首页 教育培训机构宗旨



教育培训机构宗旨教育培训机构宗旨 北京K12教育 办学宗旨:在快乐中学习 ,在学习中寻找知识,在知识中寻找快乐~ 办学目标:产业化、专业化 培养目标:教孩子喜欢的,讲解孩子不懂的,一切以孩子为本。 办学思路: 1、跨越式发展思想:硬软件兼备,以教学带动活动,注重战略与细节建设,创特色、 争一流。 2、“以人为本”的教育思想:像对待亲人一样对待老师,像对待朋友一样对待学生,抓师生的“德、智、体、美”建设。 校 训:学会做人、学会做事、学会求知、学会共处 校 风:奉献、开拓、严谨、求实 教 风:讲师德、讲奉献、讲学习、讲教...

教育培训机构宗旨 北京K12教育 办学宗旨:在快乐中学习 ,在学习中寻找知识,在知识中寻找快乐~ 办学目标:产业化、专业化 培养目标:教孩子喜欢的,讲解孩子不懂的,一切以孩子为本。 办学思路: 1、跨越式发展思想:硬软件兼备,以教学带动活动,注重战略与细节建设,创特色、 争一流。 2、“以人为本”的教育思想:像对待亲人一样对待老师,像对待朋友一样对待学生,抓师生的“德、智、体、美”建设。 校 训:学会做人、学会做事、学会求知、学会共处 校 风:奉献、开拓、严谨、求实 教 风:讲师德、讲奉献、讲学习、讲教学、讲育人 学 风:刻苦、勤思、活泼、诚实 办学章程: 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 治校、制度治教 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 : 为加强机构的规范化管理,完善各项工作制度,促进机构发 展壮大,提高经济效益,根据国家有关法律、法规及机构章程的 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 ,特制订本机构管理制度大纲。 一、机构全体员工必须遵守机构章程,遵守机构的各项规章制度 和决定。 二、机构倡导树立“我为人人”思想,禁止任何部门、个人做有 损机构利益、形象、声誉或破坏机构发展的事情。 三、机构通过发挥全体员工的积极性、创造性和提高全体员工的 技术、教学水平,不断完善机构的经营、管理体系,实行多种形 式的责任制,不断壮大机构实力和提高经济效益。 四、机构提倡全体员工刻苦学习科学技术和文化知识,努力提高 员工的整体素质和水平,造就一支思想新、作风硬、业务强、技pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 术精的师资队伍。 五、机构鼓励员工积极参与机构的决策和管理,鼓励员工发挥才 智,提出合理化建议。 六、机构实行“岗薪制”的分配制度,并随着经济效益的提高逐 步提高员工各方面待遇;机构推行岗位责任制,实行考勤、考核 制度,评先树优,对做出贡献者予以表彰、奖励。 七、机构提倡求真务实的工作作风,提高工作效率;提倡厉行节 约,反对铺张浪费;倡导员工团结互助,同舟共济,发扬集体合 作和集体创造精神,增强团体的凝聚力和向心力。 . 八、员工必须维护机构纪律,对任何违反机构章程和各项规章制 度的行为,都要予以追究。 九、所有办公用具、用品的购置统一由办公室造 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、报经领导 批准后方可购置。 十、个人领用的办公用品、用具要妥善保管,不得随意丢弃和外借。 十一、正常的办公费用开支,必须有正式发票,印章齐全,经手 人、部门负责人签名,经总经理批准后方可报销付款 十二、所有用具必须统一由办公室专人管理,定期进行核对检查。 十三、负责人要加强对资产、资金、现金及费用开支的管理,防止损失,杜绝浪费,良好运用,提高效益。 十四、未经领导批准,严禁为外单位(含合资、合作企业)或个 人担保贷款。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 十五、积极参与建设资金的筹措工作,通过筹集资金的活动,尽量使资金结构趋于合理,以期达到最优化。 十六、所有文印人员应遵守机构的保密规定,不得泄露工作中接触的机构保密事项。 十七、文印人员必须按时、按质、按量完成各项打字、传真、复印任务,不得积压延误。工作任务繁忙时,应加班完成。办理中如遇不清楚的地方,应及时与有关人员校对清楚。 十八、严禁擅自为私人打印、复印材料,违犯者视情节轻重给予罚款处理。 十九、各部门所用的专用表格等印刷品,由部门自行制定格式,按规定报总经理审批后,由办公室统一印制。 二十、办公用品只能用于办公,不得移作他用或私用。 二十一、所有员工要勤俭节约,杜绝浪费,努力降低消耗和办公费用。 二十二、 为树立和保持机构良好的社会形象,进一步规范化管理,本机构员工应按本规定的要求着装。 二十三、 员工在上班时间内,要注意仪容仪表,总体要求是:大方得体。不着奇装异服,在单位内应用普通话交流,办公室内禁止吸烟,禁止讲脏话和吹口哨等行为。 二十四、各工作场所内,均须保持整洁,不得堆积足以发生臭气或有碍卫生之垃圾、污垢或碎屑。 二十五、各工作场所内之走道及阶梯,至少须每日清扫一次,并pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 须采用适当方法减少灰尘的飞扬。 二十六、各工作场所内,应严禁随地吐痰。 二十七、其他卫生设施,必须特别保持清洁。 二十八、各教师严格落实回访制度,每月至少两次,及时把学生的情况通过书面通知反映给家长,坚持以学生为本,以质量为本的原则。 员工守则 一、 遵纪守法,忠于职守,爱岗敬业。 二、 维护机构声誉,保护机构利益。 三、 服从领导,关心学生,团结互助。 四、 爱护公物,勤俭节约,杜绝浪费。 五、不断学习,提高水平,精通业务。 六、积极进取,勇于开拓,求实创新。 七、实行无烟教学,关注学生身心健康~ 考勤制度: 为加强考勤管理,维护工作秩序,提高工作效率,特制定本制度。 一、机构员工必须自觉遵守劳动纪律,按时上下班,不迟到,不早退,工作时间不得擅自离开工作岗位,外出办理业务前,须经本部门负责人同意。 二、严格请、销假制度。员工因私事请假1天以内的(含1天),pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread 由部门负责人批准;3天以上的(含3天),由机构负责人批准。请假员工事毕向批准人销假。未经批准而擅离工作岗位的按旷工处理。 三、工作时间禁止打牌、下棋、串岗聊天等做与工作无关的事情。如有违反者当天按旷工1天处理;当月累计2次的,按旷工2天处理;当月累计3次的,按旷工3天处理。 四、参加机构组织的会议、培训、学习、考试或其他团队活动,如有事请假的,必须提前向组织者或带队者请假。在规定时间内未到或早退的,按情节严重与否给予一定处罚;未经批准擅自不参加的,视为旷工,情节严重予以辞退。 五、员工的考勤情况,由各部门负责人进行监督、检查,部门负责人对本部门的考勤要秉公办事,认真负责。如有弄虚作假、包痹袒护迟到、早退、旷工员工的,一经查实,按处罚员工的双倍予以处罚。 pipe inspection) shower faucet deviation shall not exceed ? 3 mm spacing; 3.4 construction for water after the first test, then check 1.00MPA hydraulic test, pipe joint is no seepage and leakage to grade, time after pressure relief plug nozzle; 3.5 construction after the completion of 10# cement mortar repair slot and fixed water supply reserve heads; lining plastic pipe installation project construction of vertical water supply pipe lining plastic pipe, pipe diameter for DN20~DN100, with threaded connections, installed inside the pipe shaft. In charge of water supply network pressure-tube diameter DN100 above by machinery slots clamp connection, clean the pipe shaft 1, in accordance with design drawings, to guarantee the pipeline's convenient hanging tube simultaneously, determine bracket mounting location and height; 2, pipe L40*4 steel processed into "men" type, holding cards finished galvanized material, 0.70 meters installed on each 1 set of brackets; 3, can only be used on an electric pipe threader pipe cutting machine cutting pipe, high temperature cutting so as not to damage the plastic inner lining; completion of cutting with a blade to remove pipe-end deburring plastics, and file to remove burrs and Flash of steel pipe end; 4, according to the different pipe diameters pipe Threading 2~3 system is complete, it tube lines should be clear, broken chains or lack of deduction shall not be greater than the length of thread length 10%; after processing applications standard thread gauge check; 5, steel pipes ribbed connection using flax oil or PTFE thread
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