首页 初三第一次月考语文试题



初三第一次月考语文试题初三第一次月考语文试题 九年级第一次月考语文试卷 2012.10. 一、本大题共5 道选择题,共15 分 1(加点字读音都正确的是(3分) A(妖娆ráo 襁褓qiáng 亵渎xiè dú 成吉思汗hán B(骈进bìng 扶掖yè 惘然 wǎng rán 强聒不舍guō C(隐晦huì 潮汛xùn 恣睢suī 重蹈覆辙zhé D(拮据jiéjū 随即jì 鄙夷bǐ yí 萧索xiāo suǒ 2(没有错别字的是(3分 ) A(风骚 田圃 一代天娇 廓然无累 B(暗哑 旁鹜 润如油膏 花为乌有...

初三第一次月考语文试题 九年级第一次月考语文试卷 2012.10. 一、本大题共5 道选择题,共15 分 1(加点字读音都正确的是(3分) A(妖娆ráo 襁褓qiáng 亵渎xiè dú 成吉思汗hán B(骈进bìng 扶掖yè 惘然 wǎng rán 强聒不舍guō C(隐晦huì 潮汛xùn 恣睢suī 重蹈覆辙zhé D(拮据jiéjū 随即jì 鄙夷bǐ yí 萧索xiāo suǒ 2(没有错别字的是(3分 ) A(风骚 田圃 一代天娇 廓然无累 B(暗哑 旁鹜 润如油膏 花为乌有 C(陨落 凌驾 断章取义 无与伦比 D(睿智 忐忑 刻尽职守 怒不可遏 3、请选出下列句子说法不当的一项(3 分) (( A、一篇小说必须具备三个要素,即生动的人物形象、完整的故事情节和人物活动的具体环境。其中,人物形象是主要要素。 B、《从百草园到三味书屋》和《藤野先生》这两篇文章,都出自鲁迅先生的散文集《朝花夕拾》。 C、“凡职业没有不是神圣的,所以凡职业没有不是可敬的。”这是一个因果关系的复句。 D、《故乡》作者鲁讯,原名周树人,字豫才,文学家、思想家、革命家。 4(下列句子中没有语病的一项是(3分) A(白衣天使奋战在抗击非典的第一线,他们动人的事迹和牺牲精神在广大人民心中传扬。 B(在阅读文学名著的过程中,使我明白了许多做人的道理,感悟了人生的真谛。 C(我们要与自然和谐相处,保护好属于我们人类自己的家园——地球。 D(那蝉声在晨光朦胧之中非常分外轻逸,似远似近,似近似远,又似有似无。 5、请选出下列各组句子中加点词语意思相同的一组(3分) (( A、会天大雨 / 心领神会 (( B、先生不知何许人也 / 时人莫之许也 (( C、其受之天也,贤于才人远矣 / 亲贤臣,远小人 (( D、辍耕之垄上 / 又间令吴广之次所旁丛祠中 (( 二、本大题共4 小题,共24 分 (一)阅读下面甲、乙两篇选文,完成6 一8 题(( 9 分) 〔甲〕吴广素爱人,士卒多为用者。将尉醉,广故数言欲亡,忿恚尉,令辱之,以激怒其众。尉果笞广。尉剑挺,广起,夺而杀尉。陈胜佐之,并杀两尉。召令徒属曰:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。籍第令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七。且壮士不死即已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎~”徒属皆曰:“敬受命。”乃诈称公子扶苏、项燕,从民欲也。袒右,称大楚。(摘自《陈涉世家》) 〔乙〕先帝知臣谨慎,故临崩寄臣以大事也。受命以来,夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效,以伤先帝之明,故五月渡泸,深入不毛。今南方已定,兵甲已足,当奖率三军,北定中原,庶竭驽钝,攘除奸凶,兴复汉室,还于旧都。此臣所以报先帝而忠陛下之职分也。至于斟酌损益,进尽忠言,则攸之、祎、允之任也。(摘自《出师 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 》) 6、解释下列加点的词语。(2分) ?吴广素爱人广 ?故数言欲亡 (( ?而戍死者固十六七 ?攘除奸凶 ((((( to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low-down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensure 7、请用现代汉语翻译下列句子。(4 分) (1) 王侯将相宁有种乎~ (2) 受命以来,夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效。 8、面对腐朽的秦王朝,陈涉吴广发出了“王侯将相宁有种乎”的时代最强音,积极地引导群众奋起反抗;诸葛亮所面对的也是“扶不起的阿斗”,他却仍要以一己之力,去“兴复汉室,还于旧都”。同样是面对即将走向衰败的王朝,两人的选择却截然不同,你能分析其原因吗,从他们身上,你得到什么启示,(3分) (二)名句名篇默写。(15分) 9、在下面横线上填写相应的句子。(每空l 分) ? 过尽千帆皆不是 。(温庭筠《望江南》) ? 千嶂里, 。(范仲淹《渔家傲 秋思》) ? ,西北望,射天狼。( 《江城子 密州出猎》) ? 《武陵春》中把“愁”写得很有分量,想象新奇而生动的句子是: , 。 ? 足蒸暑土气, 。(《观刈麦》白居易) ? 马作的卢飞快, 。(辛弃疾《破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》) ? ,赢得生前身后名。(同上) ?今夜偏知春气暖, 。(《月夜》刘方平) ? ,岁晏有余粮。(《观刈麦》白居易) ? 塞下秋来风景异, 。(范仲淹《渔家傲 秋思》) ? 当任命一个人来挽救局面,人们常引用《出师表》中的一句名言: , 。 ?请默写《出师表》中简述“三顾茅庐”故事的句 子 。 三、本大题共9 小题,共21分 (一)阅读下面选文,完成10 一13 题。(10分) 父 亲 ?小群是个苦孩子,生下来就双目失明,母亲生小群时由于突发心脏病去世了。当小群懂事后便知道自己没有如别的孩子享受五彩缤纷世界的福气,但是,小群也非常热爱这个世界。因为小群有一个细心的父亲,父亲便是小群的眼睛。 (( ?、很小的时候父亲让小群触摸柔软的凉凉的东西,说:“这是水,可以流动,长江、黄河和大海都是这样的水组成的,水多了便浩荡奔腾,可以发出震耳欲聋的声音。”后来,小群真的由父亲和父亲的一位朋友带到海边玩,父亲竟然教会了小群游泳。 ?父亲是要在失明的儿子心灵中,重安一双明亮的眼睛。 (( ?难度最大的是向小群解说颜色。小群生下来就是一个黑暗世界,怎么让他理解这个世界的五光十色呢,比方给他解释红色:太阳就是红色的,它发光,能把黑夜变成白昼;它发热,在寒冷的冬天能把人晒暖和。 ?“我懂了”,小群说,“红色就是让人感到光亮和温暖~” ?“不全对。”父亲细致地解析,“血也是红色的,但它不会发出什么光来,人血也是温热的,鱼血却是冷的但鱼血也是红色的。红色并不总同光和热联系在一起。” ?小群困惑了起来。 ?父亲再作耐心的解析:“发热发光的是太阳,而不是红色,只是太阳能发光发热,同时又是红色的。红色只不过是有视力的人看到的一种颜色。” ?经过这样的循循善诱,小群逐渐有所领悟。 ?虽然父亲也这样反复地给小群讲解天空的蓝色,大地的黄色,作物的颜色等等。但小群却 ck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensures chenext working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineer nal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thefessio.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1r and kers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site enginees confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the worists ishall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialnd, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework adown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-to give the low nologyuction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and techon alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constrto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructi2 对光和热有点联系的红色情有独钟。 (11)渐渐地,小群觉得世界不再陌生,反而美丽迷人,小群懂得了世界上有许多不用看便能感受的事情,可是有一次小群真生父亲的气了。 (12)那次,小群让父亲买一个红色米老鼠书包,当父亲买回来小群背着上学的时候,一位阿姨很无意地对小群说:“小群这个绿书包可真漂亮!”小群回家便对父亲喊:“爸爸,我让您给我买红书包,您怎么给我买绿色的呢,您知道我看不见便骗我!”说着便哭了起来不。 (13)父亲听了,半天没吱声,过了一会儿才为小群擦眼泪,说:“爸爸对不起你,小群„„那天我买书包时说只剩下这个米老鼠书包,所以绿的我也买下了„„小群,爸爸是爱你的。”小群感到了爸爸用他那慈爱的大手抚摸着自己的脸庞和头发,小群就在那一刻理解了爱。 (14)时光就这样慢慢流过,小群读书的成绩越来越好,当小群学会按摩与心理咨询,能够自食其力的时候,父亲突发脑溢血去世了。父亲的匆匆离去让小群痛不欲生。小群想,今后谁还能做自己的眼睛呢,活着还有什么意思, (15)然而,就在给父亲开追悼会的时候,小群听到了一句话,这句话犹如红太阳的光芒照亮了小群的一生。 (16)一位叔叔在追悼父亲时说:“他从来没有放弃奋斗和追求,他对身边的人充满爱心,作为一位双目失明的人,他让我们每一个结识他的人都从他身上吸取了力量和勇气„„” (17)就在这一刹那,父亲对生活、对自己的那份热爱和勇气仿佛一下子全贯注在了自己的身上。“父亲呀,”他默默地祝祷,“ 。” 10、阅读全文,找出文中在结构上起承上启下作用的段落是 ;点明文章中心的句子是 ;这篇小说的主人公是 。(3分) 11、对文中父亲错买书包这一情节,可以有两种不同的理解:一、父亲事先知道买的是绿书包,二、父亲事先不知道买的是绿书包。你同意哪种理解,请根据文章简要说明理由。(2分) 12、联系全文,紧扣父亲心愿,补全小说结尾。(2分) 13、对文章的分析与欣赏,正确的三项是( )(3分) A、 父亲骤然去世,使小群受到了难以承受的打击,产生了轻生的念头。 B、 (16)段的悼词中透露出“父亲”也是“一位失明的人”,从而大大深化了小说的主题,增强 了文章的震撼力。 C、 文章有一条贯穿始终的线索:父亲为小群重安“眼睛”。 D、 第?段写“小群真的由父亲和父亲的一位朋友带到海边去玩”,是为后文写父亲也是“一位 双目失明的人”预设伏笔。文章行文详略得当, “买书包” 、“开追悼会”是详写,其余都 是略写。 (二)阅读下面选文,完成13-17 题。(11分) 炊烟是什么, 雷传桃 (( 有人说,炊烟是一种源远流长的文化;有人说,炊烟是种在屋顶上的精神的庄稼;有人说,炊烟是抓在天空手里的小辫子;有人说,炊烟是一种朴素的计时方式;有人说,炊烟是围着锅台转的娘对野孩子的柔声呼唤;有人说 。 我说,炊烟是一种能让人感动得落泪的风物,正在马不停蹄地消失„„ 城市里,炊烟已然绝迹。没有土灶,没有柴草,没有烟囱,哪有炊烟。厨房革命,革掉的自然是老掉牙的炊烟的命。人间烟火,不必炊烟。时代在推陈出新,似乎炊烟与繁荣水火不相容。 乡村是炊烟的最后一块领地。如今的乡村,早已植入了城市的因子,旧貌换了新颜,去年的燕子辗转归来,居然“找不着北”,旧巢旧巢安在否,燕子难觅旧巢,归人难觅炊烟。液化汽、沼气和电,取代了土灶、柴草和烟囱。炊烟正在马不停蹄地消失。 ection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty inspality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualitality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quion qution requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on constructy quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspectrictlentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party represument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -on workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowtion methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructito achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construcy the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurebide brumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly a3 挑一个晴好的冬日,我出发了。落叶树光秃秃的,视野开阔,无遮无拦。我经过微绿点点的麦田,目极之处是地平线,地平线上是几间老屋子,竖起一根烟囱,像桅杆一样挺拔。早晨、中午和傍晚,烟囱分时段袅出一笔炊烟,蓝得自在,蓝得纯粹,蓝得无限透明。 可是,这不可能。“实践”等于“落空”,像是一块满怀试探性质的石头抛进了无穷无尽的深渊。节节拔高的乡村里,炊烟稀罕得像出土文物似的。 (((( 我以一个诗人的浪漫,想象着无家可归的自己,在乡村,择一高地,学习鲁滨逊,以祖传的勤劳和智慧,盖一间土房子,砌一座土灶,烟囱通向屋外,捡来柴草,烧锅煮饭,炊烟像快乐的孩子样在屋顶上一蹦三尺高„„锅里煮着生活,烟囱袅起炊烟。我一个箭步,跑到屋外,如炬的目光贪婪地呼吸着久违的带有草木气息的微温的炊烟,他乡遇故知一样不能自己„„ 老实说,我被自己亲手创造出来的炊烟征服了。 炊烟在我的心里袅出一笔葱茏的诗意。 我对炊烟的理解超越了贫穷的局限。我嗅见了万千种气息,温馨而甜畅的家的气息。我心沉醉呵。 炊烟在我的心尖上打上一个硕大的结„„ 也许,终有一天,我在课堂上讲解炊烟时,费尽口舌,打尽手势,孩子们仍然将头摇成拨浪鼓,满头雾水的样子让我心焦。我灵机一动,置课堂教学常规于不顾,燃起一枝纸烟,注目淡蓝的烟雾袅袅升起,声情并茂地说,看,炊烟就是这个样子~ 14、本文表达了什么思想感情,(3分) 15、仿照前文,在第一段横线上补写一个句子。(2分) 16、你是怎样理解作者所说的“我对炊烟的理解超越了贫穷的局限”,(3分) 17、加点的“节节拔高”可以换成“鳞次栉比”吗,为什么,(2分) 18、加点的”炊烟”是什么词性,(1分) 四、本大题共1 小题,40 分 19、作文题目:难忘的那张脸 温馨提示: (1)记叙文、说明文、议论文等是我们熟悉的文体,请选定你最擅长的来写。 (2) 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 充实是作文评分标准之一,请你在600 字以后才收笔,并尽量控制在900 字以内。 (3)文中不要出现影响评分的人名、校名和地名。如果不可避免,请用XX 代替。 ck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensures chenext working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineer nal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thefessio.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1r and kers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site enginees confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the worists ishall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialnd, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework adown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-to give the low nologyuction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and techon alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constrto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructi4 2012-2013学年度第一学期 九年级第一次月考语文试卷 2012.10. 1 2 3 4 5 6、解释下列加点的词语。(2分) ?吴广素爱人广 ( ) ?故数言欲亡( ) (( ?而戍死者固十六七 ( ) ?攘除奸凶 ( ) ((((( 7、请用现代汉语翻译下列句子。(4 分) (1) 王侯将相宁有种乎~ (2) 受命以来,夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效。 8、面对腐朽的秦王朝,陈涉吴广发出了“王侯将相宁有种乎”的时代最强音,积极地引导群众奋起反抗;诸葛亮所面对的也是“扶不起的阿斗”,他却仍要以一己之力,去“兴复汉室,还于旧都”。同样是面对即将走向衰败的王朝,两人的选择却截然不同,你能分析其原因吗,从他们身上,你得到什么启示,(3分) 9、在下面横线上填写相应的句子。(每空l 分) ? 过尽千帆皆不是 。(温庭筠《望江南》) ? 千嶂里, 。(范仲淹《渔家傲 秋思》) ? ,西北望,射天狼。( 《江城子 密州出猎》) ? 《武陵春》中把“愁”写得很有分量,想象新奇而生动的句子是: , 。 ? 足蒸暑土气, 。(《观刈麦》白居易) bide brumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly aection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty inspality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualitality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quion qution requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on constructy quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspectrictlentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party represument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -on workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowtion methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructito achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construcy the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensure5 ? 马作的卢飞快, 。(辛弃疾《破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》) ? ,赢得生前身后名。(同上) ?今夜偏知春气暖, 。(《月夜》刘方平) ? ,岁晏有余粮。(《观刈麦》白居易) ? 塞下秋来风景异, 。(范仲淹《渔家傲 秋思》) ? 当任命一个人来挽救局面,人们常引用《出师表》中的一句名言: , 。 ?请默写《出师表》中简述“三顾茅庐”故事的句子 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、 17、 18、 ck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensures chenext working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineer nal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thefessio.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1r and kers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site enginees confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the worists ishall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialnd, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework adown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-to give the low nologyuction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and techon alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constrto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructi6 参考答案: 1、C 2、C 3、 D 4、C 5、D 8、第一问:陈涉吴广奋起反抗是因为秦王朝实施暴政,逼他们起义;诸葛亮是为了报答刘备的知遇之恩。第二问:言之有理即可。 9略 10、阅读全文,找出文中在结构上起承上启下作用的段落是(11)段;点明文章中心的句子是 “就在这一刹那,父亲对生活、对自己的那份热爱和勇气仿佛一下子全贯注在了自己的身上。”;这篇小说的主人公是 “父亲” 。(每空1分) 11、对文中父亲错买书包这一情节,可以有两种不同的理解:一、父亲事先知道买的是绿 y inspality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualitality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quion qution requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on constructy quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspectrictlentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party represument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -on workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowtion methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructito achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construcy the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurebide brumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly aection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important inst7 书包,二、父亲事先不知道买的是绿书包。你同意哪种理解,请根据文章简要说明理由。 第一种理解依据父亲的话“那天我买书包时说只剩下这个米老鼠书包,所以绿的我也买下了„„”;第二种理解是因为这样竭力扶持儿子的父亲不可能用欺瞒的手段来应付孩子或因为父亲也是瞎子,买书包时他自己也受了售货员的欺瞒。(2分,两种理解皆可,答出依据即可得分。) 12、联系全文,紧扣父亲心愿,补全小说结尾。 原文的结尾是“我会长出一双明亮的眼睛的,就在我的心上。”(2分,只要结合父亲的心愿,言之有理即可得分。) ck and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensures chenext working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineer nal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thefessio.1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1r and kers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site enginees confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the worists ishall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialnd, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework adown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-to give the low nologyuction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and techon alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constrto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructi8 13、B C D (3分,每项1分。A项说小群有轻生的念头,不准确,父亲去世了,使小群痛不欲生,觉得生活没有了意义,但并不是说他就轻生想死。B项正确,这样更能表现父爱之深。C项正确,这里的“眼睛”应是感受、了解客观世界的能力和生活的勇气与信念。D项正确。E项不准确,小说详写的是“解说颜色”和“购买书包”两件事。) 14、作者借炊烟“正在马不停蹄地消失”,抒发对温馨而甜畅的过去生活的留念。,大意对即可, 15、略 16、在作者眼中,炊烟是家的象征,是亲情的象征,是一种温馨而甜畅的生活的象征。,大意对即可, y the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensurebide brumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly aection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important insty inspality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed qualitality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quion qution requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on constructy quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspectrictlentatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. stechnical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party represument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instr down the construction workers. -on workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the lowtion methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to constructito achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construc9 17、不能。因为“节节拔高”体现了乡村的渐变,“也植入了城市的因子,旧貌换了新颜”,使炊烟也稀罕起来。“鳞次栉比”既不能体现变化的过程,也不符合乡村的现实。 18、名词 .1.4 strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of proQC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. 5.1r and kers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site enginees confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the worists ishall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialnd, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, ent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework adown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-to give the low nologyuction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and techon alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument constrto achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation constructick and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensures chenext working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineer nal process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out thefessio10
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