首页 滇池环境保护调研



滇池环境保护调研滇池环境保护调研 保护母亲河 —滇池环境保护调研 前言 这个学期的毛概的实践活动是对滇池环境的调研,让我们大学生对环境保护有一个深刻地了解,提高对环境保护的意识,充分发挥我们的力量去保护大自然,。这个责任不久就要落到我们身上,未雨绸缪总不会晚。我们小组所有成员利用周末去到滇池,亲身感受滇池的雄伟,激发了我们保护她的欲望。 一,滇池概况 说到保护滇池,我们不得不先从几个方面更全面的了解她,毕竟知己知彼,才会百战不殆。下面我们一起来了解她。 滇池是云南省大湖,在昆明市西南。有盘龙江等河流注入,湖面海拔188...

滇池环境保护调研 保护母亲河 —滇池环境保护调研 前言 这个学期的毛概的实践活动是对滇池环境的调研,让我们大学生对环境保护有一个深刻地了解,提高对环境保护的意识,充分发挥我们的力量去保护大自然,。这个责任不久就要落到我们身上,未雨绸缪总不会晚。我们小组所有成员利用周末去到滇池,亲身感受滇池的雄伟,激发了我们保护她的欲望。 一,滇池概况 说到保护滇池,我们不得不先从几个方面更全面的了解她,毕竟知己知彼,才会百战不殆。下面我们一起来了解她。 滇池是云南省大湖,在昆明市西南。有盘龙江等河流注入,湖面海拔1886米,面积330平方公里,平均水深5米,最深8米,面积297.00平方公里,容积15.7亿立方米。湖水在西南海口洩出,称螳螂川,为金沙江支流普渡河上源。她是云南最大的淡水湖,有高原明珠之称。五百里滇池的岸边,游览景区还有:海埂湖滨公园、西园别墅、龙门村、观音山、白鱼口。滇池东有金马山,西有碧鸡山,北有蛇山,南有鹤山。这些山连绵起伏,形成了昆明坝子的天然屏障。湖滨土地肥沃,气候温和,水源充沛,有利于灌溉和航行。平均气温为14(5-17(8度,降雨量为1070毫米。昆明坝子盛产稻米、小麦、蚕豆、玉米、油料等作物,是云南著名的"鱼米之乡"。 二,滇池对昆明人的贡献 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 今天她发挥着巨大的作用,为人类的生存提供足够舒适的环境。滇池一直是昆明地区群众赖以生存的重要水源,具有工农业生产、生活用水、渔业、航运等多项功能,对整个地区的生态环境起着决定性作用。除此之外,他还有丰富的生物资源,例如鱼类,水生植物,浮游植物,浮游动物,底栖生物,原生动物等。可以说这些资源是极其丰富的,也是生物多样性的重要体现。对于昆明经济的发展,滇池的旅游业发挥着重要作用。西山远眺滇池滇池水域,群山环抱,河流纵横,良田万顷,人称“高原江南”。滇池是全国首批批准建立的十二个国家级旅游度假区之一,也是唯一设在内陆省的国家级度假区。海埂公园在滇池的东北部,离昆明市区约7公里。海埂是伸入滇池的湖中长堤,这里河港纵横,堤岸垂柳轻路。海埂南面的海滩是一片细软白沙。湖水由浅入深,是天然的湖滨游泳场。夏日到这里游泳,击水逐浪,卧波纳凉,最为惬意。白鱼口位于滇池西南部的白鱼口,是昆明著名的风景疗养胜地。这里的空谷园,有磊楼别墅、引胜桥、红云坞、待月亭、温水泉等园林设施,雅致宜人。在此凭栏眺望滇池,波光粼粼,白帆樯影,群鸥逐浪。这些旅游景点为昆明人民牟了多少福利显而易见。 因此,保护滇池的可持续发展十分重要,保护和治理滇池环境尤其重要。 三,滇池的曾经与现状 下面就我们亲眼看到的滇池环境发表一些看法,也对现在和过去的滇池做一下比较,不难看出滇池污染之严重。 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 曾经的滇池已经成为一个美丽的传说,在昆明老人们的记忆里,滇池是这样的。湖水清澈见底,微风一吹,碧波荡漾,湖里渔产丰富,是个钓鱼的好去处。每天游泳钓鱼,滇池是他们生活的一部分,对滇池的记忆就像诗里的那样。五百里滇池,奔来眼底,披襟岸帻,喜茫茫空阔无边。看东骧神骏,西翥灵仪,北走蜿蜒,南翔缟素。高人韵士,何妨选胜登临。趁蟹屿螺洲,梳裹就风鬟雾鬓;更苹天苇地,点缀些翠羽丹霞,莫孤负四围香稻,万顷晴沙,九夏芙蓉,三春杨柳。而谈到今天的滇池,老人们只有默默的叹息“哎,多好的水,可惜„”。 我们现在看到的滇池让我们的心隐隐作痛。滇池水体已经全部富营养化,水葫芦等水生植物疯狂生长,湖水已经变成绿色,就连吹过的海风都带着一股恶臭。湖边经常可以看到死鱼夹裹在水藻中,它们似乎是用生命在反抗这样的环境,广阔的湖面竟然没有一方净土,这无疑是人类的悲哀。不需要水质部门的检测,我们都能看出滇池的污染,这该是到了怎样的程度。我们也许可以看一下这样一组数据。 2013年上半年,全国12个地表水国控断面(点位)出现了22次地表水重金属污染超标。这是在2013年环保部发布的上半年全国环境质量状况中,首次披露的地表水重金属污染情况。其中,滇池全湖平均为重度污染,草海和外海为重度污染,有10个国控点位均为劣?类水质。主要污染指标为化学需氧量、总磷和高锰酸盐指数。营养状态评价表明,滇池草海、外海均为中度富营养状态。与2012年上半年相比,滇池水质无明显变化。 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 四,原因分析 1.人类的活动使得大量污染物排入,一是城市农村生活污水和垃圾; 二是滇池流域和滇池沿岸农业化肥、农药渗入雨水和灌溉用水之后产生的污水; 三是工业生产污水; 四是工业生产废弃物。三种污水加上垃圾( 包括工业生产废弃物) 泄入滇池, 造成了滇池水质的富营养化、重金属化和毒化、臭化。 2(自然因素,滇池在自然成长过程中,已进入衰老期,湖盆缩小、变浅,湖泊的自净能力较低。滇池周边没有大江大河注入,属于半封闭性湖泊,加之年平均蒸发量大于降水量,水质状况受气象因素的影响较大。在理想状况下,滇池水平均每四年才能置换一次。滇池位于昆明城市的下游,盆地最低凹地带,除降雨补给水源外,其余补给水源均是城市生活污水经入湖河道注入滇池。随着经济的快速发展和城市规模的不断扩大,人口急剧增加,污染物产生量也随之加大,沿湖土地又过度开发,湖滨生态带基本消失,导致九十年代滇池严重富营养化,全湖水质劣?类,水体的使用功能受到严重限制。滇池流域又是贫水地区,人均水资源量不足300立方米,滇池本身是一个半封闭的宽浅型湖泊,缺乏充足的洁净水对湖泊水体进行置换,加剧了滇池水体的恶化。 3.人为因素,每个市民不但是滇池治理的受益者,同时也是滇池污染的责任者。现在我市每人每天平均产生生活污水约150-200升,产生垃圾约1-2公斤,是滇池的主要污染物。生活污水中包含有粪便污水、洗涤污水和废弃食物,这些生活污水包括高锰酸盐、氨氮、总to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 磷等含量,并经过入湖河道流入滇池。据统计仅以粪便计算,每人每天排出的粪便中含氮18.6克、磷1.74克,可以污染10吨水体;农村生活垃圾、农田废弃物乱丢乱放,有些甚至还直接摆放在河道边,被雨水冲刷后经河道流入滇池,加重了滇池的污染负荷。近年农村畜牧养殖业大量发展,农田化肥农药施用量不断增加,化肥、农药中含有的氮、磷、钾等元素经地表径流、河道沟渠流入滇池,滇池沿岸部分农田每亩化肥每年的平均施用量高达2000公斤,流域内每年农药施用量已超过100吨;少数单位和个人只图眼前利益,环保意识淡漠,置法律法规于不顾,没有建相应的污水处理设施,偷排、乱排污水的现象时有发生。特别是部分餐饮业不建或简单设置必要的排污处理设备,油污直排城市排水管网,给城市排水安全和滇池污染带来危害;入湖河道沿岸违章建筑屡禁不止。一方面,由于历史的原因,各入湖河道两岸建有大量违反《滇池保护条例》的违章建筑,所产生的生活污水直接排入河道内,流入滇池;另一方面,有的居民为了个人的利益,又大量在河堤两岸新建房屋,加重了河道污染负荷;2010年, 昆明污水产生量为74.7 万立方/ 日,现有的8 个污水处理厂日处理能力为48.3 万立方, 还有近1/3 的污水得不到处理直接排入了滇池; 污水处理厂不足, 以及现有污水处理厂出力不够, 加之城镇下水管道建设陈旧落后,雨水和污水不能实现分流,使未经净化的污水排入了滇池, 加剧了滇池的污染。 五,滇池的治理措施 滇池的治理必须做到以科学发展观为指导, 解放思想, 与时俱to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 进, 实事求是, 从实际出发;统筹兼顾, 长短结合, 通盘谋划( 有机融入昆明和云南发展建设的战略全局) , 突出重点, 科学易行;继承借鉴, 务实创新(继承借鉴国内外成功经验,真抓实干, 敢闯新路), 责任量化, 完成进度, 依法保障;加大投入, 加强力度, 优化整合, 全民参与, 建设生态文明, 实现经济与社会、人与自然和谐发展;符合现代化城市建设、管理和湖泊污染治理的客观规律。 科学治理滇池污染, 在遵循上述五条基本原则、解决好滇池治污战略问题的基础上, 还必须在坚持以往正确做法的同时, 学习借鉴国内外治理湖泊污染的先进理念和成功经验, 创造性地解决好滇池治污的战术问题。 治理滇池必须做到以下几点: 1、滇池污染, 一是污水;二是垃圾。所以要从这两方面着手,狠抓落实工作。 污水。要采取坚决措施, 治住滇池入口和出口两头的污水, 实现污水的全部达标排放。入口。要在加快新建昆明污水厂的基础上, 做到两点: 其一,全市排放的污水全部都得到污水处理厂的净化, 实现达标排放。其二, 污水经过净化之后, 成为“中水”, 用于工农业生产用水和市内绿化、清洁用水, 一滴都不得进入滇池;出口。滇池在引入活水之后, 外泄的所有污水必须在得到净化之后, 才得排入下游河流。这样, 必须在滇池水下泄处的合适地点, 建设配套的污水处理厂。 垃圾。借鉴发达国家在垃圾管理方面的成功经验, 对昆明的城镇to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 垃圾进行科学的管理。抓住两个关键环节: 一是垃圾分类。通过严格的立法和执法的保证, 使机关、企事业单位和城镇居民能够自觉地将每天产生的金属、玻璃、塑料、纸张、有机废物等垃圾进行严格的分类;二是在分类的基础上, 实施金属、玻璃、塑料、纸张等有用垃圾的回收利用和有机废物的火力发电或无害化堆埋———从而实现垃圾的分类处理、变废为宝和绿色环保。 2、滇池沿岸工厂排出的工业污水和工业废弃物是污染滇池的主要源头之一, 必须“釜底抽薪”, 才能从根本上铲除这一污染源———这就需要下最大决心, 采取最有力措施, 将滇池沿岸凡有排污的工厂分期分批全部搬迁。搬迁一是要选好新址; 二是新企业的治污设施必须达标才能允许开工生产, 真正实现无污染零排放; 三是以搬迁污染企业为契机, 在科学发展观指引下, 统盘谋划昆明经济社会布局, 优化整合昆明工业企业, 提升昆明经济竞争实力, 加快现代新昆明建设。 3、“问渠哪得清如许, 为有源头活水来”。滇池如无活水来, 则再治理也是死水一塘。滇池的活水来自两个方面, 其一是科学规划和项目施工后, 实现了雨污分流, 整个滇池流域和昆明城乡汇水区收集的天然降水及山泉、河流来水; 其二是实施“引金入滇”工程。只要从丽江虎跳峡或昭通乌东德电站大坝引来滚滚金沙江之活水, 滇池水体能得到常态的适时置换, 再加上其它治污措施, 滇池的春天就来临了。此外, 滇中是云南经济社会发展的核心区, 国土面积占全省的1/4,人口占2/5,GDP 占2/3, 工业总产值占4/5, 粮食占2/5, 但to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 滇中地区水资源量仅占全省的12% , 人均水资源量为1500 多立方米, 仅为全省水资源平均水平的30% 、全国的70%, 远低于国际通行的用水紧张MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1716279098945_0。水资源紧缺问题已成为严重制约滇中和昆明地区经济可持续发展的“瓶颈”。因而,“引金入滇”工程的实施, 既可解决滇池活水置换问题, 又可解决滇中和昆明地区水资源紧缺的问题。 4、滇池属于浅水性高原湖泊, 多年的污染, 造成湖底污染物淤积, 沉积十分严重。因此, 要制定严格的规划, 分期分批分地域实施好滇池污染底泥清除工程———“水盆干净了, 盆里的水才会干净”。 5、禁“毒”。 这个“毒”指的是污染滇池湖水的工业污水、工业废弃物, 城乡生活污水中的化学物质和农业生产中的化肥、农药。因此, 在抓好“截污”的同时, 要抓好两个关键环节: 一是工业废弃物的变废为宝、科学利用或无害化处理; 二是要大力提倡和采取有力措施推行使用农家肥、生物农药和无磷洗衣粉, 严格禁止在滇池流域和滇池汇水区使用化肥、化学农药等有毒有害物质。 6、对滇池沿岸和流域的陡坡耕地、荒山、荒坡实行坚决的退耕还林和全面绿化, 保护和涵养水源。严禁乱倒垃圾、滥砍滥伐和违法采矿取土。 7、滇池是昆明人民的滇池, 滇池治理, 昆明市民人人有责。要动员和组织全社会的力量投入滇池治理, 必须抓好三个关键环节: 一是规划和立法。滇池治理规划出来后, 要通过立法给予法制上的有力保障; 二是扎扎实实实施这一规划———滇池治理实行严格的治污工作目标责任制和“一票否决”, 任务分解到各地各单位, 落实到to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 主管领导和相关责任人, 进行严格的工作目标责任考核与奖惩———干得好的, 重奖、重用; 完不成任务的, 就地免职; 三是严格管理和有效监督, 确保昆明城镇和农村的所有居民都能自觉依法尽义务、守职责; 确保滇池治污的每一分钱都花在治污项目上; 确保滇池治理每一个工作目标都能够如期实现。做到滇池治污“不因领导人的变化而变化, 不因执政者注意力的变化而变化”, 一届又一届班子抓下来, 一代又一代昆明人干下去, 一定能抓出滇池碧波荡漾、水清鱼跃的预想效果来。 8、滇池治理事关春城荣辱兴衰, 因此, 要动员全社会力量和所有宣传机器进行全方位的、立体的、入耳入脑入心的宣传教育, 使滇池治理成为全社会的共同愿望、共同行动和共同利益所在, 自觉地投入到治理工作中, 尽职尽力, 完成任务; 使全社会都能做到像爱护眼睛一样, 爱护和保护滇池, 自觉地从我做起, 从每一件保护滇池的小事做起。 六,近来滇池治理取得的成绩 2013年上半年滇池水体透明度明显上升。2013年1至6月,滇池外海、草海水体透明度与去年同期相比分别上升20.5%和21.2%,且营养状态指数也均有明显下降。滇池草海综合营养状态指数为68,与去年同期相比下降2.23%;总氮和叶绿素a的平均值分别降低了39.4%、26.1%。外海综合营养状态指数为67.5,与2012年同期相比下降2.02%,水体透明度的平均值上升了20.5%;总磷、高锰酸盐指数和化学需氧量的平均值分别降低了20.9%、5.88%和2.53%。 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 2013年以来,滇池治理“十二五”规划进展顺利。上半年,滇池治理“十二五”规划昆明市负责的100个项目已完成投资21.54亿元,并且滇池治理“六大工程”取得阶段成效,滇池环湖截污干渠(管)闭合贯通,配 套的10座污水处理厂进入试运行阶段;实施滇池流域及补水区配方施肥154.5万亩,建成大中型沼气工程2500立方米、堆沤池1320个;拆除防浪堤41.3公里;11条河道水环境整治项目已开工建设。 2013年度滇池蓝藻治理及应急工程蓝藻清除工作已于3月下旬启动。截至13年8月份,累计处置富藻水232.2万立方米;为配合牛栏江—滇池补水工程2013年9月底通水运行要求,昆明开展了盘龙江清水通道、海口闸除 险加固工程等。 七、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 调研活动结束了,我们对未来的滇池充满了希望,当我们看到千疮百孔的环境,我们多么希望这只是一个 噩梦,但这就是事实,无法改变。我们能做的就是要尽 我们最大的力量去保护她,去挽救她,自然哺育了我们,我们怎么能够去伤害她。我们相信,有一天,滇池会重 新成为昔日五百里的“高原明珠”,让我们为之奋斗吧~ to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System
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