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英语专业四级词汇与语法模拟练习题英语专业四级词汇与语法模拟练习题 英语专业四级语法练习题 than 1. Mary is _______ than Alice. (1992) A. more experienced a teacher B. a more experienced teacher D. more experienced C. more an experienced teacher teacher an experienced teacher, 比较级加在形容词前,因此B。 2. _______ the two, ...

英语专业四级词汇与语法模拟练习题 英语专业四级语法练习题 than 1. Mary is _______ than Alice. (1992) A. more experienced a teacher B. a more experienced teacher D. more experienced C. more an experienced teacher teacher an experienced teacher, 比较级加在形容词前,因此B。 2. _______ the two, Bob is ________ student. (1995) A. Of, more diligent B. In, more diligent C. Of, the more diligent D. In, the more diligent the , 比较级 , of the two,因此C。 3. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _______ Eastern Nebraska. (1996) A. in B. it receives in C. does D. it does in 完整形式应该是:than Eastern Nebraska receives snow,省去了部分谓语, 保留了主语和助动词,可以倒装,因此C。 4. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great more luxurious than _______. (1998) A. is necessary B. being necessary C. to be necessary D. it is necessary 这个 句子 关于阅读的唯美句子关于古风的唯美句子执行力的经典句子鼓励人努力奋斗的句子用沉默代替一切的句子 是一个由than引导的比较状语从句,既然是从句那么可以排除BC;than 引导的从句中省略了的主语应该是the indoor swimming pool,为避免重复, 一般省略,不需要用it来指代。A。 5. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than ______ in the public mind today. (1999) A. exists B. exist C. existing D. to exist 省略了的主语是anxiety,因此谓语动词用第三人称单数:A 6. The experiment requires more money than _______. (2002) A. have been put in B. being put in C. has been put in D. to be put in than引导的从句中省略了的主语应该是money,因此谓语动词要用第三人称单 数,C。 7. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, _______ to the truck. (2003) A. the greater stress is B. greater is the stress C. the stress is greater D. the greater the stress “地表和载满货物卡车的接触面越小,卡车对地面的压强就越大。”A。 as 8. Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they ate twice _______ they did before their diet. (1993) A. more than B. as many as C. much than D. as much as D,“饭量是以前的两倍”。A是指“三倍”,不合常理。 9. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner ___ to the professor. (1998) A. as far as B. the same as C. as much as D. as long as C,as much as“达到与„„一样的程度”,完整的后半个句子应是:language belongs to the cleaner as much as it belong to the professor “语言属于社会的每 个成员,既属于清洁工,也属于教授”;as far as“一直到某个程度”;the same as“与„„一样”;表示“清洁工和教授是一样的”,意思不妥;as long as“只 要”。 10. She did her work ______ her manager had instructed. (2002) A. as B. until C. when D. though as可表示方式,意思是“按照,如同”;“她依照经理的指示办事。”A。 11. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ______ by his lack of talent. (2004) A. so much as B. rather than C. as D. than A考点是not „ so much as句型,表示“与其说是,倒不如说是”、“更多的是, 而不是”。“毫无疑问,那个喇叭手的号声吵死了,但与其说我烦他的声音大, 倒不如说烦他没吹号的天分。” 12. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. (2005) A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to such as为固定搭配,意为“到如此程度以致”,又如:His illness is not such as to cause anxiety.他的病还没有严重到令人担心的地步。 A is to B what C is to D 13. Twelve is to three _______ four is to one. (1998) A. what B. as C. that D. like 水对鱼的关系就像空气对人的关系一样:Water is to fish what air is to man. 14. Intellect is to the mind ______ sight is to the body. (2001) A. what B. as C. that D. like 智力对于思想,犹如视力对于身体一样。 not + 比较级 + than, no + 比较级 + than 15. John is _______ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam. (1998) A. no less B. no more C. not less D. no so A,“约翰的用功绝不亚于他姐姐,可是这次考试他却没及格。”not less than 只是比较约翰和他姐姐,没有强调约翰非常用功。 16. Fat cannot change into muscle _______ muscle changes into fat. (1999) A. any more than B. no more than C. no less than D. much more than A,“脂肪不能转变为肌肉,就像肌肉不能转变为脂肪一样。”not „ any more than 意思是“和„同样都不„”。 as / though / much as 17. David Singer, my friend’s father, ______ raised and educated in New York, lived and lectured in Africa most of his life. (1993) A. who B. if C. while D. though D,表示转折。答案C while只是表示同时并列的转折。如:While I understand your views, I can’t agree with you. 18. ______ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank. (1998) A. Much as B. Much though C. As much D. Though much A, much as可看作是固定词组,作连词,引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽 然”。如Much as I should like to see you, I am afraid you could not come. 19. Fool _____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing. (2002) A. who B. as C. that D. like B,有倒装,a./n. + as + 主语 + 助动词be,如:Patient as he is, he can’t bear it any longer. 20. ______ I like economics, I like sociology much better. (2003) A. As much as B. So much C. How much D. Much as D, 同18题。 21. ______, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class. (2005) A. Although he is a socialist B. Even if he is a socialist C. Being a socialist D. Since he is a socialist 虽然韦尔斯先生是一个社会主义者,但他对工人阶级却没有什么同情心。表转 折含义的只有A项。 定 语 从 句 22. Above the trees are the hills, ________ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. (2003) A. where B. of whose C. whose D. which C,关系代词在从句中做定语。“树的上面是山,它的倒影忠实地映照在河面上。” 23. Only take such clothes _______ really necessary. (1994) A. as were B. as they are C. as they were D. as are D,as引导定语从句,先行词是clothes,as在从句中作主语,所以BC不对, 因为they是多余的;A的时态与主句不搭配。 24. ______ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals. (1994) A. That B. It C. This D. As D,as作关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,表达整个主句的意思。“正如一种 新的观念产生时一样,人们总是做许多准备活动和积极的讨论,却拿不出具体 的建议。” 25. This company has now introduced a policy _____ pay rises are related to performance at work. (1996) A. which B. where C. whether D. what B,“公司现在提出了一项新政策,依照新政策,工资增长与工作业绩挂钩。” 26. The Physicist has made a discovery, _______ of great importance to the progress of science and technology. (1997) A. I think which is B. that I think is C. which I think is D. which I think it is C,I think是插入语,which在从句中就是主语,D中it是多余的。 27. I have never been to London, but that is the city ______. (1997) A. where I like to visit most B. I’d most like to visit C. which I like to visit mostly D. where I’d like most to visit B, 首先排除A,因为the city在从句中作宾语,不能用where引导;C中mostly 表示“通常,大部分”,意思不通顺;表示“最想”,用most like,不是like most, most是much的最高级,much一般不修饰不定式,多用于修饰分词。He was much pleased. 28. She remembered several occasions in the past ___ she had experienced a similar feeling. (98) A. which B. before C. that D. when ,when引导定语从句在句中作时间D,从句有自己的主语和宾语,因此不选AC 状语。B项不合语法,因为主句的时态是一般过去时,从句却是过去完成时。 29. I’ve never been to Lhasa, but that’s the city ______. (1999) A. I’d most like to visit B. which I like to visit mostly C. where I like to visit D. I’d like much to visit A,同27。 30. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff ______ is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced. (2000) A. whose B. as C. what D. that D,that在从句中作主语。使用电脑操作的工厂已经发现可以大大减少质检员工 的数量。 31. We’ve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, ______ should make great differences in our life next summer. (2002) A. which B. what C. that D. they A,指代前面的整个句子。 32. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ______ is something we had not expected. (2003) A. which B. it C. that D. what A,同上。“他们克服一切困难,提前两个月完成了工程,这是我们没有料到的 事。” 性 从 句 名 词 33. We can assign the task to ______ is capable and trustworthy. (1994) A. whomever B. who C. whom D. whoever D,介词to后面是个宾语从句,从句缺主语;whom和whomever虽然可以接宾语 从句,但它们不能在从句中作主语,AC不对;whoever语义比who强烈,更贴 切。 34. The team can handle whatever _____. (1997) A. that needs handling B. which needs handling C. it needs handling D. needs to be handled D,whatever引导的分句作handle的宾语,又在从句中作主语,因此不需要再 加任何其他主语,ABC都有多余的主语成分。 35. After __ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel manager’s office. (99) A. that B. there C. what D. it C,after在句中时介词还是连词,如果是连词,从句中的时态通常为完成体, 所以排除连词的可能性。既然after是介词,那么后面必定是宾语从句,后面 的从句缺主语,只有what既引导宾语从句,又在宾语从句中作主语;BD都不能 引导宾语从句。A虽然可以引导宾语从句,但不在从句中充当任何语法成分。 36. Have you ever been in a situation _____ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him? (2002) A. by which B. that C. in where D. where B,situation后的从句是对situation作出具体的解释,因此是同位语从句。 非 限 定 动 词(不定式、动名词、分词) 37. ____ is not a serious disadvantage in life. (2001) A. To be not tall B. Not to be tall C. Being not tall D. Not being tall D(AC不对是因为动词不定式和动名词的否定结构形式应为not to do, not doing;B动词不定式短语作主语通常表示特定的具体的行为,特别是表示将来 的或一次性的行为,To skate on real ice is his dream. D动名词作主语表 示抽象一般的概念。Skating on real ice is great fun. 38. This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals _____ in Africa. (1996) A. hunted B. hunting C. that hunted D. are hunted A,完整结构应为:the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals (from being) hunted in Africa;“此举也许既能保护非洲的其他动物不被猎 杀,又能使大象免受灭族之灾” 39. The Clarks haven’t decided yet which hotel ______. (1998) A. to stay B. is to stay C. to stay at D. is for staying C,stay是不及物动词,必须接介词才能跟宾语。 40. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid _____. (1996) A. from being beaten B. being beaten C. beating D. to be beaten 。“避免被对手打败” B,avoid后接动名词做宾语。被动,因此B 41. He resented _____ to wait. He expected the minister _____ him at once. (1995) A. to be asked, to see B. being asked, to see C. to be asked, seeing D. being asked, seeing B,resent后接动名词,expect后接不定式。 42. I never regretted _____ the offer, for it was not where my interest lay. (1993) A. not to accept B. not having accepted C. having not accepted D. not accepting D, regret doing sth.表示“后悔做过某事”,事情已经发生了,常用动名词的 一般形式表示动作已经发生了。 43. He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder _____ out and three men climbing down it. (1995) A. throwing B. being thrown C. having thrown D. having been thrown B,see可与现在分词或不定式连用,平行结构,后面用了现在分词,这里也用 分词;绳梯是被扔出飞机,因此要用被动结构,排除AC;see, watch, hear, feel, notice, observe,等词一般不跟分词的完成形式连用。 44. Professor Johnson is said ____ some significant advance in his research in the past year. (99) A. having made B. making C. to have made D. to make C,主语补足语的动作在谓语动词之前发生,用完成时。 45. AIDS is said _____ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region. (2002) being B. to be C. to have A. been D. having been C, 同上。 46. The Minister of Finance is believed _____ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue. (04) A. that he is thinking B. to be thinking C. that he is to think D. to think B,“人们认为财政部长正在考虑通过征收新税来增加政府的额外税入。”B“正 在考虑” 47. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _____ by the police each time. (1999) A. had been captured B. being always captured D. unfortunately C. only to be captured captured C,“这三人多次企图偷偷越过边界进入邻国,不料每次都被警察抓住。”only to 表示出乎意料,通常是不愉快的结果。 48. This missile is designed so that once ______ nothing can be done to retrieve it, (1995) A. fired B. being fired C. they fire D. having fired A,once连词,一旦,被动,所以A。This missile is designed so that once it is fired „ 49. ______ , he can now only watch it on TV at home. (1998) A. Obtaining not a ticket for the match B. Not obtaining a ticket for the match C. Not having obtained a ticket for the match D. Not obtained a ticket for the match C,分词短语的动作在主句动作之前发生,用分词的完成形式。 50. Arriving at the bus stop, ______ waiting there. (1994) A. a lot of people were B. he found a lot of people C. a lot of people D. people were found B,空处的逻辑主语与arrive保持一致。 51. _____ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first. (1994) A. Not received B. Since receiving C. Having received D. Not having received D,receive的主语是she,因此应是主动,A不对;receive的动作在主句谓语 动词之前发生,所以要用分词的完成形式,否定应是not having done. 52. __B__ at in this way, the present economic situation doesn’t seem so gloomy. (2000) A. Looking B. Looked C. Having looked D. To look 53. There __ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier. (2000) A. to be B. to have been C. being D. be C(前面分句构成独立主格结构。 54. _____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his room. (1996) A. There was B. Since C. Being D. There being D(C中的现在分词短语的逻辑主语不是主句的主语。 55. The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _____ the most important of these. (1994) A. have been B. are C. being D. are being C(ABD都会使后半部分构成完整的句子,但句中用的是逗号,不能是完整句子。 56. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat _____ by far the biggest cereal crop. (2003) A. is B. been C. be D. being D,同上。“农业是这个国家的主要财源,目前小麦是谷物中产量最大的。” 57. If not _____ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. (2004) A. being treated B. treated C. be treated D. having been treated B,If (Jack is) not treated„“如果没有受到他觉得应得的尊敬,杰克的脾 气就会变得很坏,并且不停地抱怨。” 58. Time _____, the celebration will be held as scheduled. (2003) A. permit B. permitting C. permitted D. permits B,“时间允许的话,庆祝活动将按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进行”。time和permit是主动关系。 虚 拟 语 气 59. _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam. (2002) A. Had it not been B. Hadn’t it been C. Was it not D. Were it not A,前半句是与过去事实相反的推测。If it had not been „倒装 60. If you have really been studying English for so long, it’s about time you _____ able to write letters in English. (1999) A. should be B. were C. must be D. are B,it’s about time that sb. did sth. 61. _____, I’ll marry him all the same. (2004) A. Was he rich or poor B. Whether rich or poor C. were he rich or poor D. Be he rich or poor D,whether he is rich or poor 62. If your car _____ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer. (98) A. shall need B. should need C. would need D. will need B,与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,“如果你的车在一年内有任何问题,可送到获 得授权的经销商那儿去” 63. It is imperative that students _____ their term papers on time. (2004) A. hand in B. would hand in C. have to hand in D. handed in A,学生必须按时上交他们的学期论文。 64. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can. (2005) A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were A,if从句是对现在情况的假设。 情 态 动 词 65. You ______ Jim anything about it. It was none of his business. (2004) A. needn’t have told B. needn’t tell C. mustn’t have told D. mustn’t tell A,needn’t have done表示本不必做而做了。没有mustn’t have done的形 式,但可以说can’t have done,表示不大可能。 66. He ______ the 8:20 bus because he didn’t leave home till 8:25. (1994) A. couldn’t have caught B. ought to have caught C. shouldn’t have caught D. must not have caught A,couldn’t have done表示不可能做了某事。 67. He _____ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful. (1999) A. may have acted B. must have acted C. should act D. would act A,may have done表示过去可能做过某事,B表示一定做过,推测的可能性很 大。 时 态 68. How can I ever concentrate if you _____ continually ____ me with silly questions? (97) A. have „ interrupted B. had „ interrupted C. are „ interrupting D. were „ interrupting C,现在进行时与always, continually, constantly连用表示某种带有感情色 彩,经常发生的动作。本句暗含责备之义。 69. Come and see me whenever ______. (97) A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you C,whenvever引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来;convenient一词只能 说it is convenient to sb. 70. For some time now, world leaders __ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. (02) A. had been pointing B. have been pointing C. were pointing D. pointed B,现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始延续到现在,并可能继续。 71. Jack _____from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. (03) A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed A,同上。“杰克离家两天(到现在还没回),我开始担心他的安全。” 72. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (05) A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be D, ABC三项前后两个时态不一致,只有D项中现在完成时与将来时搭配一致。 倒 装 73. So badly _____ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months. (94) A. did he injure B. injured him C. was he injured D. he was injured C,倒装,将助动词提到主语前,被动。 74. He is not under arrest, ______ any restriction on him. (95) A. or the police have placed B. or have the police placed C. nor the police have placed D. nor have the police placed D,AB中的or表示“否则”,与题意不符;nor放在句首要倒装。 75. ___ both sides accept the agreement ___ a lasting peace be established in this region. (04) A. Only if, will B. If only, would C. Should, will D. Unless, would A,only if表示“只有。。。才”,放在句首,句子要倒装;“只有双方都接受和 约,永久的和平才有可能建立起来”。if only表示“要是。。。多好” 反 意 疑 问 句 76. A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, _____? (92) A. need it B. needn’t it C. does it D. doesn’t it C,need是实义动词不是情态动词,hardly是否定副词,因此前面的分句是否 定句。 77. You and I could hardly understand, ______? (95) A. could I B. couldn’t you C. couldn’t we D. could we D,hardly的解释同上。 78. When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer, ___? (97) A. do you B. will you C. don’t you D. won’t you B,前面句子是第二人称祈使句时,后面要用will (would) you或won’t you; 本题中,前面的句子是否定句,因此后面用肯定的。 79. Do help yourself to some fruit, _____ you? (00) A. can’t B. don’t C. wouldn’t D. won’t D,同上。 80. She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, _____? (03) A. hadn’t she B. hasn’t she C. wouldn’t she D. didn’t she C,反意疑问句的谓语动词与主句一致。“她如果稍微改变一下就会更受欢迎, 对吗,” 1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. A. Unpopular has as white been C. Unpopular has been as white 2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up. A. There has been no rain C. There having been no rain 3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had they been done C. having been done hey were done 4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____. A. which they are happening C. which they happen 5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. That amazed 6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____she was twenty A. her first real success did not come until B. her real first success came until not C. since her first real success did not come until D. not until her first real success 7. You should know better than____ your little sister at home by herself. A. to leave B. le C. to have left 8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar. A. may well C. might as well 9. She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children. A. have stolen 10. The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday. A. breaking 11. Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets ____in transit. A. misused C. mistaken 12.____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy. A. Concerning he light of 13. A well organization among other things. A. calls for D. calls off 14. It is ____with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment. A. in her honor D. an honor 15. This house will probably come on the ____next month. A. fair C. shop 16. George was introduced to ____activities at a young age, when she was hire to act as a lookout for drugdealers. A. illegal D. peaceful 17. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____. A. settlement C. costruction structure 18. People’s status in society is frequently ____by how much they own. A. measured 19. Jack is so ____to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed. A. adverse ual 20. There is an increasing ____to make movies describing violence. A. strength 21. Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right. A. escape C. steps 22. I ____with the Browns during my stay in New York City. A. put in 23. Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A. exhausted 24. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market. A. on 25. The electric fan does not work because of the ____of service. A. pause 试题答案与解析 1. D) 【句意】虽然白色过去不受欢迎,但目前它是婚纱的首选颜色。 【难点】as是连词,引导让步状语从句时,往往使用半倒装形式。又如:Beautiful as she is, she is foolish. 2. C) 【句意】由于长时间无雨,田野变得十分干燥。 【难点】该句的前半部分是There be结构,完成式独立结构形式,这与时间状语for a long time相吻合。 3. A) 【句意】数百万次计算如果用手工操作,那么,到计算结束的时候,就将失去其全部实际意义。 【难点】这是一句虚拟语气的句子,条件句使用了考试&大省略if的倒装句形式,动作与过去事实相反。 4. B) 【句意】电视使我们能够在事情发生的那一瞬间就看到它们是如何发生的。 【难点】moment后接的是省略关系副词when的定语从句。B)符合题意要求。 5. D) 【句意】最令我惊讶的是,这个在车祸中失去双臂的小男孩能够用脚使用钢笔。 【难点】这是一个what从句作主语的典型句子。 6. A) 【句意】虽然她很小的时候就写了很多短篇小说和诗歌,但她直到25岁才迎来第一次真正的成功。 【难点】这是一个练习not until结构的句子。 7. A) 【句意】你应该知道,不该把你小妹妹一个人留在家里。 【难点】to know better than to do sth.是一个常见的表示责备的句型,意为“应该知道不该做某事”。 8. C) 【句意】既然火车一个小时以后才开,我们不妨到快餐店吃口东西。 【难点】might as well后接动词原形,意为“不妨,何不”。 9. D) 【句意】当她没钱为孩子买吃的东西时,她开始偷。 【难点】resort to意为:求助于,其中to是介词,后接动名词。 10. A) 【句意】那个男孩承认在昨天踢足球的时候打破了窗子。 【难点】admit to中的to是介词,后接名词或动名词。 11. D) 【句意】贝蒂建议我把我们的行李认真地贴上标签以免运输中放错位置。 【难点】mislay意为“把„„放错地方”;misuse意为“错用滥用”;mishandle意为“瞎弄,胡乱操作”;mistake意为“误选”。 12. C) 【句意】就钱而言,她很富裕。然而这并不意味着她幸福。 【难点】in terms of意为“从„„方面来说”;concerning意为“关于”;as to也是“关于;至于”;in the light of 意为“鉴于,由于”。 13. A) 【句意】一篇好文章,除其它因素外,还要求选词优美,组织清晰。 【难点】call for意为“要求,需要”;call on意为“号召,请求”;call up意为“使人想起” ;call off意为“取消,停止做”。 14. C) 【句意】对于顾客来说,直到最后时刻才让售货员猜出她真正喜欢什么,真正想买什么,这是一个涉及面子的问题。 【难点】a point of honor意为“涉及名誉的事情”;in one’s honor意为“为某人的荣誉”; on one’s honor意为“以名誉担保”;an honor意为“光荣的人或事”。 15. B)【句意】这座房子可能下月上市。 【难点】on the market意为“上市,出售”; fair意为“集市;庙会;交易会”;shop是“商店”;store是“储存;仓库”。 16. A) 【句意】很小的时候,乔治被介绍参与了非法活动,他受雇为毒贩子放哨。 【难点】illegal 意为“不合法的,非法的”;lawful 意为“依法的,守定的”;faithful意为“忠实的,守信的”;peaceful 意为“平静的;安宁的”。 17. B) 【句意】能称得上大学称号的机构是一个比其他种类高等教育机构都更复杂更综合的机构。 【难点】establishment 意为“企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会等)”;settlement 意为“定居点;殖民地”;construction意为“建造;建筑物”;structure是“结构,构造”。 18. A) 【句意】人的社会地位常常由他们拥有的财富的多少来衡量。 意为“估量,衡量”;examine 意为“检查;仔细观察”; 【难点】measure test意为“试验,测试”;question意为“询问,审问”。 19. C) 【句意】杰克从不注意自己的外表,衣服从来不烫。 【难点】indifferent意为“漠不关心的”; adverse意为“不利的,反对的”;anonymous 意为“匿名的”; casual意为“非正式的,不拘礼节的”。 20. D) 【句意】暴力片的拍摄大有上升趋势。 【难点】trend意为“倾向,趋势”;strength意为“力量,实力”;direction意为“方向”;tradition 意为“传统”。 21. A) 【句意】我办公室的考试&大窗外右侧有一个救生楼梯。 【难点】fire escape 意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。 22. D) 【句意】我在纽约市逗留期间和布朗一家人过了一夜。 【难点】put up意为“宿夜”;put in 意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on 意为“上演,演出”。 23. A) 【句意】以前,病人手术后精疲力竭,需长时间才能恢复,现在手术的病人却感到既轻松又舒适。 【难点】exhausted 意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful 意为“担心的,可怕的”。 24. A) 【句意】农夫们被允许在自己的菜园耕种,并将蔬菜拿到黑市上去 卖。 【难点】on the market 意为“上市, 出售中”,其它介词搭配不合适。 25. C) 【句意】由于中止了服务,所以电扇不转了。 【难点】interruption 意为“中止,中断”;pause 意为“暂停,间歇”; break意为“停顿,间歇”;breakdown意为“损坏,故障”。 41. Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them___taken in the past. A. was not B. were not C. were not being D. being not 42. During the summer vacation, Mary worked on a (an)____ basis as a salesman, taking 8 percent of everything she sells. A. salary B. income C. commission D. pension 43. She listened carefully____she might discover exactly what he wanted. A. so as that B. in case C. providing D. in order that 44. Michelle found it difficult to get his British jokes ____to Australian audiences. A. across B. deal C. over D. down 45. The news item about the traffic accident is followed by a detailed report made ____. A. on the spot B. on the location C. on the ground D. on the site 46. The government____ to approve the use of wide-spead surveillance when the Justice Department took objections. A. is going B. had been C. was about D. is coming 47. It is reported that fewer and fewer of today’s workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ____the same company. A. much worse B. less likely C. all else D. let alone 48. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so excited today, for they bought____ yesterday. A. many furnitures B. so much furniture C. many piece of furniture D. a lot of furniture 49. Despite their good service provided, most inns are less expensive than hotels of____standards. A. equivalent B. likely C. alike D. uniform 50. Because there was little heat in the bed room, Evan was cold ____. A. much through the night B. most of the night C. many parts of the nightD. the majority part of the night 51. You must have the experience that you find your voice ____on the telephone. A. distorted B. irregular C. twisted D. deformed 52. President Jimmy gave a brief ____of the history of the university before the opening of the conference. A. comment B. reference C. account D. statement 53. “Do you like those kinds of cigarette?” “____cigarette agrees with me.” A. Hardly no B. Nearly no C. Barely no D. Almost none 54. When they had finished reading, the children were told to ____all the picture books they had taken out. A. put up B. put off C. put away D. put out 55. The harder the shrub is to grow, ____. A. the higher price it is B. the higher price it would have C. the higher the price is D. the higher is the price 56. Peter’s father asked him to spend his time on something____ researching into instead of playing all the time. A. worthy B. valuable C. worth D. precious 57. It is often more difficult____than to get financial support for scientific research. A. obtaining trained men B. to find trained men C. in getting men trained D. recruiting experienced men 58. The new government’s tax raise policy actually led to the result that the incomes from taxation actually ____. A. shrink B. delay C. disperse D. sink 59. “The critics thought the acting was generally poor.” “I didn’t find ____.” A. it B. it so C. it to be too D. it was too 60. The behavior of an animal depends mainly on ____, where as human behavior is mostly a product of learning. A. instinct B. impulse C. consciousness D. response 61. The patients believe that Dr. Smith knows exactly how to put them ____. 62. “Do you regret paying fifty dollars for the dog?” “ No, I would gladly pay ____for him.” A. as much twice B. twice so much C. much twice D. twice as much 63. We were suddenly ____when I was speaking to John on the phone. A. hung B. cut down C. cut off D. hung back 64. “Did Anny’s parents leave her any money?” “No, she has to support ____now.” A. by herself B. herself C. all alone D. on her own 65. The meeting was so prolonged and exhausting that____the speakers stopped for refreshments. A. at large B. at ease C. at intervals D. at random 参考答案 41. 答案 B 【参考译文】 大多数环境污染问题存在,是因为过去没有采取适当的保护措施。 【试题分析】 此题考查被动语态主谓一致性。 【详细解答】 被动语态的时态、数、性的一致,主要由助动词来表示,要注意它们与主语的一致。此处从句的主语measures是复数,因此选择答案B。 42. 答案 C 【参考译文】 在暑假期间,玛丽当了售货员,按照所售商品的8%提取佣金。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。 【详细解答】 commission意为“佣金,回扣”,符合本题题意。income意为“收入,所得”;salary则作“(通常按月领取的)薪水,俸给”讲;pension 意为“养老金,抚恤金,退休金。”因此C为正确选项。 43. 答案 D 【参考译文】 她仔细倾听,以便发现他到底需要什么。 【试题分析】 此题考查连词的运用。 【详细解答】 in order that可引起表目的的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”,符合本题题意。so as that无此用法;in case 意为“假使,以防”;providing则意为“假设”。因此D为正确选项。 44. 答案 A 【参考译文】 米歇贝尔发现让澳大利亚听众听懂这些英国笑语很困难。 【试题分析】 此题考查动词短语的含义。 【详细解答】 get sth.across to sb.是固定搭配,意为“使某事被某人了解”,符合本题题意。get over则作“痊愈,恢复,淡忘”讲;get down意为“记录,记下”;get deal没有这个搭配,因此A为正确选项。 答案 A 45. 【参考译文】 在交通事故的新闻后又有现场的详细报道。 【试题分析】 此题考查介宾短语的含义。 【详细解答】 on the spot意为“在场,在现场”,符合本题题意。on the site没有这一搭配;be on location意为“在拍摄外景”;on the ground意为“在地面上”。因此A为正确选项。 46. 答案 C 【参考译文】 政府正打算同意采取广泛监督的手段时,却遭到了司法部的反对。 【试题分析】 此题考查时态的运用。 【详细解答】 少数几个前置词可带不定式作宾语,如 about,but,except,save, than等后允许加不定式作宾语。be about+不定式表示“将来”的含义,因此C为正确选项。 47. 答案 D 【参考译文】 据报道如今越来越少的工人愿意一辈子从事一个领域的工作,更不必说一个公司了。 【试题分析】 此题考查不同词组的含义。 【详细解答】 let alone意为“更不必说”,符合本题题意。all else (其他所有的),much worse(更糟糕的是),less likely(更没可能的是)均不符合题 意。因此D为正确选项。 48. 答案 D 【参考译文】 史密斯夫妇今天非常兴奋,因为他们昨天买了许多家具。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词的单复数。 【详细解答】 英语中有些名词只有单数,如furniture 前可用pieces of furniture,much furniture,a lot of furniture。因此D为正确选项。 49. 答案 A 【参考译文】 尽管同样提供优质的服务,大多数酒馆要比同 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的旅馆的费用低。 【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。 【详细解答】 尽管equivalent 与 alike,uniform都有“相同”的意思,但是alike常在句中做表语,不做定语;equivalent则可做定语,意为“相等的,相当的”,最符合题意;而uniform强调的是“一致的,一样的”;likely意为“很可能的”,一般做表语。因此A为正确选项。 50. 答案 B 【参考译文】 由于卧室几乎没一点热气,埃文斯大半夜都感到很冷。 【试题分析】 此题考查不定代词的用法。 【详细解答】 much指代不可数名词。many指代可数名词。most可指大部分,大多数。此处B项最为地道,为正确选项。 51. 答案 A 【参考译文】 你肯定有过发现自己的声音在电话中失真的经历。 【试题分析】 此题考查词义的差异。 【详细解答】 四个选项都有“变异”的意思。distorted意为“变形的, ;twisted意为“扭曲的,歪曲的”;irregular作“不规则的,无规失真的” 律的”讲;deformed意为“畸形的”。因此A项为正确选项。 52. 答案 C 【参考译文】 吉姆校长在会议开幕前简要叙述了该学院的历史。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。 【详细解答】 give an account of 是习语,意为“叙述,描写”,符合本题题意。reference则为“提及,参考”;statement作“(正式的)陈述,叙述,声明”讲;comment意为“评论, 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 ”。因此C为正确选项。 53. 答案 B 【参考译文】 “你喜欢那几种烟吗?”“几乎没有哪一种香烟合我的胃口。” 【试题分析】 此题考查特殊副词的用法。 【详细解答】 almost“几乎”,“将近”,指时间、空间和程度上相差无几,相差的程度比nearly小。nearly相差要大一些。有时两者可以换用。nearly no与almost no 两种形式都用,但不能用almost none。因此B为正确选项。 54. 答案 C 【参考译文】 阅读完之后,孩子们被要求把拿出的书放好。 【试题分析】 此题考查同根词组的差异。 【详细解答】 put away 此处意为“把某物收拾起来(放好)”,符合本题题意。put off作“延期”讲;put out意为“熄灭”;put up意为“举起,树起, 挂起”。因此C为正确选项。 55. 答案 C 【参考译文】 灌木长得越高,价钱越贵。 【试题分析】 此题考查比较结构的用法。 【详细解答】 “the+比较级„,the+比较级”这一句型既可用于形容词,也可用副词的比较级。注意形容词与副词用在这种句型里的词序。因此C为正确答案 56. 答案 C 【参考译文】 彼得父亲告诫他花时间做些值得研究的事,而不要整天玩。 【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义及搭配。 【详细解答】 worth意为“值得”,后面一般跟动名词表示的主动形式表达被动含义,意为“值得做”;worthy在表示“值得做某事”时,一般使用worthy of doing sth.或 worthy to be done;而previous(宝贵的)和valuable(有价值的)在词义和用法上均不符合题意。 57. 答案 B 【参考译文】 为进行科学研究,寻找受过训练的人常常要比寻求财政资助更难。 【试题分析】 此题考查句子结构的对等性。 【详细解答】 并列连接词and,but,as well as等,以及从属连词than连接两个对等的词和结构。此处连接词than必须连接相同的非限定动词,因此B为正确选项。 58. 答案 A 【参考译文】 新政府提高税率的政策实际导致了税收的减少。 【试题分析】 此题考查动词词义。 【详细解答】 shrink意为“缩减,减少”,符合本题题意。delay意为“推迟,耽搁”;disperse作“分散”讲;sink意为“下沉、沉没”。因此A为正确选项。 59. 答案 B 【参考译文】 “批评家认为演出总体来说比较差。”“我不那么认为。” 【试题分析】 此题考查省略句的用法。 【详细解答】 通常so用于同意对方所肯定的事,且so在此处作动词find的宾语补足语,因此B为正确选项。 60. 答案 A 【参考译文】 动物的行为主要依靠本能,而人类行为主要是学习的产物。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。 【详细解答】 instinct意为“本能、直觉”;符合本题题意。而consciousness作“意识、直觉”讲;impulse意为“冲动刺激”;response则作“应答,答复”讲。因此A为正确选项。 61. 答案 A 【参考译文】 病人们相信史密斯大夫知道如何使他们恢复健康。 【试题分析】 此题考查固定搭配。 【详细解答】 put sb. right意思是“使„恢复健康”,也可以说set sb.right。其他三个词 correct(正确的),straight(直的)和well(好的)都不 符合题意。因此A为正确选项。 62. 答案 D 【参考译文】 “你买这条狗花了五十美元是不是后悔了?”“不,我乐意为 它付出二倍的钱。” 【试题分析】 此题考查同级比较的结构。 【详细解答】 在表示同级比较的as...as和 not so...as句型中,常用状 语just,almost,twice,three times等。这类状语应放在副词as,so之前。因此 D为正确选项。 63. 答案 C 【参考译文】 我在与约翰通话时突然被断线了。 【试题分析】 此题考查动词(短语)的含义。 【详细解答】 cut off意为“切断、割断”,符合本题题意。hung是hang 的过去分司,意为“悬挂”;hang back作“犹豫”讲;cut down意为“减少, 削减”。因此C项为正确选项。 64. 答案 B 【参考译文】 “艾米的父母给她留下财产没有?”“没有,她现在得靠自 己。” 【试题分析】 此题考查反身代词的运用。 【详细解答】 反身代词可用作宾语,前置词宾语、同位语。这里herself 作宾语。因此B项为正确选项。 65. 答案 C 【参考译文】 会议既冗长又让人筋疲力竭以致于发言者不时地停下来吃点 提神的东西。 【试题分析】 此题考查介宾短语的含义。 【详细解答】 at intervals 意为“不时,偶尔”,符合本题题意。at large 作“详尽地,仔细地”讲,at ease意为“安逸,自由自由”;at random则意 为“胡乱地,随便地”。因此C为正确选项。 41. The reporters exposed the corruption of several senior officers in the government; consequently, these officers____to resign from office. A. have asked B. were asked C. had asked D. had been asked 42. The train____ at the present speed until it reaches the next city at about seven o’clock this evening. A. will be going B. went C. would go D. went 43. Such____the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints. A. was B. is C. is being D. being 44. I beg____ your nephew’s wedding. A. to be excused B. to be excused from C. to excuse from D. to be excused to 45. The only candidate____ can hope to defeat him is quit now. 46. Humble____ it may be, there’s no place like home, ____he may go. A. like, when B. as, wherever C. although, where D. which, wherever 47. He ought to attend the meeting,____? A. should he B. ought he C. shouldn’t he D. oughtn’t he 48. Mary is 18 years old this year; she ____19 next year. A. will be B. is to be C. is going to be D. should be 49.Though it was late in the night,____ he continued to work vigorously. A. but B. yet C. and D. that 50. The doctor advised him to stay in bed, saying he was much____. A. ill enough B. too ill C. so ill D. very ill 51. I was ____ study French yesterday, but I changed my mind. A. to be starting B. to start C. to have started D. to have been starting 52. You’d rather go to theater with him this evening, ____? A. are you B. hadn’t you C. isn’t it D. wouldn’t you 53. ____that the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud. A. It is believed B. Believing C. Being believed D. To believe 54. One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his____to any kind of natural environment. A. tendency B. adoptability C. adaptability D. availability 55. I’m in no____now to go to concert with you. A. mood B. intention C. emotion D. sense 56. The judger doesn’t know whether the witness is telling the truth, but he will ____it. A. identify B. enforce C. distinguish D. verify 57. Before the plane ____, the pilot bailed out. A. clashed B. crashed C. smashed D. struck 58. Doctors often make higher ____ for their works than they should. A. charges B. bills C. costs D. payments 59. Most of the earliest____into America came from Europe. A. migrants B. emigrants C. immigrants D. inhabitants 60. His name was on the____of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember. A. edge B. rim C. border D. tip 61. I caught a____ of the name of the book before she put it into the drawer. A. glimpse B. glance C. sight D. stare 62. Once you become a soldier, you will be given a monthly____by the army. A. income B. allowance C. wage D. salary 63. I called at his house but was refused____. A. admission B. access C. reception D. admittance 64. All too____it was time to go back to school after the Spring Festival. A. quick B. soon C. fast D. speedy 65. He handled the company in____with his brother. A. combination B. mixture C. collaboration D. association 试题答案与解析 41. 答案 B 【参考译文】 记者们曝光了几名政府高官的腐败情况,随之,这几名官员被迫辞职。 此题为时态及语态题。 【试题分析】 【详细解答】 使用主动语态的选项应先排除,使用过去完成时态则将时间先后顺序颠倒了, 故只有B项与句中的时态、语态相符。 42. 答案 A 【参考译文】 在今晚7点抵达下一城市前,火车将按现速行驶。 【试题分析】 此题为时态结构题。 【详细解答】 将来进行时常表示预计即将发生或势必要发生 的动作,即“已经安排好了”之意,结构为will+be+现在分词。 43. 答案 D 【参考译文】 如果是这样,你的抱怨没有根据来证实。 【试题分析】 本题是结构题。 【详细解答】 such being the case在句中作状语,是分词独立结构,其 没有根据,理由,原因中such在此作代词,常用结构。no grounds to意为“ 等”。 44. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我请求不去参加你侄子的婚礼。 【试题分析】 本题是搭配题。 【详细解答】 excuse sb. from sth. (doing sth.)意为允许不(参加)某活动,常用词组。 注意要使用被动语态。 45. 答案 C 【参考译文】 唯一有希望击败他的候选人现在退出了。 【试题分析】 本题考查先行词的用法。 【详细解答】 在下列两种情况下只能用that引导定语从句,且作宾语时经常省略。 1)先行词由形容词的最高级或由序数词last,next,only等限定词修饰时; 2)先行词为all,everything,anything,nothing,little,much等时。 参照第1条,本题只能用that。 46. 答案 B 【参考译文】 尽管家很简陋,但无论他去哪里,没有任何地方像家那样好。 【试题分析】 本题是结构题,兼考先行词的用法。 【详细解答】 由as引导的让步状语从句,强调表语humble。由wherever引导地点状语从句,表示无论去哪里。 47. 答案 C 【参考译文】 她应该去参加会议的,不是吗? 【试题分析】 本题是结构题。 【详细解答】 当should和ought to作“应该”之意时,可互换,表示推论。但在疑问句中一般不用ought to而用should,比如:Should we begin?而不会用Ought we to begin? 48. 答案 A 【参考译文】 玛丽今年18岁,她明年该19岁了。 【试题分析】 本题是结构题。 【详细解答】 主语+will(shall可用于第一人称)+动词原形表示一种意愿,表示不以人们意志为转移的,客观上一定会发生的行为或动作,选项B、C均不是此意。 49. 答案 B 【参考译文】 尽管夜已深了,他仍精力充沛地在工作。 【试题分析】 本题是搭配题。 【详细解答】 带有让步状语的主从复合句,though和but不能同时出现在一个句子里,但如果从句中用了though,主句中可用yet。 50. 答案 B 【参考译文】 医生嘱咐他躺在床上,说他病得太厉害了。 【试题分析】 本题是搭配题。 【详细解答】 为强调程度的大小,可以在副词too的前面加上much,far,a little等词。此句中much用来修饰too ill,其余选项均不适合。 51. 答案 C 【参考译文】 我本来打算昨天开始学法语,但后来我改变了主意。 【试题分析】 本题为时态题,兼考语态。 【详细解答】 要表示“过去想做而未做的事”,在本句中的表达方式应为was (were)+to have done sth,译为“本来想做„„的事。” 52. 答案 D 【参考译文】 你宁愿今晚跟他一起去剧院,是不是? 【试题分析】 本题为搭配题。 【详细解答】 You’d rather为You would rather的简略方式,因此在反意问句中用助动词would提问。 53. 答案 A 【参考译文】 人们相信,太阳、行星及其它恒星的形成是从星际气团的冷凝开始的。 【试题分析】 本题为结构题。 【详细解答】 根据句意,选项B、C只构成分句,没有主句,选项D则只有主语,没有其它成分。只有A项才构成It is+过去分词+that结构,使句意完整。 54. 答案 C 【参考译文】 人类最鲜明的特性之一是他对任何自然环境的适应力。 【试题分析】 本题是形近词及词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 adaptability意为适应性,与B项adoptability形近意不 同,A项tendency意为趋势,趋向,D项availability意为可用的,均与题意不符。 答案 A 【参考译文】 我现在没心情和你去音乐会。 【试题分析】 本题是词义搭配题。 【详细解答】 in mood表示有„„的心情,常用词组;intention表示意愿;emotion表示情感;sense表示感觉,均不符合题意。 56. 答案 D 【参考译文】 法官不知道证人说的是否是真话,但他会证实它。 【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 verify意为证实,查证,核实;identify意为认出,识别,多用于在众多物品中选出某一特定物品;enforce意为加强,强化;distinguish意为区别,辨别。 57. 答案 B 【参考译文】 在飞机坠毁前,飞行员跳伞了。 【试题分析】 本题是近义考试&大词辨析题。 【详细解答】 crash表示(飞机等)碰撞,坠毁;clash表示冲突,交锋;smash表示打碎,粉碎;而strike表示敲击,打中。根据句意,只有crash适合。 58. 答案 A 【参考译文】 医生们经常索取比他们应得的高得多的费用。 【试题分析】 本题考查固定搭配。 make charges for是词组,意为对„„收费,索价。bills 【详细解答】 意为账单,costs意为代价,payments意为付费,均不能与make...for构成符合题意的词组。 59. 答案 C 【参考译文】 大多数美国早期移民来自欧洲。 【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析题。 【详细解答】 immigrant表示从外国移入的移民;emigrant表示从一地到另一地去的移民; migrant表示移到外国的移民;inhabitant表示常住居民。根据题意,欧洲去往美国的 移民对美国来说应是immigrant。 60. 答案 D 【参考译文】 他的名字就在我嘴边,但我就是想不起来了。 【试题分析】 本题是固定词组考试&大搭配题。 【详细解答】 on the tip of one’s tongue是固定词组,意为就在嘴边, 其余三词虽有边、边缘等义,但不能构成此词组。 61. 答案 A 【参考译文】 在她把书放进抽屉之前,我瞥见了书名。 【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题,并考固定词组搭配。 【详细解答】 catch (get) a glimpse瞥见,强调行为结果;take a glance扫视,匆匆一看,强调行为动作;sight视力;stare瞪视。根据题意,应是“看 见了”这个结果,且应与动词catch搭配构成词组,所以应选A项。 62. 答案 B 【参考译文】 一旦你成为一名战士,军队会每月发给你津贴费。 【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 allowance津贴、补助;income收入,泛指;wage(体力劳动 者的)工资;salary(白领人员的)薪水。战士领取的应是津贴allowance。 63. 答案 D 【参考译文】 我拜访他家,却被拒绝入内。 【试题分析】 本题为近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 admission和admittance都是“准入”的意思,但admission常用于公共场所,admittance用于私人场所;而access意为接近,进入; reception意为接待,接见,均不能用于此句。 64. 答案 B 【参考译文】 日子过得太快,春节结束又该上学了。 【试题分析】 本题是惯用语搭配题。 【详细解答】 all too soon意为考试&大日子过得太快。all too是惯用语, 常接副词,意为“太”。 quick“短暂”可指动作、时间、常作定语形容词;fast往往指动作快; speedy也指动作快。 65. 答案 C 【参考译文】 他与他兄弟合作处理公司事务。 本题是近义词辨析题。 【试题分析】 【详细解答】 collaboration协作,合作,in collaboration with与„„ 合作。其余三词均不合题意。 41. In selecting a material, the engineer’s interest is in its properties which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition____it is subject. A. where B. which C. in which D. to which 42. To meet the ever increasing demand____oil-refining equipment, the company will produce more of such equipment. A. of B. on C. with D. for 43. “The president made a brilliant decision, didn’t he?” “Yes, he did. I don’t know what I would have done if I____to make that decision.” A. were B. had had C. have had D. had 44. Animal mothers are devoted to their young and____ them with love and discipline. A. mind B. watch C. help D. tend 45. The physicists propose that our attention____the use of special methods of thinking and acting. A. would be directed towards B. should be directed towards C. is directed towards D. directs towards 46. According to the acoustics, continual exposure____ noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing. A. of B. with C. to D. by 47. We are convinced____ the righteousness of our cause. A. of B. on C. over D. at 48. Urban congestion would greatly be relieved if the____charged on public transport were more reasonable. A. prices B. tickets C. fees D. fares 49. You’d better let me know as soon as there is a(n)____position in the branch office. A. empty B. vacuum C. hollow D. vacant 50. They will never reconcile themselves to____. A. defeat B. their defeat C. be defeated D. have their defeat 51. The matter is not to be ____. A. watched for B. waited on C. taken over D. trifled with 52. The mother almost____when she learned that her son was shot dead. A. fell down B. came down C. fell apart D. went to pieces 53. While doing calculation for the project, the designers____a new solution to a geological problem. A. fell into B. stumbled upon C. set out D. discovered 54. I meant____ you about it, but I forgot to do so. A. telling B. having told C. to tell D. to have told 55. Everything____into consideration, I propose that the first prize should be given to Liu Qiang. A. to take B. taking C. taken D. took 56. They____the park of late. A. will visit B. have visited C. are visiting D. visited 57. The girl was so ____by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the boats and rafts going and coming. A. absorbed B. fascinated C. moved D. touched 58. After traveling in the desert for many days, they found a tiny oasis,where there was a well and ____green grass. A. a patch of B. a bunch of C. a pinch of D. a packet of 59. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to____the old hall. 60. The fierce heat of this summer withered most of the crops____ his farm. A. in B. on C. of D. from 61. Since the father died a year ago, there has been ____in the family about the division of the estate. A. distinctions B. discord C. disadvantages D. disappointment 62. Having been discussed, the proposal was____unanimously. A. adapted B. adopted C. admitted D. adjoined 63. I’d just as soon you____ those important papers with you. A. don’t take B. didn’t take C. hadn’t taken D. were not taking 64. The theme of the novel is that a person’s fate____that of the whole country. A. is closely linked up with B. is closely dealt withC. is closely taken as D. is closely tired up with 65. The American professor came to realize that he had underestimated the____of most of the Chinese students. A. magnitude B. gradient C. potential D. firmness 参考答案 41. 答案 D 【参考译文】 在选择材料时,工程师感兴趣的是决定该材料在负荷及遭受 某种状况时所表现的特性。 【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。 【详细解答】 “be subject to”是固定搭配,含义为“以„„为条件”,而且此处用定语 从句,介词提前,所以只能选择D。 42. 答案 D 为了满足不断提高的对炼油设备的需求,该公司将生产更多 【参考译文】 的这种设备。 【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。 【详细解答】 在选项中,A和D都可以与“demand”搭配,但是“meet the demand of”的含义为“满足(某人等)的需要”,而“meet the demand for”的含义为“满足对„„的需 要”。 43. 答案 B 【参考译文】 “总统作出了一个英明的决定,不是么?”“是的。我不知道 如果我不得不去 做个决定我会怎样的。” 【试题分析】 本题是一道语法分析题。 【详细解答】 此处是一个对过去事情的假设,要用到虚拟语气。“If”引 导的对过去事情的虚拟句中,主语用“would have done”的句型,虚拟条件从句用过去完成时。所以此处用“had had”。 44. 答案 D 【参考译文】 动物妈妈们专心于自己的孩子,既慈爱又严格地看护它们。 【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “mind”表示”照看”时指的是“当其父母不在时照顾孩 子”;“watch”表示“监视”的意思;“help”是帮助,只有“tend”是“照顾,照看”的意思。 45. 答案 B 【参考译文】 物理学家建议我们的注意力要以对思维和行动的特殊 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 的使用为目标。 【试题分析】 本题是一道搭配题。 【详细解答】 由“propose”一类词引导的从句要用虚拟语气,也就是用“should+动词原形”或者是直接用“动词原形”。所以此处选B。 46. 答案 C 【参考译文】 根据声学,持续暴露在高强度噪音下,会导致失聪。 【试题分析】 本题是一道介词搭配题。 【详细解答】 “exposure of sth.”含义为“对„„的暴露”,而“exposure to sth.”含义为“暴露在„„”,根据句意,此处应该选择C。 47. 答案 A 【参考译文】 我们坚信自己的事业是正义的。 【试题分析】 本题是一道介词考试*大搭配题。 【详细解答】 “be convinced of”含义为“坚信„„”,这是一个固定搭配,所以在四个 选项中只能选择“of”。 48. 答案 D 【参考译文】 如果所收车费更合理一些,城市交通堵塞会大大缓解。 【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “prices”的含义是“价格”,“tickets”是“票据”, “费(如 “fees”是 会费、学费、手续费等)”;“fares”主要是指“车船费”。所以此处用“fares”。 49. 答案 D 【参考译文】 你最好一到分理处有了空缺就告诉我。 【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词组辨析题。 【详细解答】 “empty”含义为“空无一物的”;vacuum是名词,含义为“真空,空虚”; “hollow”含义为“空洞的,中空的”,只有“vacant”与“position”搭 配意为“空缺职 位”。 50. 答案 B 【参考译文】 他们决不屈从于失败。 【试题分析】 本题是一道搭配题。 【详细解答】 “reconcile sb. to”中后接名词,而“defeat”一词作为 “失败”是可数名词,所以此处只能选择B。 51. 答案 D 【参考译文】 这个问题不可轻视。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “watch for”的含义为“提防,戒备”;“wait on”的含义为“服侍(某人) ,招待(顾客)”;“take over”的含义为“接管(什么东西)”;“trifle with”含义为“轻视。”从四个选项来看,只有D适用于本句话。 52. 答案 D 【参考译文】 那位母亲得知她儿子被枪打死了,她几乎完全垮了。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “fall down”含义“跌倒,倒下”;“come down”含义为“降下,跌落” ;“fall apart”含义为“破裂,破碎”;“go to pieces”含义为“(身体或精神上)垮下 来”。从四个选项来看,只有D适用于本句话。 53. 答案 B 【参考译文】 在对工程进行计算时,设计人员碰巧找到了解决地质问题的方法。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “fall into”含义为“被卷入„„”;“stumble upon”含义为“偶然找到 ,发现”;“set out”含义为“启程,出发”;“discover”含义为“发现,发觉”。从四个选项看,含有“偶然”含义的“stumble upon”最适合本句话。 54. 答案 D 【参考译文】 本打算告诉你这件事的,可我忘了。 本题是一道语法分析题。 【试题分析】 【详细解答】 首先考虑到“mean to”的结构,所以先排除A、B两项。而且此处是讲述一件本来要做而没做的事情,要用虚拟语气,所以只能选D。 55. 答案 C 【参考译文】 通过综合考虑,我建议第一名该给刘强。 【试题分析】 本题是一道句考试*大型结构题。 【详细解答】 从题目来看“I propose that the first prize should be given to Liu Qiang.”是主句,而“everything”与“take into consideration”之 间是被动关系,所以只能选C。 56. 答案 B 【参考译文】 他们最近参观了那个公园。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义理解题。 【详细解答】 本题看起来考的是语法,而实际上考查的是“of late”一词的应用。“of late”的含义为“近来”,当这个词用于句中时,要用完成时态。 57. 答案 B 【参考译文】 那个女孩对那浩大的河流如此着迷,以至于她在岸边坐了几个小时看着河上来 来往往的船和木排。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “absorb”含义为“吸收,吸取;使专心”;“fascinate”的含义为“使着 迷”;“move”和“touch”是“感动”的意思。所以,从四个选项来看,B最合适。 58. 答案 A 【参考译文】 在沙漠里走了好多天后,他们找到了一小块绿洲,在那里有一口井和一片绿草地。 【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词组辨析题。 【详细解答】 “a patch of”含义为“一块„„”;“a bunch of”含义为“一串„„”; “a pinch of”含义为“一撮„„”;“a packet of”含义为“一包„„”,四个选项中 只有A可以修饰“green grass”。 59. 答案 D 【参考译文】 仔细调查后,委员会决定修复礼堂。 【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 “change”含义为“改变”;“build”含义为“建造”;“innovate”含义 为“改革,创新”;“renovate”含义为“修复(尤指建筑物)。从四个选项看,D是最合适 的。 60. 答案 B 【参考译文】 夏日的酷热,使得他的农场大部分庄稼都枯萎了。 本题是一道介词搭配题。 【试题分析】 【详细解答】 表示“在农场”时,与“farm”搭配的只能用介词“on”,这是个固定搭配。 61. 答案 B 【参考译文】 自从一年前父亲去世,这家人在财产分配上一直有争吵。 【试题分析】 本题是一道形近词辨析题。 【详细解答】 “distinction”含义为“区别,区分”;“discord”含义为“争吵,不一致 ”;“disadvantage”含义为“不利之处”;“disappointment”含义为“失望、扫兴”。 四个选项中,只有B最合适。 62. 答案 B 【参考译文】 经过讨论,这个建议被一致通过而采纳了。 【试题分析】 本题为形近词辨析题。 【详细解答】 “adapt”含义为“修改,适应”;“adopt”含义为“采纳,采用”;“admit”含义为“允许,承认”;“adjoin”含义为“接近,相连”。四个选项中,只有B适用于本句话。 63. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我倒宁愿考试*大你没有把那些重要文件带在身上。 【试题分析】 本题是一道语法分析题。 【详细解答】 “I’d just as soon”含义为“宁愿”,后面的宾语从句要 用虚拟语气,所以本题只能选择B。 64. 答案 D 【参考译文】 这部小说的主题是“个人命运是与国家命运紧密联系在一起 的。” 【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词组辨析题。 【详细解答】 “be linked up with”含义为“与„„连接起来(通常指的 是实物)”;“be taken as”含义为“被看成是„„”;“be dealt with”含义为“被如何 处理”;“be tired up with”含义为“与„„联系在一起”。根据句意,本句 只能选择D。 65. 答案 C 【参考译文】 这位美国教授逐渐意识到了他低估了大多数中国学生的潜力。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “magnitude”含义为“大小,重要的程度”;“gradient” 含义为“坡度, 倾斜度”;“potential”含义为“潜力,潜能”;“firmness”含义为“稳 固,坚实(名词) ”。根据本题句意,只有C是适用于本句的。 1. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always____with other elements, most commonly with oxygen. ined A. being combined B. having combined 2. Physics is the present____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____ A. which, what B. that, which C. what, which D. what, that 3. On no account ____ever leave the baby at home alone. A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shall 4. ____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages. A. It is the sun and not the earth C. Being the sun and not the earth 5. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war. A. was turned out B. was being turned out D. turned out 6. I’d rather you ____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow. A. went B. should go C. will go D. go 7. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism because he was a Jew. A. when B. who C. then D. which 8. Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ____find a place to settle down. A. can he B. he can C. he D. for him to 9. With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk,____run. A. let alone B. that’s to say 10.____, she led a life of complete seclusion. A. Being disgraced B. Disgraced C. Disgracing D. She was disgraced 11. Sometimes a bus ____gets on the bus to check the tickets. A. agent B. officer C. conductor D. inspector 12. He made a quick ____from his illness. A. relief B. recovery C. survival D. relaxation 13.____the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax. A. While B. Even though C. Now that D. For 14. My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is ____child. A. one B. a lone C. a single D. an only 15.____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others. A. But for B. Except for C. Apart from D. Except that 16. If the scheme is ____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied. A.relatively B. noticeably y 17. One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ____for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines. A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facility 18. To their credit the Department of Energy ____these ideas and funded a detailed study. A. took over B. took on C. took up D. took to 19. Feeling that she was in the right, she took ____at the dirty remark. A. protection B. offense C. defense D. guard 20. They agreed to share in common any ____of funds after all expenses were paid in full. A. sufficiency B. surpass C. excess D. surplus 21. He was ____her in intelligence. A. below B. under C. beneath D. down 22. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ____ plan. A. bright B. clever C. brilliant D. ingenious 23. In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____. A. acid B. alcohol C. vitamin D. sulphur 24. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasn’t ____. A. inherent B. coherent C. logical D. corporate 25. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ____experience. A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensible 试题答案与解析 1. A) 【句意】由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起,所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。 】owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动语 【难点 态形式。 2. C) 【句意】当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代科学都产生于自然哲学。 【难点】what used to be called作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which引导一个非限制性定语从句。 3. A) 【句意】你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。 【难点】on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所以只有A)项正确。 4. B)【句意】 太阳系的中心是考试&大太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。 【难点】 That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered. 5. D) 【句意】后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈骗活动。 【难点】it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明是„”。 6. A) 【句意】我宁愿你乘火车去,因为天气预报说明天将有大雪。 【难点】would rather 后接虚拟语气的从句,用一般过去时。 7. A) 【句意】爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。后来随着纳粹主义的兴起,他被逐出德国,因为他是个犹太人。 【难点】关系副词when引导的定语从句修饰名词词组the rise of Nazism。 8. A) 【句意】他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。 【难点】Nowhere是否定副词,位于句首引导倒装句。 9. A) 【句意】在车祸中,他的一条腿骨折,他连走路都不行,更不用说跑了。 【难点】let alone意为“更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that is to say意为“也就是说”。 10. B) 【句意】失宠后,她过着完全隐居的生活。 【难点】disgraced在这里是过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。 11. C) 【句意】有时,公共汽车检票员上车查票。 【难点】bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。 12. B) 【句意】他很快恢复了健康。 【难点】recovery意为“恢复,复苏”,后接介词from;relief意为“宽慰,安心”;relaxation意为“放松”;survival意为“生存”。 13. C) 【句意】既然考试的紧张已经过去,我们现在可以放松了。 【难点】now that意为“既然;由于”,用于新的事情的发生,接一般现在时的句子。while意为“虽然”;even though意为“即使”,for意为“因为”,不能用于句首。 14. D)【句意】我表妹南希的情绪经常很糟,我想这是因为她是独生子的缘故。 【难点】表示“独生子”的时候,只能说an only child。 15. C) 【句意】除了已经提及的因素外,有时人们感到不安全是因为他们的动机被他人误解。 【难点】apart from是包含在内的“除了”;excepr for和except that是不包含在内的除了;but for意为“要不是”。 16. D) 【句意】如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。 【难点】efficiently意为“有效地”;relatively意为“相对地”;noticeably意为“显而易见地”;appropriately意为“恰当地”。 17. D) 【句意】 有朝一日我们会发现,拥有一个能通过电话线发送信息、绘制图片的设备是非常有用的。 【难点】facility意为“设备”;receiver意为“电话听筒”;echo意为“回声;回音”;extension意为“分机”。 18. C) 【句意】令他们感到光荣的是,能源部采纳了这些想法并为一个详细的研究报告作了资助。 采纳(观点)”;take over意为“接收,接管,占 【难点】take up意为“ 据”;take on 意为“承担”;take to意为“喜欢上”。 19. B) 【句意】她觉得自己有理,因此,她对这样肮脏的话语十分恼怒。 【难点】 take offence意为“对„生气”;protection意为“保护”;defense意为“防卫”;guard意为“看守;警戒”。 20. D) 【句意】他们同意在全部费用支出后考试&大共享剩余的资金。 【难点】surplus意为“剩余,剩余额”;sufficiency意为“足量,充足”;surpass是动词,不适合本句;excess意为“超过”。 21. A) 【句意】他的智力不如她。 【难点】below意为“(智力、地位、军阶等)低于”;under意为“(尺寸、价值、数量、程度、标准等)少于,低于”;beneath意为“在„下方;(地位,级别等)低于,次于”;down意为“往„下端”。 22. D) 【句意】想出这样一个天才的计划需要丰富的想象力。 【难点】ingenious意为“(方法等)巧妙的;制作精巧的;bright意为“聪明的,机灵的”;clever意为“头脑机敏的,伶俐的”;brilliant意为“才华横溢的,有才能的”。 23. C) 【句意】在加工过程中,大米和面粉失去大量维生素。 【难点】vitamin是“维生素”,其它词义不符本题。acid是“酸”;alcohol是“酒精”;sulphur是“硫”。 24. B) 【句意】这首诗的每个单行写得很美, 但我不明白各行是如何联系在一起的。依我看,这首诗不连贯。 【难点】coherent意为“连贯的,紧凑的”;inherent意为“内在的,固 有的”;logical意为“逻辑的”;corporate意为“社团的,法人的”。 25. B)【句意】对十分敏感的儿童来说,一次简单的呵斥可能会成为极其痛 苦的经历。 【难点】grievous意为“极痛苦的”;hysterical意为“情绪暴躁不能控 制的”;gracious意为“亲切的,有礼的”;sensible意为“明白事理的;合 情理的”。 1. All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ____wild. A. that once grow B. once they grow C. they once grew D. once grew 2. By the time you graduate, we____in Australia for one year. A. will be staying B. will have stayed C. would have stayed D. hav e stayed 3. He appreciated____the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature. A. having given B. to have been given to have given D. having bee n given 4. government official can hardly find sufficient grounds ____his The arguments in favor of the revision of the tax law. A. on which to base B. which to be based on C. to base on which D. on which to be based 5. Living in the desert involves a lot of problems, water sh ortage is the worst. A. not to mention B. of which C. let alone D. for what 6. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe ____it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. A.so that B. but that C. provided that D. in that 7. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives,____stress. A.so is B. as it is C. and so is D. the same is 8. Victor took a bus and headed for home, ____if his wife would have him back. A. not to know B. not known C. not knowing D. not having known 9. We can make an exception ____. A. in any case of John B. in case of John in case of John’s D. in the case of 10. When the Cultural Revolution was launched in China, his father __ _ college. attended B. had been attending C. was attending D. has been atteA. nding 11. My cat is a fussy eater, but my dog is so ____that she’ll swallo w down anything that is put in front of her. A. indiscriminate B. choosy C. indefinite D. picky 12. “This house is more ____than the federal government!” Mac compl ained to his parents. “You have rules for everything.” A. systematic B. democratic C. bureaucratic D. public 13. The American people’s ____of being polite is different from that held here in China. mind B. concept C. consideration D. thought A. 14. Well, that is probably all I can say about sports. Next time I’l l take up the topic of some other ____activities. A. refreshment B. entertainment C. pleasure D. leisure 15. Where there is an earthquake, energy is ____in one area along a c rack in the earth crust. A. repelled B. released C. run D. rushed 16. The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do it yourself eq uipment in a ____in the garden. A. barn B. room C. hut D. shed 17. I’ve got a big coffee____on the front of my dress. A. pore B. patch C. stain D. grease 18. She broke her leg, but the ____healed quickly. A. fracture B. injury C. skeleton D. cavity 19. You’d better add them up. I’m not good at ____. A. figures B. characters C. summaries D. counters 20. The girl chose some very pretty ____paper for the present. A. covering B. wrapping C. packing D.collecting 21. The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the n ew dictionary for three hours night. A. at length B. in full C. on end D. in time 22. I can’t read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They ar e too____. A.faint B. foggy C. transparent D. misty 23. A highly organized system of irrigation is ____Chinese agricultur e. A. typical of B. consistent with C. famous for D. subject to 24. Jack is very ____about wines. A. aware B. knowledgeable C. learned D. informed 25. As for Ann, I am not sure about her ____in Italian. A. fluency B. clarity C. coherence D. excellency 试题答案与解析 1. A) 【句意】大规模种植的农作物都繁衍于野生植物。 【难点】that引导限制性定语从句,修饰plants. 2. B) 【句意】到你毕业的时候,我们在澳洲居住就会有一年了。 【难点】将来完成时常和by the time+句子的结构连用。 D) 【句意】他得到一个在比较文学年度讨论会上宣读论文的机会,他对 3. 此表示感激。 【难点】appreciate后面必考试&大须接名词或动名词,本句题意要求使用 被动语态,故选D)。 4. A) 【句意】那位政府官员找不到足够的证据去说明他为什么赞成修改税 法。 【难点】to base sth on sth 意为“把„„建立在„„的基础上”。which 指代grounds. 5. B) 【句意】居住在沙漠里牵涉很多问题,其中缺水是最严重的问题。 【难点】of which 引导非限制性定语从句,which指代problems。 6. D)【句意】氢是宇宙中最重要的元素之一,因为它提供了其它元素赖以 产生的建构框架。 【难点】in that相当于because,引导原因状语从句。 7. A) 【句意】正象休闲一样,紧张也是我们生活中的一个重要部分。 【难点】just as...,so...意为“如同„,也是„”。 8. C) 【句意】维格坐公共汽车回家去了,不知道他的妻子对他的归来能否 接受。 【难点】not knowing为现在分词短语,作伴随状语。 9. D) 【句意】我们可以把约翰的事作为例外。 【难点】 in the case of...意为“在„的情况下”;in case of 意为“以防,万一” 10. C) 【句意】文化大革命在中国开始的时候,他父亲在上大学。 【难点】这是一个简单的过去进行时的练习。 11. A) 【句意】我的猫很挑食,可我的狗一点也不挑,你给她什么她就吃什么。 【难点】 indiscriminate意为“不加区别的;一视同仁的”;choosy意为“爱挑剔的,过于讲究的”;indefinite意为“不确定的”;picky意为 “吹毛求疵的;爱挑剔的”。 12. C) 【句意】“这个家比联邦政府还官僚”,麦克跟父母抱怨道,“你们什么事都有条条框框”。 【难点】 bureaucratic意为“官僚主义的”;systematic意为“系统的”;democratic意为“民主的”;public意为“公共的”。 13. B) 【句意】美国人的礼貌观念和中国人的不同。 【难点】concept意为“概念;观念”;mind意为“想法;见解;主意”;consideration意为“考虑,思考”;thought意为“想法;意见,见解”。 14. D) 【句意】好,有关体育运动我就说这么多。下次我要选一个关于其它休闲活动的话题来谈。 【难点】leisure意为“休闲”;refreshment意为“活力恢复;爽快”;entertainment意为“娱乐;文艺”;pleasure意为“娱乐消遣”。 15. B) 【句意】在发生地震的地方,能量会沿着地壳的一条缝隙在一个地区释放出来。 【难点】release意为“释放;排放”;repel意为“击退”;run意为“(水) ;rush意为“冲过,冲越”。 流动” 16. D) 【句意】那位老园丁以前总是把他所有的工具和可组装的设备放在花园的棚子里。 【难点】shed意为“车棚,工棚”;barn意为“谷仓,粮仓”;room意为“房间”;hut意为“(简陋的)小屋”。 17. C)【句意】我连衣裙的前部有一个很大考试&大的咖啡污渍。 【难点】stain意为“污点,污迹”;pore意为“毛孔,气孔”;patch意为“斑,与周围不同的部分”;grease意为“油脂;润滑脂”。 18. A)【句意】她的腿摔断了,可是骨折处很快就痊愈了。 【难点】fracture意为“骨折”,injury意为“伤害;受伤处”;skeleton意为“骸骨”;cavity意为“腔”。 19. A)【句意】你最好把它们加起来。我不擅长算数。 【难点】figure意为“数字”;character意为“文字”;summary意为“摘要,梗概”;counter为“计数器”。 20. B)【句意】女孩选了一些非常漂亮的包装纸包礼物。 【难点】这四个选项中只有wrapping paper有“包装纸”的意思,符合题意。 21. C)【句意】那两位学者昨天晚上花了三个小时为新字典写序。 【难点】on end意为“连续不断地”,和表示时间的词连用。at length 意为“最后,终于”;in full意为“全部地”;in time意为“及时,不迟”。 22. A)【句意】我读不懂吉姆在空白处做的记号和注解,它们太模糊了。 【难点】faint意为“不清楚的,模糊的”;foggy意为“含糊的;朦胧的”; transparent意为“易懂的;结构清楚的”;misty意为“朦胧不清的”。这四 个词中,只有faint可以修饰字迹。 23. A)【句意】灌溉系统组织严密是中国农业的典型特点。 【难点】typical of意为“特有的,典型的”;consistent with意为“与„ 一致;与„相符合”;famous for意为“以„著名”;subject to意为“由„ 决定的;取决于„的”。 24. B)【句意】 杰克对酒很在行。 【难点】 knowledgeable意为“知识渊博的;有见识的”;aware意为“意 识到的,知道的”,与of搭配;learned意为“有学问的,博学的”,作定语 或后接介词in; informed意为“见闻广的;了解情况的”,作定语。 25. A) 【句意】至于安,我不知道她的意大利语是否流利。 【难点】 fluency意为“流利,流畅”;clarity意为“清晰,明晰”; coherence意为“连贯性,紧凑”;excellency意为“优点,优秀”。 41. The Chinese nation has____ many national heroes. A. brought forth B. brought forward C. brought up D. brought about 42. The ____of the priest’s sermon was that all human beings should love each other. A. brain B. question C. essence D. reality 43. We all left the meeting convinced that the project was ____. A. fertile B. inevitable C. inherent D. feasible 44. The heavy burden of the life made her ____ the old way of stealing. A. been fed up with B. been on good terms with C. got around to D. gone along with 46. These books are both interesting and instructive. No wonder they___the reading public. A. appeal to B. apply to C. approve of D. ascend to 47. You must phone the police when you find any suspicious guy ____the house late at night. A. hanging out B. hanging up C. hanging round D. hanging together 48. Despite the fact that the area had been hit by the severest drought in twenty years, a(n)____ harvest was gathered in. A. desirable B. wishful C. bumper D. ideal 49. The store was ____people shopping for household wares. A. occupied by B. seized by C. invaded by D. jammed with 50. That fellow____at long A. excels B. exceeds C. surpasses D. overtakes 51. Mr. Longman____his hat when he met the teacher of his daughter on the street. A. gave B. tipped C. raised D. heightened 52. The television station was____with calls protesting the distasteful programs. A. hatched B. modulated C. flooded D. prompted 53. I wonder who first____the idea of bags with gas to make balloons. A. imagined B. conceived C. cherished D. concealed 54. Her first born is not the only one in her family who is good at handwriting; in fact, all her children ____ calligraphy. A. are fond of B. are tired of C. excel at D. go in for 55. We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to___mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries. A. propel B. promote C. strengthen D. depress 56. The minibus____five people quite comfortably. A. lodges B. grants C. accommodates D. drinks 57. It’s a common knowledge that chalk ____ moisture from the air. A. gets B. evaporates C. absorbs D. discards 58. Having ____so many obstacles, she established her fame as a first-rate actress at last. A. removed B. surmounted C. resumed D. harnessed 59. We stopped for a coffee break and____ working fifteen minutes later. A. resumed B. consumed C. presumed D. assumed cafeteria. 60. The discontented students____by boycotting the school- A. rewarded B. vanished C. groaned D. took their revenge 61. She is very____ upsetting her husband, as he has a violent temper. A. tired of B. wary of C. keen on D. confined to 62. “Are you ready?” “Why should I be ready when you are not?” she ____. A. repeated B. retorted C. shouted D. said 63. The house had many____with her dead husband for her to be happy in it. A. conjunctions B. associations C. links D. chains 64. I am not sure whether I want to take this course; I may ____for the first week to see if I like it. A. sit on B. sit in C. sit down D. sit up 65. The Americans are a highly____ people. Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance. A. mobilized B. mobile C. changeable D. moved 参考答案 41. 答案 A 【参考译文】 中华民族产生了很多民族英雄。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “bring forth”的含义为“使产生”;“bring forward”含义为“提出;”“bring up”含义为“教育”;“bring about”含义为“带来,造成”。根据句意,A最合适。 42. 答案 C 【参考译文】 教士布道的实质是要人们相互珍爱。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “brain”含义为“脑、智力”;“question”含义为“问题”;“essence” 含义为“实质”;“reality”含义为“事实”。根据句意,C最 合适。 43. 答案 D 【参考译文】 我们离开会议并被说服那个工程是可行的。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “fertile”含义为“肥沃的”;“inevitable”含义为“不可避免的”;“ inherent”含义为“固有的”;“feasible”含义为“切实可行的”。根据句意D最合适。 44. 答案 C 【参考译文】 生活的重负使他又走上了偷盗的老路。 【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “revel in”含义为“着迷,十分爱好”;“relate to with”含义为“与„相联系”;“revert to”含义为“回到,恢复到”;“revive in”含义为“在„„上复活”。根据句意,C最合适。 答案 B 45. 【参考译文】 过去二十年她一直和邻居和睦相处。 【试题分析】 “be fed up with”含义为“对„„感到厌烦”;“be on good terms with”含义为“与„„和睦相处”;“get around to”含义为“开始考虑,找时间做”;“go along with”含义为“陪同前往”。根据句意,B最合 适。 46. 答案 A 【参考译文】 这些书既有趣又有教育意义,难怪如此吸引读者。 【试题分析】 本题为词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “appeal to”含义为“吸引”;“apply to”含义为“适用于”;“approve of”含义为“赞成”;“assend to”含义为“追溯”。根据句意,A最合适。 47. 答案 C 【参考译文】 当你发现有什么可疑的人深夜在房子旁游荡,你必须通知警 察。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “hang out”含义为“把„„挂出”;“hang up”含义为“把„„挂起,挂断(电话)”;“hang round”含义为“闲荡”,“hang together”含义为“结合在一起,符合”。根据句意,C最合适。 48. 答案 C 【参考译文】 虽然这个地区遭受了二十年中最严重的干旱袭击,但还是有了好收成。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “desirable”含义为“称心合意的”;“wishful”含义为“怀有希望的”;“bumper”含义为“丰收”;“ideal”含义为“理想的”。根据句意,C最合适。 49. 答案 D 【参考译文】 这家商店挤满了买家用品的人。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “occupied by”含义为“被„„占领”;“seized by”含义为“被„„包围”;“invaded by”含义为“被„„侵入”;“jammed with”含义为“挤满了„„”。根据句意,D最合适。 50. 答案 A 【参考译文】 那个人长跑比别人强。 【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 “excel”含义为“胜过别人”,是不及物动词,而其它三项都属于及物动词。由本句中的“at”可以判定此处只能选A,而B、C、D三项不符合条件。 51. 答案 B 【参考译文】 Longman先生在街上碰到他女儿的老师时,以手触帽沿以示敬意。 【试题分析】 本题是一道搭配题。 “tip one’s hat”含义为“轻触帽沿以示敬意”。此处是 【详细解答】 一个固定的搭配,要求考生日常阅读时有所积累。本题只能选B。 52. 答案 C 【参考译文】 电视台接到了很多电话投诉那个没有品味的电视节目。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “hatch”的含义为“孵,孵化”;“modulate”含义为“调整”;“flood含义为“淹没,充斥”;“prompt”含义为“促使,怂恿”。根据句意,C最合适。 53. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我在想谁最先想出往袋子里灌气而制成气球的。 【试题分析】 本题是一道近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 “imagine”含义为“想像”;“conceive”含义为“构想出(主意、计划等)”;“cherish”含义为“抱有(希望),爱护”;“conceal”含义为“把„„隐藏起来”。根据句意,B最合适。 54. 答案 C 【参考译文】 她的第一个孩子并不是她家唯一字写得漂亮的;事实上,她所有的孩子都擅长书法。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “be fond of”含义为“喜欢”;“be tired of”含义为“厌 倦”;“excel at”含义为“擅长„„”;“go in for”含义为“酷爱,从事于”。根据前文的句意,此处选C最合适。 55. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我们满意地注意到了所有这些活动都有助于增进两国之间的相互了解与友谊。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “propel”含义为“推进,推动”;“promote”含义为“促进,助长”;“ strengthen”含义为“使巩固”;“depress”含义为“压低,抑制”。根据句意,B最合适。 56. 答案 C 【参考译文】 这辆小车能很舒适地容纳五个人。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “lodge”的含义为“供给(某人)住宿”;“grant”含义为“同意,准予”;“accommodate”含义为“容纳,接纳”;“drink”含义为“饮用”。根据句意,C最合适。 57. 答案 C 【参考译文】 大家都知道粉笔能吸收空气中的湿气。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “get”含义为“得到”;“evaporate”含义为“蒸发”;“absorb”含义为“吸收”;“discard”含义为“丢弃”。根据句意,C最合适。 58. 答案 B 【参考译文】 克服了这许多困难后,她终于赢得了作为一个一流演员的名望。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “remove”含义为“移开,搬开”;“surmount”含义为“克服”;“resume”含义为“恢复;重新占用”;“harness”含义为“治理,利用 ”。根据句意,B最合适。 59. 答案 A 【参考译文】 我们停下来喝杯咖啡休息了一下,十五分钟后又开始工作。 【试题分析】 本题是一道形近词辨析题。 【详细解答】 “resume”含义为“重新开始”;“consume”含义为“消费”;“presume”含义为“假设”;“assume”含义为“假定,设想。”根据句意,A最合适。 60. 答案 D 【参考译文】 不满的学生通过不买学校食堂饭菜来进行报复。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “reward”含义为“报答”;“vanish”含义为“消失,消灭”;“groan”含义为“受压迫”;“take one’s revenge”含义为“报复”。根据句意,D最合适。 61. 答案 B 【参考译文】 她很担心打扰丈夫,因为他脾气暴躁。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “be tired of”含义为“对„„厌倦”;“be wary of”含义为“提防,小心翼翼”;“be keen on”含义为“喜欢„„”;“be confined to”含义为“被限制”。根据句意,B最合适。 62. 答案 B 【参考译文】 “你准备好了么?”“为什么你不准备而我要准备?”她反驳 道。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “repeat”的含义为“重复”;“retort”含义为“反驳”;“shout”含义为“喊叫”;“say”含义为“说”。根据句意;B最合适。 63. 答案 B 【参考译文】 这房子和她过世的丈夫有丝丝缕缕的联系,这让她很高兴住 在这里。 【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “conjunction”含义为“结合,联合”;“association”含义为“联系,关联”;“link”含义为“(环节)相连”;“chain”含义为“链 条”。根据句意,B最合适。 64. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我不知道我是否想选这门课;也许我该先旁听一星期看看是 不是喜欢。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “sit on”含义为“开会讨论”;“sit in”含义为“旁听”;“sit down”含义为“坐下”;“sit up”含义为“端坐”。根据句意,B最合 适。 65. 答案 B 【参考译文】 美国人是很好动的。大多数人一有机会就旅游。 【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 “mobilized”含义为“被动员的”;“mobile”含义为“运动的,流动的,好动的”;“changeable”含义为“可变的”;“moved”含义为“被移动的”。根据句意,B最合适。 41. I still remember the day I first met her, she ____. A. had long hair B. has long hairs C. had long hairs D. has long hair 42.____, he is appointed as general manager of the company. A. Be a man ever so young B. So young as a man ever is C. No matter he is young D. A man ever so young 来源 43. Nothing but some chairs_ ___in the room. A. has found B. had found C. were found D. was found 44. More than one company____ involved in this transaction. A. was B. were C. to be D. / 45. It is said that his father____ for several years. A. had died B. has been dead C. died D. has dead 46. Water is to fish ____air is to man. A. that B. which C. what D. how 47.____trouble, I’ll forget the whole thing. A. Rather than caused B. Than rather caused C. Than rather causing D. Rather than cause 48. The football match is scheduled to be televised ____. A. live B. lively C. alive D. life 49. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ____the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered. A. in this way B. in that C. in which D. in order to 50.____is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposals. A. As B. That C. Which D. What 51. She walked 7 miles today in order to lose weight; I never imagined that she could walk ____far. A. as B. such C. that D. very 52. You won’t be able to finish the job ____you stop playing around. 53. Women are often said to be more ____ than men. A. liable B. identical C. emotional D. immense 54. This ticket ____you to a free meal in our new restaurant. A. grants B. entitles C. credits D. permits 55. He is too weak to ____his business. A. do with B. do without C. do away with D. do up 56. She is so clever that I feel rather at a (an)____talking to her. A. advantage B. disadvantage C. mistake D. error 57. The thieves ____the papers all over the room as they were searching for the money. A. spread B. swelled C. scattered D. divided 58. The information-office at the station ____that all trains were running about one hour behind time. A. advertised B. declared C. determined D. promised 59. His book has made a great impact____ its readers. A. at B. for C. to D. on 60 . If any difficulties ____, you can call me for help. A. arise B. happen C. occur D. take place 61. Because of the severe international situation, the government has urged people to be ____ with food and water. A. thrift B. economic C. economical D. economy 62. After 10 hours at the wheel of the car, he began to feel the ____. A. tension B. nervous C. exertion D. strain 63. Would you please____ a seat f or this evening’s concert? A. reserve B. preserve C. conserve D. save 64.The concept of ____grouping people with similar interests and abilities was very popular among educators. A. implement B. homogeneous C. integrated D. perfection 65. The introduction of fabrics made from rayon, nylon and other ____fibers has made many changes in our civilization. A. manufactured B. artificial C. synthetic D. manned 参考答案 41. 答案 A 【参考译文】 我仍记得第一次遇见她的那天,她留着一头长发。 【试题分析】 本题考查名词单复数的用法及时态一致性。 【详细解答】 本句使用一般过去时,B、D两项因是现在时而应排除。hair是不可数名词,指全部头发;如果用复数形式则指单根可数的毛发,而且不仅指头发,其所在部位可以在身体的其它部位。根据句意“她留一头长发”,不可数,故选A项。 42. 答案 A 【参考译文】 尽管他如此年轻,他仍被任命为公司总经理。 【试题分析】 本题考查让步状语从句结构。 【详细解答】 Be a man ever so young是表示让步意义的倒装句。原结构Though a man may) be ever so young 省略了Though,再将be移到主语之前。ever so相当于very. 43. 答案 D 【参考译文】 屋子除了几把椅子什么也找不到。 【试题分析】 本题是固定结构用法题,同时考查语态。 【详细解答】 本题应使用被动语态,因此A、B两项应排除。nothing but表示“除了„„什么也没有”,nothing是句子的主语,单数形式,因此选择D项。 44. 答案 A 【参考译文】 这起交易牵涉到不止一个公司。 【试题分析】 本题考查名词单复数的用法。 【详细解答】 More than one company尽管是复数意义,但根据就近原则,谓语形式仍需用单数。 45. 答案 B 【参考译文】 据说他父亲已去世几年了。 【试题分析】 本题考查动词用法。 【详细解答】 一般表示动作或行为能持续的动词是可以用现在(或过去)完成时态+for+一段时间来表示行为或动作延续长度;但瞬间意义的动词如die是不能如此使用的,若需表达这种意思,可将瞬间动词改为be+形容词或副词的结构,然后用其完成时态+for+一段时间来表示,这就是本题选B的理由。 46. 答案 C 【参考译文】 水对鱼来说就像空气对人一样(重要)。 【试题分析】 本题是句型结构题。 【详细解答】 what在本句中相当于as,是一种固定句型的用法,亦可用as代替。 47. 答案 D 【参考译文】 为了不引起麻烦,我会把整件事忘掉。 【试题分析】 本题是语序题。 【详细解答】 rather than表示“与其„„倒不如”,固定用法,因此B,C两项应排除,本句使用一般将来时,没必要用cause的过去式,因此选D项。 48. 答案 A 【参考译文】 本场足球赛已安排了电视实况转播。 【试题分析】 本题是固定搭配题。 【详细解答】 live在此实际上是作副词用,televise live 意为实况转播,是固定搭配。 49. 答案 B 【参考译文】 广告与其它交流形式有显著区别,因为做广告者要付钱以传播信息。 【试题分析】 本题考查特殊用法。 【详细解答】 根据句意,此处应使用意为“因为”的承转词。in that在本句中相当于because,是固定词组。 50. 答案 A 【参考译文】 许多预备性的活动和乐观的讨论产生不了具体的意见,这正是新观点诞生时的情况。 【试题分析】 本题考察连接词的用法。 【详细解答】 As在这句话中作关系代词,在从句中做主语,来代替整个主句,其余选项无法构成正常的主从句结构。 51. 答案 C 【参考译文】 她今天为了减肥步行了七英里,我从来没想到她能走这样远。 【试题分析】 本题考查修饰词的用法。 【详细解答】 此句应用so来修饰far,但四个选项中没有so。这里that作副词用,相当于so的用法。 52. 答案 A 【参考译文】 除非你停止闲逛,不然你是干不完活的。 【试题分析】 本题考查承转词词义辨析。 【详细解答】 应从句意分析中发现此处要使用带“除非”含义的承转词。unless表示除非;lest表示难免,恐怕;in case of意为“万一”;so that意为“以至于”。 53. 答案 C 【参考译文】 都说女人比男人更感性化。 【试题分析】 本题是难词词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 emotional意为感情的,情感的;liable意为有责任的,易受„„影响的;identical意为完全相同的;immense意为无限巨大的。从常理 分析,C项比较适合。 54. 答案 B 【参考译文】 这张票使你有权在我们新餐馆享用一顿免费大餐。 【试题分析】 本题考查近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 entitle sb. to (do) sth意为使某人有(做)某事的资格或权利,符合句型。Grant sb. sth赋予某人某物;credit意为信用,permit sb. to sth允许某人做某事。此三选项均不合句型结构。 55. 答案 A 【参考译文】 他太虚弱了,处理不了他的事情。 【试题分析】 本题是固定词组词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 do with意为“对付,处置”;do without 意为“没有„„也行”;do away with意为“废除,去掉”;do up 意为“修缮,整新,包扎”。 56. 答案 B 【参考译文】 她是如此的精明,以至于我跟她谈话有点感到处于不利地位。 【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 be at a disadvantage处于不利地位,be at an advantage 处于有利地位,固定词组,从句意分析,应是“不利地位”。 57. 答案 C 【参考译文】 当小偷们四处找钱时,他们把纸乱扔在房子的各个角落。 【试题分析】 本题是近义词词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 scatter意为“散播,散落”;spread意为“伸展”;swell意为“膨胀”;divide意为“分开,剖开”。从句意分析,纸应是散落在房间 里的,因此应选C项。 58. 答案 B 【参考译文】 车间信息处称所有火车晚点一小时。 【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 declare意为“宣称、宣布”;advertise新闻发言人为广告宣传;determine意为“下决心,决定”;promise意为“承诺”。 59. 答案 D 【参考译文】 他的书在读者中造成了巨大影响。 【试题分析】 本题是固定搭配题。 【详细解答】 impact on/upon在„„上造成影响,是固定搭配。 60. 答案 A 【参考译文】 如果出现问题,你可以找我帮忙。 【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。 【详细解答】 arise用于问题、困难、责任、争吵等的发生出现;occur, happen, take place用于事故、事情、变化等发生、产生。 61. 答案 C 【参考译文】 由于国际形势严峻,政府决定要求人民节约食物和水。 【试题分析】 本题是形近词词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 economical意为“节俭的,节约的”;economic意为“经济 (上)的”;economy意为“经济”;thrift意为“节俭”,是名词。 62. 答案 D 【参考译文】 在车上行驶了10小时后,他开始感到身心交瘁。 【试题分析】 本题是近义词词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 strain指身心疲劳、辛苦;tension强调紧张(状态、局势); nervous指神经的,紧张不安的;exertion指尽力、努力、费力。 63. 答案 A 【参考译文】 你能帮忙预订一张今晚音乐会的座位票吗? 【试题分析】 本题是形近词词义辨析题。 【详细解答】 reserve有预定的意思;preserve指保存;conserve指保藏, 保养;save指保留。reserve专指预定,符合句意。 64. 答案 B 【参考译文】 在教育人士中很流行的一种观念是,将有相同兴趣及能力的 人归在同一组里。 【试题分析】 本题是难词词义辨析。 【详细解答】 从similar推出grouping前的修饰词应是“相同的”的含义。 homogeneous意为同类,相似的,implement指完成,履行,且作动词;integrated 指使结合的;perfection指完美,完善。 65. 答案 C 【参考译文】 由人造丝、尼龙及其它人造纤维制成的织物的引进,使我们 的文明有了很多变化。 【试题分析】 本题是难词词义辨析题及固定词组搭配题。 【详细解答】 artificial意为“人工的,人造的”;manufactured意为“制 ,manned意为“人操纵的”,只有synthetic才能与fibers构成固定词造的” 组,意为“合成纤维”。 41. If you____ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy. A. haven’t watched B. didn’t watch C. hadn’t watched D. wouldn’t have watched来源:壹壹英语 www.yEeyi.net 42. Anna refused to ____the car keys to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt. A. hand in B. hand out C. hand down D. hand over 43. “He is already on the wrong side of forties.” “It’s about time he ____himself a wife and settled down.” A. finds B. should find C. found D. had found 44. We find the book quite____: it provides us with an abundance of information on western music. A. distracting B. enlightening C. amusing D. confusing 45. It is necessary that an efficient worker____his work on time. A. accomplishes B. can accomplish C. accomplish D. has accomplished 46. Dogs are often praised for their____; they almost never abandon their masters. A. truthfulness B. loyalty C. trust D. faith 47. “How did James Bond escape from the locked confine?” “Oh, you know he always manages ____a tight situation.” A. to get out of B. getting out of C. to have got him out of D. in getting out of 48. The scientific group is carrying out a research focused on a drug which is so ____as to be able to change brain chemistry. A. powerful B. influential C. monstrous D. vigorous 49. The boss of the company has always attended to the ____of important business himself. B. stimulation C. transition D. solution A. transaction 50. He ordered the work ____. A. started at once B. to be started at once C. to start at once D. at once start 51. What seems confusing and fragmented at first might well become ____a third time. A. notable and systematic B. clear and organic C. clean and measurable D. pure and wholesome 52. They failed to pass the exam last time; I regretted ____. A. to be not able to help B. being unable to help C. being not able to helping D. not be able to help 53. At a press conference after the Oscar Award ceremony, the 18-year-old girl spoke in a barely____ voice. B. legible C. optional D. audible A. identical 54. All ____is a continuous supply of fuel oil. A. what is needed B. that is needed C. the thing needed D. for their needs 55. Today dozens of scientific group in different countries have been ____the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules. A. reaching B. winning C. chasing D. pursuing 56. You said the books were on the desk, but ____there. A. there was no one B. there were none C. there were no ones D. was none 57. Before the project was started, we asked the designer to give us an ____of the cost of building such a museum. A. estimate B. evaluation C. assessment D. announcement 58. From the top of the building, we can see the bridge ____construction. A. by B. in C. under D. below 59. “When did Gertrude finally get to the theatre?” “Just before the end of ____.” A. the act second B. act second C. Act Two D. the act two 60. Though he views himself as a realist, Michael says that his findings make him very ____about future. A. optimistic B. objective C. precautious D. sympathetic 61. “Have you flown very much?” “As a matter of fact, this trip is ____.” A. my first B. the first to me C. the first one of mine D. my one to be the first 62. In Boston, as in the rest of the United States, ____ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at 16. A. obliged B. compulsory C. compelling D. forced 63. “Let’s take a walk before we start to study.” “Oh, I think it’s ____ for walking.” A. much too hot B. very much hot C. too much heat D. very much heat 64. China started its space industry only in recent years, and should ____ no time in catching up. A. delay B. lag C. lessen D. lose 65. It’s quite late now and Mr. White ____hasn’t left his office. A. still B. already C. since D. yet 参考答案 41. 答案 C来源:www.yeeyi.net 【参考译文】 如果你昨晚不看那么晚的电影,你现在也不会那么困倦了。 【试题分析】 此题考查虚拟语气的用法。 在虚拟语气中,有时主句和从句可以指不同的时间,称之为 【详细解答】 混合虚拟语气。此处从句是对过去的事实进行虚拟,而主句是对现在的事实进行 虚拟,故从句采用过去完成时形式。因此C为正确选项。 42. 答案 D 【参考译文】 直到丈夫答应系上安全带安娜才同意将钥匙交给他。 【试题分析】 此题考查同根词组的含义。 【详细解答】 hand over意为“移交,交出”,符合本题题意。而hand in 作“交上,上缴”讲;hand out 意为“分给(每个人)”;hand down意为“传 给”,常用被动形式。因此D为正确选项。 43. 答案 C 【参考译文】 “他已经四十好几了。”“该是他找个妻子、安个家的时候 了。” 【试题分析】 此题考查固定句型的用法。 【详细解答】 “It is high(about) time that”句型后面的从句谓语要用过去式,但意指将来。也可以用would表示虚拟现在时。因此C为正确选项。 44. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我们发现这本书很有启发性,它给我们提供了大量的关于西 方音乐的信息。【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。 【详细解答】 enlightening意为“启发的,有教育意义的”,符合本题题 意。confusing意为“令人困惑的”;distracting意为“使人分心的,干扰的”;amusing“有趣的, 令人快乐的。”因此B为正确选项。 45. 答案 C 【参考译文】 一个有能力的工人必须按时完成他的工作任务。 【试题分析】 此题考查虚拟语气的用法。 【详细解答】 主语从句中使用的虚拟语气可用来表示要求,建议,提议,命令,意愿等。形式为:It is +要求引起虚拟的形容词或过去分词+主语从句。这种主语从句中的谓语,美国人要求用动词原型,而英国人要求用should+动词。因此此处形容词necessary要求引起虚拟,选择答案C。 46. 答案 B 【参考译文】 狗常以它们的忠诚受到称赞,它们几乎不背弃它们的主人。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。 【详细解答】 loyalty作“忠诚,效忠”讲,符合本题题意。而faith意为“信任,相信,信心”;trust作“信任,信赖”讲;truthfulness作“诚实,真实”讲。因此B为正确选项。 47. 答案 A 【参考译文】 “詹姆斯?博德是怎么从锁着的牢房里逃出来的?”“喔,你知道他总是能设 法死里逃生。” 【试题分析】 此题考查不定式做宾语的用法。 【详细解答】 某些动词只能跟不定式作宾语。这类动词常见的有:aim, arrange, agree, decide, hesitate, manage, offer, refuse, etc.因此A 为正确选项。 48. 答案 A 【参考译文】 该科学小组正专注于一项药品研究,这种药品效力极强以致可以改变脑部化学机制。 【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。 【详细解答】 powerful此处指“(药等)效力大的”,符合本题题意。influential意为“有影响的,有权势的”;monstrous意为“怪异的,宏大的”;vigorous作“精力充沛的,强有力的”讲。因此A为正确选项 49. 答案 A 【参考译文】 该公司老板经常亲自参加一些重要业务的处理。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。 【详细解答】 transaction意为“处理、办理”,符合本题题意。因此A为正确选项。 50. 答案 B 【参考译文】 他下令马上开始工作。 【试题分析】 此题考查不定式的被动形式。 【详细解答】 此处不定式做宾语补足语,因此使用不定式的被动形式。因此B为正确选项。 51. 答案 B 【参考译文】 一些初看既令人困惑又零零碎碎的事物经过再三思量会变得清晰而系统。 【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。 【详细解答】 从题意可以看出需要选与confusing and fragmented(既令人困惑又零零碎碎的)意思相对的一组词,只有clear and organic(既清晰又系统的)符合要求。clean and measurable既干净又可度量的,notable and systematic值得注意的而且系统的,pure and wholesome纯正的且有益的。都不符合题意。因此B为正确选项。 52. 答案 B 【参考译文】 上次他们没有通过考试,我后悔没能帮他们一把。 【试题分析】 此题考查动词regret的用法。 【详细解答】 某些动词跟不定式做宾语与跟-ing分词作宾语时有区别:“regret+不定式”:对尚未做的或正在做的事表示遗憾;“regret+-ing分词”:对做过的事情表示后悔。因此B为正确选项。 53. 答案 D 【参考译文】 在奥斯卡颁奖典礼后的记者招待会上,这位18岁的女孩发言的声音小得几乎听不见。 【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。 【详细解答】 audible意为“可听得见的”,符合本题题意。optional作“可选择的,随意的”讲;legible意为“字迹清楚的,易读的”;identical意为“相同的,完全一样的”。因此D为正确选项。 54. 答案 B 【参考译文】 我们所需要的就是持续不断地得到燃油供应。 此题考查定语从句的用法。 【试题分析】 【详细解答】 当定语从句修饰的先行词前有all, any, no, only, little, much修饰,或者这些先行词本身就是all, any, little, much, anything, nothing等不定代词时,一般应用关系代词that。因此B为正确选项。 55. 答案 D 【参考译文】 如今各国许多的科学小组正探寻实用而节约的方法,以便利用太阳能分解出水分子。 【试题分析】 此题考查动词词义及搭配。 【详细解答】 pursue在此意为“继续从事,忙于”,符合本题题意。chase作“追求,追逐”讲;reach则意为“到达,达到”;win作“赢得,获胜”讲。因此D为正确选项。56. 答案 B 【参考译文】 你说参考书在书桌上,但那儿没有。 【试题分析】 此题考查不定代词的用法。 【详细解答】 no one表示“一个也没有”,即“not a single one”,而 且no one只代表单数名词,只能指人,谓语也用单数。none 表示“„„之中没有一个”。none可以代替单数与复数名词,谓语也有单复数。none既可指人,又可指物。此处none指代books,是复数形式。因此B为正确选项。 57. 答案 A 【参考译文】 在项目开工前,我们请设计者为建这样一座博物馆估计一下 成本。 【试题分析】 此题考查名词词义。 【详细解答】 estimate此处意为“出价,估价”,符合本题题意,而assessment意为“估计,估税,评定”;announcement作“宣布,宣告”讲,evaluation则意为“估价,评价”。因此A为正确选项。 58. 答案 C 【参考译文】 从这座建筑物顶部,我们可以看到在建筑中的桥梁。 【试题分析】 此题考查介词用法。 【详细解答】 under作为介词,可以表示“正在„„的过程中”;其他三个介词均没有这个用法。因此C为正确选项。 59. 答案 C 【参考译文】 “格特鲁德最后是什么时候到达剧院的?”,“正好在第二幕结束前。” 【试题分析】 此题考查数词与名词的连用。 【详细解答】 数词与名词连用时,它们的次序为“名词+基数词”,或者“the+序数词+名词”。因此C为正确选项。 60. 答案 A 【参考译文】 虽然他视自己为现实主义者,但麦克说他的发现使他对未来持乐观的看法。【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。 【详细解答】 optimistic意为“乐观的,有信心的”,符合本题题意。sympathetic意为“有同情心的,表示同情的”;objective意为“客观的”;precautious是干扰项,该词正确的拼写应为precautionary。因此A为正确选项。 答案 A 61. 【参考译文】 “你是否常坐飞机?”“老实说,这次旅游是我第一次坐飞机。” 【试题分析】 此题考查数词的用法。 【详细解答】 序数词可做表语和定语。序数词做定语时,后面被修饰的名词往往可以省略。此处my first指my first trip, trip省去。因此A为正确选项。 62. 答案 B 【参考译文】 波士顿和美国其它地方一样实行义务教育的年龄段为5岁至16岁。 【试题分析】 此题考查形容词词义。(壹壹英语www.yeeYi.net) 【详细解答】 这四个词都有“强迫”的意思,但compulsory意为“必须要做的,义务的”,符合本题题意。compelling意为“强迫的,逼迫的”;forced意为“被迫的,勉强的”;obliged意为“不得已的”。因此B为正确选项。 63. 答案 A 【参考译文】 “在开始工作前先散一下步。”“嗯,我认为这天散步太热了。” 【试题分析】 此题考查副词的习惯用法。 【详细解答】 much too和far too作副词,用来加强语气,修饰形容词。 因此A为正确选项。 64. 答案 D 【参考译文】 中国只是在近些年才开始发展航空工业,所以应该抓紧时间 以期与世同步。【试题分析】 此题考查固定搭配。 【详细解答】 lose no time in doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“立即干某 事”。delay推迟,耽搁,lag落后,停滞,和lessen减少,变小。没有这种搭 配,不合题意。因此D为正确选项。 65. 答案 A 【参考译文】 现在已很晚了,怀特先生还没有离开他的办公室。 【试题分析】 此题考查时间副词的用法。 【详细解答】 时间副词then, still, yet, now, soon等可放在从句或整 个句子的前后,通常放在最后。但是yet放在句末,still可放在动词前、系动 词后。因此A为正确选项。 英语专业四级词汇语法练习题(一) 1. All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ____wild. A. that once grow B. once they grow C. they once grew D. once grew 2. By the time you graduate, we____in Australia for one year. A. will be staying B. will have stayed C. would have stayed D. have stayed 3. He appreciated____the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature. A. having given B. to have been given C. to have given D. having been given 4. The government official can hardly find sufficient grounds ____his arguments in favor of the revision of the tax law. A. on which to base B. which to be based on C. to base on which D. on which to be based 5. Living in the desert involves a lot of problems, ____ water shortage is the worst. A. not to mention B. of which C. let alone D. for what 6. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe ____it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. A.so that B. but that C. provided that D. in that 7. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives,____stress. A.so is B. as it is C. and so is D. the same is 8. Victor took a bus and headed for home, ____if his wife would have him back. A. not to know B. not known C. not knowing D. not having known 9. We can make an exception ____. A. in any case of John B. in case of John C. in case of John’s D. in the case of John 10. When the Cultural Revolution was launched in China, his father ___ college. A. attended B. had been attending C. was attending D. has been attending 11. My cat is a fussy eater, but my dog is so ____that she’ll swallow down anything that is put in front of her. A. indiscriminate B. choosy C. indefinite D. picky 12. “This house is more ____than the federal government~” Mac complained to his parents. “You have rules for everything.” A. systematic B. democratic C. bureaucratic D. public 13. The American people’s ____of being polite is different from that held here in China. A. mind B. concept C. consideration D. thought 14. Well, that is probably all I can say about sports. Next time I’ll take up the topic of some other ____activities. A. refreshment B. entertainment C. pleasure D. leisure 15. Where there is an earthquake, energy is ____in one area along a crack in the earth crust. A. repelled B. released C. run D. rushed 16. The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do it yourself equipment in a ____in the garden. A. barn B. room C. hut D. shed 17. I’ve got a big coffee____on the front of my dress. A. pore B. patch C. stain D. grease 18. She broke her leg, but the ____healed quickly. A. fracture B. injury C. skeleton D. cavity 19. You’d better add them up. I’m not good at ____. A. figures B. characters C. summaries D. counters 20. The girl chose some very pretty ____paper for the present. A. covering B. wrapping C. packing D.collecting 21. The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours ____last night. A. at length B. in full C. on end D. in time 22. I can’t read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They are too____. A.faint B. foggy C. transparent D. misty 23. A highly organized system of irrigation is ____Chinese agriculture. A. typical of B. consistent with C. famous for D. subject to 24. Jack is very ____about wines. A. aware B. knowledgeable C. learned D. informed 25. As for Ann, I am not sure about her ____in Italian. A. fluency B. clarity C. coherence D. excellency 答案解析 1. A) 【句意】大规模种植的农作物都繁衍于野生植物。 【难点】that引导限制性定语从句,修饰plants. 2. B) 【句意】到你毕业的时候,我们在澳洲居住就会有一年了。 【难点】将来完成时常和by the time+句子的结构连用。 3. D) 【句意】他得到一个在比较文学年度讨论会上宣读论文的机会,他对此表示感激。 【难点】appreciate后面必须接名词或动名词,本句题意要求使用被动语态,故选D)。 4. A) 【句意】那位政府官员找不到足够的证据去说明他为什么赞成修改税法。 【难点】to base sth on sth 意为“把„„建立在„„的基础上”。which指代grounds. 5. B) 【句意】居住在沙漠里牵涉很多问题,其中缺水是最严重的问题。 【难点】of which 引导非限制性定语从句,which指代problems。 6. D)【句意】氢是宇宙中最重要的元素之一,因为它提供了其它元素赖以产生的建构框架。 【难点】in that相当于because,引导原因状语从句。 7. A) 【句意】正象休闲一样,紧张也是我们生活中的一个重要部分。 【难点】just as.。.,so.。.意为“如同„,也是„”。 8. C) 【句意】维格坐公共汽车回家去了,不知道他的妻子对他的归来能否接受。 【难点】not knowing为现在分词短语,作伴随状语。 9. D) 【句意】我们可以把约翰的事作为例外。 【难点】 in the case of.。.意为“在„的情况下”;in case of 意为“以防,万一” 10. C) 【句意】文化大革命在中国开始的时候,他父亲在上大学。 【难点】这是一个简单的过去进行时的练习。 11. A) 【句意】我的猫很挑食,可我的狗一点也不挑,你给她什么她就吃什么。 【难点】 indiscriminate意为“不加区别的;一视同仁的”;choosy意为“爱挑剔的,过于讲究的”;indefinite意为“不确定的”;picky意为 “吹毛求疵的;爱挑剔的”。 12. C) 【句意】“这个家比联邦政府还官僚”,麦克跟父母抱怨道,“你们什么事都有条条框框”。 【难点】 bureaucratic意为“官僚主义的”;systematic意为“系统的”;democratic意为“民主的”;public意为“公共的”。 13. B) 【句意】美国人的礼貌观念和中国人的不同。 【难点】concept意为“概念;观念”;mind意为“想法;见解;主意”;consideration意为“考虑,思考”;thought意为“想法;意见,见解”。 14. D) 【句意】好,有关体育运动我就说这么多。下次我要选一个关于其它休闲活动的话题来谈。 【难点】leisure意为“休闲”;refreshment意为“活力恢复;爽快”;entertainment意为“娱乐;文艺”;pleasure意为“娱乐消遣”。 15. B) 【句意】在发生地震的地方,能量会沿着地壳的一条缝隙在一个地区释放出来。 【难点】release意为“释放;排放”;repel意为“击退”;run意为“(水)流动”;rush意为“冲过,冲越”。 16. D) 【句意】那位老园丁以前总是把他所有的工具和可组装的设备放在花园的棚子里。 【难点】shed意为“车棚,工棚”;barn意为“谷仓,粮仓”;room意为“房间”;hut意为“(简陋的)小屋”。 17. C)【句意】我连衣裙的前部有一个很大的咖啡污渍。 【难点】stain意为“污点,污迹”;pore意为“毛孔,气孔”;patch意为“斑,与周围不同的部分”;grease意为“油脂;润滑脂”。 18. A)【句意】她的腿摔断了,可是骨折处很快就痊愈了。 【难点】fracture意为“骨折”,injury意为“伤害;受伤处”;skeleton意为“骸骨”;cavity意为“腔”。 19. A)【句意】你最好把它们加起来。我不擅长算数。 【难点】figure意为“数字”;character意为“文字”;summary意为“摘要,梗概”;counter为“计数器”。 20. B)【句意】女孩选了一些非常漂亮的包装纸包礼物。 【难点】这四个选项中只有wrapping paper有“包装纸”的意思,符合题意。 21. C)【句意】那两位学者昨天晚上花了三个小时为新字典写序。 【难点】on end意为“连续不断地”,和表示时间的词连用。at length意为“最 ;in full意为“全部地”;in time意为“及时,不迟”。 后,终于” 22. A)【句意】我读不懂吉姆在空白处做的记号和注解,它们太模糊了。 【难点】faint意为“不清楚的,模糊的”;foggy意为“含糊的;朦胧的”;transparent意为“易懂的;结构清楚的”;misty意为“朦胧不清的”。这四个词中,只有faint可以修饰字迹。 23. A)【句意】灌溉系统组织严密是中国农业的典型特点。 【难点】typical of意为“特有的,典型的”;consistent with意为“与„一致;与„相符合”;famous for意为“以„著名”;subject to意为“由„决定的;取决于„的”。 24. B)【句意】 杰克对酒很在行。 【难点】 knowledgeable意为“知识渊博的;有见识的”;aware意为“意识到的,知道的”,与of搭配;learned意为“有学问的,博学的”,作定语或后接介词in; informed意为“见闻广的;了解情况的”,作定语。 25. A) 【句意】至于安,我不知道她的意大利语是否流利。 【难点】 fluency意为“流利,流畅”;clarity意为“清晰,明晰”;coherence意为“连贯性,紧凑”;excellency意为“优点,优秀”。 英语专业四级词汇语法练习题(二) 1. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always____with other elements, most commonly with oxygen. A. being combined B. having combined C. to combine D. combined 2. Physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____ most of present day science arose. A. which, what B. that, which C. what, which D. what, that 3. On no account ____ever leave the baby at home alone. A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shall 4. ____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages. A. It is the sun and not the earth B. That the sun and not the earth C. Being the sun and not the earth D. The sun and not the earth 5. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war. A. was turned out B. was being turned out C. being turned out D. turned out 6. I’d rather you ____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow. A. went B. should go C. will go D. go 7. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism ____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew. A. when B. who C. then D. which 8. Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ____find a place to settle down. A. can he B. he can C. he D. for him to 9. With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk,____run. A. let alone B. that’s to say C. not to speak D. not to mention 10.____, she led a life of complete seclusion. A. Being disgraced B. Disgraced C. Disgracing D. She was disgraced 11. Sometimes a bus ____gets on the bus to check the tickets. A. agent B. officer C. conductor D. inspector 12. He made a quick ____from his illness. A. relief B. recovery C. survival D. relaxation 13.____the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax. A. While B. Even though C. Now that D. For 14. My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is ____child. A. one B. a lone C. a single D. an only 15.____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others. A. But for B. Except for C. Apart from D. Except that 16. If the scheme is ____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied. A.relatively B. noticeably C. appropriately D. efficiently 17. One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ____for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines. A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facility 18. To their credit the Department of Energy ____these ideas and funded a detailed study. A. took over B. took on C. took up D. took to 19. Feeling that she was in the right, she took ____at the dirty remark. A. protection B. offense C. defense D. guard 20. They agreed to share in common any ____of funds after all expenses were paid in full. A. sufficiency B. surpass C. excess D. surplus 21. He was ____her in intelligence. A. below B. under C. beneath D. down 22. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ____ plan. A. bright B. clever C. brilliant D. ingenious 23. In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____. A. acid B. alcohol C. vitamin D. sulphur 24. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasn’t ____. A. inherent B. coherent C. logical D. corporate 25. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ____experience. A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensible 试题答案与解析 1. A) 【句意】由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起, 所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。 【难点】owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动语态形 式。 2. C) 【句意】当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代 科学都产生于自然哲学。 【难点】what used to be called作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which 引导一个非限制性定语从句。 3. A) 【句意】你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。 【难点】on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所以只有 A)项正确。 4. B)【句意】 太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为 是异端邪说。 【难点】 That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered. 5. D) 【句意】后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈骗活动。 【难点】it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明是„”。 6. A) 【句意】我宁愿你乘火车去,因为天气预报说明天将有大雪。 【难点】would rather 后接虚拟语气的从句,用一般过去时。 7. A) 【句意】爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。后来随着纳粹主义的兴起,他被逐出德国,因为他是个犹太人。 【难点】关系副词when引导的定语从句修饰名词词组the rise of Nazism。 8. A) 【句意】他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。 【难点】Nowhere是否定副词,位于句首引导倒装句。 9. A) 【句意】在车祸中,他的一条腿骨折,他连走路都不行,更不用说跑了。 “更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that 【难点】let alone意为 is to say意为“也就是说”。 10. B) 【句意】失宠后,她过着完全隐居的生活。 【难点】disgraced在这里是过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。 11. C) 【句意】有时,公共汽车检票员上车查票。 【难点】bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。 12. B) 【句意】他很快恢复了健康。 【难点】recovery意为“恢复,复苏”,后接介词from;relief意为“宽慰,安心”;relaxation意为“放松”;survival意为“生存”。 13. C) 【句意】既然考试的紧张已经过去,我们现在可以放松了。 【难点】now that意为“既然;由于”,用于新的事情的发生,接一般现在时 “虽然”;even though意为“即使”,for意为“因为”,的句子。while意为 不能用于句首。 14. D)【句意】我表妹南希的情绪经常很糟,我想这是因为她是独生子的缘故。 【难点】表示“独生子”的时候,只能说an only child。 15. C) 【句意】除了已经提及的因素外,有时人们感到不安全是因为他们的动机被他人误解。 【难点】apart from是包含在内的“除了”;excepr for和except that是不包含在内的除了;but for意为“要不是”。 16. D) 【句意】如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。 【难点】efficiently意为“有效地”;relatively意为“相对地”;noticeably意为“显而易见地”;appropriately意为“恰当地”。 17. D) 【句意】 有朝一日我们会发现,拥有一个能通过电话线发送信息、绘制图片的设备是非常有用的。 【难点】facility意为“设备”;receiver意为“电话听筒”;echo意为“回声;回音”;extension意为“分机”。 18. C) 【句意】令他们感到光荣的是,能源部采纳了这些想法并为一个详细的研究报告作了资助。 【难点】take up意为“采纳(观点)”;take over意为“接收,接管,占据”;take on 意为“承担”;take to意为“喜欢上”。 19. B) 【句意】她觉得自己有理,因此,她对这样肮脏的话语十分恼怒。 【难点】 take offence意为“对„生气”;protection意为“保护”;defense意为“防卫”;guard意为“看守;警戒”。 20. D) 【句意】他们同意在全部费用支出后共享剩余的资金。 【难点】surplus意为“剩余,剩余额”;sufficiency意为“足量,充足”;surpass是动词,不适合本句;excess意为“超过”。 21. A) 【句意】他的智力不如她。 【难点】below意为“(智力、地位、军阶等)低于”;under意为“(尺寸、价值、数量、程度、标准等)少于,低于”;beneath意为“在„下方;(地位,级别等)低于,次于”;down意为“往„下端”。 22. D) 【句意】想出这样一个天才的计划需要丰富的想象力。 【难点】ingenious意为“(方法等)巧妙的;制作精巧的;bright意为“聪明的,机灵的”;clever意为“头脑机敏的,伶俐的”;brilliant意为“才华横溢的,有才能的”。 23. C) 【句意】在加工过程中,大米和面粉失去大量维生素。 【难点】vitamin是“维生素”,其它词义不符本题。acid是“酸”;alcohol是“酒精”;sulphur是“硫”。 24. B) 【句意】这首诗的每个单行写得很美,但我不明白各行是如何联系在一起的。依我看,这首诗不连贯。 【难点】coherent意为“连贯的,紧凑的”;inherent意为“内在的,固有的”;logical意为“逻辑的”;corporate意为“社团的,法人的”。 25. B)【句意】对十分敏感的儿童来说,一次简单的呵斥可能会成为极其痛苦的经历。 【难点】grievous意为“极痛苦的”;hysterical意为“情绪暴躁不能控制的”;gracious意为“亲切的,有礼的”;sensible意为“明白事理的;合情理的”。 英语专业四级词汇语法练习题(三) 1. It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and ____your wife and children. A. take it out on B. take out it on C. take out on D. take on it with 2. She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that____. A. he catches cold B. he should catch cold C. he caught cold D. he be catching cold 3. Our teacher recommended that we____as attentive as possible when we visit the museum. A. are B.shall be C. be D.were 4. You ____business interfering with my affairs. A. have none B. have no C. have none of the D. have nothing like 5. The new cut in interest rate____promote domestic investment. A. means to B. directs toward C. is meant to D. leads to 6. Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____to increase the sales of industrial products. A.have been used B. will be used C. is being used D. has been used 7. While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____ the old lady’s necklace. A. having taken B. taking C. to have taken D. to take 8. Dr. Park was accused ____the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time. A.of providing B. with providing C. to have provided D. to provide 9. By the end of next month we ____this assignment. A. will finish B. will be finishing C. will have finished D. have finished 10. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ____miracle. A.is working B. works C. will be working D. worked 11. It was dark in the cave so she ____a match. A. struck B. hit C. fired D. burned 12. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____with a cold. A. laid out B. laid up C. laid by D. laid down 13. She often says her greatest happiness ____serving the handicapped children. A.relies on B. consists in C. composes of D. comprises in 14. To make this ____clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history. A.distinction B. indication C. recognition D. constitution 15. Most importantly, such an experience helps ____ a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well. A. coach B. forsake C. foster D.censor 16. When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the ____ back together. A. fragments B. pieces C. bits D. slices 17. Jane tried to ____the doorman with money, but she failed. A. bribe B. corrupt C. award D. endow 18. Classification is a useful____to the organization of knowledge in any field. A. means B. approach C. mode D. manner 19. The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow ____ to environmental threats. A. response B. responsibility C. resolution D. resistance 20. We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ____ his principles. A. lives on B. lives up to C. lives through D. lives with 21. My grandfather accidentally ____ fire to the house. A.put B. took C.set D. got 22. We enjoyed the holiday____the expense. A.except B. besides C. in addition to D. except for 23. If you want children to work hard you must ____their interests instead of their sense of duty. A. appeal to B. look into C. give rise to D. go in for 24. Basically a robot is a machine which moves, manipulates, joins or processes ____in the same way as human hand or arm. A. characters B. components C.catalogues D. collections 25. Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____motivating for students. A. chiefly B. correctly C. currently D. eminently 试题答案与解析 1. A) 【句意】白天的工作不顺心,回到家里拿老婆孩子出气,这是不公平的。 【难点】take it out on sb. 意为“拿某人出气”,其中it是无人称代词,无 所指,这是一个固定的结构。 2. B) 【句意】由于害怕孩子感冒,她在孩子身上又盖了一条毯子。 【难点】for fear that 后接虚拟语气,(should)+动词原形。 3. C) 【句意】我们的教师建议我们参观博物馆的时候注意力应尽可能集中。 command ,suggest 等词后接的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,【难点】recommend, 即(should)+动词原形。 4. B) 【句意】你没有权力干涉我们的事情。 【难点】have no business doing /to do something 意为“没有权力,没有理 由做某事” 5. C) 【句意】利率再次下调旨在促进国内投资。 【难点】be meant to do 意为“旨在做 ”;mean to do 意为“打算做,企图 做”;lead to 意为“导致”,后接名词。 6. A) 【句意】像直接邮件、无线电、电视和报纸这样的广告媒介一直被用来 促进工业品的销售。 【难点】根据句意,应用完成时的被动语态,media 是medium 的复数形式。 7. A) 【句意】法庭传训他的时候,他否认拿了老太太的项链。 【难点】deny后需接动名词,由于动作是过去发生的,所以选A),动名词的完 成式。 8. A) 【句意】帕克大夫被指控向患者提供过量的安眠药,结果造成病人在预 期的时间前死亡。 【难点】be accused of 是个常见的词组,意为“被控有„罪”。 9. C) 【句意】到下月底,我将完成这项任务。 【难点】by the end of next month (year)是将来完成时的典型状语,故选C)。 10. B) 【句意】除非你的新经济计划创造奇迹,否则我们将赔钱。 【难点】unless 引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。 11. A) 【句意】岩洞里很黑,她燃着了一根火柴。 【难点】strike 意为“擦(火柴)”,其它几个词不能和matches搭配。 12. B) 【句意】玛丽不能来参加生日晚会了,因为她患了感冒,卧床在家。 【难点】lay up 意为“因痛(或伤残)卧床”,常用被动语态; lay out 意为“摆出,展开”;lay by 意为“储存”;lay down意为“牺牲,献出”。 13. B) 【句意】她常说她最大的快乐在于为残疾儿童服务。 【难点】consist in 意为“在于,存在于”;rely on 意为“依靠,依赖”;be composed of 意为“由„构成”;comprise 意为“由„组成;构成”。 14. A) 【句意】为了搞清楚这一差别,我们必须认真地审视一下生物学发展的漫长历史。 【难点】distinction意为“区别;差异”;indication意为“标示,迹象”;recognition意为“(正式的)承认,认可,认知”;constitution意为“宪法,体制”。 15. C) 【句意】最重要的是,这样的经历能促进人们对其它文化的感受性,并使他们更欣赏自己的文 化。 【难点】foster意为“培养,促进,助长”;coach意为“训练,指导”;forsake意为“遗弃,抛弃”;censor意为“审查,检查”。 16. A) 【句意】安把盘子打碎后,想把碎片再合在一起。 【难点】fragment 意为“碎片,碎块”;piece意为“块,片”;bit意为“小 ;slice意为“薄片;切片”。 片;小段” 17. A) 【句意】简企图用钱贿赂看门人,但失败了。 【难点】bribe 意为“收买;行贿”;corrupt意为“腐蚀,使堕落”;award意为“授予(奖品等);给予”;endow意为“资助,捐赠”。 18. B)【句意】分类是组织任何领域知识内容的有效方式。 【难点】approach作“方式,方法;态度”讲时,后接介词to,其它几个词没有这种用法。 19. A) 【句意】人类已为他们对环境威胁作出的迟缓反应付出了重大代价。 【难点】response意为“反应”后接介词to ;responsibility意为“责任”;resolution意为“决心,决定”;resistance意为“抵抗”。 20. B) 【句意】我们十分尊重约瑟夫教授,因为他总是信守原则。 【难点】live up to 意为“遵守,实践(诺言,原则)”;live on 意为“以„为生”;live through意为“度过,经历过”;live with 意为“忍受;容忍”。 21. C) 【句意】我爷爷不小心放火烧着了房子。 【难点】词组set fire to 意为“点燃,使燃烧”。 22. D) 【句意】除了花很多钱外,我们的假期很愉快。 【难点】except指的是除去同类的事物,且常用于否定句;besides是包含在内的,除了;in addition to 也是包括在内;except for 是除了不同类的事物。 23. A) 【句意】如果你要孩子们努力学习,你必须唤起他们的兴趣而不是责任 感。 【难点】appeal to 意为“有感染力,有吸引力”;look into 意为“调查,观 察”;give rise to意为“引起,导致”;go in for意为“爱好;从事,参与”。 24. B) 【句意】机器人基本上是一台机器,它能像人的手臂一样移动、操纵、 结合或加工零件。 【难点】component意为“零件;成分”;character 意为“特性;人格”; catalogue意为“目录”;collection意为“收集”。 25. D) 【句意】当然,谈论一些影响学生个性的事对他们是非常有积极作用的。 【难点】eminently 意为“突出地;明显地”;chiefly意为“主要地;大部分”; correctly意为“正确地”,currently意为“现时,当前”。 英语专业四级词汇语法练习题(四) 1. It was requested that all of the equipment ____in the agreed time. A. erected B. would be erected C. be erected D. will be erected 2. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past. A. to remember B. remembered C. having been remembered D. remembering 3. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays. A. ought to have sent B. couldn’t have sent C. must have sent D. needn’t have sent 4. It turned out that the children were not ____for the accident. A. to blame B. to be blamed C. to be blaming D. to have been blamed 5. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles,____been mentioned in previous chapters. A. a few of which B. a few of them C. a few of those D. a few of that 6. Setting up a committee might be a way____the project more efficiently. A. to be doing B. doing C. to do D. being done 7. It____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education. A.pains her B. makes her pain C. is paining D. is pained 8. Our boss, Mr. Thompson,____a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. A.was promising B. has been promising C. promised D. has promised 9. He was determined to sail around the world ____his illness and old age. A. given B. although C. despite D. in spite 10. The board deemed it’s urgent that these invitations ____ first thing tomorrow morning. A. had to be put in the mail B. must be put in the mail C. be put in the mail D. should have been put in the mail 11.____drills that have no real topic have to remainas they are. A. Manufacture B. Manipulative C. Manipulate D.Manifest 12. This book has been in the works so long that I have lost ____of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library. A. trace B. trail C. track D. touch 13. The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must ____them. A. mend B. patch C. repair D. pitch 14. ____and wage increases have not kept in step. A. Production B. Product C. Produce D. Productivity like lifting 15. People under stress have performed____feats of strength, an automobile off an accident victim. A. specific B. extraordinary C. abrupt D. abnormal 16. Modern appliances____us from a good deal of household work.For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry. A.escape B 。 benefit C. liberate D. comfort 17. The audience waited in____silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember. A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable 18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____. A. counted for B. looked up C.accounted for D. checked up 19. When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man ____ever seeing it. A. refused B. denied C. opposed D. resisted 20. Communication between a young couple is a(n)____business. A. sharp B. dreadful C. intense D. delicate 21. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly ____ the little rain that fell last night. A. skipped B. soaked C. retrieved D. absorbed 22. We’ll ____you as soon as we have any further information. A. notify B. signify C. communicate D. impart 23. The fox fell into the____the hunters had set forit. A. bush B. trap C. trick D. circle 24. I don’t know you want to keep the letter. I’ve ____it up. A. torn B. given C. broken D. disposed 25. The old lady____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom. A. slided B. slipped C. split D. spilled 试题答案与解析 1. C) 【句意】所有设备要求在商定的时间内安装完毕。 【难点】request后面的宾语从句要求使用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形, 本句用的是被动语态。 2. A) 【句意】坐在我对面的那个人梦幻般地笑着,好像回想起过去发生的某件高兴的事。 【难点】“as if +不定式”是一个常见的结构,意为“好像”。 3. D) 【句意】我本不必把圣诞礼物给他邮去,因为他圣诞节期间回家了。 【难点】主句用了一句与过去事实相反的表示必要性的虚拟语气,符合题意。 4. A) 【句意】结果证明是,这起事故不怪孩子。 【难点】be to blame 是一个习惯搭配,意为“该受责备”。 5. A) 【句意】经过若干次斗争,种族隔离被取消了,其中的几次斗争在前几章里已经提到。 【难点】这里考的是非限制性定语从句,关系代词which前加修饰语。 【句意】 建立一个委员会或许是更有效地做这项工程的方法。 6. C) 【难点】way后面可接不定式作定语,也可接of doing形式。 7. A) 【句意】 看到那片山区有那么多孩子连小学都上不起,她感到很痛心。 【难点】It pains sb. to see.。.意为“看到„使某人感到痛心”。 8. B) 【句意】 我们的老板汤姆逊许诺给我们加薪好些年了,可到现在什么也没发生。 【难点】这句话考的是现在完成时行时。 9. C) 【句意】他不顾疾病缠身,年老体弱,决心做环球航行。 【难点】despite是介词,意为“尽管”,等于in spite of,两者的后面都接名词。 10. C) 【句意】董事会认为,明天早晨的第一件事就是将这些邀请函紧急寄出。 【难点】it is urgent that 后接虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。 11. B) 【句意】没有实际主题的操作性训练只得保持原样。 操作的;控制的”;manufacture意为“制造”;【难点】manipulative 意为“ manipulate意为“操纵”;manifest意为“显然的;明了的”。 12. C) 【句意】写作这本书的时间如此之长,以致于我找不到图书馆职员为我找到的大部分原始资料。 【难点】lose track of 意为“失去与„的联系;失去„的线索”;trace意为“痕迹,遗迹”;trail 意为“踪迹;臭迹;足迹”;touch意为“接触”。 13. B) 【句意】你大衣的肘部磨薄了,我得在那儿打块补丁。 【难点】 patch意为“补缀;修补”;mend意为“修理;修补”,比如鞋;repair意为“修理;修复”,比如机器;pitch意为“投;掷;扔”。 14. D) 【句意】生产率的提高和工资的提高没有保持同步。 【难点】productivity 意为“生产力;生产率”;production意为“生产;制造”;product意为“产品”;produce意为“农产品”。 15. B) 【句意】人们在心理压力的作用下,表演了非凡的力量技艺,比如把一辆汽车从交通事故的受害者身上搬开。 【难点】extraordinary意为“不平常的;非凡的”;specific意为“特有的,特种的”;abrupt意为“突然的,意外的”;abnormal意为“不正常的,反常的”。 16. C) 【句意】现代化的家用电器把我们从大量的家务劳动中解放出来,比如,甩干机使我们不必把洗的衣服挂起来。 【难点】liberate意为“解放”,与from连用;escape意为“逃跑;逃走”;benefit意为“有益于”;comfort意为“安慰;慰问”。 17. C) 【句意】那位上了年纪的发言人在他的笔记中寻找着他记不起来的数字,此时,听众们恭敬地等候着,全场一片寂静。 【难点】respectful意为“尊敬的;恭敬的”;respective意为“各自的,分别的”;respect是名词,意为“尊敬”;respectable意为“可敬的”。 18. C)【句意】文件的消失从未得到过解释。 【难点】account for意为“解释;说明”;count for意为“值,计”;look up意为“查检”;check up意为“核实”。 19. B)【句意】当这个人被问及丢失的文件夹时,他否认曾经见过。 ”;refuse【难点】四个选项中只有deny合题意。deny+动名词,意为“否认 意为“拒绝”,加不定式;oppose意为“反对,抵抗”,常接介词to; resist意为“反抗,抗拒”。,ZK), 20. D) 【句意】年轻夫妇之间的交流是件棘手的事。 【难点】delicate意为“需要小心处理的,棘手的”;sharp意为“尖刻的,辛辣的”;dreadful意为“遭透的,非常讨厌的”;intense意为“强烈的,剧烈的”。 21. D) 【句意】好几星期没下雨,昨晚下了一场小雨,很快被地面吸收了。 【难点】absorb意为“吸收”;skip意为“使(石片)跳跃着擦过水面”;soak意为“把„浸湿”;retrieve意为“使恢复;使再生”。 22. A) 【句意】一有进一步的消息,我们立即通知你。 【难点】notify意为“通知;报告”;signify意为“象征,预示”;communicate意为“传达,传递”;impart意为“告诉;传授”。 【句意】狐狸掉进了猎人为它设的陷井。 23. B) 【难点】bush意为“树丛”;trap意为“陷井”;trick意为“把戏”;circle意为“圈,圆圈”。 24. A) 【句意】我不知道你要保留那封信。我已把信撕了。 【难点】tear up意为“撕毁”;give up意为“放弃”;break up意为“击碎;拆散”;dispose of意为“处理;清除”。 25. B) 【句意】老太太滑倒了,从楼梯顶上摔到了下面。 【难点】slip意为“滑倒;滑落”;slide意为“滑行;光滑地移动”;split意为“裂开”;spill意为“溅出;流出”。 英语专业四级词汇语法练习题(五) 1. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always____with other elements, most commonly with oxygen. A. being combined B. having combined C. to combine D. combined 2. Physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____ most of present day science arose. A. which, what B. that, which C. what, which D. what, that 3. On no account ____ever leave the baby at home alone. A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shall 4. ____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages. A. It is the sun and not the earth B. That the sun and not the earth C. Being the sun and not the earth D. The sun and not the earth 5. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war. A. was turned out B. was being turned out C. being turned out D. turned out 6. I’d rather you ____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow. A. went B. should go C. will go D. go 7. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism ____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew. A. when B. who C. then D. which 8. Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ____find a place to settle down. A. can he B. he can C. he D. for him to 9. With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk,____run. A. let alone B. that’s to say C. not to speak D. not to mention 10.____, she led a life of complete seclusion. A. Being disgraced B. Disgraced C. Disgracing D. She was disgraced 11. Sometimes a bus ____gets on the bus to check the tickets. A. agent B. officer C. conductor D. inspector 12. He made a quick ____from his illness. A. relief B. recovery C. survival D. relaxation 13.____the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax. A. While B. Even though C. Now that D. For 14. My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is ____child. A. one B. a lone C. a single D. an only 15.____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others. A. But for B. Except for C. Apart from D. Except that 16. If the scheme is ____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied. A.relatively B. noticeably C. appropriately D. efficiently 17. One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ____for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines. A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facility 18. To their credit the Department of Energy ____these ideas and funded a detailed study. A. took over B. took on C. took up D. took to 19. Feeling that she was in the right, she took ____at the dirty remark. A. protection B. offense C. defense D. guard 20. They agreed to share in common any ____of funds after all expenses were paid in full. A. sufficiency B. surpass C. excess D. surplus 21. He was ____her in intelligence. A. below B. under C. beneath D. down 22. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ____ plan. ingenious A. bright B. clever C. brilliant D. 23. In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____. A. acid B. alcohol C. vitamin D. sulphur 24. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasn’t ____. A. inherent B. coherent C. logical D. corporate 25. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ____experience. A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensible 试题答案与解析 1. A) 【句意】由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起, 所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。 【难点】owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动语态形 式。 2. C) 【句意】当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代 科学都产生于自然哲学。 【难点】what used to be called作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which引导一个非限制性定语从句。 3. A) 【句意】你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。 【难点】on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所以只有 A)项正确。 4. B)【句意】 太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为 是异端邪说。 【难点】 That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered. 5. D) 【句意】后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈 骗活动。 【难点】it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明是„”。 6. A) 【句意】我宁愿你乘火车去,因为天气预报说明天将有大雪。 【难点】would rather 后接虚拟语气的从句,用一般过去时。 7. A) 【句意】爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。后来随着 纳粹主义的兴起,他被逐出德国,因为他是个犹太人。 【难点】关系副词when引导的定语从句修饰名词词组the rise of Nazism。 8. A) 【句意】他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。 【难点】Nowhere是否定副词,位于句首引导倒装句。 9. A) 【句意】在车祸中,他的一条腿骨折,他连走路都不行,更不用说跑了。 【难点】let alone意为“更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that is to say意为“也就是说”。 10. B) 【句意】失宠后,她过着完全隐居的生活。 【难点】disgraced在这里是过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。 11. C) 【句意】有时,公共汽车检票员上车查票。 【难点】bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。 12. B) 【句意】他很快恢复了健康。 【难点】recovery意为“恢复,复苏”,后接介词from;relief意为“宽慰,安心”;relaxation意为“放松”;survival意为“生存”。 13. C) 【句意】既然考试的紧张已经过去,我们现在可以放松了。 【难点】now that意为“既然;由于”,用于新的事情的发生,接一般现在时的句子。while意为“虽然”;even though意为“即使”,for意为“因为”,不能用于句首。 14. D)【句意】我表妹南希的情绪经常很糟,我想这是因为她是独生子的缘故。 【难点】表示“独生子”的时候,只能说an only child。 15. C) 【句意】除了已经提及的因素外,有时人们感到不安全是因为他们的动机被他人误解。 【难点】apart from是包含在内的“除了”;excepr for和except that是不 “要不是”。 包含在内的除了;but for意为 16. D) 【句意】如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。 【难点】efficiently意为“有效地”;relatively意为“相对地”;noticeably意为“显而易见地”;appropriately意为“恰当地”。 17. D) 【句意】 有朝一日我们会发现,拥有一个能通过电话线发送信息、绘制图片的设备是非常有用的。 【难点】facility意为“设备”;receiver意为“电话听筒”;echo意为“回声;回音”;extension意为“分机”。 18. C) 【句意】令他们感到光荣的是,能源部采纳了这些想法并为一个详细的研究报告作了资助。 【难点】take up意为“采纳(观点)”;take over意为“接收,接管,占据”;take on 意为“承担”;take to意为“喜欢上”。 19. B) 【句意】她觉得自己有理,因此,她对这样肮脏的话语十分恼怒。 【难点】 take offence意为“对„生气”;protection意为“保护”;defense意为“防卫”;guard意为“看守;警戒”。 20. D) 【句意】他们同意在全部费用支出后共享剩余的资金。 【难点】surplus意为“剩余,剩余额”;sufficiency意为“足量,充足”;surpass是动词,不适合本句;excess意为“超过”。 21. A) 【句意】他的智力不如她。 【难点】below意为“(智力、地位、军阶等)低于”;under意为“(尺寸、价 值、数量、程度、标准等)少于,低于”;beneath意为“在„下方;(地位, 级别等)低于,次于”;down意为“往„下端”。 22. D) 【句意】想出这样一个天才的计划需要丰富的想象力。 【难点】ingenious意为“(方法等)巧妙的;制作精巧的;bright意为“聪明 的,机灵的”;clever意为“头脑机敏的,伶俐的”;brilliant意为“才华横 溢的,有才能的”。 23. C) 【句意】在加工过程中,大米和面粉失去大量维生素。 【难点】vitamin是“维生素”,其它词义不符本题。acid是“酸”;alcohol 是“酒精”;sulphur是“硫”。 24. B) 【句意】这首诗的每个单行写得很美,但我不明白各行是如何联系在一 起的。依我看,这首诗不连贯。 【难点】coherent意为“连贯的,紧凑的”;inherent意为“内在的,固有的”; logical意为“逻辑的”;corporate意为“社团的,法人的”。 25. B)【句意】对十分敏感的儿童来说,一次简单的呵斥可能会成为极其痛苦 的经历。 【难点】grievous意为“极痛苦的”;hysterical意为“情绪暴躁不能控制 的”;gracious意为“亲切的,有礼的”;sensible意为“明白事理的;合情 理的”。 英语专业四级词汇语法练习题(六) 1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. A. Unpopular has as white been B. White has been as unpopular C. Unpopular has been as white D. Unpopular as white has been 2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up. A. There has been no rain B. Having no rain C. There having been no rain D. There being no rain 3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had they been done B. they had been done C. having been done D. they were done 4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____. A. which they are happening B. they are happening C. which they happen D. they have happened 5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed C. Which amazed D. What amazed 6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____she was twentyfive. A. her first real success did not come until B. her real first success came until not C. since her first real success did not come until D. not until her first real success 7. You should know better than____ your little sister at home by herself. A. to leave B. leaving C. to have left D. left 8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar. A. may well B. just as well C. might as well D. as well 9. She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children. A. have stolen B. steal C. stole D. stealing 10. The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday. A. breaking B. having been broken C. break D. be breaking 11. Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets ____in transit. A. misused B. mishandled C. mistaken D. mislaid 12.____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy. A. Concerning B. As to C. In terms of D. In the light of 13. A wellwritten composition ____good choice of words and clear organization among other things. A. calls for B. calls on C. calls up D. calls off 14. It is ____with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment. A. in her honor B. on her honor C. a point of honor D. an honor 15. This house will probably come on the ____next month. A. fair B. market C. shop D. store 16. George was introduced to ____activities at a young age, when she was hire to act as a lookout for drugdealers. A. illegal B. lawful C. faithful D. peaceful 17. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____. A. settlement B. establishment C. costruction D. structure 18. People’s status in society is frequently ____by how much they own. A. measured B. examined C. tested D. questioned 19. Jack is so ____to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed. A. adverse B. anonymous C. indifferent D. casual 20. There is an increasing ____to make movies describing violence. A. strength B. direction C. tradition D. trend 21. Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right. A. escape B. ladder C. steps D. stairs 22. I ____with the Browns during my stay in New York City. A. put in B. put down C. put on D. put up 23. Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A. exhausted B. unhealthy C. upset D. fearful 24. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market. A. on B. at C. in D. for 25. The electric fan does not work because of the ____of service. A. pause B. break C. interruption D. breakdown 试题答案与解析 1. D) 【句意】虽然白色过去不受欢迎,但目前它是婚纱的首选颜色。 【难点】as是连词,引导让步状语从句时,往往使用半倒装形式。又如:Beautiful as she is, she is foolish. 2. C) 【句意】由于长时间无雨,田野变得十分干燥。 【难点】该句的前半部分是There be结构,完成式独立结构形式,这与时间状 语for a long time相吻合。 3. A) 【句意】数百万次计算如果用手工操作,那么,到计算结束的时候,就 将失去其全部实际意义。 【难点】这是一句虚拟语气的句子,条件句使用了省略if的倒装句形式,动作 与过去事实相反。 4. B) 【句意】电视使我们能够在事情发生的那一瞬间就看到它们是如何发生 的。 【难点】moment后接的是省略关系副词when的定语从句。B)符合题意要求。 5. D) 【句意】最令我惊讶的是,这个在车祸中失去双臂的小男孩能够用脚使 用钢笔。 【难点】这是一个what从句作主语的典型句子。 6. A) 【句意】虽然她很小的时候就写了很多短篇小说和诗歌,但她直到25 岁才迎来第一次真正的成功。 【难点】这是一个练习not until结构的句子。 7. A) 【句意】你应该知道,不该把你小妹妹一个人留在家里。 【难点】to know better than to do sth.是一个常见的表示责备的句型,意为 “应该知道不该做某事”。 8. C) 【句意】既然火车一个小时以后才开,我们不妨到快餐店吃口东西。 【难点】might as well后接动词原形,意为“不妨,何不”。 9. D) 【句意】当她没钱为孩子买吃的东西时,她开始偷。 【难点】resort to意为:求助于,其中to是介词,后接动名词。 10. A) 【句意】那个男孩承认在昨天踢足球的时候打破了窗子。 【难点】admit to中的to是介词,后接名词或动名词。 11. D) 【句意】贝蒂建议我把我们的行李认真地贴上标签以免运输中放错位置。 【难点】mislay意为“把„„放错地方”;misuse意为“错用滥用”;mishandle意为“瞎弄,胡乱操作”;mistake意为“误选”。 12. C) 【句意】就钱而言,她很富裕。然而这并不意味着她幸福。 【难点】in terms of意为“从„„方面来说”;concerning意为“关于”;as to也是“关于;至于”;in the light of 意为“鉴于,由于”。 13. A) 【句意】一篇好文章,除其它因素外,还要求选词优美,组织清晰。 【难点】call for意为“要求,需要”;call on意为“号召,请求”;call up意为“使人想起” ;call off意为“取消,停止做”。 14. C) 【句意】对于顾客来说,直到最后时刻才让售货员猜出她真正喜欢什么,真正想买什么,这是一个涉及面子的问题。 “涉及名誉的事情”;in one’s honor意为“为【难点】a point of honor意为 某人的荣誉”; on one’s honor意为“以名誉担保”;an honor意为“光荣的人或事”。 15. B)【句意】这座房子可能下月上市。 【难点】on the market意为“上市,出售”; fair意为“集市;庙会;交易会”;shop是“商店”;store是 “储存;仓库”。 16. A) 【句意】很小的时候,乔治被介绍参与了非法活动,他受雇为毒贩子放哨。 【难点】illegal 意为“不合法的,非法的”;lawful 意为“依法的,守定的”;faithful意为“忠实的,守信的”;peaceful 意为“平静的;安宁的”。 17. B) 【句意】能称得上大学称号的机构是一个比其他种类高等教育机构都更复杂更综合的机构。 【难点】establishment 意为“企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会等)”;settlement 意为“定居点;殖民地”;construction意为“建造;建筑物”;structure是“结构,构造”。 18. A) 【句意】人的社会地位常常由他们拥有的财富的多少来衡量。 【难点】measure 意为“估量,衡量”;examine 意为“检查;仔细观察”;test意为“试验,测试”;question意为“询问,审问”。 19. C) 【句意】杰克从不注意自己的外表,衣服从来不烫。 【难点】indifferent意为“漠不关心的”; adverse意为“不利的,反对的”;anonymous 意为“匿名的”; casual意为“非正式的,不拘礼节的”。 20. D) 【句意】暴力片的拍摄大有上升趋势。 【难点】trend意为“倾向,趋势”;strength意为“力量,实力”;direction意为“方向”;tradition 意为“传统”。 21. A) 【句意】我办公室的窗外右侧有一个救生楼梯。 【难点】fire escape 意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。 22. D) 【句意】我在纽约市逗留期间和布朗一家人过了一夜。 【难点】put up意为“宿夜”;put in 意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on 意为“上演,演出”。 23. A) 【句意】以前,病人手术后精疲力竭,需长时间才能恢复,现在手术的病人却感到既轻松又舒 适。 【难点】exhausted 意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful 意为“担心的,可怕的”。 24. A) 【句意】农夫们被允许在自己的菜园耕种,并将蔬菜拿到黑市上去卖。 【难点】on the market 意为“上市, 出售中”,其它介词搭配不合适。 25. C) 【句意】由于中止了服务,所以电扇不转了。 【难点】interruption 意为“中止,中断”;pause 意为“暂停,间歇”;break意为“停顿,间歇”;breakdown意为“损坏,故障”。 英语专业四级语法与词汇练习题 1._____ all our kindness to help her, Sara refused to listen. A. At B. In C. For D. On 2. ____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive 3. ____ conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization. A. Continuous B. Continual C. Constant D. Contrary 4. ____ he's already heard the news. A. Chances are B. Chance is C. Opportunities are D. Opportunity is 5.____ his knowledge and academic background, he is basically stupid. A. But for B. According to C. For all D. Thanks to 6. ____ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity. A. As B. Whether C. While D. Now that 7. ____ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South. A. To be free B. To free C. Freeing D. Freed 8. ____ should any money be given to a small child. A. On no account B. From all account C. Of no account D. By all account 9.____ the advances of the science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us. A. As for B. Despite C. Except D. Besides 10. ____ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how relatively small the German economy actually is. A. To give B. Given C. Giving D. Having given 11. ____ the sight of the police officers, the men ran off. A. In B. At C. On D. With 12. ____ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint. A. Making up B. Doing up C. Putting up D. Sizing up 13. ____ the whole, early American city planning was excellent. A. In B. From C. On D. Above 14. ____ we are having these days! A. What a lovely weather B. What lovely weathers C. What lovely weather D. What lovely a weather 15. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. A. Other things being equal B. Were other things equal C. To be equal to other things D. Other things to be equal 16. ____, he does not love her. A. As he likes her very much B. Though much he likes her C. Much although he likes her D. Much though he likes her 17. A drunk man walked in, ____ in appearance. A. repulsive B. reluctant C. reproachful D. reputed 18. A good many houses ____ knocked down by the earthquake. A. was B. were C. is D. are 19. A good teacher must know how to ____ his ideas. A. convey B. display C. consult D. confront 20. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is ____ conditions or events. A. in response to B. in favor of C. in contrast to D. in excess of 21. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily ____ much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A. take over B. result in C. hold on D. keep to 22. A man has to make _____ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old. A. supply B. assurance C. provision D. adjustment 23. A river _____ through the narrow wooded valley below. A. extends B. pours C. expands D. twists 24. A writer has to ____ imagination as well as his experiences for his writing. A. drawing back from B. draw in C. draw up D. draw on 25. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _____ of maturity. A. fulfillment B. achievement C. establishment D. accomplishment 26. After a concert tour in Asia, Canada and the U.S., he will _____ work on a five-language opera. A. confine B. indulge C. resume D. undergo 27. After briefly ____ the history of the author, Prof. Li turned to the novel itself immediately. A. dipping in B. dipping at C. dipping into D. dipping to 28.After negotiation, the two countries ____ the terms of peace. A. agreed with B. agreed in C. agreed to D. agreed on 29. After performing a successful operation, the doctor at last pulled the patient ____. A. back B. in C. up D. through 30. After reading these books, he was _____ to the Darwinian theory of evolution. A. changed B. converted C. transferred D. adjusted 31. Airplane and television are among the ____ of science. A. masks B. martyrs C. marvels D. marrow 32. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully ____ the risks and benefits. A. weighing B. valuing C. evaluating D. distinguishing 33. Although Asian countries are generally more ____ in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leaders in both China and India. A. conservative B. confidential C. comprehensible D. consistent 34. Although he is very rich, his undutiful children are the ____ of his life. A. torch B. torment C. topic D. topper 35. Although he thought he was helping us to prepare the dinner, he was actually ____ the way. A. in B. off C. by D. on 36. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have ____ vision. A. vigorous B. exact C. acute D. vivid 37. Although sports ____ the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family traditions and routine. A. overwhelmed B. affected C. dominated D. influenced 38. Although the town had been ____ by the storm several times, little damage was done. A. attacked B. injured C. harmed D. struck 39. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ____ before the West was settled. A. could B. was C. would D. did 40. Among the many subjects in school, mathematics is probably the most _____, depending least on a student's background and culture. A. universal B. abstract C. arbitrary D. concrete 41. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments. A. flexible B. versatile C. sophisticated D. productive 42. As a salesman, he works on a (an) _____ basis, taking 10% of everything he sells. A. income B. commission C. salary D. pension 43. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _____ targets and moving targets. A. stationary B. standing C. stable D. still 44. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think _____. A. ought to be said B. must say C. have to be said D. need to say 45. As the plane was getting ready to take off, we all _____ our seat belt. A. tied B. locked C. fastened D. closed 46. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _____ to another subject. A. committed B. switched C. favored D. transmitted 47. At no time _____ other countries. A. China will invade B. will invade China C. will China invade D. invade will China 48. Be here on Friday _____ the latest. A. at B. by C. for D. in 49. Because the whole country is in a financial dilemma, the government calls on us to _____ economy. A. make B. practice C. carry D. develop 50. Before he started the work, I asked the builder to give me an _____ of the cost of repairing the roof. A. assessment B. estimate C. announcement D. evaluation 51. Beryl hardly ever goes to _____ the cinema. A. neither the theatre or B. either the theatre nor C. neither the theatre nor D. the theatre or 52. Beside being expensive, the food tastes _____. A. badly B. too much bad C. too badly D. bad 53. Britain's press is unusual _____ it is divided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press. A. in how B. in what C. in which D. in that 54. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _____ the surroundings. A. explore B. expose C. exploit D. expand 55. Cancer is second only _____ heart disease as a cause of death. A. of B. to C. with D. from 56. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is _____ loud continuous noise. A. subjected to B. filled with C. associated with D. attached to 57. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs ______ directed. A. like B. so C. which D. as 58. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this ______ produces artificial cold surrounding it. A. absorption B. transition C. consumption D. interaction 59. Charles can't go to work today because he _____ a cold. A. has B. feels C. takes D. thinks 60. Charles has not the least ______ of giving up his research. A. intention B. decision C. idea D. hope 61. Columbus' decision to sail west to reach the East _____ on his belief that the earth was round. A. existed B. sat C. relaxed D. rested 62. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _____ movie could not hold our attention. A. three-hours B. three-hour C. three-hours' D. three-hour's 63. Difficulties can _____ a person's best qualities. A. bring up B. bring out C. bring about D. bring to 64. Doctors sometimes _____ old cures when modern medicine doesn't work. A. fall on B. fall down on C. fall back on D. fall in upon 65. Does brain power _____ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers. A. descend B. decline C. deduce D. collapse 66. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _____ it comes to classroom tests. A. when B. since C. before D. after 67. Don't worry. The company will _____ all your expense. A. satisfy B. meet C. pay D. submit 68. Eventually, people spread throughout the continent, ______ the entire species. A. wiping out B. wiping away C. wiping off D. wiping up 69. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ______ healthy. A. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve 70. Faced with the ______ difficulties, they are determined to carry on their program. A. satisfactory B. attributable C. innocent D. intangible 71. Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ______ the same company. A. all else B. much worse C. let alone D. less likely 72. Flying in an airplane was once thought to be an impossible ______. A. task B. profession C. promise D. contest 73. Fresh vegetables are straight from the ______ and raw vegetables are ______. A. earth...cooked B. soil...uncooked C. floor...cooked D. ground...uncooked 74. From this material we can _____ hundreds of what you may call direct products. A. derive B. discern C. diminish D. displace 75. Fruit is cheapest _____ season. A. at B. on C. in D. through 76. Fruit pickers are paid at the _____ of '4.00 an hour. A. rate B. scale C. sum D. value 77. Fumes from the exhaust of an automobile are ______. A. notorious B. anxious C. noxious D. delicious 78. George wasn't in class today, Professor Brown excused him ______. A. from attending B. of attending C. to attend D. attending 79. Class will _____ at a high temperature and will be in a liquid condition. A. dissolve B. disappear C. melt D. evaporate 80. Hamlet _____ his father's death on his uncle. A. reversed B. reverted C. revenged D. revealed81. He _____ tennis every day since he ______ sixteen. A. has played... is B. played... has been C. was playing...has been D. has been playing...was 82. He appeared _____ with our team's performance. A. satisfying B. to be satisfying C. to satisfy D. satisfied 83. He believed that the greatest of his _____ was that he'd never had a college education. A. grieves B. misfortunes C. disasters D. sorrows 84. He delivered _____ orders for a Chinese restaurant for the whole summer vacation so as to earn enough money for his tuition. A. take off B. take over C. take up D. take out 85. He does not _____ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible. A. equal B. match C. qualify D. fit 86. He finished _____ in the 1,500-meter run. A. champion B. championship C. first D. No. one 87. He has been asked to account _____ his absence. A. for B. on C. of D. about 88. He has failed me so many times that I no longer place any _____ on what he promises. A. faith B. belief C. credit D. reliance 89. He is _____ the run from the police. A. in B. off C. on D. after 90. He is an artist with seemingly unlimited _____. A. creativity B. creature C. creation D. creative 91. He knows the rules but does not know how to ______ it. A. control B. direct C. apply D. run 92. He made a ____ inspection of the doors and the windows before leaving. A. slowly B. leisurely C. carefully D. seriously 93. He made such a _____ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him. A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous 94. He must have had an accident, or he _____ then. A. would have been here B. had to be here C. should be here D. would be here 95. He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than _____. A. he was in good health B. his health was good C. his good health was D. was good for his health 96. He pointed out that the living standard of urban and _____ people continued to improve. A. remote B. municipal C. rural D. provincial 97. He said nothing at all, but his eyes spoke _____ him. A. for B. up C. out D. against 98. He took me _____ task for not doing it. A. into B. upon C. to D. on 99. He used examples to _____ his argument. A. strengthen B. increase C. fix D. underline 100. He was here _____ the stroke. A. in B. on C. with D. to 101. He was one of the greatest writers _____ had ever lived. A. who B. which C. that D. as 102. He would try to ingratiate himself _____ his clients in order to earn more money. A. into B. with C. for D. from 103. Her address made a great impression _____ the audience. A. at B. of C. in D. on 104. Here is one of the most interesting novels that _____ been published _____ the war. A. has ... after B. have ... after C. have ... since D. has ... since 105. His companions have threatened to _____ his crimes to the police. A. impose B. express C. enclose D. expose 106. His extravagance reduced him _____ for his living. A. to beg B. from begging C. to begging D. into begging 107. His death _____ with age. A. deteriorated B. determined C. detected D. detained 108. His long service with the company was _____ with a present. A. admitted B. acknowledged C. attributed D. accepted 109. His novel _____ some light on life in China in Ming Dynasty. A. sends B. provides C. throws D. puts 110. His tastes and habits _____ with those of his wife. A. combine B. compete C. coincide D. compromise 111. His wife is quite lazy. Her reluctance to wash her own clothes is a case _____ point. A. in B. on C. to D. for 112. His work is only _____, certainly not distinguished. A. fair B. remarkable C. good D. wonderful 113. Hot metal _____ as it grows cooler. A. contracts B. reduces C. condenses D. compresses 114. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _____. A. capacity B. strength C. length D. possibility 115. How close parents are to their children _____ a strong influence on the character of the children. A. has B. have C. having D. to have 116. I _____ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column. A. express B. confess C. verify D. acknowledge 117. I always _____ what I have said. A. get to B. see to C. lead to D. hold to 118. I am not used _____ to like that. A. to being spoken B. to speak C. being spoken D. to speaking 119. I am sorry that I must _____ your invitation owing to a previous appointment. A. decline B. reject C. accept D. receive 120. I appreciate _____ to your home. A. to be invited B. to have invited C. being invited D. having invited 121. I can _____ some noise while I'm studying, but I can't stand loud noises. A. come up with B. catch up with C. put up with D. keep up with 122. I cannot give you _____ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market. A. an expense B. a charge C. a purchase D. an order 123. I didn't quite _____ to what you had said. Would you mind repeating it? A. catch on B. get hold C. catch up D. go on 124. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely _____ my idea to prove your point. A. revising B. contradicting C. distorting D. distracting 125. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _____ something occurred which attracted my attention. A. unless B. until C. when D. while 126. I have the honor of introducing to you Mr. Alan, who will _____ you on his recent tour abroad. A. address B. speak C. talk D. converse 127. I have two boys but _____ of them likes sweets. A. both B. neither C. either D. none 128. I like to go to the cinema when I am in the _____ for it. A. more than to go B. than going C. rather than to go D. more than going 129. I regret _____ so much time and money on stamps. A. to waste B. for wasting C. having wasted D. at wasting 130. I was greatly disappointed _____ that affair. A. out B. in C. to D. toward 131. I would like to have a talk with him _____ his convenience. A. in B. at C. for D. with 132. I'd rather you _____ those important documents with you. A. don't take B. didn't take C. won't take D. not take 133. If a couple are divorced and their child lives with his mother, he is said to suffer from lack of _____ love. A. maternal B. fraternal C. paternal D. parental 134. If English is not our first language you can often be puzzled by ways of expression that the native speaker of English does not even have to _____. A. think out B. think about C. think over D. think for 135. If it _____ too much trouble, I'd love a cup of tea. A. isn't B. wasn't C. weren't D. hadn't been 136. If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to _____ in the courtyard. A. converge B. assemble C. crowd D. accumulate 137. If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1995, the housing problems now in some parts of the country _____ so serious. A. wouldn't be B. wouldn't have been C. will not be D. would have not been 138. If Tom wins tomorrow, he _____ thirty races in the past four years. A. will win B. has won C. would have won D. will have won 139. If we believe something is good and true we should _____ to it. A. hold up B. keep on C. hold on D. keep up 140. If you _____ James, ask him to phone me. A. should see B. must see C. might see D. would see 141. If you are required to do some work, it must be done _____. A. sooner or later B. after all others C. at last D. in the long run 142. If you know what the trouble is, why you don't help them to _____ the situation? A. simplify B. modify C. verify D. rectify 143. I'm sorry, but what he thinks is not of the _____ important to me. A. worthy B. valuable C. valueless D. priceless 144. I'm sure your suggestion will _____ the problem. A. contribute to solving B. be contributed to solve C. contribute to solve D. be contributed to solving 145. I'm very much obliged to you _____ the information. A. on B. for C. with D. of 146. In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible _____ and many jobs on campus are reserves for students. A. scales B. ranks C. grades D. patterns 147. In Beijing, the season of the year is probably _____ fall. A. later B. last C. latter D. late 148. In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or ______ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills. A. adapted B. acknowledged C. assembled D. appointed 149. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _____ if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. A. admired B. regarded C. expected D. worshipped 150. In that country, students will be _____ admittance to their classroom if they are not properly dressed. A. declined B. deprived C. denied D. deserted 答案: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. A 41. B 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. D 54. A 55. B 56. A 57. D 58. A 59. A 60. A 61. D 62. B 63. B 64. C 65. B 66. A 67. B 68. A 69. B 70. D 71. C 72. B 73. B 74. A 75. A 76. C 77. A 78. C 79. A 80. C 81. C 82. D 83. D 84. B 85. D 86. C 87. C 88. A 89. D 90. C 91. A 92. C 93. B 94. D 95. A 96. D 97. C 98. A 99. C 100. A 1C 102. B 103. D 104. C 105. D 106. C 107. A 108. B 109. C 110. C 111. A 112. A 113. A 114. A 115. A 116. D 117. D 118. A 119. A 120. C 121. C 122. D 123. A 124. C 125. C 126. A 127. B 128. D 129. C 130. B 131. B 132. B 133. C 134. B 135. A 136. A 137. A 138. D 139. C 140. A 141. A 142. D 143. B 144. A 145. B 146. D 147. D 148. A 149. B 150. C
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