首页 对公司的发展建议



对公司的发展建议对公司的发展建议 ,仅代表个人观点,若有不对之处,请见谅!, 这段时间我一直在想公司存在的一些问题的解决方案,不过在经过深入的思考,观察及翻阅一些资料之后发现,其实,很多问题前辈们早已发现并且也已总结给出了解决方案。相信朱总您平时在阅读关于管理类的书籍的时候也应该明白了这些道理。但是~为什么公司如今很多问题还是没能得到有效的解决,仔细想想这其实跟朱总您本人的做事风格以及公司在做每个决定之后的后续执行力不够有很大关系。(PS:其实员工只要不是做了有损公司利益的事,无论从哪个方面来讲员工都是“没有错的”。趋利避害,...

对公司的发展建议 ,仅代表个人观点,若有不对之处,请见谅!, 这段时间我一直在想公司存在的一些问题的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,不过在经过深入的思考,观察及翻阅一些资料之后发现,其实,很多问题前辈们早已发现并且也已 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 给出了解决方案。相信朱总您平时在阅读关于管理类的书籍的时候也应该明白了这些道理。但是~为什么公司如今很多问题还是没能得到有效的解决,仔细想想这其实跟朱总您本人的做事风格以及公司在做每个决定之后的后续执行力不够有很大关系。(PS:其实员工只要不是做了有损公司利益的事,无论从哪个方面来讲员工都是“没有错的”。趋利避害,贪图享乐,好逸恶劳是人之本性,你不可能指望你手下的员工做事都能百分之百投入,也不要妄想每个人都会为公司的发展尽心尽力。如果希望员工能积极的去对待工作,这需要去引导,去以身作则的影响,也需要正真的去满足员工的某些需求。) 就您本人来说,我在很多方面还是很佩服您的,相信公司很多的员工对您打从内心里也都比较认可。但人无完人,有几点地方我一直觉得你做的不好,而且这些不好的地方,有时会让员工产生很不好的印象。公司老板的行为,对公司的影响其实很大,从某种意义上来说老板的做事风格就是企业的真实文化。 第一:诚信~ 诚信是为人之道,是立身处事之本,作为一个公司的老板,对诚信更应该看的比普通员工要重。记得比较深刻的一次对话是去年崔亚洲他们还在的时候,那时候崇明岛有个项目由于缺少人手,你晚上把我们叫过去帮忙,并且承诺每个人会发一些人工费,结果事情做完了,就没了下文(好像后来有吃饭)。当时我刚来没多久,所以也就无所谓了,但是通过他们私下里聊天的内容来看,他们是很有意见的~印象中不止这么一件事情,你是说了但是却没有做的。对待其他人是否也这样我不得而知,相信你自己心里应该会比较清楚。最近发生在我身上的一件事情是:之前吃饭时您主动说了给我放三天年假,并且有几百块钱补助,但是最终却是2天年假~当然,就算你说不给员工放年假,员工也不能说什么,因为公司福利嘛,老板说有就有,说没就authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 没嘛(不过公司要发展,有些福利还是应该要有的)。但是话说出来却没有兑现那就是诚信问题了~所以,在以后的工作中,希望您能在这方面多多注意,切不可因小失大。 第二:越级管理~ 您是策划出身,又掌握一些 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 软件,另外灯光音响等设备也都比较了解,口才方面也不在话下,可以说在这个公司里,唯一的全能型人才就只有您一人了。市场部工程部那边什么情况我不知道,但是胡总这边,经常会被您弄得很尴尬我倒是一直看在眼里,有的时候一个方案,一个设计稿,明明是胡总在盯,搞到后来往往就是您在指导,而胡总只能在一旁很忧郁的看着,您既然把策划总监的位置给他坐,那您是否应该尊重一下他的岗位呢,即使有时候他做的不好,您也应该用其他方式来处理,而不是应该当着胡总下属的面~胡总如今的工作状态不好,您自己觉得是否跟自己也有一定关系呢,(前些天,朱媛媛上来请示胡总要求策划跟小朱一起出去,胡总正在问什么情况,您就在您办公室里来了一句:“还讲什么,赶紧去吧”,我想您在说这话的时候,肯定是没有考虑过胡总的感受的。)每个人都有他的长处,要看您怎么用了。 第三:后续执行力不够~ 您有很多想法,而且是好的想法,有了这些想法您会迫不及待想把付诸实践,雷厉风行这本是好事,但是这么长时间了,我却感觉没有一件事是提出来之后还在一直不断跟进,不断强化的。这样次数多了,给员工的感觉就是:公司的决定只是流于形式,一段时间过去了就没了,所以公司的决定根本不能够引起员工的重视。或许您是因为业务比较繁忙,所以没时间去管这些事情的后续执行情况,但是,既然决定了去做的事情,就算您没时间,您也应该交给某个人去跟进。 您是公司的掌舵手,公司的发展方向主要还是由您决定,公司的执行力强不强也跟您对待“执行力”的态度有很大关系,如果您很重视后续执行的工作,那么我想公司在一段时间之后将会在这方面的执行力有很大的进步。 例一:市场部同事分组的决定及具体的后续执行方式问题。 回顾这个措施的提出,个人觉得对提高市场部同事的积极性还是有很大authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 助益的,但如今这项工作随着市场部的调整,已不复存在。 问题:当初在提出这个决定之后,公司采取了奖惩措施,但是在后续跟进这一块没有做好。对小组长与小组成员没有区分对待。小组与小组之间的竞争激情也未能够激发出来。 解决方案:小组与小组之间竞争,优胜者将获得相应奖励,落后者将受到相应处罚(具体的奖惩额度最好先由市场部同事商议,然后公司再适当调剂),而对于小组长与小组长之间,应该另外再有一套奖惩制度(由领导将小组长聚集在一起,首先进行思想上的激励,然后由小组长自己讨论奖惩制度,领导最终做相应调剂,这么做的好处是,先激起小组长的竞争激情,小组长有了压力之后再去带动小组成员的激情,以这种方式调动竞争激情是比较靠谱的。小组长的一些福利相对小组成员一定要好些才行,并且领导必须在大会上宣布,小组成员必须服从小组长的安排。)另外,针对小组的具体工作方式,公司应该放权让他们自己决定,公司不要过多的干涉他们的工作方式,以及工作状态。公司只要以结果为导向,从结果来评判他们的工作是否做得很好,如果不好再做相应的指导,再不好,换小组长。同时,公司偶尔再要求小组长拿一些具体工作的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 出来或汇报一下工作情况,并时常带领小组长开开激励大会,让小组长时刻保持一定的压力,这有助于小组内部的自主学习进步。最后需要有一个像之前徐总那样的“闲人”去适当的协助他们把工作做好。领导要做的不是去管所有人,而是去管几个关键的人,否则领导什么都管,真的会很累。 市场部分组措施仍有必要更完善的坚持执行下去,这是提高市场部同事工作积极性的一个有效手段。 例二:《十做十不做,十说十不说》提出之后的后续工作展开问题。 十做十不做,十说十不说;相信老板您在想这40条条例时应该也是花了一番功夫的,不过在想出这些条例之后,我相信您应该也没有想过后续该怎么围绕这40条去展开工作。个人觉得像这种文化类的东西,最好能组织公司的一些员工一起去讨论,共同讨论出来的东西基本上就是大家都会比较认可的东西,符合大家的价值观,这样大家接受起来也比较快,在实施的过程中也不会感觉有困难,而且我相信大家也会积极参与到这种自己讨论出来的东authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 西中来。否则,您主观的站在自己的角度以及公司的角度去想了这些条例,但是员工根本就不愿意去接受去执行,这对您来说岂不也是一种时间浪费~ 所以,在以后的工作中,我建议老板您最好在有了切实可行的方案之后再去公布将要实施的决定,否则,决定一开始实施之后没了下文,只会给员工带来不好的影响,而且这同时也会给您个人的威信带来影响~ 对提高公司员工工作积极性的一个建议 人之所以浑噩,我觉得最主要的原因是人没有目标,或者目标不明确,不强烈。针对这一点,我建议公司举办一场以{《我有一个梦想》——明年的今天我将站在“这里”}为主题的活动,以此来唤醒大家的梦想,点燃大家曾经有过的激情。 活动流程大致框架: 一、前期准备: 活动开始前一周大会上,宣布下周将举办的主题活动,并要求每一位员工把自己的梦想写出来,在下周的活动上,每位员工都要上台谈谈自己的梦想,并且每位员工要给自己做一个一年的规划,阐述希望一年之后的自己在某些方面将达到一个什么样的程度。(PS:梦想内容分为三大块:1、自己在非工作中的梦想(比如想去哪里旅游,想做什么事情等),2、在工作中的梦想(即在工作中我希望自己能达到什么样的一种高度,我将为我所希望达到的高度去怎样行动)3、员工剖析自己的现状,如果想要实现梦想,以现在自己的状态是否能够达到梦想彼岸。) 另外,领导作为公司的代表也要准备一份关于公司未来发展以及公司想要达到某种规模的梦想陈述(即公司的愿景)。 二、活动当天: 主持人开场阐述本次活动的目的,然后领导上台发表关于自己的梦想以及对公司未来的构想,接下来员工按照顺序上台发表关于自己的梦想。最后领导总结,借此机会说一些激励大家的话~最后最好能带领大家宣誓一段能反映团队深层次价值观的企业宣言。(这段宣言必须在开会之前的一段时间就authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 提出来,并且让大家都知道,否则活动时才说出会显得有点突兀。) 以下是我比较崇拜的一个广告人的公司的宣言,读起来很让人振奋。可以借鉴一下,然后写出一段符合我们本公司特色的企业宣言: 我们拒绝平庸/我们拒绝驯化/没有好创意就去死吧/宁做旷野里奔啸的狼/不做马戏团里漂亮的老虎/我们的策划已不满足于客户的认可/更要求客户的成功/好方案得不到完善的执行/我们一样愤怒/因为我们渴望成为英雄! 活动目的: 1、通过本次活动,可以让员工自己好好反思一下自己的工作状态。 2、通过本次活动,可以深入了解到每位员工对自己未来的规划。通过规划的内容可以看出每位员工对自己对公司负责的态度。因此可以通过本次活动,筛选出公司重点培养的对象,对于那些没有想法的同事,可以在以后的工作中用其他方法加以引导对待。 3、大家都把梦想说出来之后,在以后的工作中,如若自己没能按照自己说的去做,在大家的“相互监督”之下也会感觉有些羞愧,并且可以通过此次活动更好的了解到一个员工的真正品质,“一年之后我将站在“这里””将会成为检验员工工作好坏的一个标准。 4、公司的梦想,员工的梦想,梦想汇聚在一起,力才能往一个方向使。通过这次活动,要让大家明白,只有公司与个人相互协助,相互促进,彼此才能共同进步。 5、在不违反公司经营战略及不损害公司利益的情况下,让员工知道,公司和员工站在统一战线,公司会尽可能的协助员工实现自己的梦想(成就了公司也就成就了个人,反过来,成就了个人,也就成就了公司),让员工觉得自己在这个公司还是有发展前景的! 6、通过此次活动,拉近员工与员工,员工与公司的距离~ 如果公司采纳这个建议,打算做这样一场主题活动,我希望公司能够认真的对待,并且在准备充分之后再去做,否则流于形式的活动只会让员工多了一份饭后谈资~ authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 最后,我建议公司能够设立一个公司建设贡献基金,多多鼓励员工主动提出他们眼中公司存在的问题,对于比较好的建议,并且公司会采纳的建议,给与提出建议的员工一定的奖励。这么做的好处是能够让领导更加客观的认识到公司的现状,这有助于公司正确的制定企业战略以及建立能够真正影响大家的企业文化。 路漫漫其修远兮,无论是个人想改变还是公司想改变,都不是一件容易的事情。但我仍然希望在以后的工作中仍能够与领导与公司共同进退~ authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support
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