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初中英语教案简报五初中英语教案简报五 (各位负责人,务必把该材料转发给每个老师,同时要组织全体老师学习并把学习体会发到枣庄市教研室。) 友情说明,全市的重视程度在提高,广大英语教师的积极性在提高,案例质量越来越高! 本期导读 一、上报格式要求 二、优秀教案中存在的问题 三、部分优秀案例展示 一、上报格式要求 1.发邮件时主题下面书写的内容要求 三个年级分开按三个文件上报, 以枣庄市实验中学为例,主题下面的内容是:枣庄市实验中学七年级上unit1,枣庄市实验中学八年级上unit1,枣庄市实验中学九年级unit1。若太...

初中英语 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 简报 工程竣工验收简报对口支援简报控辍保学的简报义务教育法简报棋类比赛简报 五 (各位负责人,务必把该材料转发给每个老师,同时要组织全体老师学习并把学习体会发到枣庄市教研室。) 友情说明,全市的重视程度在提高,广大英语教师的积极性在提高,案例质量越来越高! 本期导读 一、上报格式要求 二、优秀教案中存在的问题 三、部分优秀案例展示 一、上报格式要求 1.发邮件时主题下面书写的内容要求 三个 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 分开按三个文件上报, 以枣庄市实验中学为例,主题下面的内容是:枣庄市实验中学七年级上unit1,枣庄市实验中学八年级上unit1,枣庄市实验中学九年级unit1。若太长,可用括号里的简写形式(枣实验七上unit1,枣实验八上unit1,枣实验九unit1)。不要在主题下写“枣庄市实验中学教案”,也不要写“山亭区七、八、九年级” 2.文件内的名字要求 各年级压缩文件的名字要标上区(市)和学校,如山亭八上unit1,不能没有区市和学校的名字。每个课时的名字要具体,如,九年级unit1第一课时A1a-2c,务必落实~ 二、优秀教案中存在的问题 1 1.关于目标 某位老师这样写~I would……train students' listening skill and communicative competence. Master the important words and phrases . Train students’ listening and speaking skills by different kinds of activities. Ability Objects (1) Train students’ ability of reading comprehension. (2) Train students’ ability of writing. 这是每节课都能用的目标~因此不能用于本节课~用于每节课时目标要具体~参照课程标准~看训练的具体目标是什么。 还有 Enable the students to talk about imaginary situations.学生用什么谈论呢? 2.关于导入 Step 3 热身导入 Listen to the song 赚钱了((通过歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣) 歌曲的内容呢,没有内容其他老师怎么用,这首歌曲和本文什么关系? 再如 Show some pictures by screen,但不提供图画. 再如 Warming up and leading in 1.Greetings.但不提供的greet内容。其他老师怎么greet,再说该环节和本课什么关系, 2 3.关于预习 Step I Preview Discuss in group “ If your friends have problems, how do you give them advice” 在预习环节,不要出这样概括的问题,学生不好回答,要把预习问 题具体化。 4.关于听大意 九年级第四单元对话1有位老师这样 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 , Listening for the general idea 1b听取大意 How much did they talk about?_______ A. a million dollars B. two million dollar C. two millions dollars Number the pictures. 这是大意吗,这是细节啊。 另一个老师这样设计大意, Listen for the general idea 听取大意 The old man had a million dollars, he ___________. A. gave it to charity B. put it in the bank C. gave it to medical research 这是细节~不是大意。 还有一个老师这样设计大意, Step III Listening for the general idea 1b Listening and numbering Now listen again and write down the sentences with Second conditional and Should for advice. 本环节设计是听大意,大意呢?第一个对话的大意是什么?请 3 看,The main idea of this dialogue is talking about what people would do with a million dollars.对不对,听对话,抓大意,是训练 整体思维能力的重要步骤。 下面的老师大意和细节没分清。 Step3 . Listening practice 1. Listening and numbering (1b) Now you are going to listen and number the pictures 1 to 3 in the order you hear them. 2. Listening for a second time for the specific ideas. 1中的设计就是细节,而2中又设计了细节, 5.关于翻译探究 请看某位老师的翻译探究环节 Inquiry into knowledge by translation 1. 非真实虚拟语气的结构 主句:would / should / could / might + 动词原形 从句:一般过去时,were或动词的过去式, If I had a million dollars, I would give some snacks to my students. If I had a million dollars, I --------,将会买,some new clothes. 这是典型的灌输式。再看另一位老师的翻译探究环节 Step VII Inquiry into knowledge by translation What would you do if you had a million dollars? If I were you, I should wear a shirt and tie. If I were you, I could take a small present. 4 时间 从句谓语形式 主句谓语形式 would / should / might 将来 动词过去式(be用 were) / could + 动词原形 should + 动词原形 were to + 动词原形 would / should / might 现在 动词过去式(be 用 were) / could + 动词原形 would / should / might 过去 had +动词过去分词 / could have + 动词过去 分词 (引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律~形成有效的学习策略。教师不再直接告诉~而是在学生还不会的地方进行精讲~落实了以学定教。, 写着”引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律”~大家看,引导了吗,请看下面的设计, What would you do if you had a million dollars? If I were you, I should wear a shirt and tie If I were you, I could take a small present. 第一种 这三句话都是含有 引导的 状语从句的复合句。从句的谓语动词都是 时态,be用 , 主句的谓语动词是 。表示与 事实 。 5 答案 If,条件。过去时态,were, would / should / could + 动词原形。现在,相反。把答案和题目放在一起有利于学生自学。 第二种 1. 这三个复合句中都含有什么引导的什么从句, 2. 主句用的什么时态? 从句用什么时态,Be 用什么形式, 3. 表示的是与什么相反的虚拟语气, 这才叫”引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律”,对不对? 6.关于翻译语篇的练习题 我们的样案中设计了这样的题, 三: 翻译下面的句子 Section A 1b: 女孩1:嘿~你们看到报纸上的文章了吗,一位老人有一百万美元。他全都捐给了慈善机构。 男孩1:哇~他真是个好人。 女孩1:假如你有一百万美元你会干什么, 男孩1:假如我有一百万美元~我会把它捐给动物园。我想帮助大熊 有的老师认为没有必要,不理解。特作如下说明,这个练习是为基础薄弱的学生设计的,或者说是为了最后一名学生,学困生用好了这个练习,成绩会慢慢提高。本题也可设计成关键词的形式,那是为中等学生准备的。还可以设计成思维树的形式,那是为学习快的学生准备的。对于顶尖的学生来说,上面的任何一种设计都是多余的,但他们毕竟是少数,我们现在关怀的是每一个学生。 尤其是学困生。 6 7.关于单词学习 请看有的老师的学习生词的环节 二. Remember the words by looking at pictures. Show pictures to teach the new words: pimple, circle, aid, cover, knee, pain, burn, shelf and so on. 图画呢?此处要有图画,否则不实用.老师们不会喜欢这样的词汇 教案的 再如, 五(Explain the uses of some key words: 2. not„ in the slightest = not„ at all 3. get along with = get on with 4. come up with = think of 8. treat as = regard as 不要把答案直接告诉学生,可以这样调整 Match the words or phrases with their meaning not„ in the slightest get on with get along with regard as treat as think of come up with„ not at all 让学生参与学习比直接告诉学生答案好。 再如, 三、Remember the words by learning useful phrases. 1. what if 2. not --- in the slightest 3. get along with 4. let--- down 5. come up with 这样教单词也是不实用的。修改的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 上面已提到。 7 再如, Read and spell the new words correctly by yourselves Read after the tape Study with your group Study by asking your teacher for help Close your books, write down some new words and phrases 这是任何一课都能用的方法,因此不适用具体的一课,不可 取。 再如, 二. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning. 1. not …in the slightest not …at all 一点也不 2. plenty of a lot of 许多,大量,后跟可数或不可数名词, 这是直接告诉答案,不叫词语搭配练习。上面练习的可以调整一 下顺序, not …in the slightest a lot of 许多,大量,后跟可数或不可数 名词, plenty of not …at all 一点也不 这才叫词语搭配练习。 再如, 二. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.如, not…in the slightest, what if, plenty of, get along with, come up with, come out 没有对应的意思怎么搭配,思路对,不好操作。 8.关于思维树 8 思维树是所编语篇的灵魂,看着思维树就能讲述所编的语篇。它 应包括树干和树枝,树枝上还应有树叶。即由整体到部分,由部 分再到个体。不能太简或太繁。不仅仅是单词的分类。 大家看看下面的故事和思维树有何联系, 读故事,译故事,故事意义连贯,生词用下划线标出。 My best friend, Tom, he is energetic. In his free time, he reads some medical books on the shelf, in the corner downstairs. So he is knowledgeable about the research on the pimple. After hard work, his new book will come out next week. If he had plenty of money, he would offer the money to the charity. He hopes they would not refuse. In his ideas, he would like to be a doctor in the local hospital .One day, a man in a tie and shirt came to see him. The man burned his knee in the fire, and hurt badly. He looked over the man carefully and gave advice on how to do in this situation. Step 5 思维树。 medical tie circle energetic rest knee confident pain shelf correct helpful plenty of what if not…in the slightest come out let down come up with get along with downstairs fairly 此思维树和编写的故事没有联系。不实用。 另外,如果单词和短语的内容多,一课时完不成,可以培养学生 9 的预习习惯,让学生课前自己会读单词和短语,会默更好,让学生明白学习是学生自己的事,要走在老师的前面,不要被老师牵着鼻子走。 三、部分优秀案例展示 积极的思维方式比黄金都重要,望各位用积极的思维方式学习,学习别人好的地方来提高自己,不要只挑不好的地方来攻击别人。下面的案例有许多可取的地方,希望大家认真学习。 (见九年级英语栏目下推荐教案) 10
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