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中餐主题宴会摆台中餐主题宴会摆台 餐厅服务(中餐主题宴会摆台) 比赛规则和评分标准 一、比赛内容:中餐宴会摆台,10人位, 二、比赛要求: 1、按中餐正式宴会摆台~鼓励选手利用自身条件~创新台面设计。 2、操作时间15分钟,提前完成不加分~每超过30秒~扣总分2分~不足30秒按30秒计算~以此类推,超时2分钟不予继续比赛~未操作完毕~不计分,。 3、选手必须佩带参赛证提前进入比赛场地~裁判员统一口令“开始准备”进行准备~准备时间3分钟。准备就绪后~举手示意。 4、选手在裁判员宣布“比赛开始”后开始操作。 5、比赛...

中餐主题宴会摆台 餐厅服务(中餐主题宴会摆台) 比赛规则和评分标准 一、比赛 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 :中餐宴会摆台,10人位, 二、比赛要求: 1、按中餐正式宴会摆台~鼓励选手利用自身条件~创新台面设计。 2、操作时间15分钟,提前完成不加分~每超过30秒~扣总分2分~不足30秒按30秒计算~以此类推,超时2分钟不予继续比赛~未操作完毕~不计分,。 3、选手必须佩带参赛证提前进入比赛场地~裁判员统一口令“开始准备”进行准备~准备时间3分钟。准备就绪后~举手示意。 4、选手在裁判员宣布“比赛开始”后开始操作。 5、比赛开始时~选手站在主人位后侧。比赛中所有操作必须按顺时针方向进行。 6、所有操作结束后~选手应回到工作台前~举手示意“比赛完毕”。 7、除台布、桌裙或装饰布、花瓶,花篮或其他装饰物,和桌号牌可徒手操作外~其他物品均须使用托盘操作。 8、餐巾准备无任何折痕,餐巾折花花型不限~但须突出主位花型~整体挺括、和谐~符合台面设计主题。 9、餐巾折花和摆台先后顺序不限。 10、比赛中允许使用装饰盘垫。 11、组委会统一提供餐桌转盘~比赛时是否使用由参赛选手自定。如需使用转盘~须在抽签之后说明。 12、比赛评分标准中的项目顺序并不是规定的操作顺序~选手可以自行选择完成各个比赛项目。 13、物品落地每件扣3分~物品碰倒每件扣2分,物品遗漏每件扣1分。 三、比赛物品准备 1、组委会提供物品:餐台,高度为75厘米,、圆桌面,直径180厘米,、餐椅,10把,、工作台。 manufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: the contract budget 2、选手自备物品: ,1,防滑托盘,2个~含装饰盘垫或防滑盘垫, ,2,规格台布 ,3,桌裙或装饰布 ,4,餐巾,10块, ,5,花瓶、花篮或其他装饰物,1个, ,6,餐碟、味碟、汤勺、口汤碗、长柄勺、筷子、筷架,各10套, ,7,水杯、葡萄酒杯、白酒杯,各10个, ,8,牙签,10套, ,9,菜单,2个或10个, ,10,桌号牌,1个~上面写上代表队名称, ,11,公用餐具,筷子、筷架、汤勺各2套, 四、比赛评分标准 分扣得项 目 操作程序及标准 值 分 分 可采用抖铺式、推拉式或撒网式铺设.要求一次2 完成。如果两次则扣0.5分~三次及以上不得分 台布 台布定位准确~十字居中,1分,~凸缝朝向主人,4分, 和副主人位,0.5分,~下垂均等~台面平整,0.52 分, 桌裙长短合适,1分,~围折平整或装饰布平整,1桌裙或装饰布 分,~四角下垂均等,装饰布平铺在台布下面,,13 ,3分, 分~四角下垂不均等扣1分, 一次性定位、碟间距离均等,2分,~餐碟标志对 正,2分,~相对餐碟与餐桌中心点三点一线,26 分, 餐碟定位 距桌沿约1.5厘米(各0.2分, 2 ,10分, 拿碟手法正确,手拿餐碟边缘部分~每一次正确、 2 卫生干净,各0.2分, 味碟位于餐碟正上方~相距1厘米,各0.2分, 2 汤碗摆放在味碟左侧1厘米处~与味碟在一条直味碟、汤碗、汤勺 ,5分, 线上,1分,~汤勺放臵于汤碗中,1分,~勺把3 朝左~与餐碟平行,1分, 筷架摆在餐碟右边~与味碟在一条直线上,各0.2筷架、筷子、长柄勺、2 牙签 分, 2nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection ,9分, 筷子、长柄勺搁摆在筷架上,1分~各0.1分,~ 长柄勺距餐碟3厘米,2分~各0.2分,~筷尾距5 餐桌沿1.5厘米,2分各0.2分, 筷套正面朝上,各0.1分, 1 牙签位于长柄勺和筷子之间~牙签套正面朝上~1 底部与长柄勺齐平,各0.1分, 葡萄酒杯在味碟正上方2厘米,各0.2分, 2 白酒杯摆在葡萄酒杯的右侧~水杯位于葡萄酒杯葡萄酒杯、白酒杯、左侧,1分,~杯肚间隔1厘米~三杯成斜直线与水杯 5 水平成30度,3分,。如果折的是杯花~水杯待,9分, 餐巾花折好后一起摆上桌,1分, 摆杯手法正确,手拿杯柄或中下部,、卫生 2 花型突出主位,1分,~符合主题、整体协调,并 应有副主人位花,,3分~其中~如未体现副主人4 餐巾折花 位花扣1分, ,10分, 折叠手法正确,1分,、卫生,1分,、一次性成6 形,1分,、花型逼真,2分,、美观大方,1分, 公用餐具摆放在正副主人的正上方 2 按先筷后勺顺序将筷、勺搁在公用筷架上,设两公用餐具 ,4分, 套,,1分,公用筷架与正副主人位水杯对间距12 厘米,2分,~筷子末端及勺柄向右,1分, 花瓶或花篮摆在台面正中~造型精美、符合主题 要求,是否在台面正中~是以花瓶瓶底与桌边等1 菜单、花瓶,花篮,距离为准, 和桌号牌 菜单摆放在筷子架右侧,公用餐具的右侧,~位,4分, 2 臵一致 桌号牌摆放在花瓶或花篮正前方、面对副主人位 1 从主宾位开始拉椅定位,1分,~座位中心与餐碟餐椅定位 中心对齐,1分,~餐椅之间距离均等,1分,~5 ,5分, 餐椅座面边缘距台布下垂部分1.5厘米,2分, 用左手胸前托法将托盘托起,1分,~托盘位臵高 托 盘,3分, 于选手腰部,1分,~整体体现托盘托起的功底~3 托起的托盘不漂浮~应平稳、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,1分, 5 台面设计主题明确,3分,【其中~体现浓郁 中餐文化底蕴~紧扣时代主题,得3分,,有主 题体现~但未体现文化底蕴,扣2分,,未设计 主题,扣2分】。 综合印象 台面装饰布臵符合主题要求~色彩搭配赏心,14分, 悦目,2分, 2 餐具颜色、规格及式样协调统一,1分,~餐具样 式高贵、引领潮流,0.5分,~便于使用,0.5分, 4 整体美观、具有强烈艺术美感,好:4分,较好: 3分,一般:1分,差:0分, 2009-6 agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr3ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an 3 操作过程中动作规范、娴熟、敏捷、声轻,1分~ 各0.25分,,姿态优美~能体现岗位气质,2分~ 其中~好:2分~一般:1分~差:0分, 合 计 80 操作时间: 分 秒 超时: 秒 扣分: 分 注:1、物品落地,桌面及地面均视为落地,:扣3分/件~ 物品碰倒,桌面和托盘内碰到均视为碰到,:扣2分/件~ 物品遗漏:扣1分/件 ; 2、全程操作标准时间:15分钟。超过30秒~扣总分2分~不足30秒~按30秒计~ 其中~15秒,含,以内扣总分1分~15秒,30秒扣总分2分~以此类推,超时2 分钟不予继续比赛~未操作完毕不计分。 实 际 得 分 nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 4 餐厅服务(西餐宴会摆台) 比赛规则和评分标准 一、比赛内容:西餐宴会摆台,6人位, 二、比赛要求 1、按英式席位安排法~以宴会套餐程序摆台~鼓励选手进行适当台面设计与布臵创新~摆设设计由各选手自定。 2、操作时间15分钟,提前完成不加分~每超过30秒~扣总分1分~不足30秒按30秒计算~以此类推,超时2分钟或未操作完毕~不予计分,。 3、选手必须佩带参赛证提前进入比赛场地~裁判员统一口令“开始准备”进行准备~准备时间3分钟。准备就绪后~举手示意。 4、选手在裁判员宣布“比赛开始”后开始操作。 5、比赛开始时~选手站在主人位后侧。比赛中所有操作必须按顺时针方向进行。 6、所有操作结束后~选手应回到工作台前~举手示意“比赛完毕”。 7、除装饰盘,须手托餐巾,和花坛可徒手操作外~其余物件~使用托盘操作。 8、物品落地每件扣3分~物品碰倒每个扣2分,物品遗漏每件扣1分。 三、比赛物品准备 1、组委会提供物品:西餐长台,240厘米×120厘米,、西餐椅,6把,、工作台。,桌面由指定比赛酒店提前准备, 2、选手自备物品: ,1,防滑托盘,2个, ,2,台布,2块,:200厘米×165厘米,比赛用布草尺寸由裁判检查~不 合尺寸标准的布草得分予以扣除, ,3,餐巾,6块,:56厘米×56厘米 ,4,装饰盘,6只,:7.2寸--10寸,比赛用瓷器尺寸由裁判检查~不合尺 寸标准的瓷器摆台得分予以扣除, ,5,面包盘,6只,:4.5寸—6寸 ,6,黄油碟,6只,:1.8寸—3.5寸 2009-6 agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr5ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an ,7,主菜刀,肉排刀,、鱼刀、开胃品刀、汤勺、甜品勺、黄油刀,各6把, ,8,主菜叉,肉叉,、鱼叉、开胃品叉、甜品叉,各6把, ,9,水杯、红葡萄酒杯、白葡萄酒杯,各6个, ,10,花瓶或花坛,1个, ,11,烛台,2座, ,12,盐瓶、胡椒瓶,各2个, ,13,牙签盅,2个, 四、比赛评分标准 项 目 项目评分细则 分值 扣分 得分 台布中凸线向上~两块台布中凸线对齐 1 两块台布面重叠5厘米 1 台布 主人位方向台布交叠在副主人位方向台 1 ,5分, 布上 台布四边下垂均等 1 铺设操作最多四次整理成形 1 摆设操作从席椅正后方进行 0.6,每把0.1) 0.6,每把0.1) 从主人位开始按顺时针方向摆设 席椅定位 0.6,每把0.1) 席椅之间距离基本相等 ,3.6分, 0.6,每把0.1) 相对席椅的椅背中心对准 1.2,每把0.2) 席椅边沿与下垂台布相距1厘米 从主人位开始顺时针方向摆设 1.5(每个0.25) 1.5(每个0.25) 盘边距离桌边1厘米 装饰盘 1.5(每个0.25) 装饰盘中心与餐位中心对准 ,7.5分, 1.5(每个0.25) 盘与盘之间距离均等 1.5(每个0.25) 手持盘沿右侧操作 刀勺叉由内向外摆放~距桌边距离符合标 5.4(每件0.1) 准,标准见最后“备注”, 刀、叉、勺 刀勺叉之间及与其他餐具间距离符合标 ,16.8分, 5.4(每件0.1) 准,标准见最后“备注”, 摆设逐位完成 6(每位1分) 摆放顺序:面包盘、黄油刀、黄油盘 1.8(每件0.1) 面包盘、黄油面包盘盘边距开胃品叉1厘米 0.6(每件0.1) 刀、黄油碟 0.6(每件0.1) 面包盘中心与装饰盘中心对齐 ,4.8分, 0.6(每件0.1) 黄油刀臵于面包盘右侧边沿1/3处 nt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 6nt; Contract: the contract budget 黄油碟摆放在黄油刀尖正上方~相距3厘 0.6(每件0.1) 米 0.6(每件0.1) 黄油碟左侧边沿与面包盘中心成直线 摆放顺序:水杯、红葡萄酒杯、白葡萄酒 杯,白葡萄酒杯摆在开胃品刀的正上方~1.8(每个0.1) 杯底中心在开胃品刀的中心线上~杯底距杯具,全部应 开胃品刀尖2厘米, 为高脚杯, 三杯成斜直线~与水平线呈45度角 6(每组1分) ,10.8分, 各杯身之间相距约1厘米 1.2(每个0.1) 操作时手持杯中下部或颈部 1.8(每个0.1) 花瓶或花坛臵于餐桌中央和台布中线上 1 花瓶或花坛 ,2分, 花瓶或花坛的高度不超过30厘米 1 烛台与花坛的容器底部外沿或花瓶底部 1(每座0.5) 外沿相距20厘米 烛台 烛台底坐中心压台布中凸线 0.5(每座0.25) ,2分, 两个烛台方向一致~并与杯具所呈直线平 0.5(每座0.25) 行 牙签盅 牙签盅与烛台相距10厘米 1(每个0.5) ,1.5分, 牙签盅中心与压在台布中凸线上 0.5(每个0.25) 椒盐瓶与牙签盅相距2厘米 1(每组0.5) 椒盐瓶 1(每组0.5) 椒盐瓶两瓶间距1厘米,左椒右盐 ,3分, 1(每组0.5) 椒盐瓶间距中心对准台布中凸线 造型美观、大小一致~突出正副主人 3 盘花 ,6分, 餐花在盘中摆放一致~左右成一条线 3 托盘使用 餐件和餐具分类按序摆放~符合科学操作 2 ,3分, 杯具在托盘中杯口朝上 1 台席中心美化新颖、主题灵活 4 布件颜色协调、美观 3 综合印象 整体设计显高雅、华贵 4 ,14分, 操作过程中动作规范、娴熟、敏捷、声轻~ 3 姿态优美~能体现岗位气质 合 计 80 操作时间: 分 秒 超时: 秒 扣分: 分 物品落地、物品碰倒、物品遗漏 件 扣分: 分 实 际 得 分 2009-6 agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr7ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an 备注: 1、装饰盘~2、主菜刀,肉排刀,~3、鱼刀~4、汤勺~5、开胃品刀~6、主菜叉,肉叉,~7、鱼叉~8、开胃品叉~9、黄油刀~10、面包盘~11、黄油碟~12、甜品叉~13、甜品勺~14、白葡萄酒杯~15、红葡萄酒杯~16、水杯。 各餐具之间的距离标准: (1)1、2、4、5、6、8与桌边沿距离为1厘米, (2)1与2~1与6~8与10~1与12之间的距离为1厘米, (3)9与11之间的距离为3厘米, (4)3、7与桌边的距离为5厘米, (5)6、7、8之间~2、3、4、5之间~12与13之间的距离为0.5厘米, (6)14、15、16杯肚之间的距离为1厘米 8nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 客房服务(中式铺床) 比赛规则和评分标准 一、比赛内容:标准中式铺床 二、比赛要求 1、 操作时间3分钟,提前完成不加分~每超过10秒扣2分~不足10秒 按10秒计算~超过1分钟不予计分,。 2、 选手必须佩带参赛证提前进入比赛场地~裁判员统一口令“开始准备” 后进行准备~准备时间2分钟。准备就绪后~举手示意。 3、 选手在裁判员宣布“比赛开始”后开始操作。 4、 所有操作结束后~选手立于工作台侧~举手示意“比赛完毕”。 5、 操作过程中~选手不能跑动、跪床或手臂撑床~每违例一次扣2分。 6、 操作过程中~选手不能绕床头操作。 7、 其他 ,1,床单叠法:正面朝里~沿长边对折两次~再沿宽边对折两次。 ,2,选手操作位臵不限。 ,3,床架+床垫高度为45厘米。 三、比赛物品准备(由组委会统一提供) 1、床架,1个, 2、床垫,1个~2米×1.2米, 3、工作台,1个, 4、床单,1个~2.8米×2米, 5、被套,1个~2.3米×1.8米, 6、羽绒被,1床~重量约1.5千克/床, 7、枕芯,2个~75厘米×45厘米, 8、枕套,2个, 四、比赛评分标准 2009-6 d hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr9ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect E 选手编号: 项 目 要求细则 分值 扣分 得分 一次抛单定位,两次扣2分~三次及以上不得分, 6 不偏离中线,偏2厘米以内不扣分~2-3厘米扣3 床 单 1分~3厘米以上不得分, ,20分, 床单正反面准确,毛边向下~抛反不得分, 2 床单表面平整光滑 3 包角紧密平整~式样统一,90度, 6 一次抛开,两次扣2分~三次及以上不得分,、4 平整 被 套 ,8分, 被套正反面准确,抛反不得分, 2 被套开口在床尾,方向错不得分, 2 一次压入被套内做有序套被操作,两次及以上不3 得分, 抓两角抖开丝棉被并一次抛开定位,整理一次扣6 2分~类推,~被子与床头平齐 被套中心不偏离床中心,偏2厘米以内不扣分~3 2-3厘米扣1分~3厘米以上不得分, 羽绒被在被套内四角到位~饱满、平展 3 羽绒被 羽绒被在被套内两侧两头平 3 ,30分, 被套口平整且要收口系绳~羽绒被不外露 2 被套表面平整光滑 2 羽绒被在床头翻折45厘米,每相差2厘米扣24 分~不足2厘米不扣分, 两侧距地等距,每相差2厘米扣1分~不足2厘 米不扣分,~尾部自然下垂~尾部两角应标准统4 一 四角到位~饱满挺括 3 枕头边与床头平行 3 枕头,2个, 枕头中线与床中线对齐,每相差2厘米扣1分~,12分, 3 不足2厘米不扣分, 枕套沿无折皱~表面平整~自然下垂 3 总体效果:三线对齐~平整美观 5 综合印象,10分, 操作过程中动作娴熟、敏捷~姿态优美~能体现5 岗位气质 合 计 80 操作时间: 分 秒 超时: 秒 扣分: 分 选手跑床、跪床、撑床 次: 扣分: 分 nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 10 调酒师(鸡尾酒调制)比赛规则和评分标准 一、比赛内容 1、规定鸡尾酒的调制 2、自创鸡尾酒的调制 二、比赛要求 1、选手必须佩带参赛证提前进入比赛场地~裁判员统一口令“开始准备”进行准备~准备时间2分钟。准备就绪后~举手示意。 2、选手在裁判员宣布“比赛开始”后开始操作。 3、所有操作结束后~选手应回到操作台前~举手示意“比赛完毕”。 4、物品落地每件扣6分~物品碰倒每件扣4分,倒酒时每洒一次扣3分。 5、规定鸡尾酒的调制要求选手按该鸡尾酒的标准配方~在规定的时间内进行调制。 规定鸡尾酒的调制内容: 名称:五色彩虹酒 材料:红石榴糖浆、绿色薄荷酒、黑色樱桃白兰地、无色君度利口酒、棕色白兰地 制法:用吧匙紧贴杯内壁~将利口酒依次将上述原料缓慢注入即可。 要求:酒杯总容量约为30毫升。酒液量占酒杯八至九成满,各层次之间不能相互混合,每层之间分隔线清楚,间隔距离均等。 时间规定:5分钟,提前完成不加分~每超过30秒扣5分~不足30秒为30秒计算~超时1分钟不予计分,。 6、自创鸡尾酒的调制选手可根据不同主题及创意~采用不同调酒方法进行鸡尾酒的调制。并对该鸡尾酒的主题创意加以说明。 时间规定:5分钟,包括操作时间4分30秒和口头说明时间30秒。提前完成不加分~每超过30秒扣5分~不足30秒按30秒计算~超时1分钟不予计分,。 三、比赛物品准备 1、操作台、规定鸡尾酒调制用的酒水由组委会提供。其他物品,自创鸡尾酒调制用的酒水、调酒用具、各类载杯、装饰物等,均由选手自行准备。 2009-6 ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr11ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man 2、选手对自创鸡尾酒的主题创意须进行口头说明并准备书面说明稿,包括选手姓名、代表队名称、主题名称、主题内涵、配方、调制方法、装饰物品等,~说明稿应提前打印好5份~比赛前统一上交组委会。 12nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 四、比赛评分标准 项 目 要求和评分标准 分扣得 值 分 分 准备所需酒水到操作台~严格按照规定配方调制鸡尾酒 4 先展示所需酒水~配制程序正确 5 标准鸡尾酒的 调酒器具保持干净~整齐 6 调制 酒水使用完毕~旋紧瓶盖~复归原位 4 ,35分, 调制后的鸡尾酒层次分明~瑰丽可人 8 调酒操作姿态优美~手法干净卫生 8 主题创意新颖~独特~具有一定的时代感 10 先展示所需酒水~配制程序正确 2 调酒材料选配新颖~独特~与主题创意相符 4 调酒器具保持干净~整齐 3 自创鸡尾酒的 酒水使用完毕~旋紧瓶盖~复归原位 3 调制 调制后的鸡尾酒具有一定的观赏性~整体风格与主题创意8 ,45分, 相符 酒品颜色协调、口感舒适、味道纯正 6 主题创意说明口头表述准确~语言清晰、流畅 4 调酒操作姿态优美~手法干净卫生 5 合 计 80 操作时间: 分 秒 超时: 扣分: 分 物品落地、物品碰倒、倒酒洒酒 件/次 扣分: 分 实 际 得 分 注意事项: 1、 组委会只提供规定鸡尾酒调制的酒水、酒水车,或餐车,~其它相关物品自备。 2、 比赛所需酒水一律用酒水车,或餐车,推进现场。进入比赛现场请注意自己的行为 举止~稳步慢行~不能碰倒酒水、物品。 3、 调制鸡尾酒时~酒瓶不能挡住酒杯~要留有一定的空间给评委观看。 4、 调酒师要备好一次性手套。鸡尾酒的装饰物只能在比赛时现场制作~不能事先准备 好~比如切好的柠檬片等。 5、 规定的时间5分钟由调酒师独立完成比赛内容。 6、 花式调酒不在这次比赛范围内。 2009-6 13ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr “仪容仪表”评分标准(所有选手) 仪表项目 细节要求 分值 扣分 得分 男士 1、后不盖领 0.5 2、侧不盖耳 0.5 头发 3、干净、整齐~着色自然~发型美观大方 0.5 ,1.5分, 女士 1、后不过肩 0.5 2、前不盖眼 0.5 3、干净、整齐~着色自然~发型美观大方 0.5 面部 男士:不留胡及长鬓角 0.5 ,0.5分, 女士:淡妆 0.5 1、干净 0.5 手及指甲 2、指甲修剪整齐 0.5 ,1.5分, 3、不涂有色指甲油 0.5 1、整齐干净 0.5 服装 2、无破损、无丟扣 0.5 ,1.5分, 3、熨烫挺刮 0.5 鞋 1、黑颜色皮鞋 0.5 ,1.0分, 2、干净~擦试光亮、无破损 0.5 袜子 1、男深色、女浅色 0.5 ,1.0分, 2、干净、无褶皱、无破损 0.5 1、不佩戴过于醒目的饰物 0.5 首饰及徽章 ,1.0分, 2、选手号牌佩戴规范 0.5 1、举止:大方~自然~优雅 1.0 总体印象 ,2.0分, 2、礼貌:注重礼节礼貌~面带微笑 1.0 合计 10 the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 14nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenageme 外语水平评分标准(所有选手) 一、 考试形式 英语口试~采用考官与选手问答的形式。每位选手考试时间为1分钟。 二、 评分标准 准确性:选手语音语调及所使用语法和词汇的准确性 熟练性:选手掌握岗位英语的熟练程度 灵活性:选手应对不同情景和话题的能力 三、 评分说明 9—10分:语法正确~词汇丰富~语音语调标准~熟练、流利地掌握岗位英语~对不同语境有较强反应能力~有较强的英语交流能力。 6,8分:语法与词汇基本正确~语音语调尚可~允许有个别母语口音~较熟悉岗位英语~对不同语境有一定的适应能力~有一定的英语交流能力。 4,5分:语法与词汇有一定错误~发音有缺陷~但不严重影响交际。对岗位英语有一定了解~对不同语境的应变能力较差。 3分以下:语法与词汇有较多错误~停顿较多~严重影响交际。岗位英语掌握不佳~不能适应语境的变化。 2009-6 15ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Projat all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr 湖北省旅游行业职业技能大赛烹饪技术比赛 参赛须知及评分细则 一、比赛活动内容与比赛项目 四、 中式烹饪团体赛:每队由4名选手组成~其中: a) 热菜选手2名~每人自行制作2款不同主料、不同技法、不同口 味的菜品,原料自备,~时间为120分钟。 b) 面点选手1名~自行制作2款不同主料、不同技法、不同口味的 品种,原料自备,~时间为120分钟。 c) 冷拼或食雕选手1名~制作6种以上自制原料冷菜拼盘1个,1 组,~或食品雕刻1个~时间为120分钟。 以上作品除食品雕刻外~均需制作1份10人量送展台展示。另需 备供评委们的品尝碟。 二、烹饪技术比赛检录要求、赛场纪律和有关规定 ,一,检录要求 1、本次比赛除制汤、制茸、制馅,不入味,外~不允许场外加工。 2、参赛选手所带原料及用品一律经检录后放入组委会提供的整理箱~个 人箱包一律不准带入赛场。 3、对于违纪的原料~由检录组代为保管~影响参赛的责任自负。 4、赛场提供:热菜:盐、酱油、味精、醋、胡椒、油、灶台、砧板、锅、 勺~其他自备,面点:面粉、鸡蛋~其他自备。 ,二,赛场纪律和有关规定 1、参赛选手应提前30分钟到检录处凭参赛证接受检录 ~迟到5分钟 扣1分~迟到20分钟~视为弃赛。 2、参赛选手应服从现场指挥和调度~参赛证要佩带在胸前。 3、参赛选手应做到衣帽清洁~不留长指甲~不戴戒指~不用指甲油~保 持良好的个人卫生习惯。 4、参赛选手应独立完成操作~不允许使用他人原料~不允许多作、挑选、 不允许因失饪而重做~违者不予评分。 5、如发现私带半成品~即取消其参赛资格。 6、参赛选手操作完毕后~经评判组长同意后~应迅速清理工作区~带好 自己的工具撤离现场。 、参赛选手退盘时间为每天下午6:00。 7 三、烹饪技术比赛评判细则,见附件,。 大赛组委会 二00九年十月 16nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departmenagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 湖北省旅游行业技能大赛烹饪技术比赛评判细则 一、 评判方法: 为了充分体现公平、公正、公开的原则~全面考核选手的综合能力~此次竞赛采用现场操作评判和作品评判相结合的方法。 1、 现场操作评判~满分为100分。 2、 参赛作品评判~满分为100分。 3、 两项得分相加为选手该项目的最终成绩。 二、 评判标准: ,一,中式烹饪现场操作评判标准: 1、 热菜现场操作评判标准: ,1,切配加工过程:操作规范有序~刀工娴熟、刀法准确、原材料使用合 理、废弃物处理妥当~没有浪费现象, ,2,烹调制作过程:操作程序合理、勺功熟练利索、调味准确快捷、烹调 方法运用正确, ,3,原料存放安全卫生~炊具~餐具、用具、器皿干净卫生, ,4,操作现场干净、整洁、有序~个人卫生符合要求~并能注意安全和节能减耗, ,5,遵守赛场纪律和规定~按时独立完成作品制作。 、 冷拼现场操作评判标准: 2 ,1,刀法准确、刀工娴熟、精细~原材料使用合理~废弃物处理妥当~没 有浪费现象, ,2,操作规范有序、流程合理、切配拼摆快捷利索, ,3,原料保存安全卫生~并有防止原料被再次污染的措施~炊具、餐具、用具、器皿清洁卫生, ,4,操作现场整洁、干净有序~个人卫生符合要求并能注意安全和节能降耗, ,5,遵守赛场纪律和规定~独立完成作品制作。 3、 面点现场操作评判标准: ,1,操作规范有序~流程合理~原料使用合理~废弃物处理妥当~没有浪 费现象, ,2,操作技法娴熟~成型快捷利索~成熟方法正确, ,3,原料保存安全卫生~炊具、餐具、用具~器皿清洁卫生, ,4,操作现场干净、整洁、有序~个人卫生符合要求并能注意安全和节能 降耗, ,5,遵守赛场纪律和规定~按时按量独立完成作品制作。 4、 食品雕刻现场操作评判标准: ,1,刀法准确、手法得当、干净利落~刀工娴熟、动作自如熟练, ,2,取料合理~废弃物处理妥当~减少消费, ,3,操作现场干净、整洁、操作过程清洁卫生, ,4,遵守赛场纪律和规定~按时按量独立完成作品制作。 2009-6 at all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements an agersbelow. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project man ojects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shownof pr nning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departmentslity and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce plaonsibids. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of respbidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standarions, tion within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulatant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specificarelev nstruction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as otheroject. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power comanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this pr17ngineering Department; Contract: the contract budgetect Ed hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Proj ,二,中式烹饪参赛作品评判标准: 1、热菜作品评判标准: ,1, 味感:口味纯正~主味突出~调味适当~无糊味、腥膻味、异味等, ,2, 质感:火候得当~质感鲜明~符合其应有的嫩、滑、爽、软~糯、烂、 酥、松、脆等特点, ,3, 观感:主副料配比合理~刀工细腻~规格整齐~汁芡适度~色泽自然、 装盘美观~餐具与菜肴谐调, ,4, 营养卫生:生熟分开~营养配比合理~成品中不允许使用人工色素和 不能食用的物品~讲究餐具和盘饰清洁卫生: ,5, 作品数量:符合规定的要求。 2、冷拼作品评判标准: ,1,食用价值:选料适宜~荤素搭配合理~口味多样~口感鲜美纯正~质感良好~实用价值高, ,2,造型:构思新颖~寓意高雅~形象生动美观~色彩自然、鲜明、协调~点缀装饰适度~拼摆装盘层次清晰、整齐~与造型协调, ,3,刀工:刀工细腻~刀面光洁~规格整齐、厚薄均匀~有利于美化塑造冷拼形态, ,4,营养卫生:冷拼中的食物要符合食品卫生要求~不含异物~营养配比合理~餐具清洁~盘饰卫生, 5,作品数量:符合规定的要求。 , 3、面点作品评判标准: ,1,味感:口味鲜美纯正~调味适当~符合成品本身应具有的咸、甜、鲜、香等口味特点~无异味, ,2,质感:选料精致~用料配比准确~火候得当~质感鲜明~符合成品本身应具有的软、糯、酥、松、脆等特点, ,3,观感:形态优美自然以~平滑光润~层次清晰~花纹细腻匀称~规格协调一致~馅与皮均衡适度~色调匀称、自然、美观~符合成品本身应具有的洁白、金黄、透明等色泽~装盘美观, ,4,营养卫生:成品中不允许有异物~使用添加剂要适当~营养配比合理~讲究餐具和盘饰清洁卫生, ,5,作品数量:符合规定的要求。 4、食雕作品评判标准: ,1,主题:构思新颖~设计合理~主题突出~寓意深刻, ,2,造型:形态美观~层次清晰~比例得当~结构合理, ,3,刀工:刀工细腻~技法多样~繁简适当, ,4,卫生:作品洁净无异味~器皿清洁。 nagemethe quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project mah each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and ct witlity function distribution allocation table on the following page of the project's quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 projeO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quaing ISsee section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 accordresponsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority ct of y with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 projen criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or ... Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall complluatioued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evauality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issand evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for qmanufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection 18nt; Contract: the contract budgetnt; Quality planning, management program: the project's quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Departme
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