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论《儿子与情人》中的恋母情节及其应用安 徽 农 业 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 论文题目 论《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结及其现实意义                                  姓    名 _____王燕铃_______学    号  __08157072____ 专    业                英    语                           指导教师   沈  楠       职    称      讲师      中国·合肥 二零一二年五月 安徽农业大学学士学位论文(设计)开题报...

安 徽 农 业 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 题目 论《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结及其现实意义                                  姓    名 _____王燕铃_______学    号  __08157072____ 专    业                英    语                           指导教师   沈  楠       职    称      讲师      中国·合肥 二零一二年五月 安徽农业大学学士学位论文(设计)开题报告 课题名称 论《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结及其现实意义 课题来源 自拟 学生姓名 王燕铃 专业 英语 学号 08157072 指导教师姓名 沈楠 职称 讲师 研究内容 本文通过研究恋母情结的来源,发展以及《儿子与情人》中保罗的恋母情结和其形成的主要因素,来 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 恋母情结对现代家庭关系中婆媳关系的影响 研究 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 2011年12月10日—12月31日 搜集资料、选题 2012年2月6日- 2月20日 上交开题报告、论文任务书 2月20日- 2月28日 完成论文提纲 3月1日- 4月20日 完成论文第一稿 4月20日 - 5月7 日 完成论文第二稿 5月8日- 5月16日 完成论文第三稿、定稿 5月26日 论文答辩 特色与创新 本文不仅仅研究《儿子与情人》中保罗的恋母情结及其形成的各种因素,而且看到恋母情结在现代家庭关系尤其是婆媳关系中的重大影响。婆媳关系是当今家庭关系的核心,而恋母情结导致的情感争夺是造成婆媳矛盾冲突首要因素,因此了解恋母情结对处理好婆媳关系保持家庭和谐社会稳定具有重大现实意义 指导教师意见   教研室意见   院系意见 主要领导签名: 年 月 日                   On Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers and Its Practical Significance Thesis submitted to the faculty of School of Foreign Languages Anhui Agricultural University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts By: Wang Yanling Supervisor: Shen Nan School of Foreign Languages, AHAU May, 2012 Acknowledgments For this thesis, grateful acknowledgment goes first to my supervisor Shen Nan, who took time from her busy schedule and gave me valuable advice on how to choose an appropriate topic, what and how to study. Without his patient reading, careful thinking and expert instructions, the completion of this thesis would be impossible, at least, not so successful. Besides, I would like to avail myself with this opportunity to thank all teachers and professors in School of Foreign Language, Anhui Agriculture University, whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures have benefited me a lot. Moreover, I grateful acknowledge all my classmates and friends who have been supporting me throughout the four years, making my college life colorful and meaningful. Last but not least, my sincere gratitude also extends to my family, especially my dear parents, who have been working hard all day, supporting, encouraging and caring for me all of my life. Abstract D.H. Lawrence is one of the greatest British writers in the twentieth century. Besides being a great novelist, he is also a poet, a playwright, an essayist, a literary critic and painter .His main achievement rests on the novels. His masterpiece, Sons and Lovers, is a semi-autobiography account of his youth. It is the first modern portrayal of a phenomenon that later, thanks to Sigmund Freud,became easily recognizable as the Oedipus complex. In psychoanalytic theory, the term Oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, via dynamic repression, that concentrate upon a boy’s desire to sexually possess his mother, and kill his father. Sigmund Freud, who coined the term "Oedipus complex" believed that the Oedipus complex is a desire for the mother .In the book, the extremely emotions given by the protagonist Paul to his mother is a brilliant illustration of Sigmund Freud’s psychological theory of Oedipus complex. At the end of the story, we find that it is a tragedy. Nowadays, we can also see the tragedy here and there. This paper will focus on the impact to family relationship, especially the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. There are five parts in the paper. The first part is an introduction of the author and his works, Sons and Lovers. The second part is a general review of Freud’s Oedipus complex .The third part is the objective analysis of Paul’s Oedipus complex and reasons. The next part is the impact of Oedipus complex to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The last part is the conclusion of the paper. Key words: Sons and Lovers;Oedipus complex;family relationship ; 摘  要 D.H.劳伦斯是20世纪英国最伟大的作家之一,他不仅是一个伟大的作家,同时还是一个诗人、剧作家、散文家、画家,他的突出成就主要体现在小说创作上。 他的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作《儿子与情人》是一部颇具争议的自传体小说,主要描述了主人公保罗与其母亲之间畸形之爱,主人公保罗对其母亲挚热的感情,完全印证了弗洛伊德心理学中的“俄狄浦斯情结”理论,正是这种情结导致了保罗的爱情悲剧。在现代家庭生活中,俄狄浦斯情结对我们生活的影响随处可见,尤其对家庭关系中的婆媳关系影响最大。本文共有五大部分。第一部分是对劳伦斯及小说《儿子与情人》的介绍。第二部分是对弗洛伊德心理学理论中的“俄狄浦斯情结”的介绍。三是对保罗的恋母情结及其产生原因的客观分析。接下来的一部分重点分析恋母情结对现代家庭关系尤其是婆媳关系的影响。最后一部分是对本文的 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 。 关键词:《儿子与情人》;恋母情结;婆媳关系 Table of Contents Acknowledgments    i Abstract    ii 摘  要    iii I. Introduction    1 1.1. About David Herbert Lawrence    1 1.2 About Sons and Lovers    2 II. A general review of Oedipus complex    3 III. Paul’s Oedipus complex    5 3.1 Paul’s abnormal love to his mother    5 3.2 The main reasons of Paul’s Oedipus complex    7 3.2.1. His mother’s abnormal love    7 3.2.2. The personality of Paul    9 3.2.3. The shadow of his father    9 IV. The practical significance of Oedipus complex in real life    11 4.1. The place of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in a family    11 4.2 The main causes to the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.    12 V. Conclusion    15 Bibliography    16 I. Introduction 1.1 About David Herbert Lawrence David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire and he was one of the most important and controversial British writer of the 20th century. He was best known as an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, and literary critic. Meanwhile he was a prolific writer, his prolific and diverse output included novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, literary criticism and personal letters (Wan, 2007: 1). But his greatness lies in his novels. He wrote novels of Sons and Lovers, which is his masterpiece, The Rainbow, Women in Love, Lady Chatterley's Lover and so on. Lawrence’s major theme is human relationship, especially that of men and women. His novels are full of scenes of sensuous beauty, with a lot of naturalistic details. His works turned out to be a challenge to conventional morality. And some people rejected them, especially Lady Chatterley’s Lover, as pornographic (Hu, 2007: 5). For a long time, David Herbert Lawrence’s book is warmly debated because of the sexual explicitness of his works, his many books were not allowed to publish, even in some country, his books were listed in the forbidden books. Lawrence’s opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile which he called his "savage pilgrimage." At the time of his death, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents .But his books are filled with ideas and they penetrate into the shadows of the human psyche. In his works, Lawrence showed his collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct. Until now, the literal value of his works is increasing higher and higher. Many scholars study his works Some scholars research the religion of the book, and some talk about its pregnant meaning, and some argue the structure and style, even some survey the feminism in the book. This paper intends to talk about the Paul’s distortion of personality and feeling by analyzing his Oedipus complex and its practical significance. 1.2 About Sons and Lovers Sons and Lovers is Lawrence’s first novel as well as his masterpiece. It tells the story of a miner’s family-the Morel family. Mrs. Morel, who is from upper class, unsatisfied with her husband, a coarse and heavy-drinking miner. Therefore, she places all her expectations on her sons, especially Paul. When Paul grew up, things did not go well .This book has been regarded by critics as a brilliant illustration of Freud’s theory of Oedipus complex. The novel is actual autobiography. Lawrence was also born in a small town, Eastwood, which just as the Bestwood of Sons and Lovers, a mining town just outside Nottinghamshire, in the industrial midlands. Like Paul Morel, Lawrence was also the son of a coal miner. And his mother Lydia Beardsall Lawrence was a strong-willed, refined, middle-class lady and was a former schoolteacher, but his father is just a miner. His working class background and the tensions between his parents provided the raw material for a number of his early works. II. A general review of Oedipus complex The term of Oedipus complex derives from the 5th-century BC Greek mythology: The Oedipus King, who unwittingly kills his father, Laius, and marries his mother, Jocasta. The concept of Oedipus complex was first introduced in the play Oedipus the King by the great Greek mind Sophocles. It was considered to be one of the most insightful plays ever. Sigmund Freud put forward the entire concept in Interpretation of Dreams (Sigmund Freud, 1899:120) In psychoanalytic theory, the term Oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, via dynamic repression, that concentrate upon a boy’s desire to sexually possess his mother, and kill his father. (Dominique Ingres,1805:30). Sigmund Freud, who coined the term "Oedipus complex" and believed that the Oedipus complex is a desire for the mother; Freud deprecated the term "Electra Complex", a term which was introduced by Carl Gustav Jung. The Oedipus complex occurs in the third — phallic stage (ages 3–6) — of five psychosexual development stages: (i) the Oral, (ii) the Anal, (iii) the Phallic, (iv) the Latent, and (v) the Genital — in which the source libido pleasure is in a different erogenous zone of the infant’s body. He said the stage usually ended when the child identified with the parent of the same sex and repressed its sexual instincts. If previous relationships with the parents were relatively loving and no trauma, and if parental attitudes were neither excessively prohibitive nor excessively stimulating, the stage is passed through harmoniously. If a child can't smoothly pass through this mental stage, there should occur an ‘infantile neurosis’ that is an important forerunner of similar reactions during the child’s adult life. The superego also has its origin in the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex. Freud considered the reactions against the Oedipus complex the most important social achievements of the human mind. Paul belongs to the latter. III. Paul’s Oedipus complex 3.1 Paul’s abnormal love to his mother Every son loves their mother and every mother loves their children .Love between son and mother is a universal and common phenomenon. However when the love exceeds the normal limitation, things was very frightening. In his childhood, he is more delicate and quieter than any other children with a pale face, his is mature compared with his peers. The love between Paul and his mother is delicate and sensitive. He is understanding and considerate to others feeling, especially his mother. When she frustrates, he is upset at the same time .It seems that he always focuses on his mother. Actually, Paul’s passions upon his mother and the mother’s upon him are quietly mutual. When they are together, Paul cannot help expressing his love to his mother. He picks flowers for his mother and works hard to get rewards devote to his mother, only for making herself happy. They talk with each other about their feelings and share the happiness and grievance with each other. This kind of emotion which excesses the normal one between mother and son reaches a climax when Mr. Morel (Paul’s father) is in hospital as a work accident. For example, he even says to his mother with joy: “I’m the man in the house now. “They learned how perfectly peaceful the home could be. And they almost regretted---though none of them would have owned to such callousness---that their father was soon coming back” (Lawrence, 1994: 112) So Paul feels disappointed and fear again after his father comes back from hospital. From then on, we see the clue of Paul’s Oedipus complex at the beginning. His mother’s love excessively stimulates his Oedipus complex and makes it more apparent to see. When he is at the age of adolescence, his emotion is completely occupied by his mother. At the same time, his hate to his father is increasing, He even treats him violently .He often prays “Lord, let my father die soon.” Only his mother is the only noble and the most important in his mind. Facing the tense confrontation between mother and Miriam, he choose to side with his mother without any hesitation. Paul thinks his most passionate love belongs to his beloved mother. It seemed to Paul that his mother looked lovely, he gives her nicknames with “little pigeon” and “little woman”, he even sleep together with his mother at night . There is a short conversation from him to his mother: They were both miserable, and wanted her back again. It seemed to Paul his mother looked lonely, in her new black silk blouse with its bit of white trimming. ‘-A t any rate, mother, I’ll never marry’ he said. ‘-A y, they all say that my lad. You’ve not met the one yet Only wait a year or two’ ‘-But I shan’t marry, mother. I shall live with you, and we’ll have a servant ”.( Lawrence, 1994:318) Which can show that he is involved into an inextricable trouble due to his love towards his mother. Paul is afraid to get along with other women because his mother is standing in the way. When Miriam appears in his life, Paul wants to fall in love with her. But he couldn’t. Whenever Paul is out and has a date with his girl, he is afraid that his mother is furious and getting angry with him. He knows he should love his girl, but he couldn’t refuse his mother. He feels that it was he who hurt her mother. It makes him suffering very much. When he is dating with Miriam, he often thinks of and misses his mother, because Miriam has a lot in common with his mother. Both of them are educated, full of confidence and independence in spirit .Due to this purity curved in Paul’s heart, he limits his love just in the spirit level, he even can’t bear a passionate kiss with his lover . Miriam is just a substitute of his mother in his mind. We can see from this that his deepest love belongs to his mother. He is afraid to hurt her and Miriam he deeply loves.  “he was afraid of her. The fact that he might want her as a man wants a woman had in him been suppressed into a shame. When she shrank in her convulsed, coiled torture from the thought o f such a thing, he had winced to the depths o f his soul And now this purity prevented even their first love kiss. It was as if she could scarcely stand the shock of physical love, even a passionate kiss, and then he was too shrinking and sensitive to give it ”( Lawrence, 1994:239) Until here, Paul has completely lost his ability to love other women, because, according to Freud’s viewpoint, Paul’s Oedipus complex is very severe. Although he grows up, he can’t transcend the love between the baby and mother; he can’t build up a right superego concept to control his instinctive impulsion which goes against morality and ethics; and can’t make his emotion develop healthily (Hu, 2007: 8) He does not keep away with the shadow until his mother death. He cannot bear to see he beloved mother so suffering, so he help his mother die quickly. He falls trouble again that he loses his spiritual pillar, he seemingly realizes that he never lives by his own will in his own way, he never leads a real life for himself. He not only feels that he can’t live without her but also feels if she lives, he can’t live independently. But when he accelerates his mother’s death personally, he cries again and again: “My love my love---oh, my love!” (Lawrence, 1994: 502) 3.2 The main reasons of Paul’s Oedipus complex 3.2.1 His mother’s abnormal love Mrs. Morel, Paul’s mother, is an important character of the novel. She comes from a good burglar family, which has good education and refined manners. She is also, educated, refined, puritanical, and middle-class lady and, most importantly, possessing exception intelligence and strength of will while Mr. Morel comes from a lower class, he is a vulgar, uneducated, heavy-drinking coal miner. They meet each other at a party. At that time, Mr. Morel is a healthy good-looking young man of 27, with “a vigorous black beard that had never been shaved.” (Lawrence, 1994:158) His cheeks and his red mouth are very attractive because he laughs so often and so heartily. Of course, she knows his background well, but they still fall in love with each other. They get married soon. In the six months after that, they have a happy time together .However, she finds something wrong. Before they got married, she thought she could bring Mr. Morel up to her level, but very soon, she knows that he can never be changed. Mr. Morel treats her and children brutally. He even locks her out of the door when she is pregnant, and hits her head violently just after she gives birth to a baby. It seems only when he is drunk, can he temporarily escape from his sorrow and fatigue; They have many conflicts and quarrels ,she is completely disappointed, so she attaches all her hope on his children, especially after her husband and her elder son’s death, her whole hope is Paul. He becomes the apple of her eye .On the other hand, Paul is a light, quick, slender boy. From childhood on, Paul is especially sensitive, artistic and imaginative, and he becomes extraordinarily dependent on his mother, a highly intelligent woman with an unusually strong and vivid personality. Paul is always sick, never wants to separate from his mother and only wishes to be devoted himself to his mother. He is considerate and understanding, he always side with his mother when Mrs. Morel and Mr. Morel have a conflict and hate his father very much. He does many thing to pleasant his mother .They depend each other to survival. But, all of these strengthen her mother’s control to him and Paul’s Oedipus complex. As Mrs. Morel loses her husband’s love, she slowly inexorably transfers her emotions to her children. In her eyes, her son is her lover who takes place of her husband. She wants to win her son’s love that she can’t get from her husband in order to make up her emotional gap. When Paul has a date with Miriam, she is so angry and shows her jealousy: “She is one of those who will want to suck a man’s soul out till he has none of his own left.” (Lawrence, 2004:163) And Mrs. Morel takes him away from her, so she shouts at her son “I can’t bear it. I could let another woman—but not her. She’d leave me no room, not a bit of room” (Lawrence, 1994:279) and immediately he hated Miriam bitterly. One night, Paul kisses and comforts his mother and declares that he would give up Miriam. In fact, Mrs. Morel also wants to sign Paul that she loves him very much. And he is her source in her heart.  “And I’ve never—you know Paul, — I’ve never had a husband—not really—” (Lawrence, 2004:215) Mrs. Morel whispers. Her personal abnormal love is the direct factor for Paul’s Oedipus complex 3.2.2 The personality of Paul In Paul’s childhood, he is always sick and extraordinarily depends on his mother, never wants to separate with his mother, a highly intelligent woman with an unusually strong and vivid personality, all of these must make Paul a cowardly and softhead man. He always does as his mother’s will, she almost a mighty goddess in his mind because he has no his own views. He admires his mother and love her, he never believe that she is also an ordinary person and also makes mistakes. When his mother does not like his girlfriends, he immediately breaks up with them even someone he deeply loves. His cowardly personality is another reason of his Oedipus complex.  3.2.3 The shadow of his father Mr. More is a totally failure father. His children cannot learn a good manner from him. As a master of the family, he does heavy work in the coal mine every day to support the family. He comes from a lower class, he is uneducated and, there are a lot of dialects in his speech. He is a natural person, vulgar and crude, so he cannot communicate well with his wife. This is one reason why he is isolated by other families. The broken relationship leads Paul hate him more and more. He does not know how to love his wife and his children, he is full of tiredness. He cannot enjoy the happiness of family. Only the wine can make him forget the distress and fatigue temporarily; only the crude terms can vent his wrath from his hearts. The father’s failure role in the family is another reason to the abnormal relationship between mother and son. Father is a hero in every son’s mind, however, there is no a ideal model for Paul to follow. The father is supposed to become a he-man, who can make Paul follow his example. But what he can give to Paul is fear and contempt. So Paul naturally chooses to close with his mother, which leads his Oedipus complex.
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