首页 杜邦分析法案例



杜邦分析法案例杜邦分析法案例 案例一:MA公司杜邦分析法的案例分析[2] 一、现代财务管理的目标是股东财富最大化,权益资本报酬率是衡量一个公司获利能力最核心的指标。权益资本报酬率表示使用股东单位资金(包括股东投进公司以及公司盈利以后该分给股东而没有分的)赚取的税后利润。 杜邦分析法从权益资本报酬率人手: (1)资本报酬率=(净利润/股东权益)=(净利润/总资产)×(总资产/股东权益)=(净利润/销售收入)×(销售收入/总资产)×(总资产/股东权益)=(净利润/销售收入)×(销售收入/总资产)× 1 1-负债/总资产 ...

杜邦分析法案例 案例一:MA公司杜邦分析法的案例分析[2] 一、现代财务管理的目标是股东财富最大化,权益资本报酬率是衡量一个公司获利能力最核心的指标。权益资本报酬率 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示使用股东单位资金(包括股东投进公司以及公司盈利以后该分给股东而没有分的)赚取的税后利润。 杜邦分析法从权益资本报酬率人手: (1)资本报酬率=(净利润/股东权益)=(净利润/总资产)×(总资产/股东权益)=(净利润/销售收入)×(销售收入/总资产)×(总资产/股东权益)=(净利润/销售收入)×(销售收入/总资产)× 1 1-负债/总资产 式(1)很好地揭示了决定企业获利能力的三个因素: 1、成本费用控制能力。因为销售净利润率=净利润\销售收人=1-(生产经营成本费用+财务费用本+所得税)\销焦收人,而成本费用控制能力影响了算式(生产经营成本费用+财务费用+所得税)销售收人.从而影响了销售净利润率。 2、资产的使用效率,用资产周转率(销售收入\总资产)反映。它表示融资活动获得的资金(包括权益和负债),通过投资形成公司的总资产的每一单位资产能产生的销售收人。虽然不同行业资产周转率差异很大,但对同一个公司,资产周转率越大.表明该公司的资产使用效率越高。 3、财务上的融资能力,用权益乘数(总资产/股东权益)反映。若权益乘数为4。表示股东每投人1个单位资金,公司就能借到3个单位资金,即股东每投入1个单位资金,公司就能用到4个单位的资金。权益乘数越大,即资产负债率越高,说明公司过去的债务融资能力越强。 式(1)可以进一步细化,并用图形直观地表示出来,现数入认公司为例进行说明,如图所示。每个方框中第一个数字表示分析期MA公司当期的数据,第二个数字表示比较的对象,根据分析的目的和需要来定,可以是同行业其他公司的同期数据,也可以是行业的平均水平或本公司基期数据。本例中采用的是行业中优秀企业的同期数据。 如图显示,MA公司获利能力相对较差(3.08%<7.41%),经过分析可知这不是因为总资产净利润差(2.55%>2.37%),而是财务融资能力差(1.21<3.21)。经过进一步分析可以发现,总资产净利润率对获利起了作用。而资产净利润高,不是因为资产使用效率高(0.63<1.03),而是因为成本费用控制得好(4.03%>2.30%)。资产使用效率低,不是因为固定资产(3.97>3.76)、其他资产使用效率低,而是因为流动资产使用效率低(75<1.50%)成本费用控制得好,是因为制造成本、销售费用、财务费 用均起了贡献作用(61.75%<73.33%,5.84%<9.17%,0.01%<8.99%)。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 传统杜邦分析图 上述财务比率分析是杜邦分析法的主要方面。通过分析可以看出,MA公司获利能力较低,是由于财务融资能力差、流动资产使用效率低.管理费用高、税 金高。通过上述分析,同时可以看出传统杜邦分析法存在两个缺陷: 第一,杜邦分析法不能完整地 评价财务融资活动。在上述实例中,MA公司的资产负债率为17.19%,权益乘数为1.21,公司利用债务融资能力不强,因为其股东每出1个单位资金,公司仅能用到诬1.21个单位的资金,而行业中优秀企业的股东每出1个单位资金,企业能用到3.12个单位的资金。由于MA公司的负债率较低,利息支出相对较低,故财务费用也较低,它对公司的获利能力起了贡献作用。那么17.19%的资产负债率对提高该公司的获利能力到底是件好事还是坏事?然而,传统杜邦分析法对此不能给出 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 第二,企业全部活动分为经营 活动和财务活动,因而企业的财务比率与经营活动紧密相联。从图1可以看出,其左部分资产净利润率并不能准确地反映企业经营活动的获利能力销售净利润率不能准确地反映经营活动的成本费用控制水平因为它的分子中包括了财务费用,也考虑了所得税的影响。在图中杜邦分析法虽然也将企业的活动分为经营活动和财务活动,但这种分法并不彻底其反映经营活动获利能力的资产净利润率还夹杂着财务费用的影响。 二、杜邦分析法的改进 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 为了弥补传统杜邦分析法的不足,笔者在改进方案中增加了营业利润和营业资产比率的分解,进一步说明财务指标变动的原因和变动趋势。税后经营利润等于经营利润减去经营活动产生的利润所应承担的所得税,亦等于销售收人减去生产经营的成本费用和和经营活动所应承担的所得税。通过对传统杜邦分析图进行推导再在其式中分子、分母同乘以税后经营利润便得: 改进后的杜邦分析图 (2)权益资本报酬率=(税后经营利润\销售收入)×(销售收入\总资产)×(净利润\税后经营利润)×(总资产\股东权益)=经营利润×(1-所得税率)\销售收入×(销售收入\总资产)× 经营利润×(1-所得税率)-利息×(1-所得税率) 经营利润×(1-所得税率) ×(总资产\股东权益) 式(2)相比式(1),更加清楚地揭示了权益资本报酬率的影响因素: 1、式(2)中第一个比率—税后经营利润率,反映出每1块钱销售收人真正为公司带来的利润。而式(1)的销售净利润率表示每实现1块钱销售收人公司的净利润会是多少,它扣除的成本费用中不仅包括经营活动的成本费用,还包括财务活动的费用。相比式(1),式(2)剔除了财务费用的影响,更准确地反映了生产经营活动的成本费用控制水平、企业的议价能力、技术水平和日常 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 等诸方面因素均会影响经营活动的成本费用支出水平。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 2、式(2)中第二个比率资产周转率反映了资产使用效率是企业投资决策水平的最终反映。若企业在长期投资决策中失误造成固定资产闲置,则固定资产的周转率低;若企业在短期投资决策中水平低下,则流动资产的周转率低。 3、式(2)中第三个比率称为财务费用比率,为净利润/税后经营利润。利息x(1一所得税税率)是考虑了税盾后的财务费用,是真正利用债务所发生的费用。该财务费用比率考虑了利息的节税作用更加贴切地反映出利息对企业获利能力的影响。该比率总是小于或等于1,说明财务费用对企业获利能力的影响总是负面的。 当企业有借款并归还利息时,该比率就小于1,它反映了借款利息对企业获利能力所起负作用的大小。 4、式(2)中第四个比率为权益乘数,又称为财务结构比率,因为其分子等于它的分母加负债,所以该比率总是大于或等于1.说明通过借款能给生产经营提供更多资金,对企业获利能力具有正面影响。当企业有负债时,该比率一定大于1,反映了通过借款为企业提供资金对获利能力的贡献程度。 对照改进后的杜邦分析图,以MA公司为例可以说明以下几点: 在图中,前两个比率被称为企业获利能力的两大驱动因素:控制成本和有效使用资产,它们对企业的获利能力具有决定性的影响。MA公司这两个指标均较好,反映了企业的生产经营活动具有较强的获利能力;两者的乘积是资产经营利润率,也是税后的经营利润;其资产经营利润率准确地反映出企业每使用1块钱所真正赚的钱,即准确地反映出企业经营活动的获利能力,从而有效地弥补了杜邦分析法的第二个不足。 如图所示,MA公司的资产经营利润率为2.56,反映出企业每使用1块钱,经营活动真正赚得2.56块钱。 2中第二排四个比率相乘,反映了财务决策对获利能力的影响。企业借款对获利能力既有正作用—为经背活动提供更多资金,也有负作用—支付利息,若财务费用比率与权益乘数两者乘积大于1,说明正作用大于负作用,其借款决策对企业是有利的;若其两者乘积小于1,说明用借来的资金赚取的经营利润小于所要支付的利息,即借款的负作用大于正作用,削弱了企业的获利能力如改进后的杜邦分析图中,其两者之乘积等于1.21,说明权益乘数对公司获利的正作用大于财务费用所起的负作用。总体来说,MA公司的负债水平对公司获利能力起了促进作用,从而有效地弥补r杜邦分析法的第一个不足。 三、其他说明 1、在实际应用中,应该首先对财务报表进行调整,调整财务报表部分见佩因曼(2005)相关论述。 2、如果想要定量地评价出每个财务比率以及经营活动、融资决策对企业获利能力变化的影响方向和影响程度.可以对式(2)进一步采用连环替代法进行分i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 析。 3、分析流动资产、固定资产、其他资产对获利能力的影响时,不能用流动资产、固定资产、其他资产分别除以总资产,这只是在进行结构分析。正确的做法是要用流动资产、固定资产、其他资产分别去除销售收人。 4、分析制造成本、管理费用、销售费用对获利能力的影响时,不能用制造成本、管理费用、销售费用分别除以总成本费用,这也只是在做结构分析。正确的做法是要用制造成本、管理费用,销售费用分别除以销售收人。 [编辑] 案例二:A、B企业杜邦分析法的案例分析[3] 企业A和企业B的炼油能力分别为630万t/a和550万t/a,乙烯生产能力分别为73万t/a和79万t/a。两家企业规模大体相当,现以两企业2002年财务报表数据为例进行分析。 企业A的杜邦分析 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 企业B的杜邦分析 从上述数据可以看出: 第一,由于B企业的资产总额过高,该企业虽然销售收人和税后净利润优于A企业,但由于总资产周转率过低,造成总资产报酬率和权益报酬率的低下。B企业资产总额比A企业高1103571.65万元,其中流动资产部分比A企业要高出194212.16万元,长期资产部分比A企业要高出909359.49万元,长期资产部分中固定资产又高出A企业590012.83万元,占到总体的53.46%。由此可见,占用资产过大,固定资产在生产经营中的利用效率过低是导致B企业权益报酬率低于A企业的主要原因。因此该企业在今后的生产经营中必须将重点放在提高资产运作效率上。 第二,B企业的权益乘数也低于A企业,说明B企业的负债程度要低于A企业,A企业在获得较大的杠杆收益的同时也承担了较高的财务风险。 运用杜邦分析法的缺陷 从企业绩效评价的角度来看,杜邦分析法只包括财务方面的信息,不能全面反映企业的实力,有很大的局限性,主要表现在如下方面。 对短期财务结果过分重视,有可能助长公司管理层的短期行为,忽略企业长期的价值创造。 财务指标反映的是企业过去的经营业绩,衡量工业时代的企业能够满足要i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed 求。但在目前的信息时代, 顾客、供应商、雇员、技术创新等因素对企业经营 业绩的影响越来越大,而杜邦分析法在这些方面是无能为力的。 在目前的市场环境中,企业的无形知识资产对提高企业长期竞争力至关重 要,杜邦分析法不能解决无形资产的估值问题。 i of optical fiber intranet, extranet 24 data points, and set aside reserve. Logarithmic copper cable used for voice communications, vertical Trunk copper cable should meet 1 voice at least 1 set of twisted and must be reserved. 1, and 2# floor and the injury rehabilitation floor of cable from integrated medical floor, by rehabilitation center weak tube respectively introduction to monomer of first layer weak between, the monomer first layer weak between respectively as this monomer of equipment room, network switch do level joint Hou respectively wiring to buildings of Office regional, wiring along the layer shaft points line box Hou along slot laying in the layer ceiling, to end socket line wear plating zinc tube dark enough Yu wall Board within. 4) main distribution frame between devices (BD) located in the medical building information network center machine room, complete internal LAN connection and external broadband network connections, providing a variety of information services to the hospital. The device as a whole hospital network and external network core switch. 5) management on work areas, equipment, into the line between the wiring devices, cable and information outlet module identifies and records according to a certain pattern, such as, to facilitate communication complete the connection lines, line management of localization and translocation. 6) cable laying the vertical trunk cables along a cable tray in weak current shaft installation, horizontal trunk cable laying in the hallway ceiling along a cable tray, horizontal cables into the room, in the ceiling and put along the wall galvanized pipe underground to information outlets. Arrangement of information requirements are as follows: regional nursing unit: 1 unit: each bed
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