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普通话标准发音(2)普通话标准发音(2) 普通话声调 a=声带振颤,口大开,舌面中部(偏后)微微隆起,舌位最低。 o=声带振颤,口微开,两唇收敛,略呈圆形,上下唇音距离约如一食指宽,舌向生缩,舌面后部隆起,舌位次高。 e=声带振颤,口半闭,上下门齿稍微离开,唇不圆,嘴角向左右微展,上下齿都看得见,上下唇间距离约一食指宽,上下齿间距离约一小指宽,舌向后缩,舌面后部隆起,舌位次高。 ä=声带振颤,口半开,上下门齿距离较远,大约相当自己拇指的宽度。唇不圆,舌面的隆起点在前,舌尖抵住下门齿背,舌位次低。 i=声带振颤,口合拢,嘴角尽...

普通话 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 发音(2) 普通话声调 a=声带振颤,口大开,舌面中部(偏后)微微隆起,舌位最低。 o=声带振颤,口微开,两唇收敛,略呈圆形,上下唇音距离约如一食指宽,舌向生缩,舌面后部隆起,舌位次高。 e=声带振颤,口半闭,上下门齿稍微离开,唇不圆,嘴角向左右微展,上下齿都看得见,上下唇间距离约一食指宽,上下齿间距离约一小指宽,舌向后缩,舌面后部隆起,舌位次高。 ä=声带振颤,口半开,上下门齿距离较远,大约相当自己拇指的宽度。唇不圆,舌面的隆起点在前,舌尖抵住下门齿背,舌位次低。 i=声带振颤,口合拢,嘴角尽向左右展开,下下嘴唇呈平形,上下齿接近,舌尖下垂在下门齿背后,舌面隆起部分在前,舌位最高。 û=声带振颤,双唇聚拢,唇中间留一个扁平的小孔,舌尖下垂在下门risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 齿背后,舌面隆起部分在前,舌位最高。先发i音,逐渐收敛双唇和嘴角,即成û。 u=声带振颤,口闭拢,上下唇尽力收缩成圆形,双唇向前突出(动作如撅嘴),中间只留一个小圆孔、舌面隆起点在后,舌位最高。 ,i后=发音时,声带振颤,舌尖翘起,对着硬腭前部,舌尖和硬腭距离稍远,不起磨擦。 ,i后:发音时,声带振颤,舌尖前伸,对着上门齿背,舌尖和门齿背距离稍远,不起磨擦。 er=发音时,声带振颤,口腔在半开半闭之间,卷舌,舌尖接近硬腭,舌面放平,中央部分稍微隆起。 b=两唇紧闭,然后突然放开,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声,透出的气流很微弱。 p=两唇紧闭,然后突然放开,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声,透出的气流很强。 m=两唇紧闭,软腭下垂,声带振颤,音波和气流先到口腔,但无出路,回荡后上升鼻腔,口腔、鼻腔发生共鸣,从鼻孔出气、发音。 f=上门齿轻轻接触下嘴唇,气流从唇齿缝间挤出来,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。 d=舌尖顶住上牙床,然后突然放开,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声,透出的气流很微弱。 t=舌尖顶住上牙床,然后突然放开,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声,透出的气流很强。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions n=舌尖顶住上牙床,软腭下垂,声带颤动,音波和气流先到口腔,但无出路,上升鼻腔,口腔、鼻腔发生共鸣,从鼻孔出气发音。 l=舌尖顶住上牙订,声带颤动,口腔发生共鸣,由舌前部的两边出气发音。 ɡ=舌根顶住软腭,然后突然放开,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声,透出的气流很微弱。发音时口微张上下齿之间有较宽的距离。 k=舌根顶住软腭,然后突然放开,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声,透出的气流较强。 nɡ=舌根顶住软腭,软腭下垂,声带颤动,音波和气流只是在咽头回荡一下即上升到腔鼻,发生共鸣,从鼻孔出气发音。 h=舌根接近软腭,中间留一道很窄的缝,让气流从窄缝里挤出来,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。 j=舌面向前向上,向硬前腭部贴紧,舌尖下垂,然后突然把舌面放松一点儿,让气流很微弱地由窄缝中透出,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。发音时上下齿对紧。 q=舌面向前向上,向硬前腭部贴紧,舌尖下垂,然后突然把舌面放松一点儿,让气流很强的由窄缝中透出,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。发音时上下齿对紧。 x=舌面向前向上,和硬腭前部接近,中间留一道窄缝,让气流挤出来。气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。发音时,舌尖下垂,上下齿对紧。 zh=舌尖翘起,顶住上牙床后面硬腭的前端,然后突然把舌尖放松一risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 点儿,让气流很微弱的由窄缝中透出,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。 ch=舌尖翘起,顶住上牙床后面硬腭的前端,然后突然把舌尖放松一点儿,让气流很强的由窄缝中透出,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。 sh=舌尖翘起,和上牙床后面的硬腭前端接近,中间留一道窄缝,让气流挤出来,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。 r=舌尖翘起,和上牙床后面的硬腭前端接近,中间留一道窄缝,声带颤动,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。 z=舌尖向前平伸,顶住上门齿背后,然后突然把舌尖放松一点儿,气流很微弱地由窄缝中透出来,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。发音时上齿掩住下齿,没有距离,舌尖下部也接近下齿背。 c=舌尖向前平伸,顶住上门齿背后,然后突然把舌尖放松一点儿,气流很强地由窄缝中透出来,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。发音时上齿掩住下齿,没有距离,舌尖下部也接近下齿背。 s=舌尖向前平伸,和上门齿背后接近,中间留一道窄缝,让气流挤出来,气流激动阻碍点,口腔发生共鸣而成声。发音时上齿掩住下齿,没有距离,舌尖下部也接近下齿背。 ai=由"前 a"音开始,舌尖顶下门齿背,一直不动,舌位逐渐上升(舌尖顶住下门齿不动,舌面前部逐渐上升,口形渐闭)到接近i时而止,动程宽。a响而长,i弱而短。 ei=由"前 e"音开始,舌位渐升,到接近i 时而止,动程很窄。e响而risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 长,i弱而短。 ao=由"后a"音开始,舌头一直后缩,舌位逐渐上升,唇形逐渐收敛,拢圆,到接近u(超过o音)而止,动程宽。a响而长,o弱而短。 ou=由"央e"音开始,舌位后移,上升,唇形逐渐收敛,拢圆,到接近u时而止,动程最窄。o响而长,u弱而短。 ia=由i开始,舌位渐降,趋向中央,到"中a"而止,动程宽。i紧而短,a响而长。 ie=由i开始,舌位渐降,到ä而止,动程较窄。i紧而短,ä响而长。 ua=由u开始,舌位渐降,趋向中央,到"中a"而止,动程宽。u紧而短,a响而长。 uo=由u 开始,舌位渐降到O而止,动程很窄。u紧而短,O响而长。 ûE=由û开始,舌位渐降,到ä而止,动程较窄。û紧而短,ä响而长。 iao=ao前面增加一段由i 开始的发音动程。舌位活动先降后升,由前到后,呈大曲折形状,幅度大,曲折度水大,i是紧而短的。 iou=ou前增加一段由i开始的发音动程。舌位活动先降后升,由前到后呈小曲折形状,幅度不大,曲折度大。i是紧而短的。 uai=ai前再增加一段由U 舌位开始的发音动程。舌位活动先降后升,由后到前,呈大曲折形状,幅度大曲折角度不大。U是紧而短的。 uei=ei前再增加一段由u 舌位开始的发音过程。舌位活动先降后升,由后到前,呈小曲折形状、幅度不大,曲折角度大。u是紧而短的。 一、普通话声调介绍 声调是音节的高低升降形式,它主要是由音高决定的。音乐中的risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 音阶也是由音高决定的,因此,声调可以用音阶来模拟,学习声调也可以借助于自己的音乐感。但要注意,声调的音高是相对的,不是绝对;声调的升降变化是滑动的,不象从一个音阶到另一个音阶那样跳跃式地移动。描写声调的高低通常用五度标记法:立一竖标,中分5度,最低为1,最高为5。普通话有四个声调: 1、阴平 念高平,用五度标记法来表示,就是从5到5,写作55。声带绷到最紧,始终无明显变化,保持音高。例如:青春光辉 春天花开 公司通知 新屋出租 2、阳平 念高升(或说中升),起音比阴平稍低,然后升到高。用五度标记法表示,就是从3升到5,写作35。声带从不松不紧开始,逐步绷紧,直到最紧,声音从不低不高到最高。例如:人民银行 连年和平 农民犁田 圆形循环 3、上(shang3)声 念降升,起音半低,先降后升,用五度标记法表示,是从2降到1再升到4,写作214。声带从略微有些紧张开始,立刻松弛下来,稍稍延长,然后迅速绷紧,但没有绷到最紧。例如:彼此理解 理想美满 永远友好 管理很好 4、去声 念高降(或称全降),起音高,接着往下滑,用五度标记法表示,是从5降到1,写作51。声带从紧开始到完全松弛为止,声音从高到低,音长是最短的。例如:下次注意 世界教育 报告胜利 创造利润 二、上声的变调 上声在跟上声相连或跟别的声调相连的时候,都要念变调。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 1、念半上??上声在阴平、阳平、去声前面念半上,调值由214变成21或211,也就是只降不升,由于上声的起音就低,所以近似低平调。例如:每天mþitiün 每年mþinián 每月mþiyuâ 2、念直上,像阳平一样??上声跟上声相连,前面的上声变成升调,跟阳平一样(或近似阳平)。调值由214变成24或35。例如: 美好mþihao 厂长changzhang 领导lingdao 声调训练 一、按普通话四声的调值念下面的音节。 一 姨 乙 艺 yÿ yæ yǐ yå 辉 回 毁 惠 huÿ huæ huǐ huå风 冯 讽 奉 fýng fãng fþng fâng飞 肥 匪 费 fýi fãi fþi fâi 通 同 桶 痛 tōng tèng tǒng tong 迂 于 雨 遇 yū yú yǔ yù 二、按阴阳上去的顺序念语句。 中华有志 zhōng huá yǒu zhå坚持改进 jiün chæ gǎi jån中华伟大 zhōng huá wþi dà千锤百炼 qiün chuæ bǎi liàn光明磊落 guüng mæng lþi luç 花红柳绿 huü hèng liǔ lǜ 三、按去上阳阴的顺序念语句(上声按变调念半上) 破釜沉舟 pç fǔ chãn zhōu 调虎离山 diào hǔ læshün 弄巧成拙nçng qiǎo chãng zhu 信以为真 xån yǐ wãi zhýn 妙手回春 miào shǒu huæ chūn 异口同声yå kǒu tèng shýng 四、上声的变调练习 1、念半上:北方bþifüng纺织fǎngzhÿ广播guǎngbō简单jiǎndün马车risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions mǎchý小刀xiǎodüo喜欢xǐhuün美丽mþilå宝贵bǎoguå暖流nuǎnliú 2、念阳平:美好mþihǎo小姐xiǎojiþ只有zhǐyǒu奖品jiǎngpǐn考古kǎogǔ手表shǒubiǎo勇敢yǒnggǎn演讲yǎnjiǎng肥水fãishuǐ 扭转niǔzhuǎn 普通话语音基础知识 一、音节和音素: 音节是自然的语音单位,一个汉字就是一个音节(儿化韵例外)。 音素是最小的语音单位,可分为元音和辅音。 二、声调 普通话有四个声调:阴平、阳平、上声、去声。 阳平:注意不要拐弯。 上声:在读单字时,不能读成半上,不能拐两次弯。在读双音节词语时,若上声在阴平、阳平、去声前念半上,如"喜欢";若上声跟上声相连,前面的上声变成升调,跟阳平一样,如"美好";若上声在后,可读半上,如"工厂"。 三、声母和韵母: 声母是音节开头的辅音,韵母是音节中声母后面的部分。 1、声母:(21个) 双唇音:b、p、m 唇齿音:f 舌面音:j、q、x 舌根音:g、k、h 舌尖前音:z、c、s 舌尖中音:d、t、n、l 舌尖根音:zh、ch、sh、r n 又叫鼻音,l 又叫边音;z、c、s 又叫平舌音,zh、ch、sh、r 又risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 叫翘舌音。 (1)鼻音与边音 n 发音时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,软腭下降,打开鼻腔通路,气流振动声带,从鼻腔通过。如"能耐"、"泥泞"的声母。 l 发音时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,软腭上升,堵塞鼻腔通路,气流振动声带,从舌头两边通过。如"玲珑"、"嘹亮"的声母。 无赖,无奈 水牛,水流 男裤,蓝裤 旅客,女客 脑子,老子 连夜,年夜 留念,留恋 浓重,隆重 大娘,大梁 南部,蓝布 (2)平舌音与翘舌音 摘花,栽花 商业,桑叶 阻力,主力 木柴,木材 自力,智力 三角,山脚 春装,村庄 小炒,小草 蔬菜,素菜 支援,资源 2、韵母:(39个) (1)单韵母:(10个) a、o、e、i、u、û、ä、,i(前)、,i(后)、er(儿化韵) 分清i,û 下雨,所以 区域,会议 预见,意见 通讯,通信 (2)复韵母:(13个) 前响复韵母:ai、ei、ao、ou ai 白菜、海带、买卖 ei 配备、北美、黑霉 ao 高潮、报道、吵闹 ou 后楼、收购、漏斗 后响复韵母:ia、ie、ua、uo、ûe ia 加价、假牙、压下 ie 结业、贴切、趔趄 ua 花褂、桂花 uo 过错、活捉、阔绰 ûe 雀跃、决绝 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 中响复韵母:uai、uei、iao、iou uai 摔坏、外块 uei退回、归队 iao 巧妙、小鸟、教条 iou优秀、求救、牛油 (3)鼻韵母:(16个) an、 en、 uan、 ian、 en、 in、 un、 ûan ang、 eng、 uang、 iang、 ueng、 ing、 ong、 iong 分辨 en,eng 陈旧,成就 深沉,生成 深耕,生根 分针,风筝 分辨 in,ing 亲近,清静 红心,红星 人名,人民 信服,幸福 分辨an,ang 女蓝,女郎 烂漫,浪漫 反问,访问 担心,当心 分清an,ang 搬家,帮助 盘绕,旁边 隐瞒,很忙 船帆,正方 担心,当然 海滩,鸡汤 江南,气囊 兰花,郎中 干粉,刚强 看见,健康 寒冷,杭州 占有,张罗 产妇,厂房 山水,商人 然而,叫嚷 参与,仓位 上船,上床 三人,桑叶 安静,昂扬 簪子,脏水 四、音变 1、变调 (1)上声的变调 (2) "一、不"的变调 2、儿化韵 儿化韵在表达词语的语法意义和修辞色彩上都起着积极的作用。 3、轻声 4、语气词"啊"的音变 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 单字词语综合训练(一) 一、读单字(共10分)(限时3分钟) 镍 涩 习 宽 狗 迈 吻 驴 恽 区(姓氏) 坏 嘣 墨 慌 由 入 子 播 润 藏(躲藏) 瞥 救 闩 逛 学 付 均 抵 荫 俩(咱俩) 蝉 寸 嘭 领 心 涌 亏 罚 司 券(债券) 婶 初 砣 篇 却 捐 磷 郑 爷 哄(起哄) 抓 病 秦 面 煮 患 饶 欧 纫 揣(怀惴) 饿 翁 贼 箭 夺 酱 夸 舜 鳃 相(相机) 则 兄 二 梗 跪 池 掉 枕 榻 石(石板) 蹑 标 痛 港 丢 框 掐 宋 啪 那(口语音) 名 枣 痣 防 次 窝 惨 溺 挨(挨打) 褪(褪去冬衣) 二、读词语(共20分)(限时3分钟) 送信儿 咖啡 扭搭 沙漠 哈尼族 按期 实用 贫困 喷嚏 昂扬 交流 平反 榫头 独特 蠢笨 肆虐 沉冤 月份 酌量 号召 萌芽 鲜花 奶嘴 判定 上座儿 搜寻 蛐蛐儿 接洽 仍然 拐弯 白菜 冠军 总得 熊猫 萝卜 策略 走味儿 培植 快乐 软骨 鄙薄 物价 因此 调和 而且 往常 机床 生日 悬挂 听讲 单字词语综合训练(二) 一、读单字(共10分)(限时3分钟) 贴 吻 抓 略 女 怀 涮 司 还 (还原) 相(相机) 砣 君 岸 存 坡 炕 枕 虐 俩 (咱俩) 石(石板) 避 夸 停 贵 模 饼 痣 秦 采 (采访) 叶(叶片) 凡 掐 孔 丢 惹 卧 婶 妾 广 (广播) 沓(一沓) risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 恋 笙 矿 除 张 籽 嘣 习 漂 (漂泊) 那(口语音) 锌 润 墙 次 涌 餐 绕 将 (将来) 恶(恶毒) 嘿(嘿嘿一笑) 面 播 订 牌 兄 物 索 六 (六月) 否(否定) 冲(酒味很冲) 群 窗 掉 跟 熔 拒 孙 尽 (尽力) 眯(眯缝) 褪(褪去冬衣) 美 院 吃 贰 险 赴 隋 沤 (沤肥) 揣(怀揣) 拗(拗不过) 翁 选 造 海 灌 啪 荫 曾 (曾孙) 轴(轴承) 扎(扎裤脚) 二、读词语(共20分)(限时3分钟) 发扬 模型 花蕊 拨拉 配合 旦角儿 森林 拼音 嫂子 车站 一顺儿 平方 谢谢 称赞 两边 峡谷 志气 乔装 蠢蠢 入口 短促 刻苦 刺猬 耐用 瓜分 沸腾 谎言 从而 试卷 拐弯 亲爱 手软 熊猫 总得 具体 脆弱 葬送 落后 需求 拈阄儿 书架 标尺 快乐 穷忙 调整 恩情 均匀 喧闹 包干儿 忘却 单字词语综合训练(三) 一、读单字(共10分)(限时3分钟) 额 贵 装 自 惹 掐 枕 秦 供 (供给) 石(石板) 挎 街 尝 啊 密 操 痣 习 并 (合并) 委(委派) 润 翻 二 灾 涌 餐 杨 六 (六月) 朝(朝代) 叶(叶片) 猜 熔 斩 日 翁 乳 申 否 (否定) 刺(讽刺) 撒(撒播) 腻 犬 瓶 丢 框 铝 嘭 色 (色彩) 俩(咱俩) 那(口语音) 胸 池 关 近 乘 莫 嘣 圈 (猪圈) 挑(挑战) 嘿(嘿嘿一笑) risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 舔 跃 零 荫 桨 涮 旬 晃 (晃动) 屯(屯兵) 得(得一小时) 聊 亏 段 渠 刁 踹 砣 曾 (曾孙) 闷(苦闷) 咳(咳~真怪~) 握 拨 面 普通话语音 一、概论 普通话,是汉语标准语的通称。它以北京语音为标准音。 普通话语音的特点是:声母除舌尖后擦音r、鼻音n,m 、边音l外,没有浊音;韵母多复元音,鼻韵母有前后之分。较之汉语的其他方言(特别是南方方言),普通话的语音系统性强;声调较少,变调也比较简明,加之北京自元朝以来,一直是中国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心,因此,以它作为汉语的标准音是很有道理的。 普通话语音系统主要包括声母、韵母、声调、音节,以及变调、轻声、儿化等。下面将按这几个方面分述。同时,也会按 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 欧洲语言语音的方法,从另一个角度分析汉语的语音,以作补充。另外,由于国际音标中的一些符号无法以字符的形式显示,文末将以GIF格式的图象给出汉语声母、韵母和国际音标对照表。 二、声母 在普通话中,基本上一个汉字对应一个音节的读音。普通话的音节是由声母和韵母相拼而成的。 除零声母外,声母都是辅音。普通话的声母一共有22个(包括零声母)。所谓零声母,就是“没有声母”,音节中只有韵母。在小学课本中,没有零声母的概念,而将y、w(即i、u)也做为声母。严格说来,y、w不能算做声母,它是risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 复韵母中的韵头,只是在零声元音节中,其位置类似声母罢了。 除零声母外,另外21个声母按阻碍部位可以分成7类:双唇音、唇齿音、舌尖前音、舌尖中音、舌尖后音、舌面前音和舌根音;按发音方式可以分成5类:塞(sâ)音、擦音、塞擦音、鼻音和边音。按声带是否振动可以分为清音和浊音。清音又有送气不送气之分。下表是21个声母和后鼻韵母韵尾-ng的归类: 双唇音 唇齿音 舌尖前音 舌尖中音 舌尖后音 舌面前音 舌根音 塞音(清) 送气 p f t k 不送气 b d g 擦音 清 s sh x h 浊 r 塞擦音(清)送气c ch q 不送气 z zh j 鼻音(浊) m n -ng 边音(浊) l 由上表可见:b、p、m都是双唇音,f是唇齿音,发音部位与双唇音接近;d、t、n、l都是舌尖前音;g、k、h都是舌根音;j、q、x都是舌面前音;zh、ch、sh、r都是舌尖后音;z、c、s都是舌尖前音。《汉语拼音 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》就是按这样的顺序对声母进行排列分组的。下面仍按这个顺序对21个声母和-ng进行介绍。 一、双唇音b,p,m和唇齿音f 双唇音,就是利用双唇闭合这样的阻碍发出的辅音。在发b时,risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 双唇闭合,软腭上升,气流因通路被完全封闭而积蓄起来,然后双唇打开,气流脱口而出,爆发成声。声带不振动。发p的阻碍部位和发音方式与发b同,只是在发p时,冲出的气流比发b时要强许多。像这样,先在口腔中造成阻碍,让气流在阻碍后面积蓄起来,然后除去阻碍,让气流冲出,爆发成声,以这种方式发音的辅音就叫做塞音。声带不振动的辅音,就叫做清音;反之则叫浊音。像b这样,有气流冲出,但气流不强,叫做不送气;而像p这样,冲出的气流很强,叫做送气。因此,b是双唇不送气清塞音,p是双唇送气清塞音。 注意汉语的b和欧洲语言中的[b]是不同的。汉语的b是清音,英语的[b]是浊音。因此,不能以汉语中的b去发欧洲语言中的[b],也不能用欧洲语言中的[b]去发汉语中的b。后面的d、g、j、zh和z都是这样的情况。 在发m时,双唇闭合,封闭气流的口腔通路,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出,同时振动声带成声。像这样,在口腔中造成阻碍,让气流从鼻腔中泄出,同时振动声带成声,以这种方式发音的辅音就叫做鼻音。此外,很显然,m是一个浊音,它是双唇浊鼻音。 唇齿音,就是利用上齿与下唇相接这样的阻碍发出的辅音。 在发f时,上齿与下唇相接,软腭上升,让气流从唇齿间的窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。像这样,在口腔中造成阻碍,但在阻碍中留一窄缝,让气流从这条窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声,以这种方式发音的辅音就叫做擦音。f是唇齿清擦音。 二、舌尖中音d,t,n和l 舌尖可以上翘,抵在上腭的不同部位,造成不同的阻碍。其中,利用舌尖抵在上齿龈这样的阻碍发出的risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 辅音,叫做舌尖中音。相对应的还有舌尖前音和舌尖后音,将在后面介绍。 在发d时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,软腭上升,气流因通路被完全封闭而积蓄起来,然后舌尖离开上齿龈,气流迸发而出,爆发成声。声带不振动。发t的阻碍部位和发音方式与发d同,只是在发t时,冲出的气流比发d时要强许多。d是舌尖中不送气清塞音,t是舌尖中送气清塞音。 在发n时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,封闭气流的口腔通路,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出,同时振动声带成声。n是舌尖中浊鼻音。 在发l时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,轻腭上升,然后让气从舌头与两颊内侧的空隙间流出,同时振动声带成声。以这样的方法发音的l叫做边音。l是舌尖中浊边音。 三、舌根音g,k和h和-ng 舌根音,就是利用舌根隆起抵住软腭这样的阻碍发出的辅音。 在发g时,软腭上升,舌根隆起抵住软腭,气流因通路被完全封闭而积蓄起来,然后舌根下降,脱离软腭,气流迸发而出,爆发成声。声带不振动。发k的阻碍部位和发音方式与发g同,只是在发k时,冲出的气流比发g时要强许多。g是舌根不送气清塞音,k是舌根送气清塞音。 在发h时,软腭上升,挡住气流的鼻腔通路,舌根隆起,与软腭之间形成一个窄缝,气流从窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。h是舌根清擦音。 在发-ng时,软腭下垂,舌根隆起抵住软腭,封闭气流的口腔通路,气流从鼻腔泄出,同时振动声带成声。-ng是舌根浊鼻音。在普通话中,-ng不是声母,仅作为后鼻韵母的韵尾。 在一些方言中,h与f会相混;学习普通话,要注意区分这两个音。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 四、舌面前音j,q和x 舌面可以抬起,抵住上腭的不同部位,造成不同的阻碍。其中,利用舌面前面抬起抵住硬腭前部这样的阻碍发出的辅音叫做舌面前音。相对应的还有舌面中音和舌面后音。舌面后音就是舌根音。在普通话中没有舌面中音。 在发j时,舌面前部抵住硬腭前部,软腭上升,气流因通路被完全封闭而积蓄起来,然后舌面前部微离硬腭,形成一个窄缝,气流从窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。发q的阻碍部位和发音方式与发j同,只是在发q时,冲出的气流比发j时要强许多。像这样,先在口腔中造成阻碍,让气流在阻碍后面积蓄起来,然后在阻碍中留一窄缝,让气流从这条窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声;因为这种发音方式兼有塞音和擦音的特点,因此,以这种方式发音的辅音就叫做塞擦音。j是舌面前不送气清塞擦音,q是舌面前送气清塞擦音。 在发x时,舌面前部靠近硬腭前部,形成一个窄缝,软腭上升,气流从舌面与硬腭间的窄缝里挤出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。可见x的发音部位和j、q相同,但它的发音方式没有塞的成分,是纯粹的擦音。因此,x是舌面前清擦音。五、舌尖后音zh,ch,sh和r 舌尖后音,就是利用舌尖抵住硬腭前部这样的阻碍发出的辅音。硬腭前部比起上齿龈来,位置靠后(靠近咽喉),因此相比于利用舌尖抵住上齿龈的舌尖中音,这类音就叫舌尖后音。 在发zh时,舌尖翘起,抵住硬腭前部,软腭上升,气流因通路完全封闭而积蓄起来。然后舌尖微离硬腭,形成一个窄缝,气流从窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。发ch的阻碍部位和发音方式与发zh同,只是在发ch时,冲出的气流比发zh时要强许多。zh是舌尖后不risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 送气清塞擦音,ch是舌尖后送气清塞擦音。 在发sh时,舌尖翘起,接近硬腭前部,在舌尖与硬腭之间留有一个窄缝,软腭上升,气流从舌尖与硬腭间的窄缝里挤出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。发r的阻碍部位和发音方式与发sh同,只是在发r时,声带要振动。sh是舌尖后清擦音,r是舌尖后浊擦音。 由于发舌尖后音时,舌尖要上翘起,仿佛是向后卷,因此舌尖后音zh、ch、sh、r通常又叫做卷舌音。六、舌尖前音z,c和s 舌尖前音,就是利用舌尖抵住上门齿背这样的阻碍发出的辅音。上门齿背比起上齿龈来,位置靠前(告近双唇),因此相比于利用舌尖抵住上齿龈的舌尖中音,这类音就叫舌尖前音。 在发z时,舌尖抵住上门齿背,软腭上升,气流因通路被完全封闭而积蓄起来。然后舌尖微离上齿背,形成一个窄缝,气流从窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。发c的阻碍部位和发音方式与发z同,只是在发c是,冲出的气流比发z时要强许多。z是舌尖前不送气清塞擦音,c是舌尖前送气清塞擦音。 在发s时,舌尖接近上门齿背,形成一个窄缝,软腭上升,气流从窄缝中泄出,摩擦成声。声带不振动。s是舌尖前清擦音。 由于发舌尖前音时,舌尖要前伸,上翘的姿势不明显,舌面平直,因此舌尖前音z、c、s通常又叫做平舌音。在许多方言中,卷舌音和平舌音不分,甚至这两类音和舌面前音j、q、x也不分。学习普通话,要特别注意这三类音的区分。 在发以上各音时,软腭的位置也是不可忽视的。软腭上升,是为了堵住气流的鼻腔通道;软腭下垂,是为了堵住气流的口腔通道。如果软腭的位置不好,气流总是同时从鼻腔和口腔中泄出,发出的音risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 就不是标准的普通话声母。 三、韵母 普通话中的韵母共有39个,数目比声母多,系统也比较复杂。 一个音节中的韵母,通常可以分为韵头、韵腹和韵尾三部分。韵腹是一个韵母发音的关键,是韵母发音过程时,口腔肌肉最紧张,发音最响亮的部分;韵头是韵腹前面、起前导作用的部分,发音比较模糊,往往迅速带过;韵尾则是韵腹后面、起收尾作用的部分,发音也比较模糊,但务求发到位。有的韵母只有韵腹,这种韵母在发音时,发音部位不变,始终如一,称为单韵母。有的韵母只有韵头和韵腹,发音时有一个发音部位的转换,因为发这类韵母时,较响亮的音在后,因此叫做后响复韵母。 韵尾又可以分成两种:一种叫鼻韵尾,有-n,-ng两个,另一种叫口韵尾。有鼻韵尾的韵母叫鼻韵母。对于有口韵尾的韵母来说,有的没有韵头,发这类韵母时,较响亮的音在前,因此叫做前响复韵母;有的有韵头,也就是韵头、韵腹、韵尾三部分兼备,发这类韵母时,较响亮的音在中 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions
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