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消防安全教育讲座稿消防安全教育讲座稿 明天是全国119消防宣传日,今年的主题是:认识火灾 学会逃生 一、如何防止火灾事故发生 学校的每名师生员工首先必须自觉遵守各项消防法律、法规和学校的消防安全管理制度,增强防火安全意识。 ( 1 )不私自接拉临时电线。接拉临时电线极易导致供电线路超负荷,引发火灾; ( 2 )不在宿舍等公共场所使用电炉、电热器等电热设备,这些电热设备用电功率比较大,易导致供电线路超负荷,引发火灾; ( 3 )不在宿舍等公共场所使用煤气炉、酒精炉等灶具。因为宿舍的地方较小,可燃物品较多,稍有疏忽将酿成火灾...

消防安全教育讲座稿 明天是全国119消防宣传日,今年的主题是:认识火灾 学会逃生 一、如何防止火灾事故发生 学校的每名师生员工首先必须自觉遵守各项消防法律、法规和学校的消防安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,增强防火安全意识。 ( 1 )不私自接拉临时电线。接拉临时电线极易导致供电线路超负荷,引发火灾; ( 2 )不在宿舍等公共场所使用电炉、电热器等电热设备,这些电热设备用电功率比较大,易导致供电线路超负荷,引发火灾; ( 3 )不在宿舍等公共场所使用煤气炉、酒精炉等灶具。因为宿舍的地方较小,可燃物品较多,稍有疏忽将酿成火灾; ( 4 )不在宿舍点蜡看书。宿舍熄灯时间已经较晚,如再点蜡看书疲乏睡着,蜡烛易引燃蚊帐等可燃物,酿成火灾; ( 5 )不卧床吸烟、乱扔烟头、火柴梗。人躺在床上很容易入睡,未熄的烟头或火柴梗掉在被褥等可燃物上,容易造成火灾; ( 6 )不乱焚烧杂物。焚烧杂物中遗留火种或失去控制时,容易造成火灾; ( 7 )不将台灯靠近可燃物。台灯点燃时间过长,灯头发热靠近可燃物,易发生火灾; ( 8 )注意做到人走断电。人离开房间要关掉电器开关,拔下电源插头,确保电器彻底切断电源。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 学校师生员工的防火安全意识提高了,法制观念增强了,自觉遵守消防法律、法规和学校的 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,才能消除火灾隐患,减少火灾事故的发生。 二、火场逃生有关知识 每个人都在祈求平安。但天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。一旦火灾降临,在浓烟毒气和烈焰包围下,不少人葬身火海,也有人幸免于难。“只有绝望的人,没有绝望的处境”,当我们每个人面对滚滚浓烟和熊熊烈火,只要冷静机智运用火场自救与逃生知识,就有极大可能拯救自己。因此,掌握多一些火场自救的知识,困境之中也许就能获得第二次生命。 1 、参加消防演练,才能遇火不慌 请牢记:要想遇火不慌,必先练。 2 、熟悉环境,牢记疏散通道和出口 请牢记:一定要居安思危,给自己预留一条通路。 3 、扑灭小火,惠及自己和他人 请牢记:争分夺秒才能扑灭初期火灾。 4 、保持镇静,辨明方向,迅速撤离。 请牢记:遇事沉着冷静才能想出好办法。 5 、简易防护,蒙鼻匍匐 请牢记:多一层防护就多一分安全。 6 、善用步道,不用电梯 请牢记:逃生时,千万不要乘普通电梯。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 7 、缓降逃生,滑绳自救 请牢记:心细胆大,自制绳可逃生自救。 8 、避难场所,固守待援 请牢记:坚盾何俱利矛 9 、缓晃轻抛,寻求救援 请牢记:充分暴露自己,才能争取有效拯救自己。 10 、火已及身,切勿惊跑 请牢记:火已烧身就地滚,易行有效。 三、灭火有关知识 要想扑救火灾,首先要掌握灭火设备和器材的性能和使用方法。 (一)、消火栓的性能和使用方法 1 、消火栓的性能,消火栓是与自来水管网直接连通的,随时打开都会有 3 公斤左右压力的清水喷出。它适合扑救木材、棉絮类火灾。 2 、消火栓的使用方法,室内消火栓一般都设置在建筑物公共部位的墙壁上,有明显的标志,内有水龙带和水枪,。当发生火灾时,找到离火场距离最近的消火栓,打开消火栓箱门,取出水带,将水带的一端接在消火栓出水口上,另一端接好水枪,拉到起火点附近后方可打开消火栓阀门。 注意: 在确认火灾现场供电已断开的情况下,才能用水进行扑救。 (二)灭火器的性能和使用方法 1 、灭火器的性能,灭火器是用来扑救初期火灾的,目前一般学provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 校配备的主要是手提式灭火器。 2 、灭火器的使用方法 将灭火器提到起火地点附近站在火场的上风头( 1 )拔下保险销( 2 )一手握紧喷管,( 3 )另一手捏紧压把,( 4 )喷嘴对准火焰根部扫射,(5)喷射有效距离应保持在1.5米左右。 (三)参加灭火的注意事项 火场是人员多、情况复杂的场所。要迅速有效的扑救火灾,必须统一指挥,才能保证灭火战斗的整体性和协调性,避免影响扑救效力,更好的完成灭火工作。 1 、一切行动听指挥; 2 、注意自身安全,避免伤亡; 3 、用水扑救带电火灾时,必须先将电源断开,严禁带电扑救; 4 、使用水龙带时防止扭转和折弯; 5 、灭液体火灾时(汽油、酒精)不能直接喷射液面,要由近向远,在液面上 10 厘米左右扫射,覆盖燃烧面切割火焰; 6 、注意保护现场,以利于火因调查; (四)如何报火警 当火势较大无力扑救时要迅速拨打“ 119 ”报警。拨打火警电话要做到: ( 1 )打电话时要情绪镇定。 ( 2 )听到话筒里说“我是火警报警中心”时,在报告火灾情况。要说清发生火灾的单位名称、详细地点、燃烧的物质、火势大小、报警电话、报警人姓名。 ( 3 )要注意报警中心的提问,不要说完就放下电话,当对方provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 说消防车马上就到时再挂断,并且派人在校门口等候,引导消防车迅 速准确到达火场。同时要将火灾情况报校保卫处、派出所。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and
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