首页 百喻经之六五:五百欢喜丸喻



百喻经之六五:五百欢喜丸喻百喻经之六五:五百欢喜丸喻 百喻经之六五: 五百欢喜丸喻 ?65 五百欢喜丸喻 (65) FIVE HUNDRED HAPPY PILLS 昔有一妇,荒淫无度,欲情既盛,嫉恶其夫;每思方策,频欲残害。种种设计,不得其便。会值其夫,聘 使邻国。妇密为计,造毒药丸,欲用害夫。诈语夫言:“尔今远使,虑有乏短。今我造作五百欢喜丸,用为 资粮,以送与尔。尔若出国,至他境界,饥困之时,乃可取食。” Once upon a time, there was a woman who led a promiscuous li...

百喻经之六五:五百欢喜丸喻 百喻经之六五: 五百欢喜丸喻 ?65 五百欢喜丸喻 (65) FIVE HUNDRED HAPPY PILLS 昔有一妇,荒淫无度,欲情既盛,嫉恶其夫;每思方策,频欲残害。种种 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,不得其便。会值其夫,聘 使邻国。妇密为计,造毒药丸,欲用害夫。诈语夫言:“尔今远使,虑有乏短。今我造作五百欢喜丸,用为 资粮,以送与尔。尔若出国,至他境界,饥困之时,乃可取食。” Once upon a time, there was a woman who led a promiscuous life. She hated her husband when she was burning with lascivious desires. However, there was no opportunity for her to carry out any of her schemes to kill him. It so happened that her husband was sent on an official mission to a neighboring state, the woman secretly prepared some poisonous pills. To the husband she said with a faked tenderness, "Now that you have been sent far away on this official mission, I have prepared for you five hundred pills both as food supplies and as something to cheer you up. You will take them when you are hungry, when you reach the border." 夫用其言,至他界已,未及食之,于夜暗中,止宿林间,畏惧恶兽,上树避之。其欢喜丸忘置树下。 The husband did not take them when he crossed the frontier. It was dark then and he decided to rest in the forest. Afraid of wild animals, he climbed up a tree to spend the night. He left his pills under the tree. 即以其夜,值五百偷贼,盗彼国王五百匹马,并及宝物,来止树下。由其逃突,尽皆饥渴,于其树下,见 欢喜丸,诸贼取已,各食一丸。药毒气盛,五百群贼一时俱死。 On that same night, a group of five hundred thieves stopped at the same spot with five hundred horses and precious things stolen from their king. They were all hungry and thirsty from their narrow escape. Finding those pills under the tree, the thieves took them and, on account of the strong poisonous effect, died one after another in no time. 时树上人,至天明已,见此群贼死在树下,诈以刀箭斫射死尸,收其鞍马,驱向彼国。 At daybreak, the man hiding in the tree saw the dead thieves. Then he deceitfully made as if he slew and shot the corpses with swords and arrows. Afterward, he got all the horses as well as the stolen goods together and rode towards the foreign country. 时彼国王,多将人众,案迹来逐。会于中路,值于彼王。彼王问言:“尔是何人,何处得马,” Meanwhile, the king was on his way with his guards trying to apprehend the thieves. They carne across the man and asked, "Who are you? Where did you get these horses?" 其人答言:“我是某国人,而于道路值此群贼,共相斫射。五百群贼今皆一处死在树下。由是之故,我得此 马,及以珍宝,来投王国。若不见信,可遣往看贼之疮痍杀害处所。” The man replied, "I have come on a special mission. On the way, 1 encountered this band of thieves. I fought them and killed them all. Their corpses are under a tree over there. That's how 1 got these horses and precious things. If your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can inspect the casualties on the spot where we fought." 王时即遣亲信往看,果如其言。王时欣然,叹未曾有。既还国已,厚加爵赏,大赐珍宝,封以聚落。 Immediately, the king sent his guards to inspect the spot. They found out what he had said was true. The king was overwhelmed with admiration for his unusual bravery. Later, when the man was sent back to his own country, the king bestowed him both a knighthood and treasures as well as a piece of land. 彼王旧臣,咸生嫉妒,而白王言:“彼是远人,未可服信。如何卒尔宠遇过厚,至于爵赏,逾越旧臣。” The king's old officials said with jealousy, "Why does your Majesty bestow him such rewards to a but stranger? Besides, the grant of his title of honors goes above the old officials." 远人闻已,而作是言:“谁有勇健,能共我试,请于平原校其伎能。”旧人愕然,无敢敌者。 Hearing those words the stranger said, "Who is intrepid enough to challenge me? Let's have a duel." The old officials were startled and none would venture to accept the challenge. 后时彼国大旷野中,有恶师子,截道杀人,断绝王路。彼时旧臣详共议之:“彼远人者,自谓勇健,无能敌 者,今复若能杀彼师子,为国除害,真为奇特。” At the time, there was a ferocious lion in the wilderness of the country, which often disturbed the royal passages. The lion killed many travelers. The old officials conferred on the matter. "The way this stranger brags so much about his fighting spirit, it will be wonderful if he is made to kill the lion for the sake of the country." 作是议已,便白于王。王闻是已,给赐刀杖,寻即遣之。尔时远人既受敕已,坚强其意,向师子所。师子 见之,奋激鸣吼,腾跃而前。远人惊怖,即便上树。师子张口、仰头向树。其人怖急,失所捉刀,值师子 口。师子寻死。 They then asked the king to give him a sword and spear, and sent him off to kill the lion. The lion attacked him with a roar as soon as it saw him. In great fear, the man climbed up the tree. The lion lifted its head towards him and roared. The man got so frightened that he dropped his sword right into the lion's mouth. The king of the forest died instantaneously. 尔时远人欢喜踊跃,来白于王。王倍宠遇。时彼国人卒尔敬服,咸皆赞叹。 The stranger, delirious with happiness over his new conquest, came to report the news to the king who, in turn, multiplied his rewards. Furthermore, he got respect and praises from the whole court as well as the country. 其妇人欢喜丸者,喻不敬施;王遣使者,喻善知识;至他国者,喻于诸天;杀群贼者,喻得须陀洹,强断 五欲,并诸烦恼;遇彼国王者,喻遭致贤圣;国旧人等生嫉妒者,喻诸外道见有智者能断烦恼,及以五欲, 便生诽谤,言无此事;远人激厉而言旧臣无能与我共为敌者,喻于外道无敢抗衡;杀师子者,喻破恶魔; 既断烦恼,又伏恶魔,便得无著道果封赏;每常怖怯者,喻能以弱而制于强;其于初时虽无净心,然彼其 施遇善知识便获胜报。不净之施,犹尚如此,况复善心欢喜布施。是故应当于福田所勤心修施。 In view of this story: The pills are referred to as an unclean almsgiving; The king's guards are referred to as good friends; The arrival at a foreign country is referred to as all Devas; Killing the band of thieves is referred to as obtaining the Sotapanna's degree resolving to cut the Five Desires together with other worries; Meeting the king is referred to as coming across the Sage and Saint; Other officials jealousy is referred to as the heretics who utter slander against the wise by saying there is no way that the wise are capable to cut off the Five Desires and other worries; The stranger's bragging is referred to as the heretics who can not resist him; Killing the lion is referred to as destroying all evil demons and thus obtaining the title of honors for the unattached way of Nirvana; The man's fear is referred to as the weak bringing the strong into Subjection. People should earnestly do almsgiving out of kindness or compassion. They would gain so much more in reward considering how the man in this story gained out of an ill almsgiving, which later on turned into a good one, thanks to the good friends he met. 注释: ?规,宋、元、明三藏俱作「频」。规,谋也。 ?欢喜丸:梵文Mahotika,一种饼,用酥、面、蜜、姜、胡椒、荜菱、蒲萄、胡桃、石榴、桵子和合 而成。 白话: 从前有个女人,荒淫无度,欲情既已煽旺了,就嫉恶起自己的丈夫来。时时想着 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 ,计谋着要残害他,设了种种计策,却得不到下手的机会。恰遇上丈夫受聘出使邻国,女人设法偷做了毒药丸,欲用来害死丈夫,骗说道:「如今你要远行了,恐怕有吃不上东西的时候,我做了五百个欢喜丸,用作路上的干粮,就拿这送你吧!你若是出国进了人家的地界,饿了,就可以取出来吃的。」 丈夫听了她的话,出了国界,还没来得及吃掉,夜暗下来了,便停在林间,准备住一宿。因为畏惧恶兽,就上树去避,欢喜丸便忘记放在树下。就在这一夜,五百偷贼盗了国王五百匹马及诸多宝物,来到了树下。逃遁的缘故,都饥渴极了,见树下有欢喜丸,众贼拿了,各人吃下一丸去。药的毒力旺盛,五百个贼一时都死了。至天明,树上人见群贼死在树下,就以刀箭斫射死尸,伪装了一个场面,收领了鞍马和财宝,向国城驱赶而去。 这时国王带了一群人马循迹逐来,恰好在中途遇上了。那国王问道:「你是什么人?哪里得的马?」这人答道:「我是某国人,在路上碰到这群贼,就与他们斫射起来。五百个贼如今都在树下同在一处死了,这才得了马和珍宝来投大王的都城。如若不信,可派人去查看杀贼的地方,满目疮痍呢!」国王即派亲信前去,果如其言。国王兴奋异常,叹说不曾有、不曾有。回到都城,便厚封爵位,重加赏赐,划了领地与他。国王的旧臣都生了嫉妒之情,进言道:「他是外方人,不可深信。对他的宠遇怎么一下子这样丰厚,封爵加赏竟然超过了旧臣?」外方人听闻了,说:「谁有勇气健力,敢与我比试一下,请到平旷之处较量一番。」旧臣愕然,没人敢站出来。 后来这国的旷野之中有只凶猛的狮子,截道杀人,断绝了通路。那些旧臣就细细商议起来:「这外方人,自称勇健无敌,如今若是又能杀了那只狮子,为国除害,倒真是非凡的人了。」议罢,便去说给国王听。国王旋即赐给刀杖,派他去了。外方人受了命,硬是鼓起勇气,向狮子那儿行去。狮子见了,奋激鸣吼,腾跃而前。外方人惊怖万分,转身爬上树去。狮子仰头张口,盯着树上。这人慌乱急促之中,落了手中捉着的刀,恰好掉进狮子口中,狮子顷刻间死了。当时外方人大喜过望,急急地来对国王讲。国王倍加宠遇,国中人民顿时都敬服,赞叹不已。 那女人的欢喜丸,譬喻以妄心求福报而行的不净施;国王派他作使者,譬喻导引人入正道的善知识;到得另一国,譬喻进入诸天;杀了群贼,譬喻得须陀洹道,坚定地断除了五欲及种种烦恼;遇上那位国王,譬喻遭逢圣贤;国中产生嫉妒的旧臣,譬喻诸外道见有智者断灭了烦恼及五欲,便进行诽谤,说没有这等事;外方人激励地说旧臣没人能是他的对手,譬喻外道无人敢抗衡;杀死狮子,譬喻破除恶魔;既断灭了烦恼,又降伏了恶魔,便得到无执着于事物之念的阿罗汉道果的封赏;常常惊怖退却,譬喻能以弱制强;那布施初先虽不存什么净心,然而,其布施时逢遇善知识,便获得了殊胜的果报;不净施尚且如此,何况又是善心欢喜地行布施呢?所以应当在可以生长出果报来的福田上动心修行布施。
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