首页 汽车品牌以及型号



汽车品牌以及型号汽车品牌以及型号 进口奥迪 ?奥迪TT ?奥迪R8 ?奥迪Q7?奥迪A5 ?奥迪A3 ?Allroad ?A8L 一汽奥迪 ?奥迪A6L ?奥迪A4L 广汽本田 ?锋范 ?飞度 ?奥德赛 ?雅阁 ?思迪 东风本田 ?思铂睿 ?思域 ?CR-V 进口本田 ?时韵 ?里程 进口奔驰 ?奔驰Viano ?奔驰S级 ?奔驰SLK ?奔驰SL ?奔驰R级 ?奔驰ML级 ?奔驰G级 ?奔驰GL级 ?奔驰GLK级 ?奔驰E级 ?奔驰CL级 ?奔驰CLS ?奔驰CLK ?奔驰B级 ?奔驰A级 北京奔驰...

汽车品牌以及型号 进口奥迪 ?奥迪TT ?奥迪R8 ?奥迪Q7?奥迪A5 ?奥迪A3 ?Allroad ?A8L 一汽奥迪 ?奥迪A6L ?奥迪A4L 广汽本田 ?锋范 ?飞度 ?奥德赛 ?雅阁 ?思迪 东风本田 ?思铂睿 ?思域 ?CR-V 进口本田 ?时韵 ?里程 进口奔驰 ?奔驰Viano ?奔驰S级 ?奔驰SLK ?奔驰SL ?奔驰R级 ?奔驰ML级 ?奔驰G级 ?奔驰GL级 ?奔驰GLK级 ?奔驰E级 ?奔驰CL级 ?奔驰CLS ?奔驰CLK ?奔驰B级 ?奔驰A级 北京奔驰 ?奔驰E级 ?奔驰C级 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 华晨宝马 ?宝马5系 ?宝马3系 进口宝马 ?宝马Z4 ?宝马X6 ?宝马X5 ?宝马X3 ?宝马7系 ?宝马6系 ?宝马5系 ?宝马3系 ?宝马1系 北京现代 ?SONATA?领翔 ?SONATA御翔 ?伊兰特 ?雅绅特 ?moInca名驭 ?途胜 ?i30 进口现代 ?酷派 ?君爵 ?雅尊 ?雅科仕 ?维拉克斯 ?新胜达 ?劳恩斯-酷派 ?劳恩斯 ?美佳 东风标致 ?标致307 ?标致207 ?标致206 进口标致 ?标致607 ?标致407 ?标致308 ?标致207 ?标致206 东风雪铁龙 ?凯旋 ?富康 ?毕加索 ?爱丽舍 ?世嘉 ?C2 雪铁龙 ?C6系列 ?C5系列 ?C4系列 ?C4 Picasso ?C3系列 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 上海通用雪佛兰 ?科帕奇 ?科鲁兹 ?景程 ?新赛欧 ?乐风 ?乐骋 上汽通用五菱 ?乐驰 长安沃尔沃 ?S80L ?S40 进口沃尔沃 ?XC90 ?XC70 ?XC60 ?S80 ?S60 ?S40 ?C70 ?C30 比亚迪 ?S8 ?F6 ?F3 ?F1 ?F0 进口别克 ?昂科雷 上海通用别克 ?凯越 ?君越 ?君威 ?GL8 ?荣御 ?林荫大道 东南三菱 ?君阁 ?戈蓝 ?蓝瑟 进口三菱 ?格蓝迪 ?帕杰罗 ?Outlander EX ?Lancer ?Eclipse MG名爵 ?MG名爵TF ?MG名爵7系 ?MG 3SW side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 吉利 ?自由舰 ?金刚 ?金鹰 ?豪情 ?远景 ?优利欧 ?美日 ?美人豹 进口大众 ?甲壳虫 ?辉腾 ?高尔夫 ?大众CC ?Tiguan ?Multivan?途锐 ?EOS ?尚酷 一汽大众 ?开迪 ?捷达 ?高尔夫 ?速腾 ?新宝来 ?迈腾 上海大众 ?POLO ?PASSAT领驭 ?途安 ?桑塔纳志俊 ?朗逸 广汽丰田 ?凯美瑞 ?汉兰达 ?雅力士 进口丰田 ?普瑞维亚 ?普拉多 ?Yaris ?RAV4 ?FJ 酷路泽 一汽丰田 ?卡罗拉 ?花冠EX ?皇冠 ?普锐斯 ?普拉多 ?RAV4 ?威驰 ?特锐 ?锐志 ?陆地巡洋舰 ?兰德酷路泽 奇瑞 ?风云 ?东方之子Cross ?东方之子 ?旗云 ?QQme ?QQ6 ?QQ3 ?瑞虎3 ?A5 ?A3 ?A1 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 长安铃木 ?奥拓 ?雨燕 ?天语 SX4三厢 ?天语 SX4两厢 ?羚羊 昌河铃木 ?北斗星 ?利亚纳 ?浪迪 进口铃木 ?吉姆尼 ?超级维特拉 长安马自达 ?Mazda3 ?Mazda2 一汽马自达 ?Mazda6 ?Mazda5 ?睿翼 进口马自达 ?RX-8 ?MX-5 ?丘比特 ?马自达3两厢 东风悦达起亚 ?嘉华 ?福瑞迪 ?RIO锐欧 ?远舰 ?狮跑 ?赛拉图 ?千里马 进口起亚 ?霸锐 ?欧菲莱斯 ?威客 ?索兰托 ?新佳乐 上海汽车 ?荣威750 ?荣威550 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 东风日产 ?骏逸 ?奇骏 ?骐达 ?骊威 ?逍客 ?颐达 ?阳光 ?天籁 ?轩逸 ?蓝鸟 进口日产 ?贵士 ?风度 ?风雅 ?奇骏 ?西玛 ?途乐 ?GT-R ?350Z 瑞麒 ?瑞麒M1 进口斯柯达 ?法比亚 ?欧雅 ?速派 上海大众斯柯达 ?晶锐 ?Octavia明锐 ?昊锐 上汽双龙 ?爱腾 ?主席 ?享御 ?雷斯特? ?路帝 奔腾 ?B70 ?B50 华晨中华 ?尊驰 ?骏捷FSV ?骏捷FRV ?骏捷Cross ?骏捷 ?中华酷宝 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 天津一汽 ?威姿 ?威志 ?威乐 ?夏利 江淮汽车 ?宾悦 ?同悦 ?瑞风 ?瑞鹰 广汽长丰 ?骐菱 ?帕杰罗 ?猎豹黑金刚 ?猎豹飞腾 ?猎豹奇兵 ?猎豹CS7 ?猎豹CS6 进口菲亚特 ?博悦 ?朋多 ?领雅 ?周末风 ?派力奥 ?派朗 ?西耶那 南京菲亚特 进口福特 ?爱虎 ?野马 ?翼虎 长安福特 ?福克斯 ?新嘉年华 ?麦柯斯 ?蒙迪欧 长城汽车 ?酷熊 ?精灵 ?嘉誉 ?哈弗 ?长城迷你SUV ?炫丽 ?赛弗 ?赛影 长安汽车 ?杰勋 ?奔奔 ?志翔 ?悦翔 昌河汽车 ?福瑞达 ?爱迪尔 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 东风风神 ?S30 东风风行 ?景逸 ?菱智 东风汽车 ?汗马 郑州日产 ?奥丁 ?帕拉丁 ?御轩 东南汽车 ?得利卡 ?菱悦 帝豪 ?EC718 道奇(东南汽车) ?凯领 进口道奇 ?酷搏 ?酷威 ?锋哲 一汽吉林 ?森雅 福田汽车 ?迷迪 ?蒙派克MP-X 法拉利 ?F430 ?F360 ?ENZO ?California ?612 ?599GTB ?575M 浙江飞碟 ?UFO side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 华普汽车 ?海景 ?海锋 ?海域 ?海悦 ?海迅?海炫 ?海尚 华泰汽车 ?特拉卡 ?圣达菲 双环汽车 ?SCEO ?小贵族 ?来宝SRV 哈飞汽车 ?中意 ?赛豹V ?赛豹III ?赛马 ?路宝节油π 上海英伦 ?TX4 英菲尼迪 ?英菲尼迪M ?英菲尼迪G ?FX ?EX 众泰汽车 ?众泰5008 ?众泰2008 ?梦迪博朗 华晨金杯 ?阁瑞斯 吉奥汽车 ?凯睿 ?帅舰 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 重庆力帆 ?620 ?520 ?320 吉普 ?大切诺基 ?指挥官 ?指南者 ?牧马人 北京奔驰-戴克 ?克莱斯勒300C ?铂锐 陆风汽车 ?风华 ?风尚 ?陆风X9 ?陆风X6 劳斯莱斯 ?幻影 ?101EX 林肯 ?城市 ?领航员 玛莎拉蒂 ?总裁 ?Spyder ?GranTurismo ?COUPE ?3200GT 雷诺 ?科雷傲 ?风景 ?威赛帝 ?梅甘娜?拉古娜 兰博基尼 ?Reventon ?Murcielago?Gallardo 路虎 ?发现3 ?卫士 ?神行者2 ?揽胜 迈巴赫 ?迈巴赫 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 迷你 ?MINI 欧宝 ?安德拉 ?雅特 ?威达 ?赛飞利 Acura讴歌 ?TL ?RL ?MDX 庞蒂克 ?Solstice Smart ?smart Fortwo 萨博 ?Saab 9-5 ?Saab 9-3 斯巴鲁 ?驰鹏 ?傲虎 ?翼豹 ?森林人 ?力狮 雷克萨斯 ?SC系列 ?RX系列 ?LX系列 ?LS系列 ?IS系列 ?GX系列?GS系列 ?ES系列 开瑞 ?优派 ?优优 ?优翼 ?优雅 世爵 ?C8 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 捷豹 ?XK ?XJ ?XF ?X-TYPE ?S-TYPE 进口凯迪拉克 ?凯雷德 ?帝威 ?XLR ?STS ?SRX ?CTS 上海通用凯迪拉克 ?SLS赛威 保时捷 ?卡宴 ?Panamera ?Cayman ?Carrera GT ?Boxster ?911 宾利 ?欧陆 ?雅致 布加迪 ?威航 克莱斯勒(东南汽车) ?大捷龙 进口克莱斯勒 ?PT 漫步者 悍马 ?H3 ?H2 海马汽车 ?欢动 ?海福星 ?海马3 ?福美来 ?普力马 ?新普力马 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations
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