首页 零起点大学英语期末考点3



零起点大学英语期末考点3I-1. fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the given words. 1. I’ll let you know tomorrow, I haven’t __made up my mind yet. 2. Tom is quite aware that he lacks confidence. 3. There is no doubt about his honesty. 4. I don’t think anybody matters to ...

I-1. fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the given words. 1. I’ll let you know tomorrow, I haven’t __made up my mind yet. 2. Tom is quite aware that he lacks confidence. 3. There is no doubt about his honesty. 4. I don’t think anybody matters to her apart from herself. 5. He did not intend to hur you. 6. Mr . Smith attended a series of important committee meetings. 7. I won’t write unless he writes first. 8. The investigation is sure to bring out some surprising things. I-2. fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the given words. 1. Just a pain in my chest . It’s gone now. 2. Fancy meeting so many old friends here. 3. If you want to past a letter, you have to stick a stamp on it. 4. none of the students is absent today. 5. Bad workmen often blame their tools. 6. He had to appear before the committee to explain his behavior. 7. I got in touch with him immediately after I received the letter. 8. Y our only fault is that you don’t do what you are told. I-3. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words or phrases. 1. Love, joy,hate and fear are different emotions 2. He Ruined his future by carelessness. 3. It is not how much you read but what you read that really counts 4. Are you sure that I’m not qualified for the job? 5. What he did suggested that he agreed to the plan. 6. He worked day and night and therefore he was able to buy the sports car(赛车) 7. He get caught in the rain and was wet all over when he came back. 8. What a(n) extraordinary memory(记忆力) he has ! He can remember every line of the book. 9. She is my true friend. She in kind and Generous . She shares my sorrows as all as my joys. 10.I tried to tell him about it, but he (not) was n’t interested in it at all. I-4. Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentences. 1. He is a selfish man. He is never willing to help others. 2. I asked for an interview with my boss to discuss my future(前途) 3. If you take this job,you’ll have to work overtime very often. 4. Can you tell me why you applied for this position . 5. The one-month military(军事的) training changed him a lot in his life. 6. We all know that exercise is good for the health . 7. Y ou look so angry. What’s the matter with you? 8. Nowadays Children often like watching TV better than reading books. It’s really a big problem. I-5. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words or phrase. 1. They’ve decided to Set up a statue at the centre of the city. 2. The two brothers differ from each other in their interests. 3. She will give a party on behalf of her family and relatives. 4. so far We have travelled half of the country. 5. The old lady Suffer reatly from the death of her only son in the war. 6. Henry has been working in the big company for more than ten years,he’s already been a sophisticated manager. 7. There will be ceremonies to mark the Queen’s birthday next week 8. The best way of learning a language is to go to the country where the language is spoken. I-6. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words or phrases. 1. Many people are afraid of speaking in public . 2. The six blind men stood there and Begged for food all day 3. The mother shouted angrily at the boy , “behave yourself.” 4. If John has no time to go with you. Take me i nstead . 5. He threw the basketball to me but I didn’t catch it. 6. I met my high school classmate Jane by accident on a crowded bus the other day. 7. Ann’s father became unhappy when she refuse to pass him the newspaper on the shelf. 8. The little boy knock the door but there was no answer. I-7. Fill in the blanks with the given words or expressions. 1. What is the basis of your opinion? 2. Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 3. This story Is concerned with fairies and wicked magicians. 4. providing There is no opposition ,we shall hold the meeting here. 5. For the health of Y our eyes,you should eat more animals’livers. 6. protective Measures are necessary if the city’s monuments are to be preserved. 7. There’s absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don’t include poisonous substances. 8. The traffic accident has to do with the carelessness of the driver. II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.BAACA DDD 1. My mother did not ask me anything . If she me ,I her about it. B . Had asked,would have told 2. Had I not come backalone, A . Would not have faced 3. He must have had an accident, or he then. A. Would have been here 4. The monitor suggested that we to the park. C. Go 5. I suggested that ......................office. A. Hold 6. I did nat go to ..............................there. D. Would have been 7. It is important that................................1 st. D. Will finish 8. It is desirable that ...............................family. D. Will earn II. Circle the letter of the best answer.ADCCB ABBCA CB 1. He didn’t like to be ingterruped when he is working, he? A.did 2. Ceremony it is! D. What a 3. It that she will be there. C.seems 4.We’ll do the work next week ....................busy. C.when 5. Nobody knew the reason ...............................city. B.why 6. The man said yesterday moved everyone. A.what 7. That’s the new machine .....................to be seen. B.whose 8. Jerry is good man,..............................to marry him. B. Although 9. We consider ...........language C.it necessary that 10. Y ou faied to come to ................pity. A. That 11. He was faced with the problem .......................by himself. C. That 12. It was not until midnight .........................back home. B. That IV. Combine the following words and phrase into sentences. 1. This is the kind of weather that makes me want to stay inside do nothing. 2. I don’t know how they stood it i n the old days with only fans shade to keep them. 3. They are three days which are usually marked by some kind of special ceremony. 4. All humans from the most primitive to the most sophisticated are affected by the three events. 5. Death a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony of mourning. 1. He told me not to eat fattening food. 2. She want to know if he could work overtime and on weekends. 3. The interview lasted almost an hour and Charles had to answer a lot of questions. 4. She want to know why he had four different jobs in the past year. 5.Charles though he was more qualified for the position than the position than the other sixty-two who had applied. 1. I wander how mach late they’re going to be. 2. They said they were taking the subway so they without get caught in traffic. 3. What you are yours relatives,friends,husband , or wife can help you help you know yourself better. 4. Most gifts getting and getting shows nothing more than the spirit of love and friend. 5. It dose suggest that who often give them may be interested in more than happiness of the people who receive them 1. After I had three of bread and jam and two pieces of cake,I want more. 2. Do you day “sorry ” if you arrive late and have to push past people at the theatre too? 3. He stands up when he is speaking to a lady or an older person . 4. He took cake away and didn’t give me any. 5. Are going to, someone, interrupt, we ,if we, usually, say, “Excuse me” We usually say “Excuse me ” if we are going to interrupt someone. VI. Translate following sentences into English. 1. 人体只需要少量的维生素。 The body needs only small quantities of vitamins. 2. 美国人感到常常受保险代理人的打扰。 Americans feel constantly disturbed by insurance agents. 3.在防火线内:. The cars that are parked in the fire lane will be ticketed. 4. 你能把这件衣服. Can you take in this dress for me. 5. 人体内不可能贮藏。Extra vitamins can not be stored in the body. 6. 他发现他所有。He found all his money gone. 7. 节省一便士。A penny saved is a penny earned. 8. 我买了一台。I bought a TV set produced by this factory. 1. 哪些赠送贵重礼物的人。Those who give expensive gifts fell that they should receive more praise for sending them. 2. 无论花多少钱。No matter how much money he world build a school in the village. 3. 我们经常讨论“友谊。We after discuss “friendship accidents in life” what this issue. 4. 他说话是样子。The way he talked suggested he was not interested in matter at all. 5. 看见孩子们睡着了。Mary didn’t go to work until she saw children fall asleep. 6. 当故事发生的时候。We were seeing a film in the cinema when the accident happened. 7. 孩子出生后。His life is full of joy after his child was born. 8. 我弟弟上个星期。My brother applied for a positing to the insurance company last week and the manager asked him to go for an interview tomorrow. 1.如果你不听我的话,你会惹上麻烦的(trouble) If you don’t listen to me ,you’ll be in trouble. 2. 在圣诞节,他收到了很多来自朋友和亲戚的礼物(receive) On Christmas Day,he receive a lot of gifts from friends and relatives., 1. 为什么一个18岁的女孩会缺乏自信(lack)? Why does an eighteen-old girl lack confidence. 2. 玛丽花了几个小时才把那篇文章写好。(It takes...to...) It takes Mary several hours to finish writing that composition. 3. 能够无所不谈的朋友才是真正的朋友.(bring out all kinds of things) The friend can bring out all kinds of things deep in his heart is a real friend. 4. 据报道,在那次火灾中,有上千人死亡(It is reported that...) It is reported that over a thousand people in died in the flood. 5. 我并不是有意伤害你。(intent to) I don’t intent to hurt you. 6. 我有时觉得自己在这个世界上很孤独(fell oneself quite lonely) Sometime I feel myself quite lonely in the world. 7. 这位医生托着下巴呆坐着。(sit chin in one’s hand) The doctor sat chin in his hand. 8. 首先,我想感谢你对我所做的一切。(frist of all) Frist of all, I want to express my thanks for what you have done for me. 1. 除了少数专业人员外,大多数人不完全了解保险是什么。(profession) Except for a few insurance professionals,most of people don’t understand exactly what insurance is. 2.这辆车需要大修(major) The car needs major repairs. 3. 这张照片使我想起了我曾在农村度过的日子。(remind) The photo reminded me of the days I spent in the country side. 4. 当陌生人站在你家门前时,你应该有所提防。 Y ou should be on guard when a stranger stands at the door of your house. 5. 它做完作业后才睡觉。(not...until) He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework. 6. 你不介意把窗户打开一会儿吗? Would you mind opening the window for a while? 7. 听见有人敲门了吗?(hear sb.doing) Did you hear someone nocking at the door. 8.你必须避免犯同样的错误。(avoid) Y ou must avoid making the some mistakes. VI . Translate following phrases into English. 1.一张纸:a piece of paper. 2. 家制的果酱: home made jam 3. 原始社会: primitive society 4. 社会地位: social position 5. 交通灯:traffic light 6. 一瓶酒:a bottle of beer 7. 三个月的培训:three months training 8. 按时到达:arrive on time 9. Frozen food:冷冻食品10. written language: 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面语言 10.Uninvited guests:不速之课11. 已关门的商店:a closed shop 11. 一篇写完的文章:a finished article 12. 三明治:sandwich 汉堡包:hamburger 牛排:steak 热狗:hot dog 色拉:salad Apple pie:苹果派 12. Butter:奶油Cheese:乳酪Pizza:b b萨斯饼 13.麦道劳:McDonald V. Himself 1 trousers.look 15 the young man’s CCBDD BCBDA CAACB D
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