首页 企业财务部绩效考核方案



企业财务部绩效考核方案企业财务部绩效考核方案 第一部分总则 第二部分指导原则 第三部分薪资标准 第四部分薪资计算方法 第五部分绩效考核制度 第六部分绩效考核流程 第七部分薪资调整流程 第八部分附表 第九部分附注 第一部分总则 第一条按照公司经营理念和管理模式,遵照国有关劳动人事管理政策和公司其他有关规章制度,特制定本方案。 第二条本方案适用围:财务部全体员工 第二部分指导思想原则 第一条按照各尽所能、按劳分配原则,坚持工资增长幅度不超过本公司经济效益增长幅度,职工平均实际收入增长幅度不超过本公司劳动生产率增长...

企业财务部绩效考核 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 第一部分总则 第二部分指导原则 第三部分薪资 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 第四部分薪资计算方法 第五部分绩效考核 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 第六部分绩效考核流程 第七部分薪资调整流程 第八部分附表 第九部分附注 第一部分总则 第一条按照公司经营理念和管理模式,遵照国有关劳动人事管理政策和公司其他有关 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 ,特制定本方案。 第二条本方案适用围:财务部全体员工 第二部分指导思想原则 第一条按照各尽所能、按劳分配原则,坚持工资增长幅度不超过本公司经济效益增长幅度,职工平均实际收入增长幅度不超过本公司劳动生产率增长幅度的原则。 第二条结合公司的生产、经营、管理特点,建立起公司规合理的工资分配制度。 第三条以员工岗位责任、劳动绩效、劳动态度、劳动技能等指标综合考核员工报酬,适当向经营风险大、责任重大、技术含量高的岗位倾斜。 第四条构造适当工资档次落差,调动公司员工积极性的激励机制。 第三部分薪资标准 第一条薪资结构 基本工资+岗位工资+绩效工资+全勤+工龄工资 其它薪给:年终奖金 第二条各工资组成部分注解 1、基本工资:起薪基础工资。 2、岗位工资:岗位工资依据各岗位的职责重要程度、技术含量、工作危险级别等定立,岗位工资因员工工作岗位、职责变动,在岗工作时间,年度绩效平均得分等,而做出相应调整。 3、全勤奖:公司对于当月无迟到、早退,无旷工、请假,出勤为满勤的员工设立全勤奖,以资奖励。若员工当月有缺勤,则扣除当月全勤奖。 4、绩效工资:绩效工资占工资总额的10%,绩效工资额度依据员工绩效考核系数确定额度; 5、工龄工资:按员工为本企业服务年限长短确定,鼓励员工长期、稳定地为企业工作。公司将每年9月份设为调薪日,适用围:在当月工作满一年的员工,包括试用期时间。 第四部分薪资计算及调整方法 第一条员工起薪标准 1、新进员工公司根据其同岗位工作年限、专业能力、学历等依照公司《总部办公室起薪标准表》对应的薪资标准定薪; 2、转正员工起薪标准:新员工在通过公司试用期考核后,由人力资源部协emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 同部门主管组织试用期绩效考评,并依此数据按公司薪酬 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 拟定转正后调薪额度; 3、试用期内绩效考评分数60分以下者,公司予以解聘处理。 第二条绩效工资计算方法 1、财务部绩效考核工资占工资总额的10%,月绩效工资同每月工资下发; 2、绩效工资计算公式:绩效工资基数*绩效考核系数=当月应发绩效工资; 3、后附绩效系数表。 第三条岗位工资 1、因不能满足岗位工作要求或因公司需要而调至其它岗位工作的员工,其岗位工资以现岗位工资级别为准进行调整; 2、因岗位职责扩大由人事经理核准调整额度并报总经理审批,通常为一个岗位工资等级; 3、因岗位晋升由人事经理核准按所晋升岗位工资级别标准调整并报总经理审批; 4、岗位工作年限每满一年,依据上一年度绩效考核结果调整岗位工资级别,绩效得分95分以上调整上限,95以下调整下限。 第四条工龄工资 调整时间为每年9月份,适用于当期工作满一年的员工,调整额度100元。 第五条全勤奖 全月出勤无异常,全勤奖发放满额50元。 第四部分绩效考核制度 第一条财务主管 1、财务主管绩效考核分为月度、年度考核,月度考核由关键业绩指标、管理指标、出勤三个要素构成; 2、财务主管应根据公司总的战略目标分解本部门总的工作目标,并将总的部门目标分解到当年内各个考核期; 3、财务主管根据部门总目标制定个人工作计划及业绩指标,月度关键业绩指标是由被考核人根据当期部门任务目标自行提取的业绩指标,指标方向主要为:预算制定、调整按时开展及完成率,各项成本预算合理性、准确性,下属工作目标完成率,财务部各项分析报表完成及时性等; 4、财务主管管理指标由被考核人根据部门总目标自行设定当期个人主要职责任务; 5、人力资源部协助被考核人整理绩效指标交由上级主管审核并存档,上级主管应就被考核人目标设定的合理性、可行性等提出合理建议; 6、财务主管考核由人力资源部评价、自评、部门人员评价、上级评价组成,人力资源部根据当期内实际发生数据核算被考核人关键业绩指标完成率、出勤,并根据绩效系数表对应结果打分; 7、财务主管自评,针对当期内个人职责指标的完成情况进行客观评价及打分,并结合各考核项权重对个人当期工作结果进行打分; 8、部门人员根据考核指标,本着实事求是、公平、公正的原则进行打分; 9、上级主管审核被考核人关键业绩指标完成率、当期内主要工作职责总结及被考核人的自我评价等做出评价并打分; 10、财务主管年度考核由业绩指标、月度考核平均分数、年度财务分析报告三部分组成,财务主管年度绩效指标主要以当年内各项预算准确率、应收帐款降emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 低率、下属员工工作目标完成率、部门制度建全性、财务项目核算准确性等构成;年度财务分析报告主要是对当期内各项财会活动进行的总结及分析; 11、人力资源部负责核算考核结果,负责协调、处理考核过程中发生的题,负责将考核结果下发到各部门,并就绩效考核中一些关键题组织有关人员做好绩效面谈,绩效面谈应有书面结果并有面谈双方签字,人力资源部备案; 12、年度绩效考核结果影响年度奖金发放额度。 第二条会计、出纳 1、会计及出纳岗位考核分为月度、年度考核,主要以工作目标、职责目标、出勤三个要素构成; 2、财务主管负责分解部门目标到下属岗位,负责培训下属绩效考核相关制度及意义,并就考核细则与下属达成共识; 3、人力资源部负责协助部门制定考核表格报总经量审批并备案; 4、会计、出纳考核由人力资源部评价、自评、上级主管评价三方组成,总经理审核并签批意见; 5、人力资源部根据实际发生数据核算被考核人工作目标完成情况并评分; 6、被考核人就本期内个人职责任务完成情况进行客观评分; 7、部门主管对下属当期内职责任务的自评及工作目标完成情况进行审核并评分,评分应实事求是、客观公正; 8、人力资源部收集整理考核表格核算考核结果并报总经理审批; 、人力资源部负责下发考核结果至各部门,负责协调处理考核过程中发生9 的题,对个人考核结果存在较大异议的部门组织绩效面谈,绩效面谈应有书面结果并有面谈双方签字,人力资源部备案。 第五部分绩效考核流程 第一条财务主管 公司战略目标分解 实施考核 部门目标分解 人力资源部报总经理审批并备案 个人目标分解 人资部生成件并备案 人力资源部组织面谈 部门人员评价 被考核 人自评 自评 人力资源部核算数据 总经理审批 人力资源部下发结果通知 核算绩效工资 存在异议是 第二条会计、出纳 部门目标分解 主管协助制定个人目标 实施考核 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 被考核人自评 部门主管评价 人力资源部报总经理审批并备案 人力资源部核算数据 人资部核算绩效工资 人力资源部下发结果通知 总经理审批 注:被考核人如对考核结果存在异议,绩效面谈流程同上。 第六部分薪酬调整流程 总经理审批 人力资源部制定数据表 信息表 人力资源部核定 财务核发 第七部分附表 表一 绩效考评系数表 编号 考评分数 考评等级 对应系数 1 110-100 优 110% 2 99-90 优 90% 3 89-80 良 80% 4 79-70 中 70% 5 69-60 中 60% 6 59以下 差 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 辞退 注:绩效分数上不封顶 表二 出勤扣分项 迟到、早退 04分 旷工 2分 事假 03分 病假 01分 另附EXCL表《总部办公室职员起薪表》《工资等级表》及部门考核表 第八部分附注 第一条本规定自发布之日起生效。 第二条本规定的解释权及修改权在人力资源部。 xxx(北京)有限公司 人力资源部 2009年9月27日 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of
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