首页 VW1固封式真空断路器说明(新)



VW1固封式真空断路器说明(新)VW1固封式真空断路器说明(新) VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器是立足在原VS1型户内真空断路器的基础上,进行优化设计,实现断路器的小型化、高可靠性、主回路免维护的改进型产品。可在工作电流范围内进行频繁的操作或多次开断短路电流,适于重合闸操作并有极高的可靠性与使用寿命。产品既可作为固定单元安装使用,也可配用专用的推进小车组成手车单元使用。断路器符合我国国家标准GB1984《交流高压断路器》、JB3855《3.6~40.5kV户内交流高压断路器》、DL/T403《12~40.5...

VW1固封式真空断路器说明(新) VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器是立足在原VS1型户内真空断路器的基础上,进行优化设计,实现断路器的小型化、高可靠性、主回路免维护的改进型产品。可在工作电流范围内进行频繁的操作或多次开断短路电流,适于重合闸操作并有极高的可靠性与使用寿命。产品既可作为固定单元安装使用,也可配用专用的推进小车组成手车单元使用。断路器符合我国国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 GB1984《交流高压断路器》、JB3855《3.6~40.5kV户内交流高压断路器》、DL/T403《12~40.5kV户内高压真空断路器定货技术条件》并符合IEC60694的相关要求。已通过整套产品的型式试验及产品鉴定。 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器的主要特点如下: 1( 采用了固体绝缘结构集成固封极柱,实现了主回路的免维护。 2( 机构以成熟的VS1机构为蓝本进行改进,可靠性高。 3( 采用环氧树脂作为绝缘介质,相与相之间的距离可以缩小,减少 了断路器及其配套开关柜的体积,实现了小型化的要求。 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器的极柱通过先进的APG工艺将小型化超低阻型真空灭弧室和主回路其它零件直接固封在环氧树脂内,这不仅简化了极柱的装配工艺,防止真空灭弧室导电回路连接螺栓由于运行中的振动而导致的松动,提高了可靠性,而且使真空灭弧室外表面不受外部机械力和外部环境(如灰尘、潮气、污秽、高海拔、小动物)的影响,进一步改善了极柱的电场分布的状况。 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器主回路电阻远远小于国家标准要求: 回路电阻?50μΩ(630A) 实测?30μΩ latest agricultural transformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General Youth 回路电阻?45μΩ(1250A) 实测?30μΩ 回路电阻?35μΩ(1600-2000A) 实测?25μΩ 回路电阻?25μΩ(2500A以上) 实测?16μΩ 机械寿命: 30000次 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器对小型化超低阻型真空灭弧室的应用从根本上满足了大电流断路器对温升的要求并降低了电能损耗。根据本公司内部温升测试,1250A及以下额定电流的断路器,最高点不超过50K。而3150A的断路器,在不使用风机的情况下,最高点也不超过65K。而一般的厂家是无法做到的。 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器的机构以我公司设计的VS1机构为蓝本进行改进。该机构结构紧凑、简单、布局合理,模块化的设计可靠性高,维护方便。本公司所生产的VW1-12断路器所测得的特性参数都符合设计要求而且高于设计要求。我们所测得的弹跳全部为零。标准要求?2ms。 VW1-12中压固封式真空断路器是第二代绝缘筒式真空断路器的更新换代产品。 万控集团浙江开关有限公司 , a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General YouthXI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do researchtive, ion. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiaion between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competitpetitd responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of comlevel of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency an se thein the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raition and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology sformay project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the trannsformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sklatest agricultural tra2 公司质量管理体系建设情况 万控集团有限公司于2000年通过GB/T19002-1994 idt ISO9002:1994 标准要求的质量体系认证。 随着公司的发展和质量管理水平的提高,分别于2002年7月通过了ISO9001:1994质量管理体系认证;2003年7月通过了ISO9001:2000版质量管理体系换证。 为保证质量管理体系的有效运行和不断完善,由总裁办负责体系的日常管理,其职能是负责监督、指导和管理体系的有效运行,考核各部门所承担的质量目标完成情况,定期向管理代表和最高管理者汇报体系运行的情况。公司每年定期开展内审和管理评审,评价质量管理体系运行的有效性、充分性和适宜性,以持续改进质量管理体系。各经理兼任体系管理员,负责监督和管理所在部门的体系运行情况。 集团公司各领导班子在公司董事会的领导下,坚持“以科技为先导、创名牌产品,为顾客提供满意服务”的质量方针,严格按照GB/T19001-2000标准建立了质量管理体系,并提出“务实、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、创新、高效”的管理理念。以“专 2业+品质,(信赖)”的经营理念,以创新、团结、和谐、责任的企业精神,贯彻执行,为社会电力进步服务的企业宗旨。从而实现了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 2007年企业产品质量的技术性、符合性标准和服务等得到顾客的高度评价;企业发展至今无一例重大质量投诉,产品质量不断完善,产品售后服务及时率得到顾客好评,年销售额达到4.8亿元,稳居行业榜首等等都增强了顾客对企业的满意度,提高了企业的经济效益,激发企业在产品技术方面不断创新, de, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General YouthUnited States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mo ry toadvantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secreta d become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talentns, anent human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regiolent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Curric taigital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientifscientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of d ion ofnance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and applicatic research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social goverlatest agricultural transformation of scientif3 在产品质量方面继续加大产品的质监工作,把好产品生产的每一关,增强全员的质量意识与服务意识,从而得到社会各界更为广泛的关注。 1、2006年6月标准化体系,计量体系认证通过; 2、2006年6月12KV小型化高压真空断路器研发成功; 3、2006年7月《低压成套开关设备和控制柜体》企业标准制订完成并报乐清质量技术监督局备案(330382BZ-375-2、Q/WK103.09-2006); 4、2006年8月ISO9001:2000质量体系复审通过; 5、2006年9月一次插接件通过型式实验并批量生产; 6、2006年11月公司产品获温州名牌产品称号; 7、2007年03月荣获市质量技术监督局质监工作先进单位称号; 8、2007年9月通过了包括ISO14001环境管理体系及OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系的三标体系认证。 9、2007年12月集团商标被认定为中国驰名商标 公司现生产的主要产品有KYN28-12( GZS1)高压中置柜、KYN61-40.5高压手车柜、VS1-12、VW1-12和ZN85-40.5等高压真空断路器等,是从事各类高压柜体及真空断路器制造的专业厂家。公司建立了先进的信息网络和数据处理系统,并从日本、美国引进了具有世界领先水平的数控多工位冲床和数控激光切割机,设备配置达到了国内同行业的领先水平。 在零件加工方面利用高精度的激光切割机和数控冲床,以及高精度的数控车床、加工中心加工要求精度高的零件,主体部份采用集成固封极柱。满足了技术要求和装配要求,达到了高质量水平。 同时,公司在2007年年底引进了国内先进的真空断路器生产流水线,为公司产品的批量生产及产品的统一性提供了一个很好的平台。 , a electric business mode, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General YouthXI General Secretary to United States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do researchtive, ion. Who can put talent advantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiaion between regions, and become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competitpetitd responsibility. Current human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of comlevel of scientific talent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency an se thein the leading role of digital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raition and application of scientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology sformay project" social governance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the trannsformation of scientific research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sklatest agricultural tra4 品质部负责产品的质量控制、质量检验、质量改进。各 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 配备了具有高中以上文化的专职检验,并定期进行培训,做到持证上岗。 综上所述,公司的质量管理体系符合ISO9001:2000标准,并正常有效运行中。 非常感谢贵单位选用“万控”产品~在此,我们郑重承诺: 1( 产品质保期为一年。如果产品本身有质量问题,我公司无条件 更换或无偿维修、更换零部件;对用户已造成损失的我公司承 担相应的责任和经济损失。 2( 不论是用户疑问或产品的质量问题,本公司售后服务部4小时 内给予答复,24小时内赶到现场服务。 3( 我公司营销网络遍布全国各地,每个办事处均配有专职售后服 务人员,所以无论顾客的产品发往何处,我们都可以提供及时 周到的服务。 4( 超过质保期的,我公司一如既往的为用户提供优质的有偿服务, 免除用户质保期后产品维修的后顾之忧。 万控集团浙江开关有限公司 2008年8月 de, a Alibaba paid treasure, on for General YouthUnited States access, with mission personnel list essential of is Ma, MA no in laboratory do research, a electric business mo ry toadvantage into for technology advantage, and industry advantage, who on can won competition of initiative, XI General Secreta d become the key factor to speed up development of a region. Who has the talent who will have competition. Who can put talentns, anent human resources has become the most important strategic resources, talent has become a focus of competition between regiolent and intelligence to play a supporting role 1, effectively enhance the people's sense of urgency and responsibility. Curric taigital construction of Dongping, raise the level of social governance and human security. Second, raise the level of scientifscientific and technological achievements of energy saving, give full play to science and technology in the leading role of d ion ofnance projects, promoting health care, environmental protection, people's livelihood, such as the transformation and applicatic research achievements in Dongping. Upgrading waste management, and increase the "eye in the sky project" social goverlatest agricultural transformation of scientif5
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