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毕业论文-The Application of Skopos Theory in Adver.


毕业论文-The Application of Skopos Theory in Adver.毕业论文-The Application of Skopos Theory in Adver. 精品文档 The Application of Skopos Theory in Advertisement Translation By Yang Tao Submitted to The School of Foreign Language and Culture Beifang University of Nationalities In partial Fulfilment of The Req...

毕业论文-The Application of Skopos Theory in Adver.
毕业论文-The Application of Skopos Theory in Adver. 精品文档 The Application of Skopos Theory in Advertisement Translation By Yang Tao Submitted to The School of Foreign Language and Culture Beifang University of Nationalities In partial Fulfilment of The Requirements for The Bachelor Degree of Arts in English Under the Supervision of Professor ZhouHuining Abstract At present, advertisement has become an important part of people‘s life. With the rapid development of international business and multinational companies, it is demanded 值得下载 精品文档 more and more for efficient international advertisement communication and translation. As a branch of translation study field, advertisement translation has its own laws and requires a systematic study. From the perspective of Skopos Theory, this paper discusses advertisement translation standard and strategies with the aim of helping improve advertisement translation. Functionalist approach to translation has opened up a new perspective on translation studies. Functionalism emphasizes the functionality of translation of the target culture. Therefore, the commercial effect of an advertisement translation of the target culture is put forward as a yardstick of ad translation in this thesis. Translator‘s choice of translation strategies is always guided by the translation standard he adheres to. In general, functionalist approach to translation is recommended in this paper. By endowing translator with much more freedom and right to choose what to translate and how to translate, functionalist approach to translation makes the discipline of ad translation more mature and finally enables it to become a profession in the full sense. Key words: Skopos Theory; advertisement translation; culture transformation; expected purpose 内容摘要 当今,广告已成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。随着国际贸易和跨国公司的迅 速发展, 广告的沟通作用逐渐加强,因此对广告 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 的要求也越来越高。作为翻译 值得下载 精品文档 研究领域的一个分支,广告翻译有其自身的体系与规则。 从翻译的目的论出发,本文拟对评价广告翻译的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和广告翻译的策略选择展开 讨论,目的在于提高广告翻译水平。功能主义强调的是翻译结果在目标文化中的功能 性,但评价广告翻译的标准即广告翻译在目标文化中起到的商业效果同样值得关注。 所以本论文提出了评价广告翻译的标准,即广告翻译在目标文化起到的商业效 果。翻译者对翻译标准看法往往 决定 郑伟家庭教育讲座全集个人独资股东决定成立安全领导小组关于成立临时党支部关于注销分公司决定 了翻译策略的选择。总的来讲,从功能的角度来 研究翻译问题是本文所推崇的。通过赋予翻译者更多的自由和权利去选择翻译的内容 和翻译的策略,功能主义对翻译的策略的影响使得广告翻译的规则更灵活,并且最终 使广告翻译在整体上变得更专业。 关键词:目的论;广告翻译;文化转换;预期目的 Acknowledge On the completion of this paper, I would like to extend my thanks to all my teachers who helped me a lot in the process of writing. First and foremost, I an greatly indebted to my tutor, Mrs. Zhou for her valuable 值得下载 精品文档 guidance, continuous encouragement and useful suggestions during my research. And I should express my thanks to her for being critical and demanding and yet caring and supportive, which therefore helps broaden and enrich my knowledge in the courage of academic paper writing. At the same time, sincere thanks also go to the other teachers who taught me during my four years of college life. They have greatly benefited my intellectual growth through their inspiring lectures. Last but not the least, I owe my thanks to all my friends and classmates with whom I have been together for these years. Their cares and help will encourage me forever. There would be something dissatisfactory of my study. Any comments and criticisms are appreciated. And I myself will and must be responsible for any mistakes of this paper. CONTENTS Abstract………………………………………………………………………….……i 值得下载 精品文档 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………….………..ii Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………….…iii I. Introduction………………………………………………………………...….......1 II. Literature Review………………………………………………………...………1 III. Definition and Features of Skopos Theory………………………………...…..2 3.1 Definition of Skopos Theory………………………………………………...2 3.2 Features of Skopos Theory………………………………………………….3 IV. Application Skills from the Perspective of Skopos Theory…………………....4 4.1 Requirements for Translators under Skopos Theory…………………...…5 4.2 Communicative Purposes of Translated Text………………………………6 4.3 Advertisement Translation Skills from the Perspective of Skopos Theory………………………………………………………………………………...6 4.3.1 Getting Familiar with Foreign Culture…………………………….....7 4.3.2 Adjusting Original Language………………………………………….9 4.3.3 Satisfying the Customer’ Need……………………………….……….10 V. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………......….12 References………………………………………………………………..…………..15 值得下载 精品文档 I. Introduction In modern society, advertisement as the embodiment of commerce has become an important part of our daily life. The intensification of international exchanges and the severe competition involve a growing need for advertisement and therefore from advertisement translation. Crosscultural advertisement translation has become a fierce issue in the world of translation, which may have a great influence on the international trade. A great many scholars of translation, both domestic and abroad, have different opinions on advertisement translation. However, the study of advertisement translation is far from being satisfactory, and the traditional translation theories seem increasingly inadequate. Under the guidance of traditional theories, some advertisement seems to adhere to the source text too much and pay no attention to its commodities and services. As advertisement is a type of writing that is very practical with high commercial value, and the ultimate goal of all advertisements is to promote sales. If the translator rigidly adheres to the original form and content in advertisement translation, the translation may not produce the persuasive effect and may fail to promote sales in the target market. Therefore, a more practical theory and translation strategy are called for. II. Literature Review In 1970s, Katharina Reiss, the founder of Functionalist Translation Theory, proposed the Functionalism Theory of Translation Criticism in her book 《Translation Criticism: the Potentials & Limitation》 in 1971. She considered that the purpose or function of translation that to be achieved is different from the original purpose or 值得下载 精品文档 function. The translator should preferentially consider the functional features of target language rather than the principle of reciprocity (Reiss, 2004). On that basis, Hans Vermeer, the student of Reiss, got rid of the ―Equivalent Theory‖ that was focused on the source language and set up the Functional Basic Theory: Skopos Theory. Vermeer considered translation as human intercultural communication with clear purpose and intention (Vermeer, 1989). When translating, according to the needs of customers, the translator should combine expected purpose with readers‘ situation to translate selectively from multisource information which is provided by the original. Hence, Skopos Theory provides practice for advertisement translation with important theoretical basis. What‘s more, it broadens the new horizon of advertisement translation. III. Definition and Features of Skopos Theory 3.1 Definition of Skopos Theory Skopos is a Greek word for ―purpose‖. There are three basic rules in Skopos Theory, that is, skopos rule; coherence rule (intra-textual rule) and fidelity rule (inter-textual rule). The central and primary idea of Skopos theory is that ―the translation purpose justifies the means‖ (Nord, 2001:29). Therefore, the skopos rule is the intended partly to solve the long term controversy between free and faithful translation. In the process of translating, the translator has to make his own choice from alternatives, depending on the purpose for which the translator is needed and to be used. According to the skopos rule, the translator must do translation in accordance with some principles respecting the target text. Another important rule of Skopos theory is the coherence rule. The rule specifies that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with receivers‘ situation (Vermeer, 1989:113). The receiver‘s situation refers to the communication situation and culture in which the translation is received. Baker (2004:230) also points 值得下载 精品文档 out that the stating point foe a translation is a text as part of a world continuum written in the source language. A translator should formulate a target text in a target culture and language about information formulated by someone else in the source culture and language in an acceptable and accessible way to the target readers. Since a translation is an offer of information about a preceding offer of information, it is expected to bear some kind of relationship with the corresponding source text (Nord, 1997:32). The relationship is later referred to as ―fidelity rule‖. The important point is that the translated text must be loyal to its corresponding source text in a certain level of features, including special collocations, sentences length, grammatical features, or even rhetorical devices, in style, in function, etc, or to a certain extent between a complete imitation and a complete deviation. Inter-textual coherence is considered subordinate to intra-textual coherence, and both are subordinate to the skopos rule. If the skopos requires a change of function, the standard will no longer be inter-textual coherence with source text but adequacy or appropriateness with regard to the skopos (Vermeer, 1984:139). And is the skopos demands intra-textual incoherence, the standard of intra-textual coherence is no longer valid (Nord, 1997:33). 3.2 Features of Skopos Theory As a break with the traditional translation ideas and an important complement to translation studies, some German scholars put forward the functionalist concept of translation, which has opened up a new perspective to the study of advertisement translation. Skopos is a term caused from the ancient Greek, meaning," shooting target". Skopos theory applies the notion of skopos to translation and it is the prime principle determining any translation process in the purpose (skopos) of the overall transnational action. Vermeer as the following explains such a theory: Any form of transnational action, including therefore translation itself, may be conceived as an action, as the name implies. Any action has a target, a purpose. The word skopos, then, is a technical term for the target or purpose of a translation. Further, an action leads to a result, a new situation or event, and possibly to a new object (Vermmer, 1989:173). 值得下载 精品文档 The skopos theory is the core of German functionalism. It reflects ―a general shift from predominantly linguistic and rather formal translation theories to a more functionally and socioculturally oriented concept of translation‖(Baker,2004:235). Instead of the transformation between two languages, or the narrow framework of source and target texts, the skopos theory puts translation researches in the framework of cross-cultural communication, and draws enlightenment from quite lots of different theories, such as communication theory, action theory, text linguistics and text theory, and also from movements in literary studies towards reception theories. Skopos theory takes translation as a kind of communication, or a kind of human action. Since action is the process of acting, which means ―intentionally(at will)bringing about or preventing a change in the world(in nature),and thus can be defined as an intentional change or transition from one state of affairs to another‖(Nord,1997:16).Translation in the narrow sense always ―involves the use of some kind of source text‖ , but transnational action, which is the range of what translators actually do, may ―involve giving advice and perhaps even warning against communicating in the intended way‖(Nord,1997:17).Thus, translation is described as an intentional, interpersonal, partly verbal cross-cultural interaction based on a source text(Nord,2001:18).Based on this belief, Vermeer raised his translation principles, including the skopos rule , the coherence rule and the fidelity principle. Skopos rule, the most important rule, governing the whole process of translation, means that its skopos determines the action of translation. The skopos rule stands as the top-ranking principles. This rule implies a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the norms of the target culture. (Nord, 1997) As far as the relationship between source text and target text is concerned, Vermeer calls it ?interstitial coherence‘ which means faithfulness of the target text to source text. (Nord, 1997:32)This rule is also called fidelity rule. The three rules are ordered in light of their importance. That is to say in translation, the translator‘s first concern is the purpose of translation rather than faithfulness and ?faithfulness‘ depends both on the translator‘s interpretation of the source text and on the translation purpose. This is 值得下载 精品文档 quite different from the traditional translation concept of“faithfulness‖ or ―equivalence‖. Under the guidance of skopos theory, the status of original text drop, translator can be free to choose appropriate translation strategies. If the translation criteria for serious literature works, if remains to be discussed, so have a particular communicative purpose for the application of translation practice (texts for special purpose), no doubt that the text has guiding significance. IV. Application Skills from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 4.1 Requirements for Translators under Skopos Theory The purpose of commercial advertisement is to attract consumers. Therefore, it is inevitable to take them as center, deliver them with favorites and supply them with demands so as to touch their heart and finally facilitate the purchasing activities. To translate commercial advertisements means the change of the key factor – advertising propaganda target. The translation of commercial advertisements is a kind of commercial activity with specific aim and strong purpose. In the ideal case, advertisers would inform translators with detailed information related to products as for as possible, such as sites, audiences, time, occasion and so on. First of all, translators should have a good knowledge of the products‘ features. They must know not only the quality of commodities, including producing area, function and property, but also customers‘ tastes, such as technological level ,price ,culture and creditworthiness of products so as to know the information of products from any aspects. Secondly, translators should also have a good knowledge of the detailed purpose of advertisement translation and the media of translated text. According to these circumstances, translators could look for useful information. Finally, translators should pay attention to the transnational culture and the consumer 值得下载 精品文档 psychology when translating. No matter which country or nationality, there are many taboos. We should respect their folkways and customers, or it may influence the effect of advertisement translation. All in all, Skopos Theory require translators enhance the responsibility of the work and store a abundant knowledge of language ,profession, culture and so on, to make readers or audience enjoyable. 4.2 Communicative Purposes of Translated Text ―Aim principle‖ emphasizes on the communicative purpose of the translation, which requires advertising translators have a clear understanding of the communicative function of the slogan. Different cultural backgrounds produce significant differences of expressive forms and demand ways. therefore, according to the cultural differences, translators should make necessary adjustments or inventions to obey the habit of the target language culture. It finally realizes the equivalence of communication function between translated advertising language and original text. Because advertisement translation is the communicative activities that realizes advertising transformation from the source language culture to the target language culture, thus, to properly deal with the relationship between source language culture and target language culture, translators must use some flexible translation methods, which not only realizes the communicative functions of advertising language but also fully reflects the characteristics of culture. 4.3 Advertisement Translation Skills from the Perspective of Skopos Theory According to skopos theory, the purpose of social contact is the main purpose of translation. However, the most important element is the receivers who have particular background. Any translation is inseparable from the culture. Different cultural background, customs, etc cause a huge gap in Western and Chinese advertisement expression. In translation, to realize the actual source language to the target language text of textual conversion, we must regard the readers as the object. 值得下载 精品文档 4.3.1 Getting Familiar with Foreign Culture Advertisements have distinct national traits and regionalism. They reflect that different nation has different values and life-style (马婷, 2008). Due to the barriers of culture and language, an advertisement, when translated, may not be as successful as the original one. That is because when an advertisement is designed, the advertiser has to be sure that the original audience can comprehend and accept it in the source language and background. But when the situation varies, the persuasive effect in source culture may not be produced in the target culture. To bring about the purpose of ad, advertisement translation must be target-language-culture oriented. If the translator takes no note to the target language and culture, the translation may seem odd and peculiar to the target audience and cannot attract their attention and thus fail to promote sales. The translation can be considered as a failure. A good original advertisement may become unacceptable and incomprehensible to the target audience if the translator fails to adapt to the target language and culture. Only when the original advertisement is adapted to the target language style and cultural standards can the target audience easily comprehend what is advertised and be likely to accept the persuasion and buy the products. Even the translation between languages of the same family (e.g.: English and French, which all belong to the Indo-European family of languages) is no exception. This can be showed by the following example. Celle semaine on tue le cochon! This is a French advertisement, and the sentence has a unique and particular cultural background. In the countryside of France, they have an annual festival to kill pigs. The sentence in French reminds people of cheerful and festive atmosphere, good supply of fresh pork, love between family members and friends, and all those cuisine and wine. When it is translated into English, at first sight, the only apparent problem seems to be how to handle with the French word ―on‖, and the choice of tense. And then, the French advertisement might be translated as follows: (1)This week we kill the pig! 值得下载 精品文档 (2)This week we‘re going to kill the pig! (3)This week we‘ll kill the pig! (4)This week the pig is going to be killed! All the versions above can be thought as good in quality and leave the images of source language and culture, and can be understood easily by the target readers. However, such kind of advertisement in England fails to attract the potential customer‘s interest and induce them to buy the product. Thus, in translation, stress should be laid on ―the function or set of functions the text typology is to achieve in the target culture‖ (Nord, 1997, 28). In England, a shop notice would almost certainly involve a dramatic simplification into a ―special offer/reduced prices‖ notice showed over the product, with an instruction of ―freshness‖ or ―abundance‖. For the sake of inducing the potential consumers to buy the product, this French advertisement should be translated as ―Special Offer—Fresh and Abundant‖ in English. Though some cultural information in the original advertisement is certain to lose, the special purpose and persuasive function can be achieved .As the functionalist approach to translation describes, it is the translation skopos that matters. So long as the translation can achieve the purpose and function of advertisement, it is a successful one. Here are some examples whose background knowledge would confuse the foreigners. Source text:鹌鹑蛋在《本草纲目》中被誉为动物人参。 In this example, most Chinese will realize that《本草纲目》is an authoritative medicine book that was compiled by Li Shizhen, the famous ancient Chinese medical master. The aim to choose 《本草纲目》is to emphasize the authority of the source and persuade the customer to believe the effect of quail eggs, but the foreign consumer may not even hear of the book, so the suggested translation is as following: Translation: Quail eggs were named Animal Ginseng in Compendium of Material Medical, which is universally recognized as the bible of Chinese medicine for centuries. Source text:老边饺子是驰名中外的沈阳特殊风味。它历史悠久,从创制到现在, 已有160多年历史。 值得下载 精品文档 Translation: Laobian Jiaozi—first developed by a person, whose family name is Bian, with a history of more than 160 years, is a world famous special snack in Shenyang (located in northern China and used to be the capital city of the Qing Dynasty). The further explanation of ―Laobian‖ and Shenyang‘s location and history makes this ad more attractive. Here is another example in Chinese advertisement: 喝孔府宴酒,作天下文章。 The above is an advertisement for spirit. In Chinese traditional culture, spirit is always associated with literature, and孔府indicates to the hometown of Confucius, a Chinese great scholar. This association is quite familiar to Chinese audience, but, for English-speaking people who do not have the same cognitive environment, this association is lost. 4.3.2 Adjusting Original Language In the process of translating the original text, in order to provide the best relevance and avoid readers paying unnecessary efforts in reading, translators can only express the main information that is related to communicative intention of the original text, as a result, it is necessary to add and delete the original text content. In fact, these additions and deletions is to excavate and extend the meaning of key words, which could not only make the original text express the deep meaning but also make communicative intention more prominent. Here is an advisement of a printer: Source text: We lead, others copy Translation 1: 我们领先,他人仿效 Translation 2: 完美科技,超凡先机——尽在XX打印机 The first one is a litter equivalent and tidy in formation, but the thought it expresses is too literal and revealing to cause people‘s dislike and not be well-received by Chinese. However, the second translation sets the ―Aim principle‖ to the first position. It deletes partial formation and content but the language accords with the Chinese habit – symmetrical. What‘s more, it indirectly expresses out that this brand printer is ahead of others. Here is another example: 值得下载 精品文档 Source text: 水仙牌风油精特选多种三等天然药物和名贵芳香植物精油,用 最科学方法配制而成,故其气味舒适,清凉芬芳。 Translation: When things get on top of you, the natural ingredients in Calms can help you relax. A gentle blend of herbs to help you relax naturally. The advertisement above has the different foci. The source text puts the stress on the advanced technology, while the translation emphasizes on the natural herbs. This is attributed to the different cultural background. Since Chinese people believe the advanced technology, developed science means better quality. While for the western country consumers, they care more for natural things. So the information focused on advanced technology in source text should be let out when translated in to English. Source text: 金丝枣 Translation: Honey sweet jujube For Chinese consumers, 金丝枣 reminds them of the soft, seedless and honey sweet jujube. While for foreign consumers, its literary translation ―Gold Thread Jujube‖ may arouse antipathy, and ―Jin Si Jujube‖ carries no meaning. Both of them fail to provide the associative meaning of 金丝枣 and ignore the target acceptability. Honey Sweet Jujube is much more better, which provides almost adequate information. Obviously, in the above examples the source texts are just used as ―an offer of information‖ by the translators who gave up the ideas conveyed in the original texts and actively created new ones in the target culture. Under the guidance of Vermeer‘s idea of ―dethronement of source text‖, ad translation will be more fruitful. 4.3.3 Satisfying the Customer’ Needs Advertisement is an art with obvious utilitarian. Its function is to promote consumers‘ desire to buy (谢玉, 2009). When receiving an advertisement, a reader's psychology undergoes such process: getting attention, holding interest, arousing need, keeping memory and at last taking action. Since the basic function of advertisements is passing on information and by praising certain brands, finally promoting the products or services. Thus, a good translation of advertisement is the one who successfully achieves this purpose 值得下载 精品文档 that is functionally satisfying the customers' needs. We can also say when recommending those to foreign readers, we should pay attention to their expectations and comprehensibility By choosing a proper expression similar in sound to the original name and at the same time indicating a good sense (about the nature, usage or advantages, etc.), the target text creates a favorable and happy business atmosphere and is easy to remember. Let‘s look at some famous examples. 1)Dove—德芙(chocolate) People in English associate the image of dove with purity and peace. Although in Chinese today, people also going to accept doves as a symbol of peace, most people may still find it difficult to call the brown or black-colored chocolate白鸽or鸽子(even worse, for it does not sound like sweet food at all).Therefore, the brand name德芙sounds more elegant and, to some extent, the foreign-flavored name also help to indicate that chocolate originally came from abroad. 2)Ericsson-----爱立信(cell phone) In the source language, Ericsson is just the name of a phone company. But爱立信 (love establishes trust)is very philosophical and easy to read. Not only for kinship but also for friendship, people need this cell phone to express love(爱);and for business, honesty and trust(信)is conveyed through it. All these are extremely clever imagination that could best possible come out of Ericsson in the Chinese language. 3)Triumph—黛安芬(bra) In English, as a brand name, ―triumph‖ suggests a sense of success and confidence in ladies. But if it is translated literally as胜利in Chinese, the feminine beauty is lost, and either is confidence. Ladies living in Chinese culture may not appreciate this beauty embodied in Triumph, because according to the Chinese cultures, beauty lies in serenity, elegance, and even submission—kind of beauty for women in most Asian countries. In Chinese name黛安芬,黛means dark attractive eye brow,安serenity or composition, and芬 fragrance. With this successful translation of―黛安芬‖,Triumph has become a very popular bra brand in the Chinese market. 值得下载 精品文档 4)昂立一号----Only One(medicine) ―昂立一号‖is translated as ―Only One‖, not ―Ang Li One‖ or― Standing‖ .Here, ―Only One‖ expresses the peculiar quality and effect of this kind of medicine. 5)雅戈尔----Youngor(male clothing) ―Youngor‖has the similar pronunciation as ―Younger‖, the comparative form of ―young‖, which sounds persuasive to Western consumers because if they try this brand on, it seems that they will look younger. Longin is a famous watch brand, which borrows the name from a small village in Switzerland. But when it was led into China, it turned out to be浪琴,holding the new meaning of romantic, beautiful and elegant. Goodshine is the name of a restaurant in Chinatown in Los Angles, with its Chinese name故乡.In English, Goodshine means: life is full of golden sunshine, and dining there is delighted and enjoyable. For Chinese,故乡 means the counterpart, hometown. So the translation not only has a similar pronunciation, but also arouses nostalgia among the overseas Chinese--dining here is like dining at home. Therefore, the restaurant receives scores of people every day. Revlon is an American cosmetic brand, with the Chinese translation as露华浓,which is consistent with the Chinese readers‘ horizon of expectation. The Chinese name comes from a poem of Li Bai, one of the greatest poets in the Chinese history. The poem reads:云想衣裳花想容,春风拂 槛露华浓。若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢,it sang praise for the beauty of Yang Yuhuan. It certainly would remind the Chinese consumer the image of a beautiful lady with elegant and rag rant skin. The famous rubber flat ―Goodyear‖ also has a great Chinese name―固特异‖,which suggests that the product is extraordinarily solid and durable, and maintains its sound of the original English at the same time. V. Conclusion Advertisement has become a significant industry undergoing rapid growth on a global scale. The trade boom in the wake of China‘s economic reform has led to sharp 值得下载 精品文档 competition for market share between products and services. Now more than ever before advertisement has emerged as a powerful weapon in the quest for profit. The intensification of international business exchanges of products and services involves a growing need for communication and thus of translation. Advertisement translation is more widespread than is immediately obvious. Though advertisement translation appears as a new field of study, this type of cross-cultural communication starts to arouse interests of translation theorists and advertisement agents. Since it is important to meet the expectation of the target language consumers as to what advertisement should be like, the evaluation of advertisement translation relies completely on the target audiences' responses. In order to get the intended purpose of buying action from target consumers, Skopos rule, as a specific translation theory was proposed. Vermeer and Reiss raised skopos theory in 1984 and it was the most representative one in functionalist school. Skopos theory considers translation as a type of communicative human action. Since any action is intentional, translation is no exception. The purpose of advertisement translation is determined by the client, namely the advertiser, thus to talk the consumers into buying. Various translations strategies are the weapons a translator could take advantage of to achieve the advertisement translation skopos. To be more exact, translation is "the production of a functional target text maintaining a relationship with a given source text that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the target text (translation skopos)"(Nord, 1997).In the course of translation, greater importance should be attached to the target text and the intended readers because the communicative functions of the translation are the main concern to translators. As a result, the source text serves as only "an offer of information" from which the translators select interesting and important information for the intended readers. Thus from the perspective of the functionalist approach, we should pay attention to cultural transformation and vague adjectives, so as to satisfy the customers' needs and achieve expected purpose. Although the skopos theory is not perfect, it is brave enough to challenge the dichotomy in the field of translation and make great contributions to translation studies. 值得下载 精品文档 The skopos theory heeds new lights on the translation field and sets people free from the traditional disputes concepts (such as equivalence) by providing them a new pattern of thinking. The skopos theory or the functionalist approach accounts for different strategies in different translation occasions, in which source texts are not the only factor involved, other factors being the target social settings, the intended readers, the communicative intentions and functions. Nord(1997:45)says the theory to be exactly the translational model that is needed, for it is pragmatic(accounting for the situational conditions of communicative interaction and, accordingly, for the needs and expectations of the addressees or prospective receivers of the text typology and even making the target receiver the most important yardstick of translational decisions),culture-oriented(giving consideration to the culture-specific forms of verbal and nonverbal behavior involved in translation),consistent(able to establish a coherent theoretical and methodological framework that could serve as a guideline for an intersubjective justification of the translator‘s decisions, any type or form of translation task, permitting any translation procedures that could lead to a functional target text),practical(accounting for all the forms of transcultural communication needed in professional translation practice),normative(in the sense of giving the translator a guideline as to the best or safest ways to attain a particular translation purpose),and expert(in the sense that it contributed to the translator the prestige of being an expert in their field, competent to make purpose-adequate decisions with full responsibility with regard to their partners).Thus we can achieve a conclusion that the skopos theory is the inherent guiding principle for advertisement translation. And the translator can employ it as the guidance when translating advertisements. 值得下载 精品文档 References [1] Bake, Mona. 2004. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. [2] Nord, Christiane. 1997. Translation as a Purposeful Activity[M]. Manchester: St.Jerome Publishing. [3] Reiss, Katharina. 2004. Translation Criticism: the Potentials & limitation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. [4] Vermeer, Hans J. 1989. Skopos and Commission in Translation Action[M]. Philadelphia: John Bejamins. [6] 郭建中. 2003. [M]. 武汉: 中国对外翻译出版公司. 文化与翻译 [7] 黄国文. 2001. 广告语篇研究[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. [8] 马婷. 2008. 目的论指导下的广告标语翻译. 滨州学院学报[J], 4: 93-94. [9] 吕拾元. 2007. 试析英语广告的语言特征及翻译技巧. 新西部[J], 20: 257-256. [10]谢玉. 2009. 目的论观照下广告口号的翻译. 山西财经大学学报[J], 31(2): 255-256. 值得下载
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