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保险早会内容早会保险早会内容早会 2012年9月5日早会 1、问好 2、很感谢大家给我这次组织早会的机会,今天有我几个朋友也来到咱们平安,大家给点掌声欢迎下。 3、可能有新来的不认识我,我来自我介绍下,我叫董海。我来自内蒙古。 4、我来说下今天的天气,今天多云12到23摄氏度。 5、新闻---购买人身保险将收到提示风险短信------为充分提示投保风险,维护保险消费者合法权益,从,,,,年,月,日起,山西省消费者购买人身保险将收到风险提示短信。 据了解,山西省内各人身保险公司将全面开展投保风险短信提示服务,短信提示的...

保险早会 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 早会 2012年9月5日早会 1、问好 2、很感谢大家给我这次组织早会的机会,今天有我几个朋友也来到咱们平安,大家给点掌声欢迎下。 3、可能有新来的不认识我,我来自我介绍下,我叫董海。我来自内蒙古。 4、我来说下今天的天气,今天多云12到23摄氏度。 5、新闻---购买人身保险将收到提示风险短信------为充分提示投保风险,维护保险消费者合法权益,从,,,,年,月,日起,山西省消费者购买人身保险将收到风险提示短信。 据了解,山西省内各人身保险公司将全面开展投保风险短信提示服务,短信提示的范围为易发生销售误导的险种,包括分红险、万能险、投连险。提示内容为保险犹豫期及权利、分红不确定、费用扣除、中途退保有损失等,同时提醒公司将进行电话回访。 responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding 山西保监局要求各人身险省级公司投保风险短信发送时间为承保后,,小时内,避免在深夜等可能滋扰客户的时间发送。投保风险短信提示由统一号码、统一内容发送,短信发送情况实现系统自动统计和管理。 据了解,目前山西省内各保险公司应已经按照投保风险短信提示 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的有关要求,完成相关系统的改造,并修改完善内部流程和有关制度,进入试运行阶段。山西保监局将于,月对该项制度的试运行情况逐家进行检查和验收,以确保投保风险提示短信,月,日顺利发送。 大家听完这个新闻,以后出单前一定要细致的为客户解释我们保险的各项费用的用处,还要把责任免除等一切需要和客户告知的都提前说清楚,避免客户收到信息会对我们的保单有异议,那时候处理的话也许就会有点麻烦了。从这则新闻大家是不是看到保险为客户考虑的越来越多了啊。所以我们没事也为我们的客户多想想。 responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding 2012年9月2日早上8点多,河南郑州市经过一夜大雨后,107国道附近大面积塌陷造成一人被埋,塌陷面积大概有500平方米,深六七米左右,经过郑州消防战士将近5个小时的营救,人被挖出时已经死亡。这是不是死的有点莫名其妙啊,开车走着走着突然路就踏了,这样的事没发生我估计我们想都想不到吧。所以有的时候风险我们能不能把控啊,不能。既然不能把控,那我们应该怎么做,把风险转移,让大家来帮我们承担,那肯定会有人说了为什么别人帮你承担啊,这就是我们保险的理念,人人为我,我为人人。你没入保险肯定没人帮你承担风险。 接下来是我们的开心一刻,开心一刻拿出10分钟的时间由我们的王经理和会跳平安歌的伙伴来教我们手语舞。 咱们活动完了,现在和大家分享点我个人的一些观点,可能不是太正确,但是也许会对我们的展业带来帮助。 首先做我们这个行业是不是要保持个好的心态。 responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding 我们做一件事情的时候是不是会有俩个结果,【黑板写】一个是好一个 是 坏,其实一件事情的发生肯定有好坏两个方面,当我们认为这件事是坏事的时候,是不是常常的发现不了它的好,其实我们是把坏的东西无限放大,而把好的一面给掩盖了。这就是我们的思想在作怪,我们的心态在作怪。举例【我曾经在火车站丢钱970元,这是坏事,但这坏事有没有给我们带来好的东西,以后的谨慎,钱都藏起来,只留路费。以后赚钱多了,也小心了再没有丢过,也许不是那次的丢钱,后面我还是不会谨慎,也许丢的钱会更多。】【还有考本,没考住是不是坏事,怎么远工作怎么忙去一趟不容易,考不住是不是下次补考很麻烦换要回去,但是如果我们这样想,这次没考上,正好给我自己再回去的机会让我忙里偷闲放松下。】所以心情的好坏是不是在我们自己啊。 所以说好坏其实没有一个特定的界限去衡量,好坏只是相对的,【大家都看过武侠电影,里面好多英雄劫富济贫,他们抢劫贪官污吏的钱去救济老百姓。那么那些侠客在那responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding 些被偷抢的贪官污吏眼里是不是大坏人啊。但是对那些被救济的人眼里他们是十足的好人,也许他们感觉这些人就是他们的神】所以说好坏没有界限去衡量,再坏的事情是不是都会有个度,到一定的时候是不是就止步了解决了。 讲到这大家看看这个图是什么图,T型图吧。咱们肯定记得我们用T型图讲过我们保险的意义与公用。那我们今天再回顾下。T型图黑板讲解,讲解完继续讲买保险的好处和坏处。先说坏处,大家说说买保险有什么坏处,比如说一年交3600元,那么坏处就是每月少花的300元,也就是本来抽20元的烟抽成10元的了。好处呢, 1保障,买了我们是不是就有保障了,发生意外或者疾病的时候有人替我们去分担我们的痛苦和压力。 2备及时所需,现在我们每月存300现在的300 是不是对我们来说没多少啊,一顿饭的钱,但是以后的某一天,假如我们有个事情需要钱的时候,我们当初存的钱加上分红利息,是不是会有可观的一笔啊。 responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding 3身价,买了保险我们是不是就有了自己的身价了,【我们讲过牛掉河里的故事,没有身价他的孩子们是先去捞牛,因为牛拨皮能卖钱,而那个人死了却是一文不值反而还要花钱去送葬。但是我们有了身价就不一样了对不对】 4避税,我们学过是不是保险可以合法的避税。【比如说我们的财产留给孩子会不会打税啊,给大家讲点关于房产方面的知识,比如说家长有套房子要留给孩子大家知道要花多少钱的税钱吗,首先不说过户的钱,过户几万就够,有的人感觉几万是不是很多你们知道如果房的房方本写的是家长的名字,家长不在的话,这个房子孩子继承要打多少钱的税,大家有知道的吗?20%的继承税也就是个人所得税,加入房子市场价值50万那就是打10万的税,多不多。这些大家展业的时候可以适当的去讲 5放冻结,假如我们的客户是做生意的,大家知道现在做生活是不是要做的很活啊,有的时候是不是需要讲的人情世故,这个人情世故大家知道是什么意思,但是有的时候因responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding 为送礼或别的原因是不是会触犯法律,有的 时候严重了是不是会冻结个人所有财产。但 大家要知道保险的现金价值是不能冻结的, 这是保险法的规定。 好处还有很多,这些只是我想到的。 接下来再和大家聊下关于赞美的话题。 responsible for measurement management work and accurate implementation; is responsible for site test room of technology management; do monthly completed engineering volume statistics, and owners, and supervision for engineering progress paragraph settlement and completed accounts. 5, quality Department: responsible for overall project quality, security management. Quality assurance, quality control, quality assurance, quality inspection, evaluation, quality information safety guarantee system safety assessment, safety inspections, safety procedures, safety facilities, labour protection, safety measures, fire guard, civil construction, environmental protection, responsible for site laboratory quality management. 6, the Department of management is responsible for the engineering contract management, production and management jobs. Project management and settlement, project reporting, price breakdown and the new price system, monthly volume complete statistics, progress payment settlement with the owner, supervisor and project completion final accounts. Scheduling jobs is responsible for the whole project. Plan, schedule, inspecting and supervising the manufacturing progress goals face, excluding
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