经任何部位都细微。这种特殊的神经活动,对掌纹的形成与变化有着不可低估的作用。 二、掌纹与手部血液循环的关系 手部微循环与丰富密集,手掌的纹理由生物电与非生物电信息及微循环控制。会因供血和微循环调节不同而发生形状的变化,微循环受阻、局部营养失调、掌纹就会萎缩,当细胞的代谢和分解受到影响时,手部的局部出现隆凸和塌陷,掌纹就会生长和消退,这样凹与凸之间形成了新的皮肤嵴,纹理就形成了。掌纹的颜色与微循环关系密切。如果微循环通畅,掌纹就会显示出协调均匀的色泽,当二氧化碳增多时,掌色就会因缺氧变成青暗;微循环受阻时,纹色就变白,当血脂增多时,多余的脂肪颗粒变会被送到手掌上堆积成丘,当人们还没有感觉到血脂高的病状时,掌纹就改变了。 三、掌纹与经络穴位的关系 手是经络运生的集中区。手上有6条经络通过和374个穴位。手部穴位仅次于头部,这提示着手部集中着大量的人体信息。由于双手是经脉相互交接的重要部位,人体的经脉搏气血运行,直接对掌纹形成起到作用。手六经交接示意图: 头 (手三阳) ( (手三阴) 胸 (足三阴) (足三阳) 腹 (图一) 四、掌纹与脏腑的关系 手部是六条经络运行,全部跟内脏器官有密切关系,当脏腑出现问题时,在手部出现相应特征,所以手掌是情报中心,内脏的任何异常,就会像雷电扫描一样在“荧屏”上一一显露。因此人体各脏腑组织器官的生理功能,病理变化的信息都可以通过经络汇集在双手,对掌纹,掌色,掌形的形成起到至关重要的作用。(图1) 五、掌纹与生命密码 在手相中,手经纬度中最重要的部分,是认识生命密码的指路标,是打开生命之谜的钥匙,后上有三大主线:生命线,智慧线,感情线。它们与声俱来,终身不变(除生命线外),有十四条辅线:fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 命运线,放纵线,上升线,健康线,太阳线,金星线,土星线,运行线,婚姻线,反抗线,障碍线,影响线,子女线,手术线等,主辅本线,显示的原神本命能、学业人的生命受到外部强烈刺激使神经、意志、身材变化受到影响时,这时大脑神经,周身真气气场受到障碍而作用于生命密码,它的外部信息形象就会出现改变。当内部生能运转障碍,使生命密码不能改变原有的结构,反馈到大脑后振动,波流,气场改变的信息结构发生变化,也会改变生命信息形象。 六、掌形 细长型:上层领域,白领,机关,明星,内外性格兼顾,思想受健康情绪影响,易失眠,健忘,神经衰弱(人际,思想比较复杂) 方形手:善经营,技术型,易得心脑血管疾病,善于计算,赚钱,较内向。 横短型:打抱不平,脾气大,易得肝胆病。 七、掌色诊病 1、有红有白,气滞掌(气不通)易感冒咳嗽,怕冷乏力,易得呼吸系统疾病。 2、红色掌(内热掌)心烦意乱,气短胸闷,口苦,好饿,咽干,内分泌失调,糖尿病。 3、紫色掌(血瘀掌)如劳宫穴处出现紫块,动脉硬化,冠心病,糖尿病,如中指指头出现类似鼓垂状是冠心病,动脉硬化,如是扁平状是糖尿病。 4、青色掌(寒症、痛症、炎症) 5、黄色掌(肝掌)易得肝胆疾病 6、咖啡色掌,严重恶性疾病,癌症各种恶性肿瘤,心衰脑衰,疑难杂症。 7、青筋暴露,有宿便,便秘,体内的杂质。 八、三大主线,十四辅线 三大主线:生命线,智慧线,感情线 1、生命线(又叫地线,命线) 起于虎口正中二分之一处,沿第一火星丘和金星下行,落到手颈线上靠拇指反映一端。 功能:代表人一生的精力和体质,代表消化系统。 、智慧线(又叫人线,心线) 2 起于虎口正中二分之一处,与生命线同源形成一定弧度奔向月丘。 功能:代表一个人的心脏 3、感情线(又叫开线,情线) 起于水星丘下沿尺侧一边,成反弓形奔向中指和食指缝处。 功能:代表人的肝脏和情绪,性格 九、十四条辅线:主要讲8条病理线 1、事业线:起于手腕线,通过手掌中心向中指至于中指 代表:人一生的事业,身体,健康的总格局。 2、健康线:起于地丘上沿奔向小指 代表:一个人的财富的积累,成功地程度,独立能力,经营能力(一两条好,超过三条不好,说明劳神费力) 3、成功线:无名指下坐在感情线上 代表:一个人的财富的积累,成功地程度,独立能力,经营能力(一两条好,超过三条不好,说明劳神费力) 4、子息线:(没有一般不能怀孕) 代表:一个人的性欲能力和旺盛的生命力。 5、金星环:(又叫美人环) 中指与无名指间形成的环,男的女的长得都好看,讲完美,但是这样人体质过敏,皮肤过敏。例:烟,酒精,化妆品,蜂,蛋白质,青霉素等过敏,肩颈酸痛,肝经不通,肝气瘀。 6、土星环:在中指下端,土星丘上有半圆,代表性格孤僻,古怪,不愿与人沟通,体质不好,乳腺堵塞,乳腺增生等。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 7、手术线:生命线或事业线下端横切一条线(一厘米)或有做过手术或骨折现象,头脑做过手术 的一般在感情线上切线。 8、放纵线:在地丘上沿有一条弧线 吸烟,饮酒,吸毒,性欲过量,生活不规律,经常熬夜会有这条线。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the
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