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壁球馆概念设计.doc壁球馆概念设计.doc 壁球系列 >> 壁球館 産品名稱: 壁球館 産品類别: 壁球系列 壁球馆介绍: 壁球的历史追溯到19世纪初,在伦敦的老城中心有一个“弗利特监狱”,专门关押欠款人和触犯刑律、教规的贵族,他们自然不能去从事繁重的体力劳动,应如何打发枯燥乏味的囚禁时光呢,他们用类似拍子的器具对墙击打小球自娱自乐,这可说是最早的壁球雏形。和羽毛球之后又一健身时尚。 真正意义上的壁球,则是著名的贵族学校——哈罗公学的学生发明的,时间约在1830年前后。学生虽身为贵族子弟,却过着囚徒般枯燥的住校生活,于...

壁球馆概念设计.doc 壁球系列 >> 壁球館 産品名稱: 壁球館 産品類别: 壁球系列 壁球馆介绍: 壁球的历史追溯到19世纪初,在伦敦的老城中心有一个“弗利特监狱”,专门关押欠款人和触犯刑律、教规的贵族,他们自然不能去从事繁重的体力劳动,应如何打发枯燥乏味的囚禁时光呢,他们用类似拍子的器具对墙击打小球自娱自乐,这可说是最早的壁球雏形。和羽毛球之后又一健身时尚。 真正意义上的壁球,则是著名的贵族学校——哈罗公学的学生发明的,时间约在1830年前后。学生虽身为贵族子弟,却过着囚徒般枯燥的住校生活,于是,一种对墙击球的室内运动被发明并流行开来。因球在猛烈触及墙壁时发出类似英文“SQUASH”的声音而得名,即现今公认的壁球。很快,这一娱乐健身运动在学校中流行开来,1864年,第一块专用打壁球的场地在哈罗修建,这也成为该运动正式创立的标志。随着学生长大成人,步入政界、军界和商界,壁球也传遍了英联邦国家和世界各地。 壁球馆按材料又分为:模板式和批荡式两大种。模板式墙身系统是用一种经过精密加工、高压碾压的舌状凹槽微粒板作墙龙骨,面层采用一种特殊树脂制成、不粘灰尘、不凹陷、不易刮花的高压强化纤维板,具有强度好、回弹性能好、表面坚固程度一致、平滑无缝、有吸音功能等特点,但造价略高。批荡式采用特殊配方的墙身材料,直接附着在已经完成的干燥土建墙面上。可弥补墙身干燥过程中形成的细小裂缝,增加墙面强度达到正式壁球比赛要求,在批档材料之外面,在涂覆专用墙面油漆,令墙面更加光洁,并方便擦除球在墙面上留下的印痕。批档式壁球场是世界上最早的专业壁球场,至今因其简单、可靠的工艺,仍有着广阔的市场,保持着旺盛的生命力。 壁球馆建筑MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1716320699507_0: 为符合壁球场使用之标准,及减少施工时的误差,当建造墙身时,需要注意下列细则:壁球场之准确尺寸,建造墙身之标准尺寸为6412至6416MM,然后再加6,8MM厚于每面的墙身。另外每幅 墙身施工后所容许的误差长度及宽度分别为1MM和1.5MM。壁球馆由墙体系统、地板系统、玻璃后墙系统、照明系统(馆方自建)、通风系periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 统(馆方自建)组成。 国际壁球联合会所规定的标准场场地分为单打和双打两种。单打场地长9.75米,宽6.4米、高4.57米;双打场地长13.72米,宽7.62米、高6.1米美国的壁球馆场地要小一些,它的宽度仅有5.64米,高4.88米。 球场专用枫木地板: 加拿大以出产世界上硬度最高的枫木著称于世。由加拿大枫木铺成的运动地板符合德国DIN运动地板测试:包括地板承受的压力、受损程度、斜度、球之反弹力、摩擦程度等多项 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 。见下图: 枫木地板切面图 壁球馆场透视图 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 壁球馆施工工艺: 批荡式壁球馆使混凝土墙体得到更完善的补充。基础混凝土墙体坚硬,牢固,但根据墙身建造的 常会遇到龟裂、散裂、留下斑迹等问题。特有的壁球墙体专用材料和操作技术已材质结构不同,壁 批荡 达到这一系统所预定的目标,可对碎裂、散裂、留下斑迹等问题提供了一种长久球馆因此而分为 式 的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。在常规条件下墙体表面将十分完整地保持原样,球场墙壁在球的高了批荡式和模板 速撞击和球拍的不断打击下而依然不改变颜色,将依然为白色,洁净如初。 壁系式,二者相对而 统 言,模板式耐用一由数件模板在工地现场化学粘合成整件无缝盖面模板。以其独特的安装方法,距些但造价要高许离混凝土墙安装,避免批荡式壁球场因混凝土或砖墙表面之裂痕而影响表面。面层 模板 多,在国内受经济由特殊树脂制成,以使其更加透明,并具有不粘灰尘、不凹陷、不易刮花等多重 式 因素影响,较为普优点;特制高压强化纤维板,强度好,回弹性能良好;具吸音功能,减低击球时遍的是批荡式。 的噪音等优点。 1. 地板性能符合有关体育地板标准(详见行业资料德国标准) 2. 对球z的反弹性能良好; 3. 减震、抗震; 材料性能要求 地板 4. 隔音效果好; 系统 5. 加弹力软垫,为坚硬的枫木地板提供特有弹性及承受重压,降低运动员在地板 上因弹跳所带来的震伤机会。 施工工艺 1(在场地长、宽的对角在线允许+/-10毫米的误差 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 2(在地板任意连结处的平整度误差为0.25毫米。每一处的敞开连结不应超过2 毫米宽,在地板与墙体连接处不超过6毫米宽的膨胀间隙除外。 3(地板表面在直径3米范围内允许+/-3毫米的误差。 1. 玻璃门系统所有结构都使用12mm的安全玻璃制成;所有的边缘都要经过打磨; 板与门之间的接缝处,利用12mm厚的玻璃在其侧面两冀做均匀支撑。安全性能是 最被关注的重点。系统的每个部分都要经过安全性的反复测试,能经受强烈的冲玻璃门系统 击和超重负荷。 2. 透明或半透明的玻璃都可以。 3. 玻璃门系统的配件强度要高。 场地应用人造灯,照明水平尺寸为1000毫米。 1(推荐标准500LUX 2(最小标准为300LUX 灯光系统 3(电视标准为1200LUX 4(墙体任一位置都清晰可见,平均照明度超过15% 5(应采用无影灯,以免外界干扰 场地和观众席都将提供一套通风系统以保证每小时四次完全的空气调节。供热, 通风或其它设施的任一部分都不允许突出在场地里面,除非该设施能达到以下要 求: 通风系统 a.设施的每一部分均不超过水平地面5400毫米 b.设施的每一突出部分均不在空间占超过150毫米位置 c. 没有影子投影在前墙上 壁球馆设备清单报价: 序号 名称 总造价 清 单 数量 产地 规格(cm) 性 能 质优价廉、坚固耐磨擦、有弹7万元/批荡 1间 上海 9.75×6.4×(4.57-2.13) 性 间(具 坚硬有弹性、质优价廉、耐磨批荡式体价格 枫木 1间 东北 5.7×1.9×(200-240) 1 擦 (国产) 请与我 公司电响板 1间 上海 48×6×640 清脆悦耳、经久耐冲撞 话确玻璃 1间 上海 213×0.12×640 外观漂亮,抗疲劳性强,易安 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job 认) 装,色泽清晰,耐冲撞,加工 精细等优点 球拍 2只 台湾 国标 球 20只 台湾 国标 鞋子 2双 上海 国标 设计、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 1节 中体 质优价廉、坚固耐磨擦、有弹 批荡 1间 性 对球的反弹性能良好 优质枫木 1间 9.5万 减震、抗震、隔音效果好 元/间响板 1间 上海 清脆悦耳、经久耐冲撞 (具体 外观漂亮,抗疲劳性强,易安批荡式 2 价格请 玻璃 1间 上海 装,色泽清晰,耐冲撞,加工(进口) 与我公 精细等优点 司电话 球拍 2只 确认) 球 20只 鞋子 2双 上海 设计、培训 1节 中体 质优价廉、坚固耐磨擦、有弹 模板 1间 上海 性 坚硬有弹性、质优价廉、耐磨13.98枫木 1间 东北 擦 万元/ 响板 1间 上海 清脆悦耳、经久耐冲撞 间(具 外观漂亮,抗疲劳性强,易安模板式体价格 3 玻璃 1间 上海 装,色泽清晰,耐冲撞,加工(国产) 请与我 精细等优点 公司电 话确球拍 2只 台湾 国标 认) 球 20只 台湾 国标 鞋子 2双 上海 国标 设计、培训 1节 中体 periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain 质优价廉、坚固耐磨擦、有弹 模板 1间 韩国 性 坚硬有弹性、质优价廉、耐磨 枫木 1间 19.8万擦 元/间响板 1间 清脆悦耳、经久耐冲撞 (具体 外观漂亮,抗疲劳性强,易安模板式 4 价格请 玻璃 1间 装,色泽清晰,耐冲撞,加工(进口) 与我公 精细等优点 司电话 球拍 2只 确认) 球 20只 鞋子 2双 设计、培训 1节 中体 批荡 1间 上海 9.98万保龄球地道板 1间 中体 元/间响板 1间 上海 批荡式 (具体 玻璃 1间 上海 国产(保 5 价格请 龄球地球拍 2只 台湾 与我公 道板) 球 20只 台湾 司电话 鞋子 2双 上海 确认) 设计、培训 1节 中体 模板 1间 上海 14.8万保龄球地道板 1间 中体 元/间响板 1间 上海 模板式 (具体 玻璃 1间 上海 国产(保 6 价格请 龄球地球拍 2只 台湾 与我公 道板) 球 20只 台湾 司电话 鞋子 2双 上海 确认) 设计、培训 1节 中体 壁球馆工程图片: periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rainpublicity and education to prevent unsafe behavior, an important way to reduce human errors, developed a safety system, including a three-tier education system, ongoing security education systems and special operations personnel safety education system. Therefore, the project has developed a safety inspection system, including routine, periodic, comprehensive, professional four check forms. Safety check adhere to leadership and group ... (2) the worker should have the job skills, be familiar with the types of operation for the safety technology. To elaborate a "workers ' labor protection record card", recorded in a timely manner. 3, the construction organization design of construction organization design of necessary safety measures, the technical manager for review and approval. 4, the operations of the security technology to give the low-down, accept the disclosure should complete the signing procedures. 5, special operations certified special operations personnel must be trained qualified certificates, certificate must be regularly reviewed, shall not be extended, complete the roster. 6 establish regular security checks, security screening system. Clear key parts of hazardous work. Safety inspection record. Risks should be identified for corrective action in a timely manner, fixed, fixed time, fixed measures. 7, team "three posts, one comment" activities, assessment measures are required. 8, accident handling accident files handled as stipulated in the rules of investigation and analysis, reporting, and do a "three no" work. 9, "six-second figure" and construction site safety signs must have a "six-second figure": (1) engineering; (2) the list of construction site management and supervision; (3) fire to defend; (4) production license; (5) construction; (6) to enter the construction site; (7) total construction floor plans. Figure should be uniformly, writing honestly, said clear. Construction sites must have a safety sign. In the main construction sites, job periodically check the security system, check the special process with implementation of the permit system. 5, security responsibilities should be strengthened on the construction site, as well as camp hygiene, food hygiene, public fire safety and other aspects of the work of the management, to prevent all accidents from happening. 6, in the construction area, the signs should be set to minimize the construction of pedestrian interference, pay attention to safety. Truck when seedlings display on the pavement, and ... On. If full of cables, electrical equipment fails, electricians must be responsible for repairs, others may not. Switch and the power switch must be unlocked with special switches. Five important safety process control of construction scheme and special operations (a) safety precautions 1, establish and improve the qualification of safety officer in security organizations and to develop measures of safety management and ensure safe and civilized construction sites at the city level. 2, the construction workers entering the site must be in the three-tier security education, education of up to 100%. Electricians, special operations personnel must be trained, and pass a certificate allowing operation, certificates of up to 100%. 3, Earth excavation to explore underground pipes to prevent the occurrence of accidents, has special monitoring during excavation of Foundation pit situation, preventing collapse hurts. (B) provisional measures 1, strengthen construction management construction management and safety education for construction workers. 2, on-site electrical equipment without passing inspection are not allowed to use electrical equipment should be maintained in normal working condition, no fault runs. 3, electrical equipment erection rain
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