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英文版技术协议合同书 (2)(范本)


英文版技术协议合同书 (2)(范本)英文版技术协议合同书 (2)(范本) 英文版技术协议合同书 英文版技术协议合同书 英文版技术协议合同书范文一 Part A 甲方: 雇主 Part B 乙方: 技术服务提供商 Setion one Servie Items 第一条 服务项目 1.1 PARTY A hereb retains PARTY B to provide the servies outlined in Exhibits A and B hih are inorporated and made a part of this ...

英文版技术协议合同书 (2)(范本)
英文版技术 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 书 (2)(范本) 英文版技术协议合同书 英文版技术协议合同书 英文版技术协议合同书范文一 Part A 甲方: 雇主 Part B 乙方: 技术服务提供商 Setion one Servie Items 第一条 服务项目 1.1 PARTY A hereb retains PARTY B to provide the servies outlined in Exhibits A and B hih are inorporated and made a part of this Agreement inurred b PARTY B at the request of PARTY A in rendering servies hereunder. 甲方收到乙方送交的收据复印件或其它相关开支证明后,应当立即将乙方按照 甲方 要求提供本协议项下服务项目而产生的合理差旅费ears; the foregoing obligation shall not appl to Confidential Information: hih an be shon to have been knon to PARTY B prior to its reeipt from PARTY A; hih is or lafull bees generall knon to the publi; hih is lafull aquired from third parties ho have a right to dislose suh Confidential Information; hih b mutual agreement is released ‎‎from a onfidential status; and hih PARTY B is required b la to release, provided‎‎ that PARTY A is given advane ritten notie of suh requirement b PARTY B so that ‎‎PARTY A ma ontest or limit suh release. 对于由甲方因本协议提供给乙方的所有信息资料,以及由于提供本‎‎协议项下服务项目而由乙方获取的所有信息资料,包括但不限于与本‎‎协议双方当事人业务关系有关的任何信息资料,以及任何在双方当事‎‎人业务协作期间开发的信息资料有证据显示在甲方向乙方提供保密 资料之前,乙方已经获得了该保密资料; 公众领域内的资料或合法进‎‎入公众领域的资料; 以合法的方式从有权披露该保密资料的第三方‎‎ 获取的保密资料; 乙方应法律要求披露的保密资料,但乙方应当将该法律要求提前以书面形式通知甲方,以便甲方可以反对或限制该等披露。 3.2 The terms of this Setion 3, and the parties obligations hereunder , shall survivetermina‎‎tion or expiration of this Agreement and the pletion of PARTY B s Servies hereunder . 本协议第三条各条款以及各方在该条项下之保密义务,在本协议终止或届满以及乙方完成服务项目之后继续有效。 Setion 4 - Term And Termination‎‎ 第四条 协议有效期间和协议终止 4.1 This Agreement shall be effetive from the date shon above and shall thereafter remain in full fore and effet until pletion of the Servies provided herein ,‎‎ or pursuant to an subsequent Exhibit hereto , hihever is later. 本协议自序文所载之日期生效,至本协议项下之服务项目完成时终止,或者按照本协议附件规定终止das after reeipt of notie of that breah from the other part, the part giving notie ma, at its option terminate this Agreement b sending ritten notie of termination to the other part. PARTY A, hoever, shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at an time b giving appropriate ritten notie at thirt das prior to the ‎‎desired termination date. Upon reeipt of notie of termination, PARTY B shall ease performa‎‎ne of the Servies unless requested otherise b PARTY A. The obligations of PARTY B under Setions 3, 8 and 12 of this Agreement ill survive termination of this Agreement. 若本协议任何一方违反‎‎本协议任何条款,并且在收到对方当事人相 关通知之日起三十PARTY B shall immediatel deliver to PARTY A an and all data, douments, designs, results, ork produt and deliverables PARTY A shall immediatel return to PARTY B an data, douments and other information ontaining PARTY B s Confidential Information that are unrelated to the Servies, the ork produt, deliverables, or the ork performed under this Agreement. 本协议或本协议项下之服务项目无论由于任何原因终止之后,经甲‎‎方要求, 乙方应当立即将由服务项目产生的或与服务项目有关的所‎‎有数据,文件,设计,生成物,工作产品和其它应交付物品甲方应当‎‎将含有乙方保密资料的,但是与本协议项下服务项目、工作产品,应‎‎交付物品或本协议项下工作无关的数据,文件和其他资料立即归还给‎‎乙方publiize in an form, inluding but not limited to the deliv‎‎er of results or reports to third parties; the results, its report or an part thereof ; us‎‎e or ause to be used suh results or report for the purpose of initiation of laims, legal proeedings, advertisements, publi relations or marketing. 乙方不得 以任何方式、形式将成果或 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 或其任‎‎何部分给予任何第三方; 将前述成果或报告用于或者促成他人用于启动索赔、法律程 序、广告、公共关系或营销活动。 Setion 6 - Independent Contrator 第六条 独立承包商 1 PARTY B shall perform the Servies under this Agreement onl as an independent ontrator, and nothing ontained herein shall be onstrued to be inonsistent ith that relationship or status. PARTY B, its emploees, and agents shall no‎‎t be onsidered emploees or agents of PARTY A. This Agreement shall not onstitute, reate, o‎‎r in an a be interpreted as, a joint venture, partnership, or business organization of an kind. 乙方应当以独立承包商的身份履行本协议项下的服务项目,本协议不产生任何其它与此关系或地位不符的关系。乙方,以及其雇员和代理人不得被视为 甲方的雇员或代理人。本协议不构成、创设或以任何方式解释为任何合资企业,合伙或其它商业组织。 Setion 7 - Fore Majeure 第七条 不可抗力 7.1 Neither PARTY A nor PARTY B shall be liable for delas in performing or an failure to perform an of the terms of this Agreement aused b the effets of fire, strike, ar das from the date of notifiation of its existene shall give the non-affe‎‎ted part the right to terminate this agreement upon fifteen das additional ritten notie. 若本协议任何一方当事人由于火灾,罢工,战争the Servies to be provided hereunder shall be performed in aordane ith professional standards, shall meet the desriptions provide‎‎d in Exhibit A , and shall be free from material errors or other defets; the ork produt and deliverables provided to PARTY A hereunder , PARTY A s use of same, and the Servies provided hereunder do not and ill not infringe or violate an patent, opright, trademark, trade seret, mask ork or other proprietar or onership right of an third part; PARTY B has the r‎‎ight to provide the Servies and grant Client the rights granted herein , ithout the need for an assi‎‎gnments, releases, onsents, approvals, immunities or other rights not et obtained; PARTY B has the f‎‎ull poer to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder ; the performane of the Servies shall be in pliane ith an and all appliable las and regulations; and PARTY A shall reeive free, good and lear title to all ork produt and deliverables. 乙方在此作出如下陈述、保证和承诺: 乙方应当按照专业标准提供本协议项下的服务项目,其提供的服务项目应当符合附件A的描述,并且不得存在任何实质性的错误或其它缺陷; 在本协议项下向 甲方 提供的工作产品和应交付物品,甲方使用该等产品和交付物品以及乙方所提供的服务项目没有,也不会侵犯任何第三方专利权、版权、商标权,商业秘密,掩膜作品或其它产 权或所有权; 乙方有权向客户提供服务项目并将其中的权利授予客户,而无须获得任何转让,过户,同意,批准,豁免或其它还没有获得的权利; 乙方有完全的公司权力订立本协议并履行本协议项下的义务; 服务项目的履行应当遵守所有适用法律和法规; 甲方所获得的工作产品和应交付产品应当是的,处于良好状态并且具有完整的所有权。 9.4 PARTY B shall indemnif, hold harmless and defend PARTY A and PARTY A s subsidiaries, affiliated panies, suessors and assigns, and their respetive offiers, direto‎‎rs, emploees and agents, from an and all laims, losses, liabilities, damages, settlements,‎‎ expenses and osts, inluding, ithout limitation, reasonable attornes fees, experts fees and ourt osts, hether atual or threatened,‎‎ brought b third parties arising out of or related to an breah b PARTY B of a arrant hereunder or an material breah of this Agreement b PARTY B. PARTY‎‎ A shall have the right, but not the obligation, to partiipate in the defense of an Indemn‎‎ified Claim at its sole expense through ounsel of its on hoosing ithout forfeiting, reduing or otherise affeting PARTY A s right to indemnifiation hereunder . PARTY B ma not settle an Indemnified Claim ithout the prior ritten approval of PARTY A, hih approval shall not be unreasonabl ithheld or delaed. 若乙方违反本协议项下任何保证或实质性违反本协议,致使甲方及其子公司,关联公司,继承人和受让人以及各自的管理人员‎‎,董事,雇员和代理人遭受任何由第三方提出的索赔,诉讼,损失,赔偿责任,损害,费用,开支,包括但不限于合理的律师费,专家费和诉讼费,无论是实际产生或威胁要进行的,则乙方应当就此对 甲方 及其子公司进行全额赔偿,确保其免受任何上述损失和费用。甲方有权delivered b hand; b overnight or next da deliver; reeived b Registered or Certified Mail, postage prepaid, return reeipt requested; or reeived b fasimile, as an be presumptivel demonstrated b return fax or letter demonstrating suessful fasimile transmission; and addressed to the part to reeive suh notie at the addressandor fasimile telephone numberset forth belo, or suh other address as is subsequentl sp‎‎eified to the notifing part b the reeiving part in riting. 本协议项下所有通知应当以书面形式为之,并且在下列情况下视为 已经交付: 专人递送; 经由隔日送达业务递送; 由挂号邮件或保证邮件方 式接受,邮资预付,需要回执; 由传真接收,并回传真或信函证明已 经成功发送;通知应当按照下列地址送交当事人,或按照下列电话号 码传送,或者按照接受一方最近书面通知的地址或号码为准: Setion 12 Arbitration and Appliable La 第十二条 仲裁和适用法律 1 1 The parties‎‎ agree that an and all disputes, laims or ontroversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement ‎‎that are not resolved b their mutual agreement shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration before JAMS, or its suessor, pursuant to the United States Arbitration At, 9 U.S.C. Se. 1 et seq. Either part ma mene the arbitration proess alled for in this agreement b filing a ritten dema‎‎nd for arbitration ith JAMS, ith a op to the other part. The arbitration ill be onduted in aordane ith the provisions of JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Proedures in effet at the time of filing of the demand for arbitration. The parties ill ooperate ith JAMS and ith one another in‎‎ seleting a single arbitrator from JAMS panel of neutrals, and in sheduling the arbitration proeedin‎‎gs. The parties ovenant that the ill partiipate in the arbitration in good faith. The provisions of this Paragraph ma be enfored b an Court of petent jurisditio‎‎n, and the part seeking enforement shall be entitled to an XXrd of all osts, fees and expenses, inluding attornes fees, to be paid b the 甲方gainst hom enforement is ordered. The plae of arbitration shall be Orange Count, California. The arbitrators shall appl the la of the State o‎‎f California suh provision shall be deemed amended to onform to appliable la of suh jurisdition so a‎‎s to be valid and enforeable, or, if it annot be so amended ithout materiall altering the intent of the parties, it ill be striken; the validit, legalit and enforeabilit of suh provision ill not in an a be affeted or impaired thereb in an other jurisdition; the remainder of this Agreement ‎‎ill remain in full fore and effet. 若本协议任何条款在任何管辖区域内无效或被视为无效,非法或无法执行, 该条款应被视为已作修改,符合该管辖区域的适用法律,并且具有效力和可执行性,或者,若在保持双方当事人意图的前提下已经无法修改该条款,则该条款无效; 该条款在其它管辖区域内的效力、合法性和可执行性不得因此受到任何影响; 本协议其它条款的效力不受影响。 Setion 15 - Misellaneous 第十五条 杂项 1 5.1 Neither part shall have the right to assign this Agreement or an of the rights or ‎‎obligations hereunder ithout the prior ritten onsent of the other part, exept that Part A ma assign this Agreement to an affiliate or a subsidiar or a suessor to that area of its business to hih this Agreement is related. 未经另一方事先书面同意,本协议任何一方不得转让本协议或其项下任何权利或义务,但是, 甲方 有权将本协议转让给本协议业务相关的其关联公司、子公司或继承人。 1 5.2 This Agreement onstitutes the entire agreement beteen the parties on the subjet ‎‎matter and supersedes all prior ontrats, agreements and understandings relating to the sam‎‎e subjet matter beteen the parties. The parties intend this Agreement to be a plete statement of the terms of their agreement, and no hange or modifiation of an of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effetive unless it is in riting and signed b a dul aut‎‎horized offier of PARTY B and 甲方. The parties speifiall agree and aknoledge that PARTY B s general onditions and onditions for the provision of servies shall not appl to an transation beteen them. 本协议构成双方当事人就本协议标的事项所达成的完全合意,本协 议取代双方当事人此前就本协议标的事项所达成的所‎‎有合同,协议以及谅解协定。本协议双方当事人同意本协议构成双方的完整约定;本协议变更或修改必须经双方当事人授权代表以书面形式签署,否则无效。本协议双方当事人明确同意并承认: 乙方为其服务项目所指定的一般性条款不适用于乙方和甲方之间 的任何交易。 1 5.3 This Agreement is exeuted in to ounterparts eah of hih shall be deemed an original but‎‎ all of hih taken together shall onstitute one and the same instrument. 本协议以一式两份副本签署,每份副本均应视为正本,各副本构成相同文件。 1 5.4 This Agreement beteen the parties shall be onsidered a basi agreement, the terms and onditions of hih shall appl to eah Exhibit agreed upon b the parties. Exhibits are hereb inorporated into this Agreement. 本协议应被视为基本协议,其条款应适用于双方当事人约定的所有附件。本协议附件构成本协议之一部分。 Part A 甲方: 雇主 Part B 乙方: 技术服务提供商 Setion one Servie Items 第一条 服务项目 1.1 PARTY A hereb retains PARTY B to provide the servies outlined in Exhibits A and B hih are inorporated a‎‎nd made a part of this Agreement inurred b PARTY B at the request of PARTY A in ‎‎rendering servies hereunder. 甲方收到乙方送交的收据复印件或其它相关开支证明后,应当立即 将乙方按照 甲方 要求提供本协议项下服务项目而产生的合理差旅 费ears; the foregoing obligation shall not appl to Confidential Information: hih an be shon to have been knon to PARTY B prior to its reeipt from PARTY A; hih is or lafull bees generall knon to the publi; hih is lafull aqu‎‎ired from third parties ho have a right to dislose suh Confidential Information; hih b mutual agreement is released from a onfidential status; and hih PARTY B is required b la to release, provided that PARTY A is given advane ritten notie of suh requ‎‎irement b PARTY B so that PARTY A ma ontest or limit suh release. 对于由甲方因本协议提供给乙方的所有信息资料,以及由于提供本协议项下服务项目而由乙方获取的所有信息资料,包括但不限于与本协议双方当事人业务关系有关的任何信息资料,以及任何在双方当事人业务协作期间开发的信息资料有证据显示在甲方向乙方提供保密资料之前,乙方已经获得了该保密资料; 公众领域内的资料或合法进入公众领域的资料; 以合法的方式从有权披露该保密资料的第三方获取的保密资料; 乙方应法律要求披露的保密资料,但乙方应当将该法律要求提前以书面形式通知甲方,以便甲方可以反对或限制该等披露。 3.2 The terms of this Setion 3, and the parties obligations hereunder , shal‎‎l survivetermination or expiration of this Agreement and the pletion of PARTY B ‎‎s Servies hereunder . 本协议第三条各条款以及各方在该条项下之保密义务,在本协议终止或届满以及乙方完成服务项目之后继续‎‎有效。 Setion 4 - Term And Termination 第四条 协
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