首页 社会保障学作业答案



社会保障学作业答案社会保障学作业答案 社会保障学作业 一、名词解释 1、社会保障制度:社会保障制度是以国家或政府为主体,依据法律规定,通过国民收入再分配,对公民在暂时或永久失去劳动能力以及由于各种原因生活发生困难时给予物质帮助,保障其基本生活的制度。 2、社会保险:所谓社会保险,就是以国家为主体,对有工资收入的劳动者在暂时或永久丧失劳动能力,或虽有劳动能力而无工作亦即丧失生活来源的情况下,通过立法手段,运用社会力量,给这些劳动者以一定程度的收入损失补偿,使之能继续达到基本生活水平,人而保证劳动力再生产和扩大再生产的正常运行,保...

社会保障学作业答案 社会保障学作业 一、名词解释 1、社会保障制度:社会保障制度是以国家或政府为主体,依据法律规定,通过国民收入再分配,对公民在暂时或永久失去劳动能力以及由于各种原因生活发生困难时给予物质帮助,保障其基本生活的制度。 2、社会保险:所谓社会保险,就是以国家为主体,对有工资收入的劳动者在暂时或永久丧失劳动能力,或虽有劳动能力而无工作亦即丧失生活来源的情况下,通过立法手段,运用社会力量,给这些劳动者以一定程度的收入损失补偿,使之能继续达到基本生活水平,人而保证劳动力再生产和扩大再生产的正常运行,保证社会安定的一种制度。 3、社会救济:社会救济亦称社会救助,是国家通过国民收入的再分配,对因自然灾害或其他经济原因、社会原因而无法维持最低生活水平的社会成员给予救助,以保障其最低生活水平的制度。 s: masonry preparation th Pu casting method, the process i–meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer.by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ?approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredien 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction pets of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravriod, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.el is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggrega2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to te water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonrcement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local sy. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) acmall artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious matecording to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from trials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table he mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry wi 4、社会保障基金:指为实施各项社会保障制度,通过法定的程序,以各种方式建立起来的用于特定目的的货币资金。 5、社会保障水平:指一定时期内一国或地区社会成员享受社会保障的高低程度。 6、社会保障预警:指社会保障预测、监督机构通过建立科学、灵敏的预警系统,通过对量化资料的分析,及时发现并预测可能出现的社会保障潜在危机,以便国家能够及时采取有效的预防措施,避免社会保障财务危机的发生,维持社会保障制度的良性运转。 7、待遇确定制:指雇员未来领取养老金的待遇标准,事前在职期间就已经确定,如事先规定退休时按照退休前工资报酬的一定百分比领取退休金。 8、缴费确定制:指雇员在退休时能领取多少退休金完全取决于雇员和雇主对基金的缴纳水平以及这一基金的增值状况。 9、X效率:不论社会保障制度设定的目标如何精确,制度安排如何妥善,都要涉及社会保障制度自身运作的效 ?tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa-sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason) allowed in2 率,即X效率。 10、内耗型非效率:指机会不均等进一步强化了人们的自然不平等状况。 二、简答题 1、为什么说社会保障制度是市场经济正常运行的必要条件, 答:?在自然经济条件下,家庭是生产单位,也是生活消费单位,劳动者遇到疾病、伤残、年老、生育等风险时,是靠家庭成员和亲朋邻里的帮助渡过难关的,这就是家庭保障。 ? 以社会化大生产为基础的市场经济是竞争经济,在竞争中,优胜劣汰,不可避免会出现两极分化,强者愈强,弱者愈弱,产生社会不公,导致社会矛盾,甚至发生社会骚动。 ? 市场经济的发展呈现周期性,在经济膨胀时期,生产规模扩大,吸纳了大批劳动力;在经济收缩或停滞时期,会出现企业破产,大量工人失业。即使在经济正 ) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.?ing temperature (efore mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when layonry btermined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masorm color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be demix to unif-g of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wetnd adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixinate amixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggreg owed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in thee allstrictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should b aterial, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried outd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious mmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineattention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, nonor to ampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prign requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and se desio finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to thsed in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended intu shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortarroots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and -asssift the sand shall not include grmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –d pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 4.5 an3 常发展时期,由于市场调节带有自发性、滞后性,也常常会有企业破产和工人失业存在,这些工人失去收入,生活来源断绝,必须给其生活保障,以避免他们流离失所,铤而走险,危及社会安定;同时,也可以保存这部分劳动力,以备生产发展需要人手时,不致出现劳动力供应不足的状况。 ?在手工生产时代,劳动者的技艺主要在家庭中,靠代际传播获得,劳动力生产和再生产的费用也由家庭承担。进入社会化大生产、市场经济时代,劳动者需要掌握一定的科学技术,生产对劳动力素质提出了更高的 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 。 2、20世纪40年代末到70年代初,在世界上基本形成了哪四种社会保障模式, 答:?“投保资助”型社会保障模式; ? “福利国家” 型社会保障模式; ? “国家保险” 型社会保障模式; ? “储蓄保险” 型社会保障模式。 sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason) allowed in?tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa-4 第四次作业 3、社会保险包括哪些项目, 答:老年社会保险;疾病社会保险;失业保险;工伤社会保险;生育社会保险;残障社会保险;死亡社会保险。 4、社会救济包括哪些内容, 答:?贫困救济;贫困救济的救济对象主要是城乡突遭疾病、死亡以及因企业破产倒闭而影响基本生活的困难户,包括农村一些因季节性缺粮而断炊的人员。对他们的救济,主要是解救贫困,保障他们享有最低生活水平。 ?灾害救济;灾害救济是指对因为受到洪水、地震、火灾、台风、火山爆发等自然灾害的侵袭而失去生活保障人员的救济,也包括对遭受战争之苦的地区和人民的救助。 ing temperature (efore mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when layonry btermined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masorm color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be demix to unif-g of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wetnd adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixinate amixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggreg owed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in thee allstrictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should b aterial, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried outd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious mmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineattention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, nonor to ampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prign requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and se desio finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to thsed in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended intu shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortarroots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and -asssift the sand shall not include grmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –d pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 4.5 an) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.?5 5、社会保障制度的基本功能具体表现为哪几个方面, 答:?保障基本生活,提高生活质量; ?保证劳动力再生产,促进经济发展; ?维护社会稳定; ?促进社会精神文明的进步。 6、社会保险基金具有哪些作用, 答:?增强抵御风险的能力,保证社会的安定; ?发挥社会保障互济的作用,增强社会的凝聚力; ?发挥社会保障的经济功能,促进经济的发展。 7、目前社会保障管理体制有哪几种类型, 答:?政府直接管理的体制; ?政府和社会公共组织共同管理的体制; ?以私营公司为主的管理体制。 onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason) allowed in?tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa-sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –6 8、当今社会保障管理的发展趋势是什么, 答:?实行社会化的组织管理方式; ?建立和完善法制化管理体制; ?构建系统化的管理体制。 9、我国社会保障管理方面的主要问题有哪些, 答:?社会保障管理仍缺乏有效的法制管理和监督机制; ?社会保障管理规范化程度不够,资金运作缺乏长期预备机制; ?社会保障的社会化管理体制不完善。 10、社会保障水平受哪些因素的制约, 答:?经济规模与经济发展水平; ?政治、社会结构; ?制度年龄和人口结构; ?历史、人文等特殊因素。 4.5 an) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.?ing temperature (efore mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when layonry btermined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masorm color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be demix to unif-g of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wetnd adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixinate amixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggreg owed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in thee allstrictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should b aterial, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried outd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious mmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineattention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, nonor to ampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prign requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and se desio finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to thsed in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended intu shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortarroots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and -asssift the sand shall not include grmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –d pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 7 11、发达国家社会保障制度目前存在哪些问题, 答:?社会保障支出膨胀; ?社会保障影响经济效率; ?社会保障管理效率低; ?社会保障制度未能随社会保障对象的变化进行调整。 12、政府失灵在社会保障领域中的主要表现有哪些, 答:?政府强制人们统一购买社会保险,带有明显的强制性,不能反映消费者的偏好,带来效率损失。 ?社会保障是介于公共和私人品之间的一种物品,带有一定程度的均衡贫富的性质; ?社会保障运行机制的低效率; ?政府介入社会保障,独立从事社会保障事业,没有其他机构参与竞争。 三、论述题 1、社会保障基金投资的原则和我国社会保障基金投资的 ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason) allowed in?tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa-sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 8 方向是什么, 答:(一)社会保障基金投资的原则 (1)安全性原则。社会保障基金是为了帮助劳动者抵御风险的基金,或者说,是劳动者的“保命钱”和“救命钱”,因此,安全性是社会保障基金投资的首要原则。在市场中,高风险往往与高利润相联系,低风险往往与低利润相联系。社会保障基金应当在安全的条件下尽量追求高回报。在安全与高利润发生冲突时,要选择安全。 (2)长期收益原则。社会保障基金是一种可以长期投资的基金,在经济正常发展的条件下,基金是不断扩大的,所以,基金的投资应追求长期收益的项目,而不是短期收益项目。在同等风险、同等收益的情况下,社会保障基金应选择长期稳定的收益项目。 (3)多样化原则。投资都存在风险,为了使社会保障基金的投资风险最小,最有效的 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 是采取投资组合的方式,即将基金按不同比例同时向多条渠道投资。这样,可以形成以高比例的低风险项目配合低比例的高风险项目;以高比例的稳定收益配合低比例的波动收益的 ) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.?ing temperature (efore mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when layonry btermined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masorm color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be demix to unif-g of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wetnd adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixinate amixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggreg owed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in thee allstrictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should b aterial, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried outd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious mmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineattention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, nonor to ampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prign requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and se desio finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to thsed in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended intu shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortarroots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and -asssift the sand shall not include grmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –d pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 4.5 an9 格局,既可以降低基金风险,又可以取得满意的回报。 (4)可流动性原则。由于社会保障基金要不断地用来抵御风险,因此,保持一部分基金的可流动性或可兑现性是十分重要的。如果全部基金都投资于长期项目,一旦社会保障急需,就无法及时变现,势必影响社会保障的正常运行。 (二)我国社会保障基金投资的方向是: 现阶段,我国社会保障基金管理体制是国家财政总监督下按照分类负责原则确立的部门分管体制。 行使基金管理职能的政府职能部门主要有民政部、劳动和社会保障部、财政部、教育部、卫生部等政府职能部门及一些半官方机构、民间团体在自己的职责范围内行使着对一些基金的管理权。 民政部管理着多项财政性社会保障基金,包括救灾救济资金、国家福利资金、优抚安置资金等,各级民政部门既是行政管理职能部门,又是分配上述资金的部门,但在资金的调度方面,多数情况下需要同级政府的财政部门共同签署。 ) allowed in?tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa-sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason10 劳动和社会保障部管理着包括养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育保险等基金在内各项社会保险基金,该部设置有专门的保险管理局(中心)作为基金管理组织,还专门设置了基金监察组织。 财政部直接管理着部分财政性保障基金,同时参与管理社会保险基金及民政部门管理的社会保障基金,该部门从中央到地方设置了专司社会保障财务的组织,其职责是对财政性社会保障基金进行预算,对社会保险基金通过设置财政专户进行直接监察。 此外,教育部门管理着教育福利基金。卫生部门管理着公共卫生基金。一些自治或半自治机构亦承担着相应的社会保障资金管理责任,如工会管理着职工福利基金、互助保障基金,残疾人基金会管理着残疾人福利基金,慈善机构和其他民间组织管理民营保障基金等。 全国社会保障基金理事会作为中央社会保障(储备性)基金的管理机构,承担着对这一基金的直接管理职责。但它又不是一个完全独立的基金管理机构,凡是这一基金用于社会保障支出时,它服从财政部、劳动和社 ) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.?ing temperature (efore mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when layonry btermined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masorm color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be demix to unif-g of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wetnd adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixinate amixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggreg owed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in thee allstrictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should b aterial, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried outd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious mmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineattention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, nonor to ampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prign requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and se desio finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to thsed in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended intu shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortarroots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and -asssift the sand shall not include grmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –d pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 4.5 an11 会保障部的指令;而在这一基金进行投资运营时,则承担着直接的管理职责。 2、社会保障社会化的组织管理方式有哪些优越性, 答:(1)实行社会保障社会化管理,可以调动社会力量,运用各方面的财力、物力,提高管理水平。 (2)与国家化组织管理相比,社会化组织管理可以降低保障成本。一般情况表明,越是接近于初级社会群体的保障形式,保障费用总额越低,可称之为保障费用递减原理。原因在于组织机构上的中河环节的减少和管理人员的减少,并且保留了更多的义务性和福利性的成分,降低服务费用。 (3)社会保障的社会化管理有利于促成合理的保障管理体制。发展社会化管理,由全社会共同承担责任,共同享受保障权利,共同尽保障的义务,运用各方面的财力、物力,尽量把社会问题消融在社会基层,使其分散化,而不是集中于政府一方面,无疑有利于社会的稳定与发展。 tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa-sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason) allowed in?12 (4)社会化保障适应目前两个转变的需要。一个是家庭核心化和家庭功能向社会转变,另一个是人口结构迅速向老龄化转变。越来越多的国家进入老年型社拿。家庭规模小型化加上口老龄化,意味着社会承担更繁重的保障与服务任务,只由国家承担将不堪重负,必须由全社会各方面合力。 (5)实行社会化管理的保障形式,有利于调剂和改善人际关系,强化人们的社会公德意识,有利于精神文明建设。 3、结合我国社会保障水平的统计,指出我国社会保障水平目前存在的问题以及对社会保障制度改革的重要意义。 答:(一)我国社会保障水平目前存在的问题: (1)我国传统的社会保障实行分散化管理,缺乏规范的、权威的社会保障统计指标体系,现有指标之间缺乏协调性,指标之间存在不同程度的重叠,有些指标残缺不全。 ing temperature (efore mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when layonry btermined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masorm color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be demix to unif-g of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wetnd adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixinate amixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggreg owed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in thee allstrictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should b aterial, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried outd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious mmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineattention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, nonor to ampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prign requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and se desio finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to thsed in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended intu shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortarroots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and -asssift the sand shall not include grmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –d pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation 4.5 an) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.?13 (2)我国的社会保障体制还处于转轨过程中,旧的体制逐渐解体或转变,新的体制尚未最终形成,理论界和实际工作部门对于我国社会保障的目标体系模式还缺乏统一认识,这都给社会保障总支出的统计带来了困难。 -sift the sand shall not include grassmaterial selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and –onry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation ry masterval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement mason) allowed in?tting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (ial seor refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initth cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) wi-artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, notthe f coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensurecement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain o owing:t to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the follted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the tesd by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitmeet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determineeffect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonryocation up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window l-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-e control in 10~10%, nonisturndom sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moconcrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a ra recastenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using pch as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenom3h, sumin, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into nd clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5roots and other debris. Sa14
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