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信息检索实验报告信息检索实验报告 学院: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 日期:2013年12月10日 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed lay...

信息检索实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 学院: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 日期:2013年12月10日 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 信息检索试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 一、中外文数据库检索 1.请查找邓启刚校长在2000至2012年在核心期刊上发表的所有论文共多少篇,并任意写出其中的核心期刊论文2篇。(书写格式为:[1] 作者,作者.篇名[J].刊名,年(期):页码) 答: 由于搜索中没有2012,所以搜索至2013,因此2000到2012年发表核心期刊发表论文共为42篇其中两篇分别为 【1】作者:曹茂盛;邓启刚; 鞠刚; 杨慧静; 刘爱东 篇名:α-Fe纳米粉末制备及其表征 刊名:化学通报 年(期):2000/2 页码:42 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【2】作者:田志茗; 邓启刚; 赵德丰 篇名:Ce改性SBA-15分子筛催化合成棕榈酸甲酯 刊名:石油化工 年(期):2007/08 页码:763 2.请指出下列期刊中哪些是核心期刊( AD ) A.黑龙江高教研究 B.网络与信息 C.企业改革与管理 D.兰台世界 3.请利用CNKI《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》查找关于“国内外社会保障 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 比较River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 研究”的相关论文,请写出任意3篇。(可从以下关键词入手:社会保障 社会救济 社会保险 失业保险 养老保险 医疗保险。书写格式为:[1] 作者,作者.篇名[J].刊名,年(期):页码) 答: 【1】作者:高原 篇名[J]:我国社会救济制度存在的问题与改革 刊名:南方论刊 年(期):2008/03 页码:34 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【2】作者:金雁 篇名[J]:城市居民最低生活保障制度的实施效果 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 刊名:南京社会科学 年(期):2002/01 页码:79 【3】作者:李宗权 篇名[J]:晚清之社会慈善事业研究 刊名:商业文化(学术版) River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 年(期):2010/03 页码:78 .请利用CNKI《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》查找2012年齐齐哈尔大学老师发表4 的期刊论文共有多少篇,发表在核心期刊上的共有多少篇, 答:齐齐哈尔大学老师发表期刊论文共1402篇 核心期刊共555篇 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 5. 利用CNKI《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》查找齐齐哈尔大学贾丽华的基金论文,请任意写出2篇。 答: 其中两篇为: 【1】甲烷化催化剂及反应机理的研究进展 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【2】恩诺沙星与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用 6. 利用CNKI《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》查找齐齐哈尔大学优先出版的文献,请任意写出3篇。 答: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 其中三篇分别为: 【1】银杏叶内酯N对实验性大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 优先出版 【2】紫丁香籽化学成分研究 优先出版 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【3】外源ABA对冬小麦越冬期呼吸代谢关键酶与糖代谢的影响 优先出版 7.利用CNKI《中国优秀硕士论文数据库》查找浙江大学授予的硕士论文中哪一学科专业的发文量最多, 答: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 计算机软件及计算机应用专业的发文量最多 8( 利用《中国重要报纸全文数据库》检索光明日报发表的有关高等教育的文章, 。 请任意写出3篇 答: 其中三篇分别是 【1】武汉大学迈向新征程 【2】培育卓越的教师人才队伍 【3】MOOC:能否颠覆教育流程, River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 9.请在CNKI《中国工具书网络出版总库》中查找本专业某一名词术语的解释 答: 10.请在CNKI《中国工具书网络出版总库》中查找“槑”字在《古代汉语词典》中释义。 答: 11.请在CNKI《中国工具书网络出版总库》查找有关本专业的工具书,请列举两种工具书的书名、作者和出版者。 答: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【1】书名:生殖系统病学与遗传学词典 作者:陈彩霞,徐振平;王省,王庆志,文小军 出版者:河南科学技术出版社 【2】书名:白血病细胞遗传学及图谱 作者:薛永权 出版者:天津科学技术出版社 12.利用资源整合平台(“读秀学术搜索”),检索关于“低碳经济”的图书有多少种,本馆馆藏有多少种,任选一种馆藏图书记录馆藏地点;并任选一种全文图书,下载一段主要内容至word文档。 答: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source “低碳经济”的图书共有2190种,本馆馆藏有109种 其中一种图书为: 重新定义世界和我们的生活 低碳之路 13.请利用资源整合平台(“读秀学术搜索”)查找一篇你感兴趣的考研或考公务员的资料。请记录题目、上传时间、文档格式等。 答: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 其中一个为 题目:2007年山东省考公务员行测试题 上传时间:20110425 文档格式:pdf 14. 利用万方专利数据库查找“齐齐哈尔大学”申请并作为专利权人的专利,请记录其中两条专利的发明名称、发明人、专利代理机构和代理人。 答: 其中两个分别是: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【1】发明名称:一种可对不同大小的海藻合子进行分离的装置 发明人:吴明江,林立东,于萍,张旭,李楠 专利代理机构:温州瓯越专利代理有限公司 33211 代理人:王阿宝 【2】发明名称:一种带标尺的记录板 发明人:林立东,于萍,张旭,宁亚静,李伟 专利代理机构:温州瓯越专利代理有限公司 33211 代理人:王阿宝 15. 利用万方专利数据库查找一你感兴趣的本专业的专利,请记录专利的发明名称、发明人、专利代理机构和代理人。 答: 发明名称:8-甲基-1-苯基-咪唑[1,5-a]吡嗪化合物 发明人:A.P.A.曼徳,J.B.M.雷温克尔,C.G.J.M.杨斯,H.C.A.赖马克斯,J.C.H.M.维克曼斯 专利代理机构:中国专利代理(香港)有限公司 72001 代理人:李连涛,万雪松 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 16.查找一个关于“机器人”的中国国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,写出标准名称、标准号。 答: 其中一个为: 标准名称:工业环境用机器人 安全要求 第1部分:机器人 标准号:GB 11291.1-2011 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 17.利用万方机构数据库查询查找某一省市你感兴趣的企业或科研机构信息,请记录该企业或科研机构的名称、成立时间及企业或机构类型。 答:名称:中国石油天然气股份有限公司大庆石化分公司 成立时间:1962年 类型:生产性单位 18.利用齐齐哈尔大学非书资源管理系统,查找有关英语、计算机或本专业图书的随书光盘信息。 答: River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 19.利用“清华紫光大学就业能力培养课程资源库”查找一门您感兴趣的就业能力提升或创业能力提升课程,请记录课程的名称、讲师及课时。 答: 其中一种是: 名称:创新之道 讲师:高建华 课时:5 20.利用“EBSCO”数据库查找有关“网络经济”( Network economy)的论文,要求River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 该词出现于论文标题中,而且在本数据库中有全文信息。请记录其中2篇文章的 信息(包括:标题、作者、刊名、年、卷期、起止页码等)。 答: 其中两篇分别为: 【1】标题:Estimating network economies in retail chains: a revealed preference approach 123作者:Ellickson, Paul B.,Houghton, Stephanie,Timmins, Christopher 刊名:RAND Journal of Economics (Wiley-Blackwell). 年:Summer2013 卷期:Vol. 44 Issue 2 起止页码:p169-193. 25p. River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 【2】标题:The territoriality of the network economy and urban networks: evidence from flanders. 2作者:Cabus, Peter,Vanhaverbeke, Wim Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 刊名: 年:Jan2006 卷期:Vol. 18 Issue 1 起止页码:p25-53. 29p. 3 Diagrams, 5 Charts, 2 Graphs, 1 Map. 二、请谈谈您对图书馆和信息检索课的意见及建议。 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source 答:对于信息检索课还是有一点点小问题,那就是课时比较少,我们了解的不是很 多,也不是很全面,同时我还认为,这课应该提前几学期学,最好在大一的时候 就开展。 三、您喜欢的好书或常登陆的网站有哪些,请推荐给大家。 答:红楼梦,圣经故事, 百度,搜狐 River implementation comprehensive, through built reservoir, and built dike, and retaining dam, and anti-infiltration governance, focus water engineering and water connection engineering, speed up formed layout reasonable, ecological good, and introduction row properly, and cycle smooth, and storage relief both, and Feng dry transfers, and more source
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